How to insulate ventilation in a private house. Insulation of ventilation pipes and ducts: materials and technology

It happens that the newly created ventilation system in a private house works flawlessly in the summer, pleases with efficiency and presentability. However, as winter arrives, the homeowner suddenly discovers a small amount of ice on the outside of the duct. It is not difficult to guess that this is a signal for action, otherwise after a relatively short period of time the pipe will begin to collapse. As a result, a serious material resource will be required to fix the problem. And, if you react in time, then you just need to buy a heater for ventilation, which can be fixed without much effort on your own.

What will happen if you do not insulate

The appearance of frost and ice on the outer surfaces of the ventilation pipe indicates that condensation accumulates inside the duct, which is fraught with:

  • rust on a galvanized pipe;
  • depressurization of the ventilation system;
  • reduction of the area of \u200b\u200bthe flowing part of the duct;
  • a decrease in the quality indicators of air exchange;
  • penetration of moisture into the middle of wall structures and ceilings between floors, etc.

In short, poor ventilation in winter will lead to physical deterioration of the entire building. The more moisture will form on the walls of the ventilation passages, the greater the difference between the temperature indicators of the air flows moving through the pipes and the air outside (on the street). Hence the positive answer to the question, is it necessary to insulate the ventilation exhaust pipe in a private house?

Solving a complex of tasks with the help of insulation

The ventilation "kit" includes a list of equipment for the injection and removal of air flows that maintain the required characteristics of the microclimate inside the premises. This also includes air ducts: transport air "arteries" passing from the side of the street and inside the premises.

In order for the air channels to have the required strength indicator, the required permeability, they must be properly insulated. For this, they are adopting norms that ensure sanitary and epidemiological stability in residential buildings. Do not neglect the requirements of building rules and regulations in terms of heating, ventilation and air conditioning of premises, as well as the use of thermal insulation and protection of buildings from heat loss.

Insulation of ventilation in a private house solves the following tasks in a complex:

  • does not allow moisture dropped out of the air to settle on the surfaces of ventilation structures;
  • increases the resistance of structures to fire;
  • helps to reduce heat loss;
  • "Dampens" high generating frequencies of sound and vibration vibrations.

Criteria for choosing insulation for ventilation insulation

You need to know how and how to insulate pipes for ventilation. The preference when choosing is given to the indicator of thermal resistance of the material. The main role of the insulation is to bring the temperature on the pipe surface to the maximum amount of air leaving it. In this way, condensation can be avoided. For these purposes, materials based on mineral fibers (stone and mineral wool, fiberglass), foam elastomers, as well as polyacrylates are used: polystyrene is a product of styrene polymerization, polyurethane, etc.

Insulation based on metal and glass filaments obtained from inorganic components is supplied to the commercial network in the form of plates or rigid (semi-rigid) roll materials. The choice is simplified by a wide range of heaters with different densities, prices and thermal insulation characteristics. The indisputable advantage of mineral wool insulation is that it is not subject to rotting and fire resistance.

Attention! If you do not know how to insulate a ventilation pipe in an attic, especially if it is not heated, use special sections of mineral wool for external cladding especially for pipes. At the same time, the inner surfaces of the sleeves are insulated with fiberglass treated with a special impregnation.

Arguments for indoor and outdoor insulation

Insulated pipes for ventilation are either lining from the inside or external insulation. Each method is characterized ambiguously.

Interior decoration:

  • it is more difficult to carry out work inside the duct, but the insulation itself is protected from external temperature, mechanical stress;
  • laying the layer inside will lead to a decrease in the useful working section of the duct, which requires preliminary work to increase it;
  • interior decoration must be airtight and vapor-tight so as not to absorb moisture from the air;
  • the surface of the insulation should not be rough, so as not to obstruct the movement of air through the pipe.

It is easier to install external pipe protection, but also only in a vapor-tight design. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for how to insulate the ventilation exhaust pipe, towering above the living quarters, and what kind of hydro-barrier to perform. The outer protective shell must protect the exhaust structures from mechanical damage. An important requirement for insulation is incombustibility, since with the appearance of an open fire and contact with atmospheric oxygen, the degree of ignition of the insulation increases significantly. External insulation does not affect the size of the internal section of the ventilation duct and does not require its expansion. And pathogens (viruses, bacteria), which often occupy the inside of the walls of air ducts and, being isolated, are protected from adverse conditions, do not take root in the insulation layer outside.

