Dream interpretation: why cloudy water is dreaming, interpretation of sleep for men, women and girls. Muddy river

Why is the water stream dreaming? In a dream, he symbolizes the flow of life, while the water in the river characterizes the features of what is happening and the future. The dream book will explain in detail everything that happened to see in the night.

Don't relax!

If you dreamed of a lot of water, then, depending on its quality, the future promises both minor failures and empty conversations, as well as joy or a successful course of affairs.

If in a dream it happened to see a lot of water in the river, then the dream book does not advise you to relax in any case.

Keep in control!

Why else is a particularly large and wide river dreaming? This is a symbol of an important conversation. At the same time, the dream book warns of gossip and tears.

Swimming in it is good. It literally means being in tune with the times. If the water in the river reflects the sun, then ghostly luck can slip away at any moment.

Everything will be alright!

A flood in a dream heralds trouble at work. In a more global sense, the interpretation of sleep means a threat to life or a very serious illness.

It's good to watch the river fill with water. The dream interpretation is sure that soon everything will work out and the danger will go away.

Had a dream that you were washed away by an overflowing river? Things will go very badly, and all attempts to fix them will not bring results.

A deep river in a dream reflects a calm, but unnecessarily boring life. Had a dream of bubbling water in a river? A real generator of new ideas and creative plans will wake up inside you.

According to Miller's dream book

What is the dream of an exceptionally smooth water surface? Mr. Miller argues that life will be filled with joy, and bright prospects loom ahead. And walking on it in a dream - to the elevation and comprehension of sacred mastery.

Specific transcripts

The stormy water in the river conveys no less stormy life events. A particularly fast current reflects lightning-fast changes and successful overcoming of obstacles.

At the same time, the dream book advises you to take into account exactly what the water in the river was. For example, a river with blue water warns of hidden danger, and blue reflects dreaminess and illusion.

  • Dark - focus.
  • Black is a messenger of illness, death.
  • Green - career growth.
  • Brown - stability.
  • Warm - quiet happiness, pleasant impressions.
  • Cold - poise, good health.

Difficult times ahead

What is the dream of muddy water in the river? The dream book advises to prepare for constant quarrels, showdowns and squabbles. To recruit it - to backbreaking work.

Muddy water symbolizes gossip, spiteful talk and gossip in a dream.

If you dreamed of a muddy and seething river, then it will not be easy to embody what you have outlined. Moreover, in reality, a disaster is coming that will disrupt all plans.

Profit or Bust?

Dirty water in the river has almost the same interpretation, but even more negative. So dirty river warns of serious conflicts with others.

If in a dream the water in the river foams and boils, then the dream book believes that there has been a strip of endless difficulties and troubles in all areas of life.

Dreamed of a rather narrow, but dirty rivulet? You will have to embark on a risky journey that, with a bit of luck, will bring substantial profits, but may end up in complete disaster.

Freedom or Debt?

If in a dream it happened to drown in dirty water, then you will literally sink into debt. What is the dream of absolutely clear water in the river?

It symbolizes independence from circumstances and freedom in every sense of the word. Dreamed of a transparent rivulet? The dream book promises health improvement and a successful course of affairs.

Financial difficulties are coming

Why dream that there is no water in the river? This means that some sad event will happen in the family. The dried up riverbed symbolizes the loss of a source of income and even complete ruin.

Had a dream that there is no water at all in a wide river? The dream interpretation believes that you will have to go through a streak of total bad luck and lack of money.

Think about it!

In a dream, to see how the water in the river dries is bad. This is a sign of the imminent loss of a stable position or a high position.

To see that there is no water in the river - to gloomy reflections and sadness. This is a sign that you have lost your vitality and energy.

Sometimes a river with no water at all hints that your time has come to an end.

Don't trust!

In a dream, are algae clearly visible through a layer of water? You are clearly striving for a different lifestyle. However, the dream book suspects that this desire remains only in distant plans.

Why do algae dream at the bottom of a clean reservoir? Do not trust beautiful words and deceptive information.

Do algae grow in a dream right before your eyes? Be less frank, even with very close people. Seeing a muddy bottom literally means getting into an extremely unpleasant position.

Curb your desires!

Why dream of water in the sea? It reflects the need for anticipation, but sometimes promises a big dream come true.

Dreamed deep water in the sea? The dream interpretation is sure that you strive for physical contentment, forgetting about spiritual joys.

