The fastest browser. Which browser is the fastest?

Every year there are more and more various systems for effective use of the Internet. By 2017, the number of computer browsers has increased significantly. This article will present the top 10 browsers recognized by users as the most convenient, efficient and fast.

Avant Browser

The top 10 for computers opens with the unfairly little-known Avant web browser. This is a fairly fast and lightweight browser that runs on a whole base of engines: Gecko, Webkit, and Trident. The program is completely free, as it is distributed under the GNU license. It is worth noting, however, that some of the functions presented by the browser are copied from other programs. Thus, many elements of Avant are strongly reminiscent of the structure of such famous browsers as Mozilla and Opera. The plugins and settings of the presented browser are implemented from Internet Explorer.

Just because Avant copies the functionality of many other web browsers does not mean that the program is irrelevant or second-rate. On the contrary, combining all the best components from more well-known browsers, Avant is a very good option for accessing the Internet. Moreover, the program contains a number of original advantages that are definitely worth noting. So, it is necessary to highlight the following points:

  • The main advantage of the browser is the incredibly low level of system resource consumption;
  • Ad blocking is installed in the browser by default;
  • it is possible to quickly take a screenshot of website pages;
  • there is the ability to quickly navigate to popular domains;
  • the interface is very easy to customize - users have the opportunity to install about 30 different skins;
  • the browser launches instantly.

Thus, Avant takes an honorable tenth place in the top 10 best browsers for computers.

Pale Moon Browser

In ninth place in the top 10 browsers for computers is the little-known but very high-quality web browser Pale Moon. It should be noted right away that this browser is based on the source code from the famous Mozilla browser.

The main feature of "Pale Moon", and at the same time its main advantage, is the presence of a whole set of internal improvements. Thanks to a number of specific features of the presented web browser, using the Internet will be much more convenient and efficient. Pale Moon runs on the latest processor with a high-quality SSE2-type instruction set, and therefore the program performance is very high even in comparison with large browsers.

How is Pale Moon different from Firefox? For what reasons should you give preference to the browser in question? It is necessary to highlight the following differences in the “lunar” browser:

  • no parental controls or Active X functionality;
  • the function of scanning files after downloading is disabled;
  • added the function of previewing tabs when switching them actively;
  • requires a fairly modern processor.

Thus, the Pale Moon web browser is a pretty good alternative to the Mozilla browser. The main feature of the “lunar browser” is the absence of all unnecessary and unnecessary details that could significantly complicate the effective use of the Internet. Moreover, the program itself only works on computers with fairly powerful technical characteristics. As a result, it takes an honorable ninth place in the top 10 best browsers for computers.


In eighth place in the top 10 popular browsers for computers is the very light and fast web browser Qupzilla. The main advantage of this Czech browser is its high-quality optimization for almost any platform. Qupzilla is an incredibly lightweight and simple program in its structure. If the user's main goal is to view text documents on the Internet, and not work with heavy applications, then the presented browser is the best option.

How does the program in question differ from other web applications? Yes, practically nothing. All the same icons, tabs, history and download system - in this regard, the Qup developers do not try to shine with originality. When planning Qupzilla, the company of Czech Internet technologists and programmers tried to rely, first of all, on the goals of creating the speed and functionality of the application. The browser has a high-quality adblock that allows you to effectively block any advertising. And thanks to the built-in Reader RSS, users of the web browser in question will be able to promptly learn the latest news. Among other things, the browser has a quick access function. The user can quickly and easily customize the browser home page according to their preferences.

Why is Quipzilla in eighth place in the top 10 Internet browsers? Firstly, this columnist is not very well known among Russian citizens. Secondly, it still has a number of significant shortcomings that should be corrected as soon as possible. Thus, the main disadvantages of the browser include the lack of frequent updates and not the most aesthetic appearance.


In seventh place in the top 10 browsers for PCs is the very old, but quite high-quality browser K-Meleon. This program should probably be remembered by every person who actively used the Internet in the early 2000s. The presented browser was born in 2001, and is still not inferior in popularity to many, even the most famous and modern web browsers. What is the reason for the high quality of this product? Firstly, constant updates. K-Meleon is constantly being modernized. The browser runs on the same engine as Mozilla, but has significant differences from the latter. The main and most important difference is the ability to use computer resources economically.

The browser, unlike many of its competitors, requires very little: just a small portion of RAM and little CPU usage. Another important advantage of the K-Meleon web browser is the ability to use a native PC interface. Thanks to this simple function, resources and time that could be spent on the interface are greatly saved. The speed and quality of work increases. Any user is able to personalize the browser for themselves - and all thanks to the wonderful macro system.

Why is K-Meleon only in seventh place in the top 10 browsers for PC? Firstly, a significant drawback of the presented web browser is its very simple, and therefore not the most aesthetic, design. Secondly, the program has a number of minor errors: for example, incorrect reflection of texts, pictures, etc. However, all problems are corrected in a timely manner with the help of timely updates.

Yandex Browser

It’s worth finally moving on to the list of more well-known programs. In sixth place in the top 10 browsers for PCs is the famous “Yandex.Browser”, released not so long ago - only in 2012. What is different about this web browser, what advantages and disadvantages does it have?

