Why dream of giving birth to a child: a positive (and not so) interpretation of a dream. Dream Interpretation: why childbirth is dreaming

In connection with the new laws on the regulation of childbearing, demographic situation in our country began to improve gradually. What determines the desire of people to have children? In different age periods, the motives that drive people in this matter can be very different.

We will analyze the main reasons for giving birth to children in people of twenty, thirty and forty years of age. Consider also the difference in the motives for the birth of children in people of different sexes.

Reasons to have a baby in people under 25

In that age period little the majority of modern young people do not think about the motives that prompted him to start a family and have a child.

1. Most often the child appears spontaneously. Despite the presence various ways contraception, young girls, just get pregnant. The baby is kept for fear of surgery, or simply the period is too long for medical intervention. They get used to pregnancy, and after childbirth, most young mothers do not have a soul in their baby.

2. Some of the young parents consciously strive to have babies at this age, in order to raise children to kindergarten age, and then no longer be distracted from building a career.

3. A small part of young parents believe that children give birth while the body of the parents is young and healthy. After all, it is not in vain that they say that with age, there are additional risks for the pathology of the fetus.

4. In low-income young families, people pay attention to various government benefits, financial assistance, various subsidies and programs through which the state stimulates childbearing. Some have a second child in order to expand their living space and live in more acceptable conditions.

Reasons to have a baby in people from 25 to 35 years old

It is this age that prevails among young people who decide to have a baby. What motives drive these people?

1. At this age, a person feels full of strength and energy for conceiving, bearing, giving birth and raising children. Parents are aware that it is not worth delaying the conception of a child.

2. Relations with a partner are already permanent. People have been married for several years. They trust each other and feel confident enough to decide to have children.

3. Future parents have financial stability. Those people who strive to provide a better future for their children, only at this age begin to think about their own child.

Reasons to have a baby in people over 35 years old

Most often, this period is characterized by the birth of second and subsequent children. However, there are cases when a woman at this age gives birth to a child for the first time.

1. Those parents who entered into late marriages and have not yet had children strive to get on the last train, in order not to be left completely alone in their old age.

2. Sometimes, the reason for the late appearance of children is deep health problems. For example, when a woman tried to conceive a child for a decade and she did not succeed. In the end, she decides on IVF, and luck smiles at her.

3. Some of the parents, whose older children have grown up a long time ago, dream of feeling the joy of having a baby again. They decide to have another child in order to relive the old feelings already from the position of more mature people who perceive parenthood differently.

Reasons for the birth of children in men

1. Most often, a man seeks to have a child from his beloved woman. He wants to surround her with attention and care, to create a full-fledged family for her. Therefore, he has children for the sake of his woman.

2. Men, for the most part, have little influence on a woman's decision to have a child from him. If a young man is not carefully protected, then sooner or later, he may face such a problem as an unwanted pregnancy. At the same time, the decision to keep the child or have an abortion is always ultimately made by the woman. If she decides to keep the child, then the man, one way or another, becomes the biological father. Although he always has the opportunity not to recognize his paternity.

3. Men participate in the birth of children in order to continue their race, to leave behind some kind of legacy. For them, having children is tantamount to contributing to their own immortality.

4. Through the birth and upbringing of children, a man realizes his ambitions. A man wants to be recognized as accomplished, successful person who has excelled in every area of ​​his life.

Reasons for having children in women

1. A woman tends to have children most often to realize her maternal instinct. Sooner or later, most women understand that it is vital for them to send their tenderness, care, love to someone. Of course, there are always childfrees who don't want to face the challenges of having and raising children. But even they get themselves small dogs or other pets to make up for this need to care for someone more defenseless.

2. For some women, the reason for having a child is the desire to keep a loved one with them. Perhaps someone, in this way, is trying to marry himself young man. Others believe that with the birth of a new child, conflicts in the family will disappear, and the husband will stop looking at other women. One way or another, most often such motives lead only to the collapse of relationships and to the suffering of children.

