How and what to clean the blockage in the bathroom. The solution to the age-old problem: how easy it is to clear a blockage in the bathroom and sink

Blocks are periodically formed even by the tidiest owners. The accumulation of mechanical particles, grease and other debris in the sewer pipe leads to the formation of a plug that prevents water from draining. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to clear a blockage in a bathroom, it is possible to fix the problem easily and in a short time.

Contamination reasons

Even high-quality pipes are periodically clogged

The drain pipe in the bathroom becomes clogged due to the fact that on its inner surface settle:

  • Threads from clothes when water is drained into the bathing container after hand wash and rinsing.
  • Hair of any length.
  • Pet hair.
  • Body fat.
  • Remnants. No wonder, because hygiene products have a fatty base, therefore, it also takes part in the formation of blockages.

As a result, the inside of the pipe is overgrown with a layer of debris, which over time narrows the gap in the pipe. A dense cork is formed. Once it completely blocks the cavity and makes it impossible to drain the water, and hence the use of the bathroom.

Possible remedies

Clogging is more difficult in the bathroom than in the sink.

Exist different ways solving the problem. In some cases, special plumbing fixtures help, in others - improvised home remedies, and in the third - household chemicals from the store.

Folk remedies

First you need to scoop out the dirty water from the bath, pour half the pack into the drain baking soda, and after 10 minutes pour 100 ml of vinegar into the hole. If there is no result after an hour, add a few liters of boiling water. You can do it differently: first pour in the vinegar, and then boiling water with dissolved soda.

Method 1: water and soda with vinegar

Really do not clean severe blockage hot water... If this was not enough, it is recommended to add vinegar, baking soda, and table salt.

Method 2: water with washing powder and soda and salt

Pour half a glass of salt and the same amount of soda into the drain and pour two to three liters of boiling water. After an hour, add a handful of washing powder and turn on the water hotter.

Typically, these options can help you deal with fat as the main cause of blockage.

How to unclog a bathroom with a cable

A plumbing cable is a thick wire twisted in a spiral. For convenient use, one of its two ends is equipped with a handle made of wood or plastic.

The pipes are cleaned as follows:

  1. Insert the end of the spiral into the drain hole.
  2. One person rotates the cable by the handle with rotational movements, while the other at the same time pushes it deep into the pipe so that it passes as much as possible along its bends.
  3. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the stress in the pipes decreases, pull the cable several times and remove it.

There are devices with a hook at the end. They allow, having stumbled upon a blockage, turn the wire, hook and remove the plug. This is convenient if it is not too deeply formed.

How to clear a blockage in a bathroom with a plunger

Before starting work with a plunger, you must close the overflow hole

When the reason for the bad drainage in the bath is a "washcloth" from the hair, a plunger can help out. It perfectly cleans pipes from other types of mechanical dirt. It is necessary:

  1. If the bath is dry, fill it with a little water.
  2. Place the plunger over the drain hole so that the rubber nozzle completely covers it.
  3. Firmly take the plunger by the handle and force it to move up and down without lifting the nozzle from the bottom of the bath. It's about the same as pumping up hand pump bicycle wheel.

One minute of intensive work is enough to move the blockage out of its place. When the dirt comes up, you will have to pump the drain a little more with a plunger for a better result. Floated debris must be thrown into the bucket so that it does not get sucked in again. After that, all that remains is to wash the bath.

How to get rid of the problem using household chemicals

Compounds for cleaning drain pipes can be bought for reasonable money at a hardware store or a department of a hypermarket. They give excellent results, and in terms of efficiency they are comparable to mechanical devices.


The composition has been used in liquid form for more than a decade, and today it is also available in the form of a gel and powder. "Mole" is an inorganic alkali enriched with other active additives that dissolve solid waste.

Tiret Turbo pipe cleaner

It is a highly effective gel for quick removal blockages. It has a thick consistency, thanks to which it quickly penetrates into the depths, removing blockages in 5 minutes. Tiret Turbo contains antibacterial agents and fragrances. It is suitable for metal and plastic pipes.


Another powerful remedy for trash and grease plugs in pipes. It contains chemically active components that ensure a quick and effective action of the product. The instructions say that you can clear the blockage in one hour, but this happens much faster.

