Why did the gps module in the smartphone stop working? Yandex navigator does not work

When the GPS navigator cannot see or find no satellites. Several reasons can create such a situation, among which the most common are the following:

  • crash of the navigation almanac;
  • failure of the device firmware;
  • technical features of windshields of some cars;
  • mechanical damage or failure of the receiving antenna.

To accurately determine the cause of the loss of communication with satellites, you need to carry out appropriate diagnostics. Let's consider in more detail each of the reasons for the incorrect operation of the navigator.

Navigator does not see satellites due to almanac failure

In the operation of the navigator, there are three modes of position determination: cold, warm and hot start.

In cold start mode, the device does not have any information about its location. Therefore, searching for satellites in this mode takes the longest time and is about 10 minutes, or even more. In this mode, the navigation device must receive the almanac and orbit parameters, which make it possible to determine the position of the satellite with high accuracy. Further, the device receives ephemeris - parameters that allow you to more accurately determine the position of the satellite and tie it to the exact time.

In warm start mode, the GPS navigator has a saved almanac in its memory, which was received during the previous switch-on, as well as information about the binding to the exact time. In this case, the duration of the search for satellites is reduced to several minutes.

The hot start mode provides that the device was turned off recently and the information about the almanac and ephemeris did not have time to become outdated. The search time in this case is reduced to 10–25 seconds.

It should be noted that the lifetime of the almanac is 2-3 months, and the ephemeris is only a couple of hours. After the expiration of this period, the data on ephemeris and almanac must be updated. Therefore, turning off the device for a long time will make the almanac out of date. Usually, after that the navigator is loaded from a cold start and then works in normal mode. But there are times when, after a long shutdown, software failures occur that distort the information and the navigator searches for a long time (several hours) and does not find its location. To bring such a device to normal operation, it is recommended to leave it in the satellite search mode for several hours, ensuring good visibility of the sky. Several hours of searching should bring it back to normal operation.

Navigator does not catch satellites due to firmware failure

Quite often, devices cease to function normally and lose communication with satellites due to a malfunction of the installed software... To restore normal operation, it is recommended to reflash it. Installing newer versions on the GPS navigator will provide it with more stable operation, and will also allow you to use new ones. functionality which were previously limited to old version firmware.

Quite often, the reason that the navigator does not see or does not find satellites is the athermal windshield installed on the car. Such glass has a special composition that can jam the signal. In this case, the device can be installed in such a way that it can receive a signal through the side windows or orient it towards a special throughput "window" that many manufacturers provide for their athermal glasses.

Failure of the receiving antenna

One of the most serious reasons for the loss of communication with satellites is the failure of the GPS antenna. Navigators use two types of antennas - soldered to the board and external ones, connected to the GPS navigator separately. An antenna soldered to the board is more difficult and expensive to replace, but this type of antenna fails less often. Replacing the external antenna is much easier. In addition, many external antennas are interchangeable, which makes it easier to diagnose the device and find the right parts.

Determination of coordinates with a handheld device is far from a novelty, but a familiar phenomenon. Every modern smartphone on Android or IOS is equipped with a built-in GPS receiver. But often the quality of this module is not enough for domestic use.

Users are interested in whether it is possible to significantly increase the level of reception at mobile devices, in order to more accurately determine the current position or more comfortably spend time playing games, which need to determine the location of the device in as much detail as possible. Let's study the issue and see what solutions there are.

GPS is a special system that allows ground-based devices to receive signals from space from pre-launched satellites in order to use them to calculate the current position. It is used in various navigation aids to plot the optimal route to a destination.

Why is it needed?

The main application is orientation on the terrain and paving the way through navigation applications. This combination of satellites and programs allows you to reach or reach your destination without harassing passers-by and painful attempts to navigate using paper maps.

For Android OS, the most popular are Google maps and Yandex Maps applications or.