Had a dream about a lake? This is a symbol of a personal relationship to the current life situation.

The maelstrom reflects an impasse that literally draws energy out of you. A waterfall in a dream means that you need to curb your desires, and then fate will give you happiness.

Don't get carried away!

In your dreams, did you have a chance to swim along the river without a special purpose? Circumstances will turn out to be extremely unfavorable.

Swimming with a stranger is a new feeling that will captivate you without a trace.

Sailing in a boat is much better. The dream interpretation believes that you will get rid of troubles and take up a very important matter.

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream, then getting out of it clean and refreshed - to recovery, prosperity and new opportunities. Swimming in troubled water, or seeing it from the seething side - to dangerous accidents. To find out why a stormy mountain river is dreaming, it is enough to recall the small nuances of a dream and look into traditional dream books.

What does Miller's dream book portend?

The seething stream in a dream, according to psychologists, symbolizes a sharp change in mood. The subconscious mind tells you to be ready for alternation important events... They can be both good and bad for you. For example, if you dreamed that you had a chance to swim across a dirty river, get ready to fight for a place in the sun. In reality, everything will depend only on the correctness of the decisions made.

Don't forget about responsibilities

Gustav Miller, in his dream book, also gives twofold explanations of why a dirty river is dreaming. According to his interpretations, to see muddy water in a dream means to set foot on a difficult life strip:

  • swim - to petty gossip, domestic squabbles;
  • swimming - to health problems;
  • swim across - to rivalry in the work collective;
  • swim to the other side, overcome the stormy stream in any way - to personal victories.

It is better to insure deposits and savings

Seeing a dirty river, observing it from the side - means the dreamer's readiness for risky transactions. Dream Interpretations warn that you should first secure a full package of guarantees and only after that conclude deals, contracts. Even if you dreamed that you had a chance in a dream to cross the river by boat or other water transport.

A sharp change in the mood of the authorities, intrigue among colleagues, the danger of failure - exactly what any muddy water dreams of. In the coming days, you should focus your actions on building relationships with management, connections with influential people, and trying to find mutual language with employees in the work team.

Monitor your health carefully

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream is also very bad. A dream means the onset of a disease that you do not yet suspect. Well describes what the hazy streams dream about, Vanga's dream book. The great soothsayer reduces the interpretation of sleep to a sharp weakening of the body.

It is worth paying attention to health in cases when even a small turbid reservoir was dreamed of. The healer recommends postponing urgent matters for the future and come to grips with rest. If it is impossible to quit, try to establish a work and rest routine, alternate activities, and be outdoors more often.

Dreams often bring positive emotions, but there are also those, after which it is very anxious at heart.

Dream Interpretations advise to interpret dreams as a whole, and not just individual symbols in them.

Why is dirty water dreaming? It's worth understanding.

Why is dirty water dreaming - the main interpretation

Water in a dream symbolizes the flow of human life. If it is muddy, dirty, you should beware of various troubles that may befall a person in the near future. It is also important to pay Special attention the following sleep details:

Where did the dirty water come from;

Perhaps the water was clear at first;

Who else was present in your dream;

What emotions overwhelmed you.

Do not despair right away if you had a dream with a negative interpretation, perhaps all difficulties will turn out to be in your favor. First, it is worth figuring out what kind of water we are talking about. If you see a small puddle, or dirty water in a glass, the troubles will be minor and will not particularly affect the course of events in your life. If you see a huge reservoir with muddy water, and even get into it, you should beware of major troubles.

Everything problems can drag on if you dream of a raging sea with muddy water. Such a dream can speak not only of material problems, but also of mental anguish that will prevail over a person for a long time.

If you have a dream in which you accidentally slip and fall into muddy and dirty water - he portends gossip and discouragement for you... Your persona will cause undue negative attention from others. It is not advisable to agree on important meetings and conduct important negotiations in the near future. Most likely, the deal will not work out and you will incur losses due to the fact that someone questions your reputation.

You yourself, perhaps, behaved pretty relaxed and are now reaping the fruits of your neglect of what is happening in your life. You could have allowed yourself a harsh statement about loved one, and now he does not want to contact you. Dream Interpretations indicate that the problems will be of a protracted nature, you should not expect that you will be forgiven so quickly. You rather can only earn forgiveness by hard work on relationships.

If you dream that dirty water is splashed by the wind from a reservoir - such a dream may mean your unstable emotional state, you will be susceptible to mood swings in the near future, which will lead to your painful attitude towards other people.

