How to choose a digital camera. Available about specifications

The matrix
The matrix is \u200b\u200ba playground with photosensitive elements - pixels. Each pixel of the matrix when light enters it produces an electric current, the strength of which depends on the intensity of light. Knowing for pixels only light intensity we get a black and white picture. To obtain color imageThe filter is used for each pixel: red, green or blue. All other colors are obtained by mixing the three main. The matrix has two basic parameters affecting the quality of the resulting image.

The resolution of the matrix, measured in megapixels. So if the matrix of the camera is 4 megapixel (MP), then it means that 4 million pixels are placed on the site (cells). The higher the resolution, the greater the ability of the camera to display small parts in the picture. However, it is not necessary to chase megapixels. For printing photos 10x15 cm. Enough and 1 megapixel. The best choice will be a camera for 3-5 megapixels, removed from it using the photo can be printed up to the A4 format (20x30cm).

The size of the matrix. Matrices with linear dimensions from 1 / 1.8 to 1 / 3.2 inches are used in popular models. In the first case, the matrix has a larger size. A large matrix gives the following advantages:
can register large quantity Lights (pass more shades),
and has a smaller noise level.
Thus, if you compare two matrices with dimensions 1 / 1.8 and 1/3.2 with the same number of pixels (for example, 4MP), the best will be the first, as 4 million pixels are located on a larger area, and therefore such a matrix will give a better picture ( High quality and less incomplete). Otherwise, when two matrices are compared with the same dimensions, but with different numbers of megapixels, for example, 6 and 7, it is better to also choose the first, as this will not only save money, but also allow to get better pictures in the future. However, this is true when comparing matrices of one manufacturer or one camera line, different manufacturers may have different types of matrices with incomparable characteristics.

Matrix Sensitivity (ISO). Changes in the range of values \u200b\u200bfrom 50 to 3200. With high sensitivity, you can make a clear picture at dusk or even at night, though at high sensitivity, noise is accompanied.

It is thanks to the lens that the light enters the chamber and an image is formed on the matrix. The quality of the resulting image is largely dependent on the quality of the lens - clarity, sharpness, no distortion, etc. Important elements of the lens are lenses and aperture. The lenses are responsible for the nature of the light, and the diaphragm allows you to control the amount of this light. Close the diaphragm to the minimum values, we can reduce the amount of light on the matrix.

The main characteristics of the lens:
Light. Light is the value of the maximum open diaphragm. The more lens light, the better the camera is more and more expensive. With the same conditions of illumination, the lens with a larger luminosity allows you to shoot on shorter excerpts.

Typically, the lens marking looks like this: 5.8-34.8mm 1: 2.8-4.8. The first pair of numbers is a focal length (the distance from the front lens lens to the matrix). The second pair of numbers is the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof the lens lights. For example, here in position 34.8mm (at the maximum zoom) lens has a lighting of 4.8. The smaller the number of luminosity, the better. The lens with the characteristics 5.8-34.8mm 1: 2-3.2 would be considered more thoroughly.

Focal length. From the focal length depends the angle of review of the lens and how far he sees. For digital cameras, the focal length also leads to 35mm equivalent. This is due to the fact that the diagonal of the matrix is \u200b\u200bless diagonally frame 35mm film, those there is a matrix covers not the entire frame field, from where and the concept of increasing the focal length (Focal Length Multiplier). At different cameras, this factor ranges from 1.3 to 1.6. The viewing angle. Directly depends on the focal length. An approximately appropriate angle view of a person's eye is considered a lens with a focal length of 50mm. Lens lenses with less focal length wide rollers, with large telephoto lenses.

Zoom (Zoom). The zoom lens is calculated very simply: for this you need a greater focal length divided into less. For the camera indicated above, the zoom is 34.8 / 5.8 \u003d 6. As indicated by the manufacturer. If the camera is equipped with a lens without zoom, then it indicates its focal length and lights: for example, 20mm 1: 2.8. The more camera zoom, the more complicated its design, and the manufacturer has to find a compromise between the cost and quality. Therefore, ultrazuma (6-12x) are usually given a worse picture compared to moderate zoys (up to 3x).

3. Image stabilizer
An image stabilizer is designed to fight with the so-called "coil" effect - caused by trembling of hands when photographing at sufficiently large excerpts or with a large zone.

Stabilization options:
Optical stabilization. It is based on the fact that a movable stabilizing element is built into the lens, which twists the path of light in the right direction. Also in the lens there are sensors that control the movement of this element. As a result, with minor oscillations of the camera, the projection of the picture on the matrix always remains fixed. However, she has its own minuses:
Reduced lens light,
Increases cost
For its lenses, Canon has developed the Image Stabilizer (IS) stabilization system. Nikon has a similar system indicated as VR.

Anti-Shake. In this technology of stabilization, unlike optical, movable element is the matrix itself. The main plus of this approach consists in independence of stabilization from the lens, respectively, such stabilization can work with any optics. The first stabilization was developed by Konica Minolta. The most striking example of the presence of the built-in Antishake is a novelty from Sony - model Alpha DSLR-A100.

4. Viewfinder
The viewfinder allows you to see a future picture before pressing the descent. In digital compact chambers, it may be missing at all, its role performs the display on which the image is formed in real time. The viewfinder may be optical,
mirror and electronic.
The best is the mirror viewfinder. It allows you to see the real frame area without distortion.

The optical viewfinder is just a pass-through hole in the camera body and does not correspond to the one that sees the lens, if only because it is shifted relative to it for a while, but in this case the display comes to the photographer.

5. Display Camera
On compact digital display, the display allows you to see a picture of which it will be in the photo and see the shortcomings in the composition, shadows, illumination (some cameras can show a histogram of the future image in real time). On the mirrors, the display can serve for viewing already taken frames. Also, the display serves as an interface to control the camera, therefore, than it is more and brighter, the better.

6. Flash.
Usually, each camera is equipped with a built-in low-power flash that can highlight the forefront. Also, outbreaks are supplied with various functions of suppressing the effect of red eyes, etc. In professional and semi-professional cameras, there is also a contact for connecting an external flash - hot shoe. External flashes allow you to achieve much better results in all genres of shooting.

7. Possibility of manual settings
An important condition for obtaining quality photos is the presence of manual settings in the camera. Namely, the ability to adjust the diaphragm, adjust the shutter speed, install the white balance, change the sensitivity of the matrix and other settings.

The presence of these adjustments allows you to fully control the shooting process, because even the fastest camera processor may not know the plan of the photographer.

Modern photographic devices are complex optical devices. Despite the variety of designs, a number of common nodes and mechanisms can be distinguished in each camera. This is primarily a light-tight camera, in front of which lens is strengthened. On the opposite side of the chamber in the cassettes, photosensitive material is installed. The amount of light passing through the lens to the photosensitive material is adjusted using the shutters. The exact definition of the boundaries of the frame of a photographed object is carried out by the viewfinder. For getting sharp image On the photosensitive photographic material in the camera there are devices and mechanisms for controlling the laying on the sharpness of the lens. Most of the cameras are equipped with photoexponometric devices necessary to determine and install the correct exposure during shooting. In addition, cameras have a mechanism for importing photos. Consider the main characteristics of cameras.

Characteristics of the main assemblies of the camera


A light-tight camera, which is the camera body, simultaneously protects the photographic material from the action of outsidered light. All nodes and mechanisms are mounted in the device's housing. The chamber is made of metal, plastic or wood. In medium and high-class cameras, the camera is metallic, in the simplest - plastic. Wooden chambers bulky, and therefore apply only for Pavilion type cameras.

Photographic lens

Using the lens on the photosensitive material, an optical image of photographed items is formed. The quality of this image depends on the properties of the lens.

The lens consists of an optical system of lenses enclosed in a frame. A diaphragm is placed between the lenses. The number of lenses in modern lenses is up to 10 or more. Some lenses glue with colorless glue. The lens frame ensures the exact mutual location of the lenses in accordance with the calculation. In addition, it is in charges of lenses from mechanical and atmospheric influences. Frames of most modern lenses are painted black.

Fastening lenses to the chamber body is carried out with the help of screw cutting or bayonet (bayonet) compound on the rim. The most common threaded method of fastening, in which the lens is screwed into the chamber. With a bayonet method, the lens is inserted into the chamber and is fixed with a small turn clockwise. On the front of the rim you can wear or screw the film filters and sunscreen blends. On the lens frame, it is indicated by its name, lights and a focal length, as well as the scale - remote, relative holes and depths of a mixed space. In some cases, the lens frame is placed on the lens.

Diaphragm- This is a device with which the acting light is changed, i.e. transmitting light, hole of the lens. It consists of several thin movable metal plates, an arcuate form located in a circle and partially overlapping one different. This design of the diaphragm is called the Iris. When you turn the leading (installation) ring or lever of the petal, turning to the center, smoothly reduce the hole of the lens. This process is called diaphragmation.

Depending on the method of installing the required lens hole, the following types of diaphragms are distinguished: simple, stubborn, pressure and jumping.

In a simple diaphragm, the installation is carried out by turning the outer ring of the diaphragm before combining the index of the selected value on its scale.

In a stubborn diaphragm, the rotation of the stop on the scale is pre-installed the required value. At the time of shooting, the diaphragm ring is rotated until it stops, while the selected value is set.

In the pressure diaphragm, it is pre-using a moving stop on the scale the required value is set. When you click on the trigger, the diaphragm automatically set to the selected value, after the photo it is fully open.

The jumping diaphragm on the principle of action is similar to pressure. However, after shooting, it opens not automatically, but manually - turn the ring.

Complete rims of the diaphragms are used in the lenses of mirror cameras, in which the observation of the object is conducted through the lens. Such diaphragms allow you to more quickly digitize the lens without interrupting the observation of the object.

Specifications of photographic lens. The main characteristics of the lens are: focal length, light, relative hole, depth of field, image angle, resolution and working segment.