3. Many women give birth to children for the reason that everyone does it. Society puts a lot of pressure on girls, telling them about the need to become a mother before the reproductive age has passed. Therefore, even the absence of a permanent partner does not stop expectant mothers in their decision. They say about such women that they give birth to children “for themselves”.

The reasons why people give birth to children are very diverse. But when a baby is born, parents change in many ways and most often forget about all the reasons that prompted them to give birth to a child. After all, caring for a defenseless baby becomes a top priority in their lives.

Dreams of childbirth are common. What to expect if you had a dream about childbirth?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If a pregnant woman saw her own birth in a dream, this is a good sign. She will give birth quickly and without any problems, and will quickly regain her former shape. The less painful the birth in a dream was, the more favorable its interpretation.

Often the fact that a woman in a position in a dream sees how she gives birth is just a reflection of her inner anxieties and experiences. Naturally, she cannot stop thinking about the upcoming event and the subconscious mind finds a way to play out her own fears.

Why dream of giving birth to a boy - to receive material benefits, things at work will go uphill. Desires related to finances will come true, but for this you need to make an effort. If there are debts, a reasonable initiative will help get rid of them. The birth of a son has always been considered an auspicious sign, promising only good events.

Sexy dream book

Childbirth is a symbolically important process, if you see the birth of yourself in a dream - you have a chance to correct a damaged reputation, help people see their strengths. To be present at the birth of a child is to soon let a new person into your life who will be close.

To feel in a dream hostility to a child being born - relations with a new acquaintance will not work out.

If a man sees a woman in childbirth in a dream, material well-being will come to him. It can be expressed in the most unexpected way - a promotion, an inheritance, a valuable find. Such a dream for a man always promises prosperity. A man dreamed that he was giving birth himself - which means that he would have to strain himself in order to achieve his goals.

If a woman is not expecting a child, but she dreams of giving birth, the dream can be interpreted in two ways. This promises a profit from which they did not expect - the return of the old for a long time, a valuable gift. But if the woman who had such a dream is elderly, she should pay attention to the health of her reproductive system.

Why dream of giving birth for an unmarried young girl is a good symbol, soon there will be a chance to successfully marry a person without material problems. If a girl saw how she gives birth according to a newfangled method - standing up, or into the water - in reality, her children will have good health.

Women's dream book

Childbirth is a very crucial moment, therefore, seeing them in a dream is always considered a symbol of future global changes, liberation from something oppressive. To dream about how you give birth - soon there will be a chance to correct past mistakes.

To give birth in a dream to a beautiful, strong and healthy baby - to the end of the black streak in life. If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, her child will be healthy.

Seeing your childbirth for an innocent girl is a dream warning, she should be more responsible about her reputation.

If a woman in her dream gave birth quickly and easily, without feeling pain - a signal that a responsible matter can be entrusted close person. If the birth was difficult, difficult, it will not be easy to complete current affairs, unexpected obstacles will arise.

Taking birth in a dream is a special sign that something will happen soon, seemingly insignificant, but in the future this event will have a strong impact on your life.

Why dream of childbirth in which one of the relatives dies? Establishing a relationship with this person will not be easy.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud's dream book says that seeing the birth that you are taking in a dream means getting to know your other half. Relationships will be long and strong, despite the fact that at first you will not take this partner seriously. A woman sees how someone takes birth from her - she will soon become pregnant.

Why dream of giving birth for a man? Warning sign: if he is unfaithful to his wife, others will soon become aware of this.

Dream Interpretation of Traditional Healers

To see the birth of a child in a dream - to the emergence fresh ideas and intentions. Dreams about birth always symbolize events related to the near future, if the birth in a dream ended successfully, the ideas will be successfully implemented. It is a good sign for a man if he sees how his own child is born - this is to prosperity, the more children were born in a dream, the more successful things will go. According to this dream book, giving birth for an innocent girl is a reason to behave more modestly in life.