Using chemical compositions, it is important to remember about the means and rules of individual safety so that the procedure does not harm health. detailed information on this topic is always available on the packaging or in the paper attachment. In extreme cases (for example, if the print is too small), it is not difficult to find it on the Internet. As for general recommendations, they boil down to using:

  • rubber (household) gloves, which can be replaced with a double plastic bag worn on the hand;
  • medical mask for respiratory protection.

How to unclog a tub siphon

In some cases, cleaning the siphon is required to clear a blockage in the bathroom. This is done like this:

  1. Cover the floor with a soft cloth and put an empty basin.
  2. Remove the bolt nut, followed by a flask, after which the water with debris will begin to drain.
  3. The emptied siphon is washed by hand, thoroughly cleaning the walls from plaque.

After assembling the structure, it should be installed back in such a way that the drain pipe does not literally lie on the flask. If you ignore this, the water seal will break. To check the degree of tightness of the joints, as well as the connections, open the tap and fill the water seal with water.

Anti-clogging magneto-mechanical brush HELPPIK (HELPPIK)

It has been marketed since 2010 and has a reputation for being efficient and simple remedyallowing you to get debris out of the siphon. This is a plastic stick with notches and built-in magnets. It is 38 cm long and about 5 mm in diameter. Ruff is inserted into the hole of the siphon grate and scrolled. In 10 seconds, he will collect the blockage. The stick is easy to remove and does not slip. The presence of magnetic elements makes it possible to reach small metal objects. The ease of use of the device and its functionality are confirmed by domestic housewives.

How to remove a severe blockage

In this case, it is recommended to start with a cable and a plunger, combining their use with powerful means household chemicals. If there is no effect, then the cork is solid, large and deep. Such a strong blockage can only be cleaned by professional plumbers.

They can be invited by contacting management company or local housing office. When business is urgent (masters may come the next day), it is easier to contact a specialized commercial firm. Often, those of them that are engaged in the installation and dismantling of plumbing, offer services for cleaning pipes.

Problem prevention

Hot water will help get rid of fatty deposits

One way or another, you can always deal with the blockage, but each time it is unnecessary trouble and waste. To make your life easier, you should pay attention to prevention. To do this, you need:

  • Equip the bath drain with a device for collecting hair, threads and other mechanical debris. Items can be purchased at the store. They represent different variants plastic catchers.
  • Periodically pour a small amount of any commercially available pipe cleaner or liquid into the drain.
  • At the slightest suspicion of a blockage (for example, when water does not leave the bath as quickly as it should), use a plunger.

Compliance simple rules will help to get rid of the problem of blockages, and also provide maximum permeability of the sewage system.

The above cleaning methods are not difficult for an adult, even if he is not a professional plumber. It is important to remember that normal work drain pipe completely depends on the prevention of plaque and dirt, as well as on the elimination of blockages at an early stage of their formation.

If water begins to drain slowly in the sink or shower stall, then there is reason to believe that the pipeline is clogged. To fix the problem, you need to know how to clear the blockage in the bathroom with soda, vinegar and other available means.

To fix the problem, you must first determine the cause of its occurrence. If you often bathe pets in the bathroom or clean fluffy textiles, then they are the reason for clogged sewers. In this case, a lump of thread, hair, fat, soap residues has formed in the bend of the pipe, which not only interfere with the normal flow of water, but are also sources of bacteria and unpleasant odor.

Photo: blockage in the bathroom sewer pipe

If you have metal pipes, then perhaps they are clogged due to mineral build-up. It happens mostly in homes. old building, because previously only cast iron or steel pipes... If you are sure that the problem is precisely the "overgrowth" of the inner diameter, then you cannot do without the intervention of a specialist.

How to fix

The easiest way to do it at home is to fill the hole in the pipeline with baking soda and add vinegar. You will need:

  1. Half a packet of regular baking soda
  2. Half a glass of vinegar;
  3. Hot water - as much as possible.

First, you need to pour soda into the drain hole, then wait 10-15 minutes, and pour vinegar there. Be careful, it will begin chemical reaction, due to which pairs will appear. To protect yourself from their effects - after pouring the vinegar, you should not be directly above the drain. After half an hour of exposure, you need to pour several liters of boiling water into the pipe and wait. Most often, simple blockages will dissolve very quickly.

