Bathhouse dream book meaning of sleep. I dreamed of a bathhouse in which you couldn’t wash▼

Going to the steam room allows you to relax after a stressful workday, have a great rest and improve your health. Sometimes we can visit a sauna or bathhouse in our dreams. Interpreting night vision is not difficult. The main thing is to remember the details of the dream and look into the dream book.

Seeing a bathhouse or sauna in a dream - interpretation from dream books

Opinions among dream interpreters differ regarding the meaning of dreams about a bath or sauna:

  1. Astrological. Happiness is already close.
  2. The future. To a pleasant pastime.
  3. Wangi. To problems in family life, quarrels and misunderstandings that may arise due to the fact that the dreamer devotes little time to loved ones.
  4. Oriental. To diseases.
  5. Grishina. To deterioration of health.
  6. Children's. It's time to take care of your health. The dreamer's immunity is now weakened, and there is a possibility of getting sick.
  7. For the whole family. Receive a responsible assignment.
  8. Old Persian. To get rid of worries and troubles.
  9. Zadeki. To a favorable coincidence of circumstances.
  10. Winter. To love experiences.
  11. Winters. The dream reports the dreamer's dissatisfaction with himself and life.
  12. Idiomatic. They will scold you, or you yourself will give someone a “thrashing”.
  13. Lunar. Pessimism, lack of interest in life, feeling of hopelessness.
  14. Maly Velesov. To gossip and conflict situations. Deception or news of the death of a familiar person is possible.
  15. Melnikova. To love affairs.
  16. Miller. To an exciting trip during which you might get sick.
  17. Muslim. Get rid of everything bad.
  18. Russian. To troubles and illnesses.
  19. Simone Kananita. Benefit from participating in an event.
  20. Slavic. To joyful and cheerful events.
  21. Wanderer. To conflicts at work and criticism from superiors.
  22. Solomon. To powerlessness, deception and depression.
  23. Bitches. TO interesting acquaintances and fun entertainment.
  24. Tetkinsky. It's time to get rid of annoying thoughts and reconsider your outlook on life. It also didn’t hurt to relax and please yourself with something.
  25. Ukrainian. To poor health and news about the death of a friend.
  26. Fedorovskaya. To a love adventure.
  27. Freud. A bathhouse in a dream is a symbol of a woman or her genitals.
  28. Hasse. You will receive unexpected benefits.
  29. Aesop. To good luck in business and receiving good news.
  30. XXI century. To fun adventures.

To dream about a bath from Friday to Saturday is an excellent opportunity to have a good rest and relaxation.

If a man finds himself in a women's bathhouse in a dream, then he lacks warmth and affection

Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

The interpretation of the dream also depends on who exactly dreamed it:

  1. To a girl. To academic success and high grades.
  2. To a girl. You will have difficulty making ends meet.
  3. To a woman. To an unrequited feeling.
  4. Married. To pregnancy.
  5. Pregnant. To the birth of a strong and healthy baby.
  6. To a man. To illness and conflicts with management. According to Freud, the dreamer is dissatisfied with his personal life.

Sometimes you may dream that there is a fire in the sauna. If this happened in your own bathhouse, you will be upset; in a public bathhouse, it will lead to quarrels with your family.

If in night vision you were leaving the bathhouse, then your worries are in vain, and everything will get better soon

Description of the bath

The interpretation of the dream is also influenced by what kind of bathhouse you dreamed about:

  1. Public. To fun leisure and a new love interest.
  2. Burning. To great love and passionate relationships. According to the astrological dream book, a blow of fate awaits you. The meaning of the dream is also influenced by what kind of bathhouse was burning: a new one - you will receive a package from relatives, an old one - to good luck in your endeavors.
  3. New. To flirting, new love, happy events and friends coming to visit. According to the love dream book, a vision promises failure. Evgeny Tsvetkov believes that the dreamer should be more careful with money, and the healer Akulina portends the purchase of a new home.
  4. Dirty. To prosperity, profit and ardent love. According to the Egyptian dream interpreter, such night dreams foreshadow tears. Gustave Miller warns that there are hypocrites around. According to O. Smurova’s dream book, you will talk on the phone with your best friend.
  5. Clean. Take part in a fun holiday.
  6. Old. To receiving bad news, conflicts and wasting money. According to the Indian dream book - to moving to a new place of residence, and according to love - to a new romance.
  7. Cold. To meanness, prejudice and mental anguish. A bathhouse covered with mold is a sign of lies, snow is a sign of a new hobby, frost is a sign of a love relationship that you will hide from your friends.
  8. Village. By esoteric dream book the vision foreshadows an exacerbation of radiculitis or a cold.
  9. Empty. To grief and sorrow.

Seeing a bathhouse without water in a dream is a sign of troubles that will arise due to a representative of the fair sex.

Steaming in a dream in a clean bathhouse with light steam - to pleasure and satisfaction in love

Actions in a dream

It would not hurt to remember the events taking place in night dreams. If you dreamed that you were washing in a bathhouse, then according to the winter dream book, joy and fun await you, but according to the summer dream book, you will make a fatal mistake. According to the Indian dream interpreter, you will find your purpose in life.

It matters what company you were in the bathhouse with:

  1. Alone. You will be very sad and upset about something. For family people, such a vision promises discord in relationships, even divorce.
  2. With friends. To receive a profit or a present.
  3. With enemies. To tears and empty expectations. By Assyrian dream book- to reconciliation with ill-wishers.
  4. With colleagues or superiors. To advance up the career ladder.
  5. With women. They will envy you. For girls, the dream promises pregnancy, and for men, a happy future.
  6. With a man. To problems on the love front.
  7. With a stranger. Get bad news.
  8. With a dead man. To deception and conflicts. If in a night vision you played cards with the deceased in a steam room, then fun events and the arrival of relatives are coming. Taking a bath with a deceased mother means money, with a deceased father means a scandal, with a deceased grandfather means a waste. Money.

If in a dream you had to wash yourself in cold bath, you may become seriously ill.

Singing songs in a bathhouse is a bad dream, promising problems with the law and imprisonment.

Interpretation of other actions from a dream about a bath

  1. Use the stove. According to the Small Velesov's dream book - to rumors about war. Heating a bathhouse with wood means improved health and getting rid of diseases, stones means a worsening financial situation, and coal means you will try to defend your point of view, but in vain. For a woman, a dream in which she uses coal indicates that she is a good housewife.
  2. Steam. Happiness, fun, profit and pleasure. But in Winter’s dream book it is written that such a plot warns of an approaching illness. Gustave Miller believes that you are surrounded by irritated and unbalanced people.
  3. Watch from the side as they soar strangers: you will find yourself in pleasant company, where you will have a good time. If you dreamed that there were women in the steam room, you will be disappointed or get sick. Watching men in a bathhouse in a dream means poverty.
  4. Go to the bathhouse. According to Michel Nostradamus, you will have a good time with close friends. Walking on sand means you will miss it, walking on stones means you will get into trouble, walking on asphalt means you will do charity work, and walking on earth means you will get sick.
  5. Drive out the gypsies. You will sort things out with relatives.
  6. Wash your hair. To joyful events. If in a dream you happened to use someone else’s shampoo, then the marriage will be happy and long. A pregnant woman's dream in which she washes her hair in a sauna promises the birth of a boy.
  7. Putting out a fire in a bathhouse. To deception and a tiring trip. Seeing yourself in your night dreams as a fireman extinguishing a bathhouse means a visit from friends. Putting out a fire in a dream means breaking up a boring and unpromising relationship. If a bathhouse in the kingdom of Morpheus burned down and you did not have time to put it out, then life will be long.
  8. Whitewash the walls. To a new stage in life and changes for the better.
  9. Wash the baby. The financial situation will improve. If the child in the night vision was yours, then make a large purchase. Did you dream that you were washing someone else’s baby in the sauna? Spend your money on nonsense.
  10. Clean the bathhouse. To housework, deception, drunkenness.
  11. Wash your feet. There's a long road ahead.
  12. Build a bathhouse. You can have a great rest and achieve peace of mind. For a married man, the dream tells him that he will have to obey his wife. For a merchant, the dream promises a good income.

