The better to heat the cottage in winter without gas. What will happen in winter with a country house without heating

With the onset of winter months, the consumption of heat carriers increases sharply. The lower the temperature outside the window, the more difficult it is to heat the room. But in recent years, prices for basic heating fluids have begun to grow. And the forecast for the future is disappointing. Winters won't get any shorter, gas won't get cheaper. After a long winter this year, many had to think about how to heat a private house so that the family's budget would not suffer.

In the past, everyone tried to connect the house to gas and use it for heating. This possibility does not always exist. Some homeowners have calculated that it is now more profitable to change the heating system. There are other ways to reduce heating costs. Let's talk about everything in order.

Insulate the walls of the building

Before discussing heating options for a private building, it should be noted that a lot of heat is wasted. You burn gas, use electricity, heat water. And the heat escapes through the walls and roof. Don't believe me? Walk down a private sector street in winter. Has the snow melted on the roofs of many houses? Why?

The heated air becomes lighter and rises upward. If the ceiling and the roof are not insulated, heat penetrates outside, melts the snow on the roof, heats the air around the building. The heat in the house does not linger and you have to constantly turn on the gas burner. And the walls of the foundation conduct cold and moisture. The room is constantly damp and cold.

Scientists have calculated that half of the home heat goes outside through the structure of the building. It will not be possible to insulate the building 100 percent. After all, the house must breathe. However, insulation work may well reduce heat loss by half.

There are many insulation options. For example, you can pump liquid foam insulation by drilling holes between rows of brickwork. You can insulate the outer walls with foam or mineral wool. A layer of expanded clay can be poured onto the ceiling.

The choice of materials for insulation is also constantly increasing. Styrofoam and rock wool are cheap. However, other materials can be used, such as glass wool or polyurethane foam. In some cases, straw, hay, sawdust are used as insulation.

If your home has radiators, tape the walls behind the radiator with reflective foil. The heat will not heat the wall, but will be reflected from the foil and heat the room.

If you use gas for heating, be sure to install a gas meter. You will be able to control the gas consumption.

We heat the house with wood

Many are looking for an alternative to gas heating. But is it possible to heat a modern house with wood? This, of course, is not about the traditional Russian oven, on which our grandmothers cooked. Nowadays there are cast iron and steel stoves that can be fired with coal or wood. Outwardly, they resemble the famous potbelly stove, but they have a number of advantages. Let's notice right away that the cast iron construction is more reliable.

Wood stove sellers claim that they can heat the house completely, that such heating will be cheaper than gas heating. Can you believe it? For such a furnace to work at full capacity, special wood is needed. Perfectly dry logs are required. It is also better to purchase only hardwoods. Pine or maple logs will not work. You will have to buy oak or beech wood. Other firewood will also burn in this stove, but the heat from their combustion will be much less.


Now let's analyze the disadvantages of such heating. The stove will have to be installed in one room, which will heat up as much as possible. The rest of the rooms will receive less heat. With gas heating, you distribute the body evenly in all rooms.

By turning on a double-circuit electric boiler, you can not only warm up the house. You will have hot water in the bathroom and kitchen. And you can't connect a wooden heating to a shower cabin.

Firewood will have to be stored and stored in a separate room. In order to maintain a pleasant temperature in the house, you will have to throw firewood several times a day. Ash also needs to be scooped up and taken out into the street.

Now about smoke and combustion products. Ventilation must be provided for them. Otherwise, there will be a threat to health or even life. The oven must not be left unattended, otherwise a fire may occur if a spark falls on the floor or clothing ignites from a hot surface.

You can purchase a boiler that runs on compressed sawdust. This stove is expensive but has several advantages:

  • fuel can be tossed up every 3 days;
  • little ash is formed, it can be removed after a week or two;
  • heat transfer from this structure at the level of a wood-burning stove;
  • sawdust cylinders are very light and take up little space.

Candle Heater

Sometimes there is a need to heat only one room or workplace. We recommend purchasing a Doyle Doss thermal device. The American named his invention "The Heat Trap". The source of heat is a burning candle. It turns out that when a candle burns, a lot of heat is generated, but it dissipates.

