In which direction to sleep with your head in terms of traditional ideas and science. Where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition that studies the organization home space and how to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui in order to relax and harmonize during sleep. Where to sleep with your head in Feng Shui depends on the placement of your bed. As a rule, this is influenced by one of the personal favorable directions.

Directions for sleep

It is believed that it is best to sleep with your head in the north direction, because then the person is lying along magnetic lines Earth, which ensures peace, stability, good health, etc.

The East is also considered a good direction for sleeping, especially for those who lack ambition and strong ambitions, who want to accelerate the course of events. The energy of the East energizes, promotes new beginnings.

If you sleep with your head to the west, it means that in the near future you will meet a congenial person in your life. In this direction, creative energy and sensuality are enhanced.

The southern direction for sleep is suitable for those who want to become famous, advance in their careers, gain fame. However, those who suffer from insomnia do not want to sleep in this direction.

If you lie down to sleep with your head to the Northeast, the quality of your sleep will improve, and people with too active energy, invincible in their convictions, overcoming all obstacles in their path, will relax.

Owls and dormice who like to sleep for a long time can choose the Northwest direction for sleeping. It is also good for the elderly. It is advisable for young people who want to become more responsible and acquire leadership qualities to sleep with their heads facing the Northwest.

People suffering from clamps and complexes, who want to develop their abilities and start something new in their lives, can choose the Southeast.

The southwest allows you to feel the fullness of life and harmonize, improve relationships with loved ones.

Bed position

In Feng Shui, the location of the bed in the bedroom is also important, since the orientation of the head of the bed relative to the cardinal points affects a person in different ways:

  • South - reputation and glory;
  • North - the development of intuition;
  • East - calm, good sleep;
  • West - fertility;
  • Northwest - loyalty, devotion, friendship;
  • Northeast - assistance in scientific research;
  • Southwest - help in love relationships;
  • Southeast - purposefulness.

Feng Shui sleep rules

In the ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui, there are three main rules regarding the choice of direction for sleeping:

  • It is not recommended to sleep with your head or feet relative to the entrance to the bedroom.
  • You can not put the bed directly under the beam on the ceiling.
  • It is forbidden to place the bed next to the wall in which the doorway is installed.

In Feng Shui, the shape of the bed is also important, so pay attention Special attention on the back of the headboard. If for you now in the first place in life is the desire to achieve success in your career, a square back will be a great option.

Metal headboard semicircular or oval shape fit officials and businessmen. creative, creative individuals It is recommended to sleep on a bed with a wavy edge of the back.

The Chinese Feng Shui tradition divides people into groups, which are calculated using the Gua number. To do this, you need to add the last 2 digits of your year of birth, if you get a two-digit number, add its numbers again so that you end up with a number from 1 to 9. Men subtract the result from 10, and women add 5 to it.

For example, year of birth 1987. 8+7=15, 1+5=6,

For a man 10 - 6 = 4

For a woman 6 + 5 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2

Gua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 are people of the Western category.

Gua numbers 1, 3, 4, 9 - people of the eastern category.

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Greetings dear friends!
A person spends 1/3 of his life on sleep, about 15-30 years, so it is very important to equip a bedroom for have a great holiday. If you don't sleep well, you might want to consider rearranging your furniture, and especially important question, the location of the bed according to Feng Shui. In the room where you rest, a calming energy should flow calmly.

From the article you will learn:

There are two the right way how to put a bed in the bedroom on the cardinal points according to feng shui.

Method 1. The location of the bed in the bedroom according to the Feng Shui side of the world

It is most universal to put a bed in the north and, of course, in the east.

For spiritual development, put the head of the bed to the north, your intuition will grow, you can add purple bedding to this for reinforcement. And also the north will contribute to financial success and excellent health.

Beautiful, healthy sleep will be waiting for you on the east side. It suits everyone, especially people of the age are highly recommended to rest there. East will add energy, positive and success.

In which direction should you sleep with your head according to feng shui

It will be good for students (pupils, students) to sleep in the northeast. But for those who have work related to brain activity, it is better to abandon such a dream.

Where should you sleep with your head according to Feng Shui for those who have problems with fulfilling their dreams or achieving goals? Southeast help. Add a canopy to the bed, create a kind of royal bed for yourself, this will also contribute to your financial prosperity.

The south is responsible for communication with people. With someone bad relationship? Few acquaintances? You need to sleep with your feet facing north.

The West will help improve health and inspire creative people.

In which direction to sleep with your head according to feng shui for love and marriage?

Southwest will help in personal life, strengthen relationships and help in career. Pink bedding will help you find your soul mate. The mattress must be intact. Hang a picture above the bed happy couple to activate harmonious relationships.

