FPS sags in tanks what to do. How to raise FPS in World of tanks for weak computers

World of Tanks is by far the most popular online game in Russia and the CIS, as well as one of the most popular in the world. "Tanks" are adored by both young gamers and the older generation, who fell in love with WoT from the first "one-shot". All of them scold the developers for what the world is worth every day, but still continue to delightfully "bend" enemy combat vehicles in daily battles and their fantasies.

As you know, an improved render type was introduced in World of Tanks not so long ago. If earlier, on the standard render, "Tanks" were on any vacuum cleaner, now it makes sense to understand the careful adjustment of graphics to the capabilities of the system. This is what we are going to do with you now.

Minimum system requirements for World of Tanks

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.4 GHz.
RAM: 2 GB.
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT 256 MB.

As usual, we remind you that if your computer is weaker than even the configuration presented above, then you better not even try to start World of Tanks. Otherwise, you can lose your laptop or outdated "system unit" due to overheating.

Recommended system requirements for World of Tanks

CPU: Intel Core i7-3330 @ 3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz.
Volume random access memory: 4 GB or more.
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB.

If your PC is comparable or even exceeds the recommended requirements, then, at first glance, you can stop reading and calmly run to sit at the wheel of your favorite tank. However, do not forget that WoT is still an online game, which means that it requires a stable 60 frames in absolutely any situations during a battle. This means that it will not hurt you to figure out what and where it is better to turn off (or reduce the quality) away from sin.

And, of course, for those who are between the minimum and recommended requirements, this article will be most useful. That is, those who have a processor more powerful than AMD Athlon X2 2.4 GHz, but weaker than Intel Core i7-3330, and a video card more powerful than AMD Radeon HD 7850, but weaker than NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, and so on.

Setting up graphics World of Tanks

Listed below are all the image settings in World of Tanks. Some of them affect performance more, some less, and some do not. We tried to briefly describe the essence of each of these parameters, as well as give tips on how to optimize them.

3D render resolution


In essence, this setting allows you to lower the graphics resolution without lowering the screen resolution, which allows you to leave all interface elements at maximum definition.

Despite the fact that weakening this parameter allows you to seriously increase performance, do not forget that the appearance of the picture deteriorates just as significantly. Therefore, reduce the quality of the render only if you have a completely antediluvian apparatus, and in this case it is better to just turn on the standard graphics.

Screen resolution

Impact on performance: high.

But here it is recommended not to spoil your eyes and never reduce the value below the recommended value for your display. But if you play by connecting your computer to modern TV, you can try to set 1280 × 720 - most "TV sets", unlike monitors, perfectly reproduce this resolution, even if their native is higher.

Vertical sync and triple buffering

Impact on performance: low.

Vsync limits the frame rate to the number of Hz of the screen, and triple buffering equalizes it to 30/45/60 in appropriate situations. These parameters have little effect on FPS by themselves. However, if the average number of frames per second is between 30 and 60, then it is better to enable both settings for a smoother image.


Impact on performance: the average.

Anti-aliasing makes the edges of 3D objects from the foreshortened this moment the player is smooth. The technology used in World of Tanks is not reliably known, but judging by the tests, it "eats" resources not so little, but not too much (7-12 FPS). Therefore, on weak PCs, it is better to turn it off.

Texture quality

Impact on performance: average video memory consumption.

Texture quality determines clarity appearance all 3D models in the game. The higher the value of this parameter is, the sharper their surface will be. Unscrewing the slider to the maximum will not slow down the game, but it will take up a lot of video memory. Therefore, if you have less than 2 GB, set the average here.

Lighting quality

Impact on performance:

Affects the gamut of the image, as well as the atmosphere of the picture due to various dynamic effects such as a large number of light sources, sun rays, optical effects, deep shading and others.

Even if your video card is quite powerful for itself, but was released many years ago, then this parameter will affect it quite strongly. In the latest versions of chips from AMD and NVIDIA, the speed of working with complex special effects has been significantly improved and the impact on performance in the case of them can be considered no more than average. We recommend that you set here average or low values ​​per sample, based on the information above.