How to improve reception with your device

Exists different methods to improve the reception of devices based on iOS and Android, we will restrict ourselves to the two most famous ones. A simpler option is to use the capabilities of the smartphone itself to strengthen the GPS signal through the system menu:

  1. First you need to activate GPS, then open the settings.
  2. Go to the item "Geodata".
  3. Open "Mode".
  4. Turn on high precision For more information, see the "Discovery Method" section.

Due to this, the smartphone will more actively process GPS data.

The downside of the method is an accelerated battery discharge, since the device will consume many times more energy in navigation mode.

Improving reception in Yandex Navigator

The alternative approach is more complicated, but in terms of efficiency it is comparable to the previous method. Instead of gaining reception, you need to clear the GPS information by software.

Updating the data will improve the navigation service. However, this method is not available to everyone, since the application may be incompatible with the device model, it will not have enough storage space, etc.

Application to improve navigation

For more advanced users

Other causes of problems withGpsin the Navigator

Other reasons can also lead to difficulties. Sometimes GPS fails (cannot find satellites or even geolocation mode does not start) in the Android OS as a whole - then you can try to roll back the system to factory settings through the system menu.

You can also update the firmware or return the phone to service maintenance for specialists to fix problems in electronic stuffing devices.


To restore navigation and the ability to "catch" satellites on Android, even in an open place, you need to find out whether the reason lies in the settings or in a hardware failure.

If the components of the device are out of order, you need to contact an authorized service center.

What method of improving GPS for Yandex Navigator suits you?

Still, it's good that modern smartphones are equipped with a GPS module: thanks to it, you can save money on the navigator, and it’s also useful. However, all your plans can be disrupted by one trifle - the connection of the phone with "space". It will take and disappear.

Let's figure out what a GPS navigation system is, what is the reason for its malfunctions and what to do if a phone based on Android and iOS does not find satellites or does not establish a connection with them.

How it works

So what does the GPS module do in mobile devices? Receives navigation signals from satellites. And not only included in the system that corresponds to its name, but also analogues - GLONASS, BDS and others (with the support). The very same concept of "gi-pi-es" today has become a generalized synonym for satellite navigation.

In addition to GPS, there is AGPS navigation (LBS), which determines the location of the phone using signals from nearby cell towers. Despite the similarity of spelling, there is no connection between these systems. And there are differences, and very significant:

  • AGPS is only available in cellular coverage areas, GPS is everywhere.
  • AGPS determines the coordinates of the object with an accuracy of 500 m, GPS - up to 5 m.
  • AGPS does not depend on weather conditions, it only needs to be connected to a mobile network and have money on the balance. GPS is free, to activate it, it is enough to turn on geolocation on the phone, but the quality of the connection is highly dependent on clouds and others external factors... The signal propagates only in line of sight.

Dense clouds, tall buildings, thickets of trees and thick walls dampen satellite signals. Therefore, to improve GPS communication in unfavorable conditions Another technology was developed - A-GPS (well, how not to get confused here?). The essence of this technology is that when the signal is lost, the phone connects to a special server, from where it receives the exact coordinates of the satellites, and already establishes a connection using them. For A-GPS to work, the smartphone must be connected to the network mobile operator or have another way to access the Internet (in particular, Wi-Fi).

What determines the speed of finding satellites

The speed at which satellites are found depends on how long ago the navigation receiver was turned on in the phone. The duration of its inclusion determines the type of start - cold, warm or hot. No, the matter is not in the "warming up" of the GPS-module, but in what data it relies on when searching.

When turned on, the GPS receiver retrieves from its memory the latest information about the coordinates of the satellites: almanacs and ephemeris (ephemeris).

  • Almanacs contain information on the parameters of the orbits of all satellites in the system. They are not very accurate, but they remain relevant for several months.
  • Ephemeris contains precise data on adjusting clocks and orbital parameters for each specific satellite. Their relevance does not exceed half an hour.