Seeing people dancing in a steam room is a sign of illness. This interpretation of the dream is offered by the Maly Velesov dream book.

Dreaming of blood in a bathhouse foretells the death of someone you know

Interpretation of other dreams about a bath

Sometimes you may dream about familiar people in a sauna or bathhouse:

  1. Relatives. You will find the missing thing that you have been looking for for a long time. By Ukrainian dream book, you will sort things out with your household.
  2. Mother. To losses and disappointment.
  3. Father. Towards the end of a happy stage in life.
  4. Brother. To buy a home. A dream in which a brother helped light a bathhouse foreshadows the birth of a daughter.
  5. Sister. To misunderstanding and tears.
  6. Child. The child will delight you with his successes and achievements.
  7. Aunt. Get good news.
  8. Uncle. To bad news.
  9. Girlfriend. To a long separation from a loved one.
  10. Spider. Above family happiness a threat looms.

Seeing yourself naked in a steam room in your night dreams means receiving news from a friend. By eastern dream book, night dreams promise illness.

For a woman to see naked men in a sauna in the kingdom of Morpheus - to fiery love. Watching them steam or wash is a sign of marriage.

For a man to spy on naked young ladies in a steam room in a dream - to success in love and career growth.

If in a dream you helped a relative build a bathhouse, then you will find peace of mind and improve your well-being.

Getting burned in a dream in a sauna by hot steam means unrequited love, slipping means making a mistake, being in a bathhouse dressed means health problems, troubles and a bad mood.

Video: why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dreams about a bath or sauna promise both joyful and sad events. But if in a dream visiting a steam room brought pleasure, then happiness in family life and success in work await you.

Did you see a public bathhouse? In a dream, this is a warning about a scandal, a reprimand from superiors, or fun and pleasure. The dream book will help you figure out why this establishment is dreamed of.

According to Miller

If you find yourself in a city steam room, you will get sick while being far from home. The same image can be seen before an unusual adventure.


Why else do you dream about a public bathhouse? In reality you will encounter extremely irritable people. If you dreamed of an empty bathhouse, then the dream book’s advice: get ready for sadness and troubles. A very cold room guarantees domestic troubles.

I dreamed about steaming in public sauna? In reality, you will be forced to perform unpleasant duties or engage in tedious and uninteresting work.

Do not worry!

Did you dream about a public bath? The dream book promises sick people a speedy recovery, and healthy dreamers - exceptional health.

Did you feel like it was too hot in the room at night? You will find yourself in the company of evil and dangerous people. But comfortable sensations promise prosperity and luck.

Sometimes a bathhouse symbolizes resentment, but getting out of it in a dream is good. This means that your worries are unfounded.

What are you unhappy about?

Did you see a public bathhouse? This is a sign of acute dissatisfaction with oneself, especially if you happen to see yourself in clothes.

In a dream, did you whip your body painfully with a broom? Stupid behavior will give others a reason for gossip and gossip.

The dream book also suspects that in your heart you are punishing yourself for something. If you hovered with the broom of another character, then offend someone. If you were whipped, then expect insults.

Everything will be fine soon!

Other actions also matter in interpretation.

  • Singing songs is a prison sentence.
  • Dancing is a disease.
  • Getting burned by steam means unrequited love.
  • Making love is a passionate affair.
  • Slipping is a mistake, a mistake.

But if you leave the steam room after a good wash, then the period of failures and difficulties will soon end.


Why do you dream of a public bathhouse in which you happened to wash? The dream book predicts wealth or another unexpected event.

Bathing with pleasure can lead to a happy family life. If you experience discomfort, then the interpretation of the dream is exactly the opposite.

Did you have to wash yourself in the city sauna at night? A boring problem will suddenly be resolved in a very simple but unusual way.

Hold on!

If in a dream you happened to see other people bathing, then the dream book believes that you will inadvertently learn someone else’s secret. The same plot warns: they will try to lead you away from the true path.

Ambiguous and interesting symbol there remains a bathhouse in a dream. Entering it means trouble, leaving it means a successful turn of events. Washing in a new one means you need to get rid of envy. Seeing blood in it means possible loss loved one, of death. Slipping is a sign of troubles that your family will be involved in. See deceased grandmother in the bathhouse - to meet your love.

What does it mean to see a bathhouse in a dream

Idiomatic dream book

A dream book in which there was a bathhouse means a reprimand at work, that the dreamer will be reprimanded (they will have a bathhouse). Steaming is a labor-intensive task that will require dedication of all your time and effort. Sending someone to the bathhouse means bad thoughts addressed to the dreamer, even curses (quarrel). To undress, as in a bathhouse, means to do something quickly, having misunderstood the task.

Erotic dream book

This dream book interprets being in a bathhouse as a vacation on the side, an intrigue or betrayal that will bring pleasure. Making love with someone in a sauna or bathhouse means meeting a lover who will do anything for the opportunity to give and receive pleasure.

Ukrainian dream book

A bathhouse in a dream promises misfortune with a familiar person and his possible death.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing a bathhouse in a dream does not bode well. You will have to be patient in order to courageously endure something negative - shame, shame (someone can discredit).

Entering a steam room means poverty, as does seeing a naked man there. Naked women are a symbol of grief and tears.

Leaving the steam room is a way out of a difficult situation.

Getting burned with steam is a sign of love, which will bring refusal or mental trauma. Steaming and washing yourself means new turns in business and good luck.

For a man to go to a women’s bathhouse is a hidden search for spiritual warmth, which the dreamer cannot find in reality.

A cheerful company in the bathhouse means illness.

Dream book of the 21st century

A bathhouse in a dream means a joyful pastime, adventures, and travel. Being in a Turkish or regular bath in a dream means achieving goals that were false.

A dream about a bathhouse where you have to wash yourself - to inheritance, wealth, recognition. Does the process evoke pleasant thoughts? Happiness and love await in the family. The joy on the faces of people washing with the dreamer is a sign of a pleasant environment in which one is not afraid to trust.

Seeing blood means possible loss. Steaming - to an unexpectedly resolved matter.

Muslim dream book

Seeing yourself washing in a dream means deliverance, cleansing from sorrowful thoughts and experiences. Seeing a naked woman in a bathhouse when there is no water is a sign of trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Washing in a bathhouse means pleasantly spent leisure time, an interesting trip, which may end in an exotic illness or an exacerbation of a chronic illness.

Taking a steam bath means annoying people who will try to capture the attention of the dreamer in reality.

Leaving the bathhouse means resolving any controversial situations that have long bothered you.

Dream Interpretation by Seasons

A bathhouse can be a symbol of various manifestations of emotions of superiors and colleagues, so the dream promises good luck, gossip or dissatisfaction with the authorities. You need to be prepared to talk about work. Bath attendant - positive changes in life.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

The bathhouse attendant saw a dream - an unpleasant person with whom you will have to communicate. Washing in a bathhouse is a sign of necessary attention to your body. Steaming means bad company. Whipping yourself with a broom is a sign of remorse.

The bathhouse is a place of self-purification. Often it occurs through unpleasant communication and introspection. Vulnerable organs require special attention; exacerbation of diseases is possible.

Also interesting: why do you dream?

Some people have their own bathhouse, others go to visit neighbors and friends. We go there to wash and relax after work. Today we will find out why you dream of a bathhouse. What does it mean to see yourself in a bathhouse? You can find out the answer to this question from our best dream books.

