What often dreams of the death of a loved one. Interpretation of Chinese and Assyrian dreams

Briefly about the main thing

The death of a relative, who is alive, dreams or to wealth and longevity or to upcoming misfortunes. The explanation of the vision depends on who brought the sleeping, under what circumstances and at what time of year.

Top 2. positive interpretation

  1. Sleep on father predicts the last long and happy life.
  2. Mother's death dream - A favorable sign that means positive changes.

Top 4. negative interpretations

  1. Death of a nephew or niece - To a protracted chronic disease.
  2. Said about the death of her husband in a dream - to disappointments and trouble in real life.
  3. For a pregnant woman to see the death of her husband and tears in her eyes - To cooling in relations, rival.
  4. Dyadie's death, which is alive - To trouble.

Top 2. neutral interpretations

  1. Death of long-range relative - Close people need attention and support.
  2. Dreamed that aunt died - Familiar and friends will begin to shift their worries and problems on the dream.

What does the death of a relative in the dream of Miller?

If a person on the phone in a dream reports the death of living in reality of a relative worth analyzing the behavior towards the donned. The dream means that there is no response or even conflict of interest.

Other values:

  • a dreaming person needs love and support;
  • the one who appeared in a dream will soon recover if he is sick in reality;
  • to see how children die in a dream - in their long and happy life.

Video: What dreams of the death of native people

Shot by the user Ruslan Romanov.

What does it mean when you see the death of a relative in the dream of Freud?

Hear in a dream about the death of a relative for Freuda may mean the following:

  • the manifestation of longing, when a native person is far from time to a long time;
  • confirmation of strong loneliness and desire to be loved;
  • the desire of death to his native person in reality, if the dream is accompanied by tears on the deceased.

Dream Vangu

Vangu explained the death of loved ones in a dream in a dream and betrayal, which at the moment they are preparing behind his sleeping.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Basic dream values:

  1. In a dream, it is necessary to see how the native man is dying, who is sick, - worry about the health and material state of loved ones in reality. Sleeping seeks to provide family members financially, fearing to lose spiritual values.
  2. The dead lies in the coffin - to health problems.

Dream Khasse


  • this dream is a messenger of happy and many years of life in reality;
  • seen also foreshadows the lottery gain, a sudden receipt of an inheritance or a valuable gift;
  • a relative is dying in a dream, who in reality is sick - to injustice.

Dream Nostradamusa

If I had to see the death of a relative in a dream - this means that a person seen will live a long and happy life.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If you see in a dream, as a relative died during an accident, it is possible to explain the situation by a depressive state. A message about several deaths in one dream indicates the progressive paranas.

Dream Longo

The native man who sleeps the video is dead will begin to act rationally and make a lot of good deeds.

Dream Azara

The death of a relative, who is alive, dreams of the fact that the wishes of the sleeping will be performed soon.

If a dead man who was sick in reality, then he will soon recover.

Dream Kananita

The dream foreshadows the material well-being of the whole family of a person who had to hear the death of relatives.

For women:

  • may mean an ambulance pregnancy.

Dream Veles.

Sleep in which the death of a relative foreshadows his own death in the near future. It is worth being careful in everyday life and avoid extreme situations.

Dream Ezopa

The death of the sister or brother in a dream can mean the inattention of sleeping to the feelings of others, stupidity.

If it dreams that the closest dies from blood loss, it foreshadows family conflicts. It is necessary to adhere to a neutral position and not to take someone else.

English Dream

The dream of the death of someone from now living Rodney will proper family happiness sleeping.

However, if the dead, in reality sick, then the dream foreshadows his ambulance.

Dream Stranger

Sleep warns of possible tests and losses.

If I saw the death of children in a dream, then this is to their long and prosperous life.

French dream book

If a person feels perfectly perfectly, but in front of the sleeping he appeared dead - to grief.

See a native person in a coffin - to light ailment.

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

Sleep free from painful obligations and acquires happiness. Fate will re-provide him with a missed opportunity to understand the purpose in life.

Assyrian dream book

According to Assyrian dream book, a dream should be interpreted on the contrary - the death of relatives promises a man longevity.

Akulina healer dream book

The dream of death foreshadows a rich and happy life.

Modern dream book

Interpretation Definitely - the future carries only failures and chagrins. Sleep may have a direct meaning - a close man threatens serious, even a deadly danger.

Perhaps someone will force the sleeping harm to the close, who died in a dream. Especially attentive should be to their own thoughts, if a dreaming before death suffered in agony.

How often do you dream of nightmares?

Big Dream Interpretation FEBE

A similar dream foreshadows frustration in loved ones. Perhaps it is worth waiting for betrayals from the relative, with which a rather good relationship is established.

