Technique for the development of speech in adults. Exercises for diction

Correct literate speech and good diction are important not only for public figures and professional journalists. Possession of the culture of speech and the ability to beautifully express one's thoughts in our time is one of the keys to success in almost any field of activity. Therefore, for many people, the question of how to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully is important.

In business, the service sector, business and everyday communication, already in the first minutes of communication, it determines the status of a person and the corresponding attitude towards him. It's good if parents and teachers began to develop this quality in a person from childhood. However, if this is not the case, then, if desired, an adult can also learn to correctly express his thoughts and views.

How to develop your speech and learn to speak beautifully?

If you are faced with the task of developing diction and speech, then first you need to determine the main factors of beautiful and competent expression. The main attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  • correct construction of sentences;
  • vocabulary and vocabulary;
  • clear diction.

Beautiful speech is based on these three whales. When deciding how to learn to speak beautifully, it is important to pay attention to each of them.

To develop the correct construction of sentences, it is important to learn how to critically evaluate and analyze your speech. If you understand information better by ear, then compose speeches on a specific topic and record yourself on a voice recorder. The same experiment can be carried out by recording your conversations with different interlocutors. This technique will reveal the shortcomings of various kinds - errors in the construction of phrases, diction and wrong stress in words. For people who are better at perceiving visual information, freewriting exercises are suitable. By writing down your plans or just keeping a diary, you will gradually learn how to correctly present information.

One of important nuances in the problem of how to develop your speech and enrich your vocabulary. Classical Russian literature and good translations of foreign books help not only to significantly improve the lexical composition of speech, but also serve as a source of knowledge correct spelling and a beautiful construction of phrases. You can expand your vocabulary by solving crosswords, when solving them you often have to refer to reference books, and this adds to your knowledge, helps in learning and memorizing new words.

To develop diction, it is useful to repeat tongue twisters, words and phrases with a complex combination of sounds. There are many examples of such words - swagger, platoon, stay awake, vent, lump, disheveled, water cannon, philosophize, etc. Another good exercise to improve speech technique is the pronunciation of phrases consisting of several stressed syllables in a row:

  1. There was hail that year.
  2. The grandfather became old.
  3. Wave splash - splash glitter.
  4. One hundred versts at a gallop.
  5. At that hour a thrush was singing here.

Taking time to develop speech every day, after two to three months, you can notice changes in better side... The main thing is not to stop halfway.

For people who borrow leadership positions or a lot of public speakers by profession, it is important to have the correct diction. You can improve the clarity of pronunciation by performing special exercises.

Methods for developing diction

First of all, you should identify the range of problems that you have to deal with.

If this is a specific speech defect (burr, lisp, stuttering), then the help of a specialist is needed.

The lisp or lisp pronunciation is corrected by the following methods:

  • the person is explained the correct setting of the tongue and lips, which are responsible for the correct
    reproduction of sounds;
  • then one should engage in training the speech apparatus, for which it is necessary to repeat tongue twisters;
  • you need to constantly monitor your speech so that the defect does not return.

Such training will help you learn how to pronounce sounds and pronounce words correctly. But you should be prepared that such work will require a lot of effort.

As for stuttering, the work will be more difficult here. The main problem lies in the psyche.

Very often it turns out that in Everyday life the person has a good formulation of speech, and when it comes to public speaking, the speaker starts to stutter.

If the problem is in swallowing the endings or in the fuzzy pronunciation of sounds when speaking quickly, you can deal with it yourself.

Speech correction is performed as follows:

  1. The first step is to identify specific defects. To do this, you should record your voice on a dictaphone. It is best to record a conversation with someone, because if you specifically read the text, then the person will not arbitrarily try to correct his mistakes in speech.
  2. When evaluating your voice, pay attention to whether it is possible to pronounce the phrase in one breath, as well as the strength of the sound. If there are not enough of them, it is necessary to work on breathing. There is a simple exercise for this: you should take the vertical upright position, one hand rests on the stomach, and the other on the chest. Legs are placed shoulder-width apart. Inhalation goes through the nose, so that the lower part of the chest is filled with oxygen. Exhale through your mouth. This exercise helps develop the diaphragm.
  3. Need to work on
    pronunciation of individual letters. Stand in front of a mirror and slowly speak the vowels. Pronunciation should take place on exhalation. The sound should be loud and as long as possible. You can try humming vowels.
  4. Tongue twisters also help develop good diction and pronunciation. But before you take on them, you should stretch your face. Most spectacular way- antics. This process should involve all of the facial muscles, as well as the lips and tongue. This procedure should last at least 10-15 minutes. A similar warm-up is necessary before every public appearance.
  5. The emotional richness of speech is also important. To do this, in your speech, you need to think through all the intonations and pauses.
  6. Psychological comfort plays an important role in clear pronunciation. Often a person has good diction and is fluent in his speech, but being in front of a hostile audience, he begins to get lost and mumble. Here, tongue twisters alone will not help. Self-confidence needs to be developed.

Speech Exercises

As for clear articulation, it can be developed with the help of other exercises:

  • knead and develop facial muscles with antics;
  • with the lower jaw, perform up-down and left-right movements;
  • all teeth are counted, but they must first be firmly squeezed;
  • stretch your mouth into a full smile, fully using your lips, and then, collecting them into a tube;
  • the body of the body leans forward, the arms are folded on the chest and the sounds "u", "o", "a" are pronounced.