Winter dream book

  • Seeing “heating a bathhouse” in a dream is harmful to health. Heating your own bathhouse in a dream means receiving a diploma or state award. If your spouse heats his neighbor’s bathhouse, then your child is restless.
  • “A bathhouse in a dream” is love in reality. Old bathhouse in a dream - predicts bad news. New bathhouse in a dream - expect friends to visit. Having your own bathhouse in a dream means changes in fate. Someone else's bathhouse in a dream means a long-awaited pregnancy.
  • The dream of “washing in a bathhouse” promises to receive a reward for your work. Washing your hair in a bathhouse means becoming happy. Washing a child in a bathhouse means becoming rich. Washing in a bathhouse and finding a bruise on yourself is a sign of illness. Washing in a bathhouse with baby soap means laughter and fun.
  • Seeing a bathhouse in a dream means falling in unrequited love. Seeing an old bathhouse in a dream means getting what you deserve. Seeing a new bathhouse in a dream means losses. Seeing your own bathhouse in a dream means health problems. Seeing a neighbor's bathhouse in a dream means your love will not last long.
  • I saw a “bathhouse” in a dream - you will soon buy a car. I saw that I was washing in the bathhouse - luck will smile on you. I saw my girlfriend in the bathhouse - it means she is not faithful to you. I saw my father in the bathhouse drinking beer - to sadness and sadness. (see also )
  • Washing in a bathhouse in a dream predicts fun and joy. Washing in a bathhouse in a dream with friends means receiving a gift or profit. Washing with your enemies means bitter tears. Wash with shower gel - take care of your soul.
  • The dream of “steam bath” means being honest with yourself and others. Steaming with a birch broom means finding peace and happiness. Steaming with friends - your dreams will come true, but not soon. Taking a steam bath in someone else's bathhouse is a lie.

Spring dream book

  • Taking a steam bath in a dream means receiving a reprimand at work. Steaming alone in a bathhouse means loneliness. Taking a steam bath with your parents means success in everything. Steaming in a bathhouse with work colleagues means a life of need.
  • Why do you dream of a bathhouse in a dream - a light streak. A bathhouse in a dream foretells you pleasure. An old bathhouse in a dream speaks of your extravagance. A dirty bathhouse in a dream predicts ardent passion. A clean bathhouse in a dream foreshadows a strong union.
  • Cleaning a bathhouse in a dream means household chores. Washing a bathhouse with your hands in a dream means deception. Cleaning the bathhouse with a mop means a long journey. Wash the bathhouse with soda - to illness. Wash the bathhouse with a sponge - make new friends. Washing the bathhouse with a rag is a sign of drunkenness.
  • The dream of "bathhouse dead" is a sign of meanness. If in a dream you are steaming in a bathhouse with your late grandfather, then you will soon meet a girl. If you wash in a bathhouse with your deceased grandmother, then very soon you will be very happy.
  • The dream “bath water” says that you are on the path to success. Muddy water in the bathhouse - promises you trouble. Pure water in the bathhouse - for the wedding. Bad-smelling bath water means problems in your personal life. Cold water in the bath is good for health. Hot water in the bathhouse - to diseases.
  • Interpretation of sleep: bathhouse - to luxury. A bathhouse in a dream predicts fun. For people of art, a bathhouse in a dream predicts inspiration. For teachers, a bathhouse in a dream foreshadows enlightenment.
  • In a dream, “being in a bathhouse” means a blow of fate. To be in a bathhouse in a dream in scarlet panties is a sign of great and pure love. Being in a bathhouse in a dream in black shorts means the death of a person close to you. To be in a bathhouse in a dream in white shorts - wait for a marriage proposal.

Summer dream book

Autumn dream book

  • Seeing a bathhouse in a dream means failure in business. Seeing a bathhouse for sale is a sign of business success.
  • Seeing several bathhouses means hearing obscene language. Seeing your own bathhouse is a sign of sadness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bathhouse in a dream means buying a fur coat. If your bathhouse is on fire and you put out the fire, it’s a lie. If your neighbor's bathhouse is on fire, trouble will come to your house.
  • A dream about a bathhouse predicts tears for you.
  • To wash in a bathhouse in a dream means to receive as a gift something you have long dreamed of.
  • The dream of “selling your bathhouse” promises you to become a respected person.
  • The dream of “drawing a bathhouse” means that you will find a job.
  • The dream of “washing in a bathhouse” means kidney disease.
  • Washing in a bathhouse with someone else’s washcloth is a sign of treason.
  • Washing in a bathhouse with new soap means loss of strength and fatigue.
  • Taking a bath on menstrual days means you are an honest woman.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “bathhouse” dreams comes down to empty promises.
  • I saw a bathhouse in a dream - it is interpreted very well.
  • Taking a bath with the whole family means finding the missing item.
  • The dream “the bathhouse burned down” predicts faded love.
  • If your bathhouse burned down in a dream, then all your cherished dreams will come true.
  • If your brother’s bathhouse burned down in a dream, then loss awaits you.
  • If your son’s bathhouse burned down in a dream, then this is a sign of a new acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor D. Loff

  • Building a bathhouse in a dream means relaxing in reality.
  • Build a bathhouse and hit yourself on the finger with a hammer - trust your father. Build a bathhouse without nails - expect guests soon. Painting a bathhouse with white paint means you will be deprived of affection.
  • The dream of “seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse” means good luck in your career. Seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse with long hair- to an interesting proposal. Seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse with short hair- to sadness and sadness. Seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse without hair on your head is a sign of family troubles.
  • The dream of “going to the bathhouse” symbolizes meanness and lies.
  • The dream of “going to the bathhouse without shoes” is a dream of love.
  • The dream of “going to the bathhouse without soap” warns: be careful while driving.
  • The dream of “going to the bathhouse without a towel” symbolizes the loss of your father.
  • The dream of “going to the bathhouse without a washcloth” is a dream of despair.
  • Heating a bathhouse in a dream means separation from your spouse. Heating someone else's bathhouse in a dream means flattery in reality. Heating your own bathhouse in a dream means fatigue. Heating a bathhouse over black means death.
  • The dream “public bathhouse” predicts fun for you. If you wash in a public bath, you will soon become a dad. If you spy on naked women in a public bathhouse, you are a ladies' man.
  • Getting ready for a bathhouse in a dream means changes in fate. Getting ready for a bathhouse in a dream and forgetting soap is a sign of anxiety. Getting ready for a bathhouse in a dream and forgetting your slippers means dismissal from service. Getting ready for a bath in a dream and forgetting shampoo means tears.
  • The dream “with a dead man in a bathhouse” symbolizes a scandal. Taking a bath with a deceased person means conflicts with colleagues. Playing poker with a deceased person in a bathhouse means laughter and joy. Playing bridge with the deceased in the bathhouse means that your parents will arrive.
  • The dream of “heating a bathhouse with a dead person” symbolizes a divorce from your spouse.

Indian dream book

  • "Old bathhouse in a dream" – new flat in reality. If your new bathhouse became old in a dream - then you need to unwind. If your old bathhouse has collapsed, then you need to be patient. If your brother’s old bathhouse was destroyed, then your life will soon improve.
  • The meaning of the dream “bathhouse” is that you are a thrifty person. A bathhouse in a dream predicts purity of thoughts. Washing in a bathhouse in a dream means finding your purpose in reality. Heating a bathhouse in a dream means finding out the truth in reality.
  • The dream: “a cold bath” predicts prejudices. Wash in a cold bath - to serious illnesses. Sitting in a bathhouse and feeling cold means poverty. Warming up a cold bath predicts a strong friendship.
  • Going to a bathhouse in a dream means numerous problems in reality. Going to the bathhouse in a dream with friends is an attempt to regain former success. Going to the bathhouse in a dream with your parents means a long and happy life. Going to a bathhouse in a dream with children predicts well-being.
  • Washing the floor in a bathhouse in a dream means household chores. Washing the floor in a bathhouse in a dream with an old rag means mental pain. Washing the floor in a bathhouse with powder means success in trading. Wash the floor in the bathhouse clean water- you are in good health.
  • Dream: “naked men in a bathhouse” - to love and ardent passion. If in a dream you spy on naked men in a bathhouse, then soon they will propose marriage to you. If naked men are thin, it means poverty. If naked men are plump, it means wealth.

