Participle. Correct spelling: what is participle and participle, rules with examples

Participle is a special independent part of speech in Russian, which combines the properties of a verb and an adjective. This is manifested in the fact that the participle is formed from the verb, but answers questions characteristic of the adjective: what ?, what does ?, what did ?, what did ?. School pupils and linguistic students should be able to correctly determine the type of sacrament. This is a constant morphological feature of the sacrament, it significantly affects the interpretation of the meaning of the word. To determine the type of communion and avoid mistakes, it is important to use the advice and follow the algorithm.

Determine the type of attachment. Recommendations
  1. First, determine from which verb the participle was formed. This part of speech combines the features of an adjective and a verb. View can be passive and real. Either the object performs some action, or some action is performed on the object:
    • real participle denotes the action of an object, for example: reading - someone is reading, a person is reading a book;
    • the passive participle describes an action performed with an object, for example: read - something is being read, a book is being read by a person.
  2. You can determine the type of participle by asking appropriate questions to it:
    • what did he do? doing what?- questions of real communion;
    • what's being done?- the question of the passive participle.
    remember, that this way checks must be combined with a more academic one: on formal grounds that indicate the appearance. However, this method will help you initially focus on a certain type, and then check whether the participle corresponds to it by highlighting the suffix in it.
  3. Put the participle in full or short form. Notice if the participle you are considering can have both forms. Remember an important sign of the type of this part of speech:
    • the real participle in Russian has only a full form, it cannot be put in a short form without violating language norms;
    • passive participle can have both forms: full and short; for example: readable - readable.
    If your sacrament does not have a short form, it is valid. Sometimes the short form of the passive participle may seem archaic, but you will see that it is quite consistent with the norms of the language. For example: breakable - breakable.

    Real participles are shortened only in some dialects, choosing separate words for this. You can immediately distinguish a violation of the norm of the Russian language: reading - reading.

  4. Note: passive participles in short form change in Russian by number and gender. For example: read - readable - readable - readable.
  5. Sort the sacrament by composition. It is advisable to make a complete analysis of the word by composition in order to accurately find the suffix. It is this part of the sacrament that is its formal species attribute. Each type of this part of speech has specific suffixes:
    • real participles: suffixes -ash-, -usch-, -yashch-, -sh-, -vsh-;
    • passive participles: suffixes -em-, -nn-, -enn-.
  6. Draw your own summary table of signs of the type of sacrament. Put it all in useful information about different methods of determining the type of this part of speech: on questions, suffixes, the presence of short and full forms. Furnish your table own examples. Then it will be much easier for you to correctly determine the species of the participle, and you will quickly remember all the information by using different types memory.
  7. Please note that some participles have long passed into another part of speech. Outwardly, they resemble participles, but in fact they are adjectives, since they denote actions and states that have become permanent features of objects. For example, canned peas. Such words should be parsed as adjectives.
Algorithm for determining the species affiliation of the participle
How to determine the type of sacrament correctly? Follow the algorithm and remember the recommendations.
  1. Write to separate leaflet participles, the type of which you need to determine.
  2. Remember your table and begin to consider words in accordance with it. To begin, ask a question before the sacrament.
  3. Check if this participle has a short, long form.
  4. Disassemble the word by composition. Select the suffix and find out what form it corresponds to. Determine the type of participle.
  5. Check yourself: write down the verb from which the participle is formed. Make up a phrase with it. Think about it: is it an action performed by an object or an action that someone performs with an object? Make final conclusions and write down the type of sacrament.
Follow the recommendations, determine the type of sacrament according to the algorithm, then you can do the job correctly. μετοχή ) is an independent part of speech, or (depending on the point of view) a special form of the verb, which has the properties of both a verb and an adjective. Indicates a sign of an object by action and answers questions what?, what?, what does he do?, what did he do?, what did he do? The verb signs of the participle are the category of aspect, pledge, as well as a special predicative form of time. Adjective (associated with the adjective) signs of the participle are the categories of gender, number and case, the possibility of forming short forms in passive participles, syntactic function agreed definition. In addition, participles tend to turn into adjectives: brilliant fire - brilliant performance.

The participle is used in many Indo-European languages, Arabic, Hungarian, and also in many Eskimo languages ​​(for example, in Sireniki). In other languages, together with the gerund, it forms a special part of speech - English. Participle, German Partizip.

