How to water roses in a box. Caring for a bouquet in hat boxes

# Floristics - How to use a floral sponge correctly. #Oasis.
To begin with, I will tell you a few mistakes novice florists make. How not to do when working with a floral sponge.
1. In no case, you can not pour water on top of a dry sponge. Since the oasis will get wet from above, but inside it will remain dry, and the flowers will not be able to drink water.
2. If you are going to soak the oasis in some kind of container, you do not need to abruptly and completely, pressing down with your hand, lower it into the water. Then he too will not be properly saturated. You will have a spoiled oasis again. Since if you try to soak such an oasis with water again, nothing will come of it.
3.If you need to soak a large amount of floral sponge (oasis). You do not need to immediately put several bricks on top of each other in a container with water. It is better to fill several containers with water and soak the floral sponge (Oasis) one by one. Or fill a container with a large circumference and soak several pieces at the same time.

Now I will tell you how to properly use a floral sponge or #floristic foam (Oasis). Everyone calls this material differently.
1. To properly soak the Oasis with water, the best option will be - fill any container with water that is larger than our piece. If you need a small piece, cut a piece with a sharp knife and smoothly place it on the surface of the water. We are waiting for him to soak himself, there is no need to help him.
2. If you will use it for compositions in transparent vases or other containers, it must be closed by wrapping it on top with any floral material. For example, bark or waterproof colored oilcloth, etc.
3. When working with a frame or microphone, for wedding bouquet, we do exactly the same action as I wrote earlier.
4. Working with any composition. Not a piece of the green oasis should be visible - the work of such florists is considered unprofessional.
5. In any composition, the floral foam must be securely fixed.
6. If you are making a composition in a basket, then a floral sponge (Oasis) must be wrapped with an oilcloth for packing flowers and secured with tape. To prevent the water from flowing out of the oasis.
7 It is not advisable to use B / U # Oasis. Always use fresh and new only.

There are many more secrets when working with an oasis.!
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Bouquets in hat boxes - the trend of the outgoing year, which will undoubtedly be in demand in the coming 2018. That is why we decided to tell you how flower arrangements in hat boxes are made, what kind of care they require and how long they can stand.

Flowers in a hat box - a sophisticated gift

Flowers in a hat box are not only unusual and beautiful, but also an incredibly convenient alternative to the usual bouquet. Modern girls love this kind of gifts, happily share pictures of a flower hat box in social networks, causing the envy of friends and acquaintances. Hat boxes are also captivating by the fact that the flowers in them, thanks to the peculiarity of the arrangement of the composition, can stand much longer than a simple bouquet in a vase. Of course, subject to proper care.

What does a hat box composition consist of? Directly from the box itself and flowers, as well as a special package insert. The flower stalks are placed in the bag, after which it is filled with water and tightened tightly. Thus, the box with the package insert plays the role of a vase, very beautiful, stylish and sophisticated. After the flowers have wither, the box can be used for other purposes.

How to care for flowers in a hat box?

Flowers in a hat box are a rather unpretentious gift. But it also requires some maintenance if you want to enjoy the beauty of flowers for as long as possible.

Plays an important role correct location bouquet. Do not place the box in a draft - the flowers will quickly wither and hang their heads from the cold. You should also beware of direct sunlight, they have a detrimental effect on the condition of the bouquet.

Spray the flowers themselves periodically with a spray bottle. Don't overdo it! No water should collect between the petals.

As for the water in the package insert, it is better to replace it after a couple of days. If this does not work, just remove the flowers from the bag and rearrange them in a simple vase. By the way, if your vase is low and compact, then it can be hidden in a box.

Roses in hat boxes

The classic flower for a hat box is a rose. The box emphasizes the elegance of the flowers and completes the composition.

Roses in boxes require special care... When it's time to replace the water in the package insert, add some ice cubes to it. The water itself should also be settled and, if possible, very cold. Before submerging the stems in water, trim them lightly.


Oasis - an artificial porous material with capillary properties that absorbs well and retains moisture for a long time. In everyday life, it is known as a floristic sponge, foam, piaflor, floristic foam, but we will call this material an oasis, since it is under this name that it is most widely known. Invented in Denmark (it happened by accident - the material was originally developed for aircraft construction, and not for floristry), the oasis underwent changes: the quality improved, new shapes and colors appeared. However, the main properties of the oasis - to retain moisture and securely keep flowers in compositions - remained unchanged. There are two types of oasis: for fresh flowers and for working with dried flowers or artificial flowers. This book will present each type and "subspecies" of the oasis, the rules for setting flowers, fixing the material and much more.