Assyrian dream book

  • I dreamed of a bathhouse in a dream - to bitter tears in reality. I dreamed of my own bathhouse - to a life of luxury. If you dreamed about your boss’s bathhouse, it means buying a kettle.
  • Stewing a bathhouse in a dream means a tiring journey. Extinguishing a bathhouse with water means no need to argue with fate. Extinguishing a bathhouse with a fire extinguisher is a sign of treason. If your bathhouse was extinguished by a brigade of firefighters, then be prepared for mental pain. (see also )
  • In a dream, heating a bathhouse with wood means visiting your mother. Heating someone else's bathhouse with your own firewood is a sign of a joyful holiday. Heating your own bathhouse with someone else's wood - such a dream foreshadows a love date.
  • The dream of “heating the stove in the bathhouse” prophesies happiness in marriage in reality. Heating a bathhouse with stones means getting satisfaction from work. Heating a bathhouse with wood means buying a home. Heating your own bathhouse means prosperity. Heating someone else's bathhouse is wasteful.
  • In a dream, washing in a bathhouse with a dead person means mental pain. Taking a bath with your late father means adding to the family. Taking a bath with your deceased mother means prosperity. Taking a bath with your late grandfather is a waste of money.
  • Seeing a burning bathhouse in a dream means love and passion. If you set fire to your neighbor’s bathhouse in a dream, then luck will soon smile on you. If in a dream hooligans set fire to your bathhouse, then soon you will receive a letter from another state.
  • Seeing a bathhouse on fire in a dream means that soon many will find out your secret. If the sauna is on fire and you put it out alone, you will soon give birth to a daughter. If several bathhouses are burning at the same time, be prepared to save money.
  • The dream “with a friend in the bathhouse” says that you will spend the evening with friends. If you and a friend wash in a bathhouse, then your girlfriend is not faithful to you. If you and a friend are steaming in a bathhouse, then find some solace. If you drink beer in a bathhouse with your friend, then your heart may fail. Russian dream book
  • The dream of a “dirty bathhouse” means making a profit. If your bathhouse is covered with soot, your work will be appreciated. If you wash your bathhouse with a sponge, you can easily comprehend many sciences. If you wash the bathhouse, but it is still dirty, it means a quarrel. (cm. )
  • In a dream, a new bathhouse is located on the street - to numerous pleasures. If you bought a new bathhouse in a dream, then you will soon go down the career ladder. If you didn’t like the new bathhouse in your dream, then your marriage will not last long.
  • The dream “sauna steam room” is a dream of fulfillment of desires. A free steam room is a waste of money. Paid steam room means saving money. Steaming in a steam room means getting married successfully.
  • Interpretation of dreams: washing in a bathhouse means deception. Taking a bath with your enemies means reconciliation with them. Washing alone in a bathhouse means loneliness. Taking a bath with your colleagues means getting a promotion.
  • Swimming or seeing in a bathhouse in a dream means sadness and melancholy. If your child takes a bath, he will make you happy. If your spouse took a bath, he will soon have problems with the law. If your father is taking a bath, you will meet him soon.
  • Seeing a bathhouse in a dream and washing there means endless troubles. Wash your hair in a bathhouse with someone else's shampoo - to happy marriage. Washing your feet in a bathhouse means a long journey. Washing your child in a bathhouse is a sign of drunkenness.
  • Seeing a bathhouse being heated in a dream means a new romance. If you see in a dream how mermaids are drowning a bathhouse, then your friends envy you. If you see in a dream how your deceased relative is drowning a bathhouse, this promises prosperity.
  • The dream of a “common bathhouse” symbolizes a quarrel with your children. If you bought a ticket to shared bath- then you are a good owner. If you wash in a common bathhouse, then very soon you will be lucky. If you come to a public bathhouse and the door is locked, life will soon teach you a lesson.

Ukrainian dream book

Russian dream book

  • Standing in line for a bathhouse in a dream means you need to be patient, soon everything will work out for you.
  • Standing in line at a bathhouse in a dream and losing consciousness means you will make mistakes out of ignorance. Standing in line at a bathhouse in a dream for more than a day means numerous experiences.
  • A bathhouse burning in a dream means prejudice. If the bathhouse burns with a scarlet flame, then you love and are loved. If the bathhouse burns with a blue flame, you will soon acquire what you have been dreaming of for a long time.
  • If the bathhouse burned down and you did not have time to put it out, then you will live a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams of “washing in a bathhouse” boils down to fun. Wash in the bathhouse cold water- you will soon become a widow. Wash in the bathhouse hot water- you will be left alone. Washing in a bathhouse with clean water is a sign of love and passion. Wash in the bathhouse muddy water- new love will come to you.
  • The dream of “taking a bath with a relative” means that you will soon spend a fun evening with your family. To wash in the bathhouse with your aunt - to good news. Taking a bath with your uncle is bad news. Taking a bath with your cousin means poverty. Taking a bath with your cousin is a sign of wealth.
  • In a dream, washing in a bathhouse with a deceased person means deception. In a dream, washing in a bathhouse with your deceased father means a scandal with your family. In a dream, washing in a bathhouse with your dead mother means fatigue. In a dream, washing in a bathhouse with your deceased grandfather means you will soon make peace with your friends.
  • The dream of “hiding a corpse in a bathhouse” refers to concealment terrible secret. Hiding a woman’s corpse in a bathhouse means a difficult divorce from your wife. Hide a man's corpse in a bathhouse - you will hear obscene language. (cm. )

English dream book

Egyptian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: in a bathhouse in a dream - to imaginary pleasures.
  • The dream of “drinking beer in a bathhouse” is a dream of happiness.
  • The dream of “meeting someone in a bathhouse” is a dream of love.
  • The dream of “washing in a bathhouse” means making a profit.
  • The dream of “steaming in a bathhouse” symbolizes illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: bathhouse, washing in a bathhouse in a dream - being angry with your spouse. Washing in a bathhouse with a birch broom means the arrival of distant relatives. Washing in a bathhouse with your mother means big losses. Taking a bath with a friend means a long separation.
  • Dream interpretation of washing in a bathhouse - to success in your career. Taking a bath with your mistress means divorcing your wife. Washing in the bathhouse with a dishwashing sponge means cleaning the apartment. Wash in the bathhouse with soap white- for marriage.
  • Why do you dream about a bathhouse? the dream book says that nature has endowed you with talents.
  • Heating a bathhouse in a dream means losses.
  • Washing in a bathhouse in a dream means spending accumulated funds in reality. Setting a bathhouse on fire in a dream means ardent passion.
  • Dream Interpretation: bathhouse, steaming in a dream - a headache. Taking a steam bath with your enemies means reconciliation with them. Taking a steam bath with your friends means separation from them. Taking a steam bath with your colleagues means you are a very close-knit team.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a bathhouse in a dream is a sign of prejudice.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a new bathhouse in a dream means victory.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing an old bathhouse in a dream means losing documents or keys.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a clean bathhouse in a dream means a joyful holiday.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a dirty bathhouse in a dream means bitter tears.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “bathhouse” comes down to an empty pastime.
  • Dreaming of your own bathhouse means acquiring something valuable. Your neighbor's bathhouse means the loss of something valuable.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead person in a bathhouse in a dream predicts a lie. A deceased person washes in a bathhouse - to trouble. A dead man is steaming in a bathhouse - you have hope. A dead person decomposes in a bathhouse - a blow of fate. Hiding a dead person in a bathhouse means hearing diseases.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Dream interpretation: naked in a bathhouse in a dream - happy in love. If you are naked in a bathhouse, expect a letter from an old friend. If you spy on naked women in a bathhouse, then you have every chance of success. If you spy on naked women in a bathhouse, this means a promotion.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing in a bathhouse with a deceased person in a dream means changes in fate. Taking a bath with your deceased mother means passing the exam. Taking a bath with your deceased spouse is a sign of lying. Taking a bath with your deceased father means victory over the enemy. Taking a bath with your late grandfather means you will be passionate about science.
  • Dream interpretation: a cold bathhouse means meanness. If you are washing in a bathhouse and suddenly feel cold, then do not trust your secrets to strangers. If it’s cold in your bathhouse, then you will have to be patient. If you see ice in the bathhouse, expect happy changes.
  • Dream Interpretation: in a bathhouse with a man - to love and passion. Kissing in a bathhouse means breaking up with a guy. Making love in a bathhouse means a happy, but not long, marriage. Taking a bath with a man means meeting a well-mannered woman.
  • Dream interpretation: washing in a bathhouse with a man means making a small profit. If in a dream a man rubs your back with a washcloth, read an interesting book. If a man spies on you in the bathhouse, expect trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: building a bathhouse means profitable trade. Dream Interpretation: building a bathhouse from straw is a sign of illness. Dream Interpretation: building a bathhouse from wood means receiving a reward. Dream Interpretation: building a bathhouse from bricks means heartache.
  • Dream Interpretation: sauna bath - a stranger will extend his hand to you. Celebrating New Year in a sauna in a dream means smiling and laughter. If you were given a ticket to the sauna, then your guardian angel is always with you.

