How to reduce the temperature indoor without air conditioning. Natural heat recuperator or free Country House

With the onset of summer comes into our house unbearable heat. Survive it if there is an expensive climate technique that allows you to cool the air indoors is easy. But what to do those who are forced to live and work in the heat without air conditioning. There are several ways with which you can reduce degrees and significantly increase comfort. We list the most basic and effective of them.

Correctly prepare apartment

Beautiful sunny weather makes us happy. It allows you to open the windows and insert the fresh air into the house. The one who most of the year is forced to put up with a cold and with rare weather, dreams of it. Therefore, you can see how summer the wind freely walks through a draft and fills the entire space of residential rooms.

In hot weather, this approach is inappropriate. Together with the solar rays, heat flows, so the premises are quickly heated. To reduce degrees of temperature, without applying air conditioning, you need to learn how to correct the apartment in the summer. It is possible to cool it without air conditioning effectively if you open the windows in the early morning from 5.00 to 8.00 and let it cool. It will allow you to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the residential premises during the day without air conditioning. In the hot heat just need another evening ventilation. It must be made after 22.00. At the working period, it is better to keep windows closed.

Artificial blackout instead of air conditioner

Residents of the southern regions have to prepare for the heat more thoroughly. Very often, in such geographical areas, when the sun is in the zenith, the air is spinning to very high temperatures. Then the morning and evening ventilation does not allow quality cooling of the room. You have to use additional protection against heat.

Experts advise the owners of apartments without air conditioning, windows located on the south side, close the foil for the summer. This is the cheapest way to combat heat. For designated purposes, it is allowed to use the conventional baked foil. You can buy it in any food store. Its surface perfectly reflects the sun's rays, does not give them to penetrate the room and heat the air in it. Stick it on the windows easier simple. To do this, use the usual tape. If there is a desire to cool the room without air conditioning in this way, you need to remember that the foil does not miss the daylight, so it will become dark after salary. Yes, and the window itself from the outside will look not very worthy.

How to cool the room with a special air conditioning film

There is another solution above the designated problem capable of cooling the rooms without air conditioning. There are special curtal films on sale, which are easily attached to the plastic frame by sticking. They cost more foils, but the product described has a number of advantages. They completely compensate for material spending. The material from which the films are made are much stronger and more reliable than fragile foil. Therefore, it will be easier to produce blackout and cooling the house without air conditioning: it is not necessary to be afraid that one careless movement will damage the base. Sold describe products in rolls.

It is possible to choose the desired width (60 cm or meter). The length of one roll is three meters. If you install the film neatly, outwardly the window will look quite presentable. It effectively reflects the sun's rays, while not limiting the observation of the street from the inside. Thanks to this property, you can close all windows in the picture, ensuring maximum protection of residential premises from the Sun. Using such technology, it will be possible to cool the air temperature by three or four degrees without air conditioning.

Blinds instead of air conditioner

If there is a desire to simultaneously darken the apartment, hide her inner space from prying eyes, it is worth choosing and acquired by specialized systems. Sunscale blinds are very popular. They are a few species: rolled, horizontal, vertical. All designs are very convenient to use, they all will help effectively darken, which means cool the temperature in the room without air conditioning.

Manufacturers offer different embodiments of the described products. There are blinds from plastic, wood, woven material. Buyers are presented a very wide range of colors, so it will be easy to choose something as suitable as possible under the style of design and make dimming part of the interior.

Fabric Curtains Air Conditioning Location

They can also be used to dimming and protection from the sun. To do this, it is necessary to sew them from a dense material that does not transmit light. It is expensive, so you have to spend significantly. And this is the main minus of the described choice. The one who has a fundamental factor does not save, can afford to decorate the windows gorgeous, combining different types of design. Designers prefer to create complex draperies that are able to emphasize the style of design and contribute to a decrease in degree indoors without air conditioning.

Roman, pleated, French, Austrian, heavy London - the aesthetic component comes to first place in such a variant. In order for the room is not overwhelmed by heavy dense matter, you will have to get a veil, organza or tulle to it. This will significantly increase the estimation of dimming. This must be taken into account when choosing such a way of protection against the Sun.

