Design of wallpaper for the girl's room in two colors. Design of a room for a girl in a modern style

It is always difficult to design a room for a girl. The whole thing rests on the fact that the young lady already has her own opinion, which lies under the burden of fashion, style and modern trends. In fact, most often she herself does not know what she wants. After all, there are so many design styles of rooms that it becomes difficult to choose something specific for yourself. Hence all the problems. But the requirements of the girl herself to the design of her own room are practically the same. This is unusualness, style, originality and dissimilarity to everything that exists in the modern world. Try it here and please her.

Therefore, professional designers who have extensive experience of communicating with people of different age groups behind them, creating a design project, be sure to invite the girl to actively participate in its production. Thus, two birds with one stone are killed at once. First, the process of creating a design project is a creative business. The girl will definitely like it. Second, in the process itself it will be easier for her to explain some of the specific nuances of creating a design.

So, she was involved in the process, now it is necessary to decide what she wants specifically. But all her fantasies will have to be broken in relation to the three zones that must be present in the room. This is a work area, a sleeping area and a guest area.

Attention!!! The older the young lady becomes, the more her preference will be given to the guest area. It is for her that great priorities will have to be allocated. This is the law. Currently, designers offer fairly versatile projects in which you can observe lightness, airiness, a pleasant atmosphere and a bright image of the hostess.

And so, a room for a girl. Where to start?

Good question. Start from the walls. As always, there are a huge number of finishing options, but experts say that the best option would be wallpaper, and textured wallpaper that looks like compressed fabric. By the way, this type of finish is used for painting, which makes it possible to use all kinds of color options. But there are already ready-made models.

It is important here not to oversaturate the room with bright colors, but the interior should not be boring either. For example, manufacturers today offer wallpaper with gold splashes. Excellent material, the rays of the sun falling on its surface, will create unusualness inside the room, when the wallpaper begins to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

Wallpaper can also be used on the ceiling. Designers consider this option to be youth. In terms of the color of the ceiling, you can not be smart and use white. It will look like white suede. Unusual is guaranteed to you.

With floors, everything is much easier. As practice shows, young girls today give their preference to laminate, modern flooring. It is not worth convincing them of this, because in fact, laminate is an excellent material with excellent physical, technical and operational characteristics. Not even traces of women's heels remain on it. But the hostess of the room should choose the color of the floor herself, here it is important to get into the tone of the overall design concept of the room.

Furniture for the girl's bedroom.

Something, but this category of girls give special attention. The requirements are strict. And rightly so. Let's note one fact. It is almost impossible to pick up all the furniture today in general in one single concept, where form, design, style, color, functionality and practicality are combined in one version. If we are talking about finished furniture. Therefore, it makes sense to make custom-made furniture.

What can you offer today from furniture to a girl's room? The central element is the wardrobe. Experts offer a wardrobe, divided into two parts. The first part is the wardrobe. The second is racks for books, disks and other small things. The design of the door is important here. In the open state, it is an open wardrobe, closed shelving. In a closed state, this is a closed cabinet, open shelves.

The table should be small, versatile, which can accommodate all writing materials and a computer or laptop. Several shelves by the table, a comfortable chair or a small armchair. But let the girl choose the sofa, ottoman and bedside table with a mirror herself, this is her prerogative.

Curtains should be light and airy. Tulle is required. The same will have to work with color, combining with other decor elements.

And one moment.

As practice shows, during the renovation process, the hostess can suddenly change the design project. You must always be ready for this. What can you do, because no one has ever been able to understand this delicate girlish nature.

Interior for a girl photo:

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The basic principle of the design of a room for a girl

To many people, the period of growing up is remembered by the presence of a cozy personal space, which, perhaps, will never be in life again. It reflects the daily hobbies of a teenager, his sympathies, experiences. Self-knowledge of a person is a very important point, therefore, it is worth taking the issue of arranging his comfort zone seriously. Some requirements are put forward for the interior design of a room for a girl to maximize the needs of a teenager. The first and foremost requirement is the possibility of self-government. The girl must be allowed to participate in the interior design and independently choose the decor elements. The best solution would be a joint shopping trip and the purchase of designer items that match the style. Such an event will be remembered by the young beauty once and for all. Will delight her for a long time.

When choosing, one should focus not only on fashionable items, but also on functional ones.

You need to keep in mind such mandatory areas in the room as: the bedroom, the guest room to meet with friends, the workplace.

