Do-it-yourself splicing of the beam along the length: solutions for different types of load. How is the joining of the bar performed? How many centimeters per spliced \u200b\u200btimber

Certainly raises the question of splicing parts of wood. This is the most standard problem that anyone who is going to use a beam or log encounters.

Wall length


Wall width


Wall height


Beam section

150x150 mm. 180x180 mm. 200x200 mm.

Beam length

5 m. 6 m. 7 m. 8 m. 9 m. 10 m. 11 m. 12 m.

How to dock a beam

In principle, there is nothing complicated in joining in length, but you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of work before it starts. In any case, this knowledge will be required throughout the construction and will not hinder anyone.

After all, the conversation is not only about the bearing walls of a completely wooden house from a profiled or simple beam, it is also interior partitions. So what a job. In addition, splicing will allow rational use of the material, and the price of the entire estimate will not be prohibitively high.

What is a bar in the house

Before you begin to connect the wood with each other, it is necessary to determine which material will be discussed.

The fact is that a wooden house can be erected from several types of material, namely: a log round, a frame.

And beam splicing may be required in any of the above types of material.

Here it must be said right away that the dimensions of most wood products cannot be brought to a specific standard. There are at least three to four values \u200b\u200bfor the width and height of the beam, in addition, there are a lot of varieties where the section does not imply work with load-bearing walls.

For example, a spliced \u200b\u200bbar of 50x50 mm. Most of it is used to create a crate, and for the roof truss system of a lightweight version. Of course, it is possible to make a connection simply by overlapping along the edge, along the side, but sometimes this is not possible.

For example, if we are talking about pre-prepared mounting points in the siding, you will have to continue the vertical installation of the crate in one guide.

So, in the absence of standard sizes in width and thickness, there is still a length size that is 3, and most often, 6 meters. This is the most popular and most convenient size to use.

Namely, based on the length of not only the product 50x50 mm, we can say that if the size of the house is larger than, conditionally, 6x6, then you will have to deal with wood splicing.

How to "dock"

There is nothing super complicated in wood splicing, and you can do it quite simply with your own hands. As already mentioned, there are several main reasons for docking, and one of the methods described below can be used everywhere.

Important! It should immediately be noted that the bars in the construction of the wall must be joined, given the moment of dressing. That is, the bars are joined on one side with a dressing, but the next row is already on the other side. Such an order will exclude the moment of one-to-one docking. You can also recall how a brick is laid without getting a joint in a joint to constantly observe masonry and dressing. Here, in working with wood, the exact same principle is used.

Before starting work on splicing, you need to refer to GOST 30974-2002. It is in this document that all the nuances associated with the docking are technically accurately described. And we are talking about working just with low-rise construction of timber and log houses.

The standard that is described in the proposed GOST applies to:

  • T-shaped joints.
  • Corner joints of low buildings.

In principle, when independent work on building a house, for example, it is not necessary to comply with the strictest recommendations of GOST, however, when certifying a profiled beam, for example, all requirements are strictly observed.

As for the types of joining, they depend not only on the technical equipment of the worker, but primarily on the loads that may be at the junction.

Loads are usually considered of the following types:

  • To compress wood. At the same time, it is important that the wood in the "end" is in contact with as large a plot as possible.
  • Tensile material. Here, necessarily spliced \u200b\u200btimber should be equipped with a connection according to the principle of "lock"
  • To bend. In this case, the joint will be performed at an angle.


Almost any length matching can be done on our own. There are several types, these are:

  • Half tree connection. At both parts of the timber, half the thickness is cut at a right angle. Additionally, you can strengthen the connection with screws.
  • Connection with key. The connection itself can be done in half a tree, but dowels are prefabricated, and holes of a slightly smaller diameter are drilled. The depth of insertion of the dowels into the bars should be taken at least 2 cm and not more than 1/5 of the height.
  • Connection with the root spike. A fairly time-consuming connection, which requires great accuracy and serious skills in the carpentry.