Chinese dream book

The death of loved ones is regarded as permission of an indefinite situation, internal conflict.

Muslim dreamnik

Sleep should be expanding as an attempt to deceive sleeping.

The death of his son can dream of severe sorre with him.

Islamic dream book

The dream has the importance of the far road, and to go to the path to be sustaining. The journey will end safely and bring success in matters.

Russian dream book

Such a dream is most often a very serious warning: the cardinal, more often negative, change should occur in the life of the sleeping.

The nightmare may have the following values:

  • there is a fear of betrayal from loved ones;
  • financial transactions will end with cash losses;
  • the dream warns that you need to take care of the purity of your soul.

Slavic dream book

See the death of loved ones - to a quick chagrin. Perhaps a fraction will be a deal, the result of which will be financial losses.

Ukrainian dream book

When you see the death of relatives, it foreshadows them a long and happy life: even seriously ill in the family will soon recover. But it is worth paying attention to own diseases, including insignificant - they can begin to progress.

Family dream book

Often, the news of the death of family members is a prevention of possible danger.

Esoteric dream book

When you have to watch death in your dream, it is believed that his own life will be long and sufficiently successful.

It can also foreshadow the appearance of a dream of a dream to change its destination. If a person ignores him, then this opportunity will not be happy soon.

Love dreamnik

If I had to get a message about the death of a loved one and cry, Introduces it leads to parting and loneliness.

To see the patient of a person - to the death of someone from acquaintances.

Dream interpretation by numbers

If you find out about the fact that someone dies from relatives, it says that:

  • gain new knowledge;
  • change jobs;
  • develop hidden talents.

Dream interpretation for women

For women:

  • female dream about the death of a relative, who in real life is in a state of coma - to betrayal.

Dream interpretation for men

For men:

  • The nightmare foreshadows only short-term despair and difficulties in work, but good luck will help avoid danger. It is worth paying attention to the dependence on the opinions of others.

Lunar dream book

If a relative who died in a dream is seriously ill in reality, it promises troubles and injustice towards sleeping in the near future.

Intimate dream book

If the dream was in the sudden death of a relative during sexual intercourse, this explains the emergence between him and sleeping psychological abyss. It is worth making a small break in communication or revise the relationship.

Winter Sonnik

The alignment foreshadows improving the financial situation. There will be a sudden increase or go to a new job.

Summer Dream

On the summer dream book such a vision to sudden love or a new twist in existing relationships.

Autumn dream book

If a person dreams of death of his favorite people during this period of the year, this is a symbol of cardinal change. Perhaps a period of heavy testing will begin - most often, such changes are related to personal life.

Home dreamy

Dreaming predicts sharp changes in the fate of a person in a positive side.

Creative dream book

The vision of death in nightmare can be explained by the upcoming danger or unpleasant news. It is possible that a family member will get sick or get serious injury.

Dream Snark

The dream of the death of relatives can talk about reincarnation in the new capacity.

In addition, dreams, reporting on the death of a loved one, marvel a desire to become closer to attract his attention.

Video about what dream of death

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Dream Interpretation Death of relative

A rather difficult interpretation of the night dreams is the plot, where it happened to see or hear about the death of a relative. In real life, such a tragedy can leave a deep and unpleasant trace for the entire future life. Many religions believe that death is the beginning of a new turn of the development of the human soul. Therefore, the interpretation of sleep does not have an accurate unambiguous value. For complete and accurate decryption, it is necessary to remember the dream with maximum accuracy and sequence.

See the death of a loved one

What dreams of the death of a relative? Intenuing a dream about the death of a relative, who in real life is needed to consider what your real relationship with him.

Despite the terrible word "death" sleep does not foreshadow anything bad, on the contrary, who dies in a dream, waiting for a long life and a person will not know health problems.

if you dreamed that someone from relatives died

On the interpretation of the Dream of Loffa, this plot indicates that this person is not indifferent to you and in real life you are very worried about him. The French dream book interprets differently: a dream to seeing the death of a close man awaits a big chagrin in reality.

A bad sign is considered a dream, in which the dreams also saw: stopped hours, black handkerchief, broken mirror.

To see a dream about the death of a close person is always unpleasant to see, but most often it symbolizes that you need to change your attitude towards loved ones, visit, talk, assist.

Also, a similar dream can at the level of the subconscious, indicate your quarrel in reality with a person who dreamed of the dead, and perhaps you completely stopped communicating with him.
Dream Interpretation advises to take a night dream as a warning, about emergency changes in your life.

I happened to see the death of a loved one, who is a patient in real life - interpretation of sleep foreshadows to find out in the near future the news about his recovery.