The first thing worth highlighting is the truly high level of security. The program very efficiently and carefully checks all downloads and files for the presence of any malicious elements. It will not be so easy to catch some kind of computer virus when working with Yandex.Browser: a well-built scanning mechanism will reliably protect the user from harm.

There are several great additions built into the web browser. This is a high-quality ad blocker, and stylish features like “video backlight”, “reading mode”, etc. Add-ons can be disabled at any time. It is also worth noting that a very high-quality translator is built into the browser, in no way inferior to the system from Google.

Now it’s worth moving on to the shortcomings of the program, which clearly illustrate why Yandex.Browser is in sixth place in the top 10 browsers of 2017. The first and most important disadvantage of the browser is the intrusive service from Yandex. The search bar of the same name, the hated by many “Yandex.Bar” - all this can significantly spoil the impression of, in general, a pretty good browser. The second disadvantage is related to possible problems problems that may arise when viewing history. However, timely program updates allow the situation to be effectively corrected.


In fifth place is the most “dangerous” Internet browser, hated by the authorities of many states. TOR is known to many Internet users, first of all, for its ability to bypass a large number of blocks and bans. The program in question allows people to access the so-called “black Internet” - a place that is not accessible to everyone.

The TOR browser is a kind of set of tools that allow you to ensure user safety when viewing any Internet pages. The presented browser is able to provide the citizen with complete anonymity during any work on the Internet. TOR is similar to Firefox. This includes advanced support, a wide range of settings, high-quality privacy, etc.

This browser is unlikely to be needed by the average Internet user. So, if there were a top 10 fastest browsers for PCs, TOR would definitely take last place in it. This is a very sluggish, slow and practically unoptimized program. However, this major drawback is compensated by high-quality security of use, a wide range of settings and the ability to get into even the “darkest” corners of the Internet.

As a rule, TOR is launched from a flash drive. Only in this case will no one be able to find out about the possibility of using this program by any citizen. Another question is whether the average Internet user really needs all this. A law-abiding citizen is unlikely to care about secret data or little-known pages. It is because of this that the poorly optimized for PC, but very secure TOR takes fifth place in the top 10 browsers of 2016 or 2017.

Mozilla Firefox

Fourth place in the top browsers for Windows 10 (or slightly older versions) is occupied by the famous As of 2017, the presented web browser is used by tens of millions of people in the most different countries. This is a constantly updated and modernized program. It is this factor that makes the browser so high quality. What other advantages of the application are worth mentioning?

The named web browser is a very flexible and efficient program for surfing the Internet. Despite the somewhat outdated concept, simple design and minor errors in operation, the browser in question boasts the following features:

  • Extensive settings system, incomparable to any other browser. There is almost everything here that would allow the average Internet user to adjust the web browser to their individual preferences.
  • Convenient and aesthetically pleasing interface. Despite some old-fashionedness, as well as the separation of the URl from the search field, the appearance of the web browser still remains very nice and interesting.
  • Availability of more than 100 thousand plugins.
  • The browser runs on absolutely any platform.
  • Reliability and safety. Firefox often leads other browsers when it comes to blocking malicious information.
  • The most convenient initial panel.
  • The web browser is updated in the background.

In the top browsers of 2017 (for Windows 10, 8 or 7), the Firefox browser takes only fourth place, although ten years ago it would definitely take first place. What is the reason? Of course, this is the emergence of new, more advanced and modern Internet browsers. Plus, Firefox's engine is significantly outdated. However, all these factors do not prevent millions of users from remaining on this platform.

Microsoft Edge

The Edge web browser has replaced the old Internet Explorer, which has been unnoticed by users for many years. Edge is rightfully placed in third place among the top browsers. For Windows 10, the Edge web browser is one of best options. This is a program with a very nice interface, extensive functionality and a wide range of settings. It is the complete merger with Windows 10 that makes the presented browser one of the highest quality and most reliable products of recent times. What are the advantages of Microsoft Edge here?

  • Reading mode. Of course, this feature is far from fresh. However, the Edge absolutely outperformed all of its competitors in this regard. Here and the ability to underline the text in the most different colors, and the preservation of information, and the ability to quickly get rid of all interfering elements. The developers of the browser in question have done a really great and high-quality job.
  • Speed. Having abandoned all outdated standards, Edge developers have created a new engine that allows the browser to work faster even than Chrome.
  • Voice assistant. Cortana will soon arrive in Russia. However, for English-speaking users this is a real discovery and one of the most requested features.

However, Edge also has a number of disadvantages, due to which the web browser in question is only in third place in the top 10 browsers for Windows 7, 8 or 10. Thus, it is definitely worth highlighting not the most familiar and user-friendly design, as well as the banal lack of extensions. The developers nevertheless promise to fix everything existing problems in the very near future.


Second place in the top browsers for Windows 10, 8 or 7 is occupied by the well-known Opera web browser. The program is already over 23 years old, however, during all this time it has only been gaining momentum and becoming more and more popular. All this happens, of course, thanks to constant and timely updates that allow you to qualitatively modernize the browser.