Focal length lens - This is the distance along the optical axis from the main rear point of the lens to the focus. The focal length for this lens is the permanent value measured in centimeters. Domestic photo leks are made with a focal length from 2 to 100 cm. On the lens frame, it is denoted by the letter F. From the magnitude of the focal length, the scale of the image depends on the scale, i.e. the degree of reduction or increase the image compared to the sizes of the F of the facility. The larger the focal length of the lens, the larger the image on the photosensitive material. To change the magnitude of the focal length of the lens, the nozzle lenses are used. When applying a positive (collecting) lenses, the focal length decreases, and negative (dissipating) increases. When using a nozzle lenses, the image quality is worsening. Focal length of the system "lens + nozzle lenses" is calculated by the formula

F C \u003d 100 * F 0 / (100+ d l * f 0)

where F C is the focal length of the system;

F 0 - focal length of the lens;

DL - optical power of the nozzle lenses.

Currently, it was distributed, especially in the film equipment, lenses with a variable focal length, or pancratic. In these lenses, due to changes in the distance between the lenses, the focal length may increase or decrease several times. This allows you to accurately combine the frame and get different-scale images at a constant distance to the object being removed. When they are used, it does not need replaceable photo lenses with various focal lengths, which provides greater efficiency when taking pictures. The limit values \u200b\u200bof the focal length of the pancratic lenses indicate on the rim. Light, i.e., the ability of the lens to create a certain illumination of the image on a photosensitive material is its important characteristic. Light depends on the value of the active opening of the lens and its focal length. The larger the hole of the lens and the less of its focal length, the brighter the image, i.e. more lights.

Quantified lights It is characterized by the relative hole of the lens, i.e., the ratio of the diameter of the lens to its focal length. This value is indicated in the form of a fraction with a numerator 1. For example, if the diameter of the active opening of the lens is 2.5 cm, and the focal length is 5 cm, then the relative hole is 1: 2 (2.5: 5).

When comparing two lenses on luminosity, the relative holes are asked to the square.

On the lens frame, the relative holes are denoted only by one denominator. In the USSR, the following standard number of relative hole values \u200b\u200bwere adopted: 1: 0.7; 1: 1; 1: 1.4; 1: 2; 1: 2.8; 1: 4; 1: 5.6; 1: 8; 1:11; 1:16; 1: 22; 1: 32. Most photo lens has the greatest relative opening 1: 2 and 1: 2.8. The relative opening of photo lenses of simple cameras is 1: 4.

The marks on the climb of the relative holes are applied with such a calculation that when moving from one mark to another, the lights changed by 2 times. This simplifies exposure calculations when the relative holes change.

Not the entire light stream passing through the lens reaches a photosensitive photo material: one part is absorbed by glass, and the other is reflected from the lens surface. The harder the design of the lens, the greater the loss of light. These losses are determined by the coefficient of the lens light transmission showing the magnitude of the passing light relative to the entire falling light. To increase the transmission coefficient in all lenses, the enlightenment method is used, which is to apply to the surface of the lenses of thin films. As a result, the reflection of light from the surfaces of the lenses is significantly reduced, and increases light. The fluorides of some metals are used as film-forming substances. The enlightening films are not sufficiently stable, hygroscopic, so with lenses it is necessary to contact very carefully.

It should be borne in mind that after enlightenment through the lens there is a large amount of yellow, green in red rays, and reflected from the surface of the lenses mostly blue, blue and purple rays. This explains the fact that the reflected light of the lenses acquire a blue color, although the enlightening films are colorless.

Blue enlightenment of lenses is most effectively in black and White Photos.

When shooting on color photographic materials, the lenses with blue enlightenment give an emphasicated heat color reproduction with the yellowness, since more than such lenses are more yellow rays. To compensate for the yellowing color reproduction, the amber enlightenment of lenses is used with blue enlightenment lens, while reflected predominantly colors with a yellow (amber) tint. Yellow, being added to blue, neutralizes it. As a result, the color rendition when shooting on color materials is significantly improved.

Depth of field - This property of photographic lenses sharply depict objects located in space on an unequal distance from the camera. The depth of the sharply depicted space is measured by the distance from the front to the rear plans of the shooting object, between which all items are sharp. The depth of the rate is the greater, the smaller the focal length and the relative hole of the lens. For accurate accounting of the influence of the relative hole to the depth of field on the lens frame, there is a depth of depth: on both sides of the distance scale index, additional values \u200b\u200bof the relative holes are symmetrically applied. The distances of the boundaries of the sharply depicted space are set against the relative hole values \u200b\u200bon the distance scale. With the relative opening 1: 8, the sharply depicted space is between 3 and 10 m, and with the relative hole 1:11 - between 2.6 and 19 m.

Frame lenses can have scales that automatically determine the depth of field.

The angle of the image shows the angle of coverage of the object being photographed and is located between the rays connecting the main rear point of the lens with the ends of the frame diagonally, inscribed in the image field. The angle of the image depends on the size of the frame and the magnitude of the focal length. The greater the diagonal, that is, the size of the frame, and less focal races, the greater the angle of the image. Domestic photographecks are produced with an angle of images from 2.5 to 95 °.

Resolution- The property of the lens is clearly transmitted on the photosensitive photographic the smallest details Photographed object. This indicator is determined by the number of parallel lines of equal width, separately displayed by the lens of 1 mm field of the image (lin / mm). The resolution reduces the edges of the image. Most lenses on the edges of the frame, it is about 40-50% of clarity in the center. Therefore, in the lens passport, two values \u200b\u200bof this indicator are indicated: for the center and for the edge of the image.

The permitting power of lenses across the edges increases significantly when using the lenses from the optical lanthanum glass. In addition, lanthanum lenses provide more correct color reproduction when shooting on color film.

Work cut - This is an important indicator that determines the conditions for interchangeability of lenses in cameras. Work, or rear, segment is the distance from the central point of the extreme surface of the rear lens lens to the focus point. The size of the working segment depends on the design of the lens. When the working segments of the lenses are not satisfied, their adjustment is required, i.e., fit to the camera by the working segment with an accuracy of 0.02 mm.

Classification and range of photo lens. The lenses are classified for the purpose, the value of the angle of the image and the focal length.

In the appointment of photographers, they are divided into regular and replaceable.

The regular names are the lenses whose focal length is approximately the diagonal frame, and the angle of the image is within 45-55 °. Such lenses are otherwise called normal. Station lenses in cameras with various frame formats (and, consequently, the diagonal of the frame) are characterized by both unequal focal lengths. Thus, in the cameras with a frame format 24x36 mm, the focal length of a normal lens is approximately 5 cm, with a 6x6 cm frame format - 7.5 cm. Normal lenses have universal use, are intended for a variety of photography. As a rule, all cameras are staffed with regular lenses.

Replaceable lenses are used for special types of surveys - portraits, remote items, landscapes, etc. These photo leks go on sale separately from cameras. The magnitude of the angle of the image and the focal length is divided into high-rolled, long-focus and telescopic.

Wide-angle lenses have a focal length of less than the calculated frame diagonal, and an angle of more than 60 °. It is characterized by a large coverage of the shooting space. Apply these lenses for shooting from low distances of highfield facades, landscapes, interiors, etc. Disadvantages of wide-angle lenses are expressed in the fact that when shooting closely arranged objects, they contribute to the image of promising distortion, and also give uneven lighting frame - more in the center and less edges.

Long-focus lenses have a focal length of 1.5-2 times larger than the diagonal of the frame, and an angle of 28-30 °. These lenses cover not a big field. They are used mainly to shoot portraits close-ups, as only long-phocus lenses give the most natural perspective and similarity with nature.

Telescopic is called lenses whose focal length is significantly superior to the frame diagonal. The angle of the image does not exceed 24 °. Tele lebs are used to shoot close-up significantly remote items. The best domestic teleposes allow you to receive a 20-fold image enlargement.

Tele lebs There are two types: lenzovy and mirror-lenzovy. The latter differ in the greatest compactness with significant focal lengths.

The characteristic of the range of interchangeable photo lens is given in Table. Station lenses are considered when describing the technical characteristics of cameras.

Photographic shutter

The shutter passes the light rays through the photo lens of the apparatus on the photo material for a certain, predetermined period of time, called shutter speed. The camera consists of an opaque damper and control elements of it - clockwork and triggers, a shutter action regulator.

The opaque valve opens and blocks access to light sensitive material. With the help of a plant device, the shutter is prepared for operation, the trigger is designed to bring the shutter into action. The shutter action regulator sets the necessary shutter speeds when shooting. The following series of numerical values \u200b\u200bof excerpts are adopted automatically installed by the shutter (in C): 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/500, 1 / 1000, 1/2000. Promotions of simple cameras have a small excerpt range, for example from 1/15 to 1/250 s. Sloves of more complex structures can have a wider range of exposure. In addition to the values \u200b\u200bof automatic excerpts, the letters "D" and "B" are applied to the disk or ring of the valve controller, which denote long exposures measured by manually. If the shutter regulator is set against the letter "d", then when you first click on the trigger, the shutter will open and closes only after the secondary press. The index "d" is used to establish long exposures when shooting a camera from a tripod. The index "B" means that the shutter will be open while the trigger is pressed.

The shutter mechanisms also include a synchronizing device and self-timer mechanism.

The synchronizing device provides simultaneous triggering of the shutter and flash lamps. To connect a flash lamp to a synchronizing-device on the outer part of the camera case, there is a synchrocontax (cable connection). In modern photo equipment, a soft-light connection of the flash lamp is increasingly used through contact in the terminal.

The self-timer mechanism is available in most cameras. The apparatus when shooting is installed on a tripod. Self-timer response time is about 9 s.

Photographic valves on the principle of action are divided into mechanical shutters, which are powered by the spring, and the shutters controlled by the electronic unit are electronic.

Mechanical shutters in the design and location in the camera are divided into curtain-slot and central.