The heating device allows you to capture heated air. A special ceramic hood is positioned above the flame. Its task is to collect and store warm air. The heat heats up the ceramic hood, which heats up the room.

This is how the Dosa heater looks like.

Surely you shouldn't expect that such a heater will solve the heating problem. Experience has shown that a ceramic radiator is able to warm up a small room no earlier than 10 hours. If the house is connected to electricity, it is best to use an oil cooler.

If you need to heat a separate room or a small section of the room, it is better to buy an infrared heater. It starts working immediately and does not consume a lot of electricity.

Previously, many were afraid that this type of radiation could be bad for health. It turned out that infrared rays even have a healing effect. This type of radiation is used to prevent colds.

Experience of European countries

If you have not yet decided how best to heat a private house, ask how they approach this problem in European countries. In many of these countries, the prices for heat transfer fluids are very high. Therefore, they have been looking for methods there for a long time on how to reduce the consumption of gas and electricity when heating premises.

In Finland, they began to build "passive" houses. This type of building allows you to consume a minimum amount of energy from external sources. A little later, such buildings began to appear in Germany. Non-volatile buildings can reduce heating costs.

An example of a European non-volatile home.

If the building is located in the south, where there are many sunny days, electricity is obtained from solar panels. In northern countries, the sun cannot provide enough energy. Windmills are being built. The heat of the earth is also often used. Indeed, at a certain depth, even in the winter months, there is a lot of heat.

A system of heat exchangers is arranged in the ground. Ground air and heat pumps are used. During the winter months, the water is heated by the heat of the earth. It must be said that such a system requires large installation costs and pays off in several decades. If you decide on such an experiment, then it is imperative to insulate all structures of the house, from the walls of the foundation to the ceiling and roof of the building.

The country house should always be heated, regardless of whether it is seasonal housing or living in it all year round. If you plan to stay in winter, then you need capital heating, if seasonal - heating is possible only with electrical appliances. In any case, it is important to consider the options for creating heating in the country with your own hands.

The first step is to decide what the heating system will be used for. The main task, of course, is to heat the country house, to maintain a comfortable temperature for living. Besides, heating can be used in the country for:

  • baths or heating water for a shower;
  • cooking food and boiling water;
  • drying fruits and vegetables for the winter;
  • drying clothes and shoes needed in a damp autumn or spring.

Heating in the country, the choice of energy sources and the installation of the heating system depend on various factors. These are the communications connected to the house (water, gas, electricity), and the plan of the house, and the building materials from which the building was erected, and the number of residents, and the frequency of visiting the suburban area.

There are several options for the home heating system, depending on the energy sources used in the house:

  • gas heating;
  • electric heating with or without water heating;
  • wood-burning stove, fireplace;
  • heating boilers;
  • solid fuel or light fuel heating units.

The most economical and efficient option is gas boilers. But the savings only show up with year-round use. The gas is burned and converted into heat energy in a gas boiler, which, using a pump, supplies the heated coolant to the heating radiators. Gas equipment is fully automated and equipped with a control system, so you don't have to be afraid for your country house when you leave.

To connect to the central gas main, you need to draw up a lot of permits, install a meter. All this requires certain costs and time.

If it is not possible to connect to the central network, you can use bottled gas. But at the same time, you need to constantly monitor the fuel level and periodically change it.

A group of cylinders is connected to the boiler through a reducer... This design is the most economical. If it becomes possible to connect to the central gas pipeline network, then it will not be difficult to do this, you just need to slightly re-equip the system. But even such a connection scheme needs permission from the gas service and the connection of the meter. If this is not done, then unauthorized connection will result in large fines for the summer resident.

Another way to heat your home is electric. This option is not the cheapest, but the most affordable - there is electricity in every house. Electrical equipment is compact and fits perfectly into the interior of the house, and installation and maintenance of such a system requires a minimum of time.