Shadow quality

Impact on performance: high.

As with the vast majority of games, shadows are one of the most resource-intensive effects in the game. For an online game, super-pretty soft shadows are not so important, as all the players' attention is focused on the fight. Therefore, it is recommended to set values ​​here not higher than average in order to win a dozen or two FPS at once.

Grass in sniper mode

Impact on performance: the average.

Most players disable it regardless of the configuration of their computer, so that the natural growth of the landscape does not interfere with hanging enemies from a distance. And if you turn it on, then everyone (or almost everyone) will have an advantage, and you will have a random with salt. And you can lose quite a few frames.

Quality add. effects

Impact on performance: medium or high (depending on the "modernity" of the video card).

This setting affects the so-called particle effects: explosions, flames, dust and smoke in the air. The number of both the particles themselves decreases (the scale of explosions decreases, etc.) and the range of their visibility.

As with any special effects, the performance impact depends on the "modernity" of your graphics adapter and ranges from medium (5-10 frames) to high (over 10 frames). It is recommended to set the average value here or below.

Add. effects in sniper mode

Impact on performance: the average.

As the name implies, this parameter is an analogue of the previous one, but it is applicable only to the sniper aiming mode. Since the review is very limited in this mode, the impact on performance is about average, regardless of the video card.

Vegetation amount

Impact on performance: average + average video memory consumption.

With this parameter, you can adjust the density of the grass and the distance of its rendering. In most games, vegetation on the ground has either a moderate or high impact on performance. In the case of World of Tanks, it is average, since, fortunately, from every blade of grass here, not a shadow falls. Therefore, if you want to add a certain number of frames, you can either turn off the grass completely or set the average value. But you can try high, if your "machine" is powerful enough. All the same, the landscape without "bald spots" looks much more advantageous.


Impact on performance: none or average (depends on the "modernity" of the video card).

Post-processing is a cinematic effect that does not overload the graphics card, such as hot air or shading around the edges of objects. However, on outdated graphics chips, FPS can drop quite noticeably. Therefore, we advise you to lower the quality to at least the middle if your video adapter is more than 5 years old.

Effects from under the caterpillars

Impact on performance: low + low consumption of video memory.

If you turn it on, then from under the tracks of your tank (or self-propelled gun), lumps of dirt, dust, snow and splashes of water will begin to scatter. It looks beautiful and it eats quite a bit of resources. Feel free to turn it on. If you are the owner of the so-called low-end PC, then we remind you that it is better for you to simply turn off the improved rendering of graphics and there will be no such effects in the game at all, and the number of frames will immediately jump sharply.

Landscape quality

Impact on performance: high.

The name "Range of drawing of landscape detail" would rather reflect the essence more accurately. At minimum values, the ground is simplified even at close range. Because of this, you can not see any mound, which actually is, and shoot not at the enemy, but at this natural ledge. The trouble is that the "Landscape Quality" parameter is quite voracious, so if you cannot boast of a powerful PC, then you still have to lower it. But don't do it all the way.

Water quality

Impact on performance: the average.

Water quality means the presence of waves in rivers and lakes, ripple effects when the tank moves along the ford, as well as reflections of equipment on the surface of the reservoir.

It is worth remembering that whenever you are in the water, you are vulnerable, and sagging frames can further exacerbate the situation. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to set too high values ​​here for any gaming system.

Decal quality

Impact on performance: average video memory consumption.

Decals are, roughly speaking, textures on top of textures: traces from shells or from caterpillars, dirt, leaves on the ground, and more. The setting affects their number, density and rendering distance. It should be turned on to the maximum only if you have at least 2 GB of video memory.

Detailing objects

Impact on performance: high.

Another tricky setting. On the one hand, it consumes a lot of resources, and on the other hand, it just as strongly affects the image quality. Decreasing this parameter decreases the distance at which three-dimensional models of all objects in the game begin to be simplified in drawing. If you twist to the minimum, you can win 15-20 frames, but even close up most of the tanks, buildings and other elements of the environment will look terrible. Therefore, try to find a compromise by setting the slider closer to the middle if your computer is not very powerful.