Technical material - cut flower oasis

The traditional color of a technical oasis, which is used to compose compositions from fresh flowers, is dark green. This makes it invisible under plants in most cases. Nevertheless, a green oasis must be decorated before placing flowers on it, but a decorative colored one is not. Oasis - very light material, but it is able to absorb so much water that it becomes ten times heavier than its original weight. There is only one way to saturate the oasis with moisture - to put it on the surface of the water and let it (as it is absorbed) submerge it. In no case should you water a dry oasis from above or press on it for a speedy dive. Such actions will lead to the fact that water will seep only into the outer layers, and the middle of the oasis will remain dry with air cavities, which will make it unsuitable for composition, and such an oasis will only be able to "work" as a float. It is not recommended to use an oasis for fresh flowers for the second time. The holes from the stems create air voids in it, into which, when reused, the cut of the stem can fall. The flower will remain without water and will wither much earlier than the due date for the composition.

Council. The oasis is equally easy to cut both dry and wet. However, if you are allergic, it is better to form the base of the composition from an oasis soaked in water so that its smallest particles do not fly to the sides and you cannot inhale them.

Variety of shapes

Almost any shape can be “cut out” of a standard brick. If the composition should be big size, then several briquettes will be used. Details of a complex "sculptural" composition are fastened together with wooden pins, and during large-scale works the oasis is wrapped in metal or plastic mesh or a frame of twigs is assembled around it, which will prevent the oasis from falling apart under the weight of flowers. All this structure is carefully decorated, and only then flowers are installed in it. The industry quickly enough responded to the tendency of florists to model all kinds of shapes from an oasis-brick. The production of an oasis for the most traditional and demanded types of compositions has begun: a Christmas wreath, a heart, a small bouquet holder for a small bouquet, a hemisphere for small table compositions, and even wagons for garlands. All of these forms are already attached to a plastic base, which allows you to do without vases and pots, placing flowers right on the table or wall.
These forms of oasis are somewhat more expensive than conventional briquettes, but they make the work much easier.

Oasis as the basis of the composition

An already moistened oasis is placed in a vase. Depending on the type of container, the base of the composition is cut out from the oasis with a sharp knife the desired shape and size, for example, for a cone-shaped vase you will need an oasis in the form of a wedge, and for a round one in the form of a cylinder Oasis should never be pushed into the container, this shrinks the material and partially loses its properties. It is better to cut off a few more pieces from the oasis so that it can easily, without coercion, fit into the required volume, thereby creating additional space for water in the vase.

Council. An old standard oasis changes color as it dries. It is possible to re-humidify such an oasis only in boiling water, but this is an exceptional measure, since any oasis is a disposable product.

With the radial technique, the oasis must necessarily rise above the upper edge of the container so that it is possible to place flowers and leaves at an angle, thus covering the edges of the vase. When placing the material in parallel, the requirements are different: the oasis should be below the edge of the vase.
To prevent unnecessary holes from weakening the structure of the oasis, think in advance where you want to place the plants. Lateral processes, as well as thorns and thick parts, are preliminarily removed from each stem. Then be sure to make an oblique cut with a length of 2-3 cm. larger area cut, the more freely the plant will be able to absorb water, maintaining freshness as long as possible. The stem, cut at right angles, compacts the oasis underneath, destroying its capillary structure, thereby depriving the plant of the necessary moisture.

Oasis anchorage methods

When using deep vessels, the problem of fixing the oasis disappears by itself. It is simply cut to the size of the container and placed in it. However, the beauty of the oasis is that it can be used to arrange flowers in the most unexpected places, even on flat trays and in openwork baskets.
Wednesday traditional ways oasis mounts - plastic tattoos, which are glued to flat surfaces with adhesive tape, and the oasis is already strung on them. If the vase is small and wide, then a piece of the oasis in its center is fastened crosswise with a special adhesive anchor tape, the ends of which are pressed against the edges of the vase. The anchor has a green color, so it is completely unobtrusive and is just as easy to decorate as the oasis itself.

Council. A thin cling film not only preserves the freshness of food, but also retains moisture for plants. Wrap a wet oasis in it if you plan to place it in a "leaking" container. A thin film like mica is easily pierced by the stems.

There are special containers for an oasis - these are vessels with a round or rectangular inner recess or flat ones with sharp edges at the bottom, which act as tattoos. These vessels are extremely functional and therefore require mandatory decoration. In baskets, the oasis is fixed with twine. It is thrown over the oasis, and the edges are pulled between the rods and tied. To prevent moisture from seeping through the basket, the bottom and 2/3 of the side walls of the oasis are wrapped in polyethylene.

Tatiana Lokrina "Compositions at the oasis"

Fresh flowers are the most common gift in our country. Bouquets different sizes and gorgeous baskets - all flowers in the store look perfect. How do you want to keep such beauty and freshness as long as possible! Alas, not everyone succeeds in doing this.

How to extend the life of a bouquet at home? Do florists have secrets to make flowers last longer? Is there one general recommendation for all living gifts without exception, or does each flower have its own conditions of detention? Is the owner of the gift always to blame for the failure to do anything to make the flowers delight longer?

How professionals preserve flowers

It is sad that the joy of receiving a living gift diminishes as it loses its freshness and aroma. In order for the bouquet to stand for a long time, you need to start looking after it immediately after its delivery.

Do you want to see at home the flowers presented to you as beautiful as they look in flower shop? This is easy to do, but it is important not to forget that taking care of the bouquet should be regular and should not stop even for a day.