An economical option for heating a summer cottage - an electric boiler with water heating... You can also install a separate piece electric heater in each room, but this will certainly come out more expensive. Water heating works on the same principle as gas heating.

Heating a summer house with an electric heater is not the best option, because you will have to heat all the rooms at once, and this will lead to a large consumption of electricity. So let's consider a more economical option - electric boilers.

Both conventional water radiators and the "warm floor" system can act as electric heating. Electric boilers are silent, do not emit smoke, combustion products and odors, have any level of safety - fire, electrical, chemical, etc. And also you do not need to obtain permission to connect the system.

The disadvantages include high power consumption. The power of electric boilers usually reaches 3.5-7 kW, electric heaters 1.2-2 kW. For them, you need to build a separate electrical panel, connect RAM and other devices.

There are many alternative heating options to electric boilers and electric heaters. Some of them may be more economical, but almost all are used periodically - when residents come to their summer cottage.

One of the most profitable options is infrared emitters. They heat objects in the room, which then give off heat. The number of objects also includes walls, which helps to heat a large area. Most often, such heaters are installed closer to the ceiling.

Electric fireplace. It will not be difficult to install, and, moreover, no special permits, skills or knowledge are required. You can place it in any room without restrictions. The main advantages of electric fireplaces:

  • no need to build a chimney to remove combustion products;
  • do not require a lot of space, because they are built into the wall;
  • in summer you can enjoy imitation of fire;
  • there are many models of fireplaces suitable for different interiors;
  • mobile, can move to any place (for example, after repair);
  • the power consumed by the fireplace, as a rule, does not exceed 2 kW.

Heating convectors. This type of heating can be used in any premises, it has small dimensions and an original design. The design is very simple, making it easy to install and maintain. They evenly warm up the air in the room, which does not require a lot of energy resources and helps to save money. You can create a system of convectors to provide heat to the entire country house.

The price of the convector on average fluctuates around 3 thousand rubles. It has a thermostat and a heat sensor, due to which the high-quality operation of the device is ensured. The maximum heating temperature reaches +80 degrees. The device is completely safe, so you can not be afraid of getting burned.

Alternative heat sources include water convectors. They are of three types:

  1. Wall mounted... The most popular option. It is lightweight and therefore can be attached anywhere.
  2. Floor... The only difference from wall-mounted ones is the fixing of the device.
  3. Embedded... This model solves two problems at once - heating and design.

Oil-fired electric heaters. Such devices consume electricity more than others, since they have a greater inertia of heating. But they also cool down more slowly than other electrical appliances, while they do not consume electricity. There are mobile and stationary versions of the device. They are used most often to warm up one room. In many models of the radiator there are several operating modes with which you can adjust the heating intensity.

Electric ventilation devices are a great option for heating a room. They are quite cheap and quickly warm up the room due to the air supplied from the spiral with a fan. The disadvantages of the device include air drying and noisy work.

Such heating of a country house can be called one of the most reliable options. It can be used as a primary and secondary heating. It is not necessary to bring the lines to the stove - you only need to take care of the supply of coal and firewood. If there is no electricity in the country, then the stove will help you cook food, heat water and even bake bread.

Depending on the size of the room, you can choose the oven required in size and material of manufacture. You can also fold a brick oven with your own hands, which will have a compact size and elegant design. If it is not possible to build a stove yourself, you can purchase a ready-made option - a cast iron stove. Both brick and cast iron stoves can have different functionality:

Summing up, we list the advantages and disadvantages of stove heating of a summer cottage. The advantages include:

  • autonomy of the installation;
  • low fuel price;
  • profitability;
  • constant readiness for operation;
  • the ability to cook food and heat water;
  • installation can be done with your own hands.

The main disadvantage of the furnace is that it is constantly required to monitor it and periodically load fuel into it. Other design cons include:

  • The efficiency is much lower than that of a boiler heating;
  • it is important to periodically service the stove, for example, clean the chimney;
  • a brick oven takes up a lot of space and requires some experience to assemble it.

Boilers operating on diesel fuel, kerosene or fuel oil cannot work independently; they must be connected to a liquid heating system with batteries and radiators. It is also necessary to equip a separate fireproof and ventilated room for the boiler room.