A red bed will help move things off the dead end, but you should not constantly sleep on it, otherwise you will stop resting normally in a dream.

How should the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui stand if you suffer from depression and loneliness? The Northwest will give notes of positive, cheerfulness and inspiration for new achievements.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet to the window according to Feng Shui?

No. Do not put the head of the bed to the window, and do not sleep with your feet to it, this is very harmful to your energy.

Method 2. Where to sleep with your head correctly according to Feng Shui - check the Gua number

If the information above is not important to you, move the bed, starting from your Gua number.

Consider where the feng shui bed should be, given your Gua number:

Feng Shui headboard (cardinal direction)

  • north - one, three, four, nine
  • northeast - two, six, seven, eight
  • northwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • south - one, three, four, nine
  • southeast - one, three, four, nine
  • southwest - two, six, seven, eight
  • east - one, three, four, nine
  • west - six, seven, eight

How to arrange the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: tips

  1. Forget about mirrored surfaces above your head and wardrobes with mirrored doors opposite the bed. If the wardrobe mirror still reflects you, hang it up at night.
  2. Do not hold the bed against the door, do not sleep with your feet towards it. Bad sign“They will carry you out of the house feet first.”
  3. The bed should not be perpendicular to the door. If there is no way out, be sure to close the door during sleep. Or fence off the entrance with something, curtains, a canopy, a screen. Some recommend putting large tree, but it is better not to keep plants in the bedroom at all. At night they exude carbon dioxide which is harmful to health.
  4. Do not pinch the bed between two wardrobes, it is better to fence off the bedside tables.
  5. Sharp corners should not "look" at the sleeping
  6. Do not hang chandeliers above the bed. If you need light by the bed, put nightlights on the bedside table or fix them near the bed. Fix a dream catcher above the bed, although it is not connected in any way with feng shui, it will only let you have the right dreams.
  7. How to properly install a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui: single and double.
  • If the bed is single - place it in the corner.
  • The approach to the double bed is needed from two sides. And put a nightstand on each side.
  • Bunk beds are not recommended in feng shui because they will put pressure on children. small space above them is the upper tier and the ceiling.
  1. Where to put the bed in feng shui if you have private house or duplex apartment? The bedroom, and most importantly, the bed, should not be located UNDER the bathroom and ABOVE the kitchen.
  2. Be sure to need a high back by the bed - this is a symbol of protection.
  • If you are a working "bee" you should have a square back
  • If your status is higher than this, buy a bed with a round back.
  • For spouses, the “Dragon and Phoenix” back is suitable - a wavy back, where one wave is higher than the other.
  • For creative people, a wave back is suitable.
  • The back in the form of a shell contributes to the birth of children.
  • Also for people who sleep together, a backrest with a hollow in the middle is suitable. So the energy flows into the middle and is distributed between the couple.

Get rid of suitcases, trash and debris under the bed, just free space.

Free up space, there should be little furniture in the bedroom, get rid of unnecessary things.

Avoid black and navy blue bedding.

Avoid water, inflatable and round beds, they carry negative energy in itself.

Get as much electricity out of the room as possible. Minimum outlets and appliances. Also a ticking clock.

No water element in the bedroom. Water washes away rest and tranquility during sleep.

The bedroom is better to do in light colors but give up purely white color and striped wallpaper. Green will bring peace to your life, while orange will add positivity.

The bed is the biggest item in the bedroom, if yours is wrong, fix it right away.

The fan will help you in your sexual life, the main thing is not to hang it over the bed.

If it is possible to make a pedestal for the bed, it will be great. Elevation will add protection, as will a recess.

In the summer months, the headboard is placed to the north. Born in the spring, the west awaits you. It is better for autumn people to sleep with their heads to the east, and for winter people - to the south.

Favorable flows of qi energy should be used for the benefit of man. According to the principle of yin-yang, it is best that the bedroom is as far as possible from the entrance to the dwelling. After all, external interference does not contribute to a good rest. The door of the room should not be located opposite the entrance to the boudoir. Difficulty falling asleep to loud noises sewer pipes and the noise of water from the toilet or bathroom.

How to successfully organize space

When designing a room, it is better to choose calm pastel shades all decorative elements. Do not paint the walls of the bedroom in bright colors and use sharp contrasts. Choosing saturated dark blue shades can negatively affect your well-being.

The rest room is not advised to overload big amount extra items. Perfect option organizing the bedroom space is to install only a bed and a few bedside tables in the room. Furniture is best purchased from environmentally friendly materials.