Thermal insulation of pipes: work order

When insulating ventilation with expanded polystyrene shell, it is carried out:

  • clarification of the dimensions of the ventilation pipe, in particular, the inner diameter;
  • making cuts with a knife (you can use a saw);
  • covering with fragments of the cylinder (shell) of the pipe, displacing them among themselves by a couple of centimeters;
  • closing with force by means of a ridge-groove locking coupling of the parts on the sides.

The structure (shell) is easy to install and dismantle in case of work with the pipe.

Work on insulation with foamed polyethylene in the form of a finished shell of the ventilation pipe is as follows:

  • taking the necessary measurements of the pipe: so that the insulation tightly fits the surface of the duct;
  • finding a special seam on the capsule and disconnecting it along this seam;
  • fixing the sheath on the insulated pipe;
  • insulation of joints and seams with glue or tape.

Flame retardant polypropylene or polyurethane foam protection is performed as follows:

  • sizes are determined;
  • semi-cylindrical sections are cut from a solid workpiece with a margin for the covering layer;
  • a capsule is formed from the cut fragments around the pipe;
  • the resulting joints are hermetically fastened with bandages.

If the ventilation opening in the house is rectangular:

  • the required thickness of roll or plate insulation is selected (for example, basalt fiber);
  • cut and cut to size in fragments, which are convenient to arrange when facing;
  • using a wire made of steel, pre-calcined, the pieces are fastened;
  • the seams are hermetically sealed with strips of foil with an adhesive layer applied to it.

Thermal insulation for ventilation in any of these ways, with all the positive aspects, has one weak point - "cold bridges". It is important not to allow violations of the work technology and prerequisites for their formation during the installation process. For this, the joints between the ventilation ducts and the structures of the house are especially carefully insulated, otherwise the effect expected from insulation will decrease.

Arrangement of the exhaust system in moderate climatic conditions requires a separate approach to solving the condensate problem. For real estate located in a cold climatic zone, the insulation of the ventilation pipe is absolutely one of the prerequisites for normal gas exchange.

Why insulation is required and what can happen if this issue is bypassed - this will be discussed.

Each air duct of the ventilation system, working to release heat from the room, requires mandatory insulation. In the cold season, due to the temperature difference between the warm air discharged from the room and the cold air outside, condensation forms inside the pipe. Modern split ventilation systems and similar climatic equipment with "own" air ducts have special blocks that counteract the formation of condensation and remove accumulated moisture.

Pipes for ventilation, in most private houses, which are an ordinary piece of metal or plastic, are unable to carry out such condensate removal. And the process of dew droplets formation occurs in them much faster. The result is the appearance of wet spots on the floors, frost, accompanied by a decrease in the air channel inside the pipe.

Dampness causes the formation of fungus, creates optimal conditions for the development of pathogens. You can get rid of these troubles by using a heater for ventilation pipes. In this case, it is not always necessary to completely "wrap" the air channel in order to minimize the formation of condensation.

The right approach to insulation

To answer the question: how to insulate a ventilation pipe in a private house correctly and at the same time economically - you need to understand the causes of condensation. The temperature difference always leads to the appearance of condensation, but the most abundant release of "dew" is observed in the segment of active contact between warm and cold air. The closer you can move it to the outlet of the pipeline, the less potential danger and damage from condensation will be.

Ventilation in a private house is an indispensable component for maintaining a comfortable microclimate in residential premises. However, along with its positive properties, it is often the main source of heat loss. How to insulate a ventilation pipe in a private house, and what is the best way to use it?

During operation, a small layer of ice can often be observed on the surface of the ventilation pipe. Its appearance is due to the temperature difference between the material of manufacture and the air leaving the residential building. This results in the formation of moisture and the appearance of frost and ice.

Ventilation pipe icing

If this process is allowed to take its course, then as a result, a number of negative factors may appear. They will not only directly affect the integrity and functionality, but can also affect the performance of the entire building. The reason for this is the condensation that forms on the inner wall of the pipe. His constant presence can lead to the following consequences:

  • The occurrence of corrosive processes on a galvanized surface. Over time, this can lead to a violation of the sealing of the ventilation system;
  • Reducing the bore diameter of the pipe. Its gradual icing reduces the actual diameter of the vent. As a result, air exchange rates are reduced;
  • Impact on the walls of the house. Water can penetrate into the structure of walls and floors. This will cause increased humidity, which will affect the overall condition of the house.

It is recommended to solve the issue of ventilation pipe insulation even at the stage of building construction. However, this is not always possible. It is often necessary to install a thermal insulation layer on an already functioning system.