Love dream book

Intimate dream book

  • The dream “a dead man wants to go to the bathhouse” promises you a state award. If a deceased person invites you to go to the bathhouse with him to take a steam bath, expect your former colleague to give you your due. If a deceased person invites you to go with him to the bathhouse to wash, then your children will delight you with their radiant smiles.
  • The dream of “bath washing a child” is a dream about buying a kitten. Washing your child means buying a new car. Washing someone else's child is a waste of money. Washing a fair-skinned child means fatigue.
  • The dream of “steaming in a bathhouse with a broom” is a sad dream. Steaming with a birch broom is a sign of laughter. Steaming with a linden broom means heading towards a long journey. Steaming with your broom means death. Steaming with someone else's broom is a sign of drug addiction.
  • The dream of “bathing in a bathhouse with a deceased person” is a sign of bad news. Taking a bath with your dead son means wastefulness. Washing in a bathhouse with a deceased nephew means changes in life. Taking a bath with your deceased father means losing someone close to you. Taking a bath with your deceased stepfather is a sign of power.
  • The dream of “washing a child in a bathhouse” symbolizes a bloody fight. Washing your baby with adult soap is a sign of a long-awaited pregnancy. Washing your nephew means receiving an inheritance from a distant relative. Washing your son means unexpected discoveries.
  • The dream of “going to the bathhouse” prophesies winning the lottery. Going to the bathhouse with the whole family means living in luxury. Going to the bathhouse with your wife means losing money. Going to the bathhouse with your brother means buying a home. Going to the bathhouse with friends is a sign of fun. Going to the bathhouse with colleagues means ruin.
  • The dream “bathhouse, wash” says that you will have to repay a debt to a friend. Washing underwear in a bathhouse predicts insomnia. Washing socks in a bathhouse means sadness. Washing a swimsuit in a bathhouse means becoming an object of ridicule. Washing bed linen in a bathhouse is a sign of intense passion.

Dream Interpretation of Michel Nostradamus

  • Dream Interpretation: heating a bathhouse with wood in a dream means irritability. Dream Interpretation: heating your own bathhouse with someone else’s firewood means an exchange. Dream Interpretation: heating someone else’s bathhouse with your own firewood means prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: sex in a bathhouse in a dream - for a wedding. Having sex in a bathhouse with a stranger means various diseases. Having sex in a bathhouse with your spouse means a quarrel with your friend. Having sex in a bathhouse with a lover is a sign of extravagance.
  • Dream Interpretation: a queue in the bathhouse - to hypocrisy. A long line in the bathhouse is depressing. A short line in the bathhouse means love. If you are standing in line at the women's bathhouse, then success awaits you. If you are standing in line at the men's bathhouse, then failure awaits you. If you stand in line for the bathhouse at night, get yourself a pet.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams of “washing in a bathhouse” comes down to greed. Washing in a bathhouse without soap is a sign of adultery. Washing in a bathhouse with someone else's soap is a sign of greed. Washing in a bathhouse with shower gel means traveling.
  • Dream Interpretation: building a bathhouse in a dream means wealth. Finding a log bathhouse on the road and taking it for yourself is a sign of friendship. Selling a log bathhouse means getting a diploma. Buy a log bathhouse - you are a thrifty person.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing in a bathhouse in front of people means you are a modest person. Taking a bath in front of women is a source of envy. Washing in a bathhouse in front of men means illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: going to the bathhouse - you will have a great time with your friends. Walking to the bathhouse on the sand means boredom. Walking over stones to the bathhouse means blows of fate. Walking to the bathhouse on asphalt predicts charity. Going to the bathhouse on the ground means illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing in a bathhouse in a nightie - to joy. I’m standing in a bathhouse in someone else’s nightie - a sign of relaxation. Standing in a bathhouse in your nightie means you’re a good persuader. Standing in a bathhouse in a green nightie means good health.
  • Dream Interpretation: washing your hair in a bathhouse means suffering. Dream Interpretation: washing a child’s hair in a bath means shopping. Dream Interpretation: washing your hair with someone else’s shampoo means your girlfriend doesn’t love you. Dream Interpretation: washing your hair with your own shampoo means vile actions.

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

  • I dreamed of a bathhouse - my mother would come to visit. I dreamed of a bathhouse covered with mold - to fun. I dreamed of a bathhouse on Friday night - to betrayal.
  • If you dreamed of washing in a bathhouse, it means health problems. I dreamed of washing in a bathhouse during pregnancy - for the birth of a son. If you dreamed of washing yourself in a bathhouse with someone else’s washcloth, it means despair. If you dreamed of washing yourself in a bathhouse with your own washcloth, it means looking for vacancies.
  • I dreamed that I was in a bathhouse - to loss. I dreamed that I was playing poker in a bathhouse - to flirt.
  • I dreamed that I was playing bridge in a bathhouse - to break up with a young man.
  • I dreamed that I was playing lotto in the bathhouse - fortunately. I dreamed that I was playing backgammon in the bathhouse - for peace of mind.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a bathhouse in a dream - find yourself a hobby.
  • I dreamed of a new bathhouse - to extravagance. I dreamed of an old bathhouse - to stinginess. If you dreamed about your own bathhouse, it means success. If you dreamed about your neighbor’s bathhouse, it means bad luck.
  • I dreamed of a bathhouse in a dream - to a lie in reality. Dreamed of an ice bath - to a cooling of relations with your wife. I dreamed of an oak bathhouse - to work. I dreamed of a bathhouse made of birch - to tears. I dreamed of a bathhouse made of stone - to deception. I dreamed of a brick bathhouse - to the crying of a child.
  • I dreamed of heating a bathhouse - to a loss. I dreamed of heating my brother’s bathhouse - for the birth of my daughter. If you dreamed of heating your friend’s bathhouse, it predicts theft. I dreamed of heating my bathhouse best friend-to enter a university.
  • If you dreamed of taking a steam bath, it means making a difficult decision.
  • Steaming in a bathhouse with a linden broom is a shame. Steaming in a bathhouse with a birch broom means a promotion. Taking a steam bath with men is a sign of treason.
  • I dreamed of a public bath - to receive a small amount of money.
  • If you dreamed of a fire in a public bath, you should rest and take care of your health.
  • in the bathhouse - to attack.
  • I dreamed about the construction of a public bath - to bad thoughts in my head.
  • I dreamed about the demolition of a public bath - to a break in relations with my beloved girl.

