Tactics of the game for fri sau. World of tanks: fri sau - silent hunters - game tactics and tips from the masters

The golden rule for the PT, as well as for the sniper, is the following: we don't owe anyone anything, except to give the whole team a worthy result as a whole - a victory.
Read more about the anti-tanker rules below.

The most important thing:

1. Always mislead the enemy. They fired a shot, realized that they were lit up, make another one, and get out of position as quickly as possible.

2. Be creative. Choose unusual positions, try to find them with friends in training, there will be no time for this in battle. Read specialized topics on the forums, stay tuned for map updates.

3. In battle, give preference to those positions from which you will shoot the enemy not in the forehead, but on the side . To do this, you need to imagine which routes the fireflies are moving on, where the cords are hanging out, where the artillery is hiding and where the enemy sniper can be placed.
When you have a well-armored heavy in front of you, calmly wait until it turns its side or stern, do not rush to shoot. If you are confident in your disguise, you can even let him past you and work him in the stern.

4. Be unexpected. Don't wait until the left flank is breached if you know the enemy's right is poorly defended. Go to the rear of the enemy in a relatively clean place (there are usually a lot of corpses, both your own and others'), and shoot the enemy in the stern from a new position. If you didn't meet anyone along the way, kill the artillery, or take the base.

5. Change positions by moving stealthily. Strike from unexpected directions for the enemy. Let them not wait for you. You are the hunter and you must wait. But keep in mind that you are not waiting for the enemy, but for the moment to shoot at him.

6. Be patient. Without such a quality as patience, a sniper cannot do. Just like you can’t do without it when playing on PT. Be not just patient, but be cold as ice. Learn not to shoot if there is even the slightest threat of light.
Don't fire when there's a fat one shot right in front of you 50 meters away, when you see that the enemy is trying to take you into the light, when you are the only or first target in the area of ​​​​the enemy vehicles.
Shooting in such cases is permissible only in one case - when a firefly comes directly to your position, and you have no choice but to sell your carcass at a higher price and hope to dump at least one closed module.
Impatience more than once ruined even the most experienced PT-waters.

7. Be selfless. The same applies to greed and greed.
Work not to frag, but to win. Of course, you can’t throw the underdogs either, but if possible, move on, don’t regret giving the frag to your teammate, highlight, let them finish. Moreover, if they killed according to your light, you will be credited.

Tips for working on a tank destroyer

1. One of the first actions after the start is to break the tent and box on your own spawn, remove possible obstacles to detect the reckless driver who came to take our base. At the Airfield, for example, it is sometimes useful in the first minutes of the battle not to move away from the spawn at all and break houses at the base.

2. The beginning of the battle: do not rush to climb somewhere. We take a position not far from the respawn and work in a foreign world.

3. Have a sense of the distance of the light of your car (comes with experience or with a light bulb).
With experience - more valuable, the light bulb works with a delay. With experience, understanding comes when you see a certain tank, and you know when, after how many meters it can see you. This refers to the very “real sixth sense”, when you understand that it is time already, instead of firing at the enemy with impunity, dumping or rolling back until the bush in front of you becomes opaque.

4. Constantly monitor the mini-map
As long as you shoot into the sniper scope with a fuse, everything can change dramatically, and you won’t even notice. A mini-map for an anti-tanker is like the rear-view mirrors of a car. At least once every 5 seconds, by glancing at it and evaluating changes in the situation as a whole, you have the opportunity to understand what is happening outside your visibility zone.
React to the situation, change position so that you are again away from the enemy and not illuminated, so keep your distance
The farther you are from the enemy, the better for you and worse for him. You need to try to destroy the enemy before the moment he sees you.

5. Don't skimp on consumables!
Use gasoline - an extra couple of km / h can be critical and decide the battle. With gasoline, the speed of turning the car and the tower also increases.
Paint your car - a couple of extra meters of "non-detection" can sometimes also solve the battle.
Always carry at least a minimum supply of gold. A rare fight goes without it.

6. If there is no bush, make it from a tree growing nearby
Trees are the same bushes that now just grow vertically. Experienced PT-waters arrange whole nests of fallen trees in convenient positions, in the middle of which you can move perfectly without being noticed.

