Collage on the theme of happiness. Wish collage: how it works and how to make it right

Surely many of you have heard about the big collage of wishes, called the wish card. On the Web, you can find many descriptions of this psychological technique and some similar ones (such as the visualization board).

Initially, the wish card was directly related to esotericism, feng shui and astrology. However, it is based on nothing more than indirect manipulations with one's own unconscious. Therefore, I propose to consider this very interesting visualization technique from the perspective of psychology. The information will be relevant and useful to those who have not heard about the wish card at all, and to those who have heard about this technique or even practiced it.

What is a wish card?

The wish card is a big collage of your happy future. To create it, you need whatman paper, pictures, paints, a lot of patience and inspiration!

The map is divided into nine sectors, which are responsible for certain aspects of life. All of them should be on one sheet of drawing paper - this symbolizes the harmony of all spheres.

In the center is the “Health” sector, which is not surprising, because only with good health, you can invest energy and resources in other areas of life. In this sector, you will also need to stick your happy photo. That is, in the very center of the map - you yourself, and around - your life.

On either side of you are the sectors "Hobbies and children" and "Family".

Above and below - "Career" and "Glory", respectively.

Diagonally - "Travel and Helpers", "Wealth", "Love" and "Knowledge".

System approach to life

Looking at the structure of the wish map, it becomes clear that the life of each of us is multifaceted, which means that in order to be happy, you need to take care of all nine sectors. Drawing up such a collage teaches us to look at our own life as a whole and, if there are problems, solve them comprehensively.

How often do we think that, for example, to be slim, it's enough just to take care of your body: sign up for fitness - and you're done. But we don’t understand at all that excess weight is provoked by the lack of favorite activities, vocation, or problems in relationships with a loved one. Maybe you have a discord in the family - that's why you are so addicted to cakes. Or maybe life has become monotonous and it's time to dilute it with travel in order to feel energetic, contented and "alive" again!

"What do I want?"

If the first level, that is, the level of awareness that the problems in our lives are of a systemic nature, has been successfully completed, a natural question immediately arises: “What do I want if I am not satisfied with what I have?” This question, as it turns out, is very difficult and problematic to answer. The answer must be sought somewhere in the depths of one's own soul.

To facilitate this process, the technique of drawing up a wish map was invented. It turns out the following interesting thing. Until we know what we want, we don't get it. The map makes us think closely about what we would really like.

How? We begin to select pictures, for example, a picture of the desired apartment, and we realize that half of the apartments and pictures do not suit us at all, what we would like with a sea view / two-level / Scandinavian style, etc.

The situation is very similar to shopping. You need a sweater, just a sweater. You head to the store to buy it quickly. But you came and don't know what sweater you need: color, style, material? There is no idea at all - you just know that you need a sweater. In this case, there is a high probability of getting something wrong or not getting anything at all. It is the same with global desires.

Accordingly, the whole task comes down to ensuring that your desires are as specific as possible. Imagine that you are making an order in a restaurant - they will bring you exactly what you ordered. We ordered pancakes with caviar - so don't expect pancakes with cottage cheese to be brought to you. Or that the waiter will guess for himself that you will have both cottage cheese and caviar at the same time. This is what allows you to be as concentrated and serious as possible in the process of creating a map.

Rules for compiling a wish map

The wish card has several important nuances:

  • A collage is made for 1-3 years, and nothing can be glued / re-glued there. As a result, we get a colorful plan for our filled and joyful future. Ideally, it should be hung in the most visible place, where it will constantly motivate and inspire you, reminding you of what you generally get up in the morning for.
  • It is categorically impossible to glue other people into it, even a spouse. You can’t wish for other people (“I want my daughter to go to Moscow University”).
  • You can not write non-ecological desires.
  • Each sector has its own color, and each desire must be expressed in the correct verbal formulation.

All this allows you to make your card "yours" - closely connected with your unconscious, with the desires of your soul. So, the transformation of life will begin immediately! Most people already at the stage of drawing up a map already receive the fulfillment of their desires, and in the most unexpected ways!


A wish map is created in order to visualize in detail your happy future. After all, no one wants to consciously strive for the bad. But often, having achieved our goals, we are disappointed. Why is this happening, considers in his book "Stumbling on Happiness" Daniel Gilbert: .