Dream book of a gypsy

Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

  • Why dream of taking a steam bath - you will miss your last chance. Take a steam bath with bearded man– your colleagues are spreading false rumors about you. Taking a steam bath with a blonde mermaid means endless household chores.
  • Why dream of cleaning a bathhouse - to save money. Washing the bathhouse with an old rag means problems with children. Washing the bathhouse with a new rag is a sign of charity. Washing a bathhouse with a dishwashing sponge is meanness. Wash the bathhouse with a body sponge - to family happiness.
  • Why do you dream of a burning bathhouse - problems with vision. Stew, cover the bathhouse with a carpet - happiness will come to your home. If people set your bathhouse on fire with a torch at night, you were born for happiness, like a bird for flight. If in a dream a new bathhouse suddenly burned down, all your problems will be resolved by themselves.
  • Why do you dream about “the bathhouse is on fire” – to worry. Putting out a bathhouse in a dream means breaking up a difficult relationship. If in a dream you are a fireman and putting out a bathhouse, expect friends to visit. If the bathhouse burns with a scarlet flame, it means you have fallen in love.
  • Why dream of seeing a bathhouse - an obstacle on the path to women's happiness.
  • The dream of “admiring someone else’s bathhouse” is a dream of envy. Dreaming of a new bathhouse means fleeting flirtation.
  • Dreaming of drawing a bathhouse with chalk on the asphalt means fortunately.
  • Why do you dream of a dead man in a bathhouse - your colleagues are flattering you. If you wash the body of a deceased person in a bathhouse, such a dream does not bode well for you. Taking a bath with your late grandmother means receiving an inheritance or an expensive present.
  • Why do you dream of a fire in a bathhouse - you are a punctual person.
  • Dreaming of a fire in your own bathhouse is a sign of sadness. A fire in a public bath means discord in the family.
  • If your bathhouse was burned down by black people, then success will be guaranteed to you.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Dream Interpretation of Jou-Gong

  • Why dream of brooms for a bath - spend the weekend in nature. If you were given a bath broom in a dream, it means healing. If you gave a bathhouse broom, then your wedding is just around the corner. If you burn a bath broom, then you will soon have a nephew.
  • Why do you dream of an old bathhouse - for imaginary pleasures.
  • If your neighbor's old bathhouse has collapsed, there is nothing better than meeting with family and friends. If you are breaking down your old bathhouse, be careful with fire. If you sold your old bathhouse, then your life will soon improve.
  • Why do you dream about a sauna - to empty hopes.
  • why dream of steaming in a sauna with your colleagues - for vacation. Taking a steam bath with your spouse is a sign of betrayal on his part. Taking a steam bath with your parents or relatives is a sign of fun.
  • Why dream of a dead man washing himself in a bathhouse - to the loss of money. Taking a bath with your late grandmother means you will soon become a grandmother. Taking a bath with a dead person is a big disaster. Hiding a child's corpse in a bathhouse means miscarriage.
  • Why dream of taking a steam bath with a broom - to well-being. Steaming in a bathhouse with a homemade broom is a sign of inspiration. Steaming in a bathhouse with an old broom means poverty. Taking a steam bath with a new broom is a sign of wealth.
  • Dreaming of going to the bathhouse means traveling. Walking to the bathhouse on the grass means your children will soon become capricious. Going to a bathhouse through a wheat field means buying a new car. Going to the bathhouse barefoot in the January snow means various diseases. Walking to the bathhouse on ice means hard work.
  • Why does a woman dream of washing in a bathhouse - listen to your intuition. Wash in the bathhouse laundry soap– for general cleaning in an apartment or house. Being naked in a bathhouse means poverty. Washing in a bathhouse with someone else's soap is a sign of deception.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Dream Interpretation of Carl Gustav Jung

  • Why do you dream of a warm bath - for love and mutual understanding. If you feel very hot in the bathhouse, then your mistress will soon divorce her husband.
  • Dream "in a warm bath you doused yourself ice water" says that soon you will become completely different.
  • Why do you dream about a bathhouse with people - to honesty. Spying on naked people in a bathhouse means receiving an inheritance.
  • In a dream, washing in a bathhouse with people you don’t know signifies swan fidelity. Taking a bath with your children is meanness.
  • Why do you dream of a birch broom for a bath - for a happy and long marriage.
  • In a dream, losing a birch broom means letting your happiness slip from your hands. Buying a birch broom means losing money. Steaming with a birch broom means a long and tiring journey.
  • Why dream of washing in a bathhouse in a dream means sadness. Taking a bath with your mother means you will soon become a mother. Taking a bath with your aunt means you are an honest person. Taking a bath with a mermaid means your wishes will come true.
  • Why dream of going to the bathhouse - for adventure. Getting ready to go to the bathhouse and forgetting a towel means a quarrel with your family. Getting ready for a bath and forgetting a washcloth can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Getting ready to go to the bathhouse and forgetting baby soap - yours will be capricious.
  • Why dream of washing in someone else’s bathhouse - nature has endowed you with talents. Washing in your brother’s bathhouse means divorcing your wife. Washing in your grandfather’s bathhouse means alcoholism. Washing in your father’s bathhouse means breaking off relations with your beloved girl.
  • Why dream of a bathhouse and a broom - your spouse is a slacker. A new bathhouse and a linden broom mean complete understanding with the household. An old bathhouse and a birch broom - you will soon have a toothache.
  • If you had a dream “the bathhouse burned down, and there was a new broom in it,” then failure awaits you.
  • Why do you dream of sex in a bathhouse - a waste of money. Having sex in a bathhouse with your ex-boyfriend means a bright future. Sex in a bathhouse with a Japanese man means a successful outcome. Sex in a bathhouse with the head of the bathhouse is a sign of successful acquaintances. Sex in a bathhouse with a stranger - for renovations in the apartment.
  • What does a guy dream about in a bathhouse - to win a valuable prize. If a guy spies on naked beauties in a bathhouse, then he is a success with the fairer sex. If a guy takes a steam bath with a dark-haired mermaid, it means he will meet his family. If a guy takes a steam bath with a red-haired mermaid, they are hiding something from you.
  • Why does a woman dream of heating a bathhouse? It means a scandal with her wife. Heating a bathhouse with wood means bitter tears. Why dream of drowning your spouse in a bathhouse means deception. Why dream of drowning a child in a bathhouse - it means health problems.

Dream book of shamans

Astrological dream book

  • Seeing a bathhouse in a dream means finding your happiness in reality. Seeing a black bathhouse in a dream means sadness.
  • Seeing a white bathhouse in a dream means deception. Seeing a bathhouse on a banknote in a dream means poverty.
  • If you saw a bathhouse in a dream, you will suffer for a long time. I saw a bathhouse in a dream on a desert island - to travel to a distant country. Seeing a bathhouse in a newspaper article means dating on the Internet.
  • To dream of washing in a bathhouse means cleanliness and order in the house. Washing in a bathhouse with naked and long-haired beauties means a long journey. Washing in a bathhouse with laundry soap means the birth of twins. Washing in the bathhouse with a new washcloth means meeting a friend. Washing in a bathhouse with an old washcloth means food poisoning.
  • The dream of “seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse” says that you should take up fitness. Seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse with a mole on your thigh is a sign of a bright future. Seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse with red spots on your body is a sign of problems with your facial skin.
  • Seeing a burning bathhouse in a dream means a blow. Seeing a burning bathhouse in a movie is a sign of success. Seeing a burning bathhouse in the illustration means you feel unwell. Seeing a bathhouse burning with a blue flame means a long separation from your children.
  • Seeing a “bathhouse on fire” in a dream means failure in business. If a new bathhouse is burning in a dream, then you will soon have a nephew. If it burns in a dream cold bath– then your daughter is endowed with the talent of singing. If it burns in a dream wooden sauna- then fate will give you another chance.
  • The dream of “swimming in a bathhouse in multi-colored water” symbolizes success in sports. Swimming in a bathhouse with a dark-haired mermaid means flattery from your colleagues. Swimming in a bathhouse with a naked mermaid is a sign of unrequited love. (cm. )
  • Seeing a bathhouse in a dream and washing there means success in business. Washing in a bathhouse with someone else’s washcloth means a quarrel with your superiors. Taking a bath with your deceased grandfather means failure in trade. Taking a bath with your dead uncle is a sign of lying. Taking a bath with your deceased brother means a wedding. Taking a bath with a deceased friend means divorcing your wife.

Take a steam bath in order to gain health, as they say folk wisdom. A bathhouse in a dream predicts serene happiness. Smart and insightful people dream of a bathhouse. Steaming in a bathhouse means changes for the better. Seeing a bathhouse in a dream predicts peace of mind for you. If you saw a burning bathhouse, then forget this dream and then it will have no chance of coming true. And everything will be wonderful for you!

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Miller's Dream Book

Washing in Turkish baths promises you an unexpected illness far from home and friends. At the same time, pleasant adventures await you.

If you see others washing themselves, an interesting company awaits you.

In a dream, taking a steam bath in a bathhouse promises you to be surrounded by extremely irritated people.

Leaving the bathhouse means that you will soon realize that your worries are in vain.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Freud's Dream Book

Bathhouse is a symbol of a woman or female genital organs.