7. Explore the area!
Use the folds of the terrain, know all the spots and beds, know the places for placing artillery, the routes for the passage of fireflies, the places for clashes of strands. Do not be lazy to change position and find a more convenient one for shooting at the target

8. When shooting the enemy, look where his gun is turned
If in your direction (or suddenly began to turn there after your shot), then this is a very good reason to ALREADY, without hesitation, run away. The light bulb works late.

9. Do everything to stay alive until the end of the fight
You need to understand that no one needs you dead. Dead you - often this is a merged fight. A fight that you could pull out if you stayed alive. You can shoot at the enemy while you are alive and there are shells.

10. Study the performance characteristics of the enemy
It is not enough just to hide, aim at the tank and press fire. You need to know exactly where to shoot, what will happen to the tank when you hit it (it can turn around from hitting the caterpillar, it can catch fire and completely burn out from one of your shots ...), you need to know how often opponents shoot, from what distance they will definitely notice you, from what distance they will definitely hit you (not everyone has such accurate guns as the PTs have).
In general, you need to know in detail the strengths and weaknesses of the opponents, and for this it is by no means harmful to ride a hundred or two battles on the vehicle against which you will fight on the PT.

What exactly should not be done on PT:

  1. Fight against 2 or more opponents at once (get distracted, burn under artillery)
  2. Substitute for a shot, catch a shot on armor (no armor)
  3. Attack the TT in the forehead and fight with him in the clinch (armor - NO! Mass - NO!)
  4. Ride ahead of everyone like a stupid firefly (merge first, and still who needs it?)
  5. Play rocking around the corner (towers - NO! armor - NO!)
  6. Fight alone with the opponent's ST of your level and above (again - they will crush, shoot)
Violation of these rules is punishable by the hangar.

More tips from experienced fighters:
1. Master the proposed tactics in action. Soon you will learn not only to choose suitable targets and moments for shooting, but also to respond correctly and in a timely manner to a change in the combat situation, to feel the distance. This will give you confidence and you will start to deal even more damage and hit more enemies.
2. You are already a bit adept at hitting frags. Now you need to learn more effective actions. Don't wait behind an ally for a one-shot enemy. Try not to miss the opportunity to deal damage. The ability to independently occupy advantageous positions, keep the right distance, change location in time, etc. will give you more frags, total damage and medals, and wins for your team. Well, instead of accusations, you will often receive gratitude.
Don't forget to follow not only the mini-map, but also the chat. Do not refuse an ally's request to support him or cover a weak direction, if it is reasonable. But always remember that there are a lot of completely inexperienced players who cannot be led by them. When making a decision, evaluate the situation, the performance characteristics of your car and your own strength. Better safe than sorry. A live PT in direct hands is a formidable force that can turn the tide of a battle and drag out a draining battle.
I would also add advice to stay close to obstacles that you can snuggle up to when trying to circle the PT.
(31 Jan 2013 - 18:44)

the allied deer cannot bear that someone bends better than him, or that someone bends on a foul fry, which are "not for smart rascals"
I hear (read) this all the time, both from allies and opponents (which is typical, the accusation of kusto / fragging on Western Fri, is often heard from the same Zapodlyak Fri), if not through a battle, then after two, then for sure, and this is sometimes very unpleasant

A quick overview of tank destroyers and how to play correctly.
More and more players are choosing for themselves such a class of vehicles as PTs. It often happens that in a random PT there are more than medium and heavy tanks combined. In terms of hostility, this class of equipment ranks second after artillery.

Reason for popularity

The reasons for the popularity of tank destroyers are obvious, this is a huge penetration even with a basic projectile and a monstrous alpha, which can sometimes destroy a tank of its level with one shot and excellent camouflage. A platoon of three self-propelled guns (as the PTs are also called) can easily hold the whole flank, throwing their huge alpha from the invisibility of the opponents who do not understand anything.


The main disadvantage of this class is the lack of a turret, which in close combat without the support of allies makes the self-propelled gun an easy prey, allowing light tanks to “circle” and dismantle the Ptshka without much difficulty. In fairness, it should be noted that there is still a tank with a turret, for example T110e4 or T30, but there the presence of a turret is compensated by the worse characteristics of weapons or armor.

The second drawback is the long reload after the shot, which sometimes reaches 25 seconds, making the vehicle helpless at the time of reloading. All this must be taken into account and not be left without the cover of allies.

Playing style

The game on the AT can be conditionally divided into two main styles, this is “standing” in the bushes and shooting at someone else's light, or pushing through the direction due to strong frontal armor. For example, the American T110e3 has the best front armor and often this self-propelled gun is engaged in pushing through the enemy, repelling shells and catching ricochets and not breaking through.

