What does the knight of wands mean in love layouts. Knight of wands, description and characteristics of the card

In the modern understanding of the Tarot, it is customary to consider the Figured Arcana as sides of the character of the questioner or those around him, but the traditional meaning of the Knight of Wands does not apply to the individual at all. This is separation, departure, departure, flight, desertion, absence (“someone is on the run”), relocation, emigration, change of address. In the layouts, it indicates an absent person, a person who can change the situation of the questioner and the fact that the events indicated by other cards have already begun.

In the most traditional version, the card portends a trip, business trip, journey or adventure. It can be just an adventure for the purpose of having fun. The Knight of Wands disrupts the routine with his activity, and gives people who sit too long an excellent opportunity to shake off the dust from their ears. Perhaps it is for this reason that the card clearly does not have the best reputation in the ancient interpreters. When life flowed more measuredly and sedately, the appearance of the Knight of Wands foreshadowed "troubles" that were in themselves something out of the ordinary.

But even now this card portends a state of the highest activity, stress, haste, fuss, an exciting stream of events, when time just comes on its heels and you have to do everything at once, because we are suddenly required to do this very "all at once". A hot, hectic time, a period of turmoil and tension, but you won't be bored.

There is a flash of enthusiasm in the Knight of Wands, an infusion of fresh energy. Energy, initiative, willingness to act, the spirit of a pioneer. His element is storm and onslaught, impulsiveness and spontaneity. If he already appeared, the readiness to throw is obvious. The main strength of the Knight of Wands is an indomitable desire to move forward. How this will manifest itself and with what result - other cards will tell.

It can be a significator of a person making changes in our lives, and very quickly. There is great inspiration, ardor, enthusiasm, easiness and readiness to move mountains, but ... The Knight of Wands is a sprinter, he is not enough for a long time (unlike him, the Knight of Pentacles is a marathon runner). This peculiarity of his must be remembered, no matter what the matter concerns. But still, the internal energy of this card is capable of setting in motion surprisingly large and dense layers of being and moving real glaciers from their place. The Knight of Wands brings a fresh air to the most dead-end and musty affairs. In the broadest sense, this card carries the message of a change in the current position and situation (“perestroika”), it remains only to apply this interpretation to the context of the situation.

This map never takes into account the time factor. This is expressed, firstly, in the fact that everything happens very quickly. Disgracefully fast. And secondly, that everything happens much more slowly than it seems in the fever of the Knight of Wands. It seems to him that there is work for five minutes. In real life, everything takes two days, if not more. So he lives - he always pushes the time and always does not keep up with it.

Adventurous! Again the shabby saddle creaks and the wind of wandering blows into the ears. The Knight of Wands bestows courage, courage, an optimistic approach to life and self-confidence. In this sense, he has a strong will - he knows how to encourage (but not hold back). He is confident in himself and knows what he wants - "all at once!".

The Knight of Wands is a very independent, charismatic and creative comrade, changeable and impulsive nature. Daredevil, adventurer, troublemaker, "crazy but nice young man." Obligations and restrictions disgust him no less than the Fool. The card indicates that a person is in search of new experiences, he is possessed by a thirst for new experience and a huge craving to try his hand at business and then say “I did it!” Why, for what, at what cost - all these questions are taken out of the brackets. His classic image is a daredevil, a daring young rake (it is possible that she is female), attractive and fond of. He makes a great impression, ignites and inspires, but again, we must remember that this is a sprinter. Its brilliance will not last long. More than anything, the Knight of Wands loves excitement, a surge of adrenaline. Free fall, extreme surfing, racing cars, unbridled sex, motorcycle jumps from roof to roof… oh, this youth, when will it finally end?! (remark of the surgeon-King of Swords, imposing the next seams on the daredevil). His trouble is that actions performed not on high energy, by definition, do not interest him, cause boredom. His susceptibility to subtle vibrations and low-energy phenomena is negligible, and the development of the water (intuitive) aspect of fire is just ahead (the next step is the Queen of Wands).

The Knight of Wands speaks of achieving a very active life mode, when enthusiasm, energy, enterprise come to us, we boldly move to all four sides and bravely meet any events and turns.

