List of preferential premium tanks. Changes to vehicles with preferential battle tiers

> Preferential premium tanks are removed from the game

Discount premium tanks have a more comfortable level of battles, they do not get into battles against tanks whose level is two higher than them. That is, the preferential eight fights against a maximum of nines, and the preferential seven will not meet opponents over level 8.

This is not a panic article, since there is actually no reason to panic. You, dear readers of the site, know very well that Minsk developers are not used to rushing. Moreover, all their actions are inhibited. So, they will actively withdraw preferential premium tanks, but not too quickly.

The process is already underway

Let's understand the essence of the issue. The withdrawal from the sale of preferential premium tanks is not a rumor, but a fait accompli. More precisely, a fait accompli, that is, the process is going on at the moment. Many tanks have already been withdrawn from the game with a preferential level of battles. Here is just a small list of them: type 59, duck, KV-5, e 25. Many tanks of the seventh and sixth tiers are in the next queue for decommissioning: the panther m10, then 2. And the process has noticeably accelerated.

So in the near future, we should expect further exclusion of tanks with preferential levels of battles from sale. Naturally, those players who already have them in the hangar will stay there. And the developers do not worsen the characteristics of premium cars, as a rule. So here the owners of the world of tanks are consistent.

Tanks will be removed from sale in batches, and I predict the process will accelerate, so once every two or three months another batch may come up to write off beneficiaries. Naturally, there will be advertisements and offers for sale about this. In the future, such tanks can be expected on sale only as part of promotional packages; most players simply cannot afford them.

How did the beneficiaries interfere?

The developers' opinion is quite logical and correct. Concessional premium tanks often make it to the top, and their number is large in itself in the game. So they break the balance at the eighth levels. If we compare with the usual, regular eights, then those with dozens are at war very often, with a more than deplorable result. So it becomes more and more difficult to provide the right to the preferential level of battles, including due to the regular eights.

New generation of premiums

In principle, the developers have already fully prepared for the withdrawal of preferential bonuses from sales in the world of tanks. A line of new premium tanks of Tier 8 was consistently introduced, including medium ones, which have a standard battle tier. That is, they fall into the top ten.

Yes, some cars are better than others. Someone even liked them. But this is not the main point. The fact is that a new generation of premium tanks has appeared in the game. They are worse than linear ones, they can earn silver, but they do not affect the balance in battles, they do not have any perks. So the old generation of cars can be taken out of sale without problems and losses.

Only in battles with dozens, even successful samples of premium vehicles live poorly and for a short time. Even with a good weapon, they do not have time to inflict damage. They either have low one-time damage (hello to the lion, asds), or hellish mixing and a low rate of fire (a vivid example is t 34). And the intrinsic survivability of premium tanks against a dozen is practically zero. They can withstand one to three hits.

One-shots are very common, both from art and from brutal pt and drummers. In fact, the destruction of the drumming enemy, I regard as a one-shot. And there are plenty of such opponents at the tenth level. So there is a formal opportunity to inflict damage, but it is difficult for the average player to realize it. First of all, due to the large gap in strength between the tanks of the eighth and tenth levels.

Should you buy discounted premium tanks before it's too late?

My advice is simple but original. It is clear that the withdrawal of the tank will be announced in advance, so there will be an opportunity to buy it before the hour "H". But why is it possible to purchase a premium tank at full price? My advice is to choose a tank for yourself, wait for a discount on it and buy it. Don't wait until the last

My opinion about premium tanks has not changed in general over the entire duration of the game. Affordable premium tanks, even with their shortcomings, are the best premium vehicles. Getting into a comfortable level of battles is their main advantage. It is very, very difficult to play on tens, and absolutely on any eight. The same lion and t 34 suffer very much there, catching one-shots or leaving with a maximum of 2-3 hits.

My choice for farming is only low-cost premium vehicles of the eighth level. Yes, some are difficult to play on (FCM), others have frankly weak weapons (IS-6 and 112), but they do not see Tier 10 tanks, and this is the main thing. I do not mention the game on gold on premium vehicles, it has no practical meaning, especially since the balance of premium shells is not far off.


In this part, we will try to figure out what role the preferential battle level plays for efficient silver farming on premium tanks.