Regular air humidification instead of air conditioning

Specialists, telling about how to cool the room without air conditioning, they advise constantly moisturize the air in the apartment. It is possible to do this with mechanical instruments (steam, ultrasonic installations) or a regular spray. It is easy to make it yourself, using a glass cleaner tank.

Previously, it needs to be thoroughly washed and fill in cool running water. To cool a little room, sprinkle moisture every forty minutes. If there is a desire to exclude the factor of the presence of a person in general, it is necessary to simply place the corners of the room with a pan, covered with water. Regular moisturizing will eliminate the dryness of airspace, will not allow dust to fly throughout the apartment and cool the air in the apartment without air conditioning.

Make air conditioning from fan

The usual fan does not clean and does not moisturize the air. It provides only its circulation within one closed space. And it helps to feel quite comfortable in hot weather. Everyone knows how to work, and how similar installations are arranged. But if you try to combine their principle of action and function of the humidifier, you can effectively cool the air without air conditioning.

To do this, you need to arrange plastic bottles filled with ice water in the car. Practice shows that this is a very effective way that allows you to quickly solve the problem.

Strengthen the efficiency of work and ensure air conditioning in the entire apartment helps another model. For its manufacture, you need to take a garden hose, clean the fan grille so that the gaps for the movement of the air flow remain. One end of the hose is then connected to the cold water supply, and the other descends into the sink or bathroom. It is enough to turn on the fan and a small water pressure so that the room filled the cool air. If we replace the rubber hose with a copper tube, the cost of the homemade installation will increase, but its efficiency will increase. In this way, to cool the apartment without air conditioning will be possible in a few minutes.

How to cool the room in the heat without air conditioning with ice

It is possible to strengthen the fan action if instead of an eggplant with cold water in front of it to put a container filled with ice. When heated, it will evaporate, and throw a portion of cold air into the room. The fan will split it all over the room.

You can freeze the water with ice in the cores, and then set them before the fan. The one who has tried this way says he really works very well. As an option, if the heat interfers to fall asleep, experts recommend putting ice heating in bed, pre-hang bed linen on the air, and then refuel them the bed. Unscluded without air conditioning will be much easier.

We use wet sheets - forget about air conditioning

Who has no condition of the air conditioner, can take advantage of another simple technique. To implement it, it is necessary to moisten the bedding in the water, fold them carefully in the package, put in the freezer. After a few minutes, get and cheer in the room. Immediately will become a few degrees cooler. While one sheets hang, others need to lay in the refrigerator. And then alternate.

If on the underwear to send the fan, it will turn out to cool the room faster and let cold wet air into it. The apartment will immediately be easier to breathe. The main thing, do not direct the cold air on yourself, and then quickly pick up a cold.

Other ways how to cool the house without air conditioning

There are a large number of tips that can be used to all those who wish to know how the room without air conditioning should be cooled. We list the most effective.

