Let's learn how to make bunker feeders for chickens with your own hands. How to make a chicken feeder: drawings, dimensions, examples from wood, plastic bottles and pipes Plastic chicken feeder

You can find fresh fruits and vegetables on supermarket shelves at any time of the year. It’s not a problem to buy poultry meat today. Why, then, do not summer residents stop growing their own crops and do not give up farming? We are sure that each of the gardeners and poultry farmers will tell you how products grown with their own hands are tastier, juicier and more environmentally friendly. But if even urban summer residents can maintain a vegetable garden, then raising chickens is not such an easy task. However, for our folk craftsmen, a do-it-yourself feeder is not a problem. If you wish, we will select information on homemade devices for you.

Balanced and, very importantly, timely nutrition is necessary for chickens to be healthy. But modern people have a lot to do and it’s not always possible to keep track of feeding times. It is much easier if the feeding process takes place using a device that supplies food automatically. We bring to your attention several options for homemade feeders and drinkers. We will be glad if any of the proposed models will make your life easier.

Constantly remembering poultry feeding hours is very difficult. Considering that the farmer may be away for a day or two, hopper-type feeders become an indispensable item.

Option #1 – pipe to you, hen!

The most ingenious inventions are usually very simple. This is exactly what the idea of ​​using polypropylene pipes can be considered.

To assemble the necessary device you will need:

  • pipes of various diameters;
  • couplings;
  • connecting devices.

We attach a part called a “connecting elbow” to the polypropylene pipe. We place the resulting structure in the chicken coop. We pour food into the pipe from above, and then close the upper end of the structure with a lid. The feed is fed into the knee under the influence of gravity. As the chickens consume feed, it will be added to the knee from the pipe. In the pipe, the level of the product will gradually decrease. After a few days, it will be possible to pour a new portion of food into the pipe.

This design is good if there are few birds on the farm. Otherwise, the connecting elbow can be replaced with another pipe, securing it parallel to the floor. Birds will be able to get food from a horizontal pipe through holes in it. Such a feeder not only saves the owners time, but also space in the chicken coop: it is conveniently located and does not bother anyone.

This is how a simple feeder made from polypropylene pipe looks like. Agree that it’s difficult to come up with something simpler than this basic device

Of course, if there are a lot of chickens on the farm, you can simply make a lot of pipes for feeding them. But we will do it simpler and attach another pipe to the main one - a horizontal one, in which we will make holes

This device has one drawback: the lack of limiters. Chickens can climb onto the pipes, trample and ruin the food.

Option #2 – bunker type devices

If you buy an automatic bird feeder in specialized stores, you will have to pay a decent amount. Moreover, a large farm will require several similar products. Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated in the proposed design.

When choosing a menage or portioned dog bowl to make such a feeder, do not lose sight of the fact that its diameter should be greater than the diameter of the base of the bucket

You need to prepare:

  • a plastic bucket that was left after the renovation;
  • a sectional bowl for dogs or an inexpensive vegetable bowl, also made of plastic;
  • sharp knife.

We cut holes in the bottom of the plastic bucket in accordance with the number of compartments in the container. The size of the holes themselves should allow feed to flow freely into the feed pan. The bucket and the menagerie must be connected to each other using screws.

It is better not to place the feeder on the ground, but to hang it. In this case, the likelihood that chickens will climb on it is minimal.

The food is poured into the container and the bucket is closed with a lid. The feeder can be placed on a horizontal surface or suspended so that the birds can freely get food. By hanging the bucket by the handle in the right place, you can be sure that the chickens are fully provided with food for several days.

Option #3 – basic dining room

Construction requires very little time and the simplest materials. Prepare:

  • container with a plastic handle;
  • chain-link mesh;
  • sharp knife.

The plastic container must be emptied of its contents, rinsed thoroughly and dried. Carefully cut out the front part. We make a cut in the handle of the bottle so that it can be hung on the mesh that surrounds the chicken coop. We pour the food directly into the bottle. It is important that the container is at a height that is as comfortable as possible for the feeding bird.