Foliage transparency

Impact on performance: the average.

If you turn on "Foliage transparency", then close to the player all the leaves on the bushes and trees will disappear, and remain only at a distance, where their density and number is much less. Thus, you can win 5-10 frames, and the picture will not suffer too much from this.

Detailing trees

Impact on performance: the average.

Same as Object Detailing, only for trees. Since the latter are not so few in World of Tanks, it is recommended to put here maximum value only for owners of high-performance systems.

Changing the draw distance

Impact on performance: average video memory consumption.

All objects, except for tanks and artillery, will not be drawn at long distances if you set low values ​​here. This is highly recommended for video cards with less than 2 GB of memory.

Motion blur quality

Impact on performance: low.

This is an effect, as they say, on an amateur. It does not greatly affect performance, but if everything is really bad with frames per second or you just don't like it, you can turn it off.

Dynamically changing the quality of effects

Highly useful setting... Its essence is clear from the name: as soon as the frames begin to sag, the quality of various special effects is immediately automatically simplified for some time.

For systems of the middle level and weaker (based on the minimum and recommended system requirements of World of Tanks) this parameter definitely need to be included. Those who are absolutely confident in their "game monster" can leave everything as it is, but dying in the midst of a battle once again because of far from the best optimization of "Tanks" is still not a very pleasant prospect. So think carefully about this question.

Caterpillar tracks

Impact on performance: low.

If the "Decals" parameter is off, then the tracks from the tracks will not be visible in any case. In general, this parameter affects the speed of the game is completely insignificant. So try turning it on.

World of Tanks graphics settings table

Again, we summarize with the help of a table, but this time there is no configuration close to the minimum system requirements. The reason, as mentioned above, is that on such a computer it makes no sense to tinker too much in the settings, but it is easier to put a standard render.

Click to enlarge

Thanks for reading! Come to play World of Tanks on high settings on our main site, but do not forget to be in the fresh air more often!

Most people who play World of Tanks do not own the most powerful computers. For this reason, the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks is especially acute, but is there really nothing that can be done?

Of course, you should not despair, because even on a frankly weak computer or laptop, you can take certain actions that will raise the FPS and give the owner a little more freedom, the main thing is to know certain tricks and subtleties, which we will now talk about.

And remember, the minimum allowable FPS in the game is 30 or more (the higher the number, the better). If the number of frames per second falls below thirty, get ready for lags, freezes, image jerks, and so on.

Client graphics settings

The very first step to how to raise FPS in the world of tanks is to configure the client, namely its graphical section. It's funny, but many do not even try to check the characteristics of the game settings, but here you can move the sliders, remove a few checkmarks and the effect will be very impressive.
To change the settings, you need to click on the gear in the upper left corner of the screen and select the "Settings" item. Next, go to the "Graphics" tab and watch. First of all, make sure that you are playing in full screen mode and not in windowed mode, this greatly affects the CPU utilization.

Now set the value for the quality of the graphics to "Low" (possibly "minimum" or "medium", depending on your computer), uncheck the "Dynamic change" and try to reduce the resolution of the 3D-render by pulling the slider to the left. Thus, you will reduce the load on your video card and how you will increase the FPS in the world of tanks. It is also worth turning off the color filter and anti-aliasing, if you have them enabled (the described changes are shown in the screenshot).

The first stage of the settings is completed and you can safely proceed to the second. Click the "Advanced" button in the same section of settings, and you will be presented with an extensive list of configurations for more complete changes. Here we put a tick in front of the item "Graphics - standard" and set the sliders as follows:
· The quality of textures is low;
· Lighting quality - off;
· Shadow quality - off;
· The quality of additional effects is low;
· Add. effects in sniper mode - low;
· We turn off the amount of vegetation and post-processing.
· Uncheck the "Grass in sniper mode" and "Effects from under the caterpillars" checkboxes.