Alchemically, the Knight of Wands personifies fire that is literally choking with oxygen. This is the airy aspect of fire, the path from darkness to light. This is a feverish state of mind. The heat burning in the heart uncontrollably excites and drives in search of new experiences. In this state, it is literally impossible to sit still. Therefore, it carries, in the broadest sense, the meaning of changing position or position, moving and moving towards the unknown. The fiery color of the map, the scarlet plume associated with the image of a burning torch, pyramidal hills, salamanders on a sunny yellow cloak - all this is a clear indication of the element of fire. Yellow is the color of the sun, it correlates with the energy needed for activities in the material world. In the Hindu tradition, this color is associated with the third chakra, which is the center of will. Desire and will are presented here in an exceptionally intense form, they require the utmost freedom in any sphere, when annoying obstacles arise, irascibility, intolerance and recklessness easily arise. The conscious mind must realize the creative self and recognize human limitations - this is the highest task of the Arcanum. In general, he evolves towards the King of Wands (through the "watery" aspect of the Queen - developing a more accurate susceptibility to both reality and the inner impulses of other people and gaining an understanding of whom and what to inspire). As he walks his own path, he gradually gains the determination to really persevere in achieving his goals and leading people, awakening in them not only admiration, but also a sense of belonging.

The Knight of Wands is a reckless and ebullient opponent of everything outdated and boring. He seeks every opportunity to accomplish feats, correct what is wrong in this world, or simply display courage and fortitude. He is striving, in general, for the same thing as the King of Wands, but he lacks the stability of the motive (if the King is a “fire of fire”, then unstable, changeable, “windy” air interferes with the structure of the Knight), in addition, he plays to the audience to a much greater extent. The fire of the King is able to lift a rocket into space, the fire of the Knight is able to burn down half the city during the New Year's fireworks. However, its flame is not empty or designed only for the public. It is the uncontrollably proud and ardent Knight of Wands that carries with such concepts as honor, valor, nobility and glory. He cannot disown them with logic (Swords), subordinate them to practical considerations (Pentacles), drown them in emotions (Bowls), because he experiences them absolutely essentially, considering them to be something like a supreme duty. It is the Wands that encourage one to engage in unequal battles, without retreating a single step. Swords are not known for such heroism, and they do not at all consider such behavior to be a glorious achievement. Why, if there is no chance? Retreat for the time being, then you will get even... Swords do not understand reckless campaigns in a frontal attack - it is the Wands (the prototype of the Luciferic rebellion) that move into it. If they consider it a matter of honor, it is impossible to persuade them to save themselves. In such situations, they diligently keep their honor intact, for their enemies, from those who love them and to whom they are dear.

Astrologically, the Knight of Wands represents the characteristics of the fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Change. Perhaps the emergence of new alluring options (compared to the current situation).

The reversed Knight of Wands is considered to indicate non-payment of loans, outstanding loans, money borrowed and a debtor on the run.

Adventurism and enterprise in love. Such a person as the Knight of Wands does not want to be compared with a match, although in some ways it would be very accurate. Rather, it is a bunch of dry straw, instantly igniting and just as quickly burning out. Such is the fiery passion for this Arcana. The Knight of Wands is too big a fidget to be relied upon. Conquer impromptu? Please! He grabs his partner like a child with a new toy, only to throw it into a corner in a minute. So to speak, "loves passionately, leaves silently." He strives for new acquaintances, but is much more attached to freedom than to those with whom he has hot affairs. Constancy and responsibility are not about him, although the novel can be exciting and unpredictable. According to the Knight of Wands, a person takes the initiative, flirts easily, turns his head, makes appointments ... the main thing is that he then remembers where, when and to whom. This is a conqueror going to storm the fortress he likes without much thought. His frankness, exactingness and pressure can dumbfound a more shy partner to the point of speechlessness (and silence will be interpreted as a sign of consent). He needs “everything at once” in love just like in everything else. The Knight of Wands is quite honest and noble, but it is clear from his eyes that it is difficult for him to restrain himself, and delicacy and patience cost him dearly.

