How to store flowers in a hat box. You don't water the flowers in a box, basket, flower toy

# Floristics - How to use a floral sponge correctly. #Oasis.
To begin with, I will tell you a few mistakes novice florists make. How not to do when working with a floral sponge.
1. In no case, you can not pour water on top of a dry sponge. Since the oasis will get wet from above, but inside it will remain dry, and the flowers will not be able to drink water.
2. If you are going to soak the oasis in some kind of container, you do not need to abruptly and completely, pressing down with your hand, lower it into the water. Then he too will not be properly saturated. You will have a spoiled oasis again. Since if you try to soak such an oasis with water again, nothing will come of it.
3.If you need to soak a large amount of floral sponge (oasis). You do not need to immediately put several bricks on top of each other in a container with water. It is better to fill several containers with water and soak the floral sponge (Oasis) one by one. Or fill a container with a large circumference and soak several pieces at the same time.

Now I will tell you how to properly use a floral sponge or #floristic foam (Oasis). Everyone calls this material differently.
1. To properly soak the Oasis with water, the best option will be - fill any container with water that is larger than our piece. If you need a small piece, cut a piece with a sharp knife and smoothly place it on the surface of the water. We are waiting for him to soak himself, there is no need to help him.
2. If you will use it for compositions in transparent vases or other containers, it must be closed by wrapping it on top with any floral material. For example, bark or waterproof colored oilcloth, etc.
3. When working with a frame or microphone, for wedding bouquet, we do exactly the same action as I wrote earlier.
4. Working with any composition. Not a piece of the green oasis should be visible - the work of such florists is considered unprofessional.
5. In any composition, the floral foam must be securely fixed.
6. If you are making a composition in a basket, then a floral sponge (Oasis) must be wrapped with an oilcloth for packing flowers and secured with tape. To prevent the water from flowing out of the oasis.
7 It is not advisable to use B / U # Oasis. Always use fresh and new only.

There are many more secrets when working with an oasis.!
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Of all flower arrangements, baskets are the most practical gifts that do not cause any inconvenience to the recipient. In addition to the fact that you need to make a minimum of effort to care for them, they also look more chic than many bouquets. can be presented for any occasion: be it a birthday, wedding or anniversary, and it will definitely stand out against the background of all the presented bouquets.

Features of caring for baskets with flowers

Flower arrangements in baskets require individual care, which is different from the standard care of bouquets. Of course, the plus of the basket is that you don't need to change the water in it every day, like in a vase, and wash it. Another plus is that you don't have to cut flowers every day. Saving time in the amount of care about 10-15 minutes. Still, you need to take care of the flowers in the basket, albeit in a different way.

To draw up a flower arrangement in a basket, florists use floristic oasis - a porous sponge that is saturated with water. The bioflora itself (the oasis also bears such a name) will not be visible to the naked eye, but it replaces the soil of the flower or the very same vase of water. A floral oasis has the main property for a basket - it retains moisture, which nourishes the flower for a long time. But, naturally, sooner or later the water in the oasis will run out. In terms of the volume of the oasis, there is much less water than in a vase, so sooner or later, you will need to replenish the water. Therefore, the standing of the oasis must be monitored. At a high room temperature, low air humidity, the water from the sponge will quickly evaporate, you must also take into account that there are flowers that quickly absorb water.

You need to water the composition in the basket every day. If the room is hot, then you can even twice a day. Water for irrigation must be clean - it can be purified filtered water or settled from the tap (water must be settled for at least 2 hours). The water temperature should be at room temperature. If the water is hot, it will speed up the blooming of the buds (by the way, this technique is very useful when you need to turn closed buds into open ones in the shortest possible time), cold water on the contrary, it will slow down the opening of the buds.

It is not the basket that needs to be watered, but the oasis. To get to it, you need either a watering can with a thin neck, or a narrow bottle, or a kettle with a narrow spout. Try not to flood the oasis, remember that this is not a vase, and much less water is needed. But even if you suddenly overdo it with water, don't worry. The bottom of the basket is lined with polyethylene to prevent the oasis from leaking. You don't need to water the buds themselves! But you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

To keep the flowers in the basket fresh for a long time:

  • take them to the balcony at night
  • wipe the leaves from dust
  • try to avoid annoying loud sounds in the room where the flowers are located (it has already been proven that they fade faster from noise).