If the problem is serious and the hairball cannot dissolve the baking soda, then you can use special cleaning agents. Any store sells "Krot". It is a powder intended for cleaning pipelines. It consists of serious chemical reagents, therefore it is able to dissolve almost any blockage (except mineral). It just needs to be poured into the problematic drain and after half an hour rinsed with hot water.

Video: A blockage in the bathroom. How to fix it?

It removes odor very effectively and at the same time cleans the Domestos water passage. This tool dissolves not only fatty blockages, but also hair with dirt. For exposure, you need to pour two caps of detergent into the bathroom pipe and leave for the maximum possible period of time. Best of all - at night. In the morning, rinse the communication with hot water. This method cannot be used to clean a clogged pipe if it is made of plastic - active substances can dissolve the molecules of the material and over time the pipe will leak.

How to get a blockage with a rope

Sometimes you can clean the lump that caused the blockage in the bathroom by hand.

Diagram: How the cable works

  1. It is necessary to remove the cover that protects the drain pipe from foreign objects;
  2. Then insert a special plumbing cable into the hole. Unlike the wire used for the toilet bowl, the cable for the sink pipe or the bath tub has a smaller diameter, respectively. It is more flexible;
  3. When introducing, it is necessary to gradually screw in the wire so that it can pass along the bends of the pipeline to the place of blockage;
  4. It remains to push the debris to the main pipe. According to SNiP, the drain leading from the sink has a smaller diameter than the main sewer pipe. Therefore, if the debris gets into a large communication, it will simply pass without problems and free the pipe.

At home, craftsmen also use ropes with a hook on a horse. They are not designed to push through the blockage, but to get it out. This technique is very effective for blockages close to the drain surface.

  1. You need to take the wire and bend it at the end;
  2. Insert the cable into the pipeline, twist it slightly;
  3. Gradually push it inward, as soon as you feel resistance - turn the wire and use the tip to hook the blockage.

If you need to quickly clear a small blockage in the bathroom, formed from hair, you cannot do without a plunger. it universal tool, which copes well with all types of mechanical impurities.

  1. Fill a sink, bathroom or shower tray with some water;
  2. Place a plunger over the water drain hole, then press on it so that it sucks in air from the pipeline;
  3. After that, make several movements that promote the movement of the blockage inside the pipeline. It is very important, when you finish the work, to abruptly release the plunger so that water enters the pipeline under a certain pressure.

After that, you can use the tools at hand that will remove the remaining fat and debris from the inside of the pipe.

How to clean a siphon

Sometimes the problem is not a clogged pipe, but a dirty siphon. In this case, it is required to clean this part of the sewer directly. Before removing it, you need to place a container under the knee to collect water.

Using necessary tools, remove the nut and gasket holding the siphon to the knee. When removed, water will flow out of it, which has lingered in the pipe, so it is better to work with latex gloves. Then remove the debris from the knee and rinse it detergents and hot water, be sure to wipe the pipe from the inside with a brush - this will remove hair and other dirt from it. Replace the siphon.

After installing the knee, it is advisable to spill it with a solution of vinegar and hot water - then eliminate bad smell from the pipeline. Sometimes home craftsmen use bleach, but it destroys sewer materials.

What is the best way to clear a blockage in a pipe? This is not an easy business, so many owners call a master, whose services are paid. And so that the money remains in your wallet, and you don't have to spend time waiting for a specialist, you can try to do everything yourself.

Why are the pipes clogged, how to unclog the clogging in the pipe? Trash accumulated over time, soap residues, dirt, hair, and more are the main causes of plugging. A blockage suggests that the water does not drain well or does not go down the drain at all. If the pipes are not cleaned in time, this can lead to flooding of the house, and in apartments, in addition to the deterioration of the bath, the neighbors below will also suffer. Therefore, before calling a plumber, you must first try to clean the pipes yourself.

Simple ways to clear blockages

If you are faced with a blockage problem, there are several options for getting rid of it at home. Before you start cleaning, you need to remove the visible causes of the blockage (residues from dishwashing, hair and other debris). Then you will need the most easy-to-use and inexpensive remedy for blockages - a plunger. Such a device is already for a long time helps the owners both to clear the blockage in the bathroom and to remove it in any other bathroom.