Liquid fuel boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit... One circuit is used to heat the cottage, the second heats water for domestic needs. By the design of ZhT, boilers are wall-mounted or floor-standing.

The floor-standing unit is large, so it is best to install it in a separate room. In addition, such an installation makes a fairly loud noise. Wall mounted appliances are smaller and can be located in the kitchen, or additional appliances can be used to suppress noise.

Solid fuel devices

Such equipment runs on solid fuels: coal, wood, briquettes, shavings, peat, etc. It is gaining popularity lately due to the rise in prices for other heat sources and the rather low price of solid fuels. Solid fuel devices work in conjunction with a liquid heating system.

The advantages of such devices are their low price., ease of maintenance, the possibility of using cheap raw materials. The system works autonomously and safely, and one batch of fuel burns from 17 hours to 2 days.

Negative properties - low efficiency, a constant supply of raw materials is required, which must be stored in a separate building. In addition, the chimney and combustion chambers must be constantly cleaned of soot.

Today, thousands of our compatriots living in cities decide to acquire a dacha. And there they spend their free time both in summer and winter. This, of course, can be called the right decision - each person, both a child and an adult, will be pleased to be away from the big city, breathe fresh air and enjoy the peace and quiet. But here a very serious question arises before many people - how to provide high-quality heating of the summer cottage in winter?

On days when the temperature drops below -30 degrees Celsius, it is not only uncomfortable, but also simply dangerous to be in a high-quality insulated dacha without good heating. Therefore, the issue of heating a country house should be approached as responsibly as possible. Today, there are several of the most common types of heating:

  • oven,
  • water,
  • electric.

These species can be further subdivided into several subspecies. Each has certain pros and cons. Each summer cottage owner who wants to spend a weekend outside the city in the winter season should find out about them.

Today, stove heating is the least demanded for summer cottages. Nevertheless, it also enjoys some popularity, so it will be very useful to mention it.

The main disadvantage of this heating is the complexity of maintenance. It is necessary to put fuel (coal, peat, wood, coke) into the stove several times a day (depending on the temperature outside and the size of the room) and light the fire. When using coal, ash has to be removed before each firebox, which also takes a lot of time.

The plus is complete autonomy. You are completely independent of the world around you - you do not need either electricity or gas. It is enough to stock up on a few cubic meters of firewood or a few tons of coal in the summer to be absolutely sure that you can heat your dacha in any frost. The simplicity of the design completely eliminates the risk of breakage, which is also highly appreciated by prudent owners.

Two main types of stoves should be distinguished: the Russian stove and the potbelly stove.

The Russian stove is widely known both in our country and far beyond its borders. Huge, massive, since ancient times it has been performing several functions at once. You can cook food in it, you can sleep on its warm surface, recovering from chronic diseases of the joints and, of course, it can be used for heating rooms. It is usually installed in the center of the house, dividing the room into several rooms - a kitchen, a hall, a living room or others, at your discretion.

Due to its large size, it can simultaneously heat several rooms. When you heat it well, you can be sure that the brick from which it is built will keep warm for many hours, protecting you from sudden temperature changes.

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Alas, there are also disadvantages.

The first of these is the large size. If you need a really effective Russian stove, be prepared to allocate at least 6-8 square meters of free space for it.

It is heated for a long time - after you light the fire, it will take several hours before the cooled bricks warm up and begin to give off heat to the surrounding space. And of course, such a solution is suitable only for one-story buildings. Otherwise, you will have to build a furnace that resembles a steel-making blast furnace.

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The potbelly stove is very different from the Russian stove. It takes up very little space - no more than 1 square meter. It warms up very quickly, after which it begins to warm up the air around. It is enough to use 5-7 logs for one firebox. If desired, you can also boil a kettle on it or cook dinner.

