How to increase victories in world of tanks. What do percentages mean in world of tanks

The rules of World of Tanks, of course, do not oblige the player to have perfect statistics. However, the high percentage of wins and efficiency in this game are clear evidence of the excellent potential and toughness of the player. So how do you raise statistics in World of Tanks?

Artificial extension: basic methods

  • platoon game;
  • sandbox game;
  • the use of "imbo" tanks;
  • improvement of personal skills.

Benefits of playing in a platoon

Even after a short period of time after registering in the World of Tank, newcomers usually have acquaintances and clan friends. However, some of these players have experience in combat operations.

With such people, newcomers to the game should definitely unite in small platoons. In any case, it will be easier to act with experienced players, and the beginner's statistics will gradually grow. The only difficulty in this way of increasing the rating is the need to ensure that the actions of all the players in the platoon are as coordinated as possible.

Sometimes, of course, it also happens that there is no one on the contact list at all with whom one could unite. In this case, a beginner should go to a random place and look for experienced players there.

Sandbox game

The sandbox in World of Tanks is called the levels of battles from the first to the third. Mostly only inexperienced users who are still poorly versed in the features of the game play here. Actually, the fights in the sandbox end very quickly. In the same time that an experienced player at high levels spends 20 fights, here he can participate in 40-50.

More or less advanced players usually own professional crews and have a fairly large supply of silver. Accordingly, it will not be too difficult for such participants to collect statistics in a short time in the sandbox.

Imbo tanks

You can artificially raise statistics in the World of Tanks game using, for example, vehicles such as T-18, KV-1, M4 Sherman, etc. 3d. Tanks of the "imbo" class, with their excellent combat characteristics and high power, are able to increase the level of victories in a short time.

It will be convenient to play such machines both for users who have just registered in World of Tanks, and for experienced players. For beginners, the technique of this variety will “forgive” many mistakes, advanced players will be able to inflict huge damage on classmates.

Is it worth it to raise statistics artificially

Many experienced players have a negative attitude towards this method of increasing the rating. This method, of course, is not too fair in relation to other participants. Beginners who have recently joined the World of Tanks game are trying to learn how to feel confident on the field. And then an experienced player comes into the sandbox and instantly scatters them.

This, of course, can lead to self-doubt. Some beginners with constant defeats may simply stop playing World of Tanks.

Players who collect statistics artificially can also cause inconvenience to experienced participants. Once, for example, in the top clan, such a player will quickly “show” himself and let down his comrades-in-arms. Participants determine the real experience of a player, first of all, not by his statistics, but by the level of skill, for example, in company and team battles.

game tactics

Raising statistics in World of Tanks with the help of special tricks will, of course, not be too difficult. But in this game, as in any other, it is certainly better to gain a rating by improving your own skills.

World of Tanks does not differ in particularly complex rules. It is easy and pleasant to play it. And in order to always have good statistics, participants just need to follow some simple recommendations:

  • try to inflict as much damage on the enemy as possible;
  • often shoot down enemy tanks caterpillars;
  • make frags;
  • never forget the mini-map;
  • try to survive until the end of the battle with minimal damage, in order to ultimately be able to have the greatest impact on the outcome of the battle;
  • at the beginning of the battle, do not immediately rush into the attack and change position immediately after being detected by the enemy;
  • highlight opponents for larger brothers.

To ensure that the statistics and efficiency in the game are always high, experienced players advise beginners to also enter World of Tanks every day and not leave it until the win rate exceeds the loss rate. At the same time, the fights themselves can be carried out as much as you like per day.

Players should constantly hone their skills in World of Tanks. Also, experienced participants are advised to play only on top-end equipment. This configuration allows the participant to realize their full potential in battle.

Playing with tanks unable to attack effectively, crawling like turtles, of course, cannot bring any pleasure. Therefore, it is better not to play World of Tanks on stock vehicles. Instead, you should bring it to the top through free experience.

Also, skilled players in World of Tanks strongly do not recommend leaving the hangars without a certain set of consumables. In any case, the first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher should always be with the player. For equipment, starting from level 6, experienced participants recommend installing an automatic fire extinguisher.