GPS satellites around the Earth

At cold start- it is considered to turn on the GPS-receiver after 30 or more minutes of shutdown, the device searches for satellites only by known almanacs. If the almanac data is no longer up-to-date, it downloads it again. At this time, old ones are also erased and new ephemeris are loaded. The duration of a cold start is 5 minutes or more - depending on conditions external environment and the position of the phone. For the connection to go through faster, the device should be held still.

At warm start, which is called the inclusion of the GPS-module a little more than half an hour after the shutdown, only the ephemeris is updated. It takes about 1 minute.

Instantaneous hot start is possible only if the ephemeris remains relevant, that is, while less than 30 minutes have passed since the GPS was turned off.

Why the phone does not see satellites or loses connection with them

The reasons for the absence and instability of communication between the phone and GPS satellites are external and internal. The former are due to the influence of environmental factors on the signal transmission, the latter are due to malfunctions of the receiving device itself.

External reasons:

  • Unfavorable state of the atmosphere (dense clouds), being in a forest or among high-rise buildings. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to disperse the clouds, but A-GPS technology helps to get around these obstacles.
  • The telephone is in the room. To solve the problem, it is usually enough to go to the window or go to the balcony.
  • The phone is in motion, for example while driving. For a cold start of the GPS module, this can be a serious hindrance. To find satellites faster, stop and place your device on a flat surface.

Internal reasons:

  • The phone is not equipped with a satellite reception module at all, or it has only A-GPS, the operation of which depends on the strength of the cellular signal and Wi-Fi.
  • The device has a GPS-receiver with a low-power antenna, usually of a film type. In this case, communication with satellites is possible, but it is unstable and highly dependent on external conditions: even a case on the phone can interfere with it. Sometimes communication only works when the Internet is connected. The problem is usually revealed immediately after purchasing a gadget.
  • The GPS module is defective. Breakage (usually damage or loosening of the receiver antenna) is detected after impact, fall or disassembly of the device, although not always. It happens that it occurs for no apparent reason. It is manifested by a complete or periodic inability to detect satellites and establish communication with them. Or by the fact that the signal is caught only at a certain position of the phone.
  • Systemic problems. The source of the problem lies in incorrect settings or firmware curve of the device.
  • Incorrectly set system time.
  • Influence of third-party software or malware. This version is supported by the relationship between the failure and the installation of an application, as well as the presence of symptoms of virus infection.

How to fix a problem on an Android smartphone

Problems associated with the absence or malfunction of the GPS receiver cannot be solved at home. More precisely, the first is unsolvable in principle, and the second should be addressed to service center... But you can clean the phone from viruses, adjust settings, etc., it is quite possible to do it yourself. So let's get started.

If the reason is, rather, of a programmatic nature and arose after a period normal work, do this:

  • Make sure the system time is correct.
  • Uninstall apps that you installed shortly before the crash.
  • With no effect.

If the phone does not find satellites initially (there is no cold start), although it is equipped with a GPS module, it may very well be that it is simply incorrectly configured. This is especially true for devices brought from abroad or purchased in foreign online stores - that is, not intended for the Russian market.

To fix the incorrect setting, namely, to reset the almanac that is relevant for the territory of another country, you need access to the engineering menu of the device. To enter this menu, use special telephone codes specific to devices of different brands. They are entered in the same way as USSD commands - in the calling application.

On the bulk of Android smartphones, the code is suitable for entering the engineering menu
If your device does not accept it, use the prompts of search engines. Or, if your phone has a MediaTek processor, install one of the following applications:

Or their analogue.

  • Make sure geolocation is turned on on your phone.
  • Having opened the engineering menu, go to the section " Location» – « YGPS».

  • On the tab “ Satellites»The satellites that your device recognizes should be displayed. If you see only red dots there, it means that the phone finds them, but cannot establish a connection.

  • Open the " Information"And tap the" Hot», « Cold», « Warm», « Full" and " AGPS Restart". This will delete the current almanac.