  • Whether the sink or the bathtub is clogged, you need to fill everything with water and plug the overflow hole with a rag. This is necessary so that when using a plunger, when the sewer pipes are clogged, the pressure created by the water does not decrease.
  • You need to install the plunger over the hole for the stack, pressing on the handle to create pressure in the pipes. It is necessary to pump water several times, then abruptly remove the plunger. The blockage should move to either side of the pipe.
  • If this does not happen, you need to boil the kettle and pour hot water directly into the drain. Then repeat the procedure several times with a plunger.

If it does not help, the second method will definitely break through the blockage in the bathroom, since the blockage will be broken down by boiling water.

In addition, there are many ways to clean bathroom sinks using available tools. It is useful to know them, since such a problem is most often caught by surprise. To use folk remedies, you need a plumbing cable. It looks like a flexible steel spring with a spiral at the end.

  • First you need to place the container under the siphon.
  • Then remove it in order to see if it is clogged with debris, if necessary, clean it.
  • Next, insert the siphon back into the sink and turn on the water.
  • If it also continues to accumulate, it means that the weir is completely clogged and the pipes need to be cleaned.
  • It is necessary to remove the siphon again and place the plumbing cable in the pipe.
  • At the first resistance, turn it clockwise. Most likely, this will be overcoming the first bend. And the very next cleaning jerk will remove the plug. We push the cable and pull it out, collecting debris on it.
  • If the device does not work, you do not need to push it there by force. It can break and stay there, and the pipes in the bathroom become unusable.

You can make an analogue of a plumbing cable yourself, there is a good and simple way. To do this, wrap the bottle (2 l) with paper (the thickness should be 2 cm). When it forms a spiral on the bottle, you need to circle it with a marker.

Next, you need to cut out the outlined drawing, starting from the top. We make a handle from the bottom of the bottle. Then, along the entire spiral on both sides, we make notches, the so-called teeth. A homemade plumbing cable has formed, with which you can try to clean the pipe.

Effective cleaning agents

Today, you can find many chemicals, which will help in the question of how to remove a blockage in the bathroom or sink. But there is a slight difficulty, because you need to decide what is the best way to do this. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from the abundance of chemicals that will really cope with the problem: it will be able to break through the blockage in the bathroom and make sure that the pipes will not clog in the near future.

Before using chemistry, it is still recommended to try to clean the pipes with a mechanical method (cable, plunger). Any procedures for clearing a blockage with chemistry harm the material, which is especially typical for plastic pipes.

Several simple ways and improvised means that will tell you what to do if this has already happened:

We save pipes with chemistry

There are many household chemicals that can be found in any supermarket. For example:

  • Mole for cleaning pipe blockages;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Pothan;
  • Typhoon.

Basically, to clear blockages, such funds are poured into the sink, bathroom and left for half an hour. More details can be found in the instructions attached to the pipe blockage remedies. It is best to leave it overnight or for a long period, so that it not only removes the blockage, but also clears out all the dirt behind it, due to which the pipe is clogged.

Even if the house has been renovated, this is not a guarantee that the pipes will not be able to clog over time. It would seem that new pipes are a way out, because old ones, in addition to the user's garbage, can become clogged with many other products - rust, metal delamination, etc.

It is for new plastic pipes that there are restrictions on clearing the blockage. For example, as mentioned earlier, chemical cleaners can damage the material, especially pvc. Therefore, there is no need to rush to "save" the pipes in this way. If they are new, it is enough to break through the blockage with a plunger.

Henceforth, you need to try to prevent the ingress of food debris, hair and other things, which can clog the drain in the sink or any other plumbing fixtures. At the same time, it is useful to periodically carry out preventive measures so that the plumbing does not get clogged.

Video instruction

The situation when the water in the sink "does not want" to go through the pipes is familiar to many, so it is important to know how to clean the blockage in the bathroom. In this case, there are several options: chemicals or improvised. They have different efficacy and safety of use. The key in the fight against blockages is systematicity, because the slow outflow of water does not just happen, you do not need to wait until the pipes are completely clogged.

A plastic device for removing a blockage from pipes called "snake"

Folk ways for cleaning pipes are also very effective

Why is there a blockage?