In addition, in order to increase their gaming rating, participants should definitely carry gold shells with them. The more often a player will break through the cars of rivals, the more benefit he will bring to his team. Ordinary shells simply do not take tank armor at a level higher.

Where to see statistics

A World of Tanks player can get acquainted with his statistics directly in the game or on the official website of the game. In the first case, to get the data, you need to click on the "Achievements" button. On the World of Tanks website, you just need to go to "My Profile".

  • percentage of wins;
  • damage inflicted on the enemy;
  • average damage per battle;
  • average experience per battle;
  • survival.

The efficiency of their own and other participants, as well as the percentage of the chance to win, World of Tanks players see through the deer meter. Previously, this add-on had to be installed into the game separately. Today, it is included in many recent modifications from the very beginning.


How to increase the percentage of wins in World of Tanks Blitz? The topic is very important and relevant for many players who would like to know how to do it. Now we'll talk about the basics. What you need to really start raising your win rate. Well, personal advice from me, too, will be.

What is needed to win?

Most importantly, you will need this desire to win, the desire to develop, to think in battle and to benefit your allies. You will also need good initial statistics, which will mean that you generally know the basics of the game and play well. Look at your statistics, if you have less than 48% of wins and a small number of fights, then it's too early for you to think about the percentage of wins. You need to read guides, learn some tricks and tactics of playing on different maps and different types of vehicles. If you have a good understanding of the game, you know the cards well and are more or less versed in tactics, your statistics are not completely bad and you are generally overwhelmed with the desire to develop and increase your win rate, then I will help you. What is needed? Solo you can never have a high percentage of wins. Of course there are exceptions, but these are very rare cases. So to achieve the goal you need a platoon. At the same time, the platoon should be from such people who want to increase the percentage of victories with you. Friends who are obsessed with this idea. Even with not very good statistics, having a partner in a platoon, you will definitely make a high percentage of wins! Of course, not immediately, but over time you will learn to play together, you will win and achieve everything!

You probably ask: "what now you can't play solo at all?" No, of course, you can still do it, though most of the battles you should conduct with a platoon. When playing solo, remember that your win percentage per session or six fights should not fall below a critical point (your overall win percentage). If the total percentage is 50, and 30 came out for the session, you yourself understand that there is no point in playing further. It is necessary to either stop or change equipment, look for a platoon. You can't continue to merge. But what if you don’t have good playing friends and don’t even have any suggestions where to get them? I can offer you to look for such people in the battles themselves, if you notice that a player shows himself well in battle, then do not be afraid to write to him after the battle in the chat and add him as a friend, maybe he also needs a person with whom he could win more often. In general, look for players who are similar to you with a desire to bend over, win, play in a team and increase the percentage of wins. And I'm sure you'll get better with time.

What tanks are better to choose for playing in a platoon?

Many players download one particular branch of technology, pump it up to level 10, and immediately begin to download another branch. Thus, it is unlikely to have a high percentage of wins. Constantly playing on stock vehicles, you are unlikely to find a good platoon player playing on the same stock vehicle. Your efficiency seriously drops and the percentage of wins too. Of course, you can upgrade new vehicles, but if you are still serious about improving your statistics, you need to choose a certain level, a tank, and constantly play on it. You will study the tank thoroughly, understand all its good and bad sides, upgrade the crew, install all the equipment. Thus, having fully understood one machine, you can start bending. The tank should be good in its time.

What tanks are considered nagibatorsky?

Already a long time ago there was a certain opinion about each tank, many tanks are considered to be nagibator, others not so much. Remember, every opinion is subjective. Think your way. The same tank in different hands can kill everything that moves, or die in the first minute of the battle without breaking through a single target. From the sixth levels, I advise you to take the Hellcat, KV-1S. At level 7, you can choose from T29, IP. From 10 levels Т110Е5, IS-7. In general, choose the tank that you like, on which you play best. Platoon comrades should also play on good vehicles with all modules and equipment, by no means stock! The crew must be top notch. This way you will get the maximum effect from the platoon, getting on stock players who are just pumping the next branch. To play in a platoon, you should choose tanks that are similar in style of play - all on medium, tank destroyers or heavy. It will be easy to interact with each other in combat. It is also worth noting that tanks of levels 7,8,9 very often fall into the bottom of the list. This is very sad. Choose tanks of the 6th level, or the 10th. Premium cars of level 8 and below (Valentine II, Matilda IV, etc.) will also work well. Moreover, if you do not have a premium account and premium vehicles, you should pay attention to tanks of level 5.6 because of their good farming abilities, you will not go minus silver, and this is very important.