The presented web browser has both a number of advantages and a number of significant disadvantages. It’s worth starting with the advantages of the browser. The following points need to be highlighted here:

  • The browser supports turbo mode, implemented through cloud technologies. Thanks to this, any pages, tabs and files are displayed very quickly and easily. It is also worth noting significant traffic savings.
  • Link technology allows you to efficiently synchronize data across a variety of devices.
  • There are a number of hot keys that greatly simplify the control process.
  • The web browser has a very convenient express panel with various kinds of saved bookmarks.
  • "Opera" does not require high computer performance, it is able to work with a small amount of RAM.

At the same time, the browser also has several disadvantages, due to which it is only in second place in the top 10 browsers:

  • Without a download history, the user is not able to work with the same browser for a long time. Opera has a lot of problems with downloads. Despite constantly releasing updates, the presented web browser still contains a number of shortcomings in the operation of scripts, WML forms, downloads and some other elements.
  • "Opera" has a unique system of bookmarks called a "piggy bank". Despite the fact that the solution itself is quite interesting, the poor implementation of this function does not allow it to be fully convenient and of high quality.

Thus, Opera remains one of the best browsers in the world, but not without its shortcomings.

Google Chrome

Of course, Chrome is recognized as the best web browser of all existing ones. It entered the top browsers of 2016 for Windows 10, 8 or 7. And, of course, very deservedly: it is a truly high-quality and effectively implemented product, used by millions of people around the world. This is not to say that Chrome is a browser without shortcomings.

It also occasionally lags and requires a lot of RAM. However, all the available advantages of the presented browser completely cover all possible disadvantages. Here's what's worth highlighting here:

  • really high speed;
  • reliability and safety implemented using the latest technologies;
  • availability of "Incognito" mode;
  • nice interface;
  • stable operation without strong brakes;
  • wide range of tools;
  • presence of a voice assistant;
  • constant updates carried out in the background, and therefore do not interfere with the user’s work;
  • automatic translation of pages into the desired language

And many other features. Chrome really is a quality browser. Most users don’t even need to prove this; it’s already installed on most PCs.

All people have their own preferences and interests. Everyone has their own requirements and wishes and it is very difficult to find the same ones. It is for this reason that the same thing, tested by different people, with rare exceptions, will receive the same or similar characteristics. Exactly the same is the case with software. One of the most popular programs is a browser and is designed for surfing the Internet.

Therefore, the faster and smoother the browser works, the easier and more comfortable surfing will be. After all, with the help of a browser you will not only browse websites, listen to music, watch movies and even play games.

Of course, compiling ratings is not a rewarding task, because everyone has their own opinion and preference, but still highlight the best browsers based on their functionality and the opportunities that they provide to their users.

The basis is taken from browsers that work reliably in the operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Their advantages, as well as their disadvantages, will be brought to your judgment. Let's hope that thanks to our rating, you will choose the browser that satisfies your needs, if not 100, then certainly 90%.

1st place - Google Chrome browser

What kind of browser is this? First of all, it differs in that it is the most common and is even included in many programs. Of course, this is one of the fastest browsers running on the Windows operating system.

Appeared Google Chrome in 2008, based on the very popular Safari browser at that time, running on the WebKit engine. The prototype of this browser appeared after connecting the V8 javascript engine and was called Chromium. It was only later that the newly formed browser was processed and developed in such large companies as Google, Opera Software and Yandex. One of the first manufacturers to release their offspring based on Chromium was Google. Pretty quickly, it spread across the Internet, rapidly gaining popularity. Needless to say, in almost all smartphones, the Google Chrome browser is preinstalled initially.

Main advantages of Google Chrome:

  1. Google Chrome is desperate for high speed. In this indicator, it is significantly superior to its competitors. For greater convenience, users have access to such a convenient function as preload pages, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase the loading speed.
  2. Google Chrome is one of the safe browsers. This is achieved thanks to the latest technologies, including an updated database of phishing and other malicious resources. In addition, downloading files with a “.bat”, “.exe” or “.dll” permission will require additional user confirmation, which can significantly reduce the threat of virus infection.
  3. Google Chrome allows its users to use Incognito mode, which is very useful for those users who need to browse a lot of sites without leaving traces of their visit on their computer.
  4. Google Chrome uses a simple and well-designed interface to provide its users with a seamless experience and the absence of less important elements. It was in this browser that the quick access panel was first used, thanks to which users were able to quickly find the sites they needed. For the convenience of users, the address bar began to serve not only for entering addresses of sites and resources, but also as a search engine. It was from Google Chrome that this ability migrated to other browsers.
  5. Google Chrome is stable and reliable operation. And this is exactly so, because unlike other browsers, Google Chrome does not generate a critical error and does not slow down. If this happens, then first of all you should look for viruses in the system and only then start blaming your Chrome.
  6. Google Chrome has its own task manager, which is a menu called " Additional tools", which allows you to track how many system resources an entire tab or a separate running plugin takes up. Using this, you can identify the braking element and neutralize it in time.
  7. Google Chrome offers its users a fairly extensive list of all kinds of extensions, most of which are free. In addition, there are own plugins and themes for design. The user gets the opportunity to adjust the browser to his needs and wishes, which makes it very convenient to use.
  8. Google Chrome has its own built-in translator, thanks to which you can translate entire pages from different languages.
  9. Google Chrome is updating in automatic mode and most often the user simply does not notice it.
  10. It is possible to create search queries using voice using the “OK, Google” service.