  1. The bake should be kept locked not only the windows, but also the entrance doors. This will allow blocking hot air mass from the outside and cool the space around for a couple of degrees.
  2. If there is no air conditioner, it is useful to locate the entrance doors in the entrances of apartment buildings.
  3. When the apartment is located on the first two floors, it is useful next to the street to displete curly green plants or trees, which, when they grow up, windows from sunlight will close their crown.
  4. It is useful to minimize the use of incandescent lamps and any heating devices (iron or kettle, for example). Prepare food is needed early in the morning, while on the street is cool. When there is no such possibility, you can dine or dinner can be cold.
  5. The temperature in the room will fall without air conditioning, if you make a wet cleaning more often and twice a day float. Carpets are better for the summer to turn and give them into a dry cleaning, and walk barefoot on the floor.
  6. Help in the world of cooling the room is capable of a bowl with cold water, delivered near the bed, and a clean cotton napkin. Before bedtime, you need to make her and wipe the face, neck, hands. You can cool the clean dry sheet in the refrigerator, and then just hide it. That is how our grandmothers have come, who lived and did not know what air conditioners are.
  7. To safely transfer the hottest period will allow a wet towel wrapped around the neck, and wet swelling.
  8. Disconnect towel rails in the bathroom. They heat the air very much. See less TV and computer. When working, any household appliances are heated. It becomes the reason for increasing the temperature for a couple of degrees.
  9. Cool the body out inside, drink more cool drinks, indulge yourself with ice cream, chilled fruit and berries. Keep always in the refrigerator ripe watermelons.
  10. If you live without air conditioning, sleep in summer on the floor. By evening, hot air accumulates under the ceiling, and at the bottom it is much cooler. Therefore, it makes sense to throw the mattress on the floor, pillows and spend the night, while the window is very ferried. If you leave the windows open, you can easily enjoy a calm bed. Night is the calm time of the day. Even a small temperature difference will allow residential space to give street heat outdoor.
  11. Walk around the house in spacious clothes, stitched from natural fabrics. She absorbs the surplus of moisture well, allows the skin to breathe, and blow the body from the fan.
  12. Learn from animals that live without air conditioners. In a strong heat they prefer to sleep more, move little, walking dimly, slowly. If there is such an opportunity, it is necessary exactly that way and act: to spend most of the day in a horizontal position.
  13. Go to the night schedule: night awake, and in the daytime rest.
  14. Support yourself in good physical form, choose for food products that are quickly prepared and well absorbed by the body. Exclude from the diet hot dishes and drinks that can warm up the body from the inside (pepper, alcoholic beverages, fat, garlic and ginger).

A large role in maintaining health in a hot summer time is played by the ability to adapt. After all, somehow our ancestors lived without air conditioners and cooled residential premises with appropriate ways. Today, millions of people live in the belt of the equator, not everyone has a climate technique (air conditioners) in the house, but they somehow survive and lead an active lifestyle. They helps the ability to adapt to the circumstances. No one falls into depression about the heat, not a panic, when the window is more +45 degrees outside the window. The human body is able to survive even in more extreme conditions. The main thing is to be able to adapt to them, using conventional undergraduate methods. The most effective are listed in this article. And there is no air conditioner.

From the heat

Especially hard in the heat accounts for residents of apartments, whose windows come to the south and southwest. So that the premises are less heated in the sun, hold the blinds omitted, and the curtains are tightly dotted. Especially effectively thermal rays reflect the curtains of light flax and cotton. It is also recommended to glue a special reflective film on the glass. It can be replaced by food foil or mirror paper, which is used in children's work. It is necessary to ventilate the premises in the morning and in the evening, and the window is better to keep the windows closed to protect the apartment from hot air.

Try to cook less on the stove and in the oven. In the process of cooking, a lot of heat stands out, from which in the heat can not get rid of, simply by checking the room. In addition, at elevated air temperatures, it is better to use cold and light foods: salads, fruits, vegetables and traditional Russian okroshka. If you still have to cook, be sure to use the hood. She will help you get rid of not only from smells of food, but also from a large number of hot air.

Also, a lot of heat stands out when working with an iron, vacuum cleaner and other household appliances. Their use is desirable to avoid as far as possible.

How to cool the room in the heat

Primitive air conditioner can be made of plastic bottles and an ordinary room fan. Fill the bottles with water and place them for a couple of hours in the freezer so that the water turn into ice. Put the bottles in front of the fan and direct the air flow on them. Despite its simplicity, such a device may lower the temperature in a room for a couple of degrees. As the molding ice bottles must be changed.

Purchase and install a ceiling fan with several modes of operation. At minimal speed, this device is practically no noise and does not create a strong wind. Under it can not be cold, such a fan does not interfere with the viewing of the telecast or work at the computer. However, with him in the room it becomes much easier to breathe.

In the heat, it is recommended to conduct a wet cleaning of the apartment more often. Evaporation of water always contributes to air cooling. You can also place water tanks on the doors and radiators of wet towels on the doors and radiators and splash in the air from the sprayer. However, many of this way of cooling the apartment is not suitable, because the wet heat is heavier dry.

Summer heat and elevated temperatures are able to reduce our productivity, affect the mood and adversely affect health, especially the elderly. There are ways to cool an apartment in the heat, without applying an air conditioner. They will help without large financial costs to solve the problem with heat or at least reduce its negative impact, improve comfort, and consequently and improve the mood.