Material selection

Insulation for ventilation

First of all, you need to choose the right thermal insulation. It must have a number of properties that will subsequently affect the performance of the ventilation system. You also need to take into account the cost of materials and the complexity of installation.

The priority when choosing is the degree of thermal insulation. The main purpose of the insulation is to bring the temperature on the pipe surface as close as possible to the degree of heating of the warm air leaving the house. This is the only way to get rid of the appearance of condensation. A variety of materials can be used for this:

  • Basalt wool. The best option for arranging ready-made or just installed ventilation. Its fibrous structure can fully match the shape of the air channel. The disadvantage is hygroscopicity - basalt wool gradually absorbs moisture. For protection, the installation of an outer waterproofing layer is required;
  • Foam shell. It is manufactured only for pipes with a circular cross section and a certain diameter. The advantage is ease of installation, good thermal insulation properties, water tightness (in detail). Polypropylene foam has similar qualities. It differs only in a denser structure;
  • Foamed polyethylene. It is a resilient polymer material that can be purchased in rolls or soft shells. Some models have an adhesive backing for easy installation.

One of the parameters for choosing a certain type of heat insulator is the thickness of the material. For medium-sized regions of Russia, it is enough to install thermal insulation with a thickness of 20 to 50 mm. The lower the temperature in winter, the more insulation layer must be installed on the ventilation system.

Installation procedure

The method of installing insulation directly depends on the selected material. Scotch tape is used to fix basalt wool. When installing a ready-made foam shell, special attention is paid to the sealing of the joints.

It is not necessary to install the heat insulator on the entire ventilation system. It is important to provide an adequate level of protection against exposure to negative temperatures in certain sections of the pipeline:

  • Roof ventilation outlet. The greatest heat losses occur here;
  • The passage of the highway through an unheated room. Most often this applies to the attic;
  • Areas of direct contact between the pipe and the outer wall of the building.

In all other cases, the installation of insulation is not required. It is important to periodically check for possible condensation on the inner surface. If it appears even after sealing the air ducts, an additional layer of insulation will be needed.

The ventilation system is a set of equipment, the main task of which is the supply and removal of air in order to maintain the required microclimate in the room. Among other things, ventilation consists of air ducts. On them and carries out the transport of air masses. They are located both inside and outside the building. According to regulatory documents, air ducts must have a certain margin of safety, sufficient throughput, and be equipped with noise and heat insulation. Why do you need to insulate ventilation ducts?

Feasibility of insulation of ventilation wiring

Insulation of ventilation pipes significantly reduces the noise level.

Insulation of ventilation ducts is carried out in order to:

  • preventing the formation of condensation;
  • increasing the level of fire resistance of pipes;
  • reducing the level of heat loss;
  • reducing noise and vibration when moving air.

Condensation occurs on the outside of the ducts due to the temperature difference between the environment and the air moving inside. The latter is always warmer than the former. Condensation leads to metal corrosion and icing in winter. All this reduces the service life of the structure. Noise in the ventilation system is the result of the resulting turbulence in the air and the operation of the fans. Noise reduces the level of comfort in the room. Insulation of ventilation in a private house and office building will help eliminate this unpleasant fact.

Thermal insulation from the outside improves the fire-fighting characteristics of air ducts, prevents the spread of fire. Correct insulation of ventilation in a private house reduces the level of its heat loss. In this case, the heat exchange between the warm air inside the ducts and the environment is minimized.

Today on sale you can find air pipes that are already equipped with thermal insulation materials and do not have an additional layer. How and how to insulate a ventilation pipe in a private house? The choice of the required material and the course of work must be carried out in strict accordance with the regulatory documentation, namely:

  • SNiP of 2003 on heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
  • SanPiN on sanitary and epidemiological requirements in residential premises;
  • SNiP on insulating materials;
  • SNiP on thermal protection of the building.

Without the proper level of training and knowledge, it is not recommended to carry out insulation work. For this, they turn to professionals for help.

Lack or improper insulation leads to condensation and corrosion.

Inside or outside? How to insulate a ventilation pipe in a private house: inside or outside? Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, it is more difficult to organize internal thermal insulation from a technical point of view. At the same time, the thermal insulation material does not need protection from mechanical stress here. However, when carrying out internal work, it is necessary to increase the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe air ducts so that their throughput does not change. The insulation is covered with a reinforced, smooth film so that resistance does not increase when air masses move. A vapor barrier material is also needed here. Otherwise, the insulation will absorb the moisture in the air.