The feeder is constructed in a matter of minutes. It’s good if the chicken coop is fenced with a mesh, otherwise a piece of chain-link can be simply pulled in the right place

Option #4 – plywood feeder

Another option for a bunker can be made from a sheet of plywood. We cut out vertical high walls and build a box without a front part. The height of the feeder is approximately 90 cm. Thanks to this size, you can fill in a large amount of feed at once.

The feed should not get stuck at the exit. To do this, place a piece of plywood at the bottom of the box so that it has a slight slope towards the front. Now the bulk feed will roll down to where it will be accessible to the chickens. The optimal slope when using granulated feed is 20-25 degrees, and when feeding grain - 12-15 degrees.

A plywood feeder is also a simple device. It’s just more difficult to care for than plastic products. An antiseptic coating can help, but plastic is still more hygienic

The horizontal area in front of the inclined plane is the place where the feed will fall. A common problem with many home-made structures is the lack of restrictions, thanks to which chickens cannot climb into the feeder, spill the feed and spoil the feed with the products of their vital activity. In this case, the problem is solved with the help of restrictive sides. The front side should be at least 6 cm, and the side sides should be twice as large.

The advantages of this design are its spaciousness and security. Using this device, you can be sure that the food will last for a long time, it will be spent rationally, it will not spill and will not be spoiled

All you have to do is attach the front wall and you're done. The feeder will last a long time if it is thoroughly treated with antiseptic preparations. Use a spray gun for this purpose. A finished and even elegant look will be given to the product by coating with acrylic paint. You can assemble all the parts together using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

Option #5 - plastic devices

Food-grade plastic is an excellent material from which you can make comfortable drinking bowls and similar “plates” for chickens. The undoubted advantage of these devices is their mobility. They can be carried and placed where it is convenient for the farmer.

To work you need to prepare:

  • two plastic buckets;
  • two water bottles that are used in a household cooler;
  • a piece of polypropylene pipe approximately 25 cm long and of large diameter;
  • electric drill and drills 20 and 8 mm in diameter;
  • electric jigsaw.

It is necessary to make holes in the buckets in such a way that the birds can freely reach water and food, but cannot get inside. To make the openings uniform and neat, you can use a template. By applying it to the walls of the buckets and tracing it with a felt-tip pen, we get the contours of future holes.

From an aesthetic point of view, these drinking bowls and feeders are very good. But they are also incredibly functional.

We mark a hole by drilling a hole in each with an 8 mm diameter drill. To cut out the openings we use a jigsaw. For plastic, a file is suitable for both wood and metal, but you need to choose a product with a small tooth.

We make two limiters from a piece of polypropylene pipe: for food and for water. Thanks to this device, the neck of the container will not touch the bottom of the bucket, and it will be possible to control the supply of feed and water. Using a jigsaw, we divide the pipe into sections of 10 and 15 cm. Take a short piece and drill three holes at a distance of 3 cm from the edge with a drill of 20 mm in diameter. We also drill holes in a long section of pipe with the same drill, but at a distance of 5 cm from the edge. Next, we use a jigsaw to cut out segments in a long section to make something like a crown with three teeth.

It is very convenient that the buckets have handles by which these structures can be transported to the place of use. There you can either install devices or hang them all by the same handles

Fill the containers with water and food. We put a long limiter on the bottle with food, and a short one on the one with water. Cover the containers with buckets and turn them over. The devices are ready. So easily and quickly both a feeder and a drinking bowl can be made from materials that are easy to obtain. Thanks to the presence of handles, both devices are convenient to carry. This is the most hygienic and successful option.

Video master class: bottle feeder

There were more ways to make a fattening device. To eliminate this obvious injustice, we invite you to watch a video on how to make a very simple waterer for chickens from plastic bottles that can be bought at any store.

If you are planning to have chickens and have already built a chicken coop for them, then it’s time to think about creating a chicken feeder with your own hands.

It is very easy to make a chicken feeder with your own hands, since you can use a variety of materials to create it. Let's look at the most simple ways to make chicken feeders with your own hands.

Where to start?

You can make your own chicken feeder make from anything. For this you can use boards, boxes, pipes and even plastic bottles.