So, you can manually adjust the quality of graphics and rendering of effects in such a way that everything matches your hardware as much as possible. The points described above apply to rather weak machines, so you may need to play with the settings and test the changes in battle in order to find the best option... As a result, the overall picture should look as shown in the screenshot.

Next, we go down all the way and make the last changes:
· The quality of the landscape is low;
· Water quality - low;
· Turn off the quality of decals;
· Detail of objects - low;
· Detail of trees - low;
· Drawing distance - it is better to set "medium", since this indicator strongly affects the drawing of rocks, houses and other objects at a distance. If you reduce this scale to a minimum, there is a chance that a piece of rock will not be visible, and you will shoot at it, trying to target the enemy peeping from behind it.
· The quality of motion blur is low;
· Dynamically changing the quality of effects - it is better to leave a tick;
· Turn off the checkboxes for foliage transparency and tracks from caterpillars.

After all these adjustments (screenshot below), press the "Apply" button, restart the game client and go into battle to see how the FPS has changed in World of Tanks.

Mods for raising FPS in World of Tanks

If the changes in the graphics in the game client settings have had an insufficient effect, there is another easy way to lower the FPS. You can install mods to reduce the load on the video card and computer processor.

One of these mods, the most significant and famous, is WoT Tweaker. This modification is good in that after its launch, you can disable those graphic effects that are not displayed in the client menu, simply by checking a few checkboxes. These are exhaust smoke, clouds, gunfire effects, etc. This script looks very simple, and all the changes subject to it can be seen in the screenshot. By the way, in almost every popular for World games of Tanks, which are on our website, you can find the built-in tweaker as well.

Setting compressed textures

Another very effective method raising FPS in World of Tanks is the installation of compressed textures into the game. What does it mean? Simply put, all textures in the game, for example, images of tanks and so on, are standardly at a certain quality level and are archived in the root folder of the game. And subsequently, when you play, the game refers to these textures, loading them into the RAM of the computer and video card.

If we change the standard textures, tanks, terrain, trees, turn off various smokes, clouds, and other beauties of the game, we thereby reduce the load on RAM and CPU time to generate the game's landscape and other textures. Thus, if translated into ballroom language, we increase the FPS in World of tanks.

Downloading mod WoT Tweaker Plus on our website in the mods section for World of Tanks, the settings, as shown in the screenshot, are simple and intuitive. The extended version of the tweaker has the ability to compress textures, and it looks like this.

Updating Drivers

Another method to increase FPS in world of tanks, which sometimes bears fruit, is to update the video card drivers to latest version... The fact is that the creators of video cards sometimes optimize their work by releasing new drivers, and their installation can give a good result. Although this procedure is unlikely to help much, it is still worth trying.

To update, knowledgeable people can go to the official website of the creator of the video card, Nvidia or AMD, and download the driver for their video card there. For those who are not aware of how this is done, it is recommended to download and install a special utility - Driver Puck Solution. With its help, in the driver menu, you can find the required update or even several, if any.

For correct use of this program in the settings, you need to put a tick in front of the column "Expert mode" and start the search. After that, select the required driver and click the "Install" button. How to do this is shown in the screenshot. Next, just restart your computer and you're done.

As you can see, using pretty simple tools and knowing some of the subtleties of the game settings, you can easily raise the FPS even on a weak computer. As a result, you will be able to install several mods and play comfortably, and the number of frames per second will not drop below 30, causing the hated lags and image jerks.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the technical aspect of our favorite game, namely, we will find out what FPS is in World of Tanks. We hope you find our information useful. So let's get straight to the heart of the matter ...

Theoretical part

FPS is an abbreviation for Frame per Seconds, which translates as “frame per second”. For clarity and clarity, let's take a movie. A film is a sequence of frames that follow one another, the speed of their appearance is at least 24 per second. If you reduce the speed of a movie, say, to 10 frames, then it will turn into a set of "slides" that will slowly alternate one after another.