How do you win anyway?

First, play very carefully. Do not think that since you are in a platoon, you need to press and attack all the time. At the beginning of the battle, take a defensive position and wait for the enemy to act. You have probably noticed that the extras play extremely carefully, they are in no hurry and often sit on the defensive. And it's not just that. The cost of a mistake may be too high. You will go somewhere, and you will simply be taken apart for scrap. So think 500 times before going anywhere. If you are confident in your abilities, know what and how to do - the flag is in your hands. Well, if not, you better wait. No one is driving forward, coordinate your actions with the platoon, negotiate. Ideal when you have a voice connection. So much easier, faster and more convenient. Many players rely heavily on luck. You shouldn't rely on luck in World of Tanks Blitz, everything depends on you and the great Belarusian random house! Try to drag yourself and in a platoon. Two people from the top seriously affect the outcome of the battle. Even if you are at the bottom, do your best to win and then you will win. The main thing is not to lose heart, be tuned to a good result! Analyze every loss, your strategy, technique, survival.
Good luck on the battlefield!

In the World of Tanks game, statistics are a very important indicator for every player. This is no secret to anyone. This will be discussed in more detail in this text.

What is a good statistic?

The answer to this question is quite simple. First of all, this is the percentage of victories, as well as the average experience per battle, the points you earned for capturing the base, and, accordingly, survival. All this affects the player's statistics. As a rule, they look at the percentage of victories and the damage that is inflicted on the enemy.

This paragraph will provide some tips on how to raise statistics in World of Tanks, which will suit all gamers without exception. And if you have already played tanks and even opened a second account, then they will help you achieve the greatest effect. These recommendations are as follows:

  • It is best to play on the RU4 server.
  • Status is most effective to download late at night.
  • Artillery is the best.
  • Tank on low-level vehicles.
  • Try to get a premium account.
  • For a more comfortable game, it is necessary to upgrade the crew until you get 1 perk. This is important to do. You should also purchase a crew with 75% training.
  • Play premium tanks no higher than Tier VI.
  • It is necessary to pump initially the skill "sixth sense" ("light bulb").
  • If you are tanking with a platoon and you have four losses, then you are not playing well. As a result of this, allies should be changed.
  • When choosing your squadmates, don't look at their status, but pay attention to their hit accuracy in battle.
  • If you come across extras, then do not lose heart, calculate your strength and go boldly into battle.

In general, if you adhere to these criteria, then you will increase the percentage of wins on vehicles and on the general account.

Let's take a closer look at why these tips are most effective. On the RU4 server, it is very easy to increase the percentage of wins, because there are no extras. Approximately they come across in one battle out of ten. Extras are players who have a very large number of fights, victories - 56%. And in general, there are few players on RU4, and this is very good. There are a lot of newbies on this server, and this gives additional chances to increase the stats. It is undesirable to have an increased ping, however, this parameter from 280 to 380 does not interfere with playing.

Why is it recommended to ride artillery? The answer to this question is quite simple. When using this technique, sometimes in battle it turns out that the enemy does not understand at all who is firing at him. This may be due to the fact that the enemy is not experienced. It happens that the enemy simply shoots with your allies until you finish him off. There is no removal from tracers on low lave artillery. As a result, it is not necessary to constantly move. Do not forget that if you have another account with tanks of the 10th level, then you need to go there and play, otherwise your skill will fall.

Well, why is it advised to play at night? In practice, everything is simple and clear. At night, there are much more normal and adequate players on the server. Because sometimes you need to rely on someone in battle. It is important to consider the region where the server is located in order to choose the time to play.