The curtain-slot shutter is located immediately before the film. The damper in this shutter is a silk rubberized or metal curtain with a slit, passing in front of the frame window of the camera, which ensures the exposure of the photo material. The metal curtain has one essential advantage over silk: works at a lower air temperature at which the silk curtain solidifies and loses elasticity.

The curtain-slot shutter consists of the following main parts: curtains, two rollers, regulating the gap, and the leading drum. Before shooting, when the shutter is placed, the curtain consisting of two parts is wound on one of the rollers. The edges of the curtain parts are tightly closed, there are no cracks. At the time of the shutter of the shutter shutter under the action of the spring, located in the leading drum, is rewinding at a certain speed to another roller. At the same time, the edges of the parts of the curtain open, and the slit of a certain width is formed between them. The gap, moving in front of the film, consistently illuminates it. Exposure, i.e., the exposure time of the photo material, is regulated by the width of the slit and the speed of the mileage of the curtain. What is already a slit and stronger than the tension of the spring, the shorter the excerpt, since with the quick movement of the narrow slit of the curtain film filled very short time. On the contrary, with a wide slit in the curtain and low tension of the spring, the photographic lighting is longer.

Cutting and slotted shutters allow to obtain very short excerpts - up to 1/2000 s. Cameras with these shutters have a large set of replaceable lenses. However, the curtain-slot valves are characterized by a number of shortcomings: due to the difference in the speed of the curtains at the beginning and end of the frame of the negative density of non-etinakov throughout the field of the frame; Photographing with flash lamps is possible only with an excerpt of 1/30 C; There are distortions of fast moving objects due to non-modern exposure of different points of the frame.

A variety of curtain-slot shutter is a fan shutter. It is two metal curtains consisting of one main and two additional folding metal petals. Petals are located in the form of a fan. In the corded position, one curtain of the fan shutter completely covers the recreation window of the camera, the other curtain is composed. When you click on the trigger, the petals of the first curtain add up, and the petals of the second - are moved. At the same time, a slot is formed between the extreme petals of the curtain, through which the light falls on the film. After the shutter is triggered, the first curtain is folded, and the second closes the passage of the frame window of the camera. Fan valves practically do not have shortcomings of curtain shutters.

The central shutter consists of several thin metal segments, which are powered by the system of springs and levers. When you press the trigger, the segments open the lens hole from the center to the edges for a certain time (shutter speed), and then close it in the opposite direction. Hence the name of the shutter - the central one.

The central shutter, as a rule, is installed between the lens lenses together with the diaphragm, which significantly complicates its design and increases the cost. Central gateways can be, and shipping, installed near the lens. In such shutters, the mechanism is not located in the lens housing, but on the front wall of the chamber.

In most cameras with central shutters, replaceable optics are not applied, since these shutters are constructively connected to the lens. Therefore, each replacement lens should have its own shutter, and this increases the cost of the photo equipment. At the same time, the central shutters have a number of advantages over the curtains: it is constructive easier to communicate with a photoexponometric device, which is very important for the production of semi-automatic and automatic cameras; allow you to take pictures with a flash lamp at any excerpts; Create uniform illumination at any point of the frame; Sustainably operate at low temperatures and do not distort quickly moving objects.

Recently, electronic valves are installed in a number of models of cameras, which consist of sfolders operated by an electronic unit. The main parts of the electronic unit are a condenser, an electromagnet, a resistor and a miniature battery. When presing the electronic shutter shutter, the flaps will be folded and opened with light access to the film. In this case, the sash is captured by an electromagnet. Exposure occurs until the condenser is fully charged. After that, the electromagnet is turned off, and the shutters are closed. The duration of charging the capacitor, and therefore, the exposure is regulated by the resistor. The feature of electronic shutters is a stepless expectation of excerpts in automatic cameras, which allows to obtain the most optimal image density on film when shooting.


Viewferences are designed to determine the boundaries of the frame of a photographed object. According to the design and the principle of operation, they are divided into frame, telescopic and mirrored.

The framework viewfinder consists of two frames different sizes In accordance with the angle of the image of the photo lens. Observation is conducted on the side of a small frame. The accuracy of the cadry of the viewfinder is low.

The telescopic viewfinder consists of a rectangular scattering lens, which performs the role of a limiter of view, and a collective lens that serves as an eyepiece.

This viewfinder gives a direct and reduced image. It is located above and aside from the lens, so the image visible in the viewfinder does not coincide with the optical image on the photosensitive material. This phenomenon is called a parallact error. Pararallax is especially noticeable when photography of items close to distances. To correct parallax errors, some telescopic viewfooters are supplied with glowing crop and parallact frames by which the frame is composed more correctly.

In the field of view of a number of viewfinders to increase the convenience of operation of cameras, different scales and signaling devices, which give certain information about the status of the apparatus and shooting conditions are imposed: Whether the shutter is attached which settings and aperture are installed, is it possible to shoot on existing light conditions for this film and t d.

Some telescopic viewfoots have a restrictive framework for interchangeable lenses. For the same purpose, universal viewfoots are used, which are installed on the camera in a special terminal. They are equipped with a revolving head, in which five viewfinders that have the same are strengthened. Image field angles, as well as replaceable lenses with focal lengths of 2.8; 3.5; five; 8.5; 13.5 cm. Replaceable viewfooters are also released for only one interchangeable lens.

Mirror viewfoots are Nadcar and intarable.

The Nadcar Mirror viewfinder consists of a lens, a mirror located at an angle of 45 ° to the optical axis of the lens, and lenses. In addition, in the center of the lenses there is a matte circle for the tip to sharpness, the image in which is considered through the magnifying glass. The image given by the lens falls on the mirror. At the same time, the course of the rays is changed to 90 E, and the image is obtained on the lens, the mirror is reverse and reduced with respect to the photographed object. In addition, the image in the viewfinder is shifted to the image obtained on the photo material, due to the fact that the mirror viewfinder is located above the shooting lens.

The image in the designer viewfinder must be viewed from above, for which the device has to be omitted to the chest level. This type of mirror viewfinder is used in the camera "Amateur" camera.

Intraverse mirror viewfinder with pentaprismism more perfect. As a viewfinder lens, the main shooting lens is used. When cropping before the film, a folding mirror is installed. The direction of the beams of the light passed through the lens is changed by 90 ° due to the reflection of the mirror, and the optical image is obtained on a flat matted surface of the lenses. The image under consideration through the eyepiece and pentaprism is obtained without mirroring and parallax. When you click on the trigger, the mirror is discarded up, the image on the matte glass disappears, and the rays of light build an image on a photosensitive photographic material. For continuous monitoring of the object of shooting (except for exposure), mirror viewfooters of most cameras have a permanent sight mirror mechanism.

Lens filming mechanisms for sharpness

The laying on the sharpness is made to combine the optical image given by the lens, with the plane of the photosensitive material. Focus is achieved usually by extending the entire lens or its front component. In the photo equipment, the following mechanisms of lens pressure mechanisms are used to sharpness: on the distance scale, by symbols, on matte glass, by rangeflower.

The tip for sharpness on the distance scale is used in almost all cameras. Distance values \u200b\u200bto a removable object indicate the lens frame in meters. Byding the tip to sharpness, it is necessary to determine as accurately to the distance to the object being removed and set this value on the scale.

Often it is done on the eye, so this method is called eyemeter. It is possible to errors in determining the distance. However, due to the depth of the sharpness characteristic of each lens, the image is obtained quite sharp. This method of the tip is used in the design of the scale cameras.

The laying on the sharpness on the scale of the characters is not fundamentally different from the grooves on the distance scale. Only instead of numerical values \u200b\u200bof distances on the scale are applied with conditional symbols denoting a portrait, group or landscape. The vending technique to the sharpness is most simple and comes down to setting the lens to one of the selected characters. This focus method does not require a distance to a distance to the shooting object and when the scale of the scale and the average values \u200b\u200bof the relative holes allow it to be sufficiently precisely to make the flooring. It also applies in the scale cameras.

When putting it on the sharpness of the matte glass, the setting of the lens is validated visually by sharpness of the image obtained on the matte glass. This method is mainly applied in the camera with a vertical viewfinder, as well as in pavilion chambers. A serious lack of gaskets on the sharpness of the matte glass in one-lens, the need to focus the lens only with a fully open diaphragm, since only in this case the necessary image brightness is created on the matte glass. After the tip to the sharpness of the lens, the diaphragm to the desired value of the relative hole. However, during diaphragmation, the distance to the object may change if the object is also moving, as a result of which the lens focus is necessary. To eliminate this shortage in mirror cameras. The diaphragms of complicated structures are used - stubborn, jumping, pressure.

The quality of focusing is determined by the sharpness of the photographer, its ability to distinguish changes in sharpness on the matte glass. To increase the accuracy of focusing in the center of matte glass of mirrors there are focusing wedges. With an inaccurate tip to the sharpness of the contour of the image on the contact line of the wedges are splitted. In the latest models of mirror cameras in the center of the matte glass, in the form of a circle of micropyramids, forming a micro press. With the slightest defocusing of the lens, the image in the neighborhood becomes fuzzy. In mirror cameras, high-grade can be simultaneously installed: in the center of the matte glass - focusing wedges, and around - a micro-director in the form of a ring.

Focusing lens by rangefinder is the fastest and accurate. Rannels are usually assembled inside the body of the apparatus. There are several constructions of range finders: with swivel prism, with rotary wedges, with rotary lenses, etc. It is often used rangefinder with a rotary prism. Consider the principle of its work.

When moving the lens rim through the lever system, the prism turn turns. If we consider the object of shooting through a translucent mirror, then two images are visible at the same time: one - directly through a translucent mirror, another - after reflection from the rotary prism and translucent mirror. When two images are visible in the rangefinder in the volatile, then the tip is inaccuracy. To obtain a sharp image, the remote scale of the lens is rotated before combining these images.