For flower arrangements in a basket, it is strongly discouraged:

  • Take flowers out of a floristic oasis
  • Watering flower heads
  • Keep flowers for a long time next to fruits (they release ammonia over time and thus destroy flowers
  • Place near heat sources

Taking care of the basket will take you no more than 4 minutes a day. It is much less time consuming than caring for flowers in a vase. But even without being a professional florist, you will prolong the life of the flowers in the basket, and they will delight you with their flowering for a long time!

Flowers in boxes quickly gained popularity, gradually shifting traditional bouquets into the background. Many love them for their practicality: no need for a vase, maintenance is simple, but jewelry, sweets and mysterious notes are taking their rightful place next to the buds. There are several composition options:

  1. flowers in a round box;
  2. compositions in a rectangular box;
  3. bouquet in a square box, heart-shaped

Each present requires a special approach to preserve the pristine freshness of flowers.

Caring for flowers in a hat box

  • Do not expose your gift to sudden changes in temperature. In winter, place the bouquet by the slightly open window so that it "gets used" to warm room... In the summer, you should turn on the air conditioner in your car on the way to a holiday, but do not direct the cold stream of air at the flowers.
  • Remove dried petals in a timely manner.
  • Don't take the buds out of the box. If the stem "saw the light" once, it will wither in a matter of hours. But if, nevertheless, this happened, do not be discouraged, make an oblique cut on the stem and carefully insert it back into the box, only to another place. You do not need to try to get into the very hole from which you pulled the flower.
  • Flowers don't like fruits. Sweet fruits secrete special microorganisms that adversely affect the health of the petals.

Give the recipient a little briefing, he or she will love the presentation!

How to water flowers in a box

So, you were presented with flowers in a box. How to water a bouquet? The water for them must settle for at least an hour so that the chlorine from the tap evaporates.

Usually, flowers do not need abundant watering, as you risk "flooding the flowers" and ruining the box itself - it's made of cardboard. If you have poured a lot of liquid, in no case should you drain the water that the floral oasis has not absorbed! It is advisable to water only when the oasis is completely dry, as a rule, this happens 4 days after receiving the flowers in the box.

Watering flowers on a sponge (floristic oasis)

The main rule is that the sponge (floristic oasis) should always remain moist. You can check it by touch, slightly pressing it with your fingers. Caring for the bouquet will remind you of watering indoor plants.

Divide the box into three equal parts mentally, define two central points and boldly pour water, but not more than 70 ml in total, and only when the sponge is dry.

Attention! Never spray the flowers in the box with a spray bottle.

How to keep a bouquet: general rules

Cut flowers also do not like temperature changes, therefore, do not rush to bring the bouquet into a hot room from a frosty street, leave it for 5 minutes in the lobby, on the veranda of the house, where it is cooler. When transporting it in a car, take care not to get too hot in the cabin!

At home, choose a bunch of the least sunny and hottest place, away from heating appliances, in a well-ventilated room. It keeps better at temperature environment + 18 + 20 degrees, at higher temperatures moisture evaporation will be more active, water can deteriorate faster.

There should be no dough in the flower vase, the stems should be free inside a vessel with water, so as not to provoke the growth of bacteria. Before pouring water, the vase must be thoroughly rinsed and, if necessary, washed with soap and water. Do not put flowers in ice water, she must be room temperature!

The bouquet will last much longer in settled water (the water you use for watering indoor plants is suitable), because chlorine is fresh tap water will not please flowers. The site advises adding a couple of tablespoons of sugar (per 1 liter) to a vase of water, this will prevent the water from souring, and will also become a good nourishment for flowers.

In addition to sugar, aspirin is suitable as an additive for the bouquet (12 tablets per 1 liter of water), it will disinfect the water and, accordingly, prolong its freshness! An alternative can be activated charcoal (2 tablets per 1 liter of water), it will prevent sour water and the formation of mucus on the stems.