In fairness it is worth noting, the air conditioner really reduces the air temperature due to a special physical process and expensive equipment listed below the ways only briefly, to one degree or another, will help to struggle with unbearable heat.


It is worth remembering that opening all the windows in the apartment, in the heat, especially at temperatures above +35 ºС is not the most correct option. First, even in the absence of an air conditioner, there are usually more comfortable conditions in the premises. It is logical to assume that opening the windows, you simply "let the summer heat, and you will suffer from the heat even more. Some resort to tricks and try to tightly close the windows from the sunny side, and open them in the shade. It is impossible to call such a way efficient, because with active air exchange, it does not matter at all, it is a window in the shade, or not - the temperature will be the same.

The best option will be the minimum ventilation that will save you from the stuffiness, but will not allow coolness to leave the apartment through the windows. To air fully ventilate the apartment is better at night, in cloudy or cool weather. It is optimal to do this from 10 pm, and stopping the ventilation stands with the first manifestations of heat (usually 8-9 in the morning).

If heat is tormented, and you are looking for ways to cool an apartment and make it effectively, pay attention to your windows. 90% of heat in the apartment penetrates precisely because of the direct effects of sun rays. First of all, strain all windows, close the blinds. Dense curtains are a guarantee of protection against ultraviolet and increasing the temperature in the room to one that becomes unbearable. Of course, such an atmosphere will not like everything, but it is worth making a solution - a sun room or coolness and comfort.

A reproductive film remains popular now in a popular way. A little more perfect option - a sticker of light filters that do not miss ultraviolet radiation into the room. By the way, if you thought about the question of how to cool the apartment at the stage of repair or construction, and there is no possibility to install air conditioning - install special energy-efficient windows with a polarization coating. They guarantee warm and comfort in winter, and in the summer - coolness and freedom from the summer heat.


Reduce the effect of heat in the apartment can wet air. Duchot, dry air combined with elevated temperature can very much to spoil life even a fan of hot climate. The established household air humidifier, of course, will not replace the air conditioner, but it will allow you to make an apartment enjoyable for pastime. In general, this device is quite universally, because it solves the problem in winter with humidity in the room, and in the summer - with a temperature. Especially relevant humidifier, if you have small children.

Even if you are very scrupulously and carefully spend wet cleaning, in the summer, especially in the heat, dust particles are easily rising from the floor, move from the shelves and hard to reach places. It is for this reason that many allergic and asthmatics have an exacerbation during this period. Wet air is able to reduce the effect of dust.

Modern developments make it possible to apply such a device in a house like a washing of air. This device immediately performs several functions:

  1. Moisturizing - the ultrasonic membrane is intensively able to moisturize a fairly large internal volume. It is worth only to remember that the device works efficiently only in the room where moisturizing is necessary.
  2. Cleaning air from dust, argument of fungi, viruses - in summer heat the dust rises from the floor and moves to the average layers of the size of the room, is in suspended state. Air washing allows you to skip a large amount of air through a mechanical and aqueous filter for the purpose of cleansing pollutants.

Even if you have such a device, you need to wash the floors more often, carry out wet cleaning of surfaces, wipe furniture and shelves.

Additional sources of heat

Despite the frying season, we can not always refuse to use devices that highlight heat. This means that in addition to the natural elevated temperature, an additional heating occurs inside the room.

Disconnect the towel rails if they are connected to hot water or electrical if there are no thermostators. Such a thermal device, firstly, is not needed, and secondly, it is capable of separating a sufficiently large amount of heat equal to 100-400 W. In winter, this is enough to heat a small bathroom, why is it warm in summer?

It is worth remembering that each electrical device, to one degree or another, produces heat release. If you have conventional incandescent lamps, sum up their quantity and calculate power. More than 5 lamps can produce thermal energy comparable to a small radiator. Not only does this lead to an increase in electricity consumption, but also causes additional discomfort in the summer.