The situation is the same in games, they are constantly changing objects and actions in real time, if the game "slows down", then we notice how slowly the frames change, as if we were watching a set of static pictures. It is believed that a comfortable minimum for the game is 24 frames per second, if the frequency is lower, then our eye will begin to notice jerks. But due to the differences in cinema and virtual entertainment technologies, as well as due to the peculiarities of the structure of our eyes, 30 frames per second should be taken as the standard, in this case the gamer will get a perfectly smooth picture.

Features of FPS in WoT

If you answer the question, what is FPS in World of Tanks, then this is the same frame rate as in any other game. Another thing is that the BigWorld engine has a number of negative features, in which the game, with not very outstanding graphics, manages to slow down. Players are constantly looking for an answer to a long-standing question - why does World of Tanks slow down, because, it would seem, a computer is ideal for a comfortable game.

By the way, you can look at the FPS in WoT itself, for this, pay attention to the upper corner of the monitor, the figure will constantly change, but it is desirable that it does not fall below 30 frames.

Increasing the frame rate

You can increase FPS in World of Tanks different ways, this question draws on a separate article, which we will definitely write, so do not forget to visit us again, but rather subscribe to the group in VK. Here are just a few tips:

  • "Play around" with the settings, lower the quality of the graphics, just do not disable "vertical sync" and do not reduce the viewing distance;
  • install the WoT Tweaker program to fine-tune the game;
  • supply custom textures;
  • use fewer mods, many of them significantly reduce FPS;
  • keep an eye on your operating system, clean the registry and all sorts of system "garbage", the Ccleaner program is perfect for this.


Do not think that only low settings give an acceptable FPS, you can enjoy the beauty of tank battles even at maximum settings, but for this you need a fairly productive computer with a good video card, we wrote more about this in the article about the choice

Lags, brakes, phrases and low FPS are constant companions of the majority World players of Tanks. In this article, we will tell you the most important and actual solutions to increase the performance of tanks, since the game settings are very flexible, and there are a lot of mods to increase the FPS, which allows you to customize the game and the PC for a comfortable game.

Of course, for maximum speed and 60 FPS, you need a powerful and expensive computer, but you can normally play without lags on relatively weak hardware. To optimize World of Tanks and the computer, there are several methods and we will consider each, and also describe the principles of operation.

1) Updating the video card driver
2) PC optimization
3) Fine tuning Wot charts
4) Programs to turn off effects
5) Mods for Wot increasing FPS

Updating drivers for wot

This method will not save you from freezes (periodic freezes), but it may raise the FPS, especially if you have not updated them for a long time, but sometimes the difference is not noticeable at all, but in any case it will not be worse, so the first thing to do is to update the drivers to the current one. version.
For Radeon graphics cards
For nVidia graphics cards

Computer performance tuning

This is very important step, most freezes and lags occur due to insufficient RAM and processor load, however, not only World of Tanks consumes all this, but also Windows itself + processes running in the background. If you have less than 4GB of RAM, then before starting the game, be sure to close Skype, antivirus, browser and similar applications, since all this can consume more than 1GB. In addition, we recommend using PC optimization programs such as Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​- an excellent and very easy-to-learn program that improves the performance of your computer.

Fine-tuning graphics World of Tanks

Also not an unimportant item (or even the main one), because most players do not understand what the various settings are responsible for, and in some cases they can be used to remove lags in World of Tanks and increase FPS. In fact, if your game slows down a lot, then you need to set everything to a minimum, except for the screen resolution and 3D rendering. Of course, these functions add FPS, but the image quality will suffer greatly.

Programs to turn off effects in Wot

Unfortunately, not all effects can be turned off in the World of Tanks options, and in fact some of them set FPS quite strongly and interfere with a comfortable game on weak hardware, but here utilities come to the rescue with which you can turn off resource-intensive effects, for example, smoke, fire, hot air effect other. Best of all, Wot Tweaker plus will handle this, all you need to do is launch it, specify the path to Wot and disable all unnecessary effects. Rest assured, the FPS is guaranteed to rise.

