From a floor lamp to a concrete mixer: a new life for an old washing machine. Options for useful homemade products from an old washing machine From an old washing machine

If your old washing machine is broken, do not rush to throw it away. Even with a burnt out engine, some of its parts may come in handy. Believe me Many useful things can be assembled from individual parts of the apparatus: a smokehouse, a barbecue, a concrete mixer, a grinder, a juicer, a small table, a sterilizer, an outdoor shower, a washstand, a water tank, a trolley and even a flower vase. Let's take a look at the practice of what can be done from an old washing machine.

Brazier from a drum

Brazier is an extremely demanded thing for our person. But finding a quality product or raw materials for its manufacture is quite difficult. This is where non-standard methods, ingenuity and an old automatic machine will come to the rescue.

The material of the drum will calmly withstand high temperatures, so it can serve as a brazier for many years.

For the future barbecue, you will need to remove the drum from the apparatus. It is made of stainless steel, so it does not care about rain and snow.. The upper part, one might say, is already ready, it remains only to attach legs to it. As a support, you can use pipes of small diameter, fittings, rods or corners. Pipes and corners are bolted immediately, but the fittings will have to be welded first. It is very easy to do this: mark the marked location of the legs on the drum, cut the material to the desired length, then drill holes in the drum and legs, then bolt the parts.

Do not use too thin corners, plates and pipes. The minimum thickness of the metal should be 2 mm. Otherwise, such a design will quickly burn out or bend from high temperature.

Be sure to use a minimum of 2 bolts per leg to connect the legs to the drum. Bolts 6 mm in diameter are enough for these purposes. Mangal is ready. Now, if desired, it can be disassembled and assembled (by unscrewing the legs from the drum). The product does not take up much space, will last for many years, and at the same time costs mere pennies.

homemade grill

Making a grill is similar to making a barbecue, but in addition you will have to buy a small motor and make a slot in the tank. So, take the tank and cut a segment from the bottom of it a quarter or a little less. Then make a hole in the side cover (where the mounting bearing is located) and place the motor there. To prepare meals for you it is necessary to put the chicken on a spit, and set the tank on the coals then turn on the motor.

If you need a smokehouse, then you do not need to buy an expensive model for this, make it yourself from the drum of an automatic machine, and even better from a Soviet washer.

From the drum of a modern automatic machine, you can design a mobile oil lamp. To do this, you need to plug all the holes around the circumference. For example, a thin steel sheet is suitable for these purposes. Fix it on the drum with bolts or weld it to the body. Also equip the door (it’s easier if you use a drum from a top-loading machine, there is already such a door there). From above it is necessary to make a hole for the exit of smoke, and inside place a grate on which products will be smoked.

Some craftsmen made the original smokehouse from old Soviet washing machines. An electric burner is mounted on the bottom of the apparatus, on which a frying pan with aspen chips is placed. A mesh is installed at the top of the tank and products are placed on it. From above the structure is closed with a lid.

Grinder from the washing machine engine

If you still have a washing machine engine in working order, do not rush to get rid of it. It will find application as a grinding machine. Moreover, to create such a device, you will need a minimum of costs.

The electric motor in the automatic machine is quite powerful, so it is more than enough for a grinder or a small sawmill.

First, make a nozzle on the shaft to fix the grinding wheel there (such a “neck” will also be useful if the machine is used to cut plastic or metal pipes, fittings, sheets, corners). As a sole, a regular large-section board is used. To attach the engine to it, pick up metal brackets. You can fix them with screws. The power cord can be taken from the same machine.

The advantage of this design is mobility. The machine can be moved to any place. It can be used both in the garage and on the street. And by changing the nozzles, you can not only grind, polish, but also saw or cut any materials.

To create a concrete mixer, only an old Soviet washing machine, like the Donbass model, is suitable for you, machines, unfortunately, are not suitable. The manufacturing process itself is quite complex, time-consuming and will require you to have some locksmith skills and engineering knowledge.

The easiest way is to make a concrete mixer in which concrete will be mixed using a propeller. So, you need to replace the activator with a fan assembled from two U-shaped plates. For blades, it is better to use thick metal strips (about 4-5 mm in thickness).

To make the blades, first cut 2 identical strips. Choose the dimensions so that the propeller fits and can spin freely in the tank of the future concrete mixer. Bend the plates so they are facing each other at a 90 degree angle.