All modern cameras have a combined range of rangefinder and viewfinder. Telescopic viewfoots, which often have a diopter device, are used in the photographs with a tip of sharpness by range. Inside such types, a special mobile lens is installed. By moving this lens using the lever, you can focus the image in the viewfinder The diopter device allows you to use the viewfinder and range finders with a disadvantage of vision within ± ZD.

Exhibitometer devices

To obtain properly exhibited negatives, at the time of shooting, it is necessary to establish accurate values \u200b\u200bof the shutter and the relative opening on the lens. These values \u200b\u200bdepend on many factors, but the main difficulty lies in the assessment of the illumination of the shooting object. The fact is that during the day the illumination changes in very wide limits. It depends on the time of year, clouds, geographic latitude locality, place of shooting and other factors. Estimate the illumination of the eye shooting object with the accuracy required to determine the corresponding exposure is very difficult. To measure the illumination, and therefore, and

definitions and relative openings, i.e. expositions, most modern cameras are equipped with photoexponometric devices, which greatly increase the convenience of using the device.

The main parts of the expostector devices are a light receiver and a very sensitive microammeter attached to it and calculator. Selena cells or civilian photoresistors are used as light reproductors. Under the action of light reflected from the shooting object, an electric current is formed in the photocell, the magnitude of which is recorded by a microammeter. In this case, the arrow of the device occupies a certain position depending on the illumination of the object. After that, on the calculator scales determine the shutter speed and diaphragm.

For the operation of the exposimer device on the photoresistor, a DC source is needed, for example, the RC-53 brand battery or the Battery of the D-0.06 brand, the cells are usually installed on the top front of the chamber or in the form of the rings around the lens. Photoresistors are more sensitive to light and occupy less placethan photocellies, therefore, can be placed inside the camera behind the lens (TTL, Tee system), on the viewfinder mirror, on the edges of the pentapris.

Exposter devices based on the internal dimension of light are more accurate in operation, as they take into account the entire light passed through the lens on the film. In this case, the process of determining excerpts and relative hole is simplified.

Exhibitometer devices installed in cameras are three systems: non-automatic, semi-automatic and automatic.

Non-automatic exposimetric devices are not constructively connected with a lens diaphragm and a shutter. Therefore, shutter speed and relative hole installed by an exposive device are transferred to the shutter and the lens manually.

Semi-automatic and automatic exposurer devices are blocked with a shutter and lens, so they not only determine the shutter speed and relative hole, but also set these values.

In semi-automatic cameras, for automatic shutter speed and relative hole installation, it is necessary to observe in the viewfinder eyepiece, combine the rotation of the "diaphragm" rings or "shutter speed" by the tracking index with the microammmet arrow.

When working with automatic exposimer devices, no additional operations are needed (except for the photo sensitivity setting of the film). When you click on the shutter trigger, the diaphragm is automatically installed and the shutter is triggered. These devices are three types: scales, silent single-strware and, multi-program.

Saving automatic exposurer devices are used in the highest-class cameras. They allow you to choose the necessary shutter speed and relative hole depending on the plot and shooting conditions. In the cameras with such devices, the shutter is the photographer, taking into account the plot of the shooting. At the time of shooting, the diaphragm automatically adjusts to the set excerpt value. If the selected pair of "delay-diaphragm" is not suitable for these shooting conditions, the shutter descend is blocked. In automatic cameras for greater efficiency in the field of viewfinder, exposure and aperture scales are introduced. This allows, not taken away from the eyepiece of the viewfinder, to choose the necessary pair of "delay-diaphragm".

Flushing uninware automatic exhibitomic devices are the most simple in design. They have one program that limits the creative capabilities of the photographer. Each value of the brightness of the object corresponds to only one pair "Exposure-diaphragm". Even if the photographer knows this combination, he cannot change it at his discretion. Such exposurer devices are installed in the simplest cameras designed for beginners and non-sensing photographers.

In the mechanism of -Programmatic automatic exposurer devices, not one, but several different programs, is laid. Exposure and aperture are installed automatically according to one of the programs selected according to the plot of shooting. An exposure meal of this type is established, for example, in the Falcon camera.

Classification of cameras

The single classification of cameras is currently absent due to the large number of their common and various design signs.

Cameras are classified according to the format of the applied photo material and, accordingly, the format of the frame, the way of sight and tip to the sharpness, degree of automation of the exposure installation.

In the group of cameras special purpose A special place is occupied by the machines stereoscopic, panoramic and single-stage photocruises.

Stereoscopic cameras are designed to obtain volumetric images. They have two shooting lens, with which two stereoscopic snapshot are obtained. When viewing this stereo pair through a stereoscope there is a feeling of a surround stereoscopic image.

Panoramic cameras have an elongated frame format. Designed for shooting with a wide angle of coverage of objects (landscapes, interiors, architectural ensembles). Due to the movable lens system, the angle of the image is equal to about 120 °, which significantly exceeds the angle of the majority of wide-angle lenses.

According to the method of sight and tip to sharpness, the cameras are divided into scales, rangefinder and mirror; According to the degree of automation of the exposure plant - on non-automatic, semi-automatic and automatic.

SLR Cameras. A feature of these cameras is the presence of a mirror viewfinder, thanks to which this equipment acquires whole line positive properties and uses therefore the greatest demand. Mirror cameras provide accurate control of the boundaries of the frame being removed, on their matte glass it turns out an image of an object of shooting on the scale close to the image on the film. Moreover, the observation of the removable object is conducted throughout the field of the viewfinder, since frosted glass Good transfers the depth of the sharpness of the image of the space. Mirrored single-nodechative cameras with a form-byparallax viewfinder are used for a variety of applied attacks, including micro, macro and reproduction filming, using interchangeable lenses and fixtures. Assortment of replaceable-lens for mirror single object cameras The most wide, especially telescopic lenses with a large focal length (up to 100 cm). Thanks to this expanding technical capabilities Mirror cameras. The volume of production of the mirroring equipment is growing, manufactured models are improved and modernized on the basis of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Camera quality requirements

All the technical characteristics of cameras must match technical conditionswhich are developed for each model.

Requirements for the quality of cameras are advisable to divide into three groups: requirements for mechanisms, lens and case.

The placement of all nodes and mechanisms in the camera should be convenient for operation and maintenance. The camera in working condition should be light-tight. A significant veil, dark points and stripes on a manifested film indicate a violation of the camera's light flowability. Required, - internal surfaces of the camera were painted in black matte or half-color. Passing color is not allowed.

The camera should give an image sharp all over the field when photography from all allowable distances. When tapping to sharpness, the lens should rotate smoothly, without jamming and reaching the extreme positions without effort.

The shutter of the camera should work smoothly at any position of the camera. The platoon and the descent of the shutter should be smooth, without jerks, with a sensation of light friction. It is necessary that the shutter worked reliably at all excerpts. The shutter shutter is not allowed. The synchronizer must provide simultaneous triggering of the shutter and flash lamps.

It is required that the photographic transportation mechanism worked freely, without jamming and damage to the film, the coil and cassette was fluent in the sockets, they were held firmly in them and easily removed to recharge. The leveling table and guide cars must be smooth and not scratching the film either by the emulsion or on the reverse side.

Exposter devices must work reliably, the microammmet arrow is to respond to the light of the light installed for this brightness, shutter speed and diaphragm - to be determined and installed correctly.

All metal parts must be chrome, nickel-plated or covered with paint. Anticorrosion coatings should be durable, without spots and skips. In painted surfaces, paint, bubbles, cracks are not allowed. External surfaces must be without dents, cauldron, burrs and other defects, spoiling the appearance of the device.

Inscriptions, index arrows and divisions The scales must be applied clearly.

In lenses of the lens, such glass defects are not allowed such as bubbles with a diameter of more than 0.3 mm, stones, chims, midges, swirls, and on the surface of the optical glass - scratches, stained bubbles, pumps, fat stains. Inside the lens should not be dust, villion, varnish particles, chips. Lens is not allowed, which is noticeable by rainbow spots and strips.

It is necessary that the rim with a scale of the diaphragm had a smooth self-defining move, which ensures the safety of the established position. The course of the diaphragm should be the easiest of the distance of the remote scale.

The protective cover must wear tightly on the lens: when the apparatus is tilted down, the lid should not spontaneously fall out from the lens.

Camera case and a shoulder belt must be made of leather or leathering brown or black. Suts of the case must be even, with a uniform line, durable, with well-taped threads. Folds, traces of glue and stains of various origins are not allowed. The case of the case should be freely put on the case of the case, the camera must lie in a case tightly and firmly hold the tripod nut.

Marking, packaging and storage of cameras. Camera care rules

On each camera and lens indicate their name, the brand of the manufacturer, the sequence number of the camera and the lens.

The camera in a case with accessories included in the kit is placed in a cardboard or foam box. (List of accessories indicate in the passport on the camera.) The box outside is seated. The box is inserted with a packing list with a person's signature that produced the packaging and the date of the packaging.

Unpacked cameras should be stored in a dry heated room at a temperature of from 5 to 45 ° C and the relative humidity of air no higher than 65%.

Cameras need to handle carefully. They should be kept clean and protected from shocks, shakes, dirt, dust, damp and sharp temperature fluctuations. It is not recommended to remove the lens from the camera without the need, since the dirt and dust can enter the device. When operating, it is necessary to regularly clean the camera. It is impossible to touch the surface of the optical parts with the hands, as this may damage the coatings. Dust remove with a soft tassel, or rubber pear. Wipe the optical surface of the lens, the viewfinder should be a light touch of a clean flannel napkin or cotton, slightly moistened with alcohol or ether. The mirror and lenses of the viewfinder are brushing only in the most necessary cases very soft and necessarily a dry tassel.

Store cameras follows in a closed case, while the lens must be closed with a lid, and the shutter and self-timer must be in a navalized position.