Today, when choosing material for the construction of private houses, developers are increasingly choosing wood. This choice is due to a number of positive qualities of this building material. A wooden house is primarily an environmentally friendly house. A tree house can be entered into any landscape, giving it a unique personality and a special atmosphere. To this it is worth adding affordable wood prices and the relative simplicity of building a wooden house. And if you also take into account the saving of time and money during its construction, then the choice of wood as a building material will be fully justified.

A house made of timber is environmentally friendly and harmoniously fits into any natural landscape, to this it is worth adding the availability of material and the relative simplicity of construction.

Over the centuries, our ancestors have gained vast experience in the construction of wooden houses. But today, more and more often, instead of a traditional log, a wooden beam is used. And although the technique of combining the elements of a log and a bar has much in common, but still it is somewhat different. Therefore, when building a house from a beam, you need to know how to join the beam, if such a need arises.

The need for docking

Marking and calculations of some types of joints of the corners of the beam.

Although houses being built may differ in the type of wood and the method of processing, the question of how to properly lay the beam and securely fasten it between the crowns will always be relevant. It is from these two factors that the life of the built house depends. After all, improper installation will lead to the fact that the house will gradually tilt to one side. And with a loose connection of the crowns, the walls will probably freeze in the winter.

The need for joining the ends can arise only in two cases: when cutting the corner and when the length of the wall is more than 6 m (the standard size of the length of the beam). You can also add to them the notch of the internal walls into the external walls of the house under construction, but in this case we are talking about only one end.

Since these are three completely different operations and they perform different tasks, the butt-ends in each case are performed differently, although they have similar elements.

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Types of timber fastening at corners

Two types of fastening of the bars in the corners: a log house “in the paw” and a log house “in the cloud”.

From the reliability of the corners, the stability of the whole house depends. You can join the beam at the corners in two ways - with the remainder, i.e. with protruding ends, and no residue. The main type of compound with the remainder is the “flush” docking type.

The main types of connection without residue: in the paw, with a keyway of the “round” type and T-shaped joints - a straight or keyway and a trapezoidal spike, rectangular or symmetrical.

The main advantage of the joint without residue is material saving. But then the house where the ends in the corners are connected to the remainder is more stable. In addition, it is better able to withstand wind and rain, it will be less swept by snow in winter. And all taken together contributes to a more comfortable atmosphere inside the house. Such a joint is easier to do for a layman, so if you do not have enough experience in building wooden houses, then for corner joints it is better to choose this method.

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Ways to join the corners with the remainder

Most often, to join the corners with the remainder, the type “in the cloud” (in the bowl) is used. With this method, the bars are interconnected using lock grooves. Such grooves can be made single-sided, double-sided and quadrilateral.

For the device of a one-line lock at the junction, a transverse file is made at the end. The width of such a file should exactly match the cross section of the end face. This method of angular joining is mainly used for profiled timber.

To make a two-sided lock, perpendicular cuts are made on the end on both sides by a quarter of its thickness. When assembling, the grooves cut into the groove. It is very important that the grooves match as closely as possible. A large mismatch in size will adversely affect the reliability of the connection as a whole. In addition, additional sealing of the cracks will be required.

If you need to dock the beam at the corners as reliably as possible, use a four-sided lock. With him, cuts are made not from two, but from all four sides of the end. If the grooves are made correctly, then the angle will be complicated, as a constructor. But you need to have very high qualifications to make them as accurate as possible.

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Ways to join corners without a trace

The simplest corner joint of this type is a butt joint. With this method, no cuts are needed - the bars are joined by the ends. The connection is fixed with metal plates using nails or staples. However, this method cannot guarantee sufficient tightness of the corners of the house even with perfectly even ends. Therefore, in the construction of residential buildings, it is practically not used.

Using special dowels made of hard wood to connect the ends allows you to make such connections much better. Special grooves are made at the end: in one bar longitudinal in the end itself, in the other transverse not far from the end. When connecting, these grooves must coincide so that a key can be inserted into them. Not having enough experience, it is better to stop on a perpendicular-parallel groove. Professionals make oblique grooves for greater reliability.