The external thermal insulation of the ventilation pipe is simpler. However, she also needs a vapor barrier. Plus, it is necessary to organize a hydro-barrier of the structure protruding outside the living space, and protection from mechanical stress. External insulation material is a potential hazard in the event of a fire. It promotes the spread of fire, so you need to choose non-combustible materials. However, using a similar technique, there is no need to increase the cross-section of the ducts.

In any of the proposed options, before insulating the ventilation pipe, it is necessary to calculate the correct thickness of the thermal insulation material.

Thermal insulation material for ventilation

Foam sleeve with outer reflective insulation.

How and how to insulate the ventilation pipe? Experts offer the following list of suitable materials:

  • based on mineral fibers - mineral wool, fiberglass,;
  • based on polymer derivatives - polystyrene, polyurethane, etc .;
  • foam elastomers.

Mineral fiber insulation for ventilation ducts is sold in the form of rigid or semi-rigid plates and rolls. Their density and, consequently, their thermal insulation properties lie within wide limits, which greatly simplifies the selection process. You can find mineral wool in the form of pipe sections. They are suitable for external insulation. Insulation of the ventilation pipe from the inside is impossible without fiberglass, which is covered with a special impregnation.

Foam elastomers are classified as non-flammable materials. They are suitable for external and internal work. This closed-cell material has a smooth surface, and therefore does not create additional resistance when moving air masses. It comes in the form of flexible plates and foam. Polymer derivatives can have both open-celled and closed-celled structures. The former are distinguished by good sound insulation, the latter - by a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. Both species do not rot, fungi and bacteria do not grow on their surface. They are used for interior work.

Thermal insulation of an exhaust system at home

Thorn-groove lock.

The cooker hood is an essential attribute of a modern kitchen and bathroom. Through it, excess steam and moisture, which are formed as a result of cooking and using hot water, go out into the street. Condensation forms on the surface of the air duct due to the large temperature difference between the air leaving the room and the environment. The metal is corroded. In addition, the accumulated moisture penetrates into the material of the walls and ceiling of the room. To prevent the formation of condensation, the duct must be thermally insulated. How to insulate a hood in a private house?

If a factory-made exhaust system was purchased and installed, it must be equipped with an internal, insulation layer. But this part of the duct remains indoors. Insulation of a hood in a private house, which is located outside the dwelling, can be done with mineral wool.

At the initial stage, the pipe is cleaned of dust, dirt, debris. Next, the pipe is wrapped with a purchased slab or roll insulation. Material thickness is calculated based on building codes. But in most cases, one layer of mineral wool, 5 cm thick, is enough. Fasteners are carried out with adhesive tape. In this case, the seams are glued with aluminum adhesive tape. Wool is wrapped over it with a thickness of 2 cm of heat-insulating material. All connecting seams are additionally glued with adhesive foil tape.

Insulation of external ventilation... Do I need to insulate the ventilation pipe that runs through the attic? In the case of an unheated attic, insulation work is mandatory. When choosing a material, not only the danger of moisture penetration is taken into account, but also the likelihood of damage to the insulation by rodents. Styrofoam is suitable here. They are produced in the form of a kind of shell, which greatly simplifies installation work.

Exhaust ventilation is insulated according to the following scheme:

  • selection of suitable thermal insulation;
  • its installation;
  • installation of a protective cover.

The choice of thermal insulation is carried out according to the dimensions of the air pipe itself. Otherwise, the insulation may not completely cover the surface of the duct or will overlap, which will also adversely affect its protective functions. Further, with the help of a knife or saw, an incision of the shell is made, followed by installation.

Modern material is equipped with a tongue-and-groove locking connection. During installation work, you must not break it. Otherwise, the insulation will not stick tightly over the pipe.

Insulation of the supply ventilation ends with gluing the joints with a special tape and installing a protective casing. It is attached with bandages.

Foiled mineral wool is ideal.

Work with rectangular air ducts... How to insulate rectangular exhaust ventilation? Here you can use both rolled and slab material. The ideal option is basalt fiber. It does not contribute to the spread of fire, does not lend itself to decay. Disadvantages - vapor permeability and hygroscopicity - are eliminated by installing a hydro and vapor barrier.

How to insulate ventilation in a private house of rectangular cross-section? Insulation of the required thickness is prepared. Cut it into pieces convenient for installation. Annealed steel wire is used as fasteners. Foil adhesive tape is useful for sealing seams.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • installation of insulation;
  • gluing joints;
  • fasteners with wire;
  • winding with protective foil insulation;
  • fixing the protective shell.