The main disadvantages of Google Chrome:

  1. In Google Chrome, as of version 42.0, NPAPI plugins have ceased to be supported, including Flash Player, which is popular among users.
  2. For Google Chrome to work without distortion and lag, your computer must have at least 2 GB of RAM.
  3. There are very few Russian-language extensions and plugins in Google Chrome.
  4. Usage Google browser Chrome causes significant stress on the hardware, which ultimately leads to reduced battery life on laptops and smartphones.
  5. Most of Google Chrome user data is stored on American servers. However, today, some of them are transferred to Russian servers.


During the operation of Google Chrome, it showed itself to be one of the most stable and fairly fast browsers. It will be convenient and practical to have various services from Google integrated into the system. At the same time, one account allows you to quickly connect both a computer and mobile device. In addition, it is possible to organize synchronization of these two devices.

2nd place Yandex.Browser

Yandex.Browser has a very short story. It was born in 2012, developed on the Chromium engine. He is for a short time has gained popularity throughout almost the entire territory of Russia and the CIS countries. It has full integration with all Yandex services, which makes its use very convenient. Naturally, the Yandex system is used as the default search engine.

Yandex.Browser has an original interface; it has its own quick launch panel, made in a tile style, which allows the user to use up to 20 tiles.

Yandex.Browser is equipped with the “Smart String” function, which not only transmits the entered phrase to the search engine, but also automatically helps the user select the site necessary for his request, taking into account the coincidence of the name. It is worth saying that this function can only work with large resources. There is support for mouse manipulation to improve browsing of website pages.

The main advantages of Yandex.Browser:

  1. Yandex Browser has a fairly high level of security. This is achieved due to the fact that the browser system has its own antivirus, which will check files, links and sites for harmful viruses and Trojans. It has its own updated database of fraudulent and phishing sites.
  2. The presence of Yandex.Browser's own ad blocker allows you to automatically close all pop-up banners. It is possible to disable all flash advertising and videos, which can significantly increase the speed at which pages open.
  3. There is a built-in system that allows you to view documents of various formats, including books.
  4. There is a built-in translator developed by the Yandex system.
  5. Especially for smartphones, there is a version in which "quick links" services are already built-in, as well as the ability to make calls.
  6. The presence of the "Turbo 2.0" mode allows you to significantly increase the speed with which site pages will be loaded, while significantly saving traffic.
  7. Yandex Browser compresses online video, which also saves traffic.
  8. There is its own mobile version of Yandex.Browser.

The main disadvantages of Yandex Browser:

  1. Despite the original interface, not everyone will like it, as it takes time to get used to it.
  2. The fact that Yandex.Browser is tied to Yandex services, as a result of which, in their absence, the browser loses most of its advantages.
  3. Although rare, problems do arise during the transfer of settings and history.

3 Place Mozilla Firefox

Today, the Mozilla Firefox browser is one of the most popular foreign browsers. At the same time, according to polls in Russia, it takes an honorable third place. It first appeared in 2004. After that, a lot has changed. As an engine, the application uses Gecko, which is freely available, but continues to be upgraded thanks to the efforts of the developers. At one time, it was the first browser to have a large base of extensions, and work stably long before the advent of Chrome. In the Mozilla Firefox browser, they were among the first to use the maximum privacy mode used later in the Google browser.

The main advantages of Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Mozilla Firefox has a simple and user-friendly interface, devoid of everything that interferes with the normal operation of the Internet.
  2. The browser has a convenient system of settings, using which you can customize it for yourself, making it more convenient.
  3. Mozilla Firefox has a large number of built-in plugins - more than 100,000.
  4. The browser is famous for its cross-platform compatibility. It can be used on any operating system.
  5. Mozilla Firefox is famous for its reliability. It will work even when other browsers freeze.
  6. The browser guarantees the maximum degree of security, as well as the privacy of users' personal data.
  7. Mozilla Firefox has a convenient bookmarks bar.
  8. If necessary, you can give the task not to leave information about yourself on various sites. It is possible to use private browsing of website pages. There is such a useful feature as "Master Passwords", thanks to which you can protect all your records.
  9. There is a handy feature that allows you to update the browser in the background without requiring user intervention.

Main disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Mozilla Firefox, compared to Google Chrome, is inferior in terms of stability and speed.
  2. Despite constant updates, browser performance remains at an average level.
  3. Mozilla Firefox lacks support for a number of scripts, as a result of which information may not be displayed correctly on some sites.
  4. For normal operation, Mozilla Firefox will require a lot of RAM.