  • Open the " NMEALog" and press " Start". This will start downloading the new almanac.

  • To control the establishment of communication, open the section " Satellites". If some of the dots on the blue field turn green, it means that your phone has received a signal. Open " NMEALog"Again and click" Stop».

In some cases, a bad cold start is caused by an incorrect time server in the GPS configuration file. To fix this setting, you need root permissions and file manager with privileged access, for example.

  • So, launch Root Explorer or its equivalent and find the file /system/etc/gps.conf

  • Open it with any text editor and in line NTP_SERVER= write down pool.ntp.org. This is if you are in Russia. You can check the data for other states on the website.As a result, the file should look like this:

Save changes to gps.conf and restart your phone.

If you do not want to mess with the settings at all, but want to do everything faster, you can use the automatic optimization of satellite communication parameters, which is called "". To get the desired result, just press one button. I can’t judge the efficiency, but many users are satisfied with this application.

If you use your phone as a navigator and it often loses satellites, for example, when the screen is turned off or when leaving tunnels, the tool to fix the signal and reset A-GPS data will help.

Also in the market Google play There are quite a few free applications for testing the operation of a GPS receiver, which can also be useful to you:


How to fix the problem on iPhone

Owners of Apple gadgets are less likely to face problems finding satellites, the reasons for which lie in the devices themselves. Apparently, this is why there are much fewer ways to solve them on iOS than on Android.

If geolocation on an iPhone does not work at all, it is usually disabled in the settings. If it is available in some applications and not available in others, the reason, most likely, is also hidden in the settings. To fix them:

  • Open the section " Confidentiality"And tap the line" Geolocation services».
  • On the next screen is the list of applications. Each of them indicates whether it has access to this service. Tap the items you want to change and set the desired permissions.

In cases where the location service is unstable or the iPhone does not find satellites for a long time, it is often enough to open the settings section “ The main", go to " Reset"And click" Reset geotuning».

This will return the geolocation and privacy settings to their original state, and the problem will most likely be resolved.

More on the site:

What to do if the phone does not see satellites or does not connect to them updated: November 1, 2018 by the author: Johnny mnemonic

Modern smartphones are equipped with a GPS chip, which makes it much easier for us to travel or search for a specific address. However, it is not uncommon for GPS to work poorly. And it's not always not enough to blame good build smartphone. It is often possible to improve the functioning of the navigation module by digging into the settings.

Many motorists have a full-fledged GPS navigator. Some of these devices have back wall or side end the antenna connector is located. This allows you to amplify signal reception several times - you just need to get the appropriate antenna.

As for modern smartphones, we hasten to disappoint you. You will never find a dedicated antenna connector in them. You can improve GPS reception on Android only by software methods. If they didn't work, then you have to come to terms with the current state of affairs. As you might guess, budget devices work worst of all with GPS satellites. This is explained by the fact that they are equipped with the cheapest and oldest navigation chips, which have a low operating speed and a weak signal receiver.

Visit the section with settings

In many smartphones and tablets, the GPS chip is completely disabled by default. In this case, the device determines the location using cell towers and Wi-Fi networks. To enable the navigation chip, you need to configure the device. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the section " Settings».

Step 2. Here you should be interested in the item " Location».

Step 3. On different devices this item may have a different name. For example, on Samsung tablets, select the “ Connections"And click on the item" Geodata”, At the same time activating the corresponding switch.

Step 4. In this section, you need to enable high positioning accuracy. The device must use all sources for this - GPS satellites, Wi-Fi networks and data from cell towers.

It should be noted that power consumption increases in this mode of operation. And if on new smartphones this is practically not noticeable, then the owners of budget and old devices will definitely feel the decreased battery life.

Calibrating the compass

If it is impossible to strengthen the signal reception on smartphones, then no one will interfere with improving the digital compass. The fact is that on some devices it is not calibrated, as a result of which the navigation program cannot understand in time which direction of the world your smartphone is directed. At this moment it seems to you that the device does not catch GPS.