The finished "mixer" for concrete must be mounted on the shaft from the activator. Here you need a welding machine. If the standard shaft is not enough, you will have to build it up with a thick metal rod.

In older machines, there is a drain hole at the bottom of the tank. To prevent concrete from flowing through it, plug the hole.

The next step is choosing an engine. For small volumes, you can not change it, the regular one is enough. But if you mix more than 15 liters of concrete, then it is better to install a more powerful kilowatt engine.

When buying an electric motor, choose one with less RPM. Even 1000 revolutions for a concrete mixer is a lot. Therefore, you will have to additionally install a reduction gear. Calculate the gearbox parameters so that the propeller revolutions are about 25-30 per minute. You are unlikely to be able to make a gearbox yourself without a machine. Therefore, it is better to order it at some factory. In extreme cases, you can use "asterisks" and a chain from a bicycle.

It is more efficient to mix concrete with a concrete mixer in which the drum itself rotates. But making it at home is extremely difficult.


It is better to make such an apparatus from an old Soviet typewriter with a centrifuge, where the activator is located below. It is very difficult to make a juicer from an automatic washing machine drum. So, take the old technique, take out the activator. Instead, you need to make knives that will rotate on the shaft of the washing machine.

Knives are made of strip steel. Cut three even rectangular strips of the same size. Make a hole in the center of each of them to put them on the shaft. Each of the knives must be sharpened.

After making the knives, thread the shaft, take a few nuts and washers. Alternately install the knives on the shaft, securing them with nuts. Install two washers in front of the first blade and two nuts after the last blade. When the knives are mounted, plug the drain hole. The first part of the juicer is ready.
In the centrifuge, you only need to install a mesh of thin wire (0.2 mm thick and one cell size 1.5x1.5 mm). The mesh should cover the side of the centrifuge.

Before using the product, it is highly recommended to thoroughly wash the tub of the washing machine and the knives.

Using this juicer is pretty easy. Turn on the engine, fall asleep a portion of pure fruit. Give the blades time to grind some of the food (15-20 minutes is enough). Then turn off the engine and place the crushed particles in a centrifuge, which will squeeze the juice from the chopped mass.

Some parts of the old typewriter are used as parts for furniture. So, you can make an unusual table from a drum. To make it, you will need steel rods and a round or square tabletop made of glass or wood. It all depends on your ideas about the future table model. The rods need to be fixed in the drum, and threaded on top of them, and then install the countertop.

If a glass top is used, then make the backlight from LEDs. A table with it will look much more spectacular.

Also using the tank, you can build an ottoman. A pillow needs to be fixed on top. Paint the drum itself in any color.

Another original solution is a floor lamp. You will need a drum and a tripod. Paint the drum in a bright color or cover with a fabric. Then install the socket with the light bulb inside and fix it on the tripod. You will not find such a floor lamp anywhere else.

Another way out is to make a hanging chandelier from a washer drum. Inside, you just need to fix the cartridges with light bulbs and bring out the wires. External design - according to your preference.

Making a picking machine

Such a device will be useful to those who live in their home and keep chickens. First, make a steel disc that will be installed at the bottom of the tank of the machine. The thickness should be within 3 mm, and the diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the tank. You need to drill holes in the disk and insert rubber pins.

Pins or "fingers" will have to buy. They are quite expensive - about $ 2 for one. Such elements need 130 pieces.

After acquiring the fingers, secure them to the disc. Now you need to make holes for the hammer fingers in the side walls of the tank. Step back about 15 cm from the bottom of the tank and drill holes in a circle. The interval between the holes should be 3-4 cm. After that, mount the disc on the shaft - the picking machine is ready.


The above methods are only a small fraction of the tips for the non-standard use of spare parts from an old washing machine. Experiment and create your own inventions. A washstand will come out of the tank of the Soviet washing machine without any problems, a window or a door to a doghouse will turn out from the front panel of the machine, an original cabinet for accessories will come out of the case, a flower pot will come out of the drum.

Once upon a time, she washed difficult stains, giving freshness and cleanliness to her favorite things. She heated the water herself, diluted the soap solution and worked for hours on trousers, blouses, tablecloths and bed linen. She worked hard when a baby appeared in the house, and was an indispensable housekeeper.