When working with basalt fiber, be sure to use personal protective equipment.

Basic questions about the thermal insulation of the ventilation system

Why insulate a ventilation pipe? A layer of thermal insulation prevents condensation from forming on the surface of the metal pipe, which prolongs its service life. Thermal insulation reduces heat transfer between warm indoor air and a cold environment. Insulation works improve the fire safety of the building by preventing the spread of fire. Is it necessary to insulate the ventilation pipes that run through the unheated attic? Experts answer this question in the affirmative. After all, there is a possibility of condensation formation.

How and how to properly insulate ventilation? Fibrous materials, polymer derivatives and foam elastomers are suitable for thermal insulation work. They are mounted both inside and outside the air ducts. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. How to do the work correctly, only a specialist will advise. That is why, if you need thermal insulation of air ducts, you need to seek help from real professionals. Professional installation of insulation on a ventilation pipe is shown in the video:

Arrangement of various kinds of utilities provides for well-known ventilation pipes installed on the roof. This technique has its own special moments and requires strict adherence to all technological installation processes. It is usually used in a private home. In this way, outlet channels are equipped for ventilation of premises, installation of a sewer riser, and ventilation of the attic.

How to insulate ventilation pipes on the roof, and what materials are the best to use for this?

The ventilation pipes on the roof should be positioned in such a way that the exhaust air can be removed through them without great difficulty. Moreover, its height and diameter are determined based on the required performance.

Note! The simplest type of device is considered to be the outlet of pipes through the roofing ridge. In this case, the main condition is considered to be correctly performed insulation in order to prevent the formation of condensation.

Without additional insulation, moisture will accumulate on the inner sections of the pipes and drain along the walls, penetrating into all leaky places. This will cause the appearance of damp areas on the walls and ceilings, their premature destruction. And your air pipes can also suffer from condensation. To avoid all these unpleasant moments, you should take care of the installation of insulation around the ventilation ducts.

In which areas it is necessary to carry out insulation

So, is it necessary to insulate the ventilation, and in which places it must be done without fail? The answer suggests itself - insulation should be performed in those places where the air masses are rapidly cooled. The ventilation pipe, laid through a solid wall, must be passed through a special heat-insulated liner and insulated up to the deflector element itself. In private houses, such pipes pass through attics and are led out through the roof. And they are insulated from the point where noticeable cooling begins. Moreover, it is recommended to slightly move the insulating border towards the warm room. This is in case the frosts are more severe than usual.

Insulation materials

You should consider all acceptable methods of insulation and choose the most suitable one. It is important that the method we choose meets certain requirements:

  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • Fire safety. The material should not be classified as combustible.
  • Relatively low cost.

We will analyze only those options when the channels are insulated from the outside. After all, it is not always possible to dismantle the structure, and the inner diameter will noticeably decrease due to insulation. So what is the best way to do this kind of work?

One of the famous materials is mineral wool. It is a cheap option, has one hundred percent fire safety, and is produced in rolls with a layer thickness of five centimeters. But there are also disadvantages associated with time-consuming work. The fact is that cotton wool must be wrapped around the pipe, and a protective layer of foil or galvanized steel should be arranged on top. Work with such material should be carried out in protective equipment that protects the respiratory system and eyes.

During operation, the material is somewhat caked, forming gaps in the insulation layer. If moisture has penetrated the insulation layer, it also loses its properties. The best solution is considered to be the use of a corrugated pipe based on cotton wool. But this method is good at zero point in the construction of ventilation pipes.

A good solution is the use of foam as insulation material, especially if you purchased a ready-made split shell. It remains to put it on the pipe and connect it together at the seams. This method provides good thermal insulation, it is performed quite simply and without fear of health, and is relatively cheap. But at the same time, the material is considered combustible and, when burned, releases toxins.

You can use a shell made of polyurethane foam and polypropylene foam. Such materials are stronger than polystyrene and cost more. In their work, they need a bandage made with ordinary knitting wire. The manufacturer produces such insulation structures in the form of tubes of various diameters with cuts. It remains only to put such blanks on the pipe, and the insulation is ready. The material is cheap, able to withstand moisture and minor mechanical stress.

And one more option is self-adhesive material. The way of working is simple - the protective film is removed from the adhesive side, applied to the pipe and pressed. This material is great for square or rectangular mines. The layer of insulation material reaches one centimeter. If necessary, it can be used in several layers.

Remember! The efficient operation of your ventilation system depends on the correct insulation.


This video will help you understand what and how best to do when equipping the ventilation of a private house: