The expression of thought in speech. Proper statement of thoughts - the key to success

The ability to clearly express his thoughts remains a big rarity even in the environment of successful people. The ability to correctly formulate thoughts and clearly concern them to the case - this is not a guarantee of success, but this is a serious help to what you achieve more. No wonder they say that the language will bring to Kiev.

The ability to formulate thoughts It will help in not only in work, but also in the environment of friends. And the role of good communication skills is simply indispensable in business negotiations. In business communications, it is important not only to be able to speak beautifully. No less important is the ability to hear that he wants to convey. Even if he cannot state his thoughts clearly.

In essence, it is important not only what are you talking aboutbut also how do you say it. Good qualities both in a business letter and in oral communication: short and in the case, Emko, clearly and clearly.

The first step towards becoming a brilliant speaker and the leader is to admit that you have spaces with community or with what you you can't speak clearly. The second step is to start something to do. Below are several ways to improve your communication skills. So:

What will help learn to formulate thoughts?

there is a number of ways Which will help learn to express their thoughts qualitatively. So, how to formulate thoughts?

  • Talk to the public. At the first opportunity, try to speak with a speech, report or tell something at the meeting. So that everything goes relatively smoothly, then you need to prepare in advance.
  • Trusu express your thoughts in writing. Practice. In business or personal correspondence, do not hurry to click on the "Send" button, delay your attention on the fact that you are going to send. Maybe some phrases and suggestions look inorganized? Again, and then send.
  • Good way to learn to formulate thoughts - It look at how others do it. Listen to good speakers, read high-quality books. The benefits of reading is underestimated. Not only classical literature will suit, but the business books can also go into business. In this case, you are not only, but also subconsciously remember interesting verbal designs.
  • And the extension of the horizon indirectly affects other cognitive capabilities. Develop its own brain. Putting right, do physical exercises (yes, it also affects your brain), solve intellectual tasks. All this in the complex will suffer and your ability to speak well and efficiently.
  • Lookout receptions of rhetoric and oratory skill, Psychology of influence and principles of effective communication. For example, it is not bad for studying the idea.
  • Make sure that your communication does not overwhelm in Painful chatty. - Sometimes the same bad quality as complete inability to express your thoughts. If you are overly boltles and you have a lot of thoughts, you can try to record your thoughts in your personal blog. Helps to unload the head, at the same time, he will bring any thoughts to everyone.
  • Actively take part in all sorts meetings, meetings and discussions. This is a great opportunity to learn. Do not be a passive listener. Act!
  • Preparing for a speech, you can try record your speech on the voice recorderAnd then listen. Reheat in this way. You will immediately become clear with your speech.
  • In many respects, the ability to express their thoughts affects. Want to learn putting thoughts beautifully and formulate thoughts intendedtry more to communicate with people who have all the ok. We involuntarily in the process of communication with adopting many features from other people, their behavior. The human brain never ceases to learn all his life without stopping.
  • In order not to get a touch with thoughts, you can take with you abstract Before an important performance. You should not read with a piece of paper, but have a performance structure at hand - it is extremely useful. So you will not forget anything and you will not bother even if you are very worried (the excitement and fear turn off parts of the brain responsible for memory, so they have this in mind).
  • It should be simple and understandable. Do not apply sophisticated words or slick complex suggestions. It is better to talk simple words so that every listener can understand you. Often bestsellers in the world of books are not the most washed book, and books whose authors know how to convey their ideas to be available so that even a child will understand.
  • A great way to learn to formulate thoughts is a little loose at the university. Even a year of this practice can teach you a lot on your own experience.

What else?

By the way, often dear people listen carefully not because they are beautifully talkingAnd because they proved that they need to listen. If you do not work out to learn how to become a good storytellor, then you should not lower your hands. First, it is necessary to independently independently. Secondly, you can always hire a young press secretary with a supreme philological education, which will give any comment from your words.

Speech is a wonderful and beautiful way to exchange and replenish information. Listening to the speech of a speaker, which will easily vary with his verbal revolutions, involuntarily begins to envy, and then think about how to learn to speak beautifully.

Positive emotions present when talking with such a person pushing out incredible actions for their own development. In order not to hide a desire for an indefinite time, tell me: "I also want to talk beautifully," and immediately proceed to classes.

The conciseness of the thought, formed beautiful skill of spoken speech requires a large patience, allocating a certain period of time, changes in the well-minded lifestyle, recognizing permissible errors.

If you are ready to radically turn the style of thinking, learn to listen to other people's recommendations is the right way. In the future, when the first successes will be visible and the presentation is accepted by listeners, you can develop a different learning scheme.

Below will look at each Council in more detail.

The arrangement of future words

Take yourself as a rule - to start every lesson with pronouncing the phrase: "I dream, I want to speak beautifully." It will definitely turn into reality, and the correct actions to promote dreams will take a special mood.

So, we turn to the first point, which will bring the main task to understanding the main task:

  • Building proposals is important for communication and understanding. The narrator, telling the information surrounding the information, must mentally put the events in the chronological sequence, so as not to break the topic.
  • In people who do not have experience, thoughts can be confused, and the performance will be disconnected, illogical. Therefore, get a diary, where on the pages, describe the heard dialogues, interesting details, day reflections, intra-family relationships.
  • Paper hiding ridiculous expressions, gradually presented a beautiful surprise. Lined beautiful statements will fall into sensible content with eloquence quotes, reasonable revs, logical phrases. The brain crashed by unnecessary "garbage", freeing from a large number of news, stories, experiences, will give will for a new thoughts stream, approaching you to answer the question: "How to learn to speak correctly and beautiful."

Replenishing the vocabulary

Seeing an unfamiliar word, certainly determined its value. In the explanatory dictionary, their detailed explanatory characteristics, scope is given. With representatives of different professions, age-old categories and social layers, rare words have their own special position.

I am accumulating new knowledge, the status is increasing, serious respect arises, interesting acquaintances are acquired. How to learn to speak beautifully, it is not worth an unresolved dilemma, because a beautiful syllable and amazing phrases slip in your conversation, becoming an excellent foundation.

Reading books

Desire - I want to speak beautifully - it does not arise just like that. Classic works contribute to the emergence of clean, beautiful speech revolutions laid down by well-known writers.

Sick every word, beating various permissible combinations, the authors tried to convey harmony, uniqueness, literacy to the reader.

The great language remained an example for many generations, thirsting to learn and know the pleasure of written plots, analyzing the characteristics of the heroes derived by morality.

Of course, it is impossible to completely deny the modern literature that breaks the stereotypes created by centuries, giving youth, unknown air flow.

Any book pushes to thinking, a person will imperceptibly learn to think and speak differently. But comparing the classic and modern novel, the connoisseurs of how to learn to be beautiful and competently speak with great respect looks at the old lighted binding.

Public performance

The responsible moment comes when your speech is designed for a large audience:

  • It is advisable to think about all the dialogues, replicas. Write down the plans. According to the plan, gradually develop the topic of conversation.
  • Write your speech on the voice recorder. Listening to the speech several times, weak expressions will be noticeable. Read the performance in advance so that time has time to fix gaps and then the motto of the day: "I want to speak beautifully," will become an indispensable companion.
  • To learn to speak beautifully without the public it is impossible. A close environment gets used to the style of communication, the error in speech does not notice. Energly listeners will immediately respond to an uninteresting story, will show it by behavior and noticeable Shumkov. Before the speech, it is important to know the age characteristics of the upcoming interlocutors.
  • Advance with friends who had to speak. Consider their beautiful performances, speech, mark the key points, use the information received as a "magic wand".
  • For the expected questions, pick up the answers to learn how to spend the performance in the right direction. Change books on topics, write down the winged phrases, famous quotes. Based on the report on familiar names. With such a basis, your speech will take a scientific and fundamental view.
  • For art, we need mandatory training. Initially, agree to the small and familiar audience. Having generated communication skills with a group of people, increase gradually their number to learn how to change the conversation and thematic orientation.

Availability of gestures and facial expressions

Live conversation always involves the movement of hands and body. Dry supply of material without a pronounced emotional color is boring, implausible.

The speaker, who lives in the content of the speech, makes the audience to join the fact that he is expensive, close. This is not just clumsy crash. Any gesture is beautiful, logical. Under the influence of sincerity, a saturated, open dialogue of completely other people's people is obtained.