As soon as there is a free branch for pumping, you need to open the top vehicles for the gained experience and play "plus" in terms of win percentage. This is important to know. It is recommended to open the ACS in this way: medium, and then light. If you bought a premium tank, then, as a rule, it is not nerfed. This is a true fact. All premium vehicles are very comfortable in battle compared to tanks from the research tree. It is also quite profitable. Of course, premium tanks are weaker than their counterparts from the upgrade branch.

Promising technique

Here is a list of exceptions to the rules, with these machines you can increase your statistics:

  • SPG 105 leFH18B2, Tier IV, France. You can buy this technique for 1,500 in-game gold.
  • Tank destroyer FCM36 Pak40, tier III. French technique. You can buy it for 850 gold.
  • SPG SU-26, Tier III. Its cost is 124,900 silver.
  • Tank destroyer SU-85, Tier V, USSR. You can buy for 548,340 silver.
  • Tank destroyer Marder II, III level. German technology. Its cost is 80,130 silver.
  • LT M22 Locust, tier III. US technology. It costs 900 gold.
  • Tank destroyer Dicker Max, Tier VI. German technology. You can buy it for 3,200 gold.
  • TT TOG II, VI levels. UK technology. The cost is 4,750 gold.
  • SPG Grille, Tier III, Germany. You can buy it for 280,640 silver.

Also, in order to increase the statistics, of course, you need a premium account. It can be purchased with gold.

Also, in order to figure out how to raise statistics in World of Tanks, you should look at the training channels that (not for making money on YouTube) were opened by competent players. It is also recommended to get acquainted with such channels as MurazorTV and 40_tonn. Remember, all players have great fights, but not everyone posts videos on YouTube to earn money. Be sure to decide how to raise statistics in World of Tanks, stay up to date with all the news. For example, in patch 0.8.2, a change was made to the visibility and camouflage system. This gave a significant advantage in battles. To learn more about this, you need to go to the site, in the section on this topic. It is also necessary to read the advice of competent developers on the forum.

World of Tanks Statistics Calculator

This is an important definition. It is very easy to study the statistics of any player. Because it is publicly available in WoT. To do this, you need to enter the player's nickname in a certain field, and a special statistics calculator will process the information. Thanks to this, you know which player you are taking to the clan. This must be taken into account. Statistics is no less important than this parameter of one gamer. Even in non-game situations, the stats calculator can be very helpful.


From all of the above, you can learn a lot of useful things. These recommendations will fully help you figure out how to raise statistics in World of Tanks. It should be remembered that personal indicators are the more difficult to increase, the higher the level of the tank. Also, most importantly, do not forget that in World of Tanks the player's statistics depend on their own tactics! The more successful and thoughtful it is, the faster you will achieve a positive result. Think during the game, calculate your actions, risk less. The skill is more dependent on the ability to survive and the amount of damage.

The goal of each player taking part in combat battles is the successful development of the game account, which directly depends on combat statistics. If it is low, the question arises of how to raise a stat in World of Tanks.

You can take part in the game for a different duration and at the same time have a low rating (status). Proposals for joining the company directly depend on him.

For rapid development and receipt of successful offers to join the company, it is necessary

Feel free to take part in the newly created companies. Very often they are created by experienced players, in order to level up their status, taking part in battles with the same companies only with weaker tankers in it;

Try to look at the upgrade of existing combat vehicles, while paying attention to the entry-level tanks. As a rule, they take part in several battles, and then "rust" in the hangar due to the acquisition of more powerful machines. Ride it for a bit and earn a couple of rewards for successfully shooting enemies;

Try to win more fights. At the same time, feeling that you are lucky, it is better to stop, because then a wave of defeats can ruin everything;

Don't chase high end cars thinking you'll make a lot of money on them. Sometimes new models are not comfortable enough, at first you need to ride them, in order to get used to it, take a tank that is more convenient for you and drive it for your own pleasure;

With a state in the company and the inability to take part in some battles with them, then calmly mono perform solo at a convenient time.