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As soon as this method of fulfilling desires is not called - a dream card, a dream collage, a treasure map ... Perhaps there are other names. The essence, however, is the same. A dream collage is a way to visually "voice" your desires, clearly define them, formulate them, and ... no, do not wait for them to come true, but take steps towards your dream.

However, if you are thinking about a dream collage, then the first, still small, but very important step has already been taken. You realized that this way of framing your desires is not just fun, but a real prospect. A dream collage is your desires, expressed in the form of various images, pictures, in which you are surrounded by those objects and events that you have been dreaming about for a long time. This is a picture depicting you not in the real, but in the desired reality. When you look at your collage and imagine having what you want, you will thus influence your own feelings, thoughts and actions, and your motivation will grow exponentially.

click to enlarge

A dream collage is a picture in which your dreams have already come true. Looking at it, you will feel like a happy owner of a beautiful house or an expensive car, yacht or motorcycle - whatever you wish. At the same time, you will experience thoughts and emotions appropriate to the moment. It is important that these emotions really exist, and be joyful. This is absolutely necessary, because if you do not experience sincere joy from possessing what you want, imagining it to yourself, then later, when your desire comes true, it may turn out that this is not exactly what you wanted. Don't be surprised, it happens. Often our true desires do not lie on the surface, hiding deep in the soul. We, on the other hand, obey the ideas of happiness accepted in society, and “adjust” our desires to fit them.

So, for example, a good expensive car is considered socially necessary. But, if you live in a large overcrowded city, you can imagine how long you will have to stand in traffic jams, breathing gas. Or - you want a huge mansion. But at the same time, you do not want strangers to watch your personal life at all. Now try to put it all together. After all, a huge house requires care - maids, cleaners, gardeners, etc. etc. Are you ready for this? So isn't it better to wish a small cozy house where each of your family can find a place? By the way, about the family. Do you want to marry a singer or a model? And at the same time enjoy quiet cozy family evenings? Oh well. So be careful what you wish for.

Cut seven times...

Choose the photos in which you like yourself the most. Choose that interior, that car, that clothes, accessories, that environment, that house, which are the embodiment of your dreams.

There are schemes for placing pictures with your desires (according to Feng Shui). When compiling a collage, you can use them.

You can do it like this: stick your best photo in the center on a large sheet of drawing paper, and place all the selected pictures around. Pay special attention to the fact that they do not have gloomy, threatening objects and any frightening or negative scenes. Only joy, beauty, abundance, health, only love! See what you got? You showed yourself that your dream has already been achieved. You are there, among all this beauty! You have already got everything you dream of. That is, virtually you have already felt like a successful person who has realized all your dreams, and now it is only a matter of time when all this is realized in reality.

Of course, after the collage is made, it is hardly worth laying on the sofa and waiting for the fulfillment of desires.
A dream collage is a tool, not a magic wand.
Yes, you are consciously changing the course of your life, yes, you have clearly defined your desires, but you still need to take another step towards a happy fate.
Imagine, for example, that you dream of becoming a lawyer, although you work as a kindergarten teacher. You made a dream collage, but will you soon become a lawyer if you don't change anything else in your life, but just sit and wait for "dreams to come true"? I doubt. First you need to at least get a law degree. Of course, in your case, everything will happen faster and easier, since the collage will work for you, but you still need to act. Remember the anecdote with the request to the Almighty to win the lottery? Of course, you need to at least buy a ticket.

Where to put your dream collage? In your bedroom, for example, so that you can see it every morning after waking up and every evening before going to bed. It is necessary that your dreams are in front of your eyes constantly.

Can something interfere with the fulfillment of your desires?

Alas, yes.
Unfriendly looks or idle questions. Therefore, try not to show your dream collage to strangers .. You should not tell random people about it. Dream vibrations are very subtle. Misunderstanding, envy and ridicule can break those invisible threads along which, like wires, our desires run to the Universe.
Take care of your dream.

"Our hearts demand change"

People tend to change their desires, something becomes unnecessary, tastes change. If you feel that you are no longer dreaming about this or that subject, then immediately replace it with a new desire.

The promised three years are waiting.