Training gesticulation and facial expressible in front of the mirror. Implemenities are immediately visible, some excesses in movements. Open, a beautiful look helps to cope with unnecessary and stupid gestures that do not fit into the overall picture.

Sometimes accompanying gestures seem inappropriate, causing. But the cold expression of the face is prone to repulsion and misunderstanding. Find the word harmony, body, voices.

Persistence and desire

I want to talk beautifully - this is not just a beautiful slogan. Long, repetitive days on the day exercises will help learn and lead to a positive result due to great wishes, perfection, patience. The planned definite goal, for which you deliberately refuse free hour, will be a guide in complex oratorical art.

Collect the classes of games. For example, start describing any item without stopping. No matter what you say. The main thing, excluding the pause, learn to speak without thinking. Gradually, "nonsense" will turn into a hosted beautiful story. Detailing develops attention, speech, thinking. The attitude towards the outside world is changing.

Education of confidence

When there is no confidence, it is impossible to learn to speak beautifully. Fear squeezes muscles, the voice begins treacherously trembling.

To try to apply for advice to a specialist or read literature on psychology. They will reveal the true cause, will remove the clamps. The Internet is filled with benefits and training exercises, simple and understandable.

Improved self-esteem provokes unwillingness to overcome a feeling of fear. A person seems impracticable such deliverance and an impregnable barrier increases. Love all you do. You need to learn how to work on yourself. Release the past, live here and now. Start the life story with a clean page.

Every voice is beautiful and unique. Feel free to him, whatever it is. Summate to fascinating the correct feed. The listener will take any unusual timbre when the topic is available and interesting. Experiment. A simple sentence "I want to talk beautifully" tell in different ranges: high, low, medium. After varying, you will notice a special refinement and gladly note that your voice is the best.

Allocation of the main thing

In art, it is paid to the importance of contact with listeners. When a performance occurs, an experienced speaker instantly feels any deviation from the intended stroke of the narration, it corrects itself on time.

I want to talk beautifully - a wonderful start in the beautiful world of culture and ethics. Watching your speech, you can learn to speak without unnecessary words, become educated, smart, competent.

During the occupations recorded on the recorder, keep the recording, a beautiful verbature turnover and use when you make the following performance.

The ability to speak beautifully highlights a person from a common mass and gives him advantages. He is able to make great things, lead the crowd. Let the desire - I want to speak beautifully, will forever turn the consciousness and give strength in the speeches.

You are correct, competently and beautifully say, if you can pick up true words and talk about any item without any problems. And at the same time you are not boring to listen, but the opposite is pleasant and useful. This is not a gift, but the ability to master.

1. There is one pretty funny and interesting exercise for the development of your literary abilities.

Take an absolutely any home of home, for example, a rolling pin or even a washing machine, and for 5-7 minutes, try to talk about it on a literary beautiful language.

Such as: "Damn", "Ite", "type", "as it were," "well," "in general", "Well, this", etc. In a conversation, try not to use strong emotions.

3. You definitely need to follow the pace of your speech.

Often, the monotonous sluggish speech causes boredom and indifference. Try to withstand the pause and try to allocate emotions, but do not overdo it.

4. During the conversation, use sayings, quotes, and the like.

It will give your speech a big advantage. Well, and where without humor. Judge, as over yourself, and in general, of course, if humor requires a situation.

5. In order to work well their good speech skills, you need a big circle of communication.

In the event that there is no such, then you can use the TV, internet or radio. You can take an example from your favorite TV presenter or some kind of showman: repeat his phrases, look at his emotions, copy intonation.

6. More read: books, magazines, articles, newspapers

A very good option is to read the classic literature, yes yes, it is the one that we were asked about school. When reading, you do not need to rush, here you need to think about every fulfilling offer. This will give you the opportunity to learn how to correctly build words into competent offers and significantly increase your vocabulary.

Working every day, you will replenish your vocabulary and use all these knowledge in everyday conversation, you will notice that they have become much better to talk, and got the power over the words, and now they will serve you, but provided that you will practice daily .

To speak correctly and beautiful, so so that you understand you, you need to-come!

1. Try to talk more with people (especially on the themes that you want to talk clearly and beautiful): to discuss, argue, criticize, explain, defend;

2. Try to listen carefully to those who like you to listen to, talk to them, even if at the beginning it will not be formed - adrenaline when selecting the desired words it also helps.

3. Read out loud. We work out the diction, because speaking is the result of the air and muscles of the voice ligaments. In some cases, it does not even matter what you are reading, and do it understand. (I heard that it is most useful to read the plays).

4. Read interesting books that could configure your brain to be thinking from which your speech would be born. (In my case, these were various teaching aids and scientific articles, the purpose of which was exactly the same clearly and understand something to explain something. It was especially difficult for a couple of books of the 80s, but after a time I began to understand them).

5. It will not be superfluous to learn the basics of speech culture, dispute management rules, etc. (We had several lectures in the curriculum.)

6. Learn to argue your opinion. When something else is confident and, not only on your views / intuition, but also on objective facts, the opinions of specialists, when you understand the topic of conversation - to speak easier!

7. If you have the opportunity and necessity, use all the possibilities for manifesting yourself as a speaker: you say to the toast to unfamiliar relatives or retell the abstract (it also happens unfamiliar) - it is a powerful training against fear of speaking.

8. Learn to see the narrative script. If there is an opportunity and the need to prepare speech, always need to clearly represent the structure: how to welcome where to start, how to go to the relevance, to the problem, to the conclusions, to proposals and how to summarize and finish and finish and finish you and start to ask questions. It is possible to make cheat sheets with the structure, but no harvested phrases (!), Otherwise your brain will try to somehow shove into speech, and your presentation will look torn on slooked pieces and "something between".

9. There are many phrases assistants who structure your story and the attention of the opponent. Use them. "The task consisted in" Thus, "," in other words, "," according to experts, "in conclusion, you can say", etc.

10. Fashionable thinking, epithets, allegories, comparisons, hyperbolas - our language is full of expressive means. Remind yourself that it is and try to decorate the speech by emotional inserts and, possibly, small lyrical deviations. If you plan a "lyrical retreat", do not forget to mentally leave the "anchor" at that moment, to which you plan to return, otherwise you can get into the embarrassing position "So what is me ...".


Look for any opportunities to train your speech. To do this, you can contact your professional activities: students can join the scientific community and speak in public with research work. And if you work in the office, you can always ask the authorities to entrust you prepare a report or report with which you also oppose colleagues.

Train spontaneity. Speaking without training first seems very difficult, but in the future it will help you improve your speech and make it free. For this, get acquainted more often and communicate with new people. Learn to quickly pick up a topic for a conversation depending on the situation, as well as to respond quickly to the replicas of the interlocutor.

Think grammatical and syntactic norms of the Russian language if you have problems with correct or individual phrases. If you are experiencing difficulties with the search for the desired words, you can read various dictionaries and lexical collections. Be sure to pay attention to the stress in words.

Read more books. It is better to do it out loud. In addition to the fact that it will greatly improve your vocabulary, you will learn to focus on the right words when talking with other people, speak and express clearer.

Use standard speech training exercises that use speakers, policies and other people who are important to learn and freely. Quickly and out loud, pronounce various patters (you can complicate the exercise, putting a small subject in your mouth or pronounce the spells on the run). Speak, looking at its reflection in the mirror, presenting that they are talking to another person or public. Read the reports and pronounce speech in front of your friends or relatives.

Try not to stuff, do not swallow words, save even. At the same time, add your speech emotionality: use more questioning and exclamation purposes, more often contact the quotes of famous people. You can even add a little humor. All this will make your speech truly beautiful and free.

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The ability to speak beautifully not everyone. Very often, a person cannot convey his thought to the interlocutor. No one wants his speech to be unsure and uninteresting. How to learn to speak correctly and succeed in eloquence?

You will need

  • Tape recorder or voice recorder


Replenish your vocabulary. Try every day to learn at least one new one. This is especially true of people who are forced to use a large number of special terms in speech. Speak only about what you really understand.

Pay special attention to the emotional color of speech. Change intonation, allocate by voice the main thoughts and help yourself with beautiful gestures. It will definitely attract the attention of the interlocutors and will remember them.