To see a giving birth animal - to financial benefits.

I dreamed how quickly and easily a child was born - to improve relations in the family.

Modern dream book

The woman saw how she gives birth - relations with her husband will develop successfully, the fate of her children will turn out well. If a woman has several children in a dream, good luck will accompany her, but if the birth was painful, some hopes will fail.

To accept a child from a woman in labor herself - to meet her future husband soon, such a dream promises preparation for the wedding. I dreamed that a miscarriage occurred or a child was born prematurely - to the embodiment of new ideas.

If a man sees his wife in childbirth - to replenish the family, they will soon become parents.

Giving birth to twins or triplets - you are worried about the routine of life, since all household chores and projects at work are similar to each other.

A dream in which a child was born sick or ugly is a bad sign for the illness of a loved one.

To see the birth of twins in a dream - soon the life of the whole family will change for the better.

If a woman gave birth to an animal, this indicates that it will not be easy for her to achieve her goals, for desired result will have to fight. To give birth to a kitten in a dream is a hassle, the implementation of new ideas must be temporarily postponed.

Also interesting: why dream

Each dream is a part of the overall picture of our life. Most do not attach much meaning to night visions. However, any dream, if correctly interpreted, can predict the future or warn us of danger.

The thought of having a baby is exciting for almost everyone. Indeed, the birth of a new life is a miracle that cannot be compared with anything. Why dream of having a baby in a dream? Consider the interpretation of the most popular dream books.

I dreamed that you were giving birth to a baby - soon you will have the opportunity to return to your native land, where you were born and raised, and you will also renew ties with old friends.

Dream Interpretation "to give birth to a child" from the medium Hasse

  • If you give birth in a dream, this means that in reality you have to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal.
  • A pregnant girl dreams of the birth of a child - in reality she will have a boy.
  • If you are watching childbirth from the side, this promises you big losses, perhaps it will be a loss of property or an unsuccessful investment.
  • For people with serious illnesses, such a dream portends the approach of the end of life.
  • For adventurers, dreaming of childbirth means returning to their home.
  • For people who are imprisoned, a dream predicts the approach of liberation.

Interpretation of the dream "to give birth to a child" from the prophetess Vanga

  • To give birth to a child - such a vision promises drastic changes in life and the release of your internal energy. It also suggests that you can finally come to a peaceful agreement in conflicts that have been complicating your life for a long time.
  • In a dream, you are watching a suffering woman in labor - an unfavorable sign that portends serious problems. However, if the birth ends successfully, then all the troubles will bypass you.
  • If a baby or a woman giving birth dies during childbirth, this means that a great tragedy awaits all of humanity.
  • Watching your birth from the outside - fate gives you the opportunity to correct all your mistakes and "start living from scratch."

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • To give birth to a baby in a dream means that there is a high probability of your imminent conception.
  • To accept other people's birth - a dream portends a meeting with a person who will become the one and only for you.
  • During childbirth, a loved one is near you - this indicates that he is yours the main support and protection in life. If it stands somewhere far away, it means that it has love affairs on the side.
  • If in a dream is born dead baby One of the partners is probably infertile.

What does the dream in which you give birth mean, according to the dream book of Nostradamus?

  • If an innocent girl dreams of giving birth, this promises her a quick loss of virginity.
  • Watching the birth of a married woman - soon you yourself will become a participant in this amazing event.
  • In a dream, you see a lot of girls giving birth - this is an auspicious sign that portends the end of all wars and the reign of world harmony.
  • A woman in a dream gives birth to a slippery snake - symbolizes the appearance of the Antichrist, a Godless man who will bring death with him.
  • If a representative of the stronger sex dreamed of giving birth, this indicates that he will face something new, still unknown.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

  • In a dream, you yourself give birth - a favorable sign foreshadowing events that will change your life in better side. All the problems that have been bothering you for a long time will disappear in a moment, and peace and tranquility will reign.
  • If a young girl dreams of giving birth, this indicates that a threat looms over her reputation. Therefore, it is necessary to be as careful as possible in order to preserve your honor.
  • A man dreams about the birth of a child - which means that he can safely implement everything that has been planned for a long time, since luck is now on his side.
  • For a young woman, such a dream promises an early pregnancy.