Almost all flowers love slightly acidified water, for this dissolve literally a few crystals in 1 liter of water citric acid, or a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Table salt (1 tsp per 1 liter of water), or a piece of charcoal, which must be placed in a vase, will become a universal additive. According to people's councils has a similar effect silver coindipped in a vase of water.

You can use specialized nutritional supplements that are made for cut flowers. A solution with these ingredients nourishes the flowers and allows them to stay fresh and beautiful longer. You can buy them directly in flower shop, the most famous - "Chrysal", "Bud", "Bouquet", "Tsvetin", "Etisso".

Be careful! Indeed, in composite bouquets, different flowers (especially exotic ones) can react completely differently to additives. Better to use them in mono compositions. So, it was noticed that roses and dahlias stand better in a solution of aspirin, tulips, carnations, asters and chrysanthemums in sweetened water, and gladioli in acidified water. But activated carbon will benefit any color, like a silver coin.

Before lowering the bunch in water, remove all leaves and thorns on the bottom of the stem, which will be in the vase, otherwise the water will quickly "bloom". Be sure to update the slices, you must certainly do this under the stream running waterso that the flowers deprived of moisture immediately make up for its deficiency.

In this case, the cuts must be made along an oblique line with sharp scissors, or pruning shears. This will increase the moisture absorption surface! Flowers with a hollow stem will last longer if a damp piece of cotton wool is placed in the cavity. After the bouquet, it is advisable to immediately place the bouquet in a vase with water (it should already be filled) in order to minimize the contact of fresh sections with air.

Remember to regularly change the water to your flowers, checking the cuts each time and updating them as needed under running water. Cut withered flowers on multi-flowered branches in time, remove withered flowers, dried leaves, petals.

How to care for flowers on a floral sponge

Now such flower arrangements form a worthy competitor to the usual bouquet. In this case, the flowers are fixed on a special moisture-absorbing sponge, it is also called "flora". Caring for such a bouquet is similar to watering indoor flowers: you need to make sure that the sponge always remains slightly damp. To do this, it is watered with settled water at room temperature, no additives are required. Usually one glass of water is enough daily (this depends on the size of the sponge). Do not pull the flowers out of the sponge, you will not be able to insert them back, and deprived of a nutrient medium, they will die!

How to keep a bouquet of different flowers longer

It should be borne in mind that some flowers do not like the neighborhood. So, roses and carnations are irreconcilable with each other, poppies and lilies are single plants, like lilies of the valley and daffodils, it is better to make mono-compositions from them. Daffodils and lilies of the valley, in addition, secrete milky juice, which oppresses other flowers in the general bouquet.

Bouquet lovers will love a selection of paintings by Polish artist Joanna Domagalska and floral paintings by Carmelo Blandino.

It is believed that flowers with large anthers (stamens) - lilies, tulips, bells and others, will last longer if removed (with sharp scissors). This will prevent the pollination process, and the delicate petals will not get dirty with pollen.

Gerberas - owners of a fragile stem, stand better in a vase, if their stem is immersed in water for no more than one third, being completely in water, it quickly decays. In this case, the sections of the stems are advised to pre-rub with salt. Tulips and irises love cool water, and you can even add a couple of ice cubes to a vase to keep it that way.

Carnation and rose prefer room temperature water. For flowers with a dense woody stem (roses, lilacs, jasmine), you can peel the bark at the base to facilitate the absorption of water. Dahlias and cyclamens should be cut when already in full bloom: these flowers do not bloom in a bouquet. The rest of the plants can be cut at the bud stage. Mimosa has its own whims - it is better to immediately put it in warm water, and sprinkle the inflorescences cold water from the puller.

Floristic foam (flower sponge, flower oasis, piaflor) is a special floristic device made of artificial substance with small pores. It absorbs water well and stays wet for a long time.
This sponge first appeared in Denmark in the 40s. XX century, and since then the secret of its manufacture has been kept "by seven locks".

This foam is intended for fixing flowers in compositions, as well as for extending their life.

Types and features

Today, manufacturing companies produce many different types and forms of piaflora, depending on their specific purpose.