Potbelly stove

But she also has disadvantages. Although it warms up very quickly, it also cools down in the shortest possible time. Half an hour after lighting the fire, it turns red-hot, and after another two hours, its walls are barely warm. Frequent changes in temperature will not please everyone. And to maintain a constant temperature, firewood will have to be laid every hour. And if you can put up with it during the day, then at night it is much more difficult to do it.

Moreover, it is suitable for heating only one, not too large room - one potbelly stove cannot significantly raise the temperature in two or three rooms. Therefore, it is better not to use it for heating a large house.

Water heating

If you are interested in how to heat a summer cottage in winter with great comfort, then you can recommend using heating boilers. Yes, their installation and installation of related equipment will take more time and effort, as well as money. But you can be sure that all rooms will be warm and comfortable, and you will have to put a minimum of time and effort into this.

Water heating system of a country house

Depending on the fuel used, heating boilers are usually divided into several types:

  • diesel,
  • gas,
  • solid fuel.

Diesel boilers remain one of the most common in our country. But, basically, this is the legacy of the past decades. Today, diesel fuel is very expensive, so only very wealthy people can afford to heat their homes in this way. Otherwise, such boilers do not have serious disadvantages. The only one of these is unpleasant, acrid, oily smoke. You have to remove the chimney above the roof level, otherwise soot appears on the walls, which is quite difficult to get rid of, and the constant smell of burning probably will not please any of the inhabitants of the dacha.

An even better solution would be to install the boiler in a small outbuilding 5-15 meters from the house, if the size of the site allows it.

The advantages of diesel boilers are quite numerous. Diesel fuel can be stored in a large tank (several tons) buried in an area close to home to be self-contained. The high energy content allows you to burn relatively little fuel in order to maintain the desired temperature level in the house. The fuel is supplied by itself, due to which the temperature in the premises practically does not change all day, and, moreover, a person does not need to take part in this process.

Gas boilers are gaining more and more popularity these days. Today, most of the country is gasified, and even in small villages, people have access to gas. Its cost is significantly lower than the cost of diesel fuel, and their energy consumption is quite comparable.

Gas boiler operation scheme

Otherwise, gas is even better than diesel fuel. It does not smoke when burned, which many users like. It is not necessary to have large reserves of gas if there is a connection to the gas pipeline.

The only disadvantage of this type of fuel is its explosiveness. A tiny leak, which can occur due to improper installation or accidental breakage, is enough for owners to have a real bomb at their side. This scares off many potential owners. Although in most cases this danger is reduced to almost zero. For this, experts recommend installing gas heating boilers not in basements, but in separate buildings. It is very important to ensure good ventilation in this area. Then the possibility of gas accumulation to a dangerous concentration is completely excluded.

Country houses are usually located outside the city. They don't live there permanently. People come to the dacha on holidays, on weekends, sometimes for several months in summer and extremely rarely in winter. Therefore, it is important to think about how to heat the dacha for a short period. If it's damp and cool outside, everything is covered with winter snow, then I would like to relax in a dry and warm room. What is the best way to start heating a summer cottage?

It is better to start heating a summer house with your own hands officially, if necessary - collect documents, legalize. Next, you should decide which system to mount, what materials are needed, how the projected system will be used.

What you need to consider when choosing a heating project

Country houses were built at different times, from different materials. Some of the construction cost a tidy sum, while others met the minimum budget. When choosing economical heating, you need to take into account the material from which the walls and foundation were built, the presence of insulation materials. After all, insulated structures will be able to hold the heated air longer.

It is necessary to analyze the fire hazard of the building, because some heating systems can lead to fires. Lastly, you should find out what fluids can be purchased nearby. Is it possible to buy firewood, coal, diesel fuel nearby? If these materials have to be imported from afar, this will significantly increase the cost of heating the country house.

Experience shows that there is usually an electricity connection even in remote suburban areas. Therefore, you can always heat the house with electricity.

Heating system options

All options for heating systems can be systematized. Depending on the heat carrier, heating is of the following types:

  • electric;
  • air;
  • hot water;
  • ferry.

Based on the source of energy, heating systems can be subdivided as follows:

  • electricity is used as a heat carrier;
  • gas;
  • use liquid fuels, such as diesel fuel;
  • solid fuels such as coal or wood.