If you enjoyed steaming and washing in the sauna, you are satisfied with your sex life.

If you got burned or burned in the bathhouse, or there was bad steam, you have sexual disorders.

Running into or out of the bathhouse means sexual intercourse.

If after the steam room you rubbed yourself with snow or dived into cold water- You may change your sexual partner.

If you washed yourself in a bathhouse in clothes, you are ashamed of your body and unhappy with it.

If you steamed in clothes, you are afraid to have sex without a condom.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Being in the bavnyah means benefits; swimming is a shame.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Family dream book

If you washed yourself in a bathhouse in a dream, you may suffer an unexpected illness far from home and friends. But at the same time, pleasant adventures await you.

If you see how others wash, you know that an interesting company awaits you.

If in a dream you were in a steam room, in reality you will find yourself in the company of unkind people.

Leaving the bathhouse means that your worries are in vain, and you will soon see this for yourself.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a bathhouse in a dream is a sign of dissatisfaction with yourself, especially if you find yourself dressed in a bathhouse.

However, if you dream that you came out of the bathhouse clean and dry, this means that your troubles and worries will soon end.

A dream in which you see others washing themselves in a bathhouse tells you that in the near future you may accidentally learn something about someone that this person would prefer to keep silent about.

Taking a steam bath is often a sign of an upcoming illness.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you are sick - to recovery (especially if you steam with a broom); healthy - to illness, an unpleasant conversation with the authorities is not excluded.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Spring dream book

Bathhouse - get a headache from the authorities.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Summer dream book

Seeing yourself washing in a bathhouse or sauna surrounded by many people means spreading gossip about you.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Autumn dream book

See yourself peacefully drinking tea with friends after the bath - all your worries are in vain: only luck awaits you.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Finding yourself in a bathhouse in a dream foreshadows a sudden illness when none of your relatives are around. But the most interesting thing is that funny events await you.

Washing in a bathhouse portends being surrounded by petty and irritable people.

Leaving - very soon you will realize that your worries are unfounded.

To steam - to cause offense if you are wooing with a broom; hear the insult yourself - if, giving off steam, they whip you.

If you yourself give in more steam - to the successful start of a new business.

Seeing yourself naked portends scandalous affairs.

Contemplating others naked is a sign that ill-wishers will try to lead you astray.

If you dream that other people washing are paying attention to you and you feel ashamed, natural shyness will not allow you to liberate your feelings.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Baths, being in them is a benefit; entering the bathhouse means hopelessness; going out is pleasure; swimming is a shame; seeing a woman is a disappointment; seeing a man means poverty; seeing dancing is a disease.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a bathhouse, you are about to have a love date.

In a dream, you wash in it - after a love date you will be overcome by melancholy.

You dreamed that you were building a bathhouse - soon you will have a new lover (beloved).

You watch how someone builds a bathhouse - know: your beloved (beloved) may cheat on you.

If you dreamed that you watched a bathhouse burn, or set the bathhouse on fire yourself, a major family quarrel awaits you.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Esoteric dream book

Unusual - you are at risk of contracting a rare disease, perhaps getting it while traveling.

Village - for colds, sore throat, radiculitis;

Being in a village bathhouse means recovery.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you dream that you are washing in a bathhouse, spend some time Special attention your health on the upcoming trip, you may be at risk of unexpected illness.

In a dream, taking a steam bath or sauna means communicating with extremely irritated people.

If you see yourself leaving the bathhouse, it means that you will soon be convinced of the futility of your worries.

If you see others washing themselves, a pleasant, interesting company awaits you.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Enter - hopelessness; going out is pleasure; seeing women in the bathhouse is a sign of grief, illness; for a man - poverty.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Modern dream book

A bathhouse with clean water, light steam, in which it is pleasant to wash, means joy and pleasure in family life; a dirty, cold bath foreshadows discord in the family.

If someone dreams that he is sitting in a bathhouse dressed, this is bad dream, signifying serious illness, sadness, care.

Singing songs in it means going to jail.

Seeing others wash in the bathhouse means getting into an interesting society.

People dancing in the bathhouse mean illness.

Entering the bathhouse means powerlessness, hopelessness; going out is pleasure; seeing women in the bathhouse means grief, illness; men - poverty; seeing blood means sudden death.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Eastern dream book

Seeing yourself in a bathhouse (especially undressed) is a sign of imminent illness.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

weakness, powerlessness, hopelessness and deception.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Entering the bathhouse means hopelessness.

Coming out of it is a pleasure.

Washing in a bathhouse is a surprise/illness.

Washing in a dress is harmful to health.

Taking a steam bath is a sign of fun and profit.

Seeing a woman in her is upsetting.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bathhouse - scandal, criticism from superiors; pleasure.

Naked in a bathhouse - troubles, illnesses.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Bathhouse mean in a dream - An unexpected illness far from home, an accident on the road is possible. Closing your eyes, imagine that you are leaving the bathhouse under a canopy carried over you by four Arabs (see Arab, Canopy).

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Combined dream book

A dream in which you see a clean bathhouse with light steam, in which it is a pleasure to steam - this dream means happiness and pleasure in your personal life; a dream in which you see an untidy bathhouse symbolizes problems in your family and personal life.

If a woman dreams that a man is sitting in a bathhouse in his clothes, this is an unfortunate dream, signifying a serious illness, sadness, and troubles.

Singing songs in the bathhouse means imprisonment.

Watching strangers wash themselves in a bathhouse means finding yourself in pleasant company.

People dancing in the bathhouse are a sign of illness.

Entering the bathhouse means melancholy, hopelessness; coming out of it means joy and entertainment; watching women in the bathhouse means experiencing disappointment; men - to lack of money; seeing blood in a bathhouse means the death of loved ones.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Sometimes in dreams we wash in the bathroom or sauna. These actions may indicate that the dreamer has a feeling of guilt, a desire to correct some mistakes, to “wash away the guilt.”

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Bathhouse - If someone sees that he is washing in a bathhouse, then he (she) will certainly get rid of grief and worries, and if someone dreams of a bathhouse without water, then he will be involved in serious troubles that a certain woman will cause him.

Bath attendant - Seeing a bath attendant in a dream while performing his duties means meeting an unpleasant person.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Modern dream book

Bathhouse - Powerlessness, hopelessness. (It’s better to take a shower before going to bed.)

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Bathhouse - you see yourself washing in a bathhouse in a dream - the worst option: this dream means illness; the best option(as the least of the troubles) - you will find yourself in an unfriendly environment, you will be like a black crow, you will see sidelong glances, you will hear a hiss in the back and an offensive laugh after. You see in a dream that others are washing themselves - pleasant adventures await you; the society you will soon find yourself in will be interesting to you; the difficult time is over for you, all worries are behind you, and many of them were in vain; the bird of luck touched you with its white wing. A man sees a woman washing in a bathhouse; he cannot cope with the temptation to look at this woman again and again; he sees how beautiful she is - a dream of illness; the grief will be great. A woman sees a man washing in a bathhouse - such a dream foreshadows a woman’s chronic failure in business, love relationships, poverty.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Intelligent dream book

To dream of a Bathhouse - Entering it means hopelessness, leaving it means pleasure; to see a woman in a bathhouse is grief, a man is poverty; see blood in the bathhouse. - sudden death; Seeing people dancing in the bathhouse is a disease.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Russian dream book

What does Bath mean in a dream - symbolic cleansing; watching others wash - an interesting company awaits you; if you sweat, you will be surrounded by extremely irritated people.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Jewish dream book

What does Bath mean in a dream - Washing in a bath A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will be able to avoid the danger of the evil eye; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that the intrigues of your enemies will not bring you much harm; on Saturday or Sunday night - to success. Getting ready for the bathhouse A dream you had on Monday night predicts gossip and ridiculous rumors; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means trouble; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means fun and pleasure.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Women's dream book