You can be sure that the girl has her own opinion about how her personal space should look like. It is worth listening to him, since it is she who will be there the longest. This does not mean that the teenager is given carte blanche and a credit card. But the implication is that responsible parents will gently guide their child to acquire practical, versatile items that will not lose their value over the years. You should also provide for the possibility of local changes in accordance with the change in the girl's temporary interests. The interior of the room at 15 and 19 years old will be seriously different.

Highlights when designing functional areas

The aesthetic issue is important, but first you need to take care of the functionality of the created space. Regardless of the chosen design style, there should be a place to equip the room with a practical furniture set. To keep the things of a young woman of fashion, you will need a spacious wardrobe, for textbooks and personal notebooks - a desk with shelves. To save space, you can also equip the bed with lower drawers.

  • Organization of the working area

It starts with purchasing a comfortable desk for homework. You can also provide a stand on it if training requires active use of a computer. The dimensions of the furniture product should not constrain the girl in her movements. Therefore, you should use the space you take as efficiently as possible using drawers and shelves.

Attention! The main condition here is the placement of the table near the window, closer to the light.

For evening classes, you will need to organize comfortable lighting. The design of a room for a girl assumes a harmonious combination of pastel colors of the interior with the texture of a classic desk. This is the most optimal solution, proven by more than one generation. In other moments, the initiative should be left to the girl. She herself can choose an ergonomic chair, original lamps and other elements that allow her to create a room design for a girl in a modern style.

  • Organization of the sleeping area

Unlike parents who think about the paramount importance of the desktop, their teenager thinks differently. Young creatures dream of their soft, comfortable bed. It is she who will give the warmth that they need so much at this age. A one-bedroom product should meet the girl's idea of ​​beauty and be designed for the growth of an adult. She can choose stylish textiles and original pillows herself. Place the bed (which can be bunk) should be as far from the entrance as possible. You will need to purchase a bedside table, which can be additionally equipped with a mirror. This will save space on the dressing table, dressing table. The design of an ottoman, a beautiful lamp, decorative accessories will vividly reflect her individuality, allow her creative imagination to manifest.

  • Organization of the guest zone

There are no and cannot be required elements, so you should listen to the opinion of the young hostess. The design of a room for a young girl assumes the availability of free space to try on dresses, play with girlfriends. It is recommended to take care of installing a warm floor in the room in advance, since at this age teenagers still like to spend their time there. They are more comfortable downstairs than upstairs bunk beds.

The main element of the furnishings may be a spacious wardrobe. It can be divided into functional sections - for clothes and various accessories. On the doors of the wardrobe, you can provide a large mirror for women of fashion. The design of the door does not really matter, single or double - it does not matter. This will in no way interfere with trying on trendy images and choosing dresses.

Important. This piece of furniture can be used for more than just storage.

The design of a room for a girl assumes the teenager's desire to use decorative stickers or posters of his favorite characters on the cabinet doors.

Wall decoration in the room

The design of a girl's room implies a colorful or discreet wall decoration, depending on the age. If a teenager is 15 years old, then the walls can be painted with a special marker mixture, which later allows you to create creative drawings on it. If the paint is magnetic, then it will be possible to place pictures or posters of idols on the plane. This will protect the walls from contamination with tape or adhesive substances. It should not be expected that the wallpaper will remain in its original form, since this period is characterized by a rapid change of interests and the need for authorities. Their images are always placed at or slightly above the head on the walls.

When choosing a wallpaper color, parents are advised to keep their children from rash actions. Do not encourage the excessive enthusiasm of young creatures for pink and decorate the whole room with this vanilla shade. Here you need to show a sense of proportion. Perhaps a compromise solution - one of the walls will match the character of the girl, while the rest will be combined with the overall design of the apartment. Since the monochromatic option can quickly get bored and go out of fashion. The color scheme of these walls can contain neutral pastel shades (white, beige, cream) to give the eyes a rest.

Attention! A teenager can “come off” by decorating a room with bright accessories.

Light wallpaper will not overload the space with an abundance of colors. In addition, they will be a great background when placing the same posters.

Designer curtains

You can choose from flashy, stylish curtains or neutral colors, however, heavy materials should be avoided. The assortment of this decor element on the modern market allows you to choose an original pattern to match the overall interior design. Using blinds seems to be a good option. The main emphasis should be on providing the room with enough light.