But the German level 8 PT, referred to in narrow circles as "borscht", adheres to the opposite style of play, remaining unnoticed until the end of the game. Possessing an excellent gun, she has extremely weak armor, which makes her easy prey even for light tanks.

Nerfs and the future of tank destroyers in the game

Initially, TDs were a maximum of the eighth level, and when object 704 appeared, the developers said that it was hardly worth expecting self-propelled guns of the tenth level, because even at a lower level this class of equipment instilled fear in heavy tanks, whose task was to break through directions. The developers listened to the indignation of the players and carried out a large-scale nerf (deterioration of performance) of almost all tank destroyers, cutting off their alpha, dynamics, and comfort from the game.

However, the fans did not abandon their favorite birdies and, having come to their senses after such deceit of the developers, continued to exterminate the random with redoubled enthusiasm. In the new Balance 2.0, a global reworking of all vehicles awaits us, and tank destroyers are no exception.

To choose the tactics on which we will play on PT, you need to determine why they are needed. What is a class tank destroyer? This is an excellent weapon with good one-time damage and huge armor penetration. What else do classic PTs have? Their low silhouette makes for excellent camouflage. What doesn't PT have? The tank destroyer does not have a turret, which seems like a small thing. It seems that a great gun and excellent armor outweigh such minor flaws, but this is not the case. The lack of a turret (not always, but in most cases) makes it very difficult for you to react quickly in close combat. This defines tank destroyers as a class of vehicles that fire from a long distance. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the LT guide in WoT.

tank destroyers

But in the game there are such excellent devices as T110E4, T110E3, v.263, Jg.Pz.E100 and AMX Foch 155. It's a shame to hide such armor in the bushes. These machines belong to the class of assault anti-aircraft guns. We will pay a little more attention to them in our guide.

How to play on T110E4 in WoT

Excellent American PT, which is very similar to TT. The essence of its use is absolutely the same as that of a heavy tank. Due to low accuracy, she cannot throw at the enemy from a huge distance. In such a situation, T110E4
won't be very effective. And as a heavy tank that can ride out, catch a ricochet and deal 750 damage, it's worth a lot. But the armor here is very controversial: sometimes the most powerful guns in the game do not penetrate it, but at close ranges the commander's turret suffers from frequent penetrations. Do not give the enemy the opportunity to get into it.

Tanking on Т110Е3 in WoT

The younger brother of the previous PT. Unlike the E4, this unit, like a classic PT, does not have a turret. But at 303mm, his armor is the thickest in the game. The commander's cupola is so armored that often the most powerful weapons ricochet off it. In some cases, it breaks through with gold shells. Try to drive out from behind a hill or dune, while hiding the lower frontal part. Although it is the strongest in terms of damage, it is a weakened zone and breaks through with powerful weapons. So you can hide the commander's turret behind the gun mantlet, and the cabin will be at such inclinations that the reduced armor on it will acquire simply cosmic values.

How to trade damage for Jg.Pz.E100 in WoT

The use of this German mammoth in combat is very similar to the use of the T110E3. Hide the lower frontal part and try to become a rhombus after the shot. This way you will protect the felling vulnerable to gold, and also add a few degrees to the slope of the NLD, which will help to get a saving rebound. In cases where there is no way to get no penetration, you can exchange damage. With such a tool, you can always exchange your HP profitably.

Ob.263 and AMX Foch 155 in WoT

The two vehicles are very similar in use, except that the foch is more for shooting from a distance. Its sides are 40 mm thick; according to the rule of three calibers, it breaks through very easily. But both PTs are fast and have excellent frontal armor. Their biggest problem is moving fast enough to prevent the enemy from targeting vulnerable spots. Foch is also not very suitable for this, especially after the nerf, as it perfectly breaks into the forehead with a gold, and when we try to turn it, we open the board.
Generally Tank Destroyers in WoT- this is a very interesting class, but assault ATs should not be used by inexperienced players. This class is completely afraid of art, some because of poor armor from above, and others because of low mobility. We hope we were able to answer your question how to play on fri in World Of Tanks. See you again.