How do modern dream books explain sleep?

  • If childbirth dreamed married woman- probably it's time for her to think about replenishment in the ranks of the family.
  • Watching other people's childbirth from the side - a period of longing and despair will come in your life. However, do not give up, the black stripe is always replaced by white.
  • If you help a woman in labor, the expression “luck has landed on its tail” is about you.
  • For a young girl, the vision of childbirth portends a serious quarrel that will drain her mentally.
  • In a dream, a representative of the stronger sex gives birth - this indicates that you overestimate your capabilities, so you should refuse to implement your plan. Otherwise, you will face a complete failure.
  • If the baby is stained with blood, your relatives are in danger, so you need to warn them.
  • A dead baby was born - you should consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination of the body. It is highly likely that you have serious problems with health.
  • If a newborn boy dreams adult woman- this portends her happiness and prosperity, the pregnant woman - a quick and easy birth.
  • If a young girl dreams about the birth of a son, she should not have children in the near future because of her lifestyle.
  • For a man, the birth of a boy is a harbinger of a successful deal that will bring him a good income.
  • If a young girl gives birth to a girl, this indicates that she is behaving in an unworthy manner, and for an adult woman, such a dream promises her well-being.
  • The birth of a girl for a man is a warning of a possible ruin. Therefore, when choosing a direction for investing, be extremely careful.
  • Difficult and painful childbirth in a dream - this means that you are actually trying to go against the law.

Pregnancy planning is not an empty phrase, but a whole group of activities that parents must go through if they want to give birth to a healthy child in the future. It consists of many procedures carried out in order to examine the health of a married couple, their correct lifestyle and good nutrition.

First of all, pregnancy planning is guarding the detection and subsequent elimination of all kinds of risks for the child.

How to properly prepare for pregnancy? Which doctors should be visited? What infections should be dealt with first of all? About this and much more - in our today's article.

When to start preparing?

It is best if future parents begin to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy a year before conception. Of course, not all couples have so much time for this, which is due to the great desire to give birth to a baby as soon as possible.

That is why preparation should be started at least 3 months before the couple planned to conceive a child. This period is quite capable of protecting the baby from potential dangers.

Where to start?

It is best to start with psychological preparation: future parents should be aware that a child is a responsible step and it is extremely important to really understand its significance.

If their family already has children, then it is necessary to prepare the kids for the appearance of a brother or sister, and also to determine who can help the parents in raising the unborn child.

Proper nutrition

It is very important during this period to choose correct mode nutrition is the basis for the birth of a healthy child.

  1. A married couple needs to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, lean on fish and meat dishes, eat cottage cheese and dairy products.
  2. A woman needs to eat sweets and baked goods as little as possible so as not to gain excess weight even before pregnancy. If you really want something sweet, you can replace sugar with fructose or honey. The presence of salt in food should also be limited.
  3. You should not drink tea or coffee, but it is better to switch to drinking plenty of juices and fruit drinks or drink bottled spring water.

  1. The nutrition of the expectant mother should be based on natural products, which should be consumed little by little, but in no case should you overeat - just like starving.

Physical training

In order to keep fit, a woman needs to play sports. Daily performance of some exercises helps the expectant mother to bear the baby without any problems, to be born safely and as soon as possible after that to take the desired forms.

In addition, moderate physical fitness helps in the fight against varicose veins, prevents the formation of stretch marks and tears, strengthens muscles and takes care of the condition of the hips and pelvis.

Taking vitamins

How good it would be if a woman received all the vitamins important for health while eating! However, the reality is that at the preparation stage, she must take vitamins from the “box” without fail.

After all, the body of a future mother, as a rule, is depleted by all kinds of diets, and her health is deteriorating due to smoking and the environment.

