1980 what year is the Eastern calendar. What zodiac signs will be compatible in love

1992, in accordance with the Slavic calendar, which was compiled on the basis of the totem year-tree - the horoscope of animals, was the year of the Dark Sokh (Elk).

The symbolic meaning of this animal, sacred to our distant ancestors, is described by me on this page, so it remains only to say about the character of people born in the year of this totem, which is the first in the 16-year cycle of the Slavic horoscope.

It was believed that everyone who was lucky enough to be born in that year has a truly irrepressible energy! Despite their enormous ambition, they are real hard workers, responsibly approaching any work, and their lively and cheerful disposition makes Elk the recognized soul of any company.

Their family and friends are always surrounded by warmth and attention.

Born in 1990 - people whom nature has endowed with subtle intuition become excellent financiers and investors.

What year can there still be a Monkey?

1980 who?

Wisdom and an irrepressible desire to achieve their goals, combined with vanity and overconfidence - these are the qualities that 1980 endowed people with eastern calendar.

They can achieve success and avoid crushing falls only by becoming less self-confident ...

1980 - the year of which animal? This question is of particular concern to those who were born in the specified year and are passionate about horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to the presented topic.

1980 - the year of which animal?

The nature of the representatives


According to the Slavic calendar, which our distant ancestors compiled in pagan times, using the totem yearbook for it - the horoscope of animals, 1980 was the year of the Pearl Pike.

Why was it that the ancient Slavs considered Pike, the only fish, to be a sacred animal and included it in their 16-year calendar cycle?

It turns out that everything is quite simple. A mixture of respect and fear, as for the most dexterous river predator, made of the river robber, the blood sister (twin brother) of another mighty beast - the Wolf. She was prescribed possession of the keys to the underworld, and the ability to fulfill any desires (remember at least the Russian fairy tale "At the Pike's Desire").

Thus, among the Slavs, the Pearl Pike, like the Lurking Lut, was a symbol of wisdom.

1980 Eastern calendar

People of this sign are not afraid of hard work, but due to their individualism, they prefer to do it alone, separately from the entire team.

1980 year of the animal Metal Monkey, which determines the presence of certain character traits in people who were born this year. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by tremendous willpower and independence.

1980 - the year of which animal?

According to the Eastern calendar, 1980 is the year of the White Metal Monkey. It starts on February 16 and ends on the 5th of the same month, but only next year.

The nature of the representatives

Born in 1980 (the horoscope will be discussed in detail in the presented article) are distinguished by their thirst for new knowledge and great ingenuity. Such people are well versed in technology, and also easily cope with any difficulties that are associated with technical innovations and devices. In addition, representatives of the Monkey sign have unbridled adventurism (in good sense the words). After all, they always strive to achieve their goals, and no obstacles will stop them in this.

Year of the white metal monkey

Element: Metal

White color

The ability to transform, flirt and change is your main character trait. It allows you to easily find mutual language with by different people, but in some cases you often seem insincere and deceitful, so stick to the generally accepted rules of decency and keep your word. Yes, it is sometimes difficult for you to be faithful and constant, but in some cases it is simply necessary.

In love, you strive for unattainable ideals, but you can enjoy and far from ideal relationships and derive a lot of benefits from them. Most of all, you are devoted to your friendship and your family.


  • Determination;
  • Activity;
  • Persistence;
  • Perseverance.

Distinctive features

Beautiful straight teeth, a square face and small lips.

Suitable fields of activity

  • Politics;
  • Show Business;
  • Commerce;
  • Journalism.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But to achieve harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise the relationship is very easy to destroy. Pay close attention to each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in a relationship

Partners tend to play with each other and spoil each other's nerves. The duration of the relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but they will constantly move forward. If this is about you, then you have every chance to create a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the finest combinations. Family relationships these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to keep the peace. For the connection to be long-term and useful, you need to make a lot of effort both for you and your partner, constantly adjusting to each other.


Ups and downs will continually alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can get through difficult times, your relationship will become harmonious and you can build a happy future.