Perhaps you have previously been a rather demanding person who could indiscriminately express the whole truth in person. But now you yourself will hear the truth about you, and it will shock you. Try to contain your emotions and avoid a real scandal., because after him it will be very difficult for you to make peace with family and friends.

If a young girl dreams of a storm at sea, she will have to long time worry about not working out love relationship... The whole problem is that rumor is to blame for this situation. She will be blackened in the eyes of her beloved that will lead to a spat.

If a young couple dreams that they are standing in clear water and holding hands and then the water suddenly became not transparent, but dirty and muddy - such a dream means that their peace of mind and idyll will soon come to an end. Them it would be high time to improve relations with each other, but they could not do this, since they did not take into account the mutability of fate.

Now they just need this bitter experience in order to draw conclusions and continue not to make such mistakes. If young people dream of a sailing ship that sways on turbid waves, their hope for a cloudless future will be clouded by the truth. Some of the partners have long been carrying the thought of breaking this relationship... They have been weighing on one of the partners for a long time, but the breakup will be painful and long-lasting.

Why does dirty water dream according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that dirty water is dreamed of as a symbol of a person's impermanence in love. By this, he causes the indignation of others and the censure of his way of life. If a girl dreams that she begins to drown in dirty water - such a dream indicates that she will get bogged down in a vicious relationship.

She should refuse such a connection, otherwise she will irrevocably ruin her reputation. Now she has a lot to lose, she must, like never before, gather her willpower into a fist, you can withstand the temptation. In the future, a happy relationship will await her.

If a girl dreams that she is walking in a dirty puddle, she will shed empty tears. Do not get upset about someone else's character and other people's problems. The main thing is to get in her personal life what she has long dreamed of.

If a man dreams that he is drinking dirty water from a glass, he will quarrel with his soul mate out of the blue. This dream should alert the man, since such quarrels can lead to the end of the relationship.

If a lonely man dreams about how he passes into a muddy and dirty river, his sexual energy is stagnant and his genitals suffer because of this. Now he needs to be especially active in paying attention to his health. But in order to get a full sexual experience, he will have to work for a long time.

Why does dirty water dream according to the Esoteric dream book

V Esoteric dream book it is said why dirty water is dreaming. She dreams as a symbol of the negative impact on human life. By analyzing all the details of sleep, you can accurately determine who actually has this harmful effect. If a person dreams that he is suddenly overwhelmed with dirty water - his troubles do not have a specific author, they are the result of negative actions of a person in the past.

If in a dream you find water on your doorstep, someone really wants harm not only to you, but also to your household. If you dream that you are washing clothes in dirty water - such a dream indicates gossip and rumor around your person, all this weakens your energy and makes you vulnerable to other people's negativity.

Why does dirty water dream according to other dream books

V Modern dream book it is said that dirty water dreams as a harbinger of imminent troubles and failures. If you dreamed that you drink dirty water with pleasure, you will soon become seriously ill. It's important to keep everything under control chronic diseases as they can become aggravated.

If you dream about dirty water in a glass, troubles can pass you by if you finish your work on time and do not make minor mistakes. Try to resolve all conflicts and resolve them as quickly as possible. Try not to have frank conversations at this time, do not devote a lot of time to work.

V Women's dream book it is said that if a man dreams of his woman rinsing his clothes in dirty water, she is most likely preparing to cheat on him. If a woman dreams that she is dipping into a bathtub with dirty water, then she will surely expect a betrayal of her beloved and betrayal.

Also, a dream about dirty water may indicate a deception that a person may be subjected to. His close friend, acquaintance, on whom he so strongly counted on, will deceive him. It is also worth paying special attention to such interpretations of dreams:

A river with dirty water - to obstacles on the way to the goal;

To enter a puddle - to commit an act and then regret it;

A lake with muddy water is a long-term problem.

In Miller's dream book it is said that dirty water dreams of illness, sadness, melancholy and apathy. Financial situation in a person's life will be very unstable. It is important to remain calm and self-possessed, after temporary difficulties a positive period in life will come, which will bring many positive emotions.

If you dream that you have wet your feet in dirty water, you will soon become seriously ill, the disease will have a difficult course, so you better get patience and wait out the difficult period a little. At the end of it, you will receive good news.