In russian language

The question of the status of participles has been and is being resolved ambiguously in Russian studies, however, linguists agree that participles are formed from a verb. The formation of participles is closely related to the category of aspect and transitivity. For example, present and past participles can be formed from imperfective verbs, and only past participles can be formed from perfective verbs. In addition, passive participles can only be formed from transitive verbs. The present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense. Active voice forms are formed using suffixes -usch- growing) And -ash- holding). Passive forms of the present tense are formed with the help of suffixes -om- , -eat- for verbs of the first conjugation ( slave) And -them- - for verbs of the second conjugation ( persecuted).

Past participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive. Active participles are formed with the suffix -vsh- for verbs whose stem ends in a vowel ( holding). With a suffix -sh- such participles are formed from verbs with a stem into a consonant ( growing up).

Some verbs have specificity in the formation of participles, such verbs include verbs in -st , during the formation of which the original basis is truncated ( shrunken). From verbs with suffix -well- it is possible to form two forms of participles, for example, extinguished - extinguished.

Passive past participles are formed using suffixes -nn- (from verbs in -at : read, Lost), -enn- (from verbs in -it And -whose : baked), -T- (from monosyllabic verbs: crumpled).

Passive participles, as a rule, have full ( verified) and short ( verified) forms. Short forms vary by gender and number. However, not all passive participles of the present tense have a short form. Since the passive participles of the present tense ( slave, readable) refer mainly to book speech, there are some stylistic restrictions on the formation of such forms. Therefore, from colloquial and some neutral verbs (for example, beat, cover, feed and so on) passive participles of the present tense are often not formed. Also, not all verbs form passive past participles in Russian.


Adjectivation called transition various parts speech into an adjective, but in more it is the participles that undergo adjectivation. When adjectivized, participles lose their verbal categories and begin to designate a permanent, static, unchanging feature, thus, participles are rethought. Allocate:

  • participles that have turned into adjectives with a figurative meaning ( brilliant career);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with new, additional meanings ( thinking being);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with a designation of purpose for performing some action ( typewriter);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with the meaning of the ability to be exposed to any effect ( inflected nouns);
  • participles that have turned into adjectives with the meaning of a state caused as a result of some action ( condensed milk).

Grammar signs

The participle changes according to the features of the adjective. It changes by numbers, by cases, by gender in the singular. The participle can be perfective and imperfective, past and present; these signs do not change; for the sacrament they are constant.

Examples of a valid participle

  • Rain, watering earth.
  • Horror, flying on the wings of the night.
  • Human, having read book.
  • Fallen leaves from the tree.
  • Birch, declining over wet bushes.

Examples of the passive participle

  • Earth, watered rain.
  • Plant, cultivated in the garden.
  • Book, read everyone.


The short form of the passive past participle of perfective verbs is used in Russian to form passive forms of the perfect: book read(present perfect) the house was built(past perfect) the road will be laid(perfect future tense).

Subjunctive participle

The question of the existence in the Russian language of the participle of the subjunctive mood, formed by adding to real communion elapsed time particles would, is debatable. However, similar forms are sometimes found in the works of N.V. Gogol, and in the form sustainable turnover would do honor- many other authors.


The participle with dependent words is called participle turnover. In the sentence, participial turnover and participle are a separate or non-separate agreed definition.

In Russian, the participial turnover is often separated by commas. If the participial turnover is after the word being defined, it is separated by commas on both sides. When the participial turnover is in front of the word being defined, commas are not put, except when the word being defined is expressed by a personal pronoun.

  • Program, hastily written, performed an invalid operation.
  • Hastily written The program performed an illegal operation.

Complex sentences can be overloaded with participial phrases:

  • Woodpecker, gouging wood, growing in the forest, bombarded snow, falling from the branches, very frozen.

In Russian, there are special parts of speech adjacent to a noun or a verb. Some linguists consider them to be special verb forms and explain this by the presence of similar features.

In contact with

Morphological features

Let's consider in detail what is participle and participle. Even the ancient grammarians noted their duality, so they gave them a name meaning “participation” in a noun or verb.


Declines, that is, changes in gender, number, cases, has a short and full form. At the same time, it has the properties of a verb. For example, having a view:

  • checking notebooks (imperfect view) - the one who checks (what is he doing?);
  • checked (perfect form) - the one who checked (what did he do?).