But then you began to notice how she was aging - she could no longer, as before, quietly turn the drum, but did it with noise and rattle, began to let water through and, in the end, stopped forever. She was sent to the loggia to wait for the arrival of the loaders, and she could be of much more use.

And if you also keep an old washing machine, the advice of our members of the forum on how to give it a second life will certainly come in handy.

1.Grill, barbecue, smokehouse

Not a single house or cottage is complete without cozy gatherings over a barbecue. From the drum of an old washing machine, you can get an excellent barbecue, grill, stand for a cauldron or a home smokehouse. Thanks to the steel case, this item is not afraid of hot coals and open flames.

forum member beerzip knows how to transform a washing drum into a grill.


- It is done like this: the lower segment is cut out (if on the example of the dial, then somewhere between 17 and 19 hours). A hole is made in the side cover (where the mounting bearing is), where the motor is inserted from the gas stove spit or any other suitable one (can be bought at household goods). The tank is put on the coals, the chicken is put on a spit, the motor is turned on - and after 40 minutes the delicious ruddy chicken is ready.

And here is a member of our forum Gres at the dacha he prefers to cook pilaf. From the drum of an old typewriter, he built a stand for a heavy cauldron.

forum member Tulyak1 adapted a Soviet washing machine thrown out by a neighbor under the cauldron. In the tank and body, he cut out holes for blowing and laying firewood, as well as for a pipe. Installed grates and doors. All his expenses are 40 rubles for door hinges. Here's what happened:

Another option for using an old washing machine is to convert it into a smokehouse, as the members of the forum did elf and colobus. One of the smokehouses was arranged as follows: a burner from an electric stove was installed at the bottom of the tank from a Soviet typewriter, an old frying pan with aspen chips was placed on it, on top - a grid with products for smoking and a lid. Another smokehouse, instead of a burner, was equipped with a hearth and a pipe.

If desired, a brazier can be made from the drum of the washing machine. According to members of the forum, such a home-made unit is much more durable than store-bought counterparts and does not burn through, due to the significant thickness of the steel.

2. Washstand, outdoor shower and water tank in the bath

The old washing machine will continue to be on guard of cleanliness if you make a summer shower out of it, under which it is so pleasant to soak up on a hot day after working in the beds. To get a shower for 60 liters of water, the participant Tower_j connected two tanks from Soviet washing machines. To do this, he cut off the bottom of one tank and inserted it tightly into another, increasing the height of the walls. The forum member welded a support for the tank from pieces of reinforcement. And in order for the sun to heat the water better, the walls of the tank were covered with black paint.

Also, the old tank of the washing machine can be easily turned into a washstand.

And here is a forum member usef I made a water heater out of a tank.

- Slightly enlarged the hole in the tank and inserted a heating element with a thermostat there, cut the thread on the drain pipe and screwed on the valve.

3.Concrete mixer

If you plan to pour on a section of the track or make a foundation for a fence, it will be difficult for you to do without a concrete mixer. But if you are not deploying a full-scale construction site, it does not make sense to buy expensive equipment in a store to use it once.

A home-made home-made concrete mixer, both manual and electric, can be made from the body of an obsolete washing machine. To do this, the old activator located at the bottom must be replaced with a shaft of a suitable size, and metal brackets with turned symmetrical blades must be screwed inside the tank. And, of course, to provide the unit with a metal frame with wheels.

4. Garden cart

Our members of the forum are cunning for fiction. Participant alemurov tells how to make a garden wheelbarrow out of the body of a washing machine.


- One wheel in front is attached to the ends of two handles. Behind - emphasis. Simple and angry.

5.Vase for flowers

The tank of an old washing machine can become a decoration of your garden if you turn it into an original flowerpot. Member of our forum Mila47 I gave the tank from the automatic machine texture with the help of polyurethane foam, then painted it and covered it with three layers of yacht varnish. Here's what she got:

According to the forum member, the pot calmly overwintered on the street, without losing a drop of attractiveness.

So that tulips, daffodils and lilies do not suffer from rodents, dig a tank from a washing machine into the ground and plant bulbs in it. Thanks to perforation, moisture will not linger in the tank and will go into the ground.