But that's not all to learn how to raise a stat in World of Tanks

Do not harvest gold to upgrade your crew. Train your warriors, and retrain if necessary;

Get the necessary kits before going into battle. The same first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher will help a lot, especially when there is half a step to victory, but there is no strength;

Golden projectiles (purchased with gold) at certain points, by the way, come with their advantage of breaking through armor;

Use free experience to level up vehicles;

Try to be distracted from the game during promotions. At this time, there are a lot of "freeloaders" chasing easy money as additional bonuses;

The first half of the day of the working week is free from schoolchildren. The presence of such players in the company greatly hinders their inexperience to raise their rating. Since they are very inept in the battle, which spoils the overall company statistics.

Having spent about 31,000 battles in World of Tanks over two and a half years, I have formed my own opinion on one of the most controversial topics in the game, which I will try to convey to you.

So here it is: I'm sure there is no Wargaming conspiracy. Does not exist at all - from the word "absolutely".

A player's win rate is affected by two things: psychology and mathematics. There are simply no others.

Factor number one: PSYCHOLOGY.

The game of all players, without exception, is influenced exclusively by psychology, or rather, the emotional state of each specific player in each specific battle. Let me explain.

The entire audience of players can be conditionally divided into two groups: the so-called "shkolota" (I'm not trying to offend anyone, I'm not putting a negative meaning - I'm just using a common term) and "fathers of families".

1. First group- these are people from ..... years (I even met 6-year-olds) to 18-22 years old. The conclusions about the observations of this group are based on the example of the game of my 12-year-old son and his friends. They are not interested in the percentage of victories as such. They heard about him, even sometimes look - but, in general, they don't give a damn about him. They have a specific little goal - get to the Y tank....kill the Z car.....put in a new cannon.... They only go into battle to gain experience - no matter how much. They are not interested in the strategic result, they do not count on a few steps forward - THEY NEED TO URGENTLY UNLOCK THAT TANK! The main thing is that sooner or later they will receive it - everything! They don't have a winning mentality - they have a recipient mentality. Moreover, they are ready to receive at any cost. If you try to explain to them that playing to win will bring more, they understand, they are even ready to give examples from their own practice of successful battles - but ... "I'll go for a drive in a tank, gain experience" ... That's it! It's not their misfortune - it's the misfortune of us, the elders, that we missed a generation: the psychology of victorious fighters was replaced by the psychology of user-consumers. They just want the final product (at the same time, without setting grandiose goals, a momentary result is enough for them), and they don’t think about the effectiveness of the efforts / time / etc. spent. But this is too deep a question, and it is not here to discuss it.

2. Second group- more difficult. People over 20 years old. Imagine that someone has come home from work. Tired. He has that winning mentality, he has strategic thinking - but he fought all day and he was tired. Just physically tired. He wants to rest - and he found his version of rest in the game. He disconnected from the world - and went into the hangar .... He remembers the goal that he set for himself a week / month / year ago, He values ​​\u200b\u200bhis time and effort - but he is tired! Or drunk (which does not exclude fatigue). Or quarreled with his wife, and splashes out irritation here. Or unnecessarily relaxed after a stormy date. Or .... yes, a million such "or"! All this in one way or another affects his physiological state - reaction, speed of thinking, perception of colors on the screen, speed of decision-making in the game, etc.

And this hellish mixture spills out into the open spaces of the random house. Someone is hunting for a specific tank (because the goal is set - "Expert"); someone fills experience on the device, to which the soul does not lie; someone gave a girl / brother / neighbor / mother-in-law a ride; someone is talking on the phone; someone is annoyed beyond measure, and someone is absolutely happy .... there are a billion options! But do not forget - everyone is in their own, individual, psychophysical state. Everyone has different goals in this fight - and often these goals directly contradict each other.

And what do you want in this porridge? This is easier on the Civil Code: everyone has one, common goal. In addition, people are familiar - and it is possible to predict with a high degree of certainty which of the clan members will behave. Yes, and the very preparation for the battle on the Civil Code makes everyone tune in, if not to one, then to several parallel-directed emotions. None of this will happen in random.

There is only one conclusion from all this: the team that has more people with similar emotions will win. And the balance of equipment has nothing to do with it - now this parameter in the game is set, in general, quite competently, and teams are selected approximately equal in terms of performance characteristics.

(Of course, the age limits are given purely conditionally - it is impossible to determine them absolutely accurately. As well as the division of players into two groups was made only in the interests of this article, to clarify the idea).