It is important that metal products through strong electromagnetic radiation can adversely affect the sleeper. TV is a very active yang element. Therefore, you should not move such equipment into the room. The use of red colors in interior design will help to activate the intimate zone.

by the most the best forms The bedroom spaces are circle, rectangle and square. All rooms with sharp corners it is worth adjusting by installing partitions, mirrors and plants. This will allow the chi energy to flow more or less unhindered. The ceiling in the bedroom should not be sloped. Mirrors should not be placed in front of the bed. Otherwise, it can create problems in relationships with loved ones and cause irritability and anxiety.

How to put a bed according to feng shui

Do not place the bed under ceiling beams. It is recommended to install the bed with the headboard against the wall. This will provide you with additional protection while relaxing. The sleeper's legs should not be directed to the side. front door. It is also undesirable to lie with your head to the window.

The bed must be strong and have high back. This will make you feel calmer. Sleeping on the floor or on the top shelf of bunk furniture is unfavorable. Make room under your bed. Excess items disrupt the smooth movement of qi energy. Do not place overhanging structures and chandeliers above the bed. Above the headboard should not be paintings, sockets, shelves, sconces and other household items.

Actually better direction, where you need to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, does not exist. You need to choose how to lie down correctly based on how your bed is set in the bedroom. After all, if you placed it incorrectly, the rest will be of poor quality, regardless of how and where you lie down. In addition, it is worth considering the energy of each of the directions.


Heading to the North is for those people who are tired of constant problems and want peace, stability and silence. This direction is also good for spouses who often swear among themselves. Since it is noticed that people who sleep with their heads to the North are more optimistic, balanced, cheerful, harmonious in relationships, healthy and focused on success. They always sleep better than anyone else.


If you are thinking where you need to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui in order to get rid of indecision, learn to make informed decisions quickly and without errors and complete the tasks, then the answer is: to the Northeast. But note that this direction is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia. It will only exacerbate the existing problem.


A person who sleeps with his head to the East is more spiritual than everyone else. He quickly gains life-giving energy and restores strength, becomes able to quickly resolve even the most challenging tasks. But the same direction greatly increases the level of personal ambition, so people suffering from increased selfishness should better avoid such an arrangement.


People who are too modest and have all sorts of complexes, it is better to lie down with their heads in the Southeast. In this case, they will be able to get rid of their inner stiffness, become more self-confident, improve their own life and, of course, fill it with positive energy.


If you want to succeed in your career and financial independence, according to Feng Shui, it is better for you to lie down with your head to the South. Of course, you won’t be able to get fabulous money thanks to this, but you will be able to correct your situation. Especially if you combine sleep in right direction and conscientious work in reality. However, remember that you can only sleep with your head to the South if you are lonely and ambitious. For spouses and those who are too suspicious and vulnerable, this direction is not suitable.


If you are looking for an answer to the question of where it is better to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui in order to gain business acumen and life wisdom, then it is this: to the Southwest. Sleeping in this direction will allow you to become more practical and down to earth people. It will help you avoid making those mistakes that you later have to regret. And, in addition, it will help strengthen relationships at home and at work.


You can sleep with your head to the West for couples and couples in love, as well as for those who want to bring a creative spark, romance and sensuality into their lives. For those who are not alone, but are eager to bring change for the better. If the spouses begin to sleep in the direction of the West, they themselves will not notice how their relationship will become more harmonious and passionate, and a powerful attraction to each other will suddenly flare up between them. But, mind you, it’s better for lonely people not to lie down with their heads to the West. Because in this position, sexual energy will begin to accumulate, with which they will not be able to cope.


Sleep in the northwest direction will be useful for those people who want to quickly climb the career ladder, but do not have leadership qualities. They will be able to feel more confident and liberated, achieve stability, get out of the “comfort zone” faster. It will also be beneficial for an elderly person to sleep with their head to the Northwest, their sleep will become longer and deeper.

What not to do

According to Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to sleep with your head or feet to the front door to the bedroom or to the windows, as well as to place the bed under the ceiling beams. Otherwise, problems with relationships, recreation and health cannot be avoided. Well, well, see for yourself where to lay your head in Feng Shui.

Is it really important to know which way to sleep with your head better? Someone will say: “Of course, yes! It is necessary to be sure that with respect to the cardinal points the position is correct. Someone will shrug their shoulders in disbelief and probably twist their finger at the temple. Let's see if there is any sense in this, and if there is, then nevertheless, where you need to sleep with your head.

It is believed that the place and position of a person during sleep affects his health and spiritual comfort, family harmony.

In accordance with the theory of yogis, the earth's magnetic field is directed from the south to the north pole, and the human energy field is from the head to the feet. The recommendation of yogis is to sleep with your head to the north so that they match electromagnetic fields man and earth. According to them, if you sleep with your head to the north, sleep will be stronger and healthier, family relationships more stable, and material wealth - higher. In case when sleeping place it is impossible to place the headboard to the north, you need to lie down with your head to the east or northeast.