Strong instincts, bright sexual temperament, sparks are pouring. Excitability and impatience, a person flares up like dry brushwood. Just here threatens "African passion" and violent sex on the first date. It will be difficult to solve the issue of protection, but it is here that it is absolutely necessary (firstly, the Knight of Wands is fickle and careless, and secondly, he personifies situations in which no one thinks about the consequences, but this does not mean that they will not arise) . In intimate relationships, the Knight of Wands is as energetic as in everything else, and before kissing him, it makes sense to take a supply of air into the lungs, since he is unlikely to provide an opportunity to take a breath. Sex as an adventure and childishly urgent satisfaction of desires. It is worth warning that he is characterized by cooling the next morning after a stormy night (and regardless of gender), and he may not at all strive for a new date. The Knight of Wands loves to brag and show off. He is vain and self-confident. At the same time, there is so much life, recklessness and charm in him that it is hard not to love him. It is difficult to imagine a more irresistible and “inappropriate” partner for a person striving for reliability in relationships, but he just won’t resist - the Knight of Wands brings an enchanting liberation from the routine that has set the teeth on edge to a respectable layman who is tired of serving her. The Knight of Wands, in general, is like an actor in an action film - he is secondary to the fast-paced action on the screen. He, like no one else, is able to give, albeit for a short time, such brightness and fullness of life, to make you forget about problems, everyday life and anxieties to such an extent that this alone is worth a lot. The paradox is that he himself as a person, most likely, will not be very memorable, but the time spent next to him will be unforgettable. That it will be remembered all my life as one of the most dizzying and happy.

The evolutionary task of the Knight of Wands himself is to move to the next level of development, submitting to love (the Queen of Wands as the water aspect of fire) and rising above himself.

A storm in a teacup, difficulties in realizing events, stopping at full gallop. Arguments, discussions, debates, protests, altercations, rejections and refusals, broken deals and negotiations on them. Discord, fight, discord, division. Intra-team rivalry, envy, temper, tense atmosphere. Differences, breakup of friendship. Separation, flight. Traditionally considered an indicator of a failed marriage, an upset marriage, associated with suitors on the run, leaving husbands. It is also a card of jealousy and sexual mischief, such as seduction for a bet.

Some kind of person who delivers a lot of trouble and trouble, a promiscuous dilettante, a violent bully, or a desperate swindler. Perhaps he feels bypassed, dissatisfied, he simply has nowhere to put himself.

Interestingly, one of the traditional meanings of the inverted Knight of Wands: parties, factions, groups (including criminal, gangster). It carries the spirit of fundamental immorality (the main principle: not to have principles).

Archetypal correspondences

Phoebus in a fiery chariot

Siegfried, who went through the raging fire to wake Brunnhilde

Jason Mining the Golden Fleece

d'Artagnan and all his kind, merry fellows and brave men who perform a bunch of feats for no particular personal benefit, just to accomplish them

"Rebel Without a Cause"

The spirit of the Inverted Knight of Wands, in terms of content and manner of performance, very accurately corresponds to the song "Ne me quitte pas"

Direct position

In the event that the Knight of Wands fell out in a straight position, the card symbolizes a man - a wrestler. He is always ready to defend his interests, not being afraid of the accompanying problems and intrigues of competitors. At the same time, he is a romantic, he is interested in everything in life. Likes disputes and competitions. He does not think for a long time, but prefers to act actively and enthusiastically in order for his goals to be achieved. Not afraid to take risks.

The fortuneteller creates a fuss around him. He wants to see immediate results from his work. Expectations and reflections are not for him. Usually, these people like to do business, sports. Travel often. It is easy for those around them. Possessing a sense of humor and easily reacting to trouble, they are open to new ideas. They are generous, impulsive. There are many managers and trade union leaders among them. All of them are strong, reckless, active.

Reversed position

The Knight of Wands upside down warns of unnecessary risks. The card speaks of such character traits of a fortuneteller as: frivolity, recklessness, a penchant for dubious adventures, excessive haste, jealousy, suspicion.

The fact that there were failures is not accidental. Nobody is to blame for this. The man himself, with his thoughtless actions, provoked them. The card advises you to look at yourself from the outside and reconsider your life goals at the root, otherwise the troubles will only get worse. This person is prone to lying. It may happen that he is also deceived. You have to think about this.

Knight of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Direct position

If we consider love and relationships, the card denotes strong sexual energy, the pleasure of satisfying sexual fantasies, and emotionality. The Knight of Wands symbolizes a temperamental person who is waiting for a change in the love sphere.