Benefits or not benefits

The very concept of "preferential" premium tanks originated already in the era of 8 patches that radically changed the game; before that, no one suspected, and did not see the point in buying a premium tank from which, in addition to common drawbacks, which are typical for everyone premium vehicles (after all, according to the concept of the developers from "Wargaming", a premium tank should be significantly worse than conventional tanks of its level), and a high level of battles. Previously, these cars were almost always in the top half of the table, and therefore were especially attractive to those who had enough extra money to afford this luxury. True, time passed, and as the wallets of the gentlemen from "Wargaming" became more and more, then their possibilities became wider, it came to the point that now an ordinary tank, which is not only worse than analogues, but at the same time better farms (and for this you still need to try), gets into battles 2+. Personally, this concept surprises me, however, the developers argue their decision by the fact that due to premium benefits, queues are supposedly formed on the server and therefore the waiting time for the battle increases, which is critically important for the success of any MMO project with a session gameplay system. It is possible that they are partly right, but then the following and quite reasonable question arises: why premium tanks, which now have to participate on an equal footing with all "full-fledged" tanks in a full-fledged chopper with tops, are forced to be content with the performance characteristics of the previous premium tanks. That is, if you are already giving the full level of battles, then give the tank and characteristics at the level of ordinary pumped vehicles and no worse. The developers partially heard this request and, as an experiment, launched the "Berlin Troika" on sale, which sold very well, but they did not launch such cars so widely in the premium store, since the same clans have a lot of ways to buy such cars at the expense of earned in battles on the global gold. This business is not beneficial for the VG, and therefore the "freebie" so far said "no", although then they began to say "yes".

Drawing. M4 "Revalorise" - one of the new "non-Goths", which was originally sold only in the premium store

Let's remember with you the same AMX CDC, or even better the M4 "Revalorise", which was originally sold for real money in the premium store, and is now available in its gaming counterpart. Relatively recently, we were pleased with a fairly good tank "Mutz", and even closer was the event with the implementation of the "Black Bulldog", which indescribably pleased the wealthy owners of the M41, who hastily tried to purchase it.

Choice problems

In general, from this chronology of events it becomes clear that VG has taken a course towards withdrawing preferential bonuses from the game (Jagtiger 8.8cm was withdrawn from the game, in exchange they promise to introduce "Kanonejagpanzer" or a premium version of "Jagdpanthers"), which, in my opinion , not entirely true, but on the other hand, the beginning of gradually adding premium tanks that are almost equal in performance characteristics to their pumped counterparts. Ideally, the developers from Vg see the situation in such a way that soon the number of such premium vehicles will become so large that the level of battles itself, even for non-privileged premiums, will slightly decrease, and you will very rarely get into battles by the 10th. This option suits the players quite well, but knowing the Minsk developers, we understand that it does not always work out, as we were promised. So far, we can say with confidence that the same "Lowe", which had not previously been involved in battles by the 10th, now feels more than insecure there, given its slowness, dimensions and underestimated booking rates, it is not saved even by an excellent weapon and kindly completed by the developers of the UVN. This is all because the tank, which was developed as a prem in those ancient and prudent times, and then no one thought of throwing it to the tops, is now also untenable in this role, simply because it was not meant for this. The situation with the T34 is a little better, there is a powerful gun and a strong tower, coupled with good UVN, but it is not so easy to play there, from the word “vice versa”. On the other hand, there are machines like the IS-6, which, although they have a preferential level of battles, are sometimes so balanced now that gold is of little use, which in itself is bad and even worse for the final income for the battle. Not only are you forced to shoot gold, but it is often useless and comes out at a high cost per battle. As a result, we have with you a contradictory situation, when, on the one hand, the comfortable level of battles spoils the weak armor penetration, and on the other hand, a number of disadvantages of the performance characteristics of the premium American T34 do not allow it to fully feel good in its role as a tank with a powerful cannon and a strong turret. One gets the impression that instead of giving the player an opportunity to farm and play comfortably for donation, the developers not only take a lot of money for tanks, but also sell defective tanks - it looks more than strange, because one tank is on the level of one good game. Summing up, we can conclude that the developers abuse their monopoly position and largely ignore the wishes of the players, even in the case of their direct benefit.


So what is more important for us - a more powerful tank with a high level of combat, or a weaker one, but which also finds opponents easier? This is a rather complex and multifaceted question, in order to understand which you need not only to skate hundreds of battles on both types of tanks, but also give dozens of examples that will reflect the pros or cons of these vehicles in certain situations, but we will try to open the veil of secrecy over this question in the continuation of the article.

  • Good rebound armor.
  • Good DPM.
  • Nice one-time damage
  • Low silhouette.
  • There are screens.
  • Good mobility.


  • Bad visibility
  • Poor armor penetration.
  • Small range of the radio.
  • Large vulnerable area in the forehead.
  • Small bookmaker.
  • Small UVN.