Hot air is very quickly spreading indoors. If you have prolonged cooking - tightly close the doors and open the windows. It will be better to reduce the use of the slab, an electric kettle, and cook and warm up the food in the microwave.


Contrary to obvious misconceptions, the fan is not able to cool the air, on the contrary - it heats it. Why then use it then? Only for the sake of sensation of coolness, creating forced ventilation indoors. Our sweat glands actively distinguish the liquid on the surface of the skin, and it evaporates. In this case, an exothermic process occurs, which cools us.

The fan is not able to cool, but if you install it in close proximity to the workplace - you can breathe with relief. You can effectively use the fan by only installing it in the direction of the window or the input door. It must produce the hot mass of air from the room outside, if the room is located on the sunny side and is strongly overheated.

Excessive humidity is also bad. Many people in ignorance hang up a large amount of linen inside the apartment, wet curtains. It turns out a not very pleasant and comfortable climate, very similar to the tropics. Humidity plays a decisive role in the summer. First, the curtains that are hanging right on the sun's rays dry instantly, secondly, can be spoiled because of this, thirdly, one curtain can contain up to 5 liters. Water, which will almost instantly evaporate and saturate internal volume. It will be hard to breathe, you can sharply be covered with an abundant later, which will slower dry from behind the saturation of air moisture. Not a very joyful perspective, especially in the heat.

Acquisition of air conditioner

Buying an air conditioner let the cost, but profitable, in terms of comfort, the task. Depending on the place where you live, the heat can be transferred easily or require considerable effort. For example, located in close proximity to the road, the apartment on the sunny side will be very susceptible to the effect of temperature.

Cooling air conditioning

On average, in the summer, unbearable heat can continue for no more than a month. In this short period, you can do and the above councils. If you want the maximum comfort level - you will have to fork and buy air conditioning.

In the summer time period, the thermometer column can rise above the mark +30. An ordinary person is not just transferring such a temperature, and small children and older people have to be even worse. Therefore, the question of how in the summer in the heat to cool the room without air conditioning is very relevant. Our recommendations will help you:


The most efficient way to cool the rooms is ventilating. As a rule, in summer the lowest temperature is from four to seven in the morning. It is at this time that it is necessary to fill the room with fresh, cool air. And if there is no desire to get up so early, you can ventilate in the evening, after ten o'clock. In the daytime, the meaning of the ventilation disappears, as it will be only hotter in the dwelling.


The next option for reducing the temperature in the house is the use of water. Using it, you can reduce the thermometer readings from two to five degrees. And you can do it through a simple spray. For humidification, you can buy a moisturizer, but it represents a more expensive way to cool. The elementary option is to fill the jar with a spray gun with ordinary water and spray it everywhere once a hour. Also effective will be wet cleaning.


Not everyone knows this method of getting rid of heat, but it perfectly copes with a high temperature in the dwelling. You can buy a reflective foil in a shopping store. Ideally, so that it was in format more than five meters. The foil is placed on the windows and walls, it is preferable to glue it into the rooms where there is the greatest solar activity (southern and south-west). This material is able to reflect heat, as a result of which coolness is formed in the room. This effect occurs due to the fact that the solar rays do not fall on furniture, carpets and other interior items, from which air is heated.


If there is no desire to shit the windows of the foil, you can replace the curtains on aluminum blinds. In the daytime should be kept closed so that the sunlight is delayed on the lamella. Due to which the room will be cooled.

We remove everything too much

Blankets and woolen textiles are better hidden into the closet, from the carpet, it is also better to get rid of, at least for the summer period. After all, he is the main heat transfer. Also, the carpet prevents the floor to the floor.

Minimum thermal devices

So, cool the room or room without air conditioning and the fan is quite real. And it is not necessary to run at the new technique. The listed methods are very simple and effective.

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In the summer, the temperature in homes and apartments can reach 30 or more degrees Celsius. If there is air conditioning in the room, it will reduce the air temperature in a few minutes to a given mark. However, this technique is far from everyone.

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Therefore, today we will consider the question of how to cool the room without air conditioning in various ways.