Perhaps a new object for love will appear. We will have to choose between already established relationships and uncertain vague prospects. If you deceive your partner, it will not lead to anything good. You can't sit on two chairs, as they say.
Reversed position

When an inverted card falls out, this may mean that a fortuneteller often falls in love. He tends to have affairs with the opposite sex. Often times, relationships are non-committal. The constant change of partners brings dissatisfaction and spiritual emptiness. Often this person thinks only of himself and his desires.

Alternatively, the Knight of Wands warns of a fading relationship with a partner who is currently nearby. Out of pity, you shouldn't be around. If you leave, you can find happiness with a new chosen one. Another card speaks of a tendency to patronize your beloved (beloved) very strongly.

Knight of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

When the Knight of Wands appears in the situation, and the card is in a direct position, new opportunities open up in the career of this person. He can boldly show all his positive aspects by implementing creative ideas. Management will undoubtedly appreciate such an employee. His creative ideas may go further and he may want to change jobs.

Right now is the right time. Everything will turn out great. In the life of a fortuneteller, changes are coming. Possibility of moving to a new home. A new love affair and a new job are not excluded. Also, a person can be inspired and he wants to realize his ideas.

Business trips and trips to another country are also not excluded. Everything will turn out well. A new type of activity, or a trip, is favorable for a fortuneteller to be away from his problems and be able to think about life plans.

If you recently had a quarrel with someone, this is another reason for loneliness. If you have a vacation, the time spent on the sea coast will be fun and carefree. A meeting with a beautiful stranger (stranger) can radically change the fate of a fortuneteller. A casual acquaintance can develop into a strong marriage.

Reversed position

Fortune-telling, if the Knight of Wands fell out in an inverted position, trouble awaits. He is currently under stress. Troubles at work, in relationships with a partner, health problems - all this can unsettle anyone.

A person, worrying and worrying, can worsen the situation even more. We must try to control ourselves. As for love relationships, the coldness of a partner can evoke thoughts of breaking up a relationship. You should not get excited, because if you pay maximum attention to each other, go on vacation together - the ardor of the old feelings can be returned.

Don't forget about the sexual sphere. The card warns against marriage. Discord is possible in the team due to the fact that each employee wants to seem irreplaceable. The fortuneteller does not have a sense of satisfaction from the performance of his professional duties. He seems to be out of place.

Knight of Wands: Card Meaning of the Day

It will not be easy for a fortuneteller on this day. Perhaps you have to show yourself to others not from the best side. It can be a quarrel, and trouble. On this day, you should not start new business and implement your plans. Other days are suitable for this.

If you keep your emotions under control, a fortuneteller can avoid many problems. Whatever happens today, you should remain calm.

A person will not be able to take risks on this day. The situation, as the fortuneteller wants, will not develop. You should not be upset about this, because difficulties on the path of life harden, enable a person to become stronger.

In a difficult case, you will have to show all your positive sides. The card advises not to tell anyone about plans for the future, so that everything planned will be successfully accomplished.