Every heating system has disadvantages. If we analyze these options in terms of the cost of heat carriers, it can be noted that the most expensive fuel is diesel fuel, the cheapest is gas.

But gas pipelines at dachas are not always available.

When deciding how to cheaply heat a summer cottage, it should be borne in mind that the cost of heating must include the costs of delivery and storage of heat carriers. Firewood needs to be brought, chopped, folded under a shed.

Defining a piping layout

The heating system is a point from which one should build on for the further selection of a heating boiler, registers, and the calculation of their capacities.

There are two types of systems:

  • one-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

One-pipe scheme

Heating in the country according to a one-pipe scheme is the easiest and most economical to install, since it does not require the use of additional pipelines. The best result is obtained when heating small areas, up to 100 m². How to choose the optimal heating parameters?

Two-pipe scheme

The two-pipe system allows you to heat a large area of \u200b\u200bpremises in a one-story, two-story house. Heat is distributed evenly between all registers. You can use natural circulation and forced circulation, with the installation of a circulation pump. But endurance of slopes is required in any case.

It is advisable to use systems with vertical risers. For heating an attic with a steeply dipping roof, a horizontal wiring diagram cannot be used, therefore it is better to heat such houses with a two-pipe system with natural circulation, using an upper or lower wiring. The height of the chimney, if the boiler is installed in the basement, is made more than 10 m.

Criterias of choice

To summarize this section, let's try to formulate briefly the main criteria that will have to be taken into account when choosing a method for heating a summer house:

  • the cost of the coolant;
  • the cost of heating equipment (heaters, boilers, radiators, stoves);
  • installation cost;
  • the cost of maintenance and repair of the heating system.

You also need to determine how long you will be in the country. Usually, dachas do not live permanently in the winter months. Therefore, there is no need to heat the premises all year round.

Wood fired oven

Let's start with stove heating. For a country house, you can purchase a steel or cast iron stove. Cast iron structures are more valuable. They keep heat better and have a longer service life. The stove heats up quickly.

Using the stove heating of the summer cottage, you will have to provide for a smoke exhaust design and connect the stove with a chimney. Firewood or coal will have to be thrown up constantly. If there is no fire in the stove, it cools down quickly.

Sometimes the heat capacity of such a furnace can be increased by lining it with ceramics from the inside or by making some of the heating surfaces ribbed. Cast-iron stoves are heated with coal or wood. Sometimes you need to rake out the ashes, clean the chimney.

Gas heating

If the dacha is connected to the gas main, you can also heat the room with gas. Gas heaters have a high heat output and can warm up a house in 15 minutes. Due to the high heat transfer, gas equipment can be supplied with batteries, which will accumulate excess heat and consume it after the gas installation is turned off.

If stove heating does not require complex installation and maintenance, heating a summer cottage with gas requires skills.

It is better to consider in advance the various options for arrangement. Heating equipment will cost more than a stove. To install gas heating, you will need to draw up a plan and invite specialists to install it. After all, improper operation of gas equipment can provoke an explosion.

Installation of heating devices

Initially, the boiler is installed, since it is best to conduct heating from it to consumers. If possible, a separate room is selected for the boiler, where additional supply and exhaust ventilation is also installed. If the boiler runs on coal, it will eliminate the ingress of coal dust, soot into the interior. But the boiler can be installed in the country in another place, for example, in the hallway, in the kitchen. You can do the work yourself, or you can invite specialists for this purpose.


Installation of radiators is carried out under the windows after their capacity has been calculated in advance. Their installation is simple, you can easily hang them yourself. This requires a good rotary hammer, mounting hardware and a radiator. The fastening must be reliable, withstand not only the weight of the empty radiator, but also the one filled with water, additional loads.


The piping begins from the return, moving in the direction from the boiler, maintaining the angle of inclination of the pipes. The flow distribution must be higher than the return pipe. At the final stage, all heating devices are piped. The connection method depends on the choice of pipe material.