6. Home furniture

Designers from the Lebanese studio Junk Munkez have created a series of bright ottomans, the frames for which were the drums of washing machines. First, they carefully cleaned and sanded their metal surface, and then enameled them. The holes in the drums served as a canvas, on which the designers embroidered patterns with threads. A soft satin pillow on top - and a wonderful ottoman in ethnic style is ready! Inside the ottoman, you can store magazines or other necessary little things.

If you place durable glass on top of the washing machine drum, you get a coffee table. Optionally, the table can be made with colored lighting. It will look especially impressive in the dark.

7.Floor lamp and hanging chandelier

By slightly changing the color and texture of the washing machine drum and placing it on a tripod, you can surprise guests with an unusual floor lamp. Designers paste over the painted metal base with bright fabrics, carpeting, decorate it with wine corks. Such a floor lamp will no longer be found in any of the living rooms, although ... it is possible that friends will want to copy your masterpiece.

The ensemble of an unusual floor lamp will be made up of a hanging chandelier from an old drum - you just need to supplement it with a wire with a cartridge and screw in a light bulb.

Create beautiful and practical things for the home with your own hands, and the advice of our members of the forum will help you with this. And if you are thinking what to do with an old refrigerator, read.

Today it is very difficult to imagine a modern house without a washing machine. This equipment becomes an indispensable assistant to any housewife. In addition to clean clothes, this device saves a lot of time and preserves the beauty of hands. But, unfortunately, there is nothing eternal, and over time, the washing machine fails and needs to be replaced. Craftsmen are in no hurry to throw out the old typewriter, because, if desired, and some knowledge, this device can be quite practical application. The second life of a washing machine can begin in a completely new way. This device has a lot of valuable, useful components and assemblies, thanks to which you can build things that are useful in the household.

The most used element of the washing machine is its door. Many craftsmen use it in place of a small window, which is installed in small rooms at their summer cottage.

To get good and useful homemade products, you can disassemble and use:

  • Frame;
  • Manual control (elements);
  • Engine;
  • sealed door;
  • Pulleys;
  • Drum;
  • Pump;
  • Relays and switches.

The originality lies in the fact that the door is very reminiscent of a ship porthole. You can also decorate a dog house with a door from a typewriter. In addition to the original design, the door will have a practical purpose. If necessary, the dog can be isolated from guests. From the washing drum you can build a nice coffee table. To do this, you need to take a few rods, they must be fixed to the drum. From above, with the help of special fasteners, a glass tabletop is installed.

Inside the drum, you can install LED lighting.

Such an original piece of furniture will be a wonderful high-tech decoration that can decorate a balcony, veranda or attic. If you connect fantasy from an old typewriter, you can make interesting and original decor elements that will become the highlight of a country interior.

What can be done from a do-it-yourself washing machine

With your own hands from a machine, you can build such a useful device as a juicer. This device will become indispensable in the season of appearance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Making a juicer is possible in 2 ways. The first option is to use a centrifuge with a laundry compartment. This option allows you to create several processes at once in one device with minor modifications. Namely, the process of grinding and pressing.

For the manufacture of:

  1. A washing machine is suitable, where the activator is located at the bottom.
  2. For cutting, it is replaced by 3 homemade knives that can be made from strip steel.
  3. The drain hole of the tank must be plugged.
  4. A mesh made of stainless material is installed in the centrifuge so that the side surface is closed.

Before use, the structure must be washed with baking soda. The second option is made from a barrel machine. To do this, you need to install a homemade centrifuge.

It is very important to achieve alignment during installation, then the device will work better.

To do this, the engine is suspended on 6 springs, 3 of which are balanced, and the rest are pressed up. To dampen strong vibration, the body of the structure can be installed on a car tire.

Making a do-it-yourself removable machine from a washing machine

For people who keep a lot of poultry, a machine that removes feathers easily and quickly may be needed. The pen-removing machine is also made from a typewriter.

For the manufacture of:

  1. A steel disc with a smaller diameter than the tank and a thickness of 3 mm is installed at the bottom of the tank.
  2. Holes are drilled in it into which rubber fingers are placed. On average, you need to install 13-140 pieces.
  3. All other technical nodes can not be changed.
  4. In the side walls up 15 cm from the bottom of the tank, beaters are installed in the same way.
  5. The lower disk must be installed on the drive shaft.

There is no need to plug the hole, as it is useful for draining water. Before using this device, poultry must be scalded well with boiling water and placed in a tank.