All of these exercises will help develop diction, intelligibility, and correct articulation. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you can always turn to a speech therapist for help.


Finding a person with good diction is not easy today. Few of us have pleasant voice, the ability to pronounce words clearly and clearly for the people around them, while not raising their voices and without resorting to ways to enhance the impact of their speech. In fact, it is not difficult to develop your speech. Very rarely, exceptional speech data is given to a person by nature, while the rest can be advised only to spare no effort and time, working on exercises for diction.

What is good diction and what is it for?

The concept of "diction" means the distinct pronunciation of sounds and words with their correct articulation. The mechanism that produces sounds is speech apparatus, and very often its violations and defects become the reason that the diction of a person's speech is different low level quality. One of the main reasons for the insufficient development of diction is considered to be the inactivity of the lower jaw and the inability to open the mouth wide enough during a conversation. At the same time, the words are not pronounced clearly enough, dull, and the speech seems "crumpled". They say about such a person that his diction and expressiveness of speech are serious. This deficiency is too strong and requires immediate action to remedy the current situation.

If you feel that your diction is far from perfect, then start dealing with this issue immediately. Speech enhancement is possible: specially designed speech exercises will help you eliminate the shortcomings of pronunciation of sounds. You can find everything you need on the site and start doing it. Thinking about how to improve diction, remember that only work and careful implementation of the proposed exercises will help you correct. And make it truly expressive and enjoyable for others.

Careful work on diction will very soon make itself felt. You will see that your social circle has significantly expanded - those who previously avoided talking to you, tired of asking again and listening to slurred speech a hundred times, today are happy to come into contact, paying tribute to your eloquence. You will cease to be afraid of public speaking, and speaking with excellent diction will convey the meaning of the speech to the audience and help to remember it. Very often, good articulation of speech contributes to successful promotion - a person who has the ability to speak in public is excellent for high positions and leadership positions.

If you see that your child needs work on diction, do not delay the beginning of classes, postponing it for a while and thinking that the problems will "outgrow" and disappear by themselves. Additional lessons to improve diction will help achieve several goals at once - improve speech, increase self-esteem and school performance, allow you to find new friends and avoid ridicule about "porridge in the mouth." The acquired skills of good speech diction will last for life and will help in later life, study at a university and building a prosperous career at the place of work.

Exercises in speech technique may not be the most fun of the classes, but you only need to do them 20 minutes a day, moreover, you can still have time to cook, wash or drive to another area of ​​the city. Both vowel exercises will while away your waiting time and help you make new acquaintances, it's no secret that people are curious. It is very useful to check how much you have advanced in the development of your diction by entering into a conversation, because high-quality communication is your goal!

Try to communicate with people as often as possible!

Various exercises for its development

1. Breathing and posture

1) Train the exhalation

Spread your feet shoulder-width apart with your hands on your waist. Exhale slowly through a small hole in your tightly compressed lips so that you feel air resistance. In this case, you need to pronounce any quatrain. You can also do this exercise in combination with walking, squatting, running, and so on.

2) train inhalation

Lean forward and inhale (your back should be straight), then, straightening back, slowly exhale the air and pull the sounds "gim-m-m-". Following this exercise, you need to do one more thing: with your mouth closed, inhale the air through your nose, expanding your nostrils, and when exhaling, pat them with your index fingers.

3) Lie down, put one hand on your stomach, and the other on lower part chest

Take a deep deep breath (through your nose). The abdomen should protrude forward, and the chest should expand. After that, make a free (in no case abrupt) exhalation, returning the abdomen and chest "in place".

4) Stand in a natural, relaxed posture, place one hand on your chest to feel the vibration, and bring the other to your mouth to check your breathing. Now try to moan in different vowels: a warm exhale - a groan ("Ooh") - a warm breath.

If you do everything right, you should have a yawning sensation and freedom in the throat area.
The next stage is similar, only during a quiet moan, you need to try to extend it and make an emphasis with a light push of the diaphragm inward, then a warm exhale.

It should also be remembered that speech breathing largely depends on
from correct posture... Therefore, practice the book-on-head exercise daily.

At first, just walk at a slow pace with a book on your head, and then be sure to supplement the exercise with hand movements and squats.

Diction exercises: "Book on the head"

2. Articulation

Clear articulation of speech sounds (setting the speech apparatus in a position that allows you to form the desired sound) depends on the degree of training of active speech organs -,. Therefore, working out clear diction always begins with muscle training - articulatory gymnastics, which allows you to consciously control the right groups muscles. You can find exercises on our website. In short, here are some of them:

1) lower the lower jaw down, slowly moving it in different directions

2) without changing the position of the jaw, gently move it back and forth

3) in a standing position, bend forward, keeping your hands on your chest and in a drawn-out pronounce in an extremely low voice as you exhale the vowels "y" and "o"

4) strain the tip of your tongue with your mouth tightly closed and alternately rest it on the left, then on the right cheek.
Next, do the same, but with your mouth open.

5) stretch your lips in an open-mouthed smile, moving your tongue left and right towards the corners of your mouth.
During the exercise, the lips and jaw remain stationary, and the tongue does not slide over the lower lip

6) run your tongue over the lower and upper row of teeth, counting each of them. The jaw is motionless, the mouth is open in a smile

Articulation gymnastics will allow you to develop the organs of the speech apparatus

3. Pronunciation of consonants and vowels

After working out the clarity of the actions of the active organs of speech with the help of articulatory gymnastics, one should proceed to the formation of the correct pronunciation skills of individual vowels and consonants of Russian speech and their combinations.