4th place Opera

The history of the Opera browser began back in 1994. If until 2013 the Opera browser worked on its own engine, now it has started using the Webkit+V8 engine, just like Google Chrome. Since 2010, the company launched a mobile version of the program. In Russia it ranks fourth in popularity, and in the world it is sixth.

Opera's main advantages:

  1. The Opera browser has a fairly high speed and displays pages well.
  2. There is a “turbo” mode, thanks to which you can significantly increase the loading speed of website pages using cloud technologies. This allows you not only to save traffic when working in the mobile version of this application.
  3. There is a very convenient express panel that allows you to save bookmarks. This modified tool called Speed ​​Dial, preserved from previous versions of the Opera browser.
  4. Using Opera Link technology allows you to synchronize different devices.
  5. The Opera browser has many hotkeys that greatly simplify control.
  6. There is an Internet browser Opera Unite, with which you can turn your browser into an analogue of a server. For example, you can access various files that are located on your computer. It is possible to exchange SMS notifications and even photographs.

Opera's main disadvantages:

  1. Opera is a memory-intensive application. Therefore, if several tabs are open, then the slowdown begins. At the same time, the use of the new and reliable Google Chrome engine does not help him.
  2. Some scripts may not work correctly in the Opera browser. In addition, there are complaints about working with WML.
  3. The Opera browser is not the most stable; crashes and freezes are quite common.
  4. And although the Opera browser has its own bookmarking system, called “Piggy Bank,” it was very poorly implemented.

I use Opera only as an additional browser. The "Turbo" function is useful when working with a modem, because in this case it combines high page display speed and savings in traffic consumption.

5th place K-Meleon

The K-Meleon browser is one of the relatives of the Mozilla Firefox browser. Both use the same engine. K-Meleon allows you to become a lightweight browser for Windows systems. It was supposed to provide an opportunity to demonstrate all the capabilities of the new engine. However, the result is a browser that allows you to save the consumption of your computer’s resources.

This browser is ideal for weak computers. However, when working on modern systems, this browser will work even better, since in a number of parameters it allows you to get ahead of your competitors.

Main advantages of K-Meleon:

  1. The K-Meleon browser allows you to economically use computer resources and its RAM.
  2. The K-Meleon browser uses the native Windows interface, saving time and resources that programs spend on their interface.
  3. Provides fairly high speed.
  4. There are excellent options for user personalization. It’s worth saying that you don’t have to use various extensions for this. Maximum effect achieved using macros. Of course, for a beginner it will be somewhat difficult, but if you have a little free time, you can get the hang of it.
  5. Several assembly options are available to users, allowing them to choose the one that suits them best.
  6. Supports multiple profiles for use by different users.

The main disadvantages of K-Meleon:

  1. Users note the clumsy execution of the interface. Unlike the leaders, this browser has a very simple design.
  2. The K-Meleon browser may have problems when working with Cyrillic. However, recent updates have partially corrected the situation.

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is a free browser. It is found in all versions of Windows from 1995 to the present day. It was popular in Russia for quite a long time, at least before the advent of Google Chrome. Now he has lost his position. As a result, Microsoft stopped development and a new free Spartan browser appeared in Windows 10. Of course, this browser was never considered the best. It always had many “holes” through which viruses penetrated. The situation was somewhat corrected by Internet Explorer 10, which was part of Windows 8. They tried to fix all the “holes” in this browser, but its time has already passed.

Internet Explorer 11 came with Windows 8.1. What can you say about him? Only that in terms of speed, it is not inferior to other browsers. It has a privacy mode, supports caching and much more. Most often, Internet Explorer is used by developers of various software, but it is still not worth using Internet Explorer to surf the Internet.


In the world ranking, the Safari browser is in 4th place. It was developed by Apple. Often integrated into iOS. It is the proprietary browser of the company. Later it was adapted for Windows. However, since 2012 Apple company stopped development and all download links were deleted on the official website. According to tests, Safari shows pretty good results. The only negative is the lack of updates. For this reason alone, it should not be used.

SRWare Iron

This browser is a good alternative for Google Chrome fans who want to try something similar. This browser does not have built-in services from Google, with the exception of the search engine. The Chromium database was taken as a basis, but the browser does not include a copy identifier, which sends data to the server after installation and continues to monitor search queries. Since error statistics are not sent to the server, it will be difficult to fix them. But there is a completely reliable ad blocker. This browser does not have automatic updates and all updates will have to be installed manually. But this will be a minor disadvantage, since system resources are saved.


The SlimJet browser is another version of Google Chrome. Of course, it is based on the Chromium platform. However, it is not linked to Google services. The main features of this browser are, first of all, a practical password manager, and integration with FaceBook allows you to quickly use this social network. In addition, it has its own photo editor that allows you to compress photos. Security is guaranteed by its own antivirus and phishing protection. The speed of work is also quite real, in addition, there are automatic updates. SlimJet is an excellent option for those who want to change Google Chrome without losing their usual speed.