After turning on the engine, the installed rubber fingers quickly remove the chainstays.

The process is quite efficient, the carcasses after processing are clean. The most expensive part of this design is rubber fingers, which must be selected according to the type of pen.

How and what can be done from a motor from a typewriter

An old washing machine with a serviceable electric motor can be used to make a generator. With the help of a motor, you can build a device that will help organize lighting in pantries or utility rooms.

For this:

  1. It is necessary to disassemble the engine to remove the core, from which it is necessary to remove a layer on a lathe, 2 mm deep.
  2. After that, it is necessary to cut grooves in the core with a depth of 5 mm.
  3. Neodymium magnets are inserted into the grooves at the same distance from each other.

To fill the gaps of the magnets, cold welding is used. At the end of the manufacturing process, the surface of the rotor must be sanded. Then you can proceed to the complete assembly of the device.

Assembling a brazier from a drum of a washing machine

Homemade brazier from the drum of a washing machine can be used in the yard of a private house, in the country or an outing picnic. Production is possible due to the fact that the drum body is made of durable stainless material, which has high properties to withstand high temperatures. Making a brazier from a drum is quite easy and simple, just arm yourself with a welding machine and set aside a little time.

To start:

  1. It is necessary to make the supporting part of the future brazier, it is best that this part can be removed, this will allow you to move the brazier to any convenient place.
  2. For the manufacture of the support, only non-combustible and durable material can be used.
  3. The height of the legs under the barbecue is done at your discretion, as long as it is convenient.

Many craftsmen use old metal flower stands for support. For the manufacture of this device, drums from front-end machines are suitable. If the machine is top-loading, you will have to cut one of the sides with a grinder.

In addition to the barbecue, a home-made round smokehouse will become convenient and useful.

A mobile smokehouse is made from a drum that is removed from a top-loading machine. All side openings of the drum must be closed with a steel sheet. This is necessary so that the smoke does not scatter in different directions. From above it is necessary to mount a chimney. This can be done after cutting a hole of the desired diameter. A grate must be fixed inside the drum. The grate can be welded with your own hands or taken from the stove. The use of such a smokehouse is always possible. Such devices for cooking delicious meat and fish will be just a godsend for people who like to save money without sacrificing their comfort.

A method of manufacturing a lathe from an engine from a washing machine

The motor can be used to make a small woodworking tool. The lathe is made from a corner that serves as a frame, shaped pipes and other improvised materials. The electric motor can be taken from any old typewriter. Even the engine from the washing machine is suitable for a baby. You can adapt the engine to the frame in any convenient way. Most importantly, the axle must be aligned parallel to the supporting structure. The headstock is attached to the motor pulley. The tailstock is made from improvised materials and installed parallel to the frame. The main part of the machine is the handpiece. This part acts as a support for the cutting part. It is necessary to ensure its movement along and across the frame. Also, do not forget about reliable fixation during the operation of the machine.

Summing up, we can safely say that with certain knowledge and the work of fantasy, old things can become very necessary and useful in the household. Reworking old things allows you to save money and create original and interesting devices such as a stove, barbecue, electric generator, lathe and grinder. Crafts can revive and decorate the interior of not only the yard, but also at home. The washing machine has many parts and elements that can be used to make many interesting and useful units. The use of an electric motor from a typewriter allows you to build kitchen appliances such as a juicer and a sterilizer for conservation. In order to design all useful devices, it is necessary to carefully develop a drawing, prepare the necessary parts and tools. When everything you need is at hand, you can start assembling.

Homemade from the engine from the washing machine (video)

Do not throw away old electrical appliances, because in capable hands old things can turn into the most useful and irreplaceable devices.

Your favorite washing machine has already lived its life, and you decide to send it to the trash? Do not rush, because you can create various homemade from the engine from the washing machine.

In contact with

Spare parts

The automatic washing machine has a rather complex design. Even in the event of a breakdown, it will contain the spare parts necessary for the manufacture of some homemade products. Let's see what can be done from the parts of an old washing machine.

The main part, of course, is the engine (motor). If it is serviceable, then it can be used to make a generator, sharpener, lawn mower and other appliances. Carefully disconnect the wires, remove the motor from the body of the washing machine and save it.

The manhole cover can be turned into an unusual window or into a beautiful bowl for feeding pets. You can also make a case for counters from durable glass.