Before starting a fight, you need to know the enemy by sight, which means you need to figure out what are the causes of blockages. The first, and, perhaps, the main one is the vital activity of people. It is not always possible to control what and in what volumes enters the sink, and therefore into the pipes. The most difficult in terms of clogging are:

  1. The hair, the longer, the more reliably the pipe clogs.
  2. Animal wool.
  3. Pieces of rags (rags).
  4. Paper, napkins.
  5. Items that should not be in the pipes.

Blockages are different, and differ in the degree of water passage. If it does not go away at all, then this is a complete blockage, this arises if a cork of loose debris has formed in the pipes, the same hair, wool, paper. If the water leaves, but more slowly than usual, then this is an incomplete blockage. And this is even worse, because over time, an unpleasant smell will be added to the difficulties with the outflow of water, because what is stuck in a "favorable" environment with high humidity will start to rot and smell.

  • improper operation. Do not wash pets, carpets in the bathroom;
  • incorrect installation of the pipe system. If there is insufficient slope or pipes sagging, blockages will be common.

Note! It is possible to deal with blockages, but it is easier to prevent their formation.

Blockage prevention

Preventive measures are limited to not letting debris foreign to the pipes into the sink. It is easier to prevent blockages if it becomes a habit. Key measures:

  1. Install a special mesh with small holes in the drain hole. It will not hold everything, but a lot of garbage remains on it.
  2. Perform preventive cleaning from time to time using the methods below.
  3. Regularly - once a week, pour boiling water over the pipes. The volume of water is within 2-3 liters. This will wash away any soapy deposits on the walls.
  4. When replacing pipes, check correct angle tilt.

How to clear a blockage in the bathroom: plunger

Using a plunger is the most common way to clean up a blockage in the bathroom at home.

Note! Using a plunger is an excellent prevention of the formation of soap deposits on the pipes in the bathroom.

It would seem the most traditional way, but also for its implementation you need an understanding of the process. If a blockage has formed in the sink, cleaning is quite simple:

  • install a plunger on the drain hole;
  • make 10 sharp up and down movements.

This vacuum is often sufficient for cleaning.

The bathroom is another matter. All due to the fact that there is a different water drainage system. When water overflows the edge, air enters the opening, and in such conditions it is impossible to create a vacuum. You need to act like this:

  1. Close the water outlet tightly with the plug.
  2. Lubricate the plunger with Vaseline and press it against the drain.
  3. Do 10 back and forth movements. The sharper the better.

Note! When clearing the blockage in the bathroom, you need to close the hole for pouring water well, you just don't need to plug it with a rag - this will not give the desired effect. The best decision it is to use another plunger, but this requires an assistant.

If this did not help "break through" the blockage, you should use another method. To do this, draw water into the bathroom, and it must be hot. Level - half the height of the rubber plunger bowl. The latter is immersed in water at an angle. At the last swing down, the plunger must be pulled out of the water. Repeat the procedure several times if necessary.

Plumbing cable

The previous method is only suitable if the blockage is minor, it cannot cope with a serious blockage. Option - plumbing cable. It is suitable if:

  1. Blockage deep in the pipe.
  2. The “plug” that closes the water outflow is strongly compressed.

The essence of the method is to mechanically get rid of the blockage, pull it out or push it deeper into a wider pipe. The length of a standard cable is 3 meters, and this is enough to remove deep blockages.

The technique of using the cable is simple, but it must be strictly observed. Sequence:

  • the cable is inserted into the drain hole;
  • one person pushes, the other rotates the cable. This contributes to the destruction of the blockage and prevents the cable from kinking at the pipe bends;
  • after the blockage has been passed, you need to make a couple of jerks back and forth. Opening after that hot water, you will wash off the dirt formed on the pipe;
  • you can now gently pull out the cable.

You can buy this cleaning attachment at any hardware store.

Note! It cannot be used for plastic and chrome-plated pipes, the structure of the cable may damage their inner surface.

Special means

There is a huge choice of ready-made chemicals that can be used to get rid of the blockage, as well as the spread of prices. Before you clear the blockage in the pipe in the bathroom with one of them, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for using such tools. If the blockage is running, then only chemical means cannot be dispensed with, you will have to use the mechanical ones presented above.

Advice! When choosing, one should give preference to the one where it is indicated that it dissolves wool and hair.