There is a strong belief in the game that it all comes down to an average of 49% wins, the same number of losses, and 2% draws. This opinion is supported, including by the developers (or formed by them - it doesn’t matter here), it is generally recognized, therefore, we will accept the numbers as true.

All the players studied (or study) at school, therefore, anyone can understand and double-check the calculations.

At the first stage of being in the game, by definition, a person cannot play well (of course, there are all sorts of unique ones, but their number is negligible). (I personally consider the first stage to be 4-4.5 thousand battles. Around this time, he acquires the first “top” and begins to understand at least something in the game). There are a lot of explanations for this - ignorance of maps, tactics, performance characteristics, lack of experience in lightning-fast response to situations in battle, etc. In the end, his thoughts are focused on getting the coveted IS-7, and he cares very little about statistics - he is in a hurry to jump out of the battle and go to a new one. Based on all the above figures, we get the following picture:

Fights - 4500
Wins (49%) - 2205
Draws (2%) - 90
Losses (49%) - 2205

Here he thought about his own statistics, and decided to raise it. From the point of view of the players, a person with a 53% win rate and above is considered quite good. With 2% of draws, his losses will be 45%. Interest is a good thing, but let's calculate it in absolute terms. If he immediately reached the indicator of 53% of wins, then the picture would look like this:

Fights - 4500
Wins (53%) - 2385
Draws (2%) - 90
Losses (49%) - 2205
Difference - Wins +180 (8.16%), Draws 0, Losses (45%) -180 (8.16%)

But in this case, there is one more figure in absolute terms: the difference between victories and defeats. In the given example, it will be 2385 - 2025 = 360 fights. If the player keeps this difference, then by 10,000 fights it will be a completely gloomy figure for him ((((10,000 - 10,000 * 2%) - 180) / 2 + 180) / 10,000) = 49.9% victories.

Therefore, in order to achieve a result of 53% (in addition to 10,000 fights), he will need to reach the win/loss difference of 800 fights. For 5,500 upcoming battles, he will have to win ((((5,500 - 5,500 * 2%) -800) / 2) + 800) = 3095 battles. Or 56.27% of upcoming fights.

Over time, the player's ability to play World of Tanks (the so-called "skill") grows, even if he does not strive for this. He remembers maps, gets used to this or that tank and its behavior, studies successful moves, penetration zones are stored in memory, etc. Some people have more skill, some less, but they have it. It's like a muscle - you can pump it up in the gym with the help of "iron", or you can accompany your wife to the store every day and carry full packages; in both cases, muscle tissue will be strengthened, the only question is the degree of its development.

However, as in the example with muscles, the skill itself cannot grow in leaps and bounds. It just doesn't happen - this is not the cost of Gazprom's securities on the stock exchange. The process is progressing, with a slight increase. But I really want to raise the numbers in the statistics .... And what does the player do if this desire prevails? He is looking for options, one of which is a joint game with companies. As practice shows, this is a fairly effective way to increase the percentage of wins (but in the realities of World of Tanks it is often not associated with an increase in personal skill), an illustration of which is the data in the information about the accounts of "extras". (Here we will not touch on the topic of the so-called "twinks", since the process of developing such a character initially starts with more favorable conditions in the form of a high skill and existing game experience). The most interesting thing is that when analyzing the reasons for the success of increasing statistics in companies, we will come to the question of psychology, i.e. section 1.

It would seem - a vicious circle? No, ladies and gentlemen - I would call it a closed system in which two equivalent factors organically complement each other: mathematics and psychology. And there is no conspiracy of Blood Wargaming regarding the players - there is not one objective reason that would force the company to do so. And there is no mechanism capable of in a matter of seconds, passing between pressing the button "To battle!" and the starting point, collect and analyze the psycho-physiological state of hundreds of thousands of players ready for battle; but then you also need to distribute them so that they are in conflict with each other, while taking into account the skill and balance of equipment .... This is simply NOT NEEDED for any Wargaming.

So calm down - all your statistics depend solely on you and your actions in World of Tanks.

Good luck on the battlefield, tankers!