Bathhouse - If you dream that you are washing in a bathhouse, pay special attention to your health on the upcoming trip, you may be in danger of an unexpected illness. In a dream, taking a steam bath or sauna means communicating with extremely irritated people. If you see yourself leaving the bathhouse, it means that you will soon become convinced of the futility of your worries. If you see others washing themselves, a pleasant, interesting company awaits you, as Banya interprets the dream book.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Bathhouse - to see yourself in a bathhouse - to be drawn into a conflict showdown. Feeling cold in the bathhouse is a disappointment. To feel the intense heat of a bath is to lose your temper over a trifle. To leave the bathhouse is to get rid of ill-wishers. A large number of people in the bathhouse means mutual support. If there are a lot of dressed people in the bathhouse, you should rush things. Seeing the bathhouse from the outside means feeling a hopeless state. Bathing in a bathhouse means experiencing shame.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

a place where you can have a good time, wash yourself, but also get into an awkward position. “Go to the bathhouse,” - if you dreamed of someone you know in the bathhouse, among other things, it is possible that you “sent” him. If you whip yourself painfully with a broom in the bathhouse, then you are punishing yourself for something. Getting burned in a bathhouse with hot steam means unrequited love. Slipped in the bathhouse, made a mistake. If you are a man and find yourself in a women's bathhouse, then you clearly do not have enough “warmth”.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

In mythology it has been said more than once that not only mere mortals, but also gods loved to use the bathhouse. During excavations in Greece, the ruins of ancient wells and pools were discovered. It was believed that the bathhouse brings strength, beauty and health to a person.

The great sage Socrates loved and appreciated the bathhouse, believing that it brings health and clarity of mind to a person. And Cleopatra had special beauty recipes - after the bath, she applied special ointments to her skin that made her skin soft and radiant.

If in a dream you saw yourself in a hot bath, it means that in reality such a dream promises you only good things. Luck will not leave you with its attention.

A dream in which you take a steam bath in your clothes warns you that because of your negligence you will receive a fair reprimand from one of your loved ones.

To be in a cold, unheated bathhouse in a dream - bad sign. You need to pay more attention to your health.

If in a dream you feel the scorching heat of a bathhouse, then this is a sign that in reality you are destroying someone else’s well-being with your actions.

Getting burned in a bathhouse with hot steam means unrequited love and emotional distress.

If you see yourself telling fortunes in a bathhouse in a dream, be careful! In reality, you are haunted by failures, as a result of which you feel like a person driven into a corner.

To see in a dream how you are building a bathhouse means that in real life you strive for peace and home comfort.

Slipping on the floor in a bathhouse is a sign that someone in your household will commit an ugly act towards you.

Steaming in a new bathhouse is a sign that in reality you have such a bad quality as envy.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Bathhouse. To enter it is hopelessness, to leave is pleasure; to see a woman in a bathhouse - grief, a man - poverty; seeing blood in a bathhouse means sudden death; Seeing people dancing in the bathhouse is a disease.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream book of catchphrases

BANYA - “to give someone a bath” - to give a thrashing, a reprimand. “I went to the bathhouse” is a curse. “Rushing to undress like in a bathhouse” is disorientation, haste. “Soap your neck” is a threat; "zaparka" - haste, not coping with the work. “Pair” - impose, oblige, deceive. “Soar” (powder) the brains - confuse, deceive. See add. soap, washcloth.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Old Russian dream book

enter - hopelessness; going out is pleasure; seeing women in the bathhouse - grief, illness; for a man - poverty, dancing people - illness.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream book for women

Seeing yourself in a sauna in a dream is a sign of a responsible assignment; if you had such a dream from Thursday to Friday or from Sunday to Monday, you will have to make a choice between your family and a new romance.

To be in a cold sauna in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - in reality you will have to listen to the advice of a close relative.

If you dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that you were in a sauna, where it was very hot, and you were suffocating there from the hot air, this portends you serious experiences associated with the betrayal of people you trusted.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Muslim dream book

If someone sees that he is washing in a bathhouse, he will get rid of grief and worries, and if someone sees a bathhouse without water, he will get trouble from a woman.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Bathhouse, entering it is hopelessness, leaving it is pleasure; to see a woman in a bathhouse is grief, a man is poverty; seeing blood in a bathhouse means sudden death; Seeing people dancing in the bathhouse is a disease.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream book of the future

Bathhouse - pleasant adventures; if you see others washing, an interesting company awaits you; if you take a steam bath, it promises to be surrounded by extremely irritated people.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Idiomatic dream book

“Give someone a bath” - give a thrashing, a reprimand; “went to the bathhouse” - a curse; “hurrying to undress like in a bathhouse” - disorientation, haste; “soap your neck” - a threat; “zaparka” - haste, not coping with work; “steal” - impose, oblige, deceive; “soar (powder) the brains” - confuse, deceive.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing yourself in a sauna in a dream is a sign of a responsible assignment, if you had such a dream from Thursday to Friday or from Sunday to Monday, you will have to make a choice between your family and a new romance.

To be in a cold sauna in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - in reality you will have to listen to the advice of a close relative.

If you dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that you were in a sauna, where it was very hot, and you were suffocating there from the hot air, this portends you serious experiences associated with the betrayal of people you trusted.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a bathhouse is a symbol of a fun pastime and, at the same time, various embarrassments. Washing in a bathhouse in a dream

Seeing yourself steaming in a Turkish bath means fun without worries awaits you.

A dream in which you see yourself in an old Russian dress warns of possible deterioration in health.

If you dreamed that you were hitting yourself with a bath broom - in reality you blame yourself very much for something.

If you get burned in this building, you will be disappointed in the love field, but if you slip, it means that you will make some mistake in life.

If a man saw himself in a women's bathhouse, he needs care and understanding.

Watching others steam is a relaxation in an interesting company.

A cool, cold bath, according to the dream book, is a bad sign. Pay attention to your well-being, do not trigger chronic diseases.

If you dreamed of a neat bathhouse, success in love awaits you, and at the same time a dirty, unkempt bathhouse

If you dream that you sing in it, it means a restriction of freedom in real life.

To suffer from a feeling of shame when you wash in a bathhouse with other people - in life, due to indecision, you will miss your chance.

Steaming while dressed means being held accountable for something.

A dream in which you find yourself in an unheated bathhouse is a sign that something is wrong with your health. If, on the contrary, it is very hot for you in the bathhouse

Building a bathhouse means the beginning of a new relationship.

If you dreamed of heating a bathhouse, then this good dream, your troubles will be resolved soon. The most difficult cases will go without a hitch.

Taking a steam bath is a sign of joy and good health. Your income could increase dramatically.

Take a steam bath in your clothes

I dreamed of taking a steam bath with a broom

If you dream that the bathhouse is on fire, quarrels and scandals in the family await you in life. In order not to drown in squabbles and minor troubles, try not to accumulate irritation and fatigue.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Solomon's Dream Book

Bathhouse - weakness, powerlessness, deception, hopelessness; wash - well-being.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Lunar dream book

Seeing a bathhouse, taking a steam bath - fun, joy. To enter it is hopelessness; going out is pleasure; seeing a woman in a bathhouse is a disappointment; for a man - poverty; dancing - illness.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Seeing a bathhouse and washing in it means well-being, receiving honor.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Seeing yourself washing in a bathhouse means trouble and anger.

Washing in a bathhouse means trouble.

Seeing or having a burning beard yourself means suffering.

Seeing yourself in a hot bath is a sign of anxiety.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Russian dream book

A bathhouse is a big trouble, washing is a sign of illness.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Russian dream book

A place where you can have a good time, wash yourself, but also get into an awkward position.

If you dreamed of someone you knew in the bathhouse, among other things, it is possible that you “sent” him.

If you whip yourself painfully with a broom in a bathhouse, you are punishing yourself for something.

Getting burned in a bathhouse with hot steam means unrequited love.

Slipping in the bathhouse means you have made a mistake.

If you are a man and find yourself in a women's bathhouse, you clearly do not have enough “warmth”.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

You want to go into public baths. - Foretells a loss or an unfortunate event.

Why do you dream about a bathhouse?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

Bathhouse: preparing it in a dream means rumors about military operations;

Seeing an empty bathhouse means grief and sadness;

Undressing without entering the bathhouse is a displeasure that is soon forgotten;