Be a speaker. Do not be afraid to perform in front of a large number of people. To remove fear, write small performances on paper and work out them in front of the mirror. Ask close people to listen to you and evaluate your speech. Rehearse during friendly sites and holidays - say toast, lead the evening. Increase confidence.

Continuously train. Get impeccable agreement and. Do not jump from the theme on the topic, be consistent and logical. When conversation, be calm, bring your thoughts without monotony. However, it is not necessary to speak too emotionally - it can scare the listeners. Pay attention as speakers and radio. Analyze their speech and try to remember what you attracted.

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Many people dream to learn to speak beautifully - very often the ability to clearly express their thoughts is considered one of the main factors of success and realization in life, first of all, of course, in professional activities.

The conversation is an important component of interaction between people. Often, how much is right, free and beautiful, his professional career depends on. This is important in everyday communication. But it also affects the well-being and confidence of the person himself.


Learn how to correctly formulate your thoughts. Often to make it easier to do it easier, so practice write your thoughts on paper. Try to keep a diary.

When talking, do not rush. Try to talk clearly and understand. Breathe stomach so that the voice is more sound.

Find the golden middleness between overly emotional and monotonous speech. Use intonation, then people will not listen to you. At the same time, do not express your emotions too rapidly if there is no reason for this.

Try to talk concisely. If the interlocutor constantly jumps over with one topic to another, without finishing his previous thought, people get tired and it is difficult for them to keep track of his thoughts.

If you have any speech defects, try to fix them. If you, for example, do not pronounce the letter "P", take a few lessons at the speech therapist. Visit the training of software. The more correct and you will talk, the more you will do it and the more nice to listen to yourself.

Work on improving self-confidence. A confident man feels free, does not worry about what an impression is performed. It is not focused on his experiences, but on the interlocutor and on the topic of conversation, so it is easier for him to find words, to be resourceful. Interesting ideas make it easier to come to his head.

When you are at home alone, imagine that you are a well-known person, and the leading telecast takes your interview. He asks a question, and you start answering it out loud. You can get up in front of the mirror. Then appreciate yourself - whether you quickly answer the question of how you formulated proposals, whether there were pauses in your speech. Pay attention to your intonation, if they liked you. The next time you can write a monologue to the voice recorder to hear yourself from the side.

To tell you closely about things or events that you are interested. Try to convey your thought before the interlocutor. The wider your horizons, the more you find

Get rid of fear and phobias

Psychologists argue that the low level of training of people in the field of public speaking testifies to the presence of complexes and modesty in humans. The main thing is that you realize your fear and understand where its origins come from. It is necessary to understand that courage and confidence, as well as the ability to speak clearly, speaking in front of the public, you need to work out in yourself. This is not at all difficult and not talent, which is gifted by individual outstanding personality. Famous speakers say that the public is a stimulus who helps them inspire and makes them work with greater intensity. Do not be afraid to voice your new thoughts and ideas, it is important to start hard to train.

Learn to speak beautifully and competently

Currently, it is not difficult to find trainings or rhetoric courses and oratory, but they all cost money, while often do not coincide with your work schedule. There is less costly, but a fairly effective way - to study in other people's examples. It is necessary to watch the performances of people of a wide variety of professions around the world in order to understand what they are united, and what they attract the audience. Pay attention not only to the dialogue with the audience, but also on the harvested phrases and clothes of the speaker.

Train your speech in front of the mirror. Think out the text that you would like to voice before the public. Imagine that the mirror is the people for which you need to broadcast. Your speech must be convincing. Try to the maximum clearly to disappear every word so that the public heard you. Spend a small collection in front of a pair-triple real listeners. No need to worry, it is important to be confident. Useful reception - interaction with the public. You can tell some of your life, the main thing, do not overdo it. Make small pauses in your speech, so it will look more natural and emotional.

Look at the public

No need to constantly look into your preparations. It is necessary to raise your eyes and contact the public. You can choose among the entire audience the most friendly - those who approve and support your words.

Not criticize your speech

Even if your performance is not perfect - praise yourself. You managed to overcome uncertainty, went to the public and communicated with her. Do not refuse speeches, because it is possible to become a good speaker. Turning to the listeners again and again, your fear and uncertainty will disappear, and the performances will be more free, alive and fascinating.

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