However, regardless of the material chosen, a problem will arise - mixing the feed. If you make several feeders at once, they will take up a lot of space.

Despite this, there is still a way out of this situation, which will be discussed a little later.

Before you start making a chicken feeder with your own hands, you need to decide on the sizes And choosing a place, on which the future structure will stand. Regardless of whether the feeder will be in the chicken coop or on the street, there should be free access to it. Hens or chicks should not interfere with each other while feeding.

In addition, do not forget that chickens need not only dry, but also wet food. For the first case, bunker feeders for chickens in the form of a cylinder, in which feed is added automatically, can be perfect. Best used for wet food trough-shaped feeders, on top of which a turntable made of timber is installed.

Of course, the process of making a trough with your own hands is different from the process of making a bunker feeder. There is also a significant difference in labor costs.

However, modern equipment and materials greatly simplify the process, thanks to which difficulties will not arise.

Let's take a closer look at how you can make feeders for chickens or chickens with your own hands. from scrap materials.

DIY cutting board feeder

To make such an unusual chicken feeder you will need the following materials:

  • Cutting board;
  • Funnel;
  • Small plastic cup;
  • Rubber hose;
  • Electric drill.

To make a feeding device from a cutting board, follow these steps:

  1. The outer contours of the funnel must be outlined on the board. Try to do everything as accurately as possible;
  2. Inside the resulting drawn circle you need to drill many holes using a drill. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it so that the feed supply is limited;
  3. Next, you need to take a pre-prepared transparent hose and connect it to the end of the funnel. If the hose does not sit tightly on the funnel, you can use additional fasteners, for example, a clamp;
  4. Take a plastic cup and make a hole in the side at the very bottom with such a diameter that the end of the hose fits tightly into it and holds well in it;
  5. Take the other end of the hose and insert it into the resulting hole. If the hose is not held tightly in the hole, then its edges and the outer surface of the hose must be treated with sealant;
  6. After this, you need to glue the funnel bell to the board. It is necessary to treat the contour of the circle with sealant;
  7. A funnel is placed on the circle and held in this position until the sealant is completely dry;
  8. Connect one end of the hose to the bowl and the other to the funnel, which is glued to the board. The funnel should be at the bottom of the cutting board.

The chicken feeder is ready. You can add grain. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the board must be stable, since chickens or chickens will sit on it.

The bunker design can be considered automatic, since human participation when feeding chickens or hens will be minimal here.

Hopper feeder You can buy it ready-made in a store, but the cost will be rather high. You can also make the design yourself. The procedure for making a bunker feeder for chickens is very simple.

For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • Plastic bucket;
  • Sectional bowl for animals.

Step-by-step instructions for making a bunker feeder for chickens and hens:

  1. In the lower part of the plastic bucket, make small holes along the entire diameter in the amount of 6-7 pieces (depending on the number of sections in the bowl), through which the food will pour out;
  2. Attach a sectional bowl to the bottom of the plastic bucket using screws;
  3. Fill a plastic bucket with chicken or chicken feed and close the lid.

The main advantage of such a bunker feeder is that it can be installed almost anywhere. The convenience of this design is that as food is consumed it will automatically flow into the bowl under the influence of its weight.

DIY plastic bottle feeder

Nowadays, water is often stored in plastic containers. Such containers can probably be found in every home and can be used to make chicken feeders with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions for making a chicken feeder from a plastic bottle:

  1. Cut the plastic bottle in half. It is necessary to make vertical holes in the lower half of the bottle of such a size that a chicken head fits through it;
  2. Take the second bottle and cut out the bottom in it, place the neck down inside the prepared cut. Thus, a few centimeters should remain between the neck and the bottom;
  3. Pour grain or other food inside and cover the top of the bottle with something.

The only disadvantage of this design is that it will have to be moved indoors during bad weather, but such a feeder is ideal for a chicken coop.

For chickens, you can make the same feeder, but smaller. At the same time, the manufacturing technology will remain the same.