Modern design styles for girls' rooms

The interior of a room for a girl can be made in any style, but it must certainly reflect her inner world. Therefore, parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with a variety of design ideas in order to understand the issue. Next, we will present some of the most popular stylistic solutions for a teenage room.

  1. Paris

If a girl can be called a dreamy person, then this sophisticated style will emphasize her sophistication and femininity. The surface of the walls is decorated in exceptionally light shades to contrast with the black and white images of the capital of France. These can be posters, posters or wallpaper. The minimalist design of the room is then filled with graceful accessories with a French accent. A carved furniture set with a mirror will look great.


When decorating the interior of a youth room, the interests of the matured child should be taken into account. He has already formed his own opinion and only needs competent support. A variety of materials and styles allows you to choose the best design if you follow our practical advice.

All parents are faced with the moment when their child grows older, and toys or pink wallpapers, carefully bought at the birth of a baby, lose their relevance. A gradual rethinking of the design of a room for a teenage girl begins, during which adults must, relying on the tastes of a young hostess, create a practical, comfortable and stylish interior. How to do this - read our article!

Design features

Despite the fact that the pace of psychological and physical development in children may differ, traditionally adolescence refers to the period from 12-13 to 16-18 years. The personality and hobbies of the child are gradually formed, which should be reflected in his personal space.

The main distinguishing feature in the design of a room for a teenager lies not in the objects used, but in the approach. If you organized the nursery for the baby completely to your taste, then here you will have to reckon with the opinion of the young mistress, who at the age of 12-15 has something to say. The parent's mission in this case is to direct the child's dreams in the right direction, combining aesthetics and fashion with practicality and functionality.

Since even in adolescence, the attitude of children continues to form, their environment plays an educational function, and therefore should be as comfortable and cozy as possible. This lies on the shoulders of the parents, while it is up to the child to introduce decorative elements that match his tastes.

The bedroom of a teenage girl serves several purposes at once: rest, study, hobbies and receiving guests. And for each type of pastime there should be its own zone, even if the room does not offer a lot of space.

Choosing an interior style

Modern teenage girls do not need a flashy "girly" interior, which at an early age helps the little girl to identify herself. If you want to grow an independent, interesting and bright personality, you will have to move away from the concept of "princess castle", decorating the nursery with stylish and practical items. However, it all depends on the character of the inhabitant. In any case, using a certain style as a basis will simplify the main task.

Room for a teenage girl in a modern style

Laconic, comfortable, functional - modern style can be the best choice for an active girl with many hobbies. It involves a limited number of decorative elements that serve only as embellishments. Instead of them - furniture of unusual shapes, rational organization of space, smooth lines, as well as practicality.

A wall with a photo print or painting will perfectly fit into such an interior of a room for a teenage girl, which the young mistress will definitely like. A restrained color scheme with several bright accents will not overload the composition, but will create a harmonious atmosphere.

Room for a teenage girl in Provence style

This style, which came to us from French villages, will definitely appeal to creative, touching natures.

Distinctive features of Provence in the design of a nursery for a teenage girl are: a pastel palette with a dominant white color, the use of natural materials (mainly wood), bleached furniture with an aging effect, as well as floral motifs as decor.

Room for a teenage girl in the style of minimalism

The most "laconic" of all solutions, minimalism is suitable for older girls who appreciate the laconic aesthetics of the style. An excellent option for rooms with a small area, which will not only save precious square meters, but even visually expand the space.

There are few color variations in this design, while they can be monochrome or contrasting. Furniture is often modular, a little down-to-earth, closed. Another advantage of this option is that it can be easily supplemented with other items if necessary, but this, of course, will violate minimalism.

High-tech room for a teenage girl

Another style that changes with the development of the teenager. It may seem to some that hi-tech is suitable only for boys, but some modern girls and, importantly, their parents will also like this solution.

When decorating a space, you are practically unlimited in the materials used. In fact, a high-tech room for a teenage girl offers a wide field for imagination, creating comfortable conditions in a room of any size.

The color scheme should be restrained, and in the presence of bright shades, those that will balance them must be present. If you wanted to give your child a modern TV, computer or telescope, then this place is ideal for placing them.

Pop art room for a teenage girl

By the age of 12, bright creative personalities have probably already heard about Andy Warhol and the pop art direction he created. Giving free rein to imagination, in this style, you can easily decorate a room for a teenage girl, developing a sense of beauty in it.