If you dream that you have smeared your clothes with dirty water, you will be overwhelmed by the gossip of envious people who simply will not let you live peacefully. Try to keep all the events of your life a secret from now on, do not brag about your successes, let them remain with you. Whatever the dream, you yourself forge your happiness. Your joy and positive attitude Is the result hard work above oneself.

In a dream, the river symbolizes the very life of the dreamer. By the peculiarities of the reservoir and the nuances of the dream plot, one can judge what is happening at the current moment and what may happen in the future. Dream Interpretations will describe the most common cases.

Why is the river dreaming according to Miller's dream book?

The river, whose waters are calm, predicts prosperity in business, a time of joy. This image also portends the receipt of new opportunities, which will improve your overall financial situation. If you manage to use them, then luck and prosperity will not leave you, but, on the contrary, will increase.

Are the waters of the river muddy and restless? This predicts a series of disagreements, misunderstandings and quarrels with others.

When a river suddenly appeared on the road in front of you, then you should beware of troubles in professional activities. In addition, this is a warning that you inadvertently can perform some rash action, bordering on insolence, and it can completely destroy your reputation in the eyes of your superiors and colleagues.

Sailing on the waters of a clear river stream and being at the bottom in the company of drowned men warns you that joy and fortune will not come soon to you. To see a dry river bed in a dream - expect sorrows.

River in a dream - Freud's dream book

The image of a deep and immense river space symbolizes the fact that you often tend to fantasize on sexual topics, but are afraid to admit your desires to your partner. You dream of having sex in unusual situations and scenery, but you are afraid of their real embodiment in reality.

Swimming in the waters of a calm river means that you selflessly surrendered to the feeling of falling in love. Forgotten by you and all the affairs and worries, which you still need to devote at least a little time. The dream reminds you that you need to look at life more sensibly.

What does it mean to dream of a river - Vanga's dream book

Falling into the river and sipping on its water is not at all bad sign... This suggests that soon your career will go uphill, your overall financial situation will improve.

Plunge into the river water without taking off your clothes - your household and you yourself will not know any needs. Fighting the river flow and swimming to the shore, getting out on land means that despite some obstacles, you will soon get rich.

I dreamed of a river in a dream - what does it mean according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Washing your face with river water - expect heavy losses. Cross the river in breadth - means that you should prepare for problems in real world... Getting out of the river onto land is good news.

To see how the dam is being built, you need to prepare for some kind of test. They tried to catch a turtle from the river water - to sadness, to catch a snake in the water column - to financial prosperity, to catch a fish - to learn the taste of victory in love affairs.

Why does the river dream - according to Longo's dream book

Seeing a clear river surface in a dream means that your life and its arrangement completely satisfies you, and you do not want more.

To contemplate the muddy water in the river - to misunderstandings and to quarrels, clashes with others. Fall into the waters of the river - in business sphere new opportunities will open up.

Interpretation of the dream "river" according to Loff's dream book

In a dream where you wash yourself with waters from a river, there is a message that you will soon have to decide to unravel the tangle of many problems that will not be delayed. Their solution will take a lot of effort.

Remember what the water was: if it is transparent, then you will be able to resolve all worries without loss, and fate will smile at you again; when the river is muddy, then be prepared to endure harsh times. To wash in the waters of a seething mountain river portends a quick cold.

Why the river is dreaming - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Did you see yourself watching the river flow from the bank? Expect a long and urgent journey.

Sailing along it - to profit in business, increase wages, the possibility of winning, any favorable event in the material sphere.

Wade the river or walk along the river - fate prepares you a number of obstacles, it will not be possible to achieve your goals soon.

River in a dream - according to Miss Hasse's dream book

In the dream there is a river in which a transparent and pure water- expect a lot of joys in the near future.

Swimming in the crystal-clear river water is to gain prosperity and wealth. Falling into such a river means that you will receive some important message.

Why the river is dreaming - according to Meneghetti's dream book

The river is a symbolic image. She is the road of human life.

If in a dream a river with clear waters flows to the sea, then the dreamer successfully realizes his life goals, especially when a person perceives himself in a dream as a river or is in it at the moment when it merges with the sea current.

If in a dream you are floating downstream of a river stream, then this is a signal that in real life he starts to lose energy and vitality, health and good luck. Swim upstream - everything that you want to get from fate will require a lot of effort from you. In a dream, wanting to cross the river in order to find out what is on the other side means that you are striving for knowledge.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a river in a dream - according to Grishina's dream book

Looking at the river in a dream means that you have to start something new in your life. Bathing someone in river waters - you will have to supervise someone's actions, be responsible for someone, become his mentor.