Fixing with a spike is the most common type of corner assembly using a beam. A groove is made at the end of one of the bars, and the end of the other is cut away, leaving a spike of the same size. When connecting, the spike enters the groove, thus fixing the connection. To make it even more reliable, not one, but several grooves and spikes are made at the ends.

The most reliable mount of this type is the “dovetail”, when the spike at the end is made not rectangular, but trapezoidal in shape. Accordingly, under this form, a groove is made in the end of the joined beam.

There is a very important point that must not be forgotten. When using a spike-to-groove mount, to compensate for future shrinkage of the log house, it is imperative to leave vertical gaps between the groove and the spike.

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Longitudinal connection of a bar

Longitudinal connection of a bar: a, c. in the tree; b, d. oblique cut. 1. Nagel. 2. The nest.

Since the standard length of the beam is 6 m, when building walls of greater length, it becomes necessary to join the beam along the length. When choosing docking methods, it is imperative to take into account what kind of force and type of deformation the docking site will be subjected to in the future. Without taking these factors into account, it is impossible to correctly join the beam.

The most common methods for this type of connection are half-tree, longitudinal tenon at the key, longitudinal root tenon, oblique lock.

If the compression force acts at the place of joining, a joint is used in the half-tree. To join the beam along the length in this way, a rectangular groove is made on each beam at half its thickness. The length of the groove should be 2 or 3 times the width of the beam.

Then the grooves overlap each other. Such a connection is very unstable, so it must be fastened with nails and additionally reinforced with nails - rods made of hard wood. The main task of the pins is to exclude the possibility of displacement of the connected ends. Holes are drilled in the bars, with a diameter corresponding to the thickness of the pins, into which they are then inserted.

If a tensile force acts on the wall, it is necessary to join the beam along the length with the help of locks. To do this, grooves are also made at right angles, but in a different way. Such a groove is 2 times the width of the beam, while from the end the groove is 1/4 of its thickness, and then deepens to 1/2. The resulting ledges ends are interlocked with each other. For greater reliability, they also need to be additionally strengthened with nails and pins or use bolts for fastening.

Longitudinal connection of a bar: a, c. direct overhead lock; b, d. oblique overhead lock.

If the wall of the house will experience a strong “bending” force, then the connection will need increased strength. Here for reliable fixation, “oblique locks” are needed. This is the most complicated longitudinal connection, but in reliability it significantly surpasses all other types.

The technique of execution is the same as with conventional lock joints, only saw cuts are made not even, but oblique. When using this connection, it is extremely important to strictly observe the proportions of the fastening elements, since the quality of the joints depends on their accuracy. If possible, the place of such a connection is additionally strengthened with 2 building brackets, stuffing them crosswise.

Despite this diversity of species, there is a general rule that must be followed. So that rainwater does not accumulate in the connecting grooves, the beam must be rounded on the outside of the wall.

Also, regardless of the chosen method of joining, it is desirable to treat the joining place with a special compound, a mixture of epoxy wall and sand or sawdust. Joined joints in this way are more airtight, moreover, the resin glues the joined surfaces together, giving them additional strength.

All these types of compounds are described in detail in GOST 30974-2002. But this is not a dogma, but merely recommendations. In the process of building a house from a bar, each developer himself must decide what type of connection is suitable for his house in each particular case.

Good luck to you! Strong walls to your home!

Bar joints in the corners and straight walls of the house require strength and tightness. The moisture content of the building material has a huge effect on the integrity of a timber house. If you build a house from a bar of natural humidity, during shrinkage and shrinkage, the log house will experience significant internal stresses, which can lead to its deformation.

Applying lumber, which was dried up to 20%, it is possible to kill several problems at once in the embryo - cracks, cracks, heavy sediment, etc. Ideally, use a profiled or glued beam from chamber drying lamellas for the log house. Shrinkage of such a log will be minimal.