A green oasis is available for live bouquets. Most often, it is sold in the form of a rectangular block, on which 2 cutting lines are marked. You can also find the shape of an oval or cube.

The oasis is easily cut, so any shape can be cut from it if necessary. If you do not want to do this, you can search in stores finished form balls, hearts, wreaths, carriages, trains, animals, hemispheres, numbers, cars, globes, etc. True, they are not often found on sale and are more expensive than ordinary ones.

Some forms are sold already attached to the base, so such compositions can be hung or immediately placed on the table.

Piaflor allows you to keep the fresh look of flowers for longer, as well as give free rein to imagination, because the flowers will keep in the composition, no matter at what angle you placed them there.

By absorbing a large amount of water, the oasis is up to 30 times heavy, so the flowers do not wither for a long time. In addition, the sponge is impregnated with a special solution that prevents bacteria from multiplying.

In order for the flower arrangement to keep its shape well, it must be taken into account that for different colors foreseen different types floristic foam:

  • Ideal (Ideal) - suitable for any kind, as it has a moderate density.
  • Classic (Classic) - this option should be chosen if the composition will be from specimens with bending stems.
  • Standard (Standart) - suitable for those who make a composition of flowers with thin shoots, as well as for small home bouquets.
  • Premium (Premium) - this foam has improved characteristics, it has much higher density and elasticity, it is better to use it for plants with massive unbending shoots.
  • Instant (Instant) - suitable for any plant, its distinctive feature is the accelerated rate of soaking.

All these lips are green. Multicolored oases (Rainbow) are also produced, which have proven themselves well for compositions from both natural and artificial flowers. The vibrant colors allow these sponges to be used as part of a composition without obscuring them.

For artificial

If you are making bouquets of dried plants or artificial flowers, a special floral foam Oasis Sec... It comes in gray or brown color, but if desired, it can be repainted with an ordinary spray. No need to soak.

When working with such an oasis, care must be taken, as it crumbles finely and can be transferred to the foam for fresh flowers, impairing its water permeability. In addition, some florists use the same sponge to create inanimate bouquets as for living ones, just without soaking it.

Instructions for use

Before use, read the instructions for using the sponge, because the fresh look and beauty of the bouquet depends on the correct use of it:

  1. Cut a piece of the required size from the foam (you can do it with a clerical or construction knife, and some recommend doing this with already wetted foam to avoid inhaling dust).
  2. Take a clean, deep bowl and pour water into it. The depth of the bowl should be at least twice the height of the sponge.
  3. Place the cut piece in water and leave in this position for about 1 minute.
  4. Wait for the sponge to sink to the bottom.
  5. Take it out, place it in a vase, basket or other container and use it to decorate bouquets.
  6. Cut off flowers lower leaves and thorns, so that they do not get into the foam and do not start to rot, cut the tip of the shoot under acute angle by 2 cm.
  7. If a basket or other container is used to create a flower arrangement, through which water can flow, wrap the sponge underneath with thick plastic, securing it with tape.
  8. If it is necessary to attach the oasis to the base, use a special spiked tattoo called "frog", oasis-fix adhesive mass (or ordinary plasticine), adhesive tape.
  9. If you are planning a round-shaped bouquet, the piaflor must be placed much higher than the edge of the container in which it will be located, and when the future flowers are located at the same level, it is laid slightly below the edge.
  10. Sprinkle a little water on the sponge every day, spreading it evenly over the surface and keeping it dry.

It is advisable to draw up a plan for the composition in advance and think over where and what flowers will be located so that extra holes do not violate the density of the foam.

When trimming the sponge, remember that it should pass freely into the bouquet container. Pressing and pushing will cause it to shrink and close the pores.

When disassembling a flower arrangement, pay attention to the condition of the floristic sponge, perhaps it can be used again.

Feel the foam - moisture is good. In this case, the sponge must be carefully wrapped in polyethylene, restricting air access so as not to dry out.

However, do not despair, if the sponge is dry to the touch, it can be restored. To do this, you need to bring water to a boil, drip into it liquid soap and pour the foam over with this solution. But keep in mind that in terms of moisture-absorbing properties, it will already be inferior to a new sponge.