Tor Browser

The Tor Browser program is similar in its properties to the Mozilla Firefox browser. However, the main difference is that it has a system that ensures the anonymity of the Tor network. Thanks to this, you can visit even the most blocked Internet projects. Today, the popularity of this browser is very high and continues to gain momentum. Blocking torrent sites helps him with this. Tor Browser easily obtains proxy access to almost all resources around the world, allowing the user to bypass the blocking. Using Tor Browser, the user surfs sites in complete anonymity without saving browsing history. However, it does not have flash, cookies, or even cache. The main disadvantages of this browser are slow operation. In addition, it only allows you to surf. You can't watch movies or listen to music. You should only use Tor Browser when you want to remain anonymous or visit a restricted site.


This browser was developed by the Russian company Group. It is presented as one of the best browsers specially designed for social networks. However, this is still the same standard Chromium, which has built-in services from The only convenience of this browser lies in the built-in module that makes it convenient to communicate on social networks without visiting them. However, the Amigo browser received anti-advertising, first of all, due to the intrusive method of distribution. It can be obtained in the appendage by downloading the program. AND main question, which can most often be found on computer forums - how to erase (get rid of) the Amigo browser. At the same time, only one search engine is used as a working one, which cannot be replaced. And in general, Amigo is inferior to its competitors in a number of parameters.


Comet Browser is free program with a commercial focus. It's worth saying. that the developer of this browser remained unknown. Most often used together with a browser and a search engine that is not very convenient. It is worth saying that the Comet is distributed in the same way as Amigo - intrusively and not always honestly. However, it is very difficult to remove it. This browser also has the ability to work with social networks. Along the way, they use an advertising module, which, after certain moments, simply displays huge advertising banners. This interferes with normal operation.

Today, there are a large number of different browsers, many of them are not included in this rating. Only the best browsers were listed here, but as you know, every sandpiper praises his swamp. All browsers presented in the review can be installed on your computer completely free of charge and used without any restrictions. If you can suggest your TOP 5 browsers, then leave your rating in the comments.

Want more internet speed? Opera is a fast browser that will speed up page loading for you and help you save time navigating the web. Speed ​​is one of our top priorities.

Opera Turbo: low internet speed is not a hindrance

If the speed of your Internet connection leaves much to be desired, for example, on a public Wi-Fi network, turn on Opera Turbo mode. Open sites faster and continue working as usual.

Favorite sites just a click away

Opera is a fast browser not only because it loads websites quickly. We have developed many features to help you navigate faster and save time. For example, the Express panel in Opera - the name speaks for itself. It simplifies and speeds up access to the most important sites as much as possible. Add them to home page browser, distribute in a convenient order or sort into folders.

Hot keys for quick navigation

Did you know that hotkeys (or keyboard shortcuts) save an average of 2 seconds every minute? They can replace almost all the commands you would normally use in a browser with a mouse. In Opera, you can set keyboard shortcuts for various actions yourself - try it!

When choosing a program to work on the World Wide Web, many are mainly interested in what is the fastest browser for Windows 7 today.

Although there are simply a huge number of other criteria for choosing a browser.

Today you can find and download many “homemade” browsers, that is, those that were developed by novice programmers, and not by teams of professionals.

So, their main drawback is the speed of work.

There is no talk about data security and safety.

In any case, today we will look at all the main characteristics that will help you choose a program for accessing the Internet, and the main one will be the speed of operation.

As for how this very speed will be tested, a very simple method will be chosen, which consists of launching a browser or performing other operations with a stopwatch on it.

In particular, the speed will be tested on such operations as launching the browser itself, opening a website, logging into a Google email account, launching a video and installation speed.

The tests will not be conducted on a new computer.

This choice is due to the fact that one wants to achieve maximum objectivity of the research.

Yes, usually “clean” machines are used in such tests, but we all don’t have the opportunity to reinstall them every month operating system.

This would make it possible to turn a used computer into a completely “clean” machine.

In general, the conditions will not be as close to reality as possible; they will be quite real. Go!


This browser was released in 1994. Until 2013, I worked on my own engine, then I switched to Webkit+V8, which is familiar to many developers, which, by the way, is also used a little in Google Chrome.

According to research by some sites, it is the fifth most popular browser in the world. Users like the mobile version, which is called Opera Mini.

The main advantage of this program is its excellent ability to save traffic. This allows many users to pay less for the Internet.

You can download this browser absolutely free of charge on the official website

This site has one large “Download Now” button, which allows you to start downloading.

For our tests we will take the most recent one this moment version downloaded from the official website.

Speed ​​tests yielded the following results:

  • Browser launch time – 3 s;
  • Website opening time – 2 s;
  • Video start time – 2 s;
  • Installation time – 1.3 minutes (from launching the installer program to closing it).

By the way, the design of the installation window for this program is very beautiful, but at the same time minimalistic.

The installation process itself takes very little time.

The user only needs to press one button and nothing else - he does not select a path, does not read a bunch of license conditions, does not watch presentations, and so on.

On the one hand, this is, of course, good, because a simple user does not need all this.

But some will say that this is bad, because “who knows what they write in the license.”

But since we evaluate the speed of work, Opera performs excellently in this regard.