In time, carry out the house




The lowest temperature in the summer is observed in the period from 4 to 7 am. At this time, the maximum "saturate" the room is fresh and cold air. But if you do not want to get up in such a year, open the windows in the evening, about 22: 00-22: 30.


Air ventilation - This is one of the most effective ways to reduce the temperature in the room. But it remains effective until the above action schedule is followed. Opening windows at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, you only exacerbate the situation, saturating room more hot air.


Regular humidification




How can I cool the room? Of course, the easiest way is the skillful use of water. In order to reduce the temperature in a room for 2-5 degrees, air should be regularly. This is done with the help of an ordinary spray. In stores you can purchase special humidifiers, but this is much more expensive.

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It is known that the heat is more noticeable if low humidity is observed in the rooms. Also bad, if the humidity is high. To ensure in the rooms the necessary air humidity can be sprinkled, for example, wet clothing or from time to time to splash the curtains with water.


In addition, the rooms can be placed with water vessels, In which, at the request, add aromatic oils of lavender, mint or citrus.


The easiest method is to fill the empty container from any means for washing winds with running water. It should be sprayed every hour around the room.. This water can be sprayed on yourself. As the fluid evaporates, your skin will feel a noticeable coolness.





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How to cool the room in the heat with foil? Oddly enough, but this material can perfectly cope with a high temperature indoor. Reflective foil can be purchased at any economic store. It is better that she is in a roll of 5 or more meters.

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This foil should be pasted on the inner or outer surface of the windows and on the walls. For a better effect, the entire area of \u200b\u200bglass and wallpaper is glued. Pay special attention to the rooms whose windows overlook the southern and south-west side. It is there that the highest intensity of the sun is observed. Therefore, such premises should be holded with foil. In this case, the material will reflect heat, and in the room for a long time there will be coolness. This cooling method is very effective, since the sunlight does not penetrate the carpets, furniture and other elements of the interior, which subsequently heating air.


Studies have shown that any room is heated not directly from hot air, and from the items that the sunlight falls. The latter, in turn, creates heat transfer with air, because of what a suffocation arises in the apartment. True, the beauty of the interior was not added to the interior, so this method is not so many fans.

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In order for the sun's rays to penetrate the room and did not heat it enough tight pick up curtains. This method is suitable for apartments whose windows are located south. If the windows are "looking" to the north, then close the curtains are not necessary.



Dark windows


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This method is popular among the owners of southern apartments. His essence is that on the glass protective protective film passes greenish or bluish color, which prevents the penetration of sunlight into the room. "Minus" of this method is that natural colors are lost outside the window






If you do not have a desire to buy foil and shook the windows with it, you can just install blinds instead of curtains. How can I cool the room in this way? The principle of the operation of the blinds is very simple. In the afternoon, keep them in a closed state, thanks to which the sunlight is 90% linger on thin metal plates of the device. Thanks to the blinds, you not only cool the room, but see the interior design of your home. But, like curtains, they need regular care - at least a couple of times a year they need to be wiped with a means to remove dust and dirt.

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Hide extra things




During the heat go on a naked cool floor - One pleasure, but a woolen pile under his feet is not the most pleasant sensation. In addition, dust and petty dirt in the summer are settled on the carpet in a larger volume than at any other time of the year.

The perfect solution is right now to free the floor from the carpet or PalaceBy sending it to cleaning. It is he who is the main heat transferman who prevents the penetration of a cold from the floor to the rest of the room. You can also remove wall carpets. By the way, if the room is too wet, mold or fungus can be formed under them. Therefore, before re-hanging the carpet on the wall, treat the surface with a special anti-grab.

Cute heart baubles - Frames for photos, figurines and souvenirs from travel - In the heat also turn into peculiar dust collectors. Remove them for a while from all horizontal surfaces into special box-organizers. So you reduce the percentage of deprecation dust, and therefore breathe it becomes easier.


How to cool the room in the heat with ice?


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The use of ice, similar to sprinkling water, reduces the room temperature for several degrees Celsius. It is enough for this to freeze several ice cubes in the refrigerator, and then throw them into a plate. Gradually, they will melt and cool the air temperature.