See what the whole relatives died - you are in a difficult financial situation and need help.

Death occurred in the eyes of a dream

Interpretation of sleep in which you saw the death of a close person in your eyes - has a negative value and foreshadows a difficult period in life.

A close man died and immediately came to life in your eyes? Vision dreams of new pleasant acquaintances.

Hear a message or a conversation about death - a favorable sleep, indicates your readiness for new relationships.

The cause of fatal outcome

To see that the cause of the death was an accident - it means that a person is actually afraid to stay alone.

Such a supreme should be noted here, as it was a man died:

  • He experienced big torments - a difficult period comes in the life of a dream.
  • The dying died quickly - all difficulties will be allowed by themselves.

Who died

Who exactly from relatives died

A close relative in a dream dreams deceased as a sign that the health of this person will not be alarmed.


  • To see the late mother - a dream indicates that you are tired morally and physically. It's time to relax, and bother about your well-being. Dream Interpretation also indicates that the plot is dreaming on the eve of the wedding or the birth of the baby.
  • Father - the subconscious sends a signal: someone needs your support and communication.
  • Snow children - quarrels and scandals will occur in life.
  • Grandmother - in real life there will be a turning point, which will affect the whole family.
  • Grandfather is alive, but it dreams of him - it means that he will live long.
  • Have you seen sleep: Did my sister died? Interpretation urges to forget quarrels and resentment. Help your native person who needs support so much.
  • The husband is dead to dream - as a signal of what is worth careful to look at his behavior, it may not tell you not quite a pleasant news. Favorite spouse dreams late - as a fear of parting with him.

Far Rodna

Far relatives died in your dream - it means that in real life you are waiting for the moments of mutual reconnaissance. But if it dreams the plot with the participation of a person with whom you actually at the moment in a quarrel - the interpretation of a dream foreshadows a quick truce.

The people say that if a deceased relative was breeding in a dream - then therefore, changes will occur in the weather.

Close friends

To know that the friend is alive, but dreams deceased to bad news.

Girlfriend - indicates on the stressful situation in life.

See a fresh grave

if the grave was conducted

See the dream in which you conducted a grave only a deceased close relative - now you are in a difficult situation and do not know how to find a way out of the current situation.

Learn news of death

The news of death indicates that he stands soon to visit the relatives. Learn the news of the death of a close person - a dream, inclined to exaggerate events in life.

The news was false - it is worth, be careful of you want to mislead.

See deceased

Did the dealer called a dream? This night plot dreams of death.

Wash the deceased - it means that the past will leave there, where it must be and begin to live by the present.

Interpretation of a dream in famous dreams

Family dream book

The meaning of sleep in which relatives will dream dead - indicates that this night plot is a warning.

See the deceased father and talking to the departed in a dream - the dream book indicates that it is worth thinking well and weigh all your undertakings.

Conversation with mother in a dream calls in real life to control their desires.

If in the night dream I happened to see a deceased relative and he tried to make you promise something - it means that do not lose the power of the Spirit and listen to sleep.

Modern dream book

Did you see native dead? Bed and sadness comes. I hear the unpleasant news of the death of a loved one - in real life, get a bad message. To see himself in the plots of sleep - it means you will be forced to make misconduct. A relative or friend died in heavy torment - Night Guest Indicates the wrong deeds in real life. Dead enemy - you must overcome evil thoughts inside ourselves.

Your mark:

What dreams of the death of a loved man in a dream

The dreams of the death of loved ones and relatives who are alive, but dream interpretation of a close person should not be interpreted as a literal prediction, with rare exceptions. The dream of someone else's death scares, but it can become prophetic only in those dreams, who have already seen human dreams in their lives, and simply, among the mediums - people who have a contact with the subtle plan. And, as a rule, after awakening, such a person does not have any doubts about the prophetic dream or not.

The keys to the interpretation of sleep - what dreams of the death of a relative are the symbols of death that may be present in a dream. For example, the stopped clock, a black handkerchief, a broken mirror, flowers in pots and black flowers. Only then can be prepared for bad news ... In other cases, it is not necessary to worry, why dream of the death of the Pope or what dreams of Mom's death will dream, or what dreams of grandmother's death dream, as the dream of the loss of loved ones Death of a child. Similar dreams, on the contrary, hint that the "dead" will live for a long time and quite happily.

If the death of a relative man who is not a relative has dreamed, then sleep has a somewhat other interpretation. For example, what dreams of the death of a husband, and what is the dream of the death of a friend or what is the death of the girlfriend? This means that the "dead" is on the threshold of changes in his life, in this case death symbolizes changes that will happen to this person. Less often sleeps a certain crisis and a cardinal fracture with the "deceased" man, after which the state of internal harmony and equilibrium follows.