Legs, springs and other small details are useful for the construction of various homemade products. The case itself can become a cabinet or a unique table.

Let's take a closer look, what can be done with the engine.

Washing machine motor prices

washing machine motor

Types of motors


The oldest type of engines, consisting of stationary stator and rotating rotor. The first serves as the basis and magnetic circuit for the structure, and the second creates the driving force of the drum. The entire motor is driven by an alternating magnetic field of the component parts.

Asynchronous motors have low torque, therefore, the drum often wobbles during operation. Other disadvantages are overall dimensions and modest efficiency. At the same time, they are silent, are cheap, have a simple design.

The induction motor is often found in cheap, low power appliances.

There are two- and three-phase asynchronous motors. The former are long out of production and can only be found in very old structures.


The most common type of engine. Works great under both AC and DC voltages. under the body with hidden rotor, stator, generator providing rotation speed. Special brushes are located on the collector terminals, with the help of which the rotor contacts the engine.

Note: If you connect the rotor and stator directly, the motor shaft will rotate clockwise. For the opposite direction, you need to change the connection diagram of the electric motor of the washing machine - connect the brushes towards the rotor.

Unlike their oversized predecessor, brushed motors are quite compact and have a high rotational speed. They are universal: it works with both alternating and direct current. The main disadvantage of the commutator motor is low wear resistance: due to the constant contact of the brushes with the commutator, both the brushes and the commutator wear out quickly. If the former can be easily replaced with new ones, then replacing the collector will cost a lot of effort.


Most modern motors washing machine consists of a rotor and a stator. Unlike other types, the rotor of the inverter motor is directly connected to the drum. They are distinguished by high wear resistance, the absence of unnecessary parts, simple design, noiselessness, small size.

However, all this in one motor is not a cheap pleasure: the development, production, and, consequently, the purchase of an inverter motor requires large financial costs.


To connect the engine to a 220-volt network, you must have a tester at hand: it will help us break the wires into pairs, and also measure the resistance in the windings.

Before connecting new models, you need to determine with a tester the wires that out of the tachogenerator and will not be needed during operation. Finding them is quite easy - just measure their resistance: it should be about 70 ohms.

Using the same device, we find pairs of other contacts. Now we connect one of brushes to one of the wires, and the second brush and the other wire are connected to the outputs of the winding. After connecting the motor from the washing machine to the mains, the appliance will begin to rotate. To change the direction of rotation, just swap the brushes.

With older models, the situation is a little different: after determining the paired outputs, you need to determine the working and exciting windings. The first has more resistance than the second.

We figured out how to connect the motor from the washing machine to the network. Now let's see what machines and devices you can create yourself with it.


Homemade products from the motor are quite diverse: with it you can create t sharpener, lawn mower, concrete mixer, juicer, potter's wheel and much more. Consider the manufacturing process of some of these devices.


One of the most common uses for an old engine. Assembling the machine does not require much effort. The hardest part of the job is attaching the grindstone to the motor. The fact is that the diameters of the shaft and the stone are different from each other, therefore to connect them you need a third item. A piece of metal pipe about 20 cm long is perfect. A thread is cut at its end, the length of which is 2 times greater than the thickness of the grindstone.

It is necessary to cut the thread in the opposite direction of movement of the motor shaft. At the other end we attach the shaft with a soldering iron.

For greater reliability, you can drill at the connection point hole and screw in the bolt. and a nut. We alternately screw two pairs of nuts and washers onto the flange threads, and finally we tighten the lock nut.

We fix the engine on the stand. Both an old table and a piece of thick board can serve as a stand. For fixing, you can use fasteners from the same washing machine from which the engine was removed.

Wood lathe

The power of the old engine is enough for slow processing of a cylindrical workpiece . To save the motor from side loads, you can attach a support to it.

drum sander

It is made using a large wooden cylinder with a steel bar in the center. The ends of the bar are connected to the motor chuck and bearing stand.

Concrete mixer

Old washers, or "barrels", easily turn into a compact and practical concrete mixer. For this:

  1. We take out the activator from the car.
  2. Cut out from sheets steel 4-5 mm thick blanks for the manufacture of blades.
  3. We weld a pair of U-shaped blades, connected at right angles.
  4. We weld them in place activator.