At temperatures below 0 ° C cameras Recommended to wear under ottopuda And remove only for the shooting time. The camera made with frost into a warm room should not be opened immediately, it must warm up for 2 hours. Special operations in the frosty time are provided for cameras with exposurer devices on photoresistors, in the electrical circuits of which there are DC sources. It is necessary to remember that the current source from the long exposure to minus temperatures is quickly fails, so such cameras should also be protected from supercooling.

It is impossible to disassemble the cameras yourself, since it is possible to break the adjustment of individual nodes. Any repair and appropriate adjustment should produce qualified specialists in repair shops.

Camera, lag shutter, (eng. Lag - lag);

  • Camera Camera, image processing algorithms and noise suppression, menu systems, number of pre-installed programs and an external interface, (eng. Interface - connect), Camera;
  • Types of camera viewfoots;
  • Types and volumes of the external memory of the camera;
  • The type of power supply of the camera and the energy consumption of the camera;
  • Fisks I. lighting equipment Camera.
  • Lens

    The matrix

    In digital photographs, several types of matrices (sensor) are used, which can be classified by the method:

    • hard reading "Potential Poons": CCD, CMOS;
    • flowering: Matrix with Bayer and Matrix Filter without a Bayer filter - FOVEON X3 matrix.

    An example of the designation of the matrix in the characteristics of the camera: 1 / 1.8 "CCD 5.25 MP. - CCD matrix with a resolution of 5.25 megapixels and a diagonal of 1 / 1.8 Vikonovsky inches.


    • Almost all compact cameras (that is, a matrix is \u200b\u200bless than APS-C) equipped with a shutter that is built into the sensor. The electronic shutter is a switch that includes a sensor on the reception of the light stream and turns it off according to the processor command. In such digital chambers, the shutter provides excerpts in the range (approximately) from 10 seconds to 1/500 s.
    • A part of digital cameras (mirror or range) is equipped with a mechanical shutter for accurate shutter speed and prevent light sensor after exposure time. The mechanical shutter has an electrical drive and is controlled by the processor. The most important characteristics of the mechanical shutter are minimal shutter speed and synchuration. Digital cameras with a mechanical shutter shutter are in the range of 30 C and can reach 1/8000 s. Synchronization excerpt is within 1/125 - 1/350 s.


    Parallax optical viewfinder

    A simple optical viewfinder is used in many compact digital cameras and is a simple telescopic system with its own small lens and eyepiece, which is watching the photographer. The mechanically viewfinder lens is associated with a transformer of the main lens of the camera and an increase in the main lens corresponds to an increase in the viewfinder. This design is simple and reliable in operation, but has parallax and does not allow to control the accuracy of focusing. In addition, acceptable image quality This viewfinder provides with limited (about 4) the multiplicity of zoom. Therefore, for lenses with zoom more than 5 ×, the electronic viewfinder is often used.

    Electronic viewfoots

    LCD-viewfooters on compact devices received the greatest distribution, and in 2009, the "Live View" mode began to be applied even on mirrors of many firms.

    In addition to the image from the matrix, the main shooters of the shooting and additional information are displayed on the LCD and EVF viewfoots: the degree of charging of the battery, zoom, the selected resolution, the quality (compression ratio), the self-timer parameters, the histogram of the brightness, the flash symbol, the red-eye defect symbol ", Exposure symbol, exposure, aperture, photosensitivity, exposure program, white balance preset, audio recording, snapshot number, focus area, etc.

    The display also serves to view the captured frames.

    One of the main characteristics of the Camera LCD display is its size and permission. A large diagonal is more convenient, but requires large energy consumption (reduced battery life) for highlighting.

    When shooting on a bright Sun, the image on the LCD screen turns out to be very difficult to consider, so a number of cameras have an option "electronic viewfinder with a magnifying glass" (usually denoted by EVF), and the camera when shooting with such a viewfinder are brought to the eye. Moreover, there are both designs with a separate miniature screen and devices that the same screen turns "to the rear wall" of the device or "under a glass" (for example, Konica Minolta series Z).

    The electronic viewfinder does not have parallax.

    Disadvantages of LCD and EVF Viewfinder

    • In the darkness of LCD and EVF, viewfinder work poorly due to insufficient photosensitivity of the matrix. Paralyx optical viewfinder does not have such a problem.
    • LCD displays of digital cameras "blind" in the light when "its backlight" of LCD is weaker external lighting. Since EVF is "hidden" viewfinder inside the case, it does not have such a problem.
    • The image on LCD and EVF viewfinder is not updated in real time, but with some delay (≈ 1/60 seconds), which is uncomfortable during the shooting of dynamic plots. The reason is that for the work of the camera's LCD display in the viewfinder mode, the camera is translated into the continuous "film" mode without recording (with a frequency of ≈ 60 frames / s).
    • LCD and EVF Digital cameras viewfooters consume a lot of electricity, and in order to save it, it is sometimes useful to disable them.
    • The LCD DAC creates quite strong interference and worsen the signal-to-noise ratio.

    Flash Memory

    In modern digital cameras, format memory card: Secure Digital, CompactFlash, Memory Stick, Multimedia Card (MMC). The SECURE DIGITAL (SD) format is most popular on the market (for 2007-2009).

    The actual number of photos that can be written when photographing one flash card with a capacity of 1 GB, as a rule, is 200-10,000 and depends on the recording size selected to shoot and format.

    A number of cameras have fundamental limitations on the capacity of the memory cards used, the manufacturer is usually not advertised. Since the production and sale of smaller capacitance cards stops as the release of more capacious, for about two years, a new card to the old apparatus is becoming very difficult to buy.

    Frame format and replaceable lenses

    The frame of digital cameras is selected with the attitude of the parties (4: 3 \u003d 1.33), like the analog televisions and CRT monitors. Standard Relationship of the parties to the frame for a photo film (3: 2 \u003d 1.5) - 36 × 24 mm, etc. Many digital mirror cameras have a film frame format (3: 2).

    The dimensions of the matrices of most digital cameras are less than the standard frame 35mm film - 36 × 24 mm. The diagonal of the matrix is \u200b\u200bindicated in the passport of the camera.

    The term EFR, FE - "effective focal length" - determines the focal length of the lens giving the same angle of view on a 35 mm frame as the lens installed on a digital camera with a smaller matrix size.

    Return digital mirror cameras wide corner Reviews can specially designed under the smaller frame format lenses with a focal length from\u003e 7 mm.

    Opportunities for photographer creativity

    Exposure modes can be divided into manual ("creative") and automatic (a). Creative modes include shooting with exposure priority (TV), (eng. Time Variation - change time), or with a diaphragm priority (AV), (English Aperture Variation is a change in the aperture), and manual mode (m), (eng. Manual - manual).

    • In the diaphragm (AV) mode, the photographer sets a diaphragm A (using a special wheel or buttons), and the processor based on the results of the exposure, automatically calculates the optimal detection T, for better relationship Signal / noise and the smallest equivalent ISO sensitivity.
    • In the exposure priority (TV) mode, the photographer sets the delay T, and the processor calculates the aperture A, for better signal / noise ratio and the smallest ISO.
    • In manual mode, the exploratory (T and A) is set manually, and according to the exposal data for this digital image, the processor calculates and sets the required equivalent sensitivity, ISO. If such an ISO is not allowed for this digital camera, the processor warns the photographer about a rough error, which the photographer allowed when setting T and diaphragm A. The false value of T or aperture A becomes red.
    • For photographers, newcomers and saving time photographers-professionals, an automatic mode is provided (A), (AUTOMATIC - automatic) and many plot programs. For automatic mode and plot shooting, the optimization of most parameters of the shooting is performed by the camera processor. The three most frequently used plot programs ("Portrait", "Landscape" and "Night Cold") are made directly to the mode selector disk or are selected using the menu.
    • (English Stitch Assist - Panoramic mode) serves to facilitate panoramic shooting. Panorama is a series of frames, removed with some displacement horizontally or vertical, subsequently "glued" into a single image. "Slace" is performed by a computer using a program that comes in the delivery of the camera. To make this program successfully coped with its task, it is necessary to make the entire series of source frames with the same exposure and focal length. It is precisely this that provides the "Stitch Assist" mode: the exposal results and the position of the zero are fixed on the first frame in the series, and all subsequent paranhed frames are removed with the same parameters, and the display lines and the edge of the previous frame are displayed. So, even without a tripod, when shooting panoramas with hands, it is possible to obtain acceptable results.
    • By exposure, the processor very accurately calculates the exposure parameters, but sometimes it is necessary to correct the exposure (exposure) manually. This is due to the fact that the camera matrix is \u200b\u200bcapable of fixing a limited range of brightness (dynamic range). Typical examples: Dark mountains on the background of a bright sky, shooting against light, sunsets and sunrises, the predominance of shadows, etc. Objects in a frame that have a greater scatter in brightness than the dynamic range of the matrix cannot be worked equally well. The dynamic range of the matrix (in decibels) is equal to the number of electrons that can store a pixel (pixel capacity) divided by the number of noise electrons (dark current + ADC noises, DAC and electronics during the reading of a potential well). If the dynamic range of the signal is, for example, 60 dB, which roughly corresponds to the value of the full charging capacity / noise \u003d 1024 \u003d 10 bits, then 10 discharge ADCs are used. 12-16 Discharge ADC for 3 colors of each pixel allows you to work and deep shadows.
    • Great help for the photographer in the evaluation of the exposure and exposure is provided by the histogram of brightness - the graph of the distribution of brightness in the frame. A brightness from the dark left is applied on the horizontal axis, the relative amount of the pixel of each shade is applied on the vertical axis. Better, those cameras in which the "live" histogram is updated during the frame layout.

    The histogram shows the dynamic range of the matrix photographic latitude of the plot or not and where it is necessary to shift the exploration and shear results.

    When shooting the plot with a large bright range, it is desirable to prevent the lights on digital images of "burnout" - all white ( maximum values Brightness at large sections of the image) and / or shadowing - all black (minimum brightness values \u200b\u200bon large sections of the image are the level of digital noise).