Ancient Indian teaching says the opposite. If you place your head in the direction of the north, northeast or northwest, a sleeping person spends all his energy during the night, wakes up broken.

Scientists believe that a person is affected not only by magnetic, but also by ring fields due to the rotation of our planet. These fields affect a person differently depending on the sleeping position:

  • sleep with head to the east - promotes development personal qualities and spirituality;
  • sleep with head to the south - promises longevity;
  • sleep with your head to the west - selfishness increases;
  • to the north - rationality develops, sentimentality leaves.

Interestingly, during a scientific experiment, tired and overworked people intuitively chose the position in which the head was directed to the east. And those who went to bed in an overexcited state, lay down with their heads to the north.

Orthodoxy and folk signs

The Orthodox religion does not consider the question in which direction of the world it is better to sleep with your head. And the fact that you can’t sleep with your feet to the door is considered superstition. However, some information can be gleaned from folk signs. It is believed that sleep in a position directed by the head to:

  • south - causes irritability, aggression;
  • east is the most suitable location for sleeping;
  • north to good health and longevity;
  • west - promotes the development of egoism.

Feng Shui

The teachings of the East Feng Shui suggest placing the head of the bed next to the wall, providing protection. If you calculate the Gua number, then you can set the most correct directions for each person individually. To do this, add the last two digits, which ends the year of birth, until such time as we get a single digit.

If you are a woman, then add 5 to the resulting number, if you are a man, subtract the number that turned out from 10. As a result of the calculations, we will get a figure that will indicate which category you belong to. The Gua number equal to 5 does not exist. Therefore, if the calculation turned out to be the number 5, women should replace it with 8, and men with 2.

The numbers 1, 3, 4, 9 indicate that you are a person of the eastern category. If you get the numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 - you are a person of the Western category. Summarize:

  1. eastern categories should sleep to the north, east, southeast, south;
  2. Western categories are most suitable southwest, west, northwest, northeast.

If, when calculating the number of Gua, it turned out that the man and woman of a married couple belong to different categories, then priority is given to the one who contributes more to family life - earns more, makes responsible decisions.

  1. it is necessary to avoid a position in which the legs or head are directed towards the door;
  2. you can not sleep with your head to the window;
  3. if there are two doors in the room, it is impossible for the bed to be between them;
  4. it is also not recommended to place the bed between the door and the window;
  5. the bed should not be opposite the mirror;
  6. it is desirable that the bed be with a back behind the head (while the head should not rest against the back of the bed);
  7. It is better to place a sleeping place under a flat ceiling, without beams and ceilings.

According to Feng Shui, sleep with your head on:

  • north - to increase material prosperity, stability, inner harmony, development of intuition and mental activity;
  • south - for success in business and career growth, good reputation;
  • the west - for creative inspiration and emotional uplift, strengthening family life;
  • east - for a surge of strength and the development of new ideas, getting rid of insomnia and nightmares.

In addition to the direction relative to the cardinal points in Feng Shui, a large role is played by the shape and materials of the head of the bed:

  • a square-shaped wooden back will attract professional success, career growth;
  • an oval or semicircular metal headboard contributes to business success;
  • wavy headboard is best suited for creative people.

It is better to refuse sleep on a bed with a triangular headboard.

Summing up

  1. North. You can improve health, increase material well-being, attract good luck, find inner harmony and strengthen family relationships. This direction for sleep is better to choose for adults, couples.
  2. South. This direction is ideal for people who want to fly up the career ladder. The south side gives confidence in one's strengths and capabilities, gives a positive energy charge, and attracts good luck.
  3. West. Reveals the hidden creative potential, brings to life a feeling of deep satisfaction, gives a positive charge. The direction is ideal for creative individuals - musicians, artists. Also, the western direction is often chosen by people whose profession is connected with magic.
  4. East. Develops purposefulness, gives confidence before starting a new business. Suitable for active people, those who have to work hard and communicate.
  5. Northeast. Sleep, in which the head is directed towards the northeast, helps to restore strength, reduces depression. It is believed that it is especially useful to sleep in this position for the elderly.
  6. Southeast. Sleeping in this direction, people more easily cope with internal fears and complexes. However, this position is not for everyone. If discomfort is felt in the morning after sleep, the southeast side is not for you.

Somnologists advise sleeping with your head to the east in order to receive energy from the rising sun. Most often, people choose the best location for themselves by trial and error. If it is convenient and comfortable for you to sleep the way you sleep, do not rush to change something. Perhaps the busy location is perfect for you.