When will the wish come true? A lot depends on your karma. However, according to observations - a maximum of three years. As in the proverb. Although there are cases when the desired was received on the same day. But it happens that a person seems to have already forgotten about his cherished desire, and suddenly a sudden phone call brings good news.

You need to wait relaxed, not straining. We set a goal, pasted a picture - go towards your dream, accept help from your Guardian Angels, be grateful for everything - and go to a completely new level of life. Your wishes will be fulfilled.

Live by the principle: "Do what you must - and come what may" - and you will be happy. This is so, believe me, and you will certainly be stunned by the results.

There are many examples of the realization of desires, even many people are known who ended up where they would like to be. They placed themselves against the background of the desired place, and then found themselves in this place in reality. Our thoughts are material. Just do not forget that you still need additional actions to achieve your dream.

If you are used to the fact that everything you have should be of the highest quality, then you can contact us to create a collage. In order not to buy and go through piles of magazines, you can find suitable pictures on the Internet and send us by e-mail or bring it personally on a digital medium (flash drive, disk), and we will compose and design your Dreams.

Good luck to you, and the fulfillment of your wildest desires!

(Some of the pictures for the design of the article are borrowed from the Internet. )

17.10.2014 fortune

"The wishes of the arbiter come true sooner or later, one way or another" Max Frei

It is no secret that all thoughts are material and have the ability to translate into reality. But it is better to manage this opportunity so as not to forget about some kind of dream (after all, there are always a lot of them). A feng shui wish map (or a visualization board) is a great way to harmoniously change your own life, fill it with what is sometimes so lacking (money, health, good luck).

What does a wishlist look like?

A large sheet of paper with marked sectors painted in different colors. On the sheet, you need to make a collage with your own hands from your photo (it is placed in the center) and images of those objects or images in which you see your dreams. The Feng Shui visualization map is based on the Ba Gua grid.

Mesh Ba-gua

The divine octagon, with the help of it, the zones in the house necessary for activation are determined, when exposed to them, certain areas in life can be improved. The grid is tied to the cardinal points. Zones of influence are located in accordance with them:

  • Southeast: Wealth. All higher material goods.
  • South: Reputation. Forming the opinions of people around you about you.
  • Southwest: Love. If you do not have a family, then this sector is not activated for you. In this case, it is recommended to use special techniques.
  • East: Family. These are all your relatives, ancestors, close circle.
  • Central sector: Health. Harmony and balance of everything around.
  • West: Hobbies. Children, spiritual or physical creativity, ability to communicate.
  • Northeast: Wisdom. Experience, intelligence, clarity of thought, self-improvement.
  • North: Career. Professional activity, self-realization.
  • Northwest: Travel. This sphere of help and protection (teachers, mentors, guardian angels), she is also responsible for travel.

An example of how the board looks like (in each sector, you can place several photos, instead of one:

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the wish card does not have to have a rectangular shape (it is allowed to make it round). The only thing to keep an eye on is that all nine sectors are the same size.

How to compose it

We need to take a large sheet of paper (you can use a drawing paper or an unnecessary poster) 68x68cm in size (these dimensions are considered ideal). We divide the surface of the paper into 9 equal sectors. It is necessary to color each sector of Feng Shui wishes in the appropriate color:

  • "Wealth" - light green
  • "Reputation" - red
  • "Love" - ​​brown
  • "Intimate environment" - green
  • "Health" (central) - yellow
  • "Creativity" - white
  • "Knowledge" - light brown
  • "Work" - blue
  • "Travel" - gray

You can’t make a mistake in the sequence of colors, otherwise the collage will not work. You need to start creating a wish board on your auspicious Feng Shui day. The days with good luck indicators are best suited for this. Example: dates of Opening, Success, Filling, etc.

Do not start work on the days of Destruction, Closure and Deliverance. It is necessary to start manufacturing on the growing moon. To make a card successful, you need to follow all these simple rules.

Interesting: How to make a wish so that it comes true? ()

Instructions for designing sectors

Each sector of Feng Shui is responsible for the fulfillment of the desired in a particular area. We need to choose images that best meet the dreams. You can find them on the Internet (print), draw or cut from magazines. The very first thing you need to do on the map is the central sector where our photo will be located (select your best image for this).