    It is recommended to always make a series of snapshots with exposure bracketing, except when the "abnormal" or "Peresvet" frame is useful to achieve various artistic effects.

    • The exploration is measured in EV values \u200b\u200b(eng. Exposure Value - the exhibition value). An increase in the exposure by +1 EV corresponds to the opening of the diaphragm by one stage or an increase in exposure by 2 times. Most digital chambers have an exploration of ± 2 EV in increments of 0.2-0.5 EV.

    Digital Photo Recording Formats

    Most modern digital cameras recording images in formats: JPEG, TIFF, RAW.

    JPEG format is supported by all digital cameras. The format is created by a JPEG group (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Especially for storing photos and has high degree Image compression due to some loss of quality. Small sizes JPEG files allow you to significantly save space on the media and quickly transmit images along the communication lines.

    The images add additional information about the shooting parameters in EXIF \u200b\u200bformat.

    The most promising is the RAW format that broadcasts information from a photo seensor without processing the camera processor. Processing is carried out on a computer where opportunities are much larger than that of the camera microprocessor.

    Photo flash and lighting equipment

    • Almost all digital cameras have photos, which, in addition to illumination of the shooting object, may have functions: eliminate the harmful effect of "red eyes", "synchronization over the second curtain", power adjustment, highlighting of autofocus, outbreaks. Typically, the emitter of the electric space is embedded in the camera body.
    • At the Cobra type, the emitter is attached to a spring-loaded bracket, which can rise above the camera body to reduce the harmful effect of "red eyes".
    • Fully getting rid of the appearance of "red eyes" is possible only when using an external flash removed from the optical axis of the camera at a sufficient distance, or a whole system of outbreaks and lighting devices.

    Simple cameras can work with external ISO 518 standards, which only have a central synchrocontax for communication with the automation of the camera.

    In order not to damage (not burn) automation, before working with external flashes, you need to make sure that there is no high voltage on the syncount of the external flash. The old models of photo posts for film photographs for syncontacts were signed high voltage (from 120 to 340 volts).

    • Modern computer programs of photo edits include a tool that fixes the defect of red eyes).

    Front end

    The built-in Camera LCD display is small, so it is more convenient to view the captured frames on the TV screen. The overwhelming majority of digital cameras are connected to a TV, a computer or printer through a low-frequency video output of the USB 2.0 interface cable,

    The energy supply of digital cameras and other small-sized equipment: radios, (Notebook, PDA, Handy, players, mini-peer, navigators, etc.) is not desirable. Capacity, service life, weight, dimensions and modes of recharged even lithium polymer batteries do not satisfy the ever-increasing power consumption of modern "pocket" electronic technology.

    Manufacturers of digital cameras offer (2007) two main types of power: "finger" elements of standard form factor AA and lithium-ion batteries of their own format. Batteries I. Ni-MH batteries AA format occupy a relatively much space, about 100 grams you take away the camera and are quite expensive, but are universal and applicable in various techniques.

    The capacity of small-sized lithium-ion batteries is also insufficient (~ 1 Ah). If a fully charged battery manages 200-250 frames, the cost of electricity from this digital camera ~ 4 mAh on 1 photo is a good result. Photographer is recommended to always have a pair of charged spare batteries.

    Almost all cameras have a connector to connect an external power source designed to charge the battery and filming in the studio.

    Design and interface

    A good digital camera should have a convenient location of the controls and small dimensions. The device must confidently lie in his hand. This is especially true of not too compact and light chambers having a special handle that must match the size of your brush. Reliable capture of the device reduces the shaking of the camera when shooting. Frequently used management bodies must be in the zone of express and thumb right hand And it should be equally convenient to shoot with both two hands and with one hand, both in vertical and horizontal positions.

    Switching between shooting and viewing modes should be arranged as simple as possible - using a separate button or lever. Button control is much less quickly and visual. Conveniently, when the exploration, white balance and photosensitivity, as well as the change in exposure and the diaphragms are made on separate buttons, wheels (limbs).

    Additional convenience when shooting from unusual positions, macros, etc. Created in the presence of a rotary display at the camera.

    Choice strategy

    It is impossible to create a universal apparatus that satisfies numerous and controversial requirements.

    • The main contradiction: between the compactness of the camera - and the quality of photographs;
    • A contradiction characteristic of any electronic equipment: between weight - and autonomy degree.

    Therefore, at first it is necessary to determine the list of necessary functions - and those that can be neglected. Then - to compare the technical characteristics of cameras already only in this price class.

    Physical size matrix

    The properties of semiconductors are such that the so-called thermal noise is always present in them. The level of interference also increases due to the heterogeneity of alloying impurities and other technology deficiencies. As a result, the image obtained from the matrix is \u200b\u200balways "tied with chaotic varying values \u200b\u200bof the brightness and colors of each pixel.

    The effect of this noise to the final image of the same physical size (for example, a 5 × 15 cm imprint):

    • the higher the smaller the physical size of one photosensitive element.
    • the lower the greater the number of elements in the image.

    As a result, it turns out that, with other characteristics, the larger the physical size of the matrix, the higher the image quality.

    Technological problems of the production of photosensors

    Enlarge photosensitive area and reduce the area spent on the charge reading schemes ("strapping"), each of the tens of millions of photodiodes of a small matrix with a large resolution can be in less than 0.14 micron technologies. For 2007-2008, the integrated microchips of photosensors are produced at 0.25 - 0.14 micron technologies.

    Requirements for optics

    Little matrices with a large resolution (more than 10 effective MPs) require from a lens of a large resolution.

    Take the CCD 1 / 1.8 matrix (5.32 × 7.18 mm) in frame 4/3 (3584 × 2688), resolution 9 633,792 pixels. 70% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe matrix occupy 28,901,376 photodiodes.

    We consider the effective area of \u200b\u200bthe matrix p \u003d 0.7 × 5.32 × 7.18 \u003d 26.73832 mm 2. 1 mm 2 accounts for 28 901 376 / 26.73832 ≈ 1,080,897 photodiodes ≈ 360 299 pixels. √360 299 ≈ 600 pixels per millimeter.

    The lens of this compact digital camera must have permissive ability of more than 300 LPM (lines per millimeter, lines Per Millimeter.). In optics 2 pixels represent one line.

    When developing new generation lenses, lenses made of glass, plastic, ceramics and flat lenses are used.

    The topic of choosing a camera, probably, has always been and will be relevant. Time is coming, the technique is changing, old materials written on this topic are hopelessly stitched. General principles remain unchanged, but a huge number of nuances makes it different to look at the problem of choice. The purpose of the article What is the best camera - put all the points over I on the issue of purchasing a digital camera given the modern situation on the market. The article is primarily oriented on novice photoelers, but I am sure the article will be helpful and experienced users.

    How to start the choice of the "best" camera?

    First of all, you must define the tasks for which the camera will be used. Tasks can be completely different and need to come to terms with the fact that an absolutely universal camera simply does not exist. There are only such cameras that are suitable for solving certain tasks or are not suitable. For example, to go with friends to a picnic, it is absolutely not necessary to drag the professional mirror there (although there are enthusiasts), quite a sufficiently inexpensive soapbox or even a smartphone - after all, photos from such events, as a rule, do not go on social networks and home photo albums. In this case the best camera There will be one that is always at hand.

    For professional purposes, the requirements for the technique differ significantly depending on the shooting genre. To shoot a report, you need a high speed of serial shooting and the ability to photograph from hands with poor lighting, for a landscape - maximum clarity and depth of colors, for portrait - high-quality skin color transmission and the ability to get a beautiful rear plan blur, for macro shot - the ability to focus on very closely located object, and so on. Naturally, all these possibilities cannot be implemented in one chamber with a single lens. So the choice better option Cameras are always a compromise between the capabilities of the equipment, its size, convenience in its use and price.

    Classes of digital cameras

    One of the main criteria by which cameras are divided into different classes is physical size matrix. It is not measured in megapixels, but in millimeters (or inches). It is this parameter that has a decisive effect on the quality of photographs - color reproduction, noise level, dynamic range. Traditionally it was believed that the Slirlock and Magniflocks are a big matrix - it's good, a small matrix is \u200b\u200bbad for soaps. Now this division is very conditional, since many compact cameras have matrices comparable to size with amateur mirrors and mirrids.

    Conditionally digital cameras can be divided into several classes.

    Amateur elementary-level cameras

    Under this category, the overwhelming majority of digits are worth about 20 thousand rubles. The electronic filling of all these devices is almost always comparable in its characteristics, the difference in the lens and additional functions, often not directly related to photography.

    Characteristics of compact cameras "on paper" may look very convincing - 20 with excess megapixels, 20-30-fold zoom, ISO sensitivity range like a professional mirror, a bunch of any chips and lotions - Wi-Fi, GPS, NCP, FullHD, 4K and etc. But in fact, everything is not so rosy. The most important trouble of these devices - their characteristics are fully manifested only in "greenhouse" conditions, for example, on the street with good lighting. It is worthwhile to go for a cloud, the quality of photos is noticeably declining, and if we try to shoot in a half-walled room, we are waiting for a quiet horror in the form of digital noise (ripples in pictures), distorted colors and degraded detail.

    Cameras with small matrices do not know how to miss the background, because of this, the picture looks flat, it is difficult to achieve the transmission volume. Sometimes there is a special "blurred background" mode, which software defines the objects of the front and rear plan and adds artificial blur to the background. But like all software, this mode does not always make it high quality and beautiful.

    Soapnya will be the optimal choice In the event that you do not set your creative tasks in front of yourself - just buy a "photo shooter", which is always at hand. In this case, it is better to prefer a camera with an increased optical zoom multiplicity to have a more or less universal tool. The cheapest digital compacts with 2-3 multiple zoom to buy there is no sense, since they have no advantages over smartphones. Soaps with 5-10 multiple zoom still thinly sold, but there is nothing to advise among them.

    If a compact camera is needed with a really good zoom, then it should be understood that with the most compact size of photos, it will have the same "soapy", because the matrix is \u200b\u200bthe same as in simple models.