It is important for parents to learn that for this decision it is not at all necessary to buy expensive furniture - the decor will become a key element in the interior. Lovers of comics can come up with appropriate drawings on the wall or enter cartoon paraphernalia. It is important to strike a balance between bright and subdued details so that the nursery remains not only a place of activity, but also of relaxation.

How to choose furniture?

Whichever style you choose, one universal rule applies to all furniture - it should be comfortable for the growing body. If at 11 years old a small chair and a table are just, then at 14 being behind them will cause certain inconveniences. Make sure that your child can comfortably reach the shelves where the essentials are located, and that insomnia at night is not caused by an uncomfortable bed.

As already mentioned, for a teenage girl, her room is a fortress in which she can do all things, only if the space for different types of pastime is properly organized. Traditionally, the room should contain a bed, a desk, and a wardrobe. But for the hostess, additional zones will have to be provided.

If space permits, it is recommended to purchase a small sofa on which the child will spend time with her friends. A more youthful option - bean bag chairs in different colors. From the age of 14, you can think about buying a TV.

The teenage girl will also have a lot of "secret" things that she wants to keep in "secret" places. Make sure there are open and closed storage areas in the room, one of which has a lock.

Try to purchase items for growth. For example, a chair with an adjustable height or a spacious bed instead of a small one. Children at this age grow very quickly.

Decor and accessories

Needless to say, from the age of 13, the main decoration of most girls is the posters of their favorite bands? Even if your child is not a pop culture fan, filling the bedroom with images that reflect his or her tastes is an inevitable part of growing up. Instead of limiting it, tell me how to strike a balance between aesthetics and harmony.

In general, the decor of a room for a teenage girl will directly depend on the hobbies of the hostess, and items related to them will take the place of old toys. But your child will definitely be delighted with the garland on the wall, which will fit into any style. A fluffy carpet on the floor and a few family photos on the table will not be superfluous.

Despite the fact that parents are less and less likely to have more than one child, there are still large families for which the issue of space is becoming a key issue. What if there are two girls, and there is only one room? A few tips to help you organize your space!

Today you can find many models of furniture sets that can be used by several children. The most multifunctional of them includes two beds on the second tier, under which there is a workplace, a sofa, and maybe both areas at once. At the same time, psychologists do not recommend choosing simple bunk beds - they are supposedly associated with prison or orphanage beds. However, always be guided by the wishes of the girls.

If the area of ​​the bedroom allows, it is better to place the work areas in different corners of the room so that the girls are not distracted while doing their homework. Despite living together, they should have little personal space.

A large wardrobe and several drawers, for example, under the bed, can be used as storage places. But separate vaults are preferable, as girls can get confused about things or even start quarrels about it.

It so happens that the child is alone in the family, and he has a room, and the small area does not allow to freely arrange objects. In this case, you can use a few tricks.

Instead of a free-standing bed and a table, use a two-level complex with a sleeping place on the second floor. It will save a lot of space. If the girl often receives guests, it is better to stay on the sofa bed.

Owners of wide window sills can modify them into a comfortable table. Just make sure the sun doesn't blind your child during the day.

Instead of hundreds of shelves and drawers - a built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors. They will not only visually expand the space, but also eliminate the need to find a place for a full-fledged mirror.

Even if the girl is very eager to decorate her room, try to limit yourself to a few paintings and figures, as the abundance of details will clutter up the design. And, of course, the lighter the color scheme, as well as the more light sources, the more spacious the little nursery will seem.

We hope this material will help you in such a difficult task as decorating a room for a teenage girl. We have collected even more ideas for you in our photo selection. Enjoy your viewing and inspiration!

The maiden's room is a reflection of the inner world, tastes, aesthetic preferences. Youth, perhaps, is the brightest period in a person's life, a time of romantic hobbies and a revolutionary rejection of established standards. World perception and tastes are realized in the design of "their" territory. The design of the girl's room includes elements of functional fullness, and also reflects aesthetic preferences.

In coral tones Source

Choosing the stylistic design of the room

Young people prefer modern style. Laconic forms with an emphasis on functionality are the basic principles of arrangement. The interior of the girl's room, while maintaining the principles of space ergonomics, is complemented by expressive details, accessories, and textile design. The range of stylistic solutions is wider. For example, parents design a boy's room in Provence style or classic style to their taste when the child is small. Girl's bedroom design involves using these styles as the girl grows up. Suitable for conceptual design solutions for country, Provence, Art Deco premises, mainly for slender girls brought up in intelligent families.