Besides , has a time value. It is a constant feature of data having the form of either present time(creating) or past(built). There is also the presence of a return form (recognized sya).

It is characterized by the presence of two pledges - passive and real. Passive participles designate a sign of an object that experiences an action on itself (received package - received the package). The real ones reflect the sign of an object that independently produces an action (a running person is the one who runs himself).

From the foregoing, the conclusion follows: this part of speech denotes a sign of an object by action, manifested in time.


The term originated in the 18th century, meaning " relation to action”, which is indicated by the first part of the word “dee-” (doer, deed). In modern grammar, such a name has a part of speech denoting additional action in relation to the main, expressed by the verb. Therefore, this form has verb features:

  • view perfect(opening), imperfect (closing);
  • recurrence(pretending camping).

Perhaps this is the limit of the similarity of the parts of speech under consideration, but there are numerous differences.

What is the difference

First of all, it should be noted that it does not change, that is, it does not decline and does not conjugate. Therefore, in his morphemic composition no flexion. On the contrary, participle endings are their hallmark.

To distinguish between these verb forms will help the questions they answer:

  1. Full Communion(which (th; -th, -th)?); short (what (-a; -o, -s)?).
  2. gerund(doing what? doing what? how? how?).

Another difference is the different syntactic role. The participle performs the function of circumstance (Bending, winding, a river into the distance.). Brief Communion is only a predicate (The doors to the world of beautiful dreams are open.). Complete can be:

  • definition (Foaming waves crashed against high, impregnable rocks.);
  • part of a compound nominal predicate (Bread was moldy).


The formation of participles and gerunds occurs in a suffixal way.

Participles are formed from verbs of the corresponding form. Table 1.

View Suffixes Examples
Perfect -in, -lice, -shi Throwing, bending over, saving
Imperfect -and I); -learn (obsolete forms) Counting, sneak

It is the suffixes of participles and gerunds that indicate the belonging of words to one or another part of speech.

Important! When forming perfective forms, suffixes -а, -я are not used: incorrect use: looking, correct: looking.

Participles are not formed from the following imperfective verbs:

  • ending in -ch (to save, burn the stove and others);
  • having a suffix -nu- (pull, go out, shout and others);
  • run, prick, climb, plow, want, beat, twist, drink, eat, pour, anger, sew, tear, wait, bend, sleep, lie.

Condition right choice vowel in present participle suffixes - knowledge of verb conjugation. Table 2.

note! Passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs. There are no present tense forms of the verbs: save, shave, wake up, call, write, drink.

Table 3

Table 4

The choice of a vowel before -н (н) is determined by the infinitive suffix:

Spelling with NOT

Both parts of speech are written with NOT together, if not used without it, for example: disliked, hating.

In other cases, the gerund with is not always written separately, except for words with the prefix under-, which means “less than expected”, “poor quality”, for example, overlooking the child. Compare: not having finished watching the movie, that is, not finishing watching the movie.

Particle "not" should be written separately with a short form of participles (not embroidered), as well as with a complete one in the presence of explanatory words (a novel not published on time), negation (far, at all, never, not at all, not at all and others) or opposition (not started, but finished) .

The use of one and two letters "n"

Double letter -nn- in suffixes of full participles it is written, if available:

  • prefix: beveled, welded (but: uninvited guest);
  • dependent words: steamed in the oven;
  • suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: canned, overjoyed;
  • the word is formed from a perfective verb without a prefix (exception: wounded): deprived.

At the end of short forms, one -n- is always written: based, unpacked.

Separation of syntactically constructions

Often there is such punctuation error- incorrectly placed punctuation marks in sentences containing adverbial and participial phrases. The reason lies in the inability to distinguish them from each other, to determine the boundaries of these structures, to find the word to which they refer.

Let us find out under what conditions adverbial and participle turnover. Let us give the rules existing in the language with examples.


Explains a noun or pronoun, is a definition, stands apart if:

  • refers to personal : Lulled gentle words mother, he was fast asleep. I, who know every path in the surrounding area, was appointed head of the reconnaissance group.
  • stands after a defined noun: A soldier, stunned by a projectile, fell on the battlefield.
  • has circumstantial significance reasons or concessions: Tired after a long journey, the tourists continued on their way. The tourists continued on their way (despite what?), although they were tired after a long journey. Left to their own devices, the children found themselves in a difficult position.

The children found themselves in a difficult position (why?), because they were left to their own devices.