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Schedule use of the kitchen




In hot summer days try to minimize the use of the gas stove and oven. This significantly increases the air temperature, after which it is simply impossible to be in the kitchen. Gradually, all hot air extends all over the perimeter of the house, which is extremely undesirable for those who prefer coolness.

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About wet cleaning


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In the hot season wet cleaning in the rooms it is desirable to spend as often as possible. You need to clean the floors regularly, wipe windows, shelves and doors. All this will allow slightly increase the humidity in the room, and also get rid of dust, which in turn will make it easier to breathe. Thanks to the evaporation of water, the air temperature will gradually decrease, besides, the room will be sufficiently saturated with moisture, which is very lacking in summer days.



Electronic devices

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It is not recommended to use electric devices during the day, which significantly heat the apartment. These are vacuum cleaners, irons, personal computers, printers and TVs. Pay special attention to the last element. If you do not watch TV, turn it off, since, in addition to the temperature growth, the electricity bills will grow. If you have an electric heated towel rail, cover it with foil or use only in extreme cases. Such technique always heats the air in any room.



Wet sheet


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There is another interesting advice on how to cool the room in the heat without air conditioning. It consists in using several bowls (basins) with water and sheets. How to cool the room in the heat using data items? Everything is very simple. Tazik should be placed near the door, and the sheet to hang on the door So that her ends come into contact with water. The fabric gradually absorbs water, thereby cooling the entire room. It is important that the area of \u200b\u200bthe underlying sheets was as large as possible. Remember than it is wider and longer, the faster there is evaporation and heat exchange.

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Make air conditioning from fan


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How to cool the room with a fan? Make it quite real. To do this we need one fan and several liters of flowing water. Naturally, the entire liquid should be filled into a certain container (a capacity of plastic bottles and bowls). Fill the container with water and place it in the freezer for several hours. After the fluid has turned into ice, take the container back, then put it opposite the fan. Remember that air flow from the blades should go exactly on this container. How to quickly cool the room with these simple items? As practice shows, the first result is already expected after 10-15 minutes of fan operation. But that the air is not heated again, as the ice melts should be changed to more cooled containers.



Do not use the fan when you are not indoors. If you think that this device on the principle of the air conditioner reduces air temperature in a few minutes, you are deeply mistaken. The fan only moves the air on one side to another, while its electromotor is significantly heated. The feeling of the coolness you will receive only if the air flow is sent to you, and best of all - from cooled containers, as described earlier.

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Alternative way


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There is another room cooling method with a fan. But here we will use an unusual device. Called it ceiling fan. We often see such devices in Venezuelan and Mexican films. However, this does not mean that in Russia it is impossible to purchase it. It is about 3-4 thousand rubles. Such a device is absolutely silent, does not create drafts when working and does not heat the room at all with its motor. Using such a device, it is very difficult to catch a cold. The work of the ceiling fan does not prevent the TV viewing, or work for the PC. At the same time, you will quickly feel that the room has become easier to breathe. As you can cool the room



So, we found out how to cool the room in the heat without the use of expensive air conditioners.


As you can see, it is not necessary to apply expensive techniques for this - all of the above methods are very simple and effective.

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In order for the above methods, the following recommendations must be remembered:

  • preventing dehydration of the body (monitor the drinking regime, regularly by using water, you can add mint sheet into it);
  • take a cool bath or shower several times a day;
  • you can keep your legs in a basin of cold water;
  • go to bed on the floor, because the lower the air, the more cool;
  • use bed linen from satin or biazi;
  • wear bright clothes.

Unfortunately, there is no ideal weather. Therefore, you need to be able to adapt to any temperature, both low and high to secure comfort, regardless of the time of year.



And a few more advice!

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In the heat, try to drink as much liquid as possible.

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Oddly enough, but it is hot tea that best helps the body to transfer the heatSince the body temperature increases slightly, plus there is a flux effect.

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Ice water creates a deceptive effect - In fact, it is even more awakening in a thirst person.

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Drink room temperature fluid and manifold cold dishes. Among the latter, you can mark the okroshka, milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as salads. In addition, your body will be saturated with a sufficient amount of vitamins, which will effectively deal with viruses and infections in winter.