Washing clothes or rinsing them in the river suggests that you yourself control your life and time. Drinking from the river or drawing water from it - a new step awaits you on the path to wisdom and mastery.

Why the river is dreaming - according to the Persian dream book Taflisi

To see a river in a dream means that in the near future you will have to meet with important person who has a lot of power and can influence your life. Drinking water straight from the river - to the prosperity that you will receive from the influential people of the city or country.

If the water seemed brackish, then you can be drawn into illegal, criminal actions. To catch a lot of fish means well-being and prosperity in the family.

River according to the Muslim dream book

Seeing yourself floating on a river in a boat means that you are completely immersed in some important business. Being in a boat that floats on the river also means that fate is merciful to you and will save you from adversity and turmoil.

What the river dreamed about - according to the dream book of the XXI century

The image of a river and a thing dropped into it that has reached the bottom means that the day is already near when you will be able to profitably invest money or purchase something at a profitable cost.

If you see a river with a lot of garbage, chips and even logs floating on it, then you have to rebuild everything in your destiny - from personal relationships to career and reputation.

Why dream of a clean, transparent, beautiful river?

A river stream with clear and transparent water is one of the best dreams, it is very favorable for the sleeper. The image of such a river is a symbol of good news, communication with pleasant people, the opportunity to receive good advice receiving consolation.

Why is a dirty, muddy river dreaming?

If the water of the river in a dream is dirty and muddy, then expect a period of difficulties in life. Such waters foreshadow the dreamer that he will be misunderstood among colleagues and close circle.

Even if the water in the river is calm, this does not change anything: troubles cannot be avoided.

Why dream of swimming, swimming in the river? Dream interpretation - swim along the river, swim across the river.

Swimming in the river means that it is time to change something in your life - something that you have closed your eyes to for so long, and it is you yourself who should strive for change.

But swimming in the river means that many benefits await you, which means that there is no need to be afraid of changes in fate.

Why is the river flowing in a dream?

Is the water flow in the river rough? Then expect quick disagreements and clashes with others, which will be possible, but difficult to avoid. In order to do this, you will need a lot of strength and patience.

A slow current indicates that you are living a well-ordered, but monotonous life, and boredom begins to overcome you. Change something in yourself or around you.

Why is the bridge over the river dreaming? Dream interpretation - to cross the river.

The vision of a bridge in a dream warns the sleeper about changes in fate, but you do not need to be afraid of them, because the support of loved ones awaits you.

The bridge over the river is a symbol of insecure relationships with the environment, since it is unfamiliar with your inner world. Crossing a river in a dream means you're ready to start. new stage in your life, and changes in it will soon occur.

If you cross the river over the bridge, then in your the inner world there is a struggle with frustrations and setbacks to start new life... In any case, the image of the bridge is a very vivid image of transformation and changes in fate, sometimes even unexpected, but favorable for you.

A fast, stormy river - why are you dreaming?

See the flow fast and stormy river flowing in the mountains means that many fundamental changes in your life await you, which will not be without hassle, but you will certainly cope with them.

If in a dream you see yourself drowning in a river with a turbulent current, but swim ashore - you should know that you are not afraid of any obstacles on the way to your goal, you will overcome all obstacles on the way to it.