What dreams of the death of a relative? The influence of this person on your life will significantly decrease, you will be less likely to see them, and the common topics for the conversation will gradually run out. This may be associated with changes in life, changes in worldview, etc.

According to the dream, the death of a relative is a reason to be glad for the strong health of this person. From a psychological point of view, sleep reflects an unfortunate alarm. And the feeling of guilt, if the relationship with a relative is far from good.

What will the death of parents dream? In addition to purely psychological reasons (concern about the health of mom and dad, separation from them because of the move, quarrels and conflicts, etc.), there are interpretations of dreams. So, seen in the dream, the death of the father is a warning signal: someone wants to fool you or pull into financial fraud. Mother's death symbolizes significant changes in your life in reality: moving, marriage, child birth, etc.

Death of grandmother's grandmother also symbolizes the most important turning events, but they expect not only one dream, but the whole family.
The death of the grandfather means that he will live long and will retain good health.

Psychological explanation of sleep on the death of grandmother or grandfather is associated with a dream concern about the health of their relatives, to see the desire with them.

What dreams of the death of a brother? This warning about finding people capable of meanness in your surroundings. The brother himself does not threaten anything - on the contrary, he will be distinguished by strong health.

As the dream book explains, the death of the sister in a dream means that your family members need support, help or just attention from you. In a situation of a quarrel or waving, a dream reflects the subconscious desire to reconcile with relatives.

If you have dreamed of the death of a friend, this is a warning sign. In the near future will enter the unpleasant news to which it is necessary to take coldly.

The death of the girlfriend is decrypted so: in reality you are in stress because of the accumulated cases and time deficit.

Sometimes the impossibility to communicate with close people, which at the moment is far from you, the feeling of the loss of related communication, the lack of opportunity to help or in any way to influence their lives leads to dreams related to the death of the native. Sleeps causing unpleasant sensations, negative emotions that may still be pursued for a long time after awakening.

Symbolically, death is associated with close tests prepared by the fate, which will inevitably affect your life. Such dreams are associated with losses, even if the decent tests are treated and they will be successfully completed and overcome.
If in a dream it tries to speak with you, and you clearly hear his voice, expect quick negative and unpleasant news.

Tips you received while sleeping from a deceased relative is able to positively affect life, try to adequately appreciate and follow them.

As a rule, death seen in a dream carries this man longevity and well-being. At the same time, for a person who saw this dream, events may mean an excessive moral and physical overwork of the last days or quarrels, conflicts that should be stopped by visiting and taking care of loved ones and beloved people. Try to pay attention to their health, put the relationship, apply a visit, the kidial memory of the long-gone, but so expensive people to you.

Mystic sleep

Death of recent grandmothers, mother or sisters seen in a dream, it makes it easier to break up with a loved one, brings some relief and the opportunity to additionally say goodbye and talk about the affairs that you did not have time to discuss. True, there is a believer that in no case cannot be touched in a dream, and even more so going after him, especially if the manitis and fascinates.

If in your dream you saw the mother, which is now sick, sleep can be an overnent recovery or becoming a serious reason to give her additional attention and care.

Father's death in a dream can mean caution from a frivolous lifestyle, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Such a dream talks about the need to not be influenced by emotions and the mood in making important life decisions.

The death of an elderly little relative means not easy events that may soon change your destiny. For young girls, this event means the appearance of a decent cavalier.

The mansion is "criminal" dreams. Murders in a dream of relatives talk about the error committed by you, this error does not exactly give rest, and therefore it is worth thinking about and analyzing the perfect earlier. If the relative is killed in a dream, wait for unpleasant visitors, a lot of blood - to light "crash" money.

The dream in which people die are always disturbing man. But most of all upset the visions in which loved ones were killed. In order not to worry about excessive occasion, it is necessary to figure out what the death of a loved one dreams is, because not always such a dream is a bad omen.

According to many dreams, death is a sign of the approximation of great changes in the life path, which can affect the resting position in the future, namely:

  1. Miller's dream book suggests that this dream warns about testing and financial problems.
  2. Wang's dream book Death seen in a dream interprets as an omnant that soon the dreams can make a mistake that entails suffering.
  3. Maya's dream book implies under the death of relatives in the dream of longevity and success. At the same time, the loss of children in this dream book is a sign of emerging ambulance.

Death of relatives even in a dream brings a lot of concerns about their health.