Important Tips:

  1. Powder and liquid products do not differ in effectiveness.
  2. When buying, check with the seller if the product is suitable for the type of pipes that are in your home.
  3. Liquid products should be poured directly into the drain hole, after pouring powders, pour hot water (1 glass).
  4. After the time specified in the instructions, spill the pipes with hot water in order to flush the pipes well and remove debris.
  5. When using these products, it is important not to use the bathroom for a while. It is optimal to clean at night.

Note! When using any chemical product, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions. After all, even the highest quality ones cause damage to the pipes.

Specific means

In the store in the thematic section, you can get confused, but there are a number of tools that are especially popular with consumers. Among them:

  • "Mole" is a well-known remedy used by our mothers and grandmothers for a long time. But it cannot be used for plastic pipes;

  • Mister Muscle is suitable for all pipes. Active substance penetrates all the nooks and crannies sewerage system... In addition to eliminating various types of blockages, it removes bacteria, thereby eliminating unpleasant odors;

  • Tiret removes blockages quickly. Has no ammonia odor;

  • "Potkhan" - dissolves all types of blockages, and quickly.

When working with any chemicals, use latex gloves, oilcloth apron and goggles.

After using the product, if there is a siphon in the bathroom and kitchen, it must be thoroughly cleaned.

Traditional methods

If you are looking for methods on how to clean a blockage in a bathroom sink or in the bathroom itself and do not want to use chemicals, but mechanical methods for some reason cannot be used, folk methods will come to the rescue.

There are many dubious methods that not only will not be able to get rid of the blockage in the pipe, but will also lead to additional expenses. Among them:

  • Using a vacuum cleaner. Tube household appliance bring it to the drain hole and turn it on at full power. The results are deplorable, and the most minimal of them is the purchase of a new vacuum cleaner.
  • Citric acid is simply not effective.

In practice, the effectiveness of soda has been confirmed, and it can be combined with salt or vinegar.

Soda + vinegar

To implement this method, you need the following ingredients:

  • soda;
  • vinegar (it is best to use white distilled);
  • boiling water;
  • rag or terry cloth.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. Pour half of the soda bag into the drain hole. It is important that the soda is dry.
  2. Pour vinegar in a volume - 0.5 tbsp. well, if you warm it up a little. Cover the hole immediately with a rag. This will keep the volcano that forms from the baking soda and vinegar inside the pipe.
  3. Leave everything as it is for 30 minutes. During this time, the debris that blocked the outflow of water will dissolve.
  4. Then boil the kettle.
  5. As soon as the allotted time is up, pour boiling water into the hole.

If it was not possible to completely get rid of the blockage immediately, then the manipulations should be repeated.

Soda + salt

Another option, how to clear the blockage in the bathroom with soda, is even easier to implement. You need to take 0.5 cups of salt and soda, hot water. Cleaning sequence:

  1. Pour baking soda and salt into the drain hole.
  2. Add 1.5-2 liters of boiling water there.
  3. Leave on for 8 hours. It is important that the drain is not used during this period.

Pipe cleaning is a simple task and there are tons of options that are suitable for different types pipes. When using them, you must follow the instructions and safety measures. But still the most simple option prevention is, and it is completely uncomplicated. You just need to get used to the fact that pipes should be flushed regularly.

Sewer systems are capable of clogging up not only in multi-apartment buildings, but also in private houses. Inner side pipes accumulate fatty deposits, soap deposits and other debris, which serves as an obstacle to the passage of water. There are many ways to unclog a blockage in your bathroom or kitchen, and to minimize the likelihood of a similar problem in the future.

Causes of blockages

Pipes can become clogged by for the following reasons:

Effective cleaning methods

To remove the blockage in the bathroom, you can use one of the existing methods:

  • Pressure cleaning - in this case, a classic plunger is used.
  • Mechanical - debris is removed by disassembling the siphon or using a plumbing cable.
  • Chemical - the corks are dissolved with industrial facilitieswhich contain aggressive chemicals.
  • Thermal - you can remove the blockage using the pressure of hot water.

The choice of method depends on the material from which the pipes are made.... Plastic products can be damaged by boiling water or a rope, and use chemicals can only be carried out in strict accordance with all manufacturer's recommendations.