Why else is the river dreaming

  • dreaming of a river bank, sitting or standing on the bank - to the upcoming road, changes in life;
  • a blue, blue river with clear water dreams of wealth, prosperity, overcoming obstacles;
  • a river with muddy water - to tests, obstacles in achieving the goal;
  • to wade the river, fight the current - to face obstacles in the fulfillment of life plans, a long recovery from an illness, but everything will end well, the obstacles will be overcome;
  • swim across the river - overcome difficulties, achieve the fulfillment of desires;
  • to dream of a mountain river, a stormy stream - expect trouble, problems that require maximum efforts to solve them;
  • fishing on the river - to good luck in matters of the heart;
  • jump into the river - experience new feelings, especially for women;
  • falling into the river dressed - prosperity in the house, there is an improvement in well-being, promotion is foreseen;
  • drown in a river, a fast stream, but get out on the shore - quickly improve your financial situation, achieve success in business;
  • big wide river - you are overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are afraid to realize in reality;
  • a flooded river blocked your path - expect trouble at work;
  • dry river - associated with feelings, despondency, longing, and as a result, expect trouble, sadness, illness;
  • frozen river - stagnation in business, despondency, indulge in sorrow;
  • see in a dream the bottom of the river across clear water- problem solving, a sign of good luck in the near future;
  • drown in a river - get ready for trouble;
  • washing your face in river water is an unfavorable sign that speaks of future problems, illnesses;
  • crossing the river across the bridge is a very good sign that promises good luck, success in business and in personal life;
  • a quiet river flows among fields and forests - a calm life awaits;
  • the river flows among stones in a desert area - marks the coming meager, poor life;
  • swim in the middle of the river in a dream - in life one should show caution and prudence;
  • not to find the river in its former place - a dream warns that you are being drawn into other people's strife;
  • run along the river bank along its course - you are afraid of changes in fate, and you avoid them;
  • running along the river bank against its course - the ability to adequately endure failures in business;
  • the river flows among mountains and gorges - reality promises you an arrogant attitude, disgust and contempt for you from others;
  • to lay a river bed for the future river - you will control your own destiny, not relying on public opinion about your person;
  • to change the course of river waters - to work under the supervision of a person who is not indifferent to your future career, who seeks to teach you what he knows and can do himself;
  • the changeable course of the river stream is a symbol of the fact that there will not be something definite and stable in your life yet;
  • if the current of the river carries you away, and you cannot overcome it, then by chance you have to be among those who can harm you;
  • if your hat is blown into the river by a gust of wind, get ready for possible persecution from others;
  • seeing obstacles that interfere with the normal flow of the river means that you have not grasped the true meaning of an important conversation for you;
  • if you managed to remove such barriers, then in real life you are able to get out of any trouble;
  • notice fish that swim against its current - you have to go through a quarrel with your beloved person;
  • catch the river flow with your palm - soon a real friend, faithful companion or business partner will appear in your life.

Why is the dirty river dreaming? If the sleeping person bathed in it, but somehow miraculously managed to get out of it clean and vigorous, then the dream books promise healing, well-being and the opening of new prospects for further development... And swimming in a dream in such a river or just watching a dirty mountain stream is a harbinger of risky events. More will be given below more interpretations that take into account all possible details of the dream.

Miller's dream book

The seething turbid water, according to a professional psychiatrist, predicts a sudden change emotional state dreamer. Perhaps he is on the verge of a period of some fateful events. But their nature is still unknown. But what can be said for sure, then fierce competitive confrontation promises to swim in a dirty river in a dream. In reality, the fate of a person will consist only of the consequences of his choice.

"You must do what you must"

Why else can a similar image be dreamed of? All the same Miller's dream book says that the interpretation can change depending on some details of the dream. Water in a dream, full of cloudy suspension, promises the beginning of a difficult period in life. Try to remember your actions:

  • swam - to small gossip and family troubles;
  • swimming in a dirty river - to the detection of pathology;
  • swim across - to competition between employees;
  • fought with the current - to success in their personal life.

Risk prevention

Why dream of just watching a muddy stream? This is how your subconscious mind reflects the fact that you are ready to sign some dubious contract. Interpreters, like lawyers, remind you that before you conclude anything, you need to discuss your guarantees and think again how much they suit you. If you were sailing along the river not to float, but on some kind of vessel, then the dream books do not change their minds.

Even a dirty river sometimes appears in a dream before the sleeping man suddenly changes his leadership, employees begin to sly on each other, or the project will be close to ending in failure. Try to find a common language with your superiors or the mighty of this world in the near future. Also come to an understanding with your work colleagues.

The prevention of the gram will replace the drug kilogram

It will also be a bad omen to bathe in a dirty river. Most likely, the dreamer has some kind of hidden pathology. According to Vanga's dream book, in a person who saw in a dream brown opaque water, standing in which he could not see either fish or his own legs - in the very near future, the body will strongly and unexpectedly weaken.

Prevention is worth doing even when the river was very narrow. You are not a workhorse and you need rest sometimes. If problems require urgent solutions, then you should at least establish a daily routine and spend more time on the street.

Who is the head in this house?

Why dream of swimming in a muddy, opposite stream? To squabbles and gossip in own home... You need to communicate more often with household members and defend your position. Perhaps the snake wreaking havoc turned out to be one of the deceitful "family friends." Worst of all, if you are drowning in dreams in this vile stream.