To reduce mental experiences, you need to remember all the nuances of the dream:

  1. To see the death of mom in a dream means the approximation of future changes, such as a change of residence, wedding, pregnancy.
  2. A dream in which a native brother is dying, foreshadows for a dream a quick betrayal and meanness from colleagues, friends - it is better to look at the people around. Also, such a vision promises a long and successful life and a hero of sleep and the one who watched this dream.
  3. The death of dad in a dream is usually considered a dangerous sign that notifies the dream that friends and acquaintances can deceive it, and then involve in illegal affairs. As for the Father himself, he will be healthy and will live long.
  4. When the sister's death was dreamed, this dream predicts possible problems in the family. In this situation, you need to ensure maximum support for your face. At the psychological level, such a dream can reflect the desire to reconcile and forgive all the offenses.

When an elderly man dies in a dream, this is a dream, on the contrary, predicts him longevity.

In turn, the death of grandmother symbolizes the end of the inner struggle, as well as the formation of conclusions. This dream may be an omens to the end of long torments and flour, as well as improvements on the physical and spiritual level. After such a dream, we should expect change in fate.

But when a sleep interpretation, it is necessary to take into account who was a dream:

  1. Women such a dream foreshadows complicated pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Men this dream says that soon the progress of his beloved will burst into a personal life.

The dreams in which the death of the grandfather occurred, do not carry any threat to his life. This dream is usually interpreted as the need to communicate with relatives. Perhaps the dreams subconsciously trying to hide from the care of his parents, but after such a dream it is desirable to establish all contacts with relatives.

Sleep interpretation depending as a man dies

Sleep can be interpreted in different ways and depending on how a person dies.

To fully express the dream, it is desirable to remember all the nuances of what is happening:

  1. When a person at death asked you about help, this dream reminds you that you have not fulfilled your duty. It should be understood that all promises, the data earlier, must be fulfilled, otherwise your life can dwell.
  2. When it dreams that a dying person in a dream something vaguely tried to tell you, such a dreaming often advises a person to look around and listen to others. Most likely, the dreams does not always carefully listen to his interlocutor, as it is an egoist. In this case, many dreams interpret this dream, as the upcoming team in a team, which will force a dream to hear others.
  3. If a man dies in a dream near you, then such a dream foreshadows a steep turn in life. The changes will come very quickly, and the relationship will move higher at the level. When a person dies far away, such a dream can be foreshadowed in work, as well as a significant financial replenishment of the family budget.

Friends, colleagues

If the death of friends was seen in a dream, then this vision foreshadows completely new ties and meetings.

These acquaintances will help achieve success in work and in personal life. Pay attention to the "newcomers", because communication with them will only bring joy. To friends, this dream promises a long life path. In addition, such a dream foreshadows good chances to get rich.

A vision in which your colleague died means an increase in the career ladder, as well as additional sources of income. Sleep is a good sign that you can easily get rid of annoying competitors, as well as establish yourself in the team.

Child died in a dream - meaning

The vision of the death of a child usually does not foreshadow him of real death. Most likely, this dream means restructuring relationships with him, or anxiety about his health.

But to be exactly confident in the absence of a threat, it is necessary to figure out all the trifles:

  1. When the child dies in his hands in his hands, it foreshadows the disease from which, fortunately, the baby will soon recover. After the dream, it is desirable to immediately consult a doctor and pass a medical examination.
  2. If you dreamed of the grave of your child, it means that the trouble would soon be happening to him. Most likely, some changes will occur, which may in the future threaten his health.
  3. When the baby is not observed serious problems, then such a vision promises a child longevity.

Death of his beloved man, husband, wife

Did you dream of the death of a loved one? This vision is able to impose cardinal changes in relationships.

It is possible that your beloved has already cooled to you and is ready to part. After that, an anxiety about parting and misunderstanding appeared on the subconscious level.

  1. When a dream with your half is dreaming quite often, it signals a lack of love and comfort. At this point, you should expect a quarrel or the appearance of a rival. To avoid this, it is important to establish relationships with the beloved as quickly as possible.
  2. The death of her husband, many dreams explain how the development of uncertainty and the fear of loneliness. Also sleep predicts a change in lifestyle and thoughts. Sometimes this dream foreshadows the dream Financial collapse and business death. There is also the likelihood that after such a dream, a black band can begin in your relationship, which will lead to the divorce.
  3. A dream in which a wife died means for a dream that his relationship with his wife is spoiled, and you can restore them only by attaching a lot of effort. If the wife is sick, she should soon recover. To some extent, this dream also means a dependent position on the point of view of the surrounding people. People working in the field of financial activities, this vision promises the loss of money.

The dreams with the death of loved ones are not always negative promise. Usually, such visions are obtained by people in which radical changes will occur.