The second method to avoid blowing corners is to make these corners special, complex forms of joints.

Corners must be strong. On the log house there are forces from possible movements of the soil, from its own weight and the weight of the roof, roof and snow, as well as pressure from the wind. Angles must withstand all loads, and in addition, withstand deformations from fluctuations in linear dimensions due to rain, snow and changes in the heat-humidity regime.

Corner joint with remainder

Very important advantages of this type of cutting:

  • Blowing from the street is minimal, even with strong winds and in frost;
  • High reliability. Even not fixed by nails, the bars connected in the corners of one of the types of cutting with the remainder do not move even with moderate movements of the soil of the base under the action of heaving or seismic. The lower crowns holds the weight of the upper and tight connection of the corners.

The main types of logging with the remainder

The method of cutting with a one-way locking groove

This method is equally good for a square beam, and for profiled. One side of the beam is cut to form a groove perpendicular to the axis of the beam. The thickness of the groove is equal to half the thickness of the beam, the width and length of the groove are the same. The lock is obtained when this groove contains ½ timber, perpendicular to it. Such a crown is tightly fixed in relation to the underlying crown of one direction. Additional fixation with pins gives the corner sufficient strength.

Double-sided lock slot

This type of cutting is a little more difficult - you will have to choose the grooves from the top of the beam, and from the bottom. The grooves in this case have the same width as in the single-sided groove method and a depth equal to ¼ of the thickness. Two-sided selection of grooves takes twice as much time and requires more accuracy, but gives an undeniable advantage - the rigid fixation of each pair of beams not in one but in two directions. That is, spatial rigidity is already evident. Now, with any temperature and humidity fluctuations, the shift of the bars and rims relative to each other is practically impossible.

Four-way locking groove

Very difficult cutting, grooves can be either symmetrical or asymmetric, and it is extremely difficult to select such a complex groove manually. Usually, such complex grooves with perfect geometry are made on equipment that produces home sets. Then at the construction site, these kits are assembled from numbered bars, like Lego's designers.

A difficult and expensive treatment, but no practical improvement in the tightness of the angle is observed, although in theory such an angle should become completely ideal.

The main types of cutting without residue

An angle without residue gives savings in lumber. The beam is entirely in the plane of the wall, the ends do not protrude outward. But overall savings are not observed, since these angles require additional insulation and caulking. In terms of strength, reliability and protection against blowing, these types of logging are also inferior to corners cut down with the remainder. Only a warm corner can compete; it’s a root spike.

Felling without residue allows you to make the facade of the house more rigorous geometrically, it is easier to perform exterior decoration. The issue of aesthetics is controversial, and relates more to style.

Without a cut, corners are cut both from a square beam, and from profiled.

Butt cutting without residue

The easiest and fastest way to build a business building. No additional processing is required, just stack the bars of the required lengths with a checkerboard. So that the bars in the crowns and the crowns themselves do not move relative to each other, with this method of cutting, fixtures are necessarily used - patch plates made of galvanized steel, steel brackets or wooden pins.

Labor costs in this case are minimal, carpentry experience may be completely absent. If you make a felling in this way from dried timber, you can get an acceptable result. From raw lumber, as carpenters say, the angle will go after drying if you try hard. The angle is deformed, and moisture fluctuations will contribute to linear vibrations, as a result, blown gaps will appear.

Butt-cutting on dowels

The key can be of various shapes. For a straight key, you will need to choose straight grooves along the ends and lateral surfaces of adjacent bars. To the key - the dovetail, you need to choose a rather complex groove, with broadening from the middle. The key also has a complex shape.

A straight key connection will prevent the crowns from moving in the horizontal plane, but not in the vertical. Vertically, the crowns will be held only by their own weight and the weight of the overlying structures. A swallow-shaped dowel will securely fix the angle and prevent the bars from moving in both directions. This method of cutting without residue gives a virtually windproof angle.