Forming the image of her room, the young lady, as it were, makes a projection of the future family home.

Maiden's room in pink shades Source

Nursery design for teenage girl Source

Zoning space with wallpaper Source

The interior of the room of a teenage girl Source

The main nuances of furnishing a bedroom in a modern style

Modern style dominates the youth environment. Styles such as loft, minimalism are popular. The expressive character of youth with notes of shocking is realized in the style of pop art, steampunk. Elements of eclecticism fit organically into modern solutions, in particular, into the design of a bedroom for a girl.

Beautiful room for a teenager Source


The preservation of visual space combined with functionality dominates the minimalism, high-tech style. Hence the predominance of light colors interspersed with bright accents, laconic geometric shapes of furniture.

Classic color combinations Source


It is logical to distribute the space of the bedroom for the girl into zones. The room must have:

  • sleeping place;
  • a place for classes;
  • girl's corner with a mirror;
  • a small living area with a sofa and poufs.

Division into zones involves the use of certain design techniques. They not only divide the space, but also transform it. Similar solutions are relevant for small, tunnel rooms.

In a private house, a girl's room is often located on the attic floor, and you need to take into account the design features of such rooms: use the advantages and level out individual disadvantages.

Design techniques for dividing into zones:

  • color gradation of the floor and walls;
  • plasterboard partition;
  • zoning with furniture elements;
  • dividing space with decorative curtains;
  • using materials with different textures.

Areas in the children's room Source

Zoning option Source

Beautiful room decoration for a girl Source

Cozy room for a girl Source

The practice area is traditionally located closer to the window, a place with maximum daylight. This arrangement has a positive effect on vision. If the work surface for classes is located far from the window, it is necessary to provide good artificial lighting - LED or fluorescent lamps.

It is advisable to separate the sleeping and rest area. Near it, you can equip shelves, install a bedside table. Young people like to work in bed with a laptop, tablet. Therefore, separate lighting above the bed is appropriate. It can be a lamp, sconce with several operating modes: night and day.

Please note: for arranging a bed, it is better to use an orthopedic mattress for the bed, or a fairly hard sofa. Such furniture will maintain good posture and relieve stress on the spine.

It is difficult to imagine the interior of a girl's room without a mirror. In the modern interpretation, it is not necessary to install a dressing table. A wall mirror in a simple frame is more appropriate. Install several open hinged shelves near it, a low floor stand.

Deep blue on the walls Source

If in adulthood, peace and stability are valued, then the need for communication is in the foreground among young people. On a fairly spacious area of ​​the room, you can arrange a small living area. Equip it with a small sofa for receiving friends, instead of armchairs it is better to use frameless soft poufs


The design of a room for a girl in the style of minimalism involves the use of not bulky furniture. Light tones of furniture fronts dominate. The interior uses contrasting details and accents. To visually make the wardrobe look easier, install mirrored or glass doors on the facade. This solution will visually expand the boundaries of a small room. Another interesting technique is photo printing on compartment doors. For storing things, you can use sectional furniture with pencil cases, segments with shelves, cabinets. A good solution is to complete the elements of the furniture set with wheels. Young people tend to strive for change, and such furniture will allow you to mobilely rearrange the room.

Protruding arch above the bed Source

Another technique that is often used in a girl's room is to turn the windowsill into a resting place. A similar solution is used when the window is large enough, the window sill is low. They expand it, equip a curbstone under it, on top - a soft place, put several cushions. Girls like to spend time on an impromptu sofa overlooking the panorama of the street.

Fuchsia bedroom Source

The window sill is also turned into a desktop; for this, a wide tabletop of 45-50 cm is installed. Racks are made on the sides of the window. This solution is suitable for small spaces and saves space.

Modern design Source

Design of a teenage room for a girl Source

In old layouts of apartments of the "Khrushchev" type, small long rooms are often found. This kind of space is difficult to plan. One of the design solutions is a podium arrangement near the window. A sleeping place can be located on it, and a place for classes is equipped just below. This layout looks interesting and solves the problem of limited space. For the purpose of visual transformation, a long room is separated by different textures, wall and floor colors. On one of the walls, it is appropriate to stick a photo wallpaper depicting a perspective.


The design of a room for a girl in a modern style involves the use of combined lighting. From the point of view of energy saving and lighting quality, it is correct to use LEDs. Points are set in each zone, the main lighting is the central chandelier.