How to replace a floral sponge

Prior to the invention of piaflor, florists used cellophane-wrapped sand, wet earth and moss. Now it is difficult to imagine anything more convenient than a floral sponge. Other materials will not be able to provide such access to moisture for flowers and their reliable fastening.

For bouquets of artificial flowers, you can use ordinary foam or construction foam, and to keep the flowers better, drip a little glue into the hole.

A floral oasis can also be used to make artificial bouquets, see the process for details.

What is needed

To make a bouquet, prepare:

  • portbouquet holder - a special plastic tube device for a bouquet (in a simple way - a microphone);
  • floristic foam, preferably brown (for artificial flowers);
  • thick wire;
  • pliers;
  • nippers;
  • artificial buds (volumetric and flat);
  • thin foam and a piece of cloth (for flat buds);
  • a needle and thread;
  • glue gun (if available).

Step-by-step instruction

To make a bouquet, follow this sequence:

  • Cut a piece of wire to the desired length with pliers.
  • Use a pair of pliers to bend the end of the wire to make it look like a fishing hook.
  • This hook must be tucked into the middle of the flower bud.
  • Check if it hooks well there.
  • Repeat the procedure for other buds that will be in the center of the bouquet.
  • Prepare the wire for the buds, which will be located at the edges: cut off, bend the wire with a crochet, and then make a slight gentle bend a little lower, as if you were going to twist the letter "O", but changed your mind.
  • Put the bud on the hook without covering the bend.
  • Check if the wire can be removed.
  • Repeat the procedure for all the buds that will be on the edge of the bouquet.
  • For flat buds, you need to step back a little more from the edge of the wire than for bulky buds and bend it with a crochet.
  • Cut out circles with a diameter 2 times smaller than the bud from the foam.
  • Cut out circles of such a size from the fabric to completely cover the foam on both sides and leave a small tail.
  • With the long end, insert the wire into the foam, push it to the end and attach it to the hook. It will look like a button.
  • Bend the short end of the wire from the bottom so that the foam holds well.
  • Put a cloth circle on top of the foam, wrap it, and carefully sew the tail around the wire.
  • Of glue gun drip some glue onto the fabric and glue the bud or just sew it with threads.
  • If you bought a bouquette box without an oasis, then you need to cut a sponge circle of the appropriate size and insert it.
  • Place large buds in the center of the bouquette, then arrange small ones. The bouquet is ready.

Flower sponge: pros and cons

When purchasing a floristic oasis, you should consider the positive and negative aspects of its use.

What are the advantages

The positive side of using foam is as follows:

  • easy to use;
  • keeps the shape of the bouquet;
  • prevents flowers from rotting;
  • allows you to cut any shape from it;
  • differs in affordable cost.

It is believed that the shelf life of flowers in a basket, equipped in the center with a special spongy material, from which the flowers take moisture, is about two to three weeks. However, in order to put this theory into practice in practice, it is important to know a few tips for caring for such flowers:

    Moisture intake. Initially, by the seller-florist, the sponge itself is additionally impregnated with a special solution, which allows it to stay moist longer and, in some cases, contains some nutrientsextending the life of cut flowers. You are required to make sure that the sponge does not dry out. To do this, it is enough to use a small amount of settled water daily for irrigation.

    In some cases, we may not talk about a basket, but about real figurines made of natural flowers. They also need regular watering, but in this case, the procedure is somewhat more complicated. To water the main part, carefully remove 1-2 flowers from the top of the figure and gently pour into the resulting gap required amount water. Small items (for example, if it comes about the animal figurine - it can be legs and a tail) are attached to the composition separately and have a separate source of moisture, so here it will be most convenient to use a syringe or similar compact tool.