You can also make a chicken feeder yourself from ordinary boards. First you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Thick plywood or wood;
  • Electric drill, drills;
  • Loops, 2 pcs;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Saw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Roulette.
  1. First you need to create a drawing, which is then transferred to the tree. Dimensions of the required elements: bottom - 29x17 cm, sides - height 40 cm with a top edge of 20 cm and a bottom edge of 20 cm, front walls - 28x29 cm and 70x29 cm, top cover - 26x29 cm, back wall - 40x29 cm;
  2. After all the elements are transferred to the boards, they must be carefully cut out;
  3. In some places, use a drill to make holes for screws;
  4. All wood surfaces must be sanded to ensure they are safe for hens and chicks;
  5. Using screws and a screwdriver, connect all the cut out elements together into one structure. To achieve maximum density, you can use a clamp. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the back and front walls must be attached at an angle of 15 degrees;
  6. Using hinges, attach the cover to the back of the side walls;
  7. It is advisable to treat the finished structure with an antiseptic. It is strictly forbidden to use varnishes and paints.

The finished wooden feeder is spacious and comfortable. The feed is well protected from moisture and will be supplied automatically. The only drawback of this design is labor costs.

Also, using wooden boards or pieces of thick plywood, you can easily make feeders in the form of a small trough. This design will be convenient for those who have a large number of chickens and a shelter from bad weather.

Required materials:

  • Pieces of boards or thick plywood;
  • Hammer;
  • Screws or nails;
  • Saw;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Paper;
  • Ruler.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  1. First you need to make a drawing on paper, according to which the future structure will be made. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine all the elements, their sizes and the places where the fasteners will be installed. This stage is the most critical, so you should avoid mistakes and inconsistencies;
  2. The drawing is transferred to wood. The dimensions of the elements should be as follows: bottom - 15x100 cm, side walls - 8x100 cm, beam - 2x3x100 cm, end walls 15 cm wide and a height equal to the height of the long side walls + the thickness of the bottom. The most difficult stage in making such a feeder is cutting out the end walls;
  3. Based on the drawn up drawing, it is necessary to cut out all the constituent elements. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the bottom should be quite thick and heavy so that the chickens cannot turn over the finished feeder. The height of the side walls should be comfortable for birds;
  4. All cut out elements must be connected to each other so that there are no gaps left, as food can spill out through them. The finished structure does not require additional processing.

The main advantage of such a feeder is its durability and strength. In addition, it can be used for both dry and wet food. The only drawback is that the structure requires minimal maintenance.

When keeping chickens in a household or country house, it is important to ensure that the poultry house has the necessary equipment. A chicken feeder is an important element in a chicken coop, and it is not necessary to buy it, since you can make it yourself from common materials. Let's look at several popular options for this device, as well as the features of making a feeder at home.

Chicken feeders suitable for use in the household are quite varied. They differ structurally, in the material from which they can be made and in the place where it is most convenient to place them in the chicken coop.

Depending on the material used

To make chicken feeders, wood, metal or even plastic is used (for example, these can be pieces of plastic pipes). It all depends on the type of food for which they are designed.

The most common ones in many poultry houses are wooden devices. Dry food is poured into them: feed, grain, premixes. Such feeders are not suitable for wet mash: the mixture will stick to the surface of the walls, quickly turn sour and spoil new portions of food.

Plastic containers are well suited for wet food; they are easy to clean and wash, they dry quickly, are lightweight and durable.

Metal is used for feeders in which grass will be placed. Typically these are v-shaped devices with a solid back wall, while the front is closed with rods or metal mesh.

Depending on the type of feed supplied

How often the poultry farmer will need to visit the house will depend on the method in which the grain mixture will be supplied to the feeder. Simple models - ordinary containers with sides, often elongated - are used mainly for young animals. Trough-type feeders are placed on adult chickens, but not in cages, but outside them. Birds get food from them by sticking their heads through the bars. Or they are installed on the floor of the chicken coop when chickens are kept on the floor.

However, bunker feeders are considered the most convenient. Dry grain or mixed feed is poured into them. Below, under the hopper of automatic chicken feeders, there is a tray into which the grain spills as the bird eats it.

Depending on the location in the cage or poultry house

Homemade chicken feeders can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. The devices of the first option are mobile; they can be moved from one place to another at any time. Mounted feeders are mounted on the wall of the poultry house or the cage grid. Their advantage is stability; chickens cannot knock over such a feeder and spill food out of it onto the floor.