Before you learn how to play a self-propelled gun in World of Tanks, decide if this technique suits you. PTs don’t have a tower, PTs have few lives, PTs don’t have any helpers in battle (STs, for example, go in a flock, and heavy loads too), PTs are afraid of everyone: from artillery to fireflies. Think again, they don’t go on the attack on the PT, threatening with a caliber, on the PT they sit in the bushes for the whole battle and are afraid to even shoot so as not to be noticed. But if all this does not bother you and you decide to spend your life under a bush, then further guidance will help you become a terrible force.

The first rule of PT is to be able to survive! Survival directly depends on your ability to disguise. Therefore, having appeared on the battlefield, the entire crew must jump out of the tank, mow the grass and fill up the tank so that only the muzzle sticks out. However, I recommend learning how to use terrain, vegetation and ingenuity. I will talk about ingenuity a little later, but for now we are learning to use the relief and vegetation:

1. Find bushes and hide. Bushes are the easiest way to become invisible, but you must understand that bushes have a center, and your PT has its own dimensions too. So, you should hide your dimensions behind the center of the bushes, and not try to squeeze the whole tank into the bushes. Simply put, your task is to have the center of the bushes between you and your opponent, then you will achieve maximum zen invisibility. The muzzle is not included in the dimensions of the tank, so you can show it from any bushes and boast of a long one, other tankers are especially respectful of a long muzzle pulled up, and not looking sadly at the ground.

2. Find a low. It is necessary to find a recess in the ground in which you will not be seen. Do not forget that no one sees you in the niches, crevices and recesses of the playing area either. But there is one unpleasant moment here, you also don’t see anyone from there, so it’s better to use them for invisible movement, or shelter from shelling.

3. A tree is also a bush. A tree is a large bush and its trunk and branches also hide the carcass of your PT from the enemy's gaze. You can even knock down a tree to make it more convenient to hide in its crown. Previously, a fallen tree became transparent, now it is not.

4. Freeze and tremble. Do not forget that you are a PT, so the developers have already given you a portion of invisibility and, under equal conditions, you will be noticed later than a tank of another class. In some cases, in open spaces (especially in one-on-one combat), it's better to just freeze. While you are standing and not moving, you are not visible, but if you try to run to the bushes, they will find you and kill you.

Now that you have mastered all the rules of hardened invisibility, let's learn how to shoot. The PT shot is like a bolt from the blue: if you sit even in the very corner, everyone will definitely pay attention to you. Even if you do not light up, there is a shot tracer and enemy art can pay attention to you. And this is contrary to our rules of survival, too much attention harms us, here are the recipes “do not harm your loved one”:

1. Shoot from a long distance. The Soviet PT is a support tank, not an offensive one (well, except for lvl 9). Find a spot with good fire and from there support the other tanks with fire. Bushes and a long distance (from 250 to 400 meters depending on the weapon) will make your shot invisible. That is, shoot at other people's light.

2. Shoot through double bushes. Double bushes are about twice as strong to mask your shot. But do not forget, this is how double bushes work along the line of fire, and if the enemy is on the side at this moment, then you will light up.

3. After the shot, hide in the lowlands. The very case when a deepening in the landscape can help you. The recipe is simple: you stand in the bushes, calmly aim and shoot, and immediately hide in the lowland, wait 5 seconds, leave the lowland again, stand behind the bushes and repeat the action from the beginning.

4. Change position. Your every shot doesn't necessarily unmask you, but it always reveals your position. Enemy art that is looking for other art on the tracer may mistake your tracer for tracer art, or just shoot at the bushes that someone is shooting from. Even experienced anti-tank gunners keep track of where the tracers are coming from and hit them with precision. Do not forget to change position, it is not even necessary to run to the other side of the map after the shot, just changing position two blocks to the side will not give the enemy an opportunity to hit.

5. Hit without a miss. I'll say it again and again, greed is a bad trait. Everyone wants to be a hero and shoot as many frags as possible, but if you miss, you won't make a single frag. Each shot must be weighed by the anti-tank gunner! Always aim at 100%, don't shoot at random, don't shoot if the enemy is only visible from behind cover, in the next second he will move out completely, and you will have a reload. Some others try to shoot at the weak points of the tanks from such a distance that two tanks will fit in the sight, this is in vain, just converge on the very center of the tank and hit, the projectile will not hit the center anyway, but the chance to hit will be higher.