System pressure

If the system is operating under pressure, then it is necessary to follow the readings of the manometers. The normal operation of the system is indicated by the absence of a decrease in pressure in 15 minutes no more than 0.2 kgf / cm², then the test is considered successful. The installation ends with a thermal test, during which the quiet operation and uniformity of heating of the heating devices are checked, and leaks are eliminated. At the end of the heating season, check and clean the chimney.

Radiator selection

How to choose cast iron, steel or bimetallic radiators? It is important to calculate their heat transfer and select the required number of sections. The choice of radiators can be influenced by their price, technical characteristics, heat transfer. Radiators are installed under each window, this allows you to create a curtain from cold air, due to significant heat loss through the window. The width of the radiator must cover the window opening.

Other ways to heat a country house

The heating of the country house will depend on the choice of an autonomous system. The choice is influenced by several factors: the degree of availability of a particular type of fuel, the presence of full automation in management, efficiency, the ability to use another fuel, the level of costs for installing a heating system.

It is very important to keep in mind that economical heating of a country house characterizes quite well the ability of the system to be in the mode of maintaining a comfortable temperature, even if the coolant has the lowest temperature. Operating costs will be kept to a minimum.

Combined boilers

If you are installing the heating of the summer cottage with your own hands, then the combined boiler is the best choice. Its main advantage is its simplicity in the choice of fuel. In addition to coal, briquettes, firewood, electricity is used as an alternative source.

Let's say there is no way to use gas for heating, and you will only get to the dacha next weekend, there will definitely not be enough coal. And how to proceed? Use electricity! The best option is to set the temperature below a comfortable one, but sufficient to keep the interior warm. This will not only come out cheaper - one tab of fuel will be enough to make it warm again in the country.

This is how a combi boiler works.

The boilers are made of metal three centimeters thick, weighing up to 110 kg, so the foundation must be prepared. Boiler power 3-6 kW. Control, temperature control through the remote control. The boiler has a cast iron stove with a burner, there is a modification with two, which is convenient when installed in the kitchen. A combined boiler is a safe solution to the question of how to make a summer cottage heating in winter.

Electric heating

This is the second most efficient heating of a country house. No special investment is required, the only costly item is the purchase of the necessary equipment - electrical converters. The number of devices is selected individually. In addition to installing under each window, there is an option to install one, higher power, electrical converter in each room.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation is based on convection of air when passing through the device, expansion during heating, while up to 80% of the heat is removed from the surface of the electric converter, the room is additionally warmed up by infrared radiation from the thermal device.


It is recommended to install it on the ceiling, for this a series of different shades of coatings and structures has been developed, which perfectly fits it into the interior of the room. The film can be installed as a warm floor, it is not afraid of punctures, minor damages. In terms of the cost of heating a country house, electrical systems are more expensive than gas ones, but more profitable than other options. They are used both as a source of the main heating of premises and additionally.

Infrared heater

Heaters are the easiest and most practical option for heating a summer cottage. You buy a heater, install it indoors, connect it to the mains - the heating system works.

Infrared heaters are economical and compact. Infrared heating films or panels are available. The structures are mounted on the ceiling. They do not take up space in the room.

Some of these heating systems can be programmed remotely using the Internet or SMS. When planning a trip to the country, just send a message. The heating system will turn on at the right time and warm living rooms for you.

Heating a country house in winter can be a big problem, however, if you take care of this issue in advance, then all the troubles can be easily avoided. There are several basic types of “heaters” that can be installed indoors to create a comfortable living environment.

The main methods of heating country houses

Among the main methods of generating heat, the following are worth noting:

  • Gas heaters, which, in the presence of gas, are capable of quickly heating a summer house in winter... The main advantage of such devices is their compactness, so they can be easily moved from one room to another, the main thing is to lay the hoses for connection.