I will not mention the performance characteristics of the tanks. Since this is not a guide to several tanks at once, but just a description of the pros and cons.

This tank is suitable for those who want good armor. But beginners who do not know the weak zones of enemy tanks should not take it. In principle, a good tank, I would choose it. But I personally would not spend money on it, as a gift it may and will do. But if you spend your gold and then complain like: Oh, a bad tank, no shit punches anyone! Therefore, I recommend it only to good players. He plays well in good hands. Well, those who do not want to be soared with armor penetration, then try other tanks.


  • An excellent penetrating, fast-firing and accurate weapon.
  • Very good dynamics and maneuverability.
  • A good view of 400 meters.
  • Comfortable UVN.
  • Powerful ram.
  • Big bookmaker.
  • Reduced level of battles.
  • Fast recharge.


  • Bad one-time damage.
  • Weak armor (they are French and French in Africa, always made of cardboard).
  • Long body.
  • Frequent criticism of bq.
Not suitable for many. But our armor is weak, even 6 levels are punching us into the side. You can take a tank if you know how to play carefully. This tank looks more like a CT than a TT. A gun with good DPM, accurate, penetrating, but the alpha is not too high. Just like some STs. I would rather buy it myself. This tank should not push through directions, it is better to stay behind the allies and cover them. It will do, but if you're new to a game with at least 500 battles, it's better not to buy it.


  • Precise 10.5 cm cannon.
  • Excellent visibility at 400 meters.
  • High armor penetration.
  • High ATP (Projectile Flight Speed)
  • Nice gun mantlet armor.
  • Huge BC.
  • Good side armor and wide tracks.
  • Good UVV.


  • Weak forehead armor.
  • Burns frequently.
  • Poor speed and maneuverability
  • Frequent engine crits.
  • Expensive shells.
Slow, often burning, not recommended for beginners. If a lot of shells went into milk, then the farm is going worse and you can even go into a minus. But if you know how to play well and do not smear every shot, then you will farm well. If I were asked to choose between the lion and the FCM 50t, then I would choose the FCM.


  • Excellent UVN (-10 + 15)
  • A powerful weapon with high armor penetration and one-time damage among all TT8
  • You can load only 5 gold shells, armor penetration is more than enough.
  • Thick mask and turret armor in general except for the turret roof
  • Wide tracks allow tanking using a reverse rhombus.
  • The tank, when used correctly, rarely burns, important modules are not often critically accounted for, except for the cannon, at which there are people who like to shoot HE shells
  • An excellent tank for farming silver (an overview of the 5 best tanks for farming silver).
  • With the right choice of place, r34 allows you to "defy" the superior forces of the enemy and "drag" the battle, provided that the opponent is attacking
  • Rarely rolls to 10 levels (4 battles out of 10)
  • After reworking the cards in patch 9.2, on almost all maps, the t34 easily finds a place where you can hide the case


  • Poor maneuverability, slow turret rotation (18 deg / sec.)
  • Large dispersion of the gun from the movement of the tank and turret rotation.
  • Very long mixing.
  • Weak hull armor.
  • Poor rate of fire.
  • Mediocre review.
  • The speed does not allow to be on the front line, in the attack, which is why the average damage per battle is 1800-2400.
As you can see, there are disadvantages here, and some serious ones. Again, beginners are not recommended, and those who play poorly are not recommended either. I would not take it, I have been in the game not so long ago. He has a good alpha, but it depends on how VBR wants. You can take off at 340-370 and not more than 400 as it should be. In general, I advise you to take only players who have played at least 2500 battles. Convergence, speed and maneuverability, these are the most serious disadvantages. Well, the rate of fire is not very good. I would choose either the FCM 50t or the IS-6.


  • Good all-round armor
  • High speed for TT
  • High rate of fire
  • A huge mass that allows you to successfully use a ram
  • Preferential battle levels.
  • The ability to install super-heavy anti-splinter lining.


  • Weak gun penetration. (Lowest among 8 levels)
  • Vulnerable spots are the head of the radio operator and the driver in front of the tower, and the commander's cupola.
  • Mediocre maneuverability
  • High visibility and poor visibility
  • Mediocre accelerating dynamics
  • Poor flotation on medium and soft soils
  • Mediocre downward depression angle
  • Frequent radio operator crits
Promotional tank. For those who do not have and someone got a bonus code, you can activate it if you have 3-4k battles, but if you are a beginner, I advise you to exchange it for another.