Vowel training requires not only developing the correct phonetic position when pronouncing each of them, but also comparing the vowels. The fact is that the vowels formed according to the laws of phonetics in different parts speech apparatus ("front-lingual", "mid-lingual", "back-lingual"), can sound in different positions: some - at the teeth (front position), others - in the dome of the hard palate (middle position), others - in the larynx (back position) ... In this case, the so-called "variegation of vowels" arises during speech.

Exercises to train vowel sounds


When pronouncing the sound [ AND] the mouth is open to the width of the little finger, the lips are stretched to the sides, the tongue is flat, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the middle part of the back of the tongue is maximally raised to the palate; when pronouncing the sound [ NS] the tongue moves back more than with [ AND].

In exercise number 1 for all couples, we will pronounce the first sound in front of the mirror, first without a voice, several times the first sound, then the second, and repeat it aloud.

Exercise number 1


"E" - "E"

When pronouncing the sound [ NS] the mouth opens to the width of the thumb, the tips of the front upper and lower teeth are visible, the tongue lies at the lower front teeth, the back and middle parts of the tongue rise up and forward and touch the molars; vowel E in Russian speech, it is pronounced longer and more intensely than the sound [ NS].

Exercise number 2

Say the following words slowly and clearly:


When pronouncing the sound [ A] the mouth is open in a vertical direction so that two fingers can be inserted between the teeth, placed one on top of the other. The tongue lies flat, the tip of the tongue does not touch the lower front teeth; when pronouncing a letter I AM [Ya] the tip of the tongue is much more forward, and rests on the lower teeth.
We are trying to do all this without sound.

Exercise number 3
Say the following words slowly and clearly:

"U" - "U"

When pronouncing the sound [ Have], the lips are rounded, extended forward and come together in the form of a funnel, the distance between the teeth is in one thumb, the tongue is slightly pulled back, the root of the tongue is lowered, the back is raised; when pronouncing a letter NS [Yu] the front of the tongue rises more than with the sound [ Have].

Exercise number 4
Say slowly and calmly, without straining your voice, the words:


"O" - "Yo"

When pronouncing the sound [ O] lips are pushed forward and have a more rounded shape than [ Have], the tongue is slightly pulled back and does not touch the teeth, the back of the tongue is raised up. Vowel Yo [Yo] is pronounced with greater duration and tension than [ O].
I hope you remember to try silently first.

Exercise number 5
Say the following words:

Exercises to train consonants

Consonant training begins with setting the speech apparatus in the correct phonetic position and practicing the clear pronunciation of each of these sounds. The second stage is the connection of these separate sounds in combination with each other and with the addition of vowel sounds according to a special training scheme.

1. Explosive sounds "P" - "B"

They require a particularly tight junction of the speech organs and active overcoming of this obstacle - the "explosion" of the bow with a strong stream of exhaled air.

1.1. "Cork"

Let's check how well the labial muscles are prepared for the formation of explosive sounds " NS" and " b". Compress your lips tightly, even pull their edges slightly over your teeth, biting them slightly. With the air in the mouth, (without exhaling!), Break the bow sharply, as if you are shooting a plug, clamped by your lips. Do not free your lips, let the air stream break their bow.

1.2. "Explosion"

Shoot the "cork" with the now active exhalation: ppp! Do not strain, only lips are tightly compressed. Don't try to get more air. It is not the quantity that decides the matter, but the vigor of the push (the impact of the diaphragm) and the precise focusing of the exhalation on the tips of the lips. Do not allow aspiration at the end, let alone a vowel sound, you should not get "nx" or "pppa ...". If, instead of an explosion, you get a smack, you sucked in air instead of pushing it out. Having achieved a clear explosion on sound " NS"(Do not be surprised if this does not work out right away, you need daily persistent training, including gymnastics of the labial muscles), turn on the sound of the voice -" bbb "along with the exhalation. Train both consonants in pairs, while maintaining clear differentiation by voicedness: "p" - "b", "p" - "b", "p" - "b". Do not allow a vowel sound at the end of the sound: "py" - "would".

1.3. "Table tennis"

Imagine that the brush of your right hand- a racket for playing table tennis. Practice hitting an imaginary ball with a racket by hitting it back side free-hanging brush - ppa! .. ppi! .. ppo! .. ppu! .. ppi! .. ppi! .. Let each sound, like a ball, fly upward with a resounding explosion. Make sure that the vowels explode on the lips, continuing the explosive consonant, rather than falling back. Send sound to different points in the room: up, right, left, down.

Having worked out these combinations, turn on the sound of the voice on the exhale: bba! .. bbe! .. bbo! .. bbu! .. bby! .. bbi! ..

Connect the deaf and ringing sound couple - pubba! pebba! pobbo! pubbu! pybby! pibby! Double the voiced consonant by stressing the first syllable. Toss balls easily, freely, without muscle tension.

2. Whistling and hissing sounds "S" - "Z" and "W" - "F"

2.1. "Puncture"

Check by ear if there is a puncture in the inflated chamber of the volleyball, squeezing it near the ear ... So it is ... An intense, even whistle of the outgoing air is heard: "sssssssss! ..". Simulate the sound by precisely following the articulation setting. Remember that with the sound "c" the tip of the tongue is lowered and pressed against the front lower teeth, the body of the tongue is tense, forming a "slide" with slightly raised edges, and the exhaled air "rolls down" along it. Press the "ball" harder from time to time, the sound intensifies.