  1. Plant care. In addition to watering, you must also monitor the appearance of flowers: wipe with dust and spray from a spray bottle large leaves and the stems, while avoiding the ingress of excess moisture directly onto the bud. This rule also applies to traditional bouquets - the buds should never remain wet.
  2. Temperature and storage conditions. Like all fresh flowers, the compositions in the basket do not tolerate proximity to heat sources, be it direct sunlight or central heating... However, they should also not freeze, so try to find a place away from drafts. However, there is one caveat: at night, it is still better to move the flowers to more cool place (in summer - to the balcony, in colder seasons - closer to the windows). In the morning you will see for yourself healing properties night coolness for fresh flowers - they will look much fresher and last longer.
  3. Observe the integrity of the composition. With the exception of short-term and inevitable cases of pulling out individual flowers from the figurines for watering, it is highly not recommended to remove the stems from the nutrient sponge. Without getting the proper moisture, the plant will lose its healthy and fresh much faster. appearance and it certainly will not last the promised 2-3 weeks.
  4. Lack of neighborhood. Of course, you can put a basket nearby with harmless flower pots (provided that the plants contained in them do not emit vapors harmful to the composition). But as for fruit bowls, it is better to avoid such a neighborhood. Few people know, but the same apples eventually emit ethylene vapors, which are quite harmful to living plants. It is better if the flowers in the basket will be placed alone, but in a conspicuous place.
  5. Pleasant atmosphere. It has been proven more than once that fresh flowers (especially roses and carnations) are quite sensitive to sounds and the atmosphere in the house as a whole. At a minimum, try not to play loud music in a room with a green pet. Plus, it's a great way to avoid family fights.

As you can see, the flowers in the basket are quite unassuming and do not require excessive time and effort to care. And thanks to such simple and obvious rules, you can enjoy such an unusual and valuable gift for as long as possible.

Features of the care of flower baskets

Arrangements in baskets require slightly different care than classic bouquets. The main and fundamental difference is that in the first case a vase is not needed, which means there is no need to additionally wash the container with water using chlorine-containing agents.

To draw up compositions in baskets, professional florists use a special sponge - bioflora, which is absolutely invisible from the outside. It is placed at the bottom of the basket. The material absorbs and retains moisture very well, therefore it nourishes the plant for a long time. In addition, the sponge helps to create and maintain the desired shape of the composition. The most popular forms of bioflora:

  • brick;
  • cone;
  • cylinder.

How to care for flowers in a basket with a sponge depends on the temperature and humidity in the room where the gift is. At high temperatures and low air humidity, the water from the bioflora quickly evaporates, so it is necessary to replenish liquid supplies in a timely manner.

How to water the composition

The plants in the basket need to be watered every day. If the room is hot, more often. To do this, you can use ordinary settled water. It is not recommended to water the flowers with tap water. Ideally, the liquid should sit for about two hours.

As for the temperature of the watering liquid, it should not be high. Optimum - room temperature or slightly lower. Cool water slows down the budding process, while hot water, on the contrary, speeds up.

How to water flowers in a sponge basket? Can be used:

  • a regular bottle with a thin neck;
  • a small watering can;
  • kettle with a narrow spout.

The main rule is not to allow water to enter the plant heads. You can and should wash the leaves from dust once every few days. To do this, it is enough to gently wipe them with a damp cloth.

Important rules for caring for a flower basket

To keep the bouquet fresh longer in warm season, remove the composition for the night on the balcony. Remember to dust off and carry out wet cleaning in room. Try to remove strong sound stimuli from the room (roses in a basket have been proven to be difficult to tolerate noise and wither faster).

  • keep plants next to fruits for a long time (the latter begin to release ammonia over time);
  • pull flowers out of a sponge;
  • place baskets near heat sources;
  • water the plant heads with water.

That's all. You don't have to be a professional florist to keep your plants happy for as long as possible. All of the above procedures will take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time.

Flower arrangements in boxes are great alternative traditional bouquets. Today you can buy flowers in a hat box and give them for a celebration or for no reason - and a person will not think about which vase to pick up for a bouquet and where to put it. And in order for the flowers in the box to delight you longer with their freshness, you need to take proper care of them.

How is the bouquet made?

At the bottom of any box or container that is used for a bouquet, a special floral oasis sponge is placed. It is saturated with water, and the stems are stuck into it - while the flowers in the hatbox should be fixed tightly and firmly. When buying, be sure to check the reliability of fixation, just try not to remove the stems from the sponge: just turn the box over and see if the flowers fall out.