Requirements for chicken feeders

It is known that birds can scatter food from feeders when they eat. How successful they will be depends on the design of the devices. The best option would be industrial feeders made specifically for this type of poultry. They meet all ergonomic requirements, are easy to use and comfortable for the chickens themselves. But for structures that are made independently, these requirements also apply:

  1. Feeders should be equipped with some kind of protective device, such as a net, spinner, bars or sides, which will prevent the bird from throwing food around.
  2. They should be ergonomic, comfortable, easy to clean and wash, and weigh little.
  3. Their volume should be sufficient to accommodate food for the entire chicken population at once, and the size should be such that all chickens can freely reach food without crowding.

For each chicken, you need to leave 10 cm of feeder space, for a young chicken - 5 cm, in circular trays, chickens only need 2.5 cm of space.

Making a groove-type feeder from wood with your own hands

One of the most basic options is a wooden trough-shaped feeder. It can be installed not only in a poultry house, but also in an outdoor aviary for walking, which contains a large number of birds.

To make it you will need to take:

  • 20 mm thick boards or moisture-resistant plywood;
  • hammer or screwdriver;
  • nails or screws;
  • hacksaw;
  • ruler and paper with a pencil.

First of all, you need to sketch out a diagram of the future feeder or use the presented drawing.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out all the elements of the feeder from wood or moisture-resistant plywood:
    • bottom – length 660 mm, width – 180 mm;
    • dimensions of two side walls – 700 mm by 50 mm, thickness 20 mm;
    • two end walls - 180 mm wide, 200 mm high and cut off the corners according to the drawing;
    • the top bar is 700 mm long, 40 mm wide.
  2. Clean the cut areas with sandpaper.
  3. In the end walls, mark the places for future bottom fastenings at a height of 41 cm, and fix these elements so that there are no gaps left through which food could spill out.
  4. Secure the side walls at the same height as the bottom.
  5. Install and secure the top bar.

Among the advantages of such a design are strength, stability, ease of use, and the ability to be used for dry food.

Self-production of a bunker-type feeder

Making your own bunker feeder for broilers and laying hens is also easy. It can be made of wooden boards or thick plywood. You can also use bulky plastic bottles, household or building materials buckets (they must first be cleared of residues and washed well) or PVC pipes.

Option 1: from a plastic bucket

To make a bunker feeder for chickens with your own hands, you will need a bucket with a handle, a plastic tray (for example, from under a flower pot), the diameter of which will be 8-10 cm larger than the diameter of the bottom of the bucket. Or the bottom of a slightly larger bucket or some container with sides may work.

On the side of the bucket, near the bottom, make 6-8 holes at equal distances from each other, 2.5-3 cm wide, in the form of an arch along the entire circumference, with a height not exceeding a plastic tray. Connect the two parts of the structure together with a bolt and nut. Cover the top of the feeder with a lid. It can be placed in the chicken coop directly on the floor in a convenient place or fixed at a height of approximately 0.2 m from the floor.

Using the same principle, a bunker feeder can be made from a canister of a suitable volume.

Option 2: from PVC pipes

Recently, many poultry farmers have begun to use PVC sewer pipes with a diameter of 15-16 cm to make feeders for domestic chickens. They can be used to make a structure of both vertical and horizontal type. In both cases it will be a bunker.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a horizontal type feeder. The length of the bunker (where the feed will be poured) can be arbitrary, but we recommend making this part 700 mm in size. The part from which the chickens will eat is made 300 mm long. Holes with a diameter of 4 cm are cut out in it at the same distance from each other and one of the sides is closed with a plug so that the incoming food does not spill out. These 2 parts are connected to each other with a plastic elbow. The resulting L-shaped structure is secured to the wall of the poultry house with clamps, while the horizontal part should be 20 cm from the floor, the feed is filled in and the lid is closed.

A vertical feeder made of plastic pipe is made a little differently. The plastic pipe is divided into 3 parts:

  1. the bunker that acts as a bunker is made 700 mm long;
  2. lower part - 200 mm;
  3. the average one, where the bird will eat from, is 100 mm.