2.2. "Locomotive"

The locomotive slowly dissipates steam: shsh ... shhh ... shhh ... So he moved from his place: sh-shh-shshh ... sh-shh-shshh ... He went faster and faster: shshh-shshsh-sh ... shshh-shh-shh ... shshshshh-shh … Breathe out the air with vigorous thrusts of the diaphragm. Observe the correct articulation position of the sound. Remember that the tip of the tongue is raised upward, forming a "bucket" in the dome of the hard palate, into which the exhaled air hits.

2.3. "Mower"

Sharpen the braid with a bar. The bar slides from one side to the other of the blade: sss-zzz ... sss-zzz ... sss-zzz ... sss-zzz ... The scythe is sharpened, you can start mowing. A sweep of the scythe, and it resonantly cuts the grass: lzhzh ... zzhzh ... zzhzh ...

3. Sounds " L "and" R "

3.1. "Telegram"

Tap the text of the telegram with the telegraph key: la-la-lal! le-le-le! lo-lo-lol! lu-lu-lul! ly-ly-lyl! l-l-lil! The stress falls on the last syllable. Keep the beat.

Try to start a toy car engine…. With the exhaled air (without the sound of a voice), vibrate the tip of the tongue raised to the upper teeth: trrr ... trrr ... trrrrrr ... trrrrr ... tr ... Turn on the sound of the voice (the engine has started!): Drrrrrr ... drrrrrr ...

4. Combination of plosive consonants

Let's combine three explosive voiceless consonants together, taking them in all possible combinations: ptk, pkt, ktp, kpt, tkp, tpk. We will work out each of them separately (without vowels!), Making sure that each next explosion is clearly audible: n! T! To! Then we will begin to bring them closer together: p-t-k! Finally, let's combine it into one combination: ptk! Make sure that the noise of exhaled air does not slip between the consonants, and even more so the sound of a voice, it would not work p / x-t / x / -k / x / or p / s-t / s-k / s.

Having worked out each of the combinations, connect them with the main row of vowels, pronouncing one phrase with an emphasis on the first syllable:


Having worked out all the combinations in this way, create variants of "phrases", "dialogues" from them: "Ptka-ptke-ptko?" - "Tpka-tpke-tpko!"

Diction training: public speaking

5. Doubled consonants

The habit of dropping consonants in the middle of a word also contributes to the negligence of speech, especially if there is a combination of several consonants, even a simple doubling. We often hear: war, instead of war, usually, instead of usually, etc. It is necessary to ensure that the doubled consonant sounded longer than usual, like a long sound.

Often one of two identical consonants drops out at the junction of words spoken together or a word and a preposition, changing the meaning of what is said; for example, instead of from the building, we hear a publication. The pronunciation of such words can be trained by choosing paired words with one and doubled sounds: submit - otDat (pronounced odd); not that, comrades - not that, comrades; To do - still different to do (pronounced to do), etc.

6. Pure phrases

To practice individual sounds of speech and their combinations, specially composed phrases are used - pure phrases. They repeatedly repeat the trained sound or combination of sounds. To completely or partially get rid of speech defects, it will be enough to have in your arsenal about five tongue twisters with various combinations of incompatible sounds. Here are some of them that we would advise you:

The bull is dull-lipped, the dull-lipped bull, the bull's white lip was dull.

From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The Turk smokes a pipe, the hammer pecks the crumbs. Don't smoke, Turk, pipe, don't peck, hammer, grits.

Prokop came - dill was boiling, Prokop left - dill was boiling. As under Prokop, dill boiled, so dill boiled without Prokop.

The radish rarely grew in the garden bed, the garden bed was rarely in order.

The snout was a blunt-snout pig, it dug half of the yard with its snout, dug and blew it up.

She was at Frol's, she lied about Lavra, she will go to Lavra, Lavra will lie against Frol.

Senka is carrying Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sledge - gallop, Sonya off his feet, Sanka - in the side, Senka - in the forehead, everything - in a snowdrift!

Cuckoo cuckoo sewed a hood. He put on the cuckoo's hood: how funny he is in the hood.

The heron was wet, the heron was dry, the heron was withering, the heron was dead.

A bristle at a pig, a scale at a pike.

Chita flows in Chita.

Not the one who is stingy with words, but the one who is stupid about what he does.

Chef Peter, cook Pavel. Peter swam, Pavel swam.

Here are a coupleadviceovby pure clauses:

1) You need to work on pure phrases slowly, carefully checking the installation of each sound, carefully practicing its correct sound.

2) Before you start working on phrasebooks, carefully study the pronunciation norms. You need to know how to pronounce individual sounds and their combinations according to the laws of oral speech, so as not to develop the wrong skill. For example, the words "rarely" (radish rarely grew on the garden bed) and "bed" sound - "reTko", "gryatka"; "Sewed" (sewed the hood) like "ShShyla", etc.

3) Record exercises with pure phrases on a dictaphone, this will allow you to hear yourself from the outside, notice and quickly correct speech deficiencies, and also make adjustments in the process.

4. Intonation

Intonation is responsible for a lot: the melody, the tempo of speech, the power of pronunciation, the timbre of the voice.

And in order to achieve expressive intonation, you need to recall the famous saying: "All life is a theater, and people in it are actors." After all, it is by becoming an actor that you can "hone" your intonation. Since the most effective exercise to work on it, it is reading by role.