  • A weapon with a good rate of fire and damage per minute
  • High accuracy
  • Excellent cabin armor - 250 mm
  • Reduced level of battles
  • Great trainer for German PTs
  • Cheap shells, which increases the farm on this vehicle


  • Bad alpha strike
  • Poor maneuverability
  • Low max. speed
  • Weak NLD Armor
  • Weak armor of the side and stern
  • Risk of fire and engine damage if the NLD breaks through. (Less relevant as of patch 0.9.4)
  • Large size and visibility.
If you love a PT and like to stand in the bushes, hide and shoot, this PT is for you. Not suitable for beginners because of the terrible maneuverability. Will go to people who play for six months or a year and know how to play PT.

Т26Е4 SP (Super Pershing)


  • Decent forehead armor
  • Excellent simulator for American ST crews
  • Excellent UVV
  • Cheap shells
  • Reduced level of battles
  • Excellent penetration of sub-caliber projectiles


  • Bad dynamics
  • Vulnerable sides and stern
  • Mediocre armor penetration of the gun
  • Mediocre long range accuracy
  • Weak gun stabilization
Before the nerf he was an excellent CT, after the nerf he can also bend in skillful hands. I do not advise beginners, or people who have been in the game for 4-5 months. Perfect for good players.

M6A2E1 (Goose)


  • A high-sitting tower and large UVN - you can safely destroy tanks by shooting at the tower cover or, without harm to yourself, beat from behind small hills and dunes.
  • Good forehead armor
  • Small screens
  • Big BC
  • Weight 67 tons - the tank is truly a weighty argument
  • Rare tank - many players do not know its weak points


  • Weak armor of the sides and stern
  • Low speed
  • Low speed and mediocre gun penetration
Again, a promotional tank. In good hands it bends, but in bad hands it can make you angry. I do not recommend it to beginners. Suitable for good players. Rare. This means that beginners may not get it only if you find a bonus code.


  • Strong tower armor
  • Good speed
  • Large one-time damage
  • Low silhouette and good disguise
  • Good overview
  • Preferential level of battles
  • Not a bad odds. profitability


  • Bad UVN (from the author: the Chinese are so Chinese!)
  • Poor penetration with armor-piercing
  • Increased demand for cumulative
  • Cumulatives are vulnerable to screens.
  • Vulnerable ammo rack
  • Weak gun stabilization
  • Long aiming and low accuracy of the gun
  • Not very good dynamics on soft to medium soils
  • Long reload time for CT
As you can see, judging by the minuses, it will not work for beginners, it will be extremely difficult for beginners. Yes, and in good hands does not bend. Conclusion - I do not recommend buying


  • Excellent forehead armor
  • High speed
  • Low silhouette and high disguise
  • Preferential level of battles


  • Bad dynamics
  • Frontal armor tank - frequent fires
  • Vulnerable ammo rack.
  • Long mixes and poor accuracy
Promotional tank. Nowhere and never sold! They are given only to water producers and then only after a couple of years. I can’t advise anyone as no one will have it.


  • Huge reduced hull forehead armor.
  • Fine Armor + Tilt = Frequent Ricochets
  • High alpha
  • The presence of a COP with a penetration of 250 mm does not penetrate NLD tanks.
  • Good visibility at 380 m.


  • Poor mixing, penetration, accuracy
  • BC is very often critical.
  • Propensity to fire even with equipment
  • Bad NLD armor (80 mm tilted = 100) even penetrates level 5.
Better to buy an IS-6. In fact, 112 is the IS-6. Strong Cons = Worse than IS-6. Take better IS-6, spend money, but you will be glad.

Finally, I want to write that before buying a prem tank (any), it is desirable to test it on a test server,.

Prepared by: andreyv4

Right now, the balancer is often unable to ensure an even top / middle / bottom of the team list. Getting into the same part of the list in several battles in a row slows down development in the game and worsens the gaming experience for absolutely any vehicle. Unfortunately, simply tweaking the current algorithm will not fix the situation.

On internal tests, we tried to artificially reduce the likelihood of “privileged” vehicles hitting battles with level 1 vehicles and single-tier battles. However, this led to an increase in the number of single-tier battles and the waiting time for a battle not only for Tier VIII and IX, but also for Tier VI and X vehicles.

We are currently revising the balancer rules to improve the distribution of the number of fights between patterns 3/5/7, 10/5, and 15. Our goal is to avoid situations where players are hitting the bottom of the list of pattern 3/5/7 too often (about 80 % of cases).