The modern market presents a wide range of lighting elements. The original geometric shape of the chandelier, 3D lamps, as night lighting, you can use projector lamps, for example, with a map of the starry sky. Such equipment will not only rationally distribute light, but also make the interior unique.

Girl's bedroom with terracotta elements Source

Decor elements

Accessories, expressive artistic details are characteristic elements of a girl's bedroom. The craving for decoration is inherent in nature, in the genetic essence of the feminine principle.

They use as decor:

  • wall painting;
  • photowall-paper;
  • black and white, color photos in frames;
  • floor vases;
  • volumetric applications;
  • wallpaper with letters, inscriptions.

Decor elements organically fit into different stylistic solutions.

Modern design of space for a girl Source

Bright colors of the working area Source

Room for a 17-year-old girl Source

Option white bedroom Source

Modern room for a girl in mint shades Source

French style Source

Method of zoning curtains Source

Japanese-style room Source


Textile design neutralizes some "restraint" of the minimalist style. Bright colored pillows on the sofa or bed will liven up the room in a minimalist spirit. A bedside rug is matched to them.

Curtains and roller shutters not only have a practical function, but are also a decorative element. These are interesting prints, accessories, and hooks in the form of flowers or soft toys. Curtains with 3D printing will transform the room.

Colored bed linen with expressive patterns will complement the textile composition.

Bright bedroom design for a girl Source

Pop art style

The style will suit expressive, artistic natures who love bright, expressive details. It originated among advertisers and artists in the middle of the last century.

Characteristic features of the style:

  • the use of saturated acid, luminescent tones;
  • posts, billboards are used in the design of the room;
  • use prints of comics, theatrical posters as decors;
  • neon, LED backlights are appropriate;
  • mirror, shiny elements are used in the finishes.

Non-standard solutions fit into such an environment. For example, a stretched rope with photographs on clothespins.

A bright image of the interior can correspond to the appearance of the hostess, if the girl loves hair dyed in unnatural tones, piercings.

Pink nursery for girls Source


Interesting style, which is organic in youth interiors. The loft appeared at about the same time as pop art. The owners took enterprises to industrial areas on the outskirts of cities. The premises of the former factories and warehouses were vacated. They were chosen by urban bohemia, actors and artists. They lived there, set up workshops, held art exhibitions. That is why the style combines elements of industrial and artistic design.

The loft fits perfectly into spacious rooms, suitable for a large attic room.

The designers have somewhat rethought the original style of the loft. Separate characteristic elements were isolated from it, which are implanted into modern realities.

The main elements of the loft:

  • a single spatial solution with the allocation of zones;
  • open structural elements of industrial type: the use of metal beams, trusses, roof rafters;
  • rough, somewhat brutal textures of stone, brick, concrete;
  • elements of eclecticism, combination of different-style elements;
  • predominance of white, gray;
  • non-standard details: open wiring of communications and ventilation.

Paintings and mirrors in heavy classical frames, courtly furniture are combined with graffiti on the walls, textures of brick and concrete.

Geometry of space

An important role in the stylistic solution of the design concept is played by form, line, figure. The loft style opens up a gap for experimenting with the geometry of space. Rooms often look a little dull due to the symmetrical arrangement of furniture, the use of traditional standard techniques. The asymmetrical and symmetrical arrangement of furniture and the straight shapes of the table, chairs, lamps, combined with the play of textures, create an interesting informal atmosphere. They bring elements of courage into it. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a balance of forms.

Despite the seeming contradiction, the loft is an expressive, interesting style. The design of a room for a girl with loft elements is a popular solution for decorating a room.

Room for a girl in a loft style Source

Room for an adult girl Source


A somewhat shocking style is suitable for informals, girls who like to attract attention, bright natures. The style contains elements of a loft, urban style, combined with courtly details. The main feature of steampunk is the use of elements of old mechanisms, parts, equipment in interior decoration. Decoupage furniture, accessories are organic in steampunk.

All contradictory details are united by a design compositional solution. A rack made of old copper pipes, a lamp in an old lampshade, a restored chest of drawers with decoupage look unusual and create an original composition. Old things take on a new meaning. Definitely, such an interior is not quite suitable for a girl with a delicate nature, but it will become an expression of the aesthetic taste of the "rebel".