What do you need to know?

When choosing vitamins, you should not consult with girlfriends or neighbors about this. Medications and various dietary supplements are also not the best choice for women planning a pregnancy soon. And their reception is possible only when the gynecologist or therapist insists on it.

An exception may be folic acid- it is recommended to take it to all expectant mothers, as it reduces the risk of possible defects in the development of the baby's brain. As a rule, acid is used as an addition to the vitamin complex that a doctor recommends to a woman.

What kind of doctors do you need to go through?


First of all, a woman should visit a gynecologist. This is necessary so that he determines the presence of possible gynecological diseases, finds out the stability of the cycle and takes smears for the microflora of the vagina and infections.


An appointment with a therapist is necessary for an in-depth examination of both parents. This doctor determines how their health can be corrected and what this will require: the necessary treatment, recommendations for nutrition and physical activity.

If such a need arises, the therapist sends future parents (and mother, first of all) to narrow profile doctors.


Without his examination, preparation for birth also cannot be considered complete. He will prescribe hormone tests for the woman, showing exactly how the bearing of a healthy child will take place.


Since the baby "takes" a lot of calcium from the mother, which causes the teeth to begin to break down, a visit to the dentist becomes a mandatory procedure in preparation for pregnancy. After all, caries is a problem not so much of an aesthetic plan as an infectious one.

In the process of gestation, there is a high probability of transmitting this infection to the child.

Analyzes required for planning

During the planning period, a woman is usually assigned the following types of studies:

  • UAC and OAM;
  • analysis that determines the blood group;
  • scraping from the cervix and its cytology;
  • three types of ultrasound;
  • tests for HIV, syphilis, gonococci, etc.;
  • coli, staphylococcus aureus;
  • blood clotting test.

Other tests the doctor prescribes, in cases where:

  1. The woman has already had a miscarriage or experienced a missed pregnancy.
  2. The expectant mother took antibiotics.
  3. She already had an abortion.
  4. The closest relatives of the couple suffer from genetic disorders.

What should be the preparation of the future father?

How to give birth to a healthy child? Preparing for pregnancy and childbirth is important not only for the mother, but for the father. He is obliged to join a normal lifestyle, exclude alcohol and cigarettes from the diet, eat well and get enough sleep.

In addition, the future dad must undergo a medical examination, during which he will pass a spermogram, undergo an examination for the presence of hereditary diseases and possible infections, as well as find out your blood type and Rh factor.

Possible infections: what are they?

Infections that affect expectant parents usually work in a latent "mode". However, it is they who subsequently become the cause of the possible appearance of congenital deformities in the infant.

Of course, not every microorganism found in the blood of future parents causes the abnormal development of their child. However, no one wants to risk the health of the fetus, therefore, before conception and during pregnancy, it is better to protect yourself from any type of infection as much as possible.

How can infection be transmitted to an unborn baby?

It is transmitted in two ways:

  • with blood directly through the placenta;
  • through infected genital tract.


Very often, women do not pay much attention to the fact that they can get the flu during pregnancy. However, the danger is not so much the virus as its complications, expressed in the burden on the kidneys and malfunctions in the immune system. All this can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Let's say more: it is after the flu that a woman, especially a pregnant woman, becomes an “object of attention” for pneumococci or staphylococci. Therefore, it is very important not to lose sight of this and strengthen the immune system by all available means.


This is the most dangerous infectious disease, in which it is quite easy to catch it at the 5th week of pregnancy, but it is highly undesirable. It is this period that becomes the cornerstone in relation to the development of the future child, because rubella is an irreversible consequence leading to abortion and death of the child.

But if the expectant mother has already had rubella or she was vaccinated at one time, she may not worry about the health of the little one, because she has a powerful immunity to the disease.

For other women, it would be better for rubella prevention to be vaccinated against it two to three months before they plan to become pregnant, and then to control the process of immunity formation by taking tests during pregnancy itself.