You can make a collage of Feng Shui wishes from several images, draw the necessary elements, create an applique, decorate with sparkles, sequins, various accessories, etc. Paste your image on photos of beautiful interiors, among celebrities, in a car interior, etc. (transfer yourself to the place where you want to be).

  1. It is necessary to make a wish card sequentially, following the order, starting from the top row (left to right), central (left to right) and bottom (left to right).
  2. You can't leave any spaces empty!
  3. When choosing desires, listen only to your own thoughts, do not accept goals and dreams imposed by someone, even loved ones.
  4. When you select, cut and attach a photo, do it while rendering (mentally visualize the end result, "animate" the image).

In each sector, it is also necessary to make a wish (affirmation), in which we write in the affirmative form what we dream about. Avoid vague phrases. Example: you can’t write: “I want to live in this house”, “I earn a lot of money”, it’s better to write like this:

"I live happily in this house"

“My salary is 100 thousand rubles.”

Provide your central photo with wishes for health, and attach to this place a photo of those goals that are of paramount importance to you.

A few Western examples:

How to activate the card

You need to constantly activate the collage of desires in Feng Shui. Consider it every day, turning on pleasant relaxing music and sitting in coziness and comfort. Imagine the smallest facts, colorful images, conversations, smells, lighting, music, etc. Transport yourself to your ideal world!

This method also includes hidden additional personal energy reserves, reveals new abilities and amazing qualities in one's own self. You have to work alone.

Where is the best place to keep

To determine its best place, you can use the table of monthly and annual Flying Stars (beware of the sector in the apartment where the Yellow Five lives). The poster must be placed where you can see it so that you can see it at all times.

No need to fold the collage or lay it down with pictures - the Feng Shui Qi energy should function freely. This enhances the performance of the card. The best example for its location:

  • Bedroom. Hang it against your headboard to start each morning by looking at it, imbue yourself with magic and get a charge of good mood.
  • Cupboard. Its inner side. In this case, the visualization map will be securely hidden from prying eyes, and nothing will interfere with your visualization.

You can not place the card in the toilet, bathroom, kitchen. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, energy will constantly be washed away and weakened.

Most Common Questions

Q: When does the board usually start working?

Answer: based on the feedback of people who use the card, it starts working (that is, fulfilling dreams) after 3 months. Of course, subject to constant visualization.

Q: Can it be done electronically?

Answer: you can make it on the Internet using graphics or online services. But manual work is much more appreciated. After all, you put your energy through touch when you create a map manually. Therefore, it is better to make a wish card according to the laws of Feng Shui on your own, it is much more effective.

Question: why the desire is not fulfilled?

Answer: it happens that the card does not fulfill all dreams. This is due to the unreality of execution (example: "I'm flying to the moon"). In this case, simply replace the fantastic wish with a more vital one. If a rather simple desire is in no hurry to be fulfilled, you should simply “let go” of it, then this change in life will lead you to unnecessary problems.

Question: what to do if the desire has changed?

Answer: just replace the picture with another one that matches your new dream. But you need to change the goal in extreme cases. Before you make a map, take a good look at your own dreams.

By the way: if she granted her wish, these images should be removed from there. Thus, the energy of the card is not spent on unnecessary details.

Your feng shui wish map will make it clear to your own subconscious and the world around you that you are on the verge of great changes in life. And when this happens is a matter of time. The Qi energy will be with you all the time. The harmony of your life is the main condition for happiness and prosperity. Make a feng shui wish card and enjoy the change!

Many are convinced that dreams come true, the main thing is to believe in it!

You need to correctly convey your mental desire to the Universe, and it will come true after some time.

In order to be more likely to make dreams come true, this matter should be taken seriously, connecting science and Chinese wisdom. The main condition for success is a clear interpretation of the dream. You can make a collage of Feng Shui wishes, which will help to bring your dreams to life as soon as possible.

The photos for the dream collage must be flawless, without scratches or smudges, as the Universe may understand your desire differently. For example, provoke a scratch on the car. Photographs should not contain other people or objects.

It is compiled on average for two or three years, so it is better to start its production on New Year's Eve or before a birthday.