You will also need two plugs and a 45º plastic tee.

All the listed parts are connected according to the presented image: a tee is attached to the long part of the pipe, a piece 10 cm long is attached to its central branch, this will be the feeder. A 20 cm pipe is attached to the bottom and closed with a plug. After installing the structure in the poultry house, a piece of pipe 10 cm long will be located just at the height of the chickens. At night it can be closed with a plug.

How many of these feeders will need to be made depends on the number of birds - 1-2 chickens can feed from one such structure.

Devices made from sewer pipes are convenient because they hold a lot of food; you don’t often need to add it, so the chickens will never go hungry.

Option 3: made of wood

To make a wooden automatic feeder you will need sheets of thick-walled plywood, hinges, screws, a tape measure, a pencil, a ruler, a drill, and a jigsaw. The first stage of work is familiarization with the drawing, from which all the constituent parts of the structure are then cut out.

The bunker consists of 5 parts: a front wall, its dimensions are 27 cm high and 29 cm wide, a rear wall (39 by 29 cm), 2 identical side walls (according to the presented drawing), a bottom 29 cm by 17 cm, an apron 29 cm by 7 cm and a rectangular lid measuring 35 by 26 cm.

Algorithm for making a feeder:

  1. All necessary elements for assembly are cut out of plywood according to the presented drawings using a jigsaw.
  2. In the finished parts, using a drill and drills of different diameters, make countersunk holes for screws in places of future fastenings. All edges are sanded clean.
  3. The apron is screwed to the bottom with screws, and then the right and left sides are clamped in a vice.
  4. On the back and front panels, an angle of 15 degrees is cut out at the top and bottom of them. Install the parts flush with the top edge of the feeder and use screws to fix them to the sides and bottom.
  5. Hinges are used to attach the lid.

The feed will be poured into the tray as the bird absorbs it. When the structure is completed, it is hung on the wall of the chicken coop at a comfortable height for the chickens.

Homemade greenery feeder

In addition to grain mixtures, chickens should receive fresh vitamin-rich greens. You can also set up a feeder to distribute grass and tops. To do this, you will need a plastic mesh with large cells through which the chicken could reach a leaf or blade of grass with its beak. The plastic should be thick enough so that the chickens cannot deform the mesh, and the feeder made from it should be stable enough and not wobble or tip over.

The process of making such a feeder for broilers and ordinary chickens is very simple: you just need to take a piece of mesh about 1 m high and wide, roll it into a ring and fasten it with wire or clamps for strength. The mesh device is installed in the poultry house or on a walking area, and grass is placed inside it to a level at which the chickens can reach it. As green food is eaten, it is reported from above. Thanks to this device, the bird does not scatter the greenery, spoil or trample it.

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Making your own chicken feeders is quite easy. The materials used are cheap, accessible, and practical. Feeders save time, effort and labor for the poultry farmer, who no longer needs to enter the poultry house several times a day to bring food to his birds. The hopper of the chicken feeder contains enough grain or feed; the supply is enough for the bird to last the whole day.

Feeding poultry in terms of monetary costs is in first place in the entire process of breeding and raising chickens. That is why it is necessary to select ready-made feeders according to special requirements. You can save a lot on expenses if you create a chicken feeder with your own hands. In addition to saving money, you can also get moral satisfaction by seeing how your birds eat from the products you create.

Requirements for feeders

The list of main requirements will directly depend on the task of raising birds and the specific circumstances on the farm. . There are certain standards for creating such structures:

Main types of drinkers

Before you start creating a feeder with your own hands, you need to clearly divide the designs into certain types. This will help determine what type of feeder do you need?.

Variety of materials

Chicken feeders are made from wooden materials, plastic, and metal. The choice of specific material will directly depend on what kind of food the container is needed for. Main types of materials for feeders:

Correctly selected material when creating a feeder will help preserve food, which means saving the owner’s finances.

Feed mixture supply features

The comfort of feeding itself will depend on how food is supplied to the chicken feeder. It will be much more convenient to pour grain into the chickens once than to constantly go to the barn and add feed mixture.