Other advantages and disadvantages of Opera

In addition to speed when choosing a program for Internet access, it will also be useful to know about the following advantages of Opera:

  1. Traffic savings. A signature feature of this browser.
  2. The presence of a Turbo mode, which allows you to work even faster on slow computers and still save traffic.
  3. Its own express panel with bookmarks. In other browsers, this function must be installed additionally. Yes, there are bookmark bars, but they are not as functional.
  4. Hot control keys. In fact, this browser can be operated without a mouse.
  5. Ease of use. Opera is not loaded with plugins for privacy and other similar functions, so it can work many times faster.

The disadvantages of Opera include the following:

  1. On old machines it may not work at all. On the other hand, nothing from the modern standard user set already works for them. And who uses such old computers now?
  2. Incorrect operation of some scripts. In defense of Opera, we can also say that not all scripts that exist today work on other browsers.
    Complaints about instability - it restarts, throws out, and so on. It also doesn’t happen very often - if you’re unlucky, you’ll have to restart.

Google Chrome

This browser was released in 2008 - relatively recently.

Its direct ancestor is the Safari browser, which was then also tried to be adapted for Windows, but these attempts were unsuccessful - it turned out to be too slow, and was often restarted.

Safari was originally designed for Mac computers. Google Chrome runs on its own engine called Chrominium.

Last year, this browser was first in many polls in RuNet.

You can download Google Chrome on the official website - (a very non-standard link that could be shortened).

There is also a single button that you need to press.

By the way, here on the download site you can read the license agreement, as well as set Google Chrome as the default browser and check the box to send work reports to Google.

By the way, many people refuse the latter.

To do this, you just need to uncheck the box highlighted in Figure No. 4 green.

Testing the speed of this browser gave the following results:

  • Browser launch time – 4 s;
  • Website opening time: 5 s;
  • Authorization time for a Google email account is 1 s;
  • Video start time – 1 s;
  • Installation time – 1.5 minutes.

When installing here, by the way, some additional content is downloaded, which makes the whole process a little longer.

Otherwise, Google Chrome performs really well, but still a little worse than Opera.

And this despite the fact that many authors of similar articles call this browser the fastest.

As you can see, tests in real conditions gave a different result.

Advantages and disadvantages of Google Chrome

It will also be very useful for users who choose a program to access the Internet to know about the following advantages of Google Chrome:

  1. Safety. Great attention is paid to this here. Google Chrome has a huge number of additional programs and scripts that protect against various types of attacks and viruses. In addition, this browser has its own database with these same viruses and malicious sites.
  2. “Incognito” mode, which allows you to be unnoticed on various sites. This means that the site will not leave cookies or any other information about the stay of the user working in Incognito mode.
  3. Work stability. It is very rare to hear about Google Chrome that it reloads or cannot handle a large number of sites.
  4. Your own “Task Manager”, which makes it possible to see how many resources a particular site consumes, as well as a plugin.
  5. Normal work with extensions. It is also very rare to hear complaints about this.
  6. Voice control search.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. Lack of support for NPAPI plugins starting from version 42.0. A lot of modern plugins work on this platform. And users are faced with difficulties in installing them or even with the inability to complete this task.

Otherwise, Google Chrome performs just fine.

As you can see, its operating speed is not too much inferior to Opera, therefore, taking into account all the other advantages, it is not surprising that this particular browser is called the best today.

Mozilla Firefox

In 2014, this browser took a strong first place in all foreign surveys. But then the two programs described above took the leading positions from Mozilla Firefox.

Still, the contribution that the “sly fox,” as many users call him, made to the development of browsers as a whole deserves respect.

The fact is that Mozilla Firefox became the first browser in the world that had its own extension base. It was for him that the first extensions and plugins began to be written.

It is not surprising that as of 2017, Mozilla Firefox has the largest extension base.

In addition, it was in this browser that the privacy mode first appeared.

Today this idea is actively used by Google specialists, including in the development of the aforementioned Google Chrome.

The first version of this program was released in 2004 on the Gecko engine. To this day, nothing has changed in terms of the engine.

But this does not prevent the program from constantly improving and gaining new positions in the market.

Although, of course, since 2014, Mozilla Firefox has lost a lot in popularity.

It is also most convenient to download this browser on the official page -

According to good tradition, the site has one large “Download for free” button.

There are no longer any license agreements on the site. And in general, the download occurs automatically and this process is not delayed by anything.

In the installer window you can use additional settings. The settings window is shown in Figure 6.

As you can see, you can specify where program shortcuts should be installed, the installation path, and whether this browser should be made the main one.

Advice: Be sure to use the window when installing advanced settings, because otherwise, program shortcuts will appear on the taskbar, on the desktop and in the Start menu, which is often not needed by users! In addition, installation information will be sent to Mozilla specialists, and the browser itself will become the default browser.

To open this very window of additional settings at startup, you should click the “Settings” button highlighted in Figure No. 7.

The installation itself also begins with downloading additional files. This, of course, makes the process longer.