Participial turnover

Denotes an additional action of the verb-predicate, is a circumstance, always stands apart: Raising the waves, the sea raged. The old man walked with a limp on one leg.

Important! The exceptions are turns that have passed into the category of set expressions, such as: holding their breath, headlong, sticking out their tongue, slipping their sleeves.

Compare two sentences:

  1. Sticking out his tongue, the dog was breathing heavily (Dog stuck out his tongue).
  2. The boy ran with his tongue out (running fast).

In the first case, there is an adverbial turnover in the sentence. In the second, the expression "sticking out the tongue" has a figurative meaning. It is easily replaced by one word, the adverb "quickly", therefore, is one that does not stand apart.

Common grammar mistakes

Most common mistake- incorrect agreement of the participle with the explained word, caused by the inability to correctly define it. This can be seen in the following example:

Tikhon was a weak-willed man who completely obeyed his mother, Kabanikhe.

The writer asked a question from the word Tikhon, although the participle "obeyed" explains another word - "man." Correct option sounds like this:

Tikhon was a weak-willed person (what?), Completely obeying his mother - Kabanikhe.

Passive and real participles are often confused:

Among the lottery tickets was won.

From the written it turns out: the ticket was won, although the thought is different: the ticket was won, therefore, we use the word winner.

When using a gerund, it is important to consider that both actions, main and additional, must refer to one person. If this is not done, we will get similar phrases: Comprehension of the depth of spiritual values, the hero's worldview changed.

The additional action expressed by the gerund does not refer to the hero who performs the action, but to the word "worldview".

Correct option: Comprehending the depth of the spiritual values ​​of the people, the hero changed his worldview.

For the same reason, this part of speech cannot be used in impersonal sentences that convey a state, not an action: Having deceived the mother, the children became ill.

Communion and participle: what's the difference? Participle and participle turnover - a simple explanation



The speech of an educated person cannot be imagined without verb forms. The first ones help in a detailed, comprehensive characterization of the subject. The second ones make it possible to simplify speech, replace a number of homogeneous predicates, denoting not the main action, but a secondary, additional one. If you learn to understand the participles, you can make your speech beautiful, bright, understandable, which is important for success in life.

Among scientists there is no single definition of participle within the framework of lexico-grammatical classes. Some linguists consider it a special form of the verb. Others, agreeing with Academician L.V. Shcherba, call the sacrament an independent part of speech. There are some experts who define participle as a verbal adjective. V. I. Dal spoke of him as a part of speech, "participated in the verb in the form of an adjective."

However, the verb form

School textbooks reflect different points of view. However, if we consider the participle as a special form of the verb, then it is easier to immediately distinguish it from other parts of speech and write without errors. The very name "communion" characterizes it as something attached to something, and not independent.


So, participle is a special form of the verb. It designates, as well as an object, but only according to its action. Questions for the sacrament: "what?" (as an adjective), as well as "what is he doing?", "what is he doing?", "what is he doing?".

Some linguists define the participle as a "hybrid" intraverbal form denoting an action expressed as a sign of an object.

Morphological characteristic

Participles have signs of two independent parts of speech at once - a verb and an adjective. The participle received all the constant signs "inherited" from the verb, and the changeable ones - from the adjective.

Immutable or permanent features

Communion can be either perfect or imperfect.

· It can be transitive and intransitive.

Communion can be returnable and irrevocable.

The word can stand in tense: present, past, future.

Has a passive or active voice.

Changeable or non-permanent signs

The participle changes form according to:

with neuter, masculine and feminine;

with plural and singular;

with six cases

Passive participles can be both in full and in short form.

In a sentence

The syntactic function of participles is determined by the completeness and brevity of the form: full participles - definition or part compound predicate, short can only be a predicate.

How to distinguish between passive and active participles

We know that the participle expresses only the sign that is associated with the action. Knowledgeable specialist is the expert who knows. Checked notebooks are those notebooks that have been checked. As we can see from the example, 2 states are possible: the object performs the action itself, or another object performs the action on the object. Therefore, all participles are divided into two groups:

1. Valid, naming the sign of the object that performs the action: a yellowing (which turns yellow) leaf.

2. Passive, denoting such a sign that undergoes the action of another object: a problem solved (by whom? - by me).

What is the difference between full and short participles

Let's compare two constructions: "Artificial intelligence created by the efforts of cyberneticists" and "Artificial intelligence created by the efforts of cyberneticians". In the first case, the participle "created" is full, in the second ("created") it is short. They play different roles in sentences. The full participle is a definition, and the short participle is a predicate. If we want to decline both participles in cases, we will see that this can only be done with the full form. One letter "n" is written in short participle suffixes, and two "n" - in full forms. What they have in common is that both forms are able to change, firstly, by gender, and secondly, by numbers. Distinguish short participles from similar adjectives because they are spelled differently.