And fantasy is also an excellent help here. After all, if you are working on intonational pronunciation alone with yourself, then you should draw in the imagination of different interlocutors and tell “them” some text, adjusting precisely to “them” and changing intonation. You can read more about it in the article.

5. Tongue twisters

Diction tongue twisters can be very useful for developing good pronunciation of sounds. They are familiar to almost all of us, and the words are chosen in such a way as to teach a person to pronounce almost incompatible sounds quickly and clearly. Several times, repeating the same phrase tongue twisters for diction, you will notice that each time the previously disobedient sounds lend themselves to pronunciation more and more easily, and illegible speech becomes clear and articulate. You will find a great variety of different tongue twisters on our website. Here are the most suitable ones:

In the yard there is firewood, behind the yard there is firewood, under the yard there is firewood, above the yard there is firewood, firewood along the yard, firewood in the width of the yard, the yard will not accommodate firewood. Drive the yard back to the wood-burning yard.

Thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.

A bear with raspberries ran past little Marina.

The ram-brawler climbed into the weeds.

A cap on a cap, a cap under a cap.

Verzila Vavila cheerfully turned the pitchfork.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

A sergeant with a sergeant, a captain with a captain.

The net caught on a twig.

Overloading of watermelons was going from body to body. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of figs.

The gypsy walked up to the chicken on tiptoe and sniffed: "chick!"

Koshchei is not treated to cabbage soup.

6. Acting techniques

Take advantage of diction training - take in your mouth walnuts, a cork or pencil and say a few tongue twisters, or read the text.

Pronounce the words slowly, emphasizing each letter and concentrating on each word.

That's all for now. Let the charming voice and impeccable diction give you one of the wonderful keys that will help you to reveal a wonderful speaker in you!

Working on diction using acting techniques

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Some people think that they have no problems with diction, and this is true. However, when they come, for example, to get a job on television or as a presenter on the radio, they can immediately be answered that this requires improving their diction. What methods can you easily and quickly improve the level of diction? There are several ways to help solve this problem in a short time.

You will need:

First steps to persuasive speech

To speak confidently, beautifully and euphoniously, you need to perform a number of exercises. The first step is to learn how to pronounce explosive sounds well and clearly. Of course, if the voiceless consonant letters are inaudible, then the level of diction will drop significantly. Due to the fact that muffled sounds in themselves, in their structure, are quite quiet and incomprehensible, they must be pronounced much better than other vowels.

For example: p, t, k.

Speak muffled sounds without a voice, but with very great activity, as if exploding these sounds. After the exercise done, say the same sounds, but with your voice. This can be done using consonants that follow the voiceless.

For example, by, then, to, etc.

After the exercises done, connect voiced vowels and sibilants.

Book and reading aloud is a great helper in improving diction

The second and very strong mistake of many is the incorrect pronunciation of the letter "Г".

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood

Lisping speech is an unforgivable mistake. Of course, if a person has an incorrectly developed bite or there is a piercing in the tongue, then this is forgivable. However, it often happens that neither one nor the other is observed, respectively, a weak language is the culprit.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to do exercises not only for hissing sounds. For example, you need to learn how to accurately and clearly pronounce the sound "S".

You also need to learn how to relax your mouth muscles and tighten your tongue. You can do it like this:

  1. smile so that your teeth are visible;
  2. pull out your tongue a little;
  3. blow out a little air on the tip of the tongue with your mouth to hear a small whistle (such a whistle is similar to the pronunciation of the letter "C").

You need to see your mistakes directly

Reading and talking in front of a mirror is a good exercise.

This is necessary so that you yourself see your mistakes and yourself see how your mouth muscles work. If you pronounce sounds and words, phrases in front of a mirror with diligent force, that is, make movements more flexible and strong, open your mouth more, etc., then over time you will hear that the level of your diction has increased significantly. And after such exercises, it will be much easier for you to pronounce certain sounds.

Use third-party items

Exercise with foreign objects.

  • For example, you can put small nuts in your mouth and speak tongue twisters with nuts in your mouth, while pronouncing each sound well.
  • You can also use a pen, for example. Clamp the pen with your lips or teeth, and then start reading tongue twisters yourself.

It is worth considering that the first time is unlikely to succeed, but you do not need to give up ahead of time. With prolonged training, everything will work out. In addition, the first times should not be in a hurry.

It is best to pronounce each word at a slow pace, but clearly and clearly.



Beautiful speech - important factor for career success and personal design. Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction training. Tips on how to work on tongue twisters.

"It is even less common to hear on stage a good tongue twister, sustained at a tempo, clear in rhythm, clear in diction, in pronunciation and in the transmission of thought. Our tongue twister comes out not clear, but blurry, heavy, confused. This is not a tongue twister, but chattering, spitting out or waking up words. The tongue twister must be developed through very slow, exaggeratedly clear speech. From a long and repeated repetition of the same words in a tongue twister, the vocal apparatus is adjusted so much that it learns to do the same work at the fastest pace. This requires constant exercise, and you need to do them, since a stage speech cannot do without tongue twisters. " K.S. Stanislavsky.