Half-tree felling

Also a simple cabin. At the ends of the bars, cuts are made at ½ thickness, a spike is obtained that is the same in length and width. Without a clamp, this connection will not be reliable. After drying and logging, the corner will most likely be purged and require additional insulation. The second caulk caulking after exposure and precipitation is always done.

As with butt cutting, you can modify this method by fixing the corners with dowels. In this case, the bars will not move.

You can still improve the way of cutting in half a tree, if you join the ends in a paw. The paw has a more complex shape - the cuts are made oblique, wedge-shaped, exactly in size. The result is an increase in the strength of the log house, the bars are fixed relative to each other in the crowns, and the weight of the overlying crowns prevents the lower ones from shifting. The corner looks aesthetically pleasing from the inside and outside, the facade of the house is geometric, smooth.

Connection in a warm corner (in a radical spike)

It is considered the warmest, windproof connection and at the same time guarantees the fixation of the crowns. The method is not the most difficult:

The ends are cut, leaving spikes, and the length and width of which should be exactly 1/3 of the cross-section of the beam. A simpler spike has the shape of a rectangle, and a more complex spike has a one-sided broadening. The grooves of the joining beams are selected according to the size of these spikes, but without an exact fit, since the grooves must be caulked with moss, linen or jute fiber, hemp or felt. The bars with spikes are laid on top of the bars with grooves. Attaching crowns with pins with this method of cutting is mandatory.

Fixing the bars with nails

  • Classical wood for pins is birch, without defects, knots and oblique, as well as with a parallel arrangement of fibers relative to the longitudinal axis.
  • The optimal length of the pins is equal to 0.8 of the sum of the height of the two connected crowns. Sometimes with one dagger they connect not two, but three beams. Diameters of pins from 25 to 35 mm.
  • The pins are installed in the range of up to 1.5 m, and always on both sides of each corner. The horizontal rows of the pins are staggered.

Bar joints along the length

Long straight sections of the walls may exceed the length of the lumber. The splicing of the beam along the length is done in one plane. The requirements for the joints are the same as for the corners - strength and tightness.

The easiest way to join the beam along the length is a connection on rectangular keys. The crowns will be securely fixed in the transverse direction, such a joint will not be blown. The key is cut a little less than the groove to leave gaps for the hemp. They seal the grooves under the key with moss, jute and linen fiber and other material.

A more complicated and effective way of joining the bars with a root spike. Direct splicing is technologically a bit simpler than angular, but it also requires accuracy. The gaps between the groove and the spike of a few mm should be in order to lay them with caulking.

The most difficult, costly in material and labor, and at the same time the best in form of splicing in a straight line - docking with an oblique lock. Dimensions must be accurate, fitting close to perfect. The configuration of the castle is not easy. As a result, two beams have two completely overlapped sections in connection, which gives the joint strength, and the cunning shape of the oblique lock makes it impossible to create a gap even with significant shrinkage.

The rafter system is the most complex and one of the most critical elements of the house, the comfort and time of operation of the building largely depend on the correctness of its construction. Calculation and design of the rafter system should be done only by experienced builders or engineers with special training.

Designing a wooden rafter system is much more difficult than any metal structure. Why? In nature, there are no two boards with exactly the same strength indicators, a lot of factors influence this parameter.

Metal has the same properties, which depend only on the grade of steel. The calculations will be accurate, the error is minimal. With a tree, everything is much more complicated. In order to minimize the risks of system failure, you need to give a large margin of safety. Most decisions are made directly by builders on site after assessing the condition of the lumber and taking into account the design features. Practical experience is very important.

Prices for various types of building boards

Building boards

Why do you need to splice the rafters

There are several reasons why rafters need to be spliced.

  1. Roof length exceeds standard lumber length. The standard length of the boards does not exceed six meters. If the ramp is large, then the boards will have to be extended.
  2. During construction many good planks 3-4 m long remain. To reduce the estimated cost of the building and reduce the amount of non-productive waste, for the manufacture of rafters, you can use these pieces, previously splicing them.