Knight of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles

foolish impulse, hasty action

Ace of Wands

ignite; flare up; succumb to momentary desire

Ace of Cups

love adventure

Ace of swords

ardent desire to fulfill the plan

Ace of Pentacles

chasing a long ruble

raw idea

King of Wands

creative upsurge

King of Cups

seething emotions

King of swords

conflict with a government official

King of Pentacles

lust for financial power

an attempt to gain knowledge

Queen of Wands

be filled with creativity

Queen of Cups


queen of swords

Queen of Pentacles

chasing a rich lady


maternal instinct

Knight of Wands

Knight of Cups

start a romance

Knight of Swords

struggle; ardent desire to prove at any cost

Knight of Pentacles

business trip


enthusiasm for work

Page of Wands

temper the ardor, but add calculation

Page of Cups

warmly accept the offer

Page of swords

rush; unexpected showdown

Page of Pentacles

exciting adventure

desire to start a family

Two of Wands

inexperience; stop

Two of Cups

non-consecutive relationship

Two of Swords

striving for balance

Two of Pentacles



passion in a relationship

Three of Wands

quick but superficial results

Three of Cups

superficial relationship

Three of Swords

offend in the heat of the moment

Three of Pentacles

professional passion



Four of Wands

catch luck by the tail

Four of Cups

burnt interest

Four of Swords

subdue hot desires

Four of Pentacles

disputes over inheritance

a passionate desire to embark on a search for something new

Five of Wands

confusion; inconsistency

Five of Cups

loss due to impulsivity

Five of Swords

hot clash of characters

Five of Pentacles



desire to change your life

Six of Wands

inspirational idea leading to the goal

Six of Cups

unwillingness to return to the familiar or past

Six of Swords

impulsive desire to quit

Six of Pentacles

reward for courage

desire for change; desire to end the gray days

Seven of Wands

The meaning of the knight of wands in the upright position

Creative plans, beauty, energy, courage, enterprise. A trip, a move, a job change, or a happy change in your personal life. The card portends the realization of all your plans. But you can’t relax, the situation requires maximum concentration of all forces.

The Knight of Wands Tarot is an honest person who is trustworthy. A promising relationship with a worthy young man.

  • energetic, self-confident, generous and friendly man
  • foreign travel, emigration, change of residence
  • lightness, openness, public play, individualism

The Knight of Wands represents an open and confident young man. His eloquence, charm and sophistication make him popular. As for events, the map speaks of changes in the environment of the Client. Perhaps he will take a short trip or change his place of residence.

The Knight of Wands Tarot card is a friend or relative who is ready to help the Questioner. This is a young man, but mature in his actions, a man with an almost instinctive understanding of business and financial matters, and this understanding he increases with knowledge and experience. In addition, a friend who is ready for self-sacrifice. In any case, someone whose advice can be trusted and whose help can be used in a moment of doubt. Travel, change of residence or environment.

Reversed Knight of Wands Meaning

Unpredictability, inconstancy, lack of positive changes. Quarrel, conflict, deceit, heartache. The situation is extremely dangerous, you can be harmed at any moment.

The key meaning of the Knight of Wands reversed tarot card is impermanence and unreliability. The card represents a person who is unpredictable, changing his point of view, direction or sympathy quickly, without warning, abandoning others. Constant quarrels and scandals will be associated with it. Better not to have anything to do with such a person.

  • energetic, generous and friendly, but at the same time extremely impulsive and unpredictable person
  • grumpiness, travel problems, indecisiveness
  • gap, interference, obstacles, stubbornness, envy, temper, rivalry, threat of dismissal

An inverted tarot card of the Knight of Wands means that the young man is intolerant and boastful, constant disagreements are associated with him. Another interpretation speaks of difficulties in interpersonal relationships, of unsuccessful travels and transactions with property, which is probably caused by indecision.

The inverted knight of tarot wands portends disputes, discord in personal life. Breaking friendship, separation or flight.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

If the Knight of Wands Tarot personifies a certain person, then this is a young man in whom the Questioner sees a relative or friend who is ready to help. As with other suits, this character has all the qualities of its symbolic parents; he is honest, not proud and trustworthy; a person who is willing to sacrifice something for you.

If the Knight of Wands tarot card does not represent a specific person, then it indicates a journey or some kind of movement - moving, changing jobs, changing personal lives.


Mars in Aries as a symbol of the lust for life, entrepreneurial spirit, energy, impatience and adventure.

Direct position:

The Knight of Staves is a delight and a rush; the possibility of a new development of events, inspirer and inspired, enterprising and noble spirit, a person who can change your situation. The missing person.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: an obstacle to the implementation of plans; the need to change something, an unpleasant person who brings a lot of trouble.

Knight of Wands.

Characteristics: Air of Fire. Sagittarius.

Impetuous, energetic. Gaining life experience. Argumentative, full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Kindness, generosity, kindness. Purposeful. Has self-respect. Knows how to organize work. Aspiration on the first impulse.

People of wands switch attention to themselves in any company: the king with authority, the queen with magnetism, the knight with noise and excitement.

Events: departure, absence, flight, emigration. Moving to a new place, changing jobs or activities.

Meeting with the Knight of Wands.

Business: Rapidly developing, risky. Sometimes short term. "Zeal, haste, risk" are the main characteristics of a business.