It is also extremely dangerous for a newborn, and the worst thing is if a woman becomes infected with it through contact with a sick person.

If this happened in the early stages of pregnancy, the infection will become a threat of miscarriage or the appearance of various anomalies in the fetus. "Joined" to a woman later, cytomegalovirus can provoke premature birth or the appearance of its congenital form in an infant.

The best prevention against infection before and during pregnancy is to avoid contact in any way with people who have this infection in an acute stage.


An infection that poses a serious threat to the health of the mother and her child. As a rule, infection occurs after a woman cuddles a cute kitten with toxoplasmosis. However, if she previously had this infection, immunity to it remains in her body for the rest of her life.

For all other mothers, the danger grows along with the timing, and if infection is not dangerous in the first trimester, then:

  • on the second, the child has a chance of acquiring congenital toxoplasmosis (20%), affecting the eyes and central nervous system;
  • in the third trimester, the risk of infection rises to 60% of cases, and infection can lead to increased intracranial pressure, mental retardation, and even epilepsy.


The probability of contracting herpes is rather small, and its exacerbation deserves serious attention if it happened at the 32nd week of gestation.

Other infections

It can be thrush, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and other infections that, in severe form, increase the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.

Only timely diagnosis and competent treatment will help not only to suppress them in the bud, but also to do it in advance - even before a woman becomes pregnant.

What do women need to know after 35?

Late childbirth, which occurs between the ages of 35 and 45, is a series of difficulties that accompany women from the very moment of conception. At this age, it is often difficult for women to become pregnant and bear a healthy child, especially if they have previously suffered a number of infectious diseases or had abortions.

Age from 35 to 40 years is often accompanied by a decrease in the level of blood clotting, which is most dangerous in difficult childbirth, or, on the contrary, the formation of blood clots. In addition, babies in women of the age category after 35 are quite often born with low weight.

How can you protect your baby and yourself?

If a lady decides to get pregnant after 35, she needs to know that keeping herself in good physical shape and taking care of her health is the main key to success in the field of childbearing.

The best solution would be to attend preparatory courses, which both future parents should be like at once. It is also worth looking in advance a good specialist, which will guide the woman during gestation.

Do not panic if he suddenly begins to dissuade a lady from pregnancy: the anxiety associated with late childbirth is natural, but this does not mean that giving birth after 35 is prohibited by law or medicine.

Examination of couples at risk

Any disease, whether it is in the active stage or is hidden, can harm both the baby and his mother. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to determine its presence, but also to cure it in advance, before pregnancy.

In the case when the future parents have a clear problem with conception, or the woman has already had unsuccessful pregnancies that led to miscarriages or the birth of a sick child, the couple needs to undergo a thorough examination by doctors.

In this case, special attention will need to be paid to analyzes, appointments with a geneticist and ultrasound at different times.

If the doctor observing the couple suspects the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the mother's body, which often affect women after 35, he may suggest that future parents take a chorion biopsy. This examination excludes a number of serious diseases and some serious disorders in the development of the baby.

When is the help of a geneticist needed?

A genetic consultation is necessary if:

  • the presence of a hereditary disease in future parents;
  • the couple has a child who has already developed the disease;
  • the expectant mother is over 35 years old;
  • the wife moved to ARVI or took medication in the early stages;
  • future parents are close relatives of each other;
  • pregnancies that a woman had led to a miscarriage or stillbirth.

7 rules for a healthy lifestyle (before and during pregnancy)

No stress

Future parents should avoid any stressful situations, overwork at work and at home, colds and viruses. It is best to eradicate the habit of drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

moderate sport

Before and during pregnancy, it will be useful for a woman to switch to moderate physical exercise to keep yourself in good shape. You should not remove them completely, because playing sports with a low load is extremely beneficial for health and well-being.


It's great if future parents love to swim and decide to sign up for the pool! Swimming has a beneficial effect on overall health and strengthens muscles.