    Another Beach compacts with a super sound is a small battery life. To minimize the dimensions, the manufacturer supplies the camera with a compact battery of a small capacity, from which the lens mechanic must also work, and stabilize the image, and the flash, and, in fact, the rest electronic filling. With a small number of "On / Off" cycles, 400-500 photos can really be selected for a short period of time, but if the camera is turned on before each image, and then turn it off, then the best for which you can count is the framework of 200 on one battery charging. The only plus of such cameras is their versatility.

    To decide on the purchase of a device with a "super sound" you need to have good reasons and firm confidence that you need a 50-60 multiple zoom. The theme of the choice of super jum is carried out. If speak about best manufacturer Soaps, then in this niche there is no big difference between them. Choose a device with 10-20 multiple zoom from Sony, Nikon, Panasonic, Canon, Olympus. The quality of photos will be the same, the difference is only in appearance.

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    Some initial level cameras have a complete set of manual settings. It is focused primarily on for those photographers who want to learn to photograph, however, the value of manual settings in such cameras often is greatly exaggerated. The presence of a programmable exposure mode (P), as a rule, covers 99% of the needs of the photographer-enthusiast - verified on its own experience.

    If you want to engage in an artistic photo, I strongly recommend not to contact the "fine" cameras. The picture quality will be applied only on the street in daylight. With the worsening of the lighting conditions, the quality of the photos is rapidly deteriorating. Photos from these devices are difficult to process in Photoshop, because even with minor manipulations with brightness, contrast, saturation, artifacts begin to appear - distortion of flowers, strengthening the noise level, "steps" on smooth color transitions.

    Cameras for advanced lovers

    This niche is the most diverse, there are at least three subgroups in it, to one degree or another competing with each other in their capabilities.

    "Top Soaps"

    These are compact devices with a matrix of increased size and non-free optics. According to its claimed characteristics, they seem to be inferior to amateur elementary levels (see above) - have less megapixels, the zoom rarely exceeds 3-5 times, sometimes have the worst video inability, but they make their work more honestly and better - and It is, provide better detail and color reproduction than an initial class devices. All this is due to the greater the matrix and a higher-quality lens.

    Among the top compacts in my opinion, Sony and Panasonic are most successful, but there are interesting options from Canon, Nikon and other manufacturers.

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    Another advantage of "top" compacts (as well as all of the groups listed below) is the ability to shoot in RAW format. What is Raw, we will briefly understand a little later, but for now, just believe the word - this is a very useful opportunity for which you can sacrifice the zoom multiplicity, swivel / touch screen, not to mention the "fashionable chips" type Wi-Fi, GPS and T .P.

    The "top" compacts are greatly photographed in the afternoon on the street, indoors with them can also be achieved acceptable quality photos. Everything merit is a higher-quality matrix of increased size (from 1 / 1.7 to 1 inches) - the more, the better, but also more expensive.

    Almost all compacts of this class are able to shoot in RAW. The presence of RAW format opens up great opportunities for pulling photos to an acceptable level of quality. The limitation is only that most of the devices of this niche are not able to provide a beautiful and powerful rear-plan blur (bokeh), where it is necessary (for example, in a portrait or while shooting close-ups). To "make bokeh" in the photos, you need a device with even greater matrix and a light lens. More detailed information On the selection of an initial or advanced level soap, you will find in the article best compact cameras


    Lumarter - essentially the same "top" compacts, only with replaceable optics. The main advantage of the messmaker is their "systematic". In essence, this is a constructor in which the "carcass" acts as a base element and you can hang a lot of interesting things on it. Another question is, it is "interesting" worth more money, and often its cost is multiplied by the cost of a carcass :)

    Magitiamaker's matrix is \u200b\u200bseveral times more in size than amateur compact devices - from 4/3 "(Micro 4/3) to" full frame "(36 * 24 mm). This gives great advantages in the form of a large stock of photosensitivity, better color reproduction and greater freedom when working with depth of field. Where amateur soapons turn a picture into porridge from pixels, the messmaker provide quite acceptable image quality. Even greater advantages are those who will install a light lens with a fixed focal length on a carcass, for example, 25mm / 1.4, 50mm / 1.8 - With them, the shooting indoor from torment turns into pleasure. The whale lens is not distinguished by a large luminosity and in some cases health limits the possibility of using the camera.

    If we talk about manufacturers, I would recommend first to look towards Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, Fujifilm. These manufacturers entered the "mesmer-free" niche before the rest and, in connection with this, the choice of additional lenses and accessories are wider than that of "catching up" - Canon and Nikon.

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    Modern fuser - a quick, reliable and functional device that is not inferior in the quality of the picture and the speed of the mirror cameras (and in something exceeds them) and at the same time it is much easier and more compact. The main disadvantage of most lamellars can be called, in pursuit of compactness, many physical controls (buttons, wheels) are often replaced with software (menu items). Since the functionality of the flammaker is very high, the menu becomes multi-level and complex - it makes it difficult to photographer if you need to take something in non-standard conditions when standard settings and presets cannot provide the correct result. But it is rather an exception than the rule. In my opinion, if you need a device "for every day", the mirror will be the most practical solution.

    Having at its disposal a mirror canon EOS 5D and mirrorless Olympus E-PM2, the latter I present preference in most trips and shutting down, as well as for homemade amateur shooting. The quality of the days of Olympus personally suits me well, especially if the whale lens change to the light fix. This is despite the fact that the E-PM2 model refers to the budget of the lamellar. The Mescard wonderfully copes with landscape shooting - color rendering, dynamic range at a very worthy level.

    SLR Cameras

    Mirrows - The devices in which the shutter with a movable or stationary mirror is applied, through which the picture that lens sees is projected into the viewfinder. This design has an old age, nevertheless, it very successfully passed on the figure.

    For the quality of the picture, the mirrors do not have advantage over firewalls, as they have the same matrices, however, the mirrored cameras have their advantages: the possibility of using fast phase autofocus (although modern mudflowers have also learned to use it), small power consumption in standard mode (when shooting through Viewfinder, not the screen). Another advantage of the SLR lies in a large number of accessories available on sale (including in the secondary market) is truly huge. Prices for lenses for the Slirlocks are generally less than comparable to the characteristics of the Lensman lens (Keep this in mind if you plan to grow and develop).

    The seals firmly arrived in the field of professional photography - for professionals photographers, not only the number of functions from the camera, but also simplicity of access to them (it's easier to press the button than to climb every time the menu!). Yes, and autofocus advanced mirrors in difficult conditions work faster and more accurate than the magician. The main drawback of the mirror is its dimensions and weight, although some models are very compact and comparable in their size with top compacts (for example, Canon ESO 100D). If this disadvantage is not critical, the purchase of the seed is fully justified, otherwise it is better to look towards the messmaker.

    Among the manufacturers of the Slirlock traditionally, the palm of the championship is divided by Canon and Nikon, I recommend to consider first of all these manufacturers. Not because the Sony Slies, Pentax is bad - at all! The question is that over time you will want to buy a new lens for the camera. If you have Canon or Nikon, you can buy a lens in any photomagazine (after finding out where cheaper) or used on Avito. Sony has a worse situation - optics, in principle, are on sale, but the range is smaller and prices can be higher. Pentax - a separate song! The devices themselves are very interesting, but to find them on sale the right optics, you need to try to very much.

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    The mirrors - record holders in time of work from the battery, as the matrix "turns on" only at the time of opening the shutter. The rest of the cameras of cameras, the matrix always works to pass the picture on the screen. The model also has a LiveView mode, in which the camera works as "soap" and shows the picture not in the viewfinder, but on the screen. In this case, energy consumption, respectively, increases.

    Cameras for enthusiasts and professionals

    This niche is also very diverse. The main characteristic feature of these devices is the presence of some unique opportunities for which people are willing to pay at 2, 3 and even 10 more than more than the Middle class technique. Requests for everyone are different - someone needs a full-frame matrix (mainly professional portraiters, landscapers, wedding photographers), someone important is the image component (most often, wealthy people for whom the main criterion in choosing - "so that the device was pleased to keep In the hands "- it is for them that they create compact stylish" image "devices).

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    Full-frame cameras provide the best image quality, so high popularity among professional photographers and photographic lovers. If, in this niche, the Canon and Nikon models were mostly reign, now the mirrorless devices begin to penetrate it. Sony Alpha A7 is the first swallow, a full-frame mesmer for the value samented for the full frame. The "vintage" leica is the image apparatus "for rich", however, has a full-frame matrix and quite good photographic features.

    The screenshot was made when the dollar cost 33 rubles :) Now the cost of such a watering is from 600 thousand rubles. The practicality of this acquisition is modestly silent, for the price of one carcass Leica M, you can buy a professional Canon or Nikon Filler with a professional lens (or even several).

    If you swung on a full frame, keep in mind that its possibilities are fully implemented only with high-quality optics, which can cost comparable to the camera, and sometimes much more. Buy a full frame for amateur home shooting is not the most practical investment of money. If you are a novice - it is better to buy the technique easier, and in line with the price difference in training. If you have a photographic experience and the desire to grow on yourself, the full-frame apparatus will become an excellent tool in your hands!

    Posted on 15.05.2018

    I recently, one of the readers made a comment that I did not consider in this article another category of professional equipment - midformat chambers. I will immediately say that I am a little far from this topic and I have only superficial knowledge about this technique. Medium-format cameras have a matrix on average 1.5 times more "full frame", its own fleet of optics and additional equipment. The cost of a full-fledged set for shooting on the "middle format" can exceed the cost of a new foreign car, so it is not difficult that the demand for this technique is even small in the professional niche compared to the same full-frame mirrors.

    The shooting on the "average format" is characteristic of non-heinsiness, using long exposure and strongly (according to "sprinkled" standards) of clamped diaphragms. The remuneration for this will be images with the colossal detail (40-50 megapixels and more), the ideal transmission of the perspective (as 50 mm on average format is a highly high-angle lens), and if you want to blur the background - then you can do wonders at all.