Mods to increase FPS

To all of the above, you can add some more modifications, first of all you need to put compressed textures, they weigh little and therefore will unload your video card. By the way, you can compress the textures yourself using the Wot Tweaker plus program.

We have listed the most basic and effective ways to increase FPS in World of Tanks and eliminate lags, of course you can buy a new computer and not bother, only World of Tanks is very poorly optimized, so even on modern and top-end PCs it can work with lags.

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Novice and experienced tankers come to play in world of tanks to enjoy the game, relax and unwind, eventually switching to a combat environment. But many tankers periodically encounter such a problem as a drop in FPS in the game, as a result of which it is impossible to play or relax, not to mention pleasure, and this begs the question.

To give an answer to this question, you need to find out what it is all about, and what affects this FPS.

FPS (FPS) stands for Frame Per Second, and in Russian, the number of frames per second, or the frame rate that a computer can display. In other words, FPS is a parameter that shows how often frames will be displayed on the monitor, and the higher this parameter, the smoother the picture will be. And accordingly, the smaller this parameter, the more jerks of the picture in the game and the brakes of the game itself. The smallest value in tanks that you can play with is 30 FPS per second.

With this it is clear now what affects the frame rate during the game. This parameter is influenced by many factors, but now we will consider one of the most important.

The first thing worth paying attention to when answering the question why the FPS dropped in world of tanks is the recommended game parameters presented on the official website. The fact is that if the parameters of your computer turn out to be less than the recommended characteristics, then this will be the reason for the fall in FPS in the game.

Here is one of the solutions to this problem

First, see if your computer meets the minimum game requirements, all on the same official website. If so, and the game still lags, then you need to open the video parameters settings in world of tanks and reduce or remove the visual effects of the game, such as explosions, smoke, fire. They also include animation. various effects... Do not forget about the quality of textures and the range of the world display, which require a lot of resources for rendering in the game.

This will help a weak computer to direct all its resources to the performance of the game, sacrificing the beauty of some of the effects. Here it is difficult to recommend how and how much to screw specific settings, because it depends on each specific configuration of the computer. Play with the settings and choose the optimal values ​​for yourself for a comfortable game without lags and brakes.

If these actions did not produce the desired effect, then boldly continues the research with the search for solutions to eliminate this problem.

Why is FPS falling in world of tanks

Unfortunately, the reasons influencing the FPS cannot be divided into main reasons and secondary ones. And therefore, for someone, one of the listed reasons will be the main one, and for someone else, and so we will continue.

One of them is the discrepancy between the characteristics of the computer and the requirements of the game.

Overheating of both the video card and the entire computer.

These are not all the reasons for frame rate drops, but the most common ones.

To determine the full scale of the problem and understand why the FPS falls in the world of tanks, we will try to disassemble each of the reasons separately.

If your computer falls short of the minimum parameters of the game, then the most obvious solution would be to increase the performance of the machine. To do this, you need to replace those components that do not meet the requirements of the game. And if you decide to upgrade your gaming computer, then it is advisable to first look at the system requirements for a comfortable game in world of tanks, and only then purchase the best components.

Because tank players are often advised in such cases to change the vidyuha to a more powerful one, but this is completely useless if the processor is less than the required characteristics or if the RAM is weak. The same applies to other combinations of parts. Having bought the most productive processor, the FPS in the game will not rise, if not the right amount RAM.

To avoid wasting money, you need to read about the system requirements for the game World of Tanks on the official website. And only then will you buy exactly those parts that are needed for a comfortable game.

Overheating can also be a blatant disaster. You can install a program that measures and shows the temperature of the computer parts. If the FPS depends on the work of all the parts in the computer, then the slowdown of this work as a result of overheating can affect the display of the picture in the game. This can also include dust in the computer, which interferes with cooling and contributes to the heating of parts. Overheating is treated by cleaning from dust and installing, if necessary, programs for overclocking coolers. If you are playing on a laptop, then you can use a special stand with additional cooling. It is also worth noting that constant overheating of the car can threaten with extraordinary repairs for a tidy sum. Therefore, overheating is worth paying attention not only to the fall in FPS.