The development of the speaker's speech technique, the clear pronunciation of words and phrases, and the speaker's diction are helped by the Russians folk tongue twisters... It is important for the announcer to learn to pronounce the tongue twister clearly, quickly, with different intonations (intonation of surprise, reflection, admiration, etc.), pronounce the tongue twister in a whisper, but with a clear articulation of consonants with a strong exhalation on vowels and with open ligaments. That is, the vowels need to be pronounced as if into a megaphone, and all sounds should be articulated in a tongue twister, and not pronounced with a hysterical sound, which only injures the throat. In a tongue twister, the speaker needs to overcome all difficult sound combinations. It is important to pronounce a complex word syllabically, albeit at a slow pace, but pronounce it without any difficulty, misfires, or reservations. Pronounce each tongue twister silently at first, but articulating, then switch to a whisper and only then - aloud, at first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace, but remember the clarity of pronunciation.

There is a law of "stage" tongue twister (ie, a fast tempo of speech when the speaker speaks): the faster the speech, the clearer the diction, the brighter the intonation pattern should sound. Because the listener must have time to understand everything, hear everything about what the announcer is telling him, and see the pictures that the announcer conveys by speech. Those. the faster, the more accurate! Be especially careful about stress in difficult words. Try to feel the perspective in everything: in a phrase, in a word, in a thought, understanding and remembering that there is a tempo of pronouncing a syllable in a word, a word in a phrase, a phrase in a period of thought.

How to learn to speak beautifully? - Work on tongue twisters to develop your speech!

1. (B, r) - Beavers wander into bora cheeses. Beavers are brave, but kind to beavers.

2. (B, p) - All beavers are kind to their beavers.

3. (B, e) - Good beavers go to the woods, and woodcutters chopped oaks.

4. (B) - White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it was not even white.

5. (B, c) - Tables are white-oak, smooth-teso-planed.

6. (B, n) - The bull is dull-lipped, the bull is dull-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

7. (B) - Okul Baba shod, and Okula Baba shod.

8. (B, l) - Vavila got wet with the sail.

9. (B, p) - The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

10. (B, l, d) - It is not visible whether the shares are liquid or not.

11. (V, u, w) - The overwhelmed Varvara felt the unhappy Vavila.

Tongue twisters for the development of diction

12. (B, c) - Waxwing is whistling with a pipe.

13. (B, t, p) - Thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out.

14. (B, p, h) - The Nervous Babylonian Barbara, Nervous Babylonian, Nervous Babylonian Babylonian Babylon.

15. (B, p) - The otter tried to snatch the fish from the otter.

16. (G, v, l) - Our head overtook your head, overtook it.

17. (D, b, l) - The woodpecker chipped, chipped, chipped, but neither chipped nor chipped.

18. (D, l, d, h) - Deideologized-deideologized, and dodeologized.

19. (D, r) - Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters talked about Larka, about Varka, about Larina's wife.

20. (F, c) - Leather reins fit into the clamp.

21. (F) - A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a snake.

22. (F) - The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, buzzes and whirls. I tell her, do not buzz, do not spin, and you better go to bed. You will wake up all the neighbors if you buzz under your ear.

23. (Y, r, v) - Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
They settled in Yaroslavl.
They live gloriously in Yaroslavl
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

24. (K, b) - Valokordin from Bulgaria in Kabardino-Balkaria.

25. (K, c) - You can't overspeak all tongue twisters.

26. (K, p) - They drove the stake into the palisade, poked it up.

27. (K, t, p) - Kondrat's jacket is a bit short.

28. (K, n, l) Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!

29. (K, p, r) - From under Kostroma, from under Kostromischa were four peasants. They talked about auctions, and about purchases, about cereals, and about subgroups.

30. (K, z, s) - A scythe goat is walking with a goat.

31. (K, l) - Klim beat him in one pancake wedge.

32. (K, p, d) - The crab made a rake to the crab, presented the rake to the crab - rake gravel, crab.

33. (K, w, p, n) - A cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood, put on a cuckoo hood, the cuckoo is funny in the hood.

34. (K, p, l) - Karl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

35. (K, p, v, l) - The Queen gave the cavalier a caravel.

36. (K, p, m, n) - The Elector has compromised the landsknecht.

37. (K, p) - The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

38. (K, s, c) - Coconut coconut juice is cooked in fast-cooker boilers.

39. (K, p) - Buy a pile of spades. Buy a bale of rush. Buy a peak kippah.

40. (K, s) - Mow, scythe, while the dew is, the dew is gone - and we are home.

41. (K, l, b) - Our Polkan lapped from Baikal. Lakal Polkan, lacquered, but Baikal was not chalky.

42. (K, l, c) - There is no ring near the well.

43. (K, t, n) - The nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in the constitutional city of Constantinople and, with calm dignity, invented improved pneumatic-bag-beaters.

Tongue twisters for diction

44. (K, l, p, v) - The cap is sewn, not in the Kolpakov style, the bell is poured, not in the bell style. It is necessary to re-cap the cap, re-cap. It is necessary to re-chime the bell, re-chime.

45. (K, p, l) - The crystal crystallized, crystallized but did not crystallize.

46. ​​(L, h) - The fox runs on the sixth: lick, fox sand!

47. (L, k) - Klavka was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.

48. (L) - We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce. They barely ate them.

Russian folk tongue twisters

49. (L, n) - On a river bank, we came across a burbot.

50. (L, m, n) - On the rocks, we lazily caught burbot, You exchanged burbot for me for tench. Didn't you sweetly pray for love to me, and in the mists of the estuary beckoned me?

51. (L) - Did you water the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They poured Lily, saw Lydia.

52. (L, b) - Malanya the chatterbox chattered milk, blurted it out, but didn’t blur it out.