    Conclusion. Who is what camera is suitable?

    So, it's time to bring the hell under all above. Let's try to reduce the most typical options in the table. Options "Basic", depending on your preferences, they can be combined with each other. The table shows the approximate models of the camera that is suitable for this role. Sometimes I designated entire family families. I did not have a goal to list everything that was suitable - just to designate the technician class, among which you need to look for options.

    What will you take pictures? A good choice Very good choice!
    1 I love to photograph everything in a row, laying out the pictures of VKontakte. Artistic photo is not interested. I am loyal to quality.Good smartphone :) Not necessarily the iPhone. Samsung and top Chinese smartphones have a very good cameras!The inexpensive soap wash with a matrix 1 / 2.3 "with zoom 10-20x, absolutely any, or the All-weather waterproof soapbox - strong, alive, is not afraid of anything. If it breaks it, it's not a pity.
    2 I want the device to always be at hand, I took off well on the machine, but so that you can get across manual settings. I love walking lights. I want to learn to take pictures!

    Top compact with matrix size from 1 "

    Sony RX100.(Mark * - depending on the budget), Canon G * X

    Mescard of the entry level - it's often cheaper than top compacts, in the standard configuration can give up to top soaps, but growth opportunities gives more - replaceable optics, external flash, microphone - all this can be purchased as needed.


    3 Camera for home, for a family that allows you to make high-quality photos in the room and shoot video

    Firemaker of the entry level, with a whale and an additional "portrait" lens and an external flash (if there is where to connect it)

    Canon EOS 2000D, Nikon D3xxx

    Mirror or middle-level mirror with a swivel screen, with a whale and an additional "portrait" lens and an external flash

    Canon EOS 800D, Nikon D5xxx

    4 Travel Camera, mainly for landscape

    For walking lights not far from the house - "Top" mood or amateur mesmer with a whale lens


    For long-distance travels around the beautiful places - a mirror or a mesmer with a set of optics from a wide-risk to the television.

    5 Camera as a means of production, mainly reportage

    Semi-professional sprinkled or full-frame mirror with a semi-professional zoom lens (permanent Light 1: 4.0) and an external flash

    Professional full-frame mirror with a light zoom lens (1: 2.8) and an external flash

    6 Mostly artistic portrait shot

    Semi-professional apparatus (crop, full frame) with a light fixture, can be non-autofocus (via adapter)

    Full frame apparatus with professional lighting fixes. If there is nowhere to give money, then the "middle format".

    7 Wedding photo

    Initial level - a scattered apparatus (mirror, mirroring card) with "advanced" whale 18-135 mm, light fix for portraits, external flash

    Full frame apparatus with a set of lenses covering a range of 24-200 mm, with a permanent luminosity of 1: 2.8, professional portrait fix lens, an external flash, an additional light, reflectors, an assistant that all this will be :)

    8 Photohota

    Amateur level - a scattered apparatus (mirror, mirror) with a telephoto lens for 250-300 mm

    Professional level - a full-frame apparatus with a light telephoto lens for at least 400 mm, possibly another teleconverter (extender).

    On this, I think you can finish. Successful to you choose a camera and more good pictures!

    About my help in choosing a camera

    Until recently, I provided a service advice on the selection of cameras on your criteria. Now I am her do not exert. In view of the employment, I disappeared the opportunity to regularly meet the novelties of photoindustry, attend presentations and exhibitions of new products. Therefore, the maximum that I can offer you - look at the table above, to determine the selection criteria for it and with these criteria to go into a specialized photomagazine, in which sellers are usually dealt with this topic. To seek help to a professional seller is also normal, how to use the services of the real estate agent, the car is not in the garage on its own, but in a good car service. For the surcharge, which is included in the price of goods in the company store Canon, Sony, Fujifilm, Olympus, etc., you get professional advice. You do not want to pay for a consultation - deal with yourself and buy in the online store, find out a lot of new things, and still save :)

    At the beginning of the century, permission was an important parameter when choosing a digital camera, but today you have to work hard to find a camera with a resolution of less than 12 megapixels, and this is more than enough for any reasonable application. Megapixels have nothing to do with the "professionalism" of the chamber, and the flagship reportage devices are no higher than that of amateur models. High resolution (20 megapixel or more) potentially increases the details of the photo, but at the same time, it exists both flaws of the lens and, to an even greater degree, lack of photographer's skill. Without good optics and skills, it will not refer to the prose from excess megapixels, while the size of the files with increasing resolution is growing significantly.

    Matrix size

    Scene programs and special effects

    All sorts of "creative" modes most of them are absolutely useless and can be calmly ignored. The presence of twenty stupid pictograms on the mode selection disk - the brightest sign Amateur camera. However, even quite decent devices are not insured against such an infection.

    Custom settings

    The ability to save custom settings, and then quickly switch between presets accelerates and facilitates work. It is a pity that this useful option is not available in all cameras.


    Without exposure, the use of automatic exposure determination modes is unthinkable. Over the exploration, either a separate disk must be responsible or one of the universal controls in combination with the corresponding modifier button (+/-). Exposure management through the menu is absolutely unacceptable.

    Color histogram

    Three-channel RGB histogram is necessary for an accurate estimate of the exposure just taken picture. The histogram in real time, which allows you to adjust the exposition before the shutter is lowered, the phenomenon is progressive, but so far rare.


    The exposure bracketing or the expansion is useful when shooting HDR. The feasibility of other types of bracketing seems to me doubtful, but this is an individual business.

    Exposure and diaphragm management

    Expirax controls should always be at hand. It is desirable that in manual mode, individual discs headed and the diaphragm. The only disk and the modifier button is a compromise solution, but acceptable.

    ISO and White Balance

    In a good camera for controlling the ISO sensitivity and balance white color Special buttons meet. In amateur cameras ISO and white balance configure through the menu.

    Flash Synchronization Exposure

    A professional standard today is considered to be 1/250 C or in short. In amateur chambers, synchive synchronization is usually 1/200 or even 1/180 s.

    Flash lock

    The flash exposure lock allows you to avoid the blinking of the object when shooting with a fill flash. If you are going to actively photograph people or animals with an outbreak, pay attention to this useful function.

    Focusing rear button

    I prefer that the shutter and autofocus are separated from different buttons. A good camera always has a special AF-ON button, which can be used to activate autofocus. At worst, this function can be assigned to the AE-L / AF-L button. If the camera does not support the focusing of the rear button - it is a serious flaw.

    Thin setting of autofocus

    Very good if the device allows you to properly adjust the lenses. The errors of the factory alignment, unfortunately, not so rarity.

    HDR and Panorama

    Neither harm or benefit. If you seriously want to shoot HDR or panoramas, then you should manually and special modes here are unlikely to help.

    Wi-Fi and GPS

    Necessity GPS module In the camera above my understanding, but Wi-Fi can well replace a card reader or a USB cable if the traditional photo rewriting procedure from the camera to a computer causes you difficulties. Probably, even the toilets will soon be equipped with Wi-Fi and GPS.

    Mechanical strength

    Most photographers are a superproof camera for nothing. Usually, digital cameras are extinguished much faster than wearing. Only a very small percentage of photojournalists actually uses their equipment at the limit of its capabilities, and if you are not going to subject the chamber with harsh tests, then the metal case will mean for you only excess weight and expenses.

    Resource shutter

    The declared gate resource can be safely ignored. With modern cameras, it ranges from 100,000 to 400,000 shots, and a rare photographer is managed to rip as many masterpieces before the device is broken or sold. If the mileage of the camera reaches the cherished number, it does not mean at all that the shutter immediately embarrass, "usually he continues to work further, no matter what happened.

    Dust Galleckopy

    Protection against bad weather is useful if you are often in nature. By the way, the protection against splashes does not mean that the camera will survive the fall into the water. For underwater filming, special waterproof covers are used. Fully hermetic case has only separate compact cameras for outdoor enthusiasts.

    Memory cards

    In amateur cameras, as a rule, the memory cards of the SD format (SDHC) are used due to their compactness and low cost, and in professional - CF or XQD due to high speed and tank. It is very good if the camera has two memory card jacks: the second card can be used to back up.

    Battery life resource

    Than more Capacity Batteries, the better. The mirror chamber can make up to thousands and more pictures on one charge of the battery, provided that you will not abuse the built-in flash and Live View. Cameras with electronic viewfinder are much more voracious and the battery is enough at best by 300-400 shots.

    Battery handle

    The battery handle is not only for the placement of additional batteries, but also in order to remove both horizontally and vertically oriented frames with the same comfort. In the flagship models, the handle for vertical grip is integrated into the housing, and to most other chambers the battery handle can be screwed in case of need. If you plan to shoot a lot of portraits, then make sure batteries for your camera are available.


    Regarding the optimal dimensions of the camera, photographers differ greatly. Someone like big cameras as more grasp and comfortable, and someone is small, like more practical and transportable. Being a moving person, I prefer that the linear dimensions of the camera remain modest, even in this and there are their minuses. For example, the handle of most of the younger mirrors is small for the average male hand and with the normal grip of the place for the mother's no longer left. With messenger chambers the situation is even worse - there may not be handles there. In addition, the small dimensions of the camera mean a very close location of the controls, and if you have big hands or if you are going to use the camera in gloves, it can cause certain difficulties. But a small chamber is convenient to carry with me, and this dignity outweighs many of its flaws.


    From my point of view, the weight of the camera should be as small as possible without noticeable damage to its reliability and functionality. It is believed that the heavy chamber is less susceptible to vibration, but it serves as a weak consolation for the photographer, forced all day to carry a couple of cast-iron bricks on the neck.

    I hope that now you will be much easier to decide on the selection of the camera that meets your personal needs. If you need more specific recommendations, you should contact the article "Selecting a Digital Camera".

    Thanks for attention!

    Vasily A.

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