Proper watering

As it dries, the sponge must be fed with water so that it gives off the required amount of moisture. It is most convenient to water it from a watering can with a thin spout once a day, it is better to take water at a settled (at least an hour) room temperature. After watering, you need to wait until the sponge absorbs maximum moisture, and the excess can be drained.

We spray the buds

It is good to additionally spray buds and leaves with water from a spray bottle. Although there is also a nuance here: do not overdo it so that there is not a lot of water left between the petals of the buds. You can spray the heads generously and then remove the excess water. If the flowers in the box lose petals and leaves and they fall inside the box, remove them immediately so that they do not start to rot in a humid environment.

Where to place the bouquet?

It is best to put the bouquet away from direct sunlight and from drafts (away from the window - you should not put it on the windowsill). The high temperature will dry out the flowers faster, so do not place them near radiators or heating appliances. When the bouquet has already lost its original freshness and aesthetic appearance, it is worth removing the dried flowers from the sponge. The oasis sponge itself can be reused, only you need to rinse and dry it well. The box can also be used to create new compositions.

The bottom line is as follows:

  • the box is initially prepared - a tray is installed in it;
  • an oasis of the required size is placed in the tray;
  • flowers are cut in such a way as to have sufficient length for installation in an oasis;
  • watering should not be abundant (the oasis retains moisture well).

Oasis is a special floristic foam. it synthetic material... It is quite soft and richly porous. As a result, the oasis is able to retain moisture for a long time.

To maintain freshness in water for irrigation, it is appropriate to use different additives. But they are different for certain colors. They are rarely used. There is no need to change the water in the box, since it is not there as such.

However, minimal maintenance of the flowers in the hat box is still required. It is in many ways similar to caring for indoor plants.

In the box, flowers may be present with few leaves. The fact that moisture is present in sufficient quantity only postpones the wilting of the bouquet. It will come anyway (much later than the traditional bouquet).

If leaves or petals fall off the flowers, it is strongly recommended that they be removed from the box immediately. Otherwise, decay may begin.

Watering is recommended regularly. It all depends on the type of flowers used for the bouquet and the season. Small amounts of water are often used once a day. It is forbidden to pull flowers out of the oasis to saturate it with moisture!

Indoor plants vriezia

- a practical and beautiful gift that does not cause much trouble for the recipient. Nevertheless, minimal care of the composition is still necessary. In this article, we'll show you how to extend the life of a flower gift with a little effort to keep your basket of plants happy for as long as possible.

Features of the care of flower baskets

Arrangements in baskets require slightly different care than classic bouquets. The main and fundamental difference is that in the first case a vase is not needed, which means there is no need to additionally wash the container with water using chlorine-containing agents.

To draw up compositions in baskets, professional florists use a special sponge - bioflora, which is absolutely invisible from the outside. It is placed at the bottom of the basket. The material absorbs and retains moisture very well, therefore it nourishes the plant for a long time. In addition, the sponge helps to create and maintain the desired shape of the composition. The most popular forms of bioflora:

  • brick;
  • cone;
  • cylinder.

How to care for flowers in a basket with a sponge depends on the temperature and humidity in the room where the gift is. At high temperatures and low air humidity, the water from the bioflora quickly evaporates, so it is necessary to replenish liquid supplies in a timely manner.

How to water the composition

The plants in the basket need to be watered every day. If the room is hot, more often. To do this, you can use ordinary settled water. It is not recommended to water the flowers with tap water. Ideally, the liquid should sit for about two hours.

As for the temperature of the watering liquid, it should not be high. Optimum - room temperature or slightly lower. Cool water slows down the budding process, while hot water, on the contrary, speeds up.

How to water flowers in a sponge basket? Can be used:

  • a regular bottle with a thin neck;
  • a small watering can;
  • kettle with a narrow spout.

The main rule is not to allow water to enter the plant heads. You can and should wash the leaves from dust once every few days. To do this, it is enough to gently wipe them with a damp cloth.