Cleaning with a plunger

The plunger remains easy to use, affordable and popular when it comes to solving the problem of how to clear a blockage in the bathroom, toilet or sink. This device is in the form of a handle (plastic or wooden), one side of which has a rubber nozzle. Under the influence of its pressure, the debris accumulated in the pipes begins to move along them and collapse. With the help of a plunger, as a rule, it is possible to get rid of blockages, they are freely removed to the outside and removed.

But to clean the pipes like this a simple device, you must use it correctly:

When using the plunger, it is imperative that the water level in the sink or bathtub does not exceed the rubber valve. Repeated procedure will remove the remaining blockages and achieve the best result.

Household chemicals

There are many ways to clean the drain in the bathtub and sink, but one of the most popular is the use of household chemicals. With its help, it is possible to effectively break through all blockages without replacing parts. The advantage of these tools is that they do all the work themselves, the person does not need to make physical efforts.

These funds are characterized by different consistencies: foamy, gel, powdery and liquid, they can also cost differently. The principle of their use is simple: the required amount of cleaning agent is poured or poured into the drain and left for a certain time, which should be indicated on the label. After this time, you must turn on the water, which will ensure proper flushing of the pipes.

The use of any chemical means requires attention.... It is unacceptable to get them on the skin or mucous membranes (all work should be carried out in protective gloves). In addition, it is not recommended to allow the agent to come into contact with chrome surfaces.

In order not to remove blockages, you should regularly carry out preventive procedures using household chemicals: a small amount of a chemical liquid or gel is poured into the drain hole, after which hot water is turned on so that it rinses the pipes.

Cleaning the siphon

Replacing parts is a last resort; in most cases, cleaning the siphon is sufficient. The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

This method of cleaning is recommended regularly for prevention. Flushing the siphon once every 2-3 months will minimize the formation of foul-smelling deposits on its inner surface, which cause an unpleasant odor in the room.

Using boiling water

If the blockage in the sink is caught by surprise, then you can use a simple and often effective way cleaning pipes - boiling water. The effectiveness of the method is to dissolve fat, which causes most blockages, under the influence of high temperatures.

First of all, it is necessary to assume the scale of the problem: if water has accumulated in one place, then the blockage is local in nature, and when water is in all the drains, then the blockage is considered global. The solution to this problem is to clean the entire sewage system, and with a local one, it is enough to clean one pipe.

You can use boiling water only if the plumbing system is made of metal pipes... The principle of operation is very simple: it is necessary to heat up to 4 liters of water, and then send it to the drain. The cleaning is repeated if necessary. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use a plunger or brush.

You should refrain from boiling water if water accumulates on the surface of the bathtub or sink. It should be borne in mind that boiling water simply cannot affect problem place... In addition, you should be careful not to get scalded. Hot but not boiling water can be used for plastic pipes.

Metal cable

Debris that has accumulated deep in the pipes is unlikely to be removed using household chemicals, boiling water or a plunger. In this case, it is recommended to resort to using a plumbing cable. This cable is characterized by the appearance of a thick twisted wire, one side of which is equipped with a drill and the other with a handle. The length of the rope reaches no more than 10 meters, which is quite enough to remove the blockage. It should be borne in mind that this device is suitable for dealing with dirt exclusively on metal pipes.

To successfully carry out cleaning, you should use the following recommendations:

Using folk remedies

Remove blockages in sewer pipes time-tested folk remedies will help. Such procedures for removing blockages are simple to perform, environmentally friendly and do not require large financial costs, since the active active ingredient is ordinary soda. Why not be convinced of the effectiveness of the product on your own experience if the bath is clogged.

Let's consider in more detail how to clean the blockages at home:

  • Table vinegar and soda should be prepared in 1: 1 proportions, but not more than one full glass of each component.
  • First you need to pour soda into the drain hole, and then pour it over with vinegar solution.
  • The drain is closed with a stopper and left at rest for at least 3 hours.
  • After this time, the pipes must be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water.

Many sources will tell you what to do if the pipe in the bathroom is clogged. Based on feedback from households, effective folk remedy is a fragrant lemon. To eliminate the blockage, you will need to purchase several large citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them into the drain hole (it is important that no seeds get there). Leave at rest for at least 1 hour, after which you can begin to use the bathroom or sink in the usual way.