Occupation: Middle manager, good organizer. Mid-level entrepreneur. Can be: drivers (racers, riders), actors, art dealers.

Health: Strong, but not protective. Tendency to injury. Heart problems.

Relationships: disputes, passions. Not too serious relationship from the series "won and quit": all the excitement is in the conquest.

Tip: act quickly and boldly. Do not build far-reaching plans.

Warning: avoid ostentation. Don't make a fuss about nothing.

Outcome: "Yes". Successfully.

Flipped over.

Characteristics: Brawler. Arrogance, arrogance, selfishness, stubbornness, envy. Very quick-tempered, to the point of rage (in combination with the Force - it can beat), but can be quick-witted. Very vulnerable ego.

Rupture, separation, obstacle, discord, interference. Trip canceled due to external circumstances. Serious problems due to impulsive behavior.

professional rivalry. Thirst for power. Posturing and snobbery.

Encounter with the reversed Knight of Wands.

Business: continuous adventures. Little or no result. Problems at work.

Occupation: -

Health: Dangerous injuries

Relationships: Rough relationships. Alienation, separation, scandals. Apathy.

Advice: moderate your ardor.

Warning: there are dangerous obstacles on your way.

Outcome: "No". The goal has not been reached.

General meaning:

The Rider of Wands symbolizes the warmth and even the heat of the soul, manifested in the thirst for life, passion and enthusiasm, but sometimes turning into impatience, irritability, impulsiveness and a tendency to exaggerate. Therefore, a lot depends on which area of ​​our life the question asked belongs to, because the answer of the card can mean both warming warmth and scorching heat. The impatience expressed by this card means: I want everything and, if possible, everything at once. If it doesn’t work out right away, or we don’t get everything, we get annoyed, start up, become aggressive. However, the internal energy inherent in the Rider of Wands, in any case, sets in motion entire layers of being, melts perennial ice and brings a fresh stream into long-familiar situations.


We are consumed by impatience, our strength requires an outlet, and it is very difficult for us to come to terms with the idea that nothing is given immediately, that we have to wait for some time. This may mean that the work itself, the task itself, fascinates us very much, but we wanted to start it right away, and when we are made to wait, our desire "burns out", and then even the slightest obstacle discourages us from working further. In some other situations, the Rider of Wands can mean fierce competition or a clash of interests within the team.


Here the Rider of Wands means that we are in a phase of self-affirmation, defending our beliefs, fighting for ideals, not caring too much about their practical value - or hoping to entrust their implementation to others. On the other hand, the enthusiasm that we show at the same time infects others, and they begin to help us, which, of course, stimulates the work of the entire team. However, in those cases when it is necessary to make decisions on which the future of both the team and all its members depends, excessive emotionality and haste can lead to mistakes.

Personal relationships:

The flame of love passion - or, conversely, a fierce confrontation. Both can easily lead to extremes. However, where these powerful energies can be combined to accomplish some common cause, they bring magnificent results that you could never achieve alone.

Knight of Wands combined with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - stupid mistakes in the manual.

With the card "Mage" - a crude idea.

With the card "High Priestess" - an attempt to master knowledge with a tip.

With the card "Empress" - maternal instinct.

With the "Emperor" card - enthusiasm for work.

With the card "Hierophant" - the desire to create a family.

With the card "Lovers" - passion in a relationship.

With the card "Chariot" - a journey.

With the card "Strength" - a passionate desire to embark on a search for something new.

With the card "The Hermit" - the desire to change your life.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - a desire for change; desire to end the gray everyday life.

With the card "Justice" - unwillingness to listen to reasonable arguments.

With the Hanged Man card, good intentions remained only intentions.

With the card "Death" - an irrevocable desire to end one's former life.

With the card "Moderation" - to find a reasonable grain, it would seem, in an unreasonable idea.

With the card "Devil" - a game with fire.

With the "Tower" card - a fiery idea that crashes against a cruel reality.

With the Star card - boundless faith in your aspirations.

With the card "Moon" - get into a mess.

With the card "Sun" - an unbridled desire to break out into people.

With the card "Court" - the speedy disposal of a past life.

With the "Mir" card - take a worthy place.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - an extraordinary rise; limitless motivation.