What flower sellers do to keep them fresh longer:

  1. The water changes in all colors every day.
  2. Only settled water is used (one hour is enough for this).
  3. To make the buds bloom more slowly - it is poured cold water 10-16 degrees.
  4. To make the flower open faster, just put it in warm water 35-40 degrees.
  5. Flower cones (store vases) must be washed every day with chlorine-containing household products.
  6. Cut flowers should not be sprayed, since when water gets on the petal (this applies especially to roses), its painful transformations begin. If water droplets have fallen deep into the bud, then such a flower will not be able to preserve for a long time.
  7. The previous advice does not apply indoor plants in pots presented to you as a gift. You must remember that growing flowers and cut flowers require different care.
  8. For flowers, a shedding procedure is useful, when the leaves of the flowers are shed with water to wash away dust and dirt. This is done very carefully so that water does not get on the flower heads. To do this, you can cover with plastic wrap.
  9. The part of the stem that is in the water is always cleaned of leaves and trimmed only with a sharp knife (pruning shears cannot be used) and at an angle. The stem needs support, so never listen people's councils about cutting at a very sharp angle.

Cutting the stem of flowers is carried out only under water. Having cut it off, the end of the stem should be in water for another half hour so that airlock in the capillaries of the flower. Why is it dangerous? The plant will wither quickly, as it will not receive water in the upper parts of the stem due to the cork.

Leaves in the water cause rotting. The same happens when the water does not change for several days. The water in your vase becomes like a swamp. Putrefactive bacteria begin destructive work. Even if you accept preventive measures, then saving the flowers will no longer work.

Change the water every day. Don't be lazy! Thanks to this, many roses will be able to stand for more than a month at home and not change at all. If the flowers were bought in a store where real professionals work, you will never have problems.

What are the features of caring for flower baskets

How to care for a flower basket? We will get the answer if we understand how bouquets in baskets differ from simple bouquets... The main difference is that no vases are required for flowers assembled into a composition and installed in original baskets, bowls or dishes.

The elements flower arrangement prepared and fixed on a damp floristic sponge (bioflora), which seems completely invisible in the basket. Sellers advise taking a flower basket as a gift because it will stand for a very long time: flowers will delight the residents of the house for several weeks with both their smell and appearance.

What is the maintenance of a flower arrangement:

  • You can not pull the flowers out of the sponge, because if you return them back, then such plants will stop feeding and dry out very quickly.
  • Bioflora evaporates moisture and very soon becomes practically dry, which should not be allowed. Keep the sponge damp, check it every other day and pour water over it. In a few minutes required amount water will be absorbed, and you need to drain the excess.
  • The water should be settled, as for ordinary bouquets.
  • It is useful to shed flowers periodically - to wash off the dust from the leaves, but water should not be allowed to get on the flower heads.

Your flowers will certainly delight you for a long time, as they will feel your love, care and want to thank you.

Flowers in boxes quickly gained popularity, gradually shifting traditional bouquets into the background. Many love them for their practicality: no need for a vase, maintenance is simple, but jewelry, sweets and mysterious notes are taking their rightful place next to the buds. There are several composition options:

  1. flowers in a round box;
  2. compositions in a rectangular box;
  3. bouquet in a square box, heart-shaped

Each present requires a special approach to preserve the pristine freshness of flowers.

Caring for flowers in a hat box

  • Do not expose your gift to sudden changes in temperature. In winter, place the bouquet by the slightly open window so that it "gets used" to warm room... In the summer, you should turn on the air conditioner in your car on the way to a holiday, but do not direct the cold stream of air at the flowers.
  • Remove dried petals in a timely manner.
  • Don't take the buds out of the box. If the stem "saw the light" once, it will wither in a matter of hours. But if, nevertheless, this happened, do not be discouraged, make an oblique cut on the stem and carefully insert it back into the box, only to another place. You do not need to try to get into the very hole from which you pulled the flower.
  • Flowers don't like fruits. Sweet fruits secrete special microorganisms that adversely affect the health of the petals.

Give the recipient a little briefing, he or she will love the presentation!

How to water flowers in a box

So, you were presented with flowers in a box. How to water a bouquet? The water for them must settle for at least an hour so that the chlorine from the tap evaporates.

Usually, flowers do not need abundant watering, as you risk "flooding the flowers" and ruining the box itself - it's made of cardboard. If you have poured a lot of liquid, in no case should you drain the water that the floral oasis has not absorbed! It is advisable to water only when the oasis is completely dry, as a rule, this happens 4 days after receiving the flowers in the box.

Watering flowers on a sponge (floristic oasis)

The main rule is that the sponge (floristic oasis) should always remain moist. You can check it by touch, slightly pressing it with your fingers. Caring for a bouquet will remind you of watering indoor plants.

Divide the box into three equal parts mentally, define two central points and boldly pour water, but not more than 70 ml in total, and only when the sponge is dry.

Attention! Never spray the flowers in the box with a spray bottle.