Important rules for caring for a flower basket

To keep the bouquet fresh longer in the warm season, remove the composition on the balcony at night. Remember to dust off and damp the room. Try to remove strong sound stimuli from the room (proven to be difficult to tolerate noise and fade faster).

  • keep plants next to fruits for a long time (the latter begin to release ammonia over time);
  • pull flowers out of a sponge;
  • place baskets near heat sources;
  • water the plant heads with water.

That's all. You don't have to be a professional florist to keep your plants happy for as long as possible. All of the above procedures will take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time.

Caring for flowers in a hat box

Flowers in a hat box require exactly the same care as flowers in a basket, except for some details. First, do not take the flowers out of the oasis, it is unlikely that you will be able to insert them back. Second, use a watering can with a long, narrow spout to avoid getting the box wet when watering. Some florists use a syringe for this. Thirdly, fallen leaves on the sponge should be removed immediately so that they do not start to rot. A floral sponge from a basket or box can be reused. After the flowers wither, it must be rinsed and dried, and only then re-soaked with water.

Features of caring for different varieties of cut flowers

Did you know that different flowers require different care and can stand in a sponge or vase for different times. For example, a rose can stand in a sponge for up to 30 days if you water it. boiled water... Carnation will delight you for two weeks without special care... Spring flowers such as irises, tulips and daffodils love cold moisture. The sponge they are in can be kept chilled with ice cubes. But peonies love warm water, for watering them, you can warm it up, or insist to room temperature. Freesias fade unevenly; those branches that have dried up earlier must be removed from the composition. Hippeastrum is not the most persistent flower, it can stand in a sponge for about one week. Orchids are very sensitive: if you drip on the bud when watering, then the water that gets on the petals can cause stains.

Caring for tulips in a hat box

Tulips must be rearranged from the box to the vase the next day

A bouquet of tulips in a hat box differs from the others in that a floral sponge does not fit on the bottom. Tulips are wrapped in a film with water and a nutrient mixture, which means that such a bouquet can stand without intervention for only one day. The next day, you should get the flowers out of the box, rinse, cut and place in a vase with running, but settled water and add the nutrient mixture.

Bouquets in hat boxes - the trend of the outgoing year, which will undoubtedly be in demand in the coming 2018. That is why we decided to tell you how flower arrangements in hat boxes are made, what kind of care they require and how long they can stand.

Flowers in a hat box - a sophisticated gift

Flowers in a hat box are not only unusual and beautiful, but also an incredibly convenient alternative to the usual bouquet. Modern girls love this kind of gifts, happily share pictures of a flower hat box in social networks, causing the envy of friends and acquaintances. Hat boxes also captivate by the fact that the flowers in them, thanks to the peculiarity of the composition device, can stand much longer simple bouquet in a vase. Of course, subject to proper care.

What does a hat box composition consist of? Directly from the box itself and flowers, as well as a special package insert. The flower stalks are placed in the bag, after which it is filled with water and tightened tightly. Thus, the box with the package insert plays the role of a vase, very beautiful, stylish and sophisticated. After the flowers have wither, the box can be used for other purposes.

How to care for flowers in a hat box?

Flowers in a hat box are a rather unpretentious gift. But it also requires some maintenance if you want to enjoy the beauty of flowers for as long as possible.

Plays an important role correct location bouquet. Do not place the box in a draft - the flowers will quickly wither and hang their heads from the cold. You should also beware of direct sunlight, they have a detrimental effect on the condition of the bouquet.

Spray the flowers themselves periodically with a spray bottle. Don't overdo it! No water should collect between the petals.

As for the water in the package insert, it is better to replace it after a couple of days. If this does not work, just remove the flowers from the bag and rearrange them in a simple vase. By the way, if your vase is low and compact, then it can be hidden in a box.

Roses in hat boxes

The classic flower for a hat box is a rose. The box emphasizes the elegance of the flowers and completes the composition.

Roses in boxes require special care... When it's time to replace the water in the package insert, add some ice cubes to it. The water itself should also be settled and, if possible, very cold. Before submerging the stems in water, trim them lightly.