53. (L, k) - Klim threw a bow into Luka.

54. (M, L) - Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.

55. (P, p, m) - Your sexton will not overpone our sexton: our sexton will overpone your sexton, overpone.

56. (P, x) - Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

57. (P, k, r) - In the pond near Polycarp - three crucian carp, three carp.

58. (P, t, p) - Shot by quail and by black grouse.

59. (P, k) - Our Polkan fell into a trap.

60. (P, t) - The dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.

61. (P, x) - Osip hoarse, Arkhip osip.

62. (P, p) - The quail hid the quail from the guys.

63. (P, g) - Said the parrot to the parrot, I'll parrot you, the parrot answers him - Parrot, parrot, parrot!

64. (P, k, u) - The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and the surety, about the second lieutenant and the second lieutenant, about the warrant officer and about the warrant officer, about the warrant officer, but he was silent about the lieutenant.

65. (P) - Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a piglet bird; carried it around the market, asked for half a dollar, served a penny, and he sold it like that.

66. (P) - Once a jackdaw scaring a pop, noticed a parrot in the bushes, and a parrot says here: "You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare. But only jackdaws, pop, scaring, don't you dare scare the parrot!"

67. (P) - Fields went to weed in the field.

68. (P, r, k) - Prokop came - dill is boiling, Prokop left - dill is boiling. As under Prokop dill boils, and so without Prokop dill boils.

69. (P, r, h, k) - We were talking about Prokopovich. What about Prokopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.

70. (P, k, p, t) - The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.

71. (P, p) - The quail and the quail have five quails.

72. (P, p, c) - The workers have privatized the enterprise, privatized but not privatized.

73. (P, k) - Tell us about your purchases! - About what purchases? - About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases.

Folk tongue twisters

74. (P) - There is a heap with a podrikopenochkom, and under the heap there is a quail with a quail.

75. (P, k) - There is a pop on the heap, the cap on the butt, the heap under the butt, the pop under the hood.

76. (P, p, t) - Turner Rappoport cut through the pass, rasp and support.

77. (P) - In our courtyard, the weather is soggy.

78. (P, p, l) - Parallelogram parallelogram parallelogram but not parallelogram.

79. (P, t) - Ipat went to buy shovels.
I bought Ipat heels of shovels.
I walked across the pond - I clung to the rod.
Ipat fell - five shovels were missing.

80. (P, p) - Draw perpendiculars without transport.

81. (P, p, t) - I changed Praskovya carp
For three pairs of striped pigs.
The piglets ran through the dew,
Piglets caught cold, but not all.

82. (R, n, t, k) - Pankrat forgot the jack. Now Pankrat cannot lift a tractor on a tractor without a jack.

83. (R, d) - With a bang, the inauguration of the guru passed.

84. (R, t, c) - The interviewer interviewed the interviewer, interviewed, but did not interview.

85. (R, l) - Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. A mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

86. (R, m, n) - Roman Carmen put Romain Rolland's novel in his pocket and went to Romain for Carmen.

Tongue twisters for the development of speech

87. (R, c) - There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not chop wood on the grass of the yard!

88. (R, k) - I rode a Greek across the river, sees a Greek - a cancer in the river. He put a Greek hand in the river, a cancer by the hand of a Greek - tsap!

89. (R, n) - I reported, but I did not report it, I did it, but I did it.

90. (R, l) - The snout was a white snout, a blunt snout, half of the yard with a snout dug, dug, undermined. That is why Khavronye was given a snout to dig.

91. (R) - On Mount Ararat, a cow was picking peas with horns.

92. (R, l, d) - The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.

93. (R, m, t) - Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

94. (S, n) - Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.

95. (S, m, n) - In the seven sleigh, seven Semyonov with a mustache sat in the sleigh themselves.

96. (C, k, v, r) - The quick-talker spoke quickly, he said that you can't talk over all the tongue twisters, you can't talk over it, but after talking, he said - that you can talk over all the tongue twisters, you can talk over the fast words. And tongue twisters jump like crucians in a frying pan.

97. (C, k, n, p) - Just as you can't re-talk all the tongue twisters, don't over-speak, so you can't over-talk all the tongue twisters, don't over-speak, and only all the tongue twisters can be over-talked, over-spoken!

98. (S, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sled skok, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

99. (C) - The wasp does not have a mustache, do not whisker, but antennae.

100. (S, m, n) - At Senya and Sanya in the nets of catfish with a mustache.

101. (S, k, p) - A cunning magpie to catch a hassle, and forty forty - forty hassles.

102. (S, nb, k) - Senka is lucky Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sled skok, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

103. (S, p, t) - Barkas arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought a mattress on board.
In the port of Madras sailor mattress
Albatrosses tore apart in a fight.

104. (T, p, s) - A sergeant with a sergeant, a captain with a captain.

105. (T) - Stands, stands at the gate Bull stupidly-lipped-wide-mouthed.

106. (T, k) - The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawls.

107. (T, k) - To interpret it plainly, but to misinterpret it to no avail.

108. (T, t) - Fedka eats radish with vodka, Fedka eats vodka with radish.

109. (T, p) - The spanking is not for the future for Toropka. Hurry up the crust for future use.

110. (T) - Don't go this and that, don't ask for this and that - here's to you for this and that.

111. (T, k) - The Turk smokes a pipe, the hammer bites the crumbs. Do not smoke a Turk pipe, do not peck the hammer.