Homemade concrete mixer will work after you connect the engine from the washing machine to the mains. If the machine will be used to work with small volumes of building materials, then the power of the old engine is quite enough. For larger volumes, it is recommended to connect a more powerful motor.

feed cutter

For the manufacture of a feed cutter-grain crusher, you will need a “barrel” body and an engine from an automatic machine:

  1. At the bottom of the case create a hole through which the finished feed will exit.
  2. Similar to a concrete mixer create blades with knives. You need to choose the right size for them: there should be a small distance between them and the edges of the case.
  3. Installing the blades: one at the bottom of the case, and the other at a distance of 0.5 meters from its top. To achieve greater homemade performance, it is recommended to use a separate shaft for each blade so that they rotate in opposite directions.
  4. Remains only cut holes in the lid, through which we will fall asleep raw materials.

lawn mower

Let's move on to more complex and extravagant designs. First on our list is a lawn mower. By making a homemade lawn mower, you will save a huge amount of money, because these simple machines are quite expensive. If you do it right, then a home-made lawn mower from an engine from a washing machine will not be inferior to appliances on store shelves.

First, let's figure out what materials and tools we need:

  • commutator motor;
  • compact but strong wheels. These can be removed from strollers, toy cars. If these are not available, cut the wheels out of the plastic profile;
  • for the base you will need a thick piece of steel or plain saucepan lid;
  • knives, disks;
  • metal pipe;
  • steel corners;
  • copper wire, plug;
  • switch;
  • fixing materials;
  • open-end, end, keys;
  • welding machine, grinder;
  • a hammer;
  • drill, screwdriver, pliers;
  • soldering iron.

Let's get to work:

  1. At the center of the base cut holes for the motor shaft. Install it upside down.
  2. We attach earlier bushing on the shaft, and we attach a disk (knife) to it.
  3. From the corners we assemble the frame for the motor.
  4. We weld the handle, fix the switch to it
  5. We connect the engine to the power supply.

be careful: Unlike factory appliances, the wires of our homemade lawn mower are not insulated. It is strictly not recommended to use such a device during rain or for cutting wet grass.

If you still want your machine to be operated in any weather, then securely insulate the wires, and for the device assemble a small casing made of waterproof material. A metal bowl is suitable as a casing.


Tired of unexpected power outages? Do you want to create redundant power supply who will help you out at the right time? So why not create a generator from an engine from a washing machine with your own hands? The assembly process is quite complicated, but the result is worth it.

The basis for the future generator will be an asynchronous motor. Before creating the generator, let's do some preparatory steps:

  1. Dismantling the motor housing. Using a lathe, we make a cut on its core with a depth of 2 mm.
  2. In pre-prepared grooves on the core insert neodymium magnets.
  3. We create a template for attaching magnets from a tin strip. We mark on it the placement of two rows of magnets.

The dimensions of the strip must exactly match the dimensions of the core: the tin must lie tightly on it.

The preparation is completed, we proceed to the assembly itself. We will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • cold welding;
  • glue;
  • rectifier;
  • tester;
  • battery;
  • charge controller.

The build sequence is:

  1. We glue the template on the motor. We glue magnets on the template itself.
  2. Please note that the distance and angle between the magnets do not change. Otherwise, voltage drops, power reduction or its complete inoperability are possible.
  3. Free space between magnets filled with cold welding.
  4. We proceed to grinding the surface of the engine.
  5. We use the tester to find the working winding. We leave its wires, and delete all the rest. We pass the wires through the rectifier. We connect their ends to the controller. The controller is connected to the battery.

A homemade generator from a washing machine engine is ready to use. To unwind the device, an electric drill, screwdriver, or other similar tools are suitable. Such a generator, of course, will not be able to provide electricity to your residential area, but it is quite suitable for lighting a couple of rooms or operating several devices such as TV, refrigerator, computer.

Useful video

As you can see, the range of use of spare parts for an old washing machine is quite large. So what are you waiting for? Breathe a second life into served its term washing machine.

Homemade products from the engine from the washing machine (video selection, photos, diagrams)

1. How to connect the motor from an old washing machine with or without a capacitor

Not all "washer" motors will work with a capacitor.

There are 2 main types of engines:
- with capacitor start (constantly switched on capacitor)
- with starting relay.
As a rule, "capacitor" motors have three winding outputs, power 100 -120 W and revolutions 2700 - 2850 (motors of centrifuges of washing machines).