Women who are in the “after 40” group should not neglect this sport and be sure to go to water aerobics groups, but it’s better for them not to swim in the river or in lakes, as this increases the risk of contracting some kind of infection.

No extra loads

Women in position are forbidden to work at night and lift weights. Also, during pregnancy, do not use leg sewing machines or travel by bicycle, make sudden movements and come into contact with dangerous substances.

Daily regime

A pregnant lady must walk a lot, saturating her lungs with oxygen, in order to subsequently give birth to a healthy baby. At the same time, she is supposed to sleep at least eight hours a day, and goes to bed no later than 11 pm.

It is best if the bed where the expectant mother sleeps is comfortable, but not very soft. Doctors believe that during pregnancy she should sleep on her back or on her right side.


Having sex during pregnancy is not prohibited, but it is better to leave them for a more favorable period: after the 1st trimester, if the lady has previously experienced miscarriages or became pregnant for the first time.

Also, it is better not to have sex in the last 2 months for women who give birth not for the first time, but in the past they did it by surgery.

Finally, during pregnancy, you need to get plenty of rest, eat well, and be examined by a doctor in order to give birth to a strong child and become a truly happy parent!

In general, there are more positive interpretations of why the birth of a baby is dreamed of. Behind Miller's dream book, having a baby is a good sign. This is family well-being, and material stability, and easy childbirth in reality. However, details are important in such a dream: what exactly was dreamed of, the gender and age of the dreamer, and even who was born: a boy or a girl. Therefore, in order to formulate a more specific explanation of the dream, try to remember the details.

Let's start with the dreamer's gender and age. For a young girl, giving life to a baby in a dream has a double meaning. On the one hand, if a girl gave birth to a child, according to the dream book, she will soon, very soon get married and her dream will come true. Other dream books assure that the girl who had such a dream will be involved in unpleasant situations and conflicts, the solution of which will take her a lot of strength and energy. Medea's dream book also warns of the risk of being in frivolous relationships after a dream.

If a married woman has such a dream, this is a sign that now is the time to conceive. The 21st century dream book also assures us that for a woman to give birth to a child in a dream is to experience the real family happiness be proud of your children.

For an elderly representative of the fair sex, what such a dream means is a signal of danger, because it can portend diseases of the gastrointestinal or genitourinary system. Especially the latter is worth paying attention to.

If suddenly a man gave birth to a child in a dream, prosperity awaits him, and the more children he has, the better. Erotic dream book says that a man who had such a dream will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve success.

Take birth in a dream - in real life take on a difficult task, the completion of which will be favorable, but will require strength and patience from you. If in a dream your friend gave birth to a child, you can please her: she will have a happy family life.

Why else dream of having a baby in a dream

Depending on the course of childbirth, interpretations differ. Easy childbirth in a dream - a quick solution to all problems, success in everything, happiness in the family, long-awaited relief from worries, heavy - to failure. If a pregnant woman dreams of the appearance of her own baby, then in reality everything will be fine.

Remember what kind of child you gave birth in a dream. To explain what the birth dreamed of, this is important. A small newborn in a dream, according to the dream book, is a huge effort that you will have to make to implement your plan; big - success and prosperity in everything. If a newborn is heavily stained with blood, dream books warn of possible problems with the health of your loved ones. To give birth to a dead child, according to the dream book, is quick deliverance from all worries. To give birth to a premature baby, according to one dream book - to unexpected profits, after others - to grief and loss.

The gender of the baby also affects the interpretation of what such a dream is about.

To give birth to a boy’s child in a dream is a favorable sign for everyone: for a woman it is family happiness, for a young girl it is carelessness and fun, for a man it is prosperity, and for a pregnant woman it is fast lungs childbirth.

Having a baby girl is not as favorable as having a boy. For a woman, this is material wealth. For a girl - a sign that you should take care of your reputation. For a man, this is a warning of the risk of being left without finances.

If you gave birth to many children in a dream, the value of sleep will increase exactly as much as how many children were born.