  • ... If you have problems with gas, then you can use the so-called Butakov's stove, that is, an ordinary wood-burning stove. This device consists of several compartments. In the lower compartment, wood is burning, and in the upper compartment, heated air accumulates before exiting the chimney. The stove can be designed with your own hands, the main thing is to have a little welding skills. This device is mounted on metal legs, an iron sheet is used as a base. The chimney is simply brought out into the window. in summer it can be dismantled, which simply saves space.
  • Electric heating devices... On the modern market there is a wide range of heating devices that run on electricity. These devices have one big plus, which is that you don't have to fiddle with connecting gas or lighting firewood. They are able to heat a room within a few minutes. Heaters can be used together with oil radiators, which will significantly speed up the heating process of the country house. If we talk about the disadvantages of their use, then we can only note the high consumption of electrical energy.

  • Natural fireplace... Under certain circumstances, a natural fireplace can be implemented in a country house, which will not only heat the entire room, but also become an excellent addition to an elegant interior. A large fireplace makes it easy to solve the heating problem. The disadvantage of using a real fireplace is the high consumption of firewood.

Now you know how to heat the summer cottage in winter. The choice of a particular type of heater depends on several factors, among which safety recommendations play an important role.

When using heating devices of any class, the safety instructions play an important role, which states the following:

  • Burning wood in a fireplace or stove should always be supervised.

  • Do not leave an electrical appliance plugged in.
  • Electricity must be supplied through an emergency shutdown device, which will help protect the network from short circuits and possible fire.

creates a significant load on the power grid, therefore all cables must be in good condition and checked constantly by a qualified electrician.

  • Non-combustible material must be placed under the stove, this is especially important if country houses from block containers are used constantly in winter.
  • A space in which there are no combustible elements must be created in front of the fireplace insert. This is due to the fact that the escaping spark can lead to a fire.

The main types and characteristics of modern heaters

By the type of their installation, all heaters are divided into floor, wall, ceiling and those that are mounted under the floor. In addition, these devices can be stationary or portable.

According to the type of heating and the principles of operation, several main groups of electric heaters are distinguished at once.

Let's analyze the main types:

  • Oil radiator is one of the popular floor heaters, which is characterized by ease of use and increased safety. This type of heater is a completely sealed metal plate or a container with mineral oil inside. All this is heated with an electric heating element. Depending on the power, such a heater is capable of heating from 10 to 30 squares. The price of this device is considered the most acceptable for consumers (the cost depends on the equipment and manufacturer).
  • Fan heater. This appliance heats the air flow that passes through the heating element of the appliance. The built-in fan simply supplies warm air into the room, quickly creating a certain temperature regime. If a bracket is available, the instrument can be wall-mounted.

  • Heat gun. This is a fairly powerful thermal fan, which is used to heat large rooms.

  • A safe, reliable, and most importantly economical heater is an electric convector, which consists of a metal case, a heating element and an opening for cold air are mounted in its lower part. The heated air simply rises up and spreads throughout the room through special outlet louvers.

  • A gas convector differs from an electric one only in the way of heating. Centralized from a gas pipeline or cylinder, gas is supplied to the combustion chamber, where the combustion process takes place.

If in the country there is the possibility of uninterrupted gas supply, then it is better to use a gas convector, which is much more economical than an electric heater.

  • A special place in this list is occupied by infrared heaters, which are used to heat all rooms inside the house. In addition, they are able to maintain the temperature in the gazebo or on the terrace. The principle of operation is not to heat the air, but the objects that are in the room. This type of modern heater allows you to feel the heat after a few minutes of operation, this is its main advantage. It is necessary to locate this type of device so that as many objects as possible fall into its coverage area.

After all of the above, we can conclude which heater is best for summer cottages in winter. Most experts unanimously claim that the infrared heater is the best in its class. Some of these devices require large amounts of electrical energy. If there is no centralized heating at the dacha, then renting a diesel generator for the dacha can be an excellent way out of this situation, which can provide the country house with the necessary electrical power.


Now you know how to quickly heat a summer cottage in winter, what type of heater to choose. It is worth remembering that the choice of a particular type of heater depends on several main factors that vary depending on the case. If for some reason you cannot correctly decide on the choice, then you can use the advice of professionals or consultants in the store, which has a wide range of relevant goods.

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

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