With the card "Two of Wands" - inexperience; stop.

With the "Three of Wands" card - quick, but superficial results.

With the Four of Wands card - catch luck by the tail.

With the card "Five of Wands" - confusion; inconsistency.

With the Six of Wands card, an inspiring idea leading to the goal.

With the Seven of Wands card, haste and indiscretion put the conquered under attack.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - an early departure; emergency circumstances; lightning events.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - descend from heaven to earth; cool the dust.

With the "Ten of Wands" card - efforts go nowhere.

With the Page of Wands card - moderate your ardor, but add calculation.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - be filled with a creative impulse.

With the "King of Wands" card - a creative upsurge.

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Upright Knight of Wands (staves) Tarot

Name: Knight of Wands, Knight of Clubs, Knight of Scepters, Knight of Staves, Knight of Wands, Rider of Wands, Prince of Wands, Herald, Conqueror of States, Hike to the Leader, Lord of the Spirits of Fire. Brunette.

Value according to Papus: Departure, Change, Relocation, Absence, Removal, Flight, Emigration, Desertion, Planting, Relocation, Resettlement, Abandonment, Escape.

Interpretation of Tarot cards of wands: The appearance of the Knight of Wands card means that the time has come to start active operations or go on a campaign. If your aspirations are noble and your thoughts are pure, then now is the right time to take action or go on a long-planned journey.

Interpretation of the Knight of Wands (staves) Tarot in the upright position

Interpretation: The Knight of Wands tarot card is interpreted as the beginning of events that you have been waiting for. Your efforts to prepare them have not been in vain, and events are beginning to gain momentum. This is noticeable not only to you, but also to the people around you.

The Minor Arcana of the Tarot, the Horseman of Wands, is the source of fire and the center of all world energy. For the person referred to by this card, also called the Knight of Staves, no problem will be too difficult and big. Such a person has already appeared in your environment, he is always ready to help you, none of your tasks can blow him, any support is not a burden for him, and timely advice is always welcome. He is quite ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his friends and loved ones.

Look around, you will immediately understand who the Knight of Wands is pointing at. This is a romantic person, brave and determined, always ready to help. His determination sometimes borders on uncompromising, but he can not be called either cruel or aggressive. He is alien to narcissism and selfishness, he is extremely honest and fair. He is adequate in his actions, ready for the upcoming difficulties, not afraid to face the enemy and fits perfectly into any situation.

Meeting him for you means the beginning of big changes, ranging from a reassessment of values ​​​​and ending with a spiritual rebirth. These changes can be expressed in travel or even moving to a new place of residence. If the Knight of Wands card appeared in your divination, then wait for the appearance of a person who will literally take you by the hand and send you on a journey around the world.

Interpretation of the inverted Knight of Wands (staves) Tarot

Value according to Papus: Rupture, Discord, Separation, Separation, Section, Divorce, Party spirit, Party, Guard, Quarrel, Quarrel, Section, Clippings, Break, Not continuation.

Interpretation: The inverted Knight (Horseman) of the Tarot wands is interpreted as unforeseen obstacles and difficulties in making your dreams come true. Your efforts and resources have been wasted. If you are just about to start a new business, then the inverted Knight of Wands advises you to refuse to implement your plans for the time being due to increased risks. If we are talking about a forced journey, then you will not be able to avoid it.

If the inverted Horseman of the Tarot staffs points to a specific person, then this person will bring quarrels and strife into your life. He will be the cause of your quarrels with friends or unpleasant situations in the business you have begun, up to its complete cessation.

Knight of Wands (staves) card of the day

Today you will have a hot day, choose the right scaffolding for it. Perhaps today your stormy temperament will make itself felt, and you will want to give free rein to your feelings. Passions will be heated to the limit, and you will certainly want everything at once. Although once in a lifetime you can go on about your crazy desires and act at the behest of your heart. If your emotions require an outlet, go out today to have fun or embark on some kind of adventure. The main thing today is not to build far-reaching plans, today is not the right day for this.

Rider of Wands Card Tip: once inside the action, speak boldly and act temperamentally, only it is better to let it be noise over trifles.

Warning card Rider of Wands: for your part, avoid ostentatious efficiency and do not start "noise and dust" yourself.