Important. It must be remembered that the strength of fused rafters is always lower than whole. It is necessary to try so that the splicing site is located as close as possible to the vertical stops.

Splicing methods

There are several ways of splicing, definitely there is no better or worse. Masters make decisions based on their skills and the specific location of the joint.

Table. Methods of splicing rafters.

Splicing methodTechnology Brief

It is applied on boards not less than 35 mm thick. A rather complicated method, it requires practical experience in carpentry. The strength of the connection is the weakest of all. The advantage is the saving of lumber. Practically on construction sites it is used very rarely.

The length of the rafter legs is increased with the help of the lining. The overlay can be wooden or metal. If the length of two segments of the boards is insufficient in terms of the parameters of the rafter system, then this method allows you to increase them. Butt joint has the highest bending strength, is widely used during the construction of various structures.

Overlap. Two boards are fixed with an overlap. The simplest method, in terms of strength, is in the middle position. The disadvantage is that the total length of the two boards should be greater than the design length of the rafter leg.

In this article, we will consider two of the simplest and most reliable methods of splicing: butt and overlap. There is no point in touching a slanting cut, it is almost not used because of a large number of shortcomings.

The requirements of building codes for splicing rafters

Inadequate splicing of rafters along the length can not only sharply reduce their resistance to bending loads, but also cause complete destruction of the structure. The consequences of this situation are very sad. Building rules provide for certain patterns when choosing the size of fasteners, places of installation and the length of the linings. Data taken based on many years of practical experience.

Fused rafters will be much stronger if metal studs are not used for their connection. The instruction will help to make an independent calculation of the connection. The advantage of the method is its versatility, with its help it is possible to solve problems not only with the extension of rafters, but also with the buildup of other roof elements. Specialized companies performed rough calculations and collected data in a table, but only the minimum acceptable parameters are indicated in it.

  1. Diameter and length of studs. In all cases, the diameter of the studs should be ≥ 8 mm. Thinner ones do not have sufficient strength, it is not recommended to use them. Why? In metal joints, the diameter of the studs is calculated on tensile forces. During contraction, the metal surfaces are pressed so tightly together that they are held by friction. In wooden structures, the stud works for bending. Individual boards cannot be pulled off with great effort, the washers fall into the board. In addition, during a change in the relative humidity indicators, the boards change their thickness, thereby reducing the pulling force. Bending studs must be large. The specific diameter of the stud must be determined by the formula d w \u003d 0.25 × Swhere S is the thickness of the board. For example, for a board 40 mm thick, the diameter of the stud should be 10 mm. Although this is all relatively relative, you need to keep in mind the specific loads, and they depend on many factors.

  2. Board overlap length. This parameter should always be four times the width of the boards. If the width of the rafters is 30 cm, then the overlap length cannot be less than 1.2 m. We already mentioned that the concrete decision is made by the master taking into account the condition of the lumber, the angle of the rafters, the distance between them, the weight of the roofing materials and the climatic zone of the building. All these parameters have a great influence on the stability of the rafter system.

  3. The distance between the holes for the studs. Fasteners are recommended to be fixed at a distance of at least seven diameters of the studs, the distance from the edge of the board should be at least three diameters. These are the minimum indicators, in practice it is recommended to increase them. But it all depends on the width of the board. Due to the increase in the distance from the edge, the distance between the rows of pins cannot be reduced too much.

  4. Number of tightening studs. There are quite complex formulas, but in practice they are not used. Wizards install two rows of hairpins taking into account the distance between them, the holes are staggered.

Home »Materials for construction and repair» Lumber »How to connect two beams in length: recommendations of the masters and step-by-step instructions

During the construction of buildings from various types of wooden beams, situations arise when it is necessary to use not separate parts, but a composite element, since the length of the standard fragment is not enough. In this case, it is necessary to connect the beam to each other along the length.

This operation is often carried out if the wall of the building being erected is longer than six meters. In this article, we will discuss the types of longitudinal joining of a beam during the construction of a house, as well as talk about how to carry out this procedure yourself.