Well, the most important thing! Now I will tell you a terrible secret, what is called straight hands in the World of Tanks, just - ingenuity. Any tanker must have a brain. The brain doesn't have to be big, it just has to be! And if there is a brain, then there is also ingenuity, but everyone has their own.

1. Look at the mini map. If your whole team went to rush one flank, it's better to join them, the chances of holding the whole flank alone on the AT are extremely small. Join the crowd, you'll be more useful there, or go defend the base.

2. The gun must fire. If you find a secluded place and sit there the whole fight without helping the team with fire, you will not have a chance to shoot back at the end of the fight when you are alone. Always try to use your weapon for its intended purpose, and not just show off it before the battle.

3. Sometimes it's better to be a firefly than a PT. Imagine that you are standing in the bushes on the SU-100 and you see how close the Mouse is crawling. Do you think you will hit him, and if you hit him, how much will it hurt him, and after your shot, how many Mouse shots will you withstand? Assess the enemy and just lie low, let him pass by and your art or other tanks will work on him. And it doesn't have to be Mouse, just two three heavy ones will kill you quickly, and if they are killed by your light, you will get your share of experience. Remember that while you are trembling in the bushes, you see the enemy, but he doesn’t see you, which means they can kill him, but you don’t.

4. Exposure is the head of everything. If you chose to play on the PT, then every morning you should pour yourself a glass of beer and not drink it, and in the evening listen carefully to the gossip of your fighting girlfriend and so that not a single nerve on your stern face of the tanker twitches. Only in this way can one have endurance worthy of a shrub! Not only PTs are hiding in the bushes, but also heavy tanks and medium tanks, you have to outlast them all. Calm yourself with the thought that you are not an attack tank, and sit clean the muzzle. The first shot should always be yours, so develop your Jedi power by meditating in the bushes!

See also:

So, the next chapter of the "Tankman's Textbook" is over. Good luck, PTs!

In this article, we will consider the basic rules for an effective game on tank destroyers and answer the question of how to play tank destroyers correctly.

1. The first rule of playing a tank destroyer is the proper use of positions on the map. Basically, the gameplay on AT is a positional game, when you take comfortable zones and positions and deal damage from them. You must be clear about which zones to occupy in the initial phase of the battle, and what positions are effective in the later stages of the game. You simply have to know the maps and understand from what point and in what directions you can shoot, how to most effectively use the terrain. A competent player on the PT should be able to navigate freely on any map.

2. The next rule is the maximum use of disguise. Always hide behind bushes. Do not forget that the more bushes there are between you and the enemy, the less chance of being noticed by the enemy. As well as bushes, fallen trees help to camouflage.

3. The peculiarity of so many maps in World of Tanks is that most of the time there are no collisions. In such moments of calm, do not hesitate to shoot blindly, without light. After all, if you know the standard places where opponents usually stand, then such shots can reach the target and hit the enemy tank.

4. One of the main enemies of the PT is artillery, so always remember about it. After several flashes in one place, always change your position, figure out the approximate location of the artillery and try to stand so that the artillery cannot reach you.

5. Playing a tank destroyer is not only passive standing in the bushes and shooting at other people's intelligence data. In some situations, you must help the allies in the attack. If you see that the team has begun to act aggressively and begins to push the direction, then sometimes your help may not be enough. Therefore, do not be afraid to play actively and go on the attack.

6. Some TDs are as armored as heavy tanks at their tier. If your vehicle has strong armor, then do not hide behind the backs of your allies, but try to use this strong side of your tank. In some situations, it is you who should be the first to go forward and take on the enemy's projectiles.

7. Fri-sau is a very diverse class of equipment. Here are completely different cars. From fast, nimble and weakly armored tanks to heavy, slow-moving, over-armored monsters. Some self-propelled guns can be played from armor, and on some such behavior will inevitably lead to a quick death. Some machines can play while standing in the bushes, and some need to constantly move around. Based on the knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of your AT, try to build your own tactics of behavior in battle.

8. One of the main disadvantages of most PTs is the lack of a turret. This means you become vulnerable from the back and side of the tank. Therefore, try to choose positions from which you cannot be twisted. Do not travel to open spaces where there are no houses or any stones.

9. Always choose a direction where you will fight with the support of allies. A lone anti-tank is an easy target for enemy tanks.

10. One of the basic rules when playing PT is to deal a lot of damage. In the world of tanks, AT is the main supplier of damage to enemy combat vehicles. It does not matter how you apply it, the main thing for us is the result.