How the sacraments are made

All participles arise from verbs, but their various forms depend on aspect and transitivity.

All 4 forms of participles (active and passive in the present and past tenses) can only be produced from transitive and imperfective verbs. For example: meet - meeting (d. p., present time), meeting (d. p., past time) met (s. p., present time), met (s. p., past . vr.).

How to distinguish a participle from a verbal adjective

There is a group of adjectives that are formed, like participles, from a verb. What is the difference? If an object participates in an action and time and appearance matter to it, then this is a participle: to captivate - enthusiastic. IN this example you can determine the perfect form and the past tense, therefore, we have a participle. The definition in the phrases “boiled beets”, “frozen fish” indicates a result that has become permanent, the type and time are not relevant for it, which means that we have a verbal adjective.

What is participial turnover

We have defined the sacrament and considered its possible forms. However, this lexico-grammatical unit can participate in a syntactic construction, which is called participial turnover. If the participle has dependent words (tokens to which we ask a question), then we are dealing with a participial turnover. In a sentence, it always plays the role of a definition. Let's compare: "duck swimming" and "duck swimming in the lake". In the first case, there is a definition expressed by the participle "floating". In the second example, the participle has a dependent word: floating (where?) in the lake. The definition is expressed by participial turnover.

How to place commas

Which were given above, differ from the definitions expressed by participial phrases, punctuation. As part of a sentence, the turnover is separated by commas, but only if it follows the word being defined. Let's compare 2 constructions in which the word being defined is “snowflakes”: “snowflakes swirling in the air” and “snowflakes swirling in the air”. However, this nuance does not apply to morphology; it is the subject of a separate discussion.

In Russian, it is a form of a verb, but it also has the features of an adjective. Therefore, not all linguists distinguish participle in separate part speech.

But in schools, the sacrament is a special one that has a lot of signs of an adjective. In addition to the fact that the participle answers the questions of adjectives, it also

denotes a sign of an object, but this sign is associated with an action and is also called a verbal sign or a sign by action. For example, falling snow is snow that falls.

With what the sacrament is, students get acquainted in the 6th grade. Before that, it is not distinguished from an adjective. Like adjectives, participles can be of any kind, and also stand in plural. The sacrament has an initial form. It has gender and number. For example, the word "flying" can be in the form "flying", "flying" and "flying". Participles are also declined according to cases, they can stand in a short form, for example, "open", "painted". It is always a definition in a sentence, like an adjective.

What is participle in terms of verb signs? Participles are in the present and past tense, however, there are no future participles. For example, "sitting now" and "sitting before". Another verb feature is the view, and in phrases built according to the type of control, participles require a noun in accusative. There are reflexive participles, for example, "stumbling."

It is very important to correctly determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle was formed, otherwise you can make a mistake in writing the suffix. It is also important to be able to determine the basis of transitivity and to know what reflexive verbs are. Therefore, before studying what a participle is, you need to study the topic "Verb" in detail.

All sacraments are divided into two large groups. They are active and passive. You can distinguish them not only by meaning, but also by suffixes. indicate that the object itself does something. The suffixes -usch-, -yushch-, -ashch-, -yashch- are attached to the basis of the verb in the present tense, and for the verb in the past tense -vsh- and -sh-. For example, sleeping, chewing, flying.

If the action is performed not by the object itself, but by someone else, then the sign of this action is denoted by passive participles. The suffixes -nn-, -enn-, -t- are involved in their formation. For example, licked, closed, turned on. Passive participles are not formed from all verbs. For example, the verb "to take" does not have the form of a passive participle; such participles are not formed from intransitive verbs either. But only passive participles form a short form.

Very great difficulties for students arise not from the passage of the very topic "What is the sacrament", but from the inability to correctly write participle suffixes. Students make especially many mistakes when writing the double letter "n".

What is the sacrament, you need to remember and know after school. In order to use words correctly in written and oral speech, you need to be able to form them.