Types of timber splicing in length

The regulated length of an ordinary wooden element for the erection of buildings from timber is six meters. To obtain large-sized parts, you must use one of the following connection methods:

  • longitudinal connection using dowels and spikes;
  • oblique castle;
  • longitudinal connection of the beam to each other;
  • butt joint;
  • half tree connection.

Dowel connection

Dowel connection

This type of splicing of wooden elements is considered the most reliable and strong. It is it that is most often used during the construction of buildings from various types of timber. The principle of connecting the beam in this case is very simple - in two elements you need to make exactly the same grooves. After that, the processed parts are laid next to each other so that the grooves are in contact and a key is driven into this groove.

The key is a plug-in element, a kind of wedge, which is made of hard wood. For a wooden beam, an aspen part should be used. After falling into the prepared grooves, this element reliably fastens two beams with each other. The dowels can differ in their geometric shape and be:

  • straight;
  • rectangular;
  • with notches;
  • prismatic;
  • in the shape of a "dovetail".

Connection to the oblique lock

Direct and oblique lock connection

Specialists call this method of splicing the most complex. Such a connection is extremely difficult for a person to do without proper qualifications or experience. However, the reliability of the resulting design is really worth the effort. Companies that are engaged in the construction of buildings made of timber are well aware of how to connect two timber in length using this method, but they are often silent about this in order to save time and maintain a high level of productivity.

So, first of all, it is necessary to cut out the oblique elements from the ends of the wooden part. In this case, a certain angle must be observed, the necessary bends are repeated, and the dimensions must be fully consistent. The result should be a kind of spike and groove, which ultimately form an oblique lock. After this, the two beams must be connected by applying the treated places to each other. To achieve maximum reliability and strength of the connection, special wooden pins are used.

Compound in the root spike

This type of connection is keyless and it is also better to entrust it to specialists in this field. The fact is that the operation is not so much complicated as it requires the employee to qualify and have certain skills in working with wood. To carry out this operation, you should drink a groove on one edge of the wooden element, and a spike on the second. This must be done at an angle of 45 degrees.

This type of splicing differs from all others in its shape. Most often, this method is used to equip the corners of the building. The grooves and spikes in shape strongly resemble a trapezoid, and as a result form a “dovetail”. To achieve greater strength and durability, the connection with bolts should be strengthened.

The connection of the beam in the molar spike and analogues

It's important to know! If you use this type of splicing, it is important to make sure that one beam does not mix in the horizontal plane from the second.

Wood floor splicing

This type of connection of wooden elements during the construction of buildings from timber implies cutting the angle in the timber to the middle of its cross section. In one part, you should get a drink downward, and in the second, respectively, upward.

After the preparatory procedures, the wooden elements should be laid on top of each other. The most important drawback of this type of joint is that in places of splicing, a wooden beam significantly loses in thickness, which means that its performance indicators fall.

Unlike the above methods, this one is the simplest. It does not require special training or rich experience, so it can be carried out independently. After joining the beam with this method, it should be additionally fastened with wooden pins.

Half tree connection and oblique

Splicing by attachment

This method of splicing is perfect for those who do not really care about the appearance of the structure, as well as its durability. Its principle is to attach two beams to each other and put a metal bracket at the junction. Of course, this method of splicing cannot be called superstrong, therefore, its strengthening is required. For this, fasteners are used that are hammered into an already laid row of wooden elements, as well as into contact areas.

By following this link you will learn how to fix the beam to the beam. This article describes how to attach the beam to the base of the house. Recently, the construction of houses from timber has become very popular.

Now you know how to connect the beam to each other along the length in various ways. Now let's talk about how to choose the right method of joining wooden elements.

How to choose the right connection

Compounds that do not require calculations and skills can be carried out independently, but this method of splicing does not differ in high strength and durability. Of course, it can be strengthened by special fasteners, which we wrote about above, but more durable connections still benefit in operational characteristics.