Based on the method of feeding feed, feeders can be divided into the following types:

All feeders are divided according to the method of feeding the feed and the material from which they are made.

By type of grain supply: bunker and groove.

According to the material in the design of the feeder, there are:

  • combined;
  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • made of metal mesh or rods;
  • solid metal.

Installation location in the chicken coop

The last factor by which all feeders are grouped is the location of their installation. Two types of structures can be used in a chicken coop or cage:

  1. The floor type is convenient because of its mobility. If necessary, the feeder can be moved to a more convenient place inside the barn.
  2. A hanging structure that is attached to the wall of the chicken coop. Such products are convenient because of their stability. In this case, the chicken will not be able to tip the feeder with food inside on its side.

Vertical bottle product

The simplest design is considered to be a bottle feeder. To create one container, you need to use a bottle with a total volume of 1.5 l, 2 l and 5 l. Creation instructions:

The structure must be turned over so that the cap of the 1.5 liter bottle is at the bottom. As a result, we will get a special vertical bunker. You need to pour food inside, and cover the container on top with a lid from the bottom of a two-liter bottle. Through such a hole near the throat, food is poured into a container from the bottom of a 5-liter bottle.

Feeder from a 5-liter container

The simplest type of chicken feeder can be obtained from a 5 liter bottle. Near the bottom, special holes of various diameters are cut in a circle with a knife to pour out the feed mixture. The bottle should be placed on a large diameter bowl. Using a special copper wire, spacers are placed, piercing the side walls of the bowl and the jar itself. Grain is poured into the container through the neck using a watering can.

In the second option for creating a feeder, you do not need to use a bowl. Holes are cut fifteen centimeters above the bottom of the bottle. The windows are created in such a size that the bird’s head can fit through them freely. The feed is poured through the neck, as in the previous container.

Bowl designs are the easiest to maintain. The bottle can be filled with feed mixture under the neck; the mixture can last for the whole day. In the second type of feeder, grains are poured, not reaching two centimeters from the window.

Bunker design

To create a bunker feeder yourself, you need special plywood or a sheet of steel. First, a special project for the entire structure is created. On a sheet of selected material, the front wall of the bunker with a total size of 40*50 cm and the rear wall with a total size of 40*40 cm are drawn. In addition, two identical cone-shaped parts are drawn from which the side walls are created. For the roof, draw a rectangle larger than the top of the bunker.

All parts must be processed with an electrical unit. The plywood bunker will be connected using slats and special hardware. Steel parts are welded using electric or gas welding. A special slot is left at the bottom of the bunker for pouring feed. In the same part you need to strengthen the oblong tray. For convenient filling of food, the lid is attached to special hinges.

With automatic feeding system

Good chicken feeders made from sewer pipes can be equipped with an automatic feeding system. In the first case, special elbows are put on both ends of a pipe with a diameter of 100-150 mm. These places will be filled with food. In the side wall of the pipe an oblong window is cut through which the chickens can peck the grains. The structure is secured in a horizontal position with special clamps.

For a vertical feeder, a special riser is created from PVC pipe for filling grains. A special tee and several elbows are put on the bottom. This automatic do-it-yourself chicken feeder is suitable for feeding two chickens. In this case, a whole chain is created from such containers, which will correspond to the number of chickens on the farm.

Grass for birds

To create such a bunker feeder for chickens, you need a special welding device, as well as rods with a total thickness of 6-8 millimeters. To create it, a V-shaped bunker is created from rods. In a chicken coop, such a device is simply attached to the wall itself or is first fixed to plywood or a tin sheet, and then clings to a permanent place. You can install a special tray underneath the bunker to prevent small grass from spilling onto the floor.

Simple dining room

Design does not require much time, as well as the most affordable materials. To do this you need to prepare:

  • sharp knife;
  • chain-link mesh;
  • a special plastic canister with a handle.

Such a plastic container must be emptied of the contents inside, washed and dried well. The old side is carefully cut off. A cut is made in the handle so that it can be hung on the mesh that encloses the chicken coop. The food is poured directly into the bottle. It is very important that the container is located at a height that is as comfortable as possible for the chicken itself.