Photo wallpaper with a picture of the evening city Source

Color solutions for different room styles for girls

Color preferences are a matter of taste, but style solutions attract the use of a certain color scheme.

"Home" styles of country and Provence are designed to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. They use a range of pastel shades of pink, purple, blue, green. The main background is white or sandy beige.

Classic style. The main background is beige, white, ivory. Burgundy, green, blue are used as an accent color. Interspersed with gold and silver textures will make the interior more luxurious.

In purple tones Source

Minimalism, hi-tech. The predominance of light tones for visual expansion of space. Depending on the saturation of the tone, a gamut of gray and brown colors is used. Brutal dark - as accents, light shades as background colors. Metallic, glossy and matte textures are appropriate. Interspersed with reflective (mirror) textures, glass is encouraged. Bright colors are used as accents.

Pop Art. This is a riot of luminescent, acid-bright colors. But in order for them to stand out, you need a light background.

Unusual design Source

Loft is a range of white, gray and brown colors. The play of natural textures (concrete, brick, rough plaster) is important in this style. The color ensemble is complemented by accent details, upholstered furniture, lamps, floor lamps in rich colors of the red-burgundy spectrum, green.

Bright room in classic style Source


Consequently, the design of a room for a girl can be different, as well as the "young ladies" themselves. The interior is a reflection of tastes, preferences, character, therefore, girls choose different styles, techniques, color schemes for decorating a room. In any case, the interior should be expressive, because it is a reflection of the nature of a young woman.

At the age of about 18 years, the interior of the children's room should be changed to a more adult and serious version of the interior for a girl. In the interior of a girl's room, there is no longer a place for wallpaper with children's drawings and too bright colors. In addition, it is worth thinking about where the wardrobe and dressing table will be located.
Sometimes it is worth changing the nursery room to a more spacious option, the smallest room in the house is suitable for a girl's room.

The choice of the interior of the room for the girl should begin with the choice of the style of the future room. The style of the interior of a room for a girl largely depends on the character and hobbies, favorite style and preferences. Some girls prefer delicate and romantic interiors, and some like more strict modern options in high-tech or minimalism style. Also, for the interior of a room for a girl, oriental interior styles, shabby chic and Provence are suitable.

Zoning the room for a girl
The maiden's room is both a living room and a bedroom, and a place for receiving guests, and a study, and even a dressing room. It can be difficult to fit everything in a small area.
In order to correctly arrange furniture in the interior, it is necessary to think over the areas of the room. In the girl's room, it is very important to divide the room into a work area, a storage area, a recreation area and a guest area.

Color in the interior of a room for a girl
The color of the interior of a room for a girl depends on the chosen style and taste preferences. Often muted pastel colors are chosen for the interior of a room for a girl. But bright interior options are often used. When choosing a bright version of a room, you must remember that this is a living space and local pure colors should be avoided. Instead of yellow, take corn or mustard; instead of pure green, pistachio and marsh tones are suitable.

Teenagers feel very comfortable in dark pastel colors such as gray-brown, gray-purple, dark dirty pink. Dark walls must be supported by light-colored furniture.

Furniture in the girl's room
Furniture for a girl's room is often chosen in white. This is due to the fact that white furniture goes well with any romantic interior style.
An indispensable element in the interior of a girl's room is a bed. She can have a beautiful soft headboard, covered with fabric in the color of the interior. The headboard for the bed will give the interior of a teenage girl's room a special charm and style.

Desktop. It can be a computer desk or a sophisticated writing table that will be comfortable in the first place.
A dressing table in the interior of a room for a girl is no less important than a desk. A dresser with a mirror would be an ideal option.
Also, in the interior of a teenage room, it is necessary to have a rack with shelves for books and other important things.

In adulthood, no girl can do without a dressing room. It can be a whole adjoining room or a small two-door wardrobe, the size of the dressing room depends on the needs and family wealth. A very convenient option for a small room will be a sliding wardrobe.

It is not at all necessary to buy a wardrobe or wardrobe. If the room has small niches this should be used. Place shelves in a niche, and blackout curtains instead of doors. If there is no niche, you can order a frame without doors. These wardrobes are very popular lately. This is a convenient budget option that will cost you almost nothing.

Interior of a room for a girl in different styles of the photo:

In order to correctly arrange furniture in the interior, it is necessary to think over the areas of the room. In the girl's room, it is very important to divide the room into a work area, a storage area, a recreation area and a guest area.