To calibrate the compass, you need an app GPS Essentials... Download and install it, then follow these steps:

Step 1. Run the program.

Step 2. Enter the mode Compass.

Step 3. If the compass is stable, then the problem is not with it. If the compass refuses to show the cardinal directions correctly, then calibrate it.

Step 4. First, rotate the smartphone around its axis with the screen facing up. Then turn it upside down. Well, then flip from left to right. This should help. In some versions of the application, you must first select the item Calibrate in the section settings.

Viewing the Number of Visible GPS Satellites

In the same GPS Essentials you can look at how many satellites your smartphone is connected to. If it's big enough, then the navigation chip is not to blame - the problem is in some of the programs. To view satellites, select the item in the application menu Satellites.

Resetting GPS data

A common problem with some devices is the long binding to specific GPS satellites, even when they have managed to get out of sight. The application can help in this case. GPS Status & Toolbox... It will reset the GPS data and then connect to satellites from scratch.

Step 1. Download and install the utility.

Step 2. Run the installed application by agreeing to the terms of the license agreement.

Step 3. On the main screen of the program, you will see the readings of various sensors, as well as information about the number of GPS satellites above your head.

Step 4. Press anywhere on the display, after which you can pull out the curtain with the main menu on the left. Here you can calibrate the compass if it was not possible with the previously discussed application. But now you need to click on the item " A-GPS state management».

Step 5. In the pop-up menu, press the button " Reset».

Step 6. Once the reset is complete, return to this pop-up menu by pressing the " Download».

What to look for when buying a new smartphone?

Now you know the answer to the question "How to set up GPS on Android?" But all this will not help you very much if you want to use your smartphone as a GPS navigator on an ongoing basis. It is better to get a solid modern smartphone for these purposes. When choosing it, be sure to read the full technical characteristics... In them it is necessary to find a mention of support for A-GPS technology - it greatly reduces power consumption. The ideal smartphone for you will be the one that also works with GLONASS satellites. Fortunately, almost all devices that have been imported into our country during last year... But, again, you still need to look at the specifications of the device before purchasing it.

Some users are faced with the problem of GPS inoperability. What to do in such a situation?

If GPS does not work on Android, then the reason may be hidden in the navigation module. This problem is most often encountered by beginners who are not yet fully versed in the operation of the phone. To solve the problem:

  • Activate navigation by sliding the upper curtain, where all the necessary icons are hidden
  • Activate the item "Geodata"
  • Now turn on any navigation program and start using it

By the way, some applications notify users that the reception of geodata has been disabled. For example, Navitel. They display a special notification and even immediately go to the navigation activation menu. Once everything is done, you can plot the route.

After turning on geolocation and settings, there is no result? Here, most likely, the problem is your impatience. If you have started the GPS module for the first time, then wait 15 minutes. During this time, the electronics processed information from satellites. All other launches will be much faster.

You must do the same if your navigator worked in another area and you brought it disabled. The device needs time to determine its position.

Reasons why GPS doesn't work on Android

  • If you are trying to define your location on the go, then worth stopping and stand a little to the navigator could tune in. Some devices the chips "slow down" a little, so they need some time to adjust
  • You entered a building and GPS will not work through thick walls
  • You entered the zone adversely affecting signal reception - many trees, rocks or high-rise buildings. In this case, you just need to go out into the open area.
  • If the option is still not activated, then you have a direct road to a specialist, since if problems arise with the GPS, namely, if it worked well before and suddenly stopped, then this indicates internal breakdowns
  • If you do not want to contact the service center, then first do a factory reset, perhaps this will solve the problem

Use GPS Test to check the signal reception. If the geolocation option is activated, and the chip itself is working properly, and you are in the open air, then on the map you will be shown the points where the satellites are located.

Video: Setting up and testing GPS on an Android smartphone