112. (F, h, n) - Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons of Feofanych.

113. (F) - Fefele's Fofanov sweatshirt fits.

114. (F, d, b, r) - Defibrillator defibrillated defibrillated but not defibrillated.

115. (F, p) - Pharaoh's favorite replaced jade with sapphire.

116. (F, l, c) - I was at Frol's, I lied to Frol on the Lavra, I will go to the Lavra, Lavra on Frol navra.

117. (X, t) - Crested laughter laughed with laughter: Xa! Xa! Ha!

118. (X, h, n) - There was a commotion in the garden -
The thistle blossomed there.
So that your garden does not die out,
Weed the thistle.

119. (X, u) - Khrushchev grabbing horsetails.
Armfuls of china are enough for cabbage soup.

120. (C, p) - The heron chick tenaciously clung to the flail.

121. (C, x) - The heron was stunted, the heron was drying up, the heron was dead.

122. (Ts, r) - The fellow ate thirty-three pies with pie, all with cottage cheese.

123. (C) - A good fellow among the sheep, but against the good fellow the sheep himself.

124. (C, k, p, d, r) - Once upon a time there were three Chinese
Yak, Yak-Tsi-Drak and Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women
Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa and Tsypa-Dripa-Limpomponi.

Here they got married:
Yak on the Tip Yak-Tsi-Drak on the Tip-drip
Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni on Chip-Dripe-Limpomponi.

And they had children:
Yak and Tsypa have Shah,
Yak-Tsy-fight with Tsypa-drip - Shah-Shakhmoni,
Have Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni
With Chick-Dripa-Limpomponi -

125. (H, t) - A quarter of a pea four, without a wormhole.

126. (H, u, w) - Scales at the pike, bristle at the pig.

127. (H) - Our daughter is eloquent, her speech is clear.

128. (H) - Turtle, not bored, sits at a cup of tea for an hour.

129. (H, p) - Four little grimy little imp drew an extremely clean drawing with black ink.

130. (H, p) - Four turtles have four turtles.

131. (H) - Bullish custom, calf mind.

132. (W, w) - Three birds fly through three empty huts.

133. (Sh, s) - Sasha walked along the highway, carried the dryer on a pole and sucked the dryer.

134. (Sh) - You even stained your neck, even your ears in black mascara. Get in the shower soon. Shower the mascara off your ears. Wash mascara from your neck under the shower. Dry yourself off after a shower. The neck is drier, the ears are drier, and don't get your ears dirty anymore.

135. (III) - The upper echelons marched podshofe.

136. (W, f) - A yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks in the hut and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of figs.

137. (Sh) - Shishiga walked along the highway, his pants were rustling. A step will step, whisper: "Error". Wiggles her ears.

138. (Sh) - Six mice rustling in the reeds.

139. (Sh) - Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly you are sewn.

140. (W, m) - Jasper in suede suede.

141. (Sh) - Forty mice walked, carried sixteen pennies, two plain mice carried two pennies.

142. (Sh, k) - Two puppies cheek to cheek pinch the cheek in the corner.

143. (W, p) - The Staffordshire Terrier is reactive, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is frisky.

144. (Sh, s) - Sasha has yogurt whey in his porridge.

145. (Sh, k) - Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.

146. (Sh, k, v, r) - The cook cooked porridge, cooked and undercooked.

147. (W, G) - The piston is not a hornet:
does not buzz, glides quietly.

148. (Sh, r, k) - The earrings disappeared from the baby doll.
Earrings Seryozhka found on the track.

149. (Sh, s, k) - The sunflowers are looking at the sun,
And the sun - for sunflowers.

But the sun has a lot of sunflowers,
And the sun is one sunflower.

Under the sun, the sunflower laughed sunnyly as it ripened.
Ripe, dried, pecked.

150. (W, p) - The balls of the ball bearing rummage around the bearing.

151. (Sh, s) - Sasha quickly dries drying.
Dryers dried about six.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
Eat the Sasha's dryers.

152. (Sh, p, k) - Erema and Thomas have sashes - wide all over the back,
The caps are overburned, new,
Yes, the slag is well sewn, covered with embroidered velvet.

153. (Sh, r) - Shushera riffraff rustled,
That the rustle of the riffraff interfered with the rustle.

154. (Sh) - Mother Romache gave the whey from the curdled milk.

155. (Sh, k) - Troshkina mongrel
She bit Pashka.
Pashka beats with a hat
Troshkin the mongrel.

156. (W, k, h) - Under the mountain at the pine edge
Once upon a time there were four old women
All four are big talkers.
All day on the doorstep of the hut
They chattered like turkeys.
They fell silent on the cuckoo pines,
Frogs crawled out of a puddle,
Poplars bent their tops -
Hear what the old ladies are talking about.

157. (Sh, k, n) - Pashka's mutt bit Pavel's leg, beats Pavka with a hat to Pashka's mongrel.

158. (U, t) - The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream.

159. (U, t) - I am dragging, I am dragging ... I am afraid I will not carry,
But I definitely won't.

160. (U, f, c) - In a puddle, in the middle of a grove
Toads have their own living space.
Another tenant lives here -
Water beetle swimming beetle.

161. (Sch, w, h) - The train rushes with a grinding noise: w, h, w, sch, w, h, w, sch.

162. (U, h) - The puppies were brushed on their cheeks.

163. (U, h) - I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes
I clean my pants with this one
These brushes are all needed.

164. (U, t) - The wolves are looking for food.