Desire collage concept

A dream collage will reflect all fantasies and goals, it will visually program the subconscious and become a kind of start for success and good luck. At the same time, you become a magician for yourself and let the energy of success into your home. It is worth remembering that a dream collage does not guarantee instant fulfillment of desires. It helps to define life guidelines and goals, as well as streamline them. A dream collage is a kind of plan to achieve your goals.

The peculiar tools on the way to Fortune will be a personal photo that was taken in a happy period of life, scissors and attractive illustrations from magazines that reflect all your desires.

Putting aside the cut out pictures for a while, you should turn to the Feng Shui calendar to select a date with an indicator of success. At the same time, you should avoid such days that are designated as Destruction, Deliverance, Closing, Sha days. The location of the moon in the sky is of great importance. For work, the period of the growing (young) moon is of great interest.

Ways to create a collage of desires

If you dream about something for a long time, clearly presenting each image of your dream and experiencing positive emotions at the same time, then there will definitely be a desire for your goal, and there will also be ways to achieve it.

Collage is made in various ways:

On whatman paper - various illustrations are pasted, reflecting your desires. On it you can glue new cut parts, draw. Make inscriptions, not forgetting the power of the word. The main thing is to write in the present tense. This is the fundamental point.

This method is more creative, as it requires artistic ability and rich imagination. For a faster and simplified version, you can use a graphical editor.

With the help of a computer program. This method will allow you to easily add photos, pictures, various objects, inscriptions, and make a background to the collage.

In order for the collage to start working, creating it alone will not be enough. Next, you should choose the right place for its placement and establish the right psychological attitude.

Working with the Bagua Mesh

There are rules that determine how the collage of desires should be placed depending on the cardinal points. It does not matter how it was made: on a drawing paper or a computer, the rule applies equally to both methods.

There is, which is the shape of an octagon. With its help, you can correctly calculate the required sector and the position of images and symbols.

Bagua is a regular triangle. On each side is a trigram. According to Feng Shui, everything that happens in life is divided into nine categories, namely life situations. All these aspects, which are combined in a certain sequence, form the Bagua. Each category has its own color, element, direction and trigram.

In the very center of the octagon is the health zone. The element is earth. Color - terracotta. It is from her that you need to start working by attaching your positive photo to this area. When signing pictures, it is important to avoid the “not” particle, as it will prevent the fulfillment of your desire. The inscriptions are written in the affirmative form, the phrases should be formed as short as possible. For example, "the family is rich, healthy."

It is very important to formulate words correctly. So, for example, the words “thin” and “slim” have completely different meanings. When drawing up a Feng Shui map, this should be taken into account, otherwise the result may be disastrous for you.

Placed below the photo. The element is water. Color - black, blue, blue. There their talents are indicated and fixed by the image of future success. You need to guess the direction of activity and imagine yourself in the desired position. It is recommended to attach an appropriate picture and sign with some eloquent phrase to enhance the action. You can draw a career ladder and indicate the specific salary that you would like to receive.

The sector of glory is above the photo. The element is fire. Color - red. It requires bright screensavers of a certain nature. You need to imagine what field you would like to occupy.

The sector of wealth and prosperity is located in the left corner of the octagon. The element is a tree. Color is green and purple. Here you need to have a good imagination. You can mentally shower yourself with money rain. As a symbol of wealth, you can imagine a house, a car, gold bars, diamonds, a bank account with 1,000,000 rubles. The main thing is not to limit your imagination, you need to give free rein to your imagination and believe in it.

At the bottom left is the sector of wisdom, which is responsible for success in education. The element is earth. Color - beige and shades of brown. This area should be marked with appropriate pictures: books, a diploma, the image of a happy student who graduated with honors.

Between the zones of wealth and wisdom is the sector of the family. The element is a tree. Green color. There we place photos of happy children, husband, wife. It is necessary to reflect in the collage your own version of a happy harmonious family.

The upper right corner reflects passion in a relationship, passionate love, and the interlacing of a male and female hand symbolizes sensual success. The element is earth. Color - terracotta and various shades of earth. For the speedy development of relations, you can put a photo of your loved one.

The sector of creativity and children is located under the zone of love. The element is metal. Color - white, metallic, silver, gold. You can activate it at your discretion. It will depend on how you want to achieve self-expression. It should be noted on the map of desires what successes one would like to expect from children, and fix their victories in the future with appropriate drawings.