And engines with a "start relay" have 4 outputs, a power of 180 W and a speed of 1370 - 1450 (washing machine activator drive)

Connecting a "capacitor" motor through the start button may result in loss of power.
And the use of a constantly on capacitor in a motor designed for a starting relay can lead to burnout of the windings!

2. Homemade emery from the engine of a washing machine

Today we will talk about the conversion of an asynchronous electric motor from a washing machine into a generator. In general, I have been interested in this issue for a long time, but there was no particular desire to remake the electric motor, since at that time I did not see the scope of the generator. Since the beginning of the year, work has been going on on a new model of the ski lift. Having your own lift is a good thing, but riding with music is much more fun, so I quickly got the idea to make such a generator so that I can use it on the slope in winter to charge the battery.

I had three electric motors from the washing machine in store, and two of them are absolutely serviceable. Here I decided to convert one of these asynchronous electric motors into a generator.

Looking ahead a little, I will say that the idea is not mine and not new. I will only describe the process of converting an induction motor into a generator.

The electric motor of a washing machine with a capacity of 180 watts, manufactured in China in the early 90s of the last century, was taken as a basis.

I ordered magnets from NPK Magnets and Systems LLC, before I had already bought magnets during the construction of a wind farm. Neodymium magnets, magnet size 20x10x5. The cost of 32 pieces of magnets with delivery is 1240 rubles.

Alteration of the rotor consisted in removing the core layer (deepening). Neodymium magnets will be installed in the resulting recess. At the beginning, 2 mm of the core was removed on a lathe - a protrusion above the side cheeks. Then a 5 mm recess was made for neodymium magnets. The result of the alteration of the rotor can be seen in the photo.

Having measured the circumference of the resulting rotor, the necessary calculations were made, after which a strip template was made from tin. Using a template, the rotor was divided into equal parts. Neodymium magnets will then be glued between the risks.

8 magnets were used per pole. In total, 4 poles turned out on the rotor. With the help of a compass and a marker, all the magnets were marked for convenience. Magnets were glued to the rotor with “Superglue”. Let me tell you, it's hard work. The magnets are very strong, I had to hold them tightly when gluing. There were moments when the magnets came off, pinched fingers, and glue flew into the eyes. Therefore, you need to glue magnets with the use of goggles.

I decided to fill the cavity between the magnets with epoxy resin. To do this, the rotor with magnets was wrapped in several layers of paper. The paper is secured with tape. End faces for additional sealing are smeared with plasticine. A hole has been cut into the shell. A neck is made of plasticine around the hole. Epoxy resin was poured into the hole in the shell.

After the epoxy cured, the casing was removed. The rotor is clamped into the drill chuck for further processing. Grinding was carried out with medium grit sandpaper.

There are 4 wires coming out of the motor. I found a working winding, and cut off the wires from the starting winding. I installed new bearings, because the old ones rotated a little tight. The bolts tightening the body are also new.

The rectifier is assembled on D242 diodes, the SOLAR controller, bought a few years ago on Ebay, is used as a charging controller.

Tests of the generator can be viewed on the video.

To charge the battery, 3-5 turns of the generator are enough. At the maximum speed of the drill, it was possible to squeeze out 273 Volts from the generator. Alas, sticking is decent, so it makes no sense to put such a generator on a windmill. Unless the windmill will be with a large propeller or gearbox.

The generator will stand on the ski lift. Field trials this winter.


4. Connecting and adjusting the speed of the collector motor from the automatic washing machine

Regulator manufacturing:

Regulator setting:

Regulator test:

Regulator in Bulgarian:


5. Pottery wheel from the washing machine

6. Lathe from a washing machine

How to make a wood lathe headstock from a washing machine motor. and a speed controller with power maintenance.

7. Wood splitter with a washing machine engine

The smallest single-phase, screw splitter with a 600 W washing machine motor. with speed stabilizer
Operating speed: 1000-8000 rpm.

8. Homemade concrete mixer

A simple home-made concrete mixer, consists of: a barrel of 200 liters, an engine from a washing machine, a disk from a classic Zhiguli, a gearbox made from a Cossack generator, a big driven pulley from a fairy washing machine, small self-pointing pulleys, a drum pulley made from the same disk.

Prepared and put together: Maximan