By changing the video settings in the game or modifying the configuration of the gaming station, you can ensure that the FPS in the game does not fall. But everyone who plays in the popular tank project is faced with another equally significant problem.

Why does FPS jump in world of tanks

All tankers have a different FPS level in the game, but regardless of this, a sharp change in frames per second occurs in almost all players and negatively affects the combat performance of individual players and entire clans.

For some, the FPS starts jumping when you switch to sniper mode, for others, when a lot of tanks or vegetation comes into view. For others, this happens during dynamic scenes. When you are driving fast in a light or medium tank, and the computer does not have time to cope with drawing the image, and the FPS starts to jump. There is a problem and something needs to be done about it.

We continue to understand the reasons for the sharp change in the frame rate in order to answer the question of why the FPS is jumping in the world of tanks

A common phenomenon among many tankers that affects performance is when, while playing tanks, many processes are running on the computer that consume resources and can affect the FPS jumps.

If you are running torrents that download or distribute files. An update to all kinds of programs in automatic mode... Antivirus scans or updates, clients to social networks, players and other applications are launched. Then all these processes consume system resources. In order to prevent the drawdown and jumps of the FPS, it is recommended to disable such processes, or wait for them to end, and only then enter the game. The fact is that, for example, your FPS in tanks is good and stable, but here during the battle, according to the schedule, one of the above processes turns on, and as a result, the FPS sags.

No matter how trite it may sound, you need to check the driver update for all components, which, by the way, are few. This will allow you to use all the resources of the computer, and avoid annoying incompatibility with the game, which also affects the performance and stability of the FPS.

There is one more influencing factor that cannot be ignored.

A new "raw" patch that sets the FPS of the entire game for all players, regardless of the machine configuration and game settings. Here, any our efforts are useless, you need to be patient and wait for either micro patches in response to numerous complaints in the game chat, or for a full-fledged patch.

And sadly, but one of the reasons for the FPS jumps was and is, the optimization of the game itself. The game has a bigword engine, and for those who do not know, this is not the most the best way for a project of this magnitude.

It's time to consider a couple more reasons, a sharp change in frame rate, and answer a sore question.

Why does FPS jump in world of tanks

There is one more not very popular, but effective remedy fighting horse racing is an optimization operating system and registry. Correctly, by setting up Windows, you can free up the necessary resources, which will solve the problem of FPS jumps in the game.

First, you need to remove from startup everything that is unnecessary for the game and disable operating system services that are not needed during gameplay... This can be done using popular utilities for computer optimization or manually, for advanced users.

The next step, in the properties of the computer, you need to select the item that provides the best system performance. This will channel all the resources of the machine into the game. Just leave the font anti-aliasing, it will allow you to read the lettering in the game.

Also, a common answer to the question of why FPS jumps in world of tanks is the installation of mods

For many fashion players, this is manna from heaven that helps to play and even win in desperate situations. But many mods require significant resources, and therefore load the system. As a solution in dealing with horse racing, you need to turn off mods, and this will help level the FPS.

We're going to talk about a modification that is designed to raise the FPS in the game by turning off various effects. Disable which is not possible through the standard graphics settings of the game. In fact, there are many such mods for tanks, but the most popular is WoT Tweaker, it is free, Russified and working.

They can turn off various effects.
Explosions of shells, destruction and hitting objects, hitting and destroying a tank, moving trees, displaying clouds;
You can also turn off smoke when firing, which is very useful in sniper mode;
Smoke from damaged tanks, and smoke from the exhaust pipe of a tank.

Due to the fact that some effects are very resource-intensive, you yourself choose what to remove and what to leave. It is important to remember, download mods only from trusted resources. And before installing it is better to see if there is permission to use them on the game website.

The solution to the problem of falling and jumps in FPS is individual, because it depends on many factors. Therefore, you need to determine what is the reason for the fall in FPS and eliminate it.

And by applying the little tricks that have been considered, you can achieve a more stable FPS value and enjoy the game of tanks, forgetting about FPS drawdowns as a nightmare.