Finding the optimal solution will take some time (about six months), so we ask you to be patient. We already have a plan and we have started work on the balancer. We will tell you the details in a separate publication - stay tuned.

What's next?

So you decided to buy another or your first premium tank in the game. This material contains all Tier 8 tanks to make it easier for you to find a suitable tank. When choosing a new farm prem tank in World of Tanks, you should pay close attention to the positive and negative sides of the tanks. The main characteristics can be viewed by choosing the preferred tank on our website.

Which premium tank to buy

To answer this question, let's compile a complete list of premium tanks available in the game and choose the appropriate one. But before that, I would like to see all the Tier 8 tanks in order to present the complete picture.

Which tier 8 tank to buy

To find out which tank is better to buy, let's look at list of all tier 8 tanks... At the time of the release of Update 9.8, there are not many 58 units of this class in the World of Tanks. So which Tier VIII tank should you buy? Since this list includes not only equipment that you can buy, but also pumped-over combat vehicles, you need to select from them only prem tanks... Let's mark the premium tanks in gold.

List of tier 8 tanks

Which premium tank is better to buy?

So, we choose from the presented tanks only premium cars. Let's select not only the Tier 8 tanks themselves that can be bought, but also distribute them by nation to highlight the best contender for purchase in each branch.

Tier 8 Prem tanks

Here is presented a complete list of all Tier 8 premium tanks in World of Tanks... Let's find out which one is the best and why. Advantages and disadvantages.

the USSR

Soviet premium tanks are diverse. Prem tanks of level 8 for farming. Perhaps the best choice for earning silver is this nation.

  • T-54 first prototype
  • ISU-130

There are certainly several leaders among the Germans. Which premium tank of level 8 is better. Choosing one of Germany's premium tanks, you will hardly regret it.

  • Panther mit 8,8 cm L / 71
  • 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

American premium tanks are worth buying. The best tier 8 premium tank. Naturally, the trick of these machines is their versatility in battle.

  • T26E4 SuperPershing
  • T95E2
  • M6A2E1
  • T34 - Has been transferred from a regular tank to a premium

Perhaps the most dynamic Tier 8 tanks are French vehicles. Which premium tank of level 8 is better to buy? That is why players use them in clan battles.

  • AMX Chasseur de chars
  • FCM 50 t

Among the Chinese premiums, medium tanks stand out. Overview of tier 8 premium tanks. According to the players, the best premium tanks are Chinese.

  • Type 59
  • T-34-3
  • WZ-111

The development tree for Japanese tanks is not great in terms of premium vehicles. What a premium tier 8 tank. Here a free premium can play an excellent service for tankers.

  • STA-2

Great Britain does not have tier 8 premium tanks yet. New Tier 8 Prem Tank. But the developers plan to soon introduce new war machines for this nation into the game.

  • Absent

Which premium tank to buy?

Let's analyze the information provided to identify the main contenders for victory among the purchased tanks in the game. The type 59 tank would be an excellent option for choosing. After all, it was this tank that was removed from sales at one time due to its increased farm and excellent dynamics. Nor should the American counterpart, the prem tank pershing, be underestimated. This combat vehicle has the best survivability among all tier 8 premium tanks in the World of Tanks game. FSM 50t remains the undisputed leader among the French. In terms of damage per minute, it has no equal among premium tanks. One of the last German premium tanks Panzer Mit 8.8 deserves special attention. He also farms above average. From the Soviet ones, we recommend choosing the ISU 130, the leading anti-tank SPG in terms of one-time damage.

Which tank to buy in World of Tanks

You can view the exact data on earnings on tanks in the table of farm premium tanks of level 8 by the link at the beginning of the article or right here. Also, do not forget that a free tier 8 premium tank has appeared in the game, which is also included in the top premium tanks.

Farm table for premium tanks level 8

Premium tanks with an increased farm coefficient are highlighted in green, we recommend buying them. Tier 8 premium tanks with a reduced average profitability are marked in pink.

Level 8 Prem Medium farm credits Farming factor
T-54 first prototype 46810 0.5
IS-6 49001 0.8
KV-5 56840 1.5
ISU-130 41185 0.3
Panther mit 8,8 cm L / 71 40716 0.2
Löwe 58430 1.8
8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger 53799 1.3
T26E4 SuperPershing 51004 1.1
T95E2 53812 1.4
M6A2E1 43665 0.4
AMX Chasseur de chars 49857 0.9
FCM 50 t 58100 1.7
Type 59 57525 1.6
T-34-3 48319 0.6
WZ-111 48990 0.7
112 50632 1.0
STA-2 52542 1.2