Unusual product from a cutting board

Such a feeder will be very unusual. To create it you need to prepare in advance:

  • funnel;
  • cutting board;
  • electric drill;
  • a small plastic cup;
  • rubber transparent hose.

First you need to take a funnel (it is best if it is made of plastic) and trace it along the outline on the board. Try to trace as clearly as possible. Drill a large number of holes within such a circle. Here you need not to overdo it too much, since the incoming dry food should be limited in quantity.

Take the prepared transparent hose of the required size. Connect the hose and the end of the funnel; if necessary, you can also use additional fasteners (for example, a clamp). Take a plastic cup and make a special hole in its bottom. The diameter of the hole must be such that the end of the hose can be inserted freely, and it must also be fully supported.

The second end of the hose must be inserted into the resulting hole. If the fit is not tight enough, treat the edges of the hole, as well as the outside of the hose, with a special sealant.

All handmade feeders are easy to use and create. The food gets into them automatically. You can pour grain into such containers in the morning before leaving for work, and add a new portion in the evening.

Feed is one of the key factors in raising chickens. This is where most of the funds go. To properly distribute food and not lose it just like that, farmers build feeders. Of course, factory products differ in their performance, but with some skills, you can make feeders with your own hands that will be no worse than purchased ones. We’ll look at what you need for this in this article.


As you understand, feeding devices come in several types and differ in different parameters. The first thing that distinguishes products is the materials from which they are made.

The most popular tree among farmers. This natural material is great for dry food such as grain, feed and various minerals. But it is best to avoid raw food - it will remain on the material, which in the future will lead to rapid spoilage of food.

The chicken diet must include mash. For this type of food, plastic products are ideal - they are easy to clean, which significantly increases savings.

Hopper feeders are made of metal. Most often, these are arched products, where the back wall is “blank” and the front side is covered with a mesh.

Feeding method

How convenient it is for farmers to feed poultry depends on this factor - it is much easier to do it once a day than to constantly replenish the supply:

  • Tray models perfectly serve as chicken feeders. Generally speaking, this is an ordinary container with sides that prevent food from spilling out. The elongated shape allows you to increase the number of birds feeding at a time.
  • The groove model has a special spinner and a demarcation grid. There may also be partitions inside - convenient if several types of food are used at once.
  • Automatic feeders, or bunkers, are very practical. You can pour dry food and grain into them. Standard size is the daily food requirement for chickens. At the bottom, the structure is equipped with a tray - when the bird eats, it is replenished without human intervention.

Nuances of feeders

The main task of the products is to use feed economically. To do this, first of all, various protective devices are installed, in the form of turntables, nets, sides and others. Otherwise, the bird will rake and throw food out of the feeder, which is in no way compatible with rational use.

Service is an equally important factor. Since containers get dirty quickly, they need to be washed and cleaned quite often. To avoid difficulties with this, it is necessary to use suitable materials and design.

The volume of the feeder should be equal to the required amount of food per day. At the same time, you also need to take into account the dimensions - so that all chickens have free access.


We present to your attention some ideas for feeders that will turn out no worse than store-bought ones. They will be easy to use, which will significantly increase their value. At the same time, the food will not need to be replenished every time - it is enough to do it once a day.

The simplest product is considered to be a bottle hopper. To do this, you need to remove the bottom from a five-liter bottle so that 15-centimeter sides remain on it. We make a hole in it and fix it on plywood. The entire design can be slightly improved by adding one and a half liter and two-liter containers.

PVC pipes are also considered an excellent material for making feeders. For the horizontal option, you need to take a 150 mm pipe and put on the elbows on both sides - to fill the feed.

You need to make several windows in the sidewall through which the bird will feed. All that remains is to fix it on the wall. For the vertical version, we put on a tee with two elbows - but such a product is designed for a small number of chickens - take this nuance into account.

A homemade grass bunker is relatively easy to make, especially if you have the right tools. You need to select steel rods and weld and connect them using a welding machine. Then all that remains is to fix it on the wall. The proposed photos of chicken feeders will help you decide on the right one.

Photos of chicken feeders