Mozilla Firefox uptime tests yielded the following results:

  • Browser startup time - 5 s;
  • Website opening time - 3 s;
  • Authorization time for a Google email account is 1 s;
  • Video start time – 2 s;
  • Installation time – 1.35 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox

The benefits of Mozilla Firefox are as follows:

  1. Reliability in operation. There are plugins that can "kill" absolutely all browsers except Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Security and privacy at the highest level. This is the only browser of its kind that can block the collection of information about a particular user by sites, including Google. This makes it possible not to see annoying advertising that is generated based on the requests of this user.
  3. Version updates happen in the background.
  4. In addition, this also includes the widest base of plugins and extensions mentioned above.

The disadvantages of Mozilla Firefox are:

  1. Immunity of some modern scripts.
  2. Frequent complaints about slow work, especially under high loads.

From all this we can conclude that Mozilla Firefox clearly cannot be considered the fastest browser for Windows 7.

Yandex browser

This is the youngest modern browser of those used by several million people. Users first heard about this browser in 2012.

Now, in 2017, Yandex is actively promoting its product using contextual advertising. Here, of course, everything is aimed at working directly with Yandex services.

So, by default, this browser already has mail, a translator, disk, money and everything else that the most popular Russian search engine offers.

By the way, the engine in Yandex.Browser is the same Chromium. Many users say that this program has its own quick launch panel, which is called “Tableboard”.

This is considered a feature of Yandex.Browser, but for the average person it is practically the same bookmarks bar that is in Opera.

True, there it is much more functional.

You can host 20 different sites on Tablo.

An interesting feature of this browser is its work with mouse gestures.

This means that there is a certain set of gestures that are formed by certain cursor movements and perform certain functions.

There are also a huge number of extensions and plugins, most of which are taken from the already beloved Google Chrome.

This is due to the fact that these two browsers run on the same Chromium engine.

You can download Yandex Browser on the official website -

Although, if you visit the website several times, you will definitely see an advertisement for this browser and can follow the link to download it.

This site also has a nice big “Download” button.

The results of testing the speed of this browser gave the following results:

  • Browser launch time – 11 s;
  • The website opening time is 4 seconds (the first launch, by the way, gave the result in 24 seconds);
  • Authorization time for a Google email account is 4 s;
  • Video start time – 2 s;
  • Installation time – 2.10 min.

During installation, it is also possible to make Yandex.Browser the default browser and make it possible to send data to Yandex specialists.

To do this, you need to check the boxes highlighted in green in Figure 9.

Most users prefer to uncheck these boxes, which is not at all surprising.

As you can see, in terms of speed, Yandex Browser is clearly inferior to Mozilla Firefox.

Advantages and disadvantages of Yandex.Browser

The advantages of Yandex.Browser are as follows:

  1. Developers pay great attention to security. So the program automatically checks a particular site for suspicion. It has its own criteria for suspicion (Web of Trust), as well as programs installed by default to block phishing attacks and advertising.
  2. Own system for viewing documents in such formats as .pdf, .doc and others.
  3. Your own translator.
  4. Turbo mode, like in Opera.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. The imposition of Yandex services, which many users do not like. Although, on the other hand, this browser was created precisely for this.
    A lot of people don't like the interface.
  2. Difficulty setting up. Many functions that are available in Opera or Mozilla are simply not available here in Yandex Browser.

In general, from all this we can draw a conclusion, which is that Yandex.Browser is far from the fastest and most optimized browser.


Now let's move on to some somewhat exotic browsers that are not as popular as Yandex.Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.

One of the rather promising browsers in this direction is Maxthon.

Its main feature is the combination of two engines at once - Webkit and Trident. Some parts of the first are used in Yandex Browser, Opera and Google Chrome.

And the second was used to create the very first browser in history, Internet Explorer. Thanks to this combination, in fact, it was possible to achieve very high speed.

At least, this is what the developers of this program say.

In principle, people write on forums that in some cases it works even faster than the vaunted Google Chrome.

But to check this, there is only one way, which we will use now.

The Maxthon speed test readings look like this:

  • Browser launch time – 0.7 s;
  • Website opening time – 1 s;
  • Authorization time for a Google email account is 0.6 s;
  • Video start time – 0.8 s;
  • Installation time – 1.17 minutes.

As you can see, Maxthon really shows phenomenal results! But speed is not the only advantage of this browser.

Advantages and disadvantages of Maxthon

The advantages of the Maxthon browser are:

  1. Working with cloud storage - all personal settings, records and authorization data are saved not on the hard drive, but in the cloud. This prevents the user from losing it all.
  2. The browser requires few resources to operate.
  3. It is possible to remove ads without additional plugins.
  4. A huge number of extensions.
  5. It has its own security system, which, judging by the reviews, works quite well.
  6. Notepad for notes.
  7. Night browsing mode, which optimizes those pages that have a dark background, too many ads, or other nuances that make reading information inconvenient.

In general, we can say that Maxthon is a very, very multifunctional thing.

On the side there is a toolbar on which the same notepad, a download manager, a tool for working with RSS, as well as several Yandex services are located.

Its only disadvantage is that it also promotes these same Yandex services. But Yandex.Browser is still very far from Maxthon!

So every user should definitely try using Maxthon in their work.

No. 11. Maxthon browser appearance