Due to the relatively low strength, such compounds cannot be used for the construction of load-bearing wall structures. Any professional builder will not use material with an incomplete structure for such purposes. Only if neither ordering nor purchasing wooden elements of the required length is a longitudinal connection allowed. However, in this case, the designs lose some of their parameters, including durability.

Correctly connected bars

For the construction of buildings from glued or any other timber, it is best to use splicing on spikes and dowels. The resulting design is practically not inferior to a solid wooden part, so it can be used for any purpose. The connection is tough and durable, and therefore can serve for quite some time.

It's important to know! In this type of splicing, a fastener plays a huge role - a key. Therefore, when choosing it, you should not chase cheapness, but buy a really high-quality product.

Due to the high degree of rigidity of the connection, as well as its reliability, many experts recommend splicing into an oblique lock. The beam obtained after joining can be used for the erection of load-bearing wall structures. The only problem you will encounter is the complexity of the work.

Such a connection will require an experienced worker who knows how to equip all the necessary tools, and if you are not one, then it is better to leave this venture. A qualified specialist is able to carry out such a merger, but he will require about 1,100 rubles per work for one connection. On the other hand, these costs can pay off, because you do not have to order new wooden elements of non-standard length.

Features of joining profiled material

Contrary to popular belief, profiled material can also be joined in length. All aspects of such operations are regulated by GOST 30974-2002. The requirement given in this documentation cannot be called binding. Rather, they are used for corner or figured joints of profiled wooden elements.

It's important to know! When buying material, be sure to ask the seller for a quality certificate that confirms that the material meets the requirements of GOST.

Profiled timber joint

According to these documents, a spliced \u200b\u200bprofiled beam can be used for the construction of the following structures:

  • internal wall structures, as well as all simple partitions (the length of the beam is from 8 to 22 centimeters);
  • external load-bearing wall structures (beam length is from 10 to 2 centimeters).

The connection of the profiled beam along the length suggests the presence of chamfers in this design. They are needed to drain fluid from the joints. These elements should have dimensions of 2 by 2 centimeters or 1.5 by 1.5 centimeters. As a rule, professional builders use a dovetail to spliced \u200b\u200bwooden elements of a building under construction.

What you need to know for a longitudinal do-it-yourself docking

As we said above, the need to connect wooden parts during the construction of a building from this material appears when the design documentation provides for the construction of one or more wall structures longer than 6 meters. Binding must be done first on the one hand, and in the next row on the other, and so on until the end.

This is necessary to obtain an attractive and original appearance, because joints that are staggered look more interesting than going in a row. In addition, this arrangement makes the entire wall structure much stronger and more durable.

When choosing a method of joining wooden elements, special attention should be paid to how the beam is located in the building structure. The whole problem is the load on these elements, because in different parts of the wall it can be different, for example, a beam can be subject to stretching, compression or deflection.

Types of longitudinal joints

All additional fasteners must be made exclusively of hard wood. The moisture content of these elements should correspond to the moisture content of the timber itself and not exceed five percent. If the parts have more or less moisture than the material itself, the connection will be fragile or the part may damage the material.

Each junction should be perfectly flat. Before laying spliced \u200b\u200bbeams, it is necessary to impregnate them with antiseptic compounds and allow some time to dry.

Each joint, including angular or longitudinal, it is necessary to insulate a layer of thermal insulation material. This procedure is best performed during installation. To do this, it is enough to impose flax fiber over the joint.

It is very important to remember the moisture of the material during the work on its fusion. If the products are overdried, then after a while significant defects can form in the connection nodes, which will entail extremely unpleasant consequences. Additional reinforcement of joints must be carried out with particular responsibility.

If we are talking about profiled material, then in this case it is better to use such types of connections as a spike or oblique lock. So wall structures will not lose reliability. And if you perform all the work scrupulously, then the connecting nodes will be not only reliable and safe, but also attractive in appearance. Now you know how to connect the beam in length and can cope with this task without involving craftsmen.

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