Fans of various travels and adventures can place photos of beautiful and exotic countries in the lower right corner of the collage. The element is metal. Color - white, metallic, silver, gold.

Now it remains only to evaluate the work done, opening the door to new opportunities and changes.

Feng Shui Dream Collage Work

Thus, you can illustrate your dreams and desires of the Universe, which will surely be attracted to life. To do this, hang the card in an inconspicuous place that would not catch the eye of others.

Looking at the Feng Shui wish map, you need to follow your feelings at the same time. The events that happen in life are shaped solely by our thoughts.

A dream, fixed in the desired way and emotion, has a lot of chances for its realization. Looking at your collage of desires according to Feng Shui, you can influence it energetically quite strongly, reminding the subconscious of your settings. This is how the mechanism for the implementation of tasks is launched, and actions and internal forces will certainly lead to success.

“Screamed, jinxed ...” - we are constantly told that thought is material. But we believe in it only when something bad happens. So why not start the reverse process: think about the good and bring it to life? To make our subconscious work for us, for our goals and desires.

Once in one of the books on psychology I read advice: visualize your dream. Well, now you want to go on vacation, put a photo from the azure shores on the screensaver. Dreaming about your home, stick a picture of a cozy bungalow on the refrigerator, imagine how to furnish it, what furniture to buy.

I confess that my orders for the Universe are small. But what if the wish list is not limited to one item? Then they can all be collected in one collage.

Photo Gettyimages

Liliana Modigliani, psychologist:

This is a very pleasant and creative way to order from the Universe! We tend to think that our dreams are difficult to achieve. Therefore, we postpone them for later, because now we are concerned about much more “important” things. But we won't start getting what we want until we have time to even think about it. A collage of desires allows us to formulate, visualize and keep in mind our dreams - this is the most important condition for achieving them.

How does visualization work? When a person imagines a desired situation, he subconsciously seeks to fulfill it. With your mind, you can understand that now there is neither money nor time for your dream. However, attention still begins to act selectively and note the possibilities and ways to achieve the desired.

Liliana assures: the girls with whom she collected collages soon got married and had children. Someone was immediately waiting for a promotion, others completely changed their lives. Does it really work or just a coincidence? The other day I decided to make my own collage. And while I'm waiting for my gifts from the Universe, I tell the instructions from Liliana.

How to make a wish collage

1. We will need magazines, glue, scissors and white paper.

2. Whatman size does not matter. Sheet A3 can also fulfill desires, but half-wall photo wallpapers are not forbidden. The main thing is that not a single white speck remains on paper - everything must be sealed with your desires.

3. Before shredding gloss, you need to do a little written work. Imagine that your drawing paper is a strip of a magazine. At the top, make a headline in beautiful letters: “Happy life (your name) 2017–2018.”

4. Divide your sheet into four squares, and draw a circle in the center, as in the photo below.

Photo Woman's day

5. Inside the circle, write what you are grateful for. A lot of what we have, we take for granted. But for others, this may be the ultimate dream. Thank the Universe that you are healthy, that your parents are alive, that there is a roof over your head, say thank you for your human wisdom.

“The more grateful you are, the more you charge your collage with energy,” says Liliana. - Just thank sincerely, with pleasure, and not technically. Try to put your soul into your words, as if sorting through the jewels of your life.

6. On the outer border of the circle, write gratitude for what you are asking for, your most cherished desires. But only as if it had already happened. Do you want a wedding? Write: "Thank you for a wonderful wedding."

7. In the remaining squares, we talk about all our desires, plans for the future, and how we write about everything as if it had already happened. Orders for the Universe are divided into sections:

- in the upper left square - "My self-realization and finances" ("I bought an apartment, a car. I became a top manager of the company", etc.);

- in the lower left square - "Leisure, friends and travel";

- in the upper right square - "My family life";

- in the lower right square, draw a huge bold letter "I". This sector is just for you. Write here about everything that you want to change, improve in yourself, but again, everything is in the present tense. For example: “I am slim, I do yoga. I have a new wardrobe. Graduated from French courses. I enjoy life, I feel harmony with the world.