Many people are seriously interested in astrology and believe that the signs of the zodiac influence fate. It has an equally strong effect on a person chinese horoscope... As you know, every year some animals become the owners of the year. Being the ninth sign of the Chinese horoscope, the Monkey is devoted, sincere, energetic and at the same time temperamental, quick-tempered, capricious. If you are interested in knowing which animal is 1980 according to the Eastern calendar, then the answer is simple - it belongs to the White Metal Monkey.

Monkey traits

A good time of the year for the Monkey is summer, especially August. Savvy, intelligence, ingenuity are the main qualities of the Monkey... In addition, in the East, she is credited with the ability to deceive, pretense, secrecy, and also inconstancy. She is not evil, but rather a clever rogue. Appearing suddenly and also suddenly disappearing, it personifies creative forces, irrationality.

Those born in the year of the Monkey have a great mind, spirituality, they are unusually playful, cheerful, good manipulators, leaders. Their actions are not due to malice, but also to honesty. They are selfish, distrustful, can find contact with any person. Arrogant, easily adapt to any changes for their own benefit. Many-sided, easy to change masks. Great success in life can be achieved by being well-read, a developed intellect, and an excellent memory.

It is easy for monkeys to express their thoughts, to be independent, they are full of enthusiasm, enthusiasm, they hate monotony. Possessing resourcefulness, they always cope with any problems, win in disputes, although they carry all sorts of nonsense. With the help of artistry, they cope with any cunning and strong enemy. They take up any business, but if something does not work out, they lose interest. They are able to be commanders, absent-minded, superficial, not bad liars, easily play a double game, like a change of scenery, so they often travel. They like to joke, they are not serious.

Are afraid of loneliness, suffer from neg O. They will never show their weaknesses, even if they are in a pessimistic mood. They want others to admire, love, appreciate. They will never refuse an outstretched helping hand. Observant, eloquent, only gives the impression that he gets along with others, but in fact, all this is done for selfish purposes. Her kindness and friendliness is nothing more than window dressing. In fact, this creature is sure that there is no one above him in the world.

Life path

Her childhood is cheerful and cloudless. Jumping, she will adapt to anything. There is too much confusion in adolescence because of things on the personal front. There are also many storms, confusion, easy disruption of plans. The Monkey has a very unstable psyche, so it reacts hard to everything. In more mature age these problems disappear. By old age, these people live in peace and tranquility, they are often lonely.

Depending on the element, there are different kinds Monkeys... Everything is subject to the elements. Astrological types of Monkeys:

  • Metal... Asking the question, 1980 is the year of what the Monkey is, it is easy to find out what is metal. These are some of the most headstrong astrological species. But they have great ability in solving problems. They know how to profitably invest, pragmatic, thrifty. Independent, selfish, overly self-centered, do not listen to the feelings of others. They are able to express their own emotions. Some of the strongest, most artistic. They easily defend themselves, due to their brilliance they reach heights;
  • Water... One of the most sensitive, secretive and touchy. Discernment, the ability to understand others help her to adapt to people. In general, she is affectionate, witty, eccentric and good-natured. It is important for her to learn to trust a person. Personal charm allows you to achieve a lot. Its disadvantages include indecision, inability to choose the right path;
  • Wooden... Organized, rational, pedantic. Scrupulous, she demands the same from others, imposing her own rules on people. Vanity, for the sake of this will go over the heads. The Wood Monkey has a very good intuition, she loves everything new and progressive. She could make a good speaker and politician;
  • Fiery... Life-loving, courageous, trusting her intuition, she rushes into the pool headlong. A born leader, she loves to win, to prove that she is the first everywhere. Stubborn, always insists on her opinion and proves it, irritable. Sincere, overly emotional, superficial in relationships, prone to cheating;
  • Earthly... This is one of the most calm and balanced astrological types of Monkeys. She doesn't need crowd recognition. A close circle of close people is enough. She has strong relationships with loved ones, so she can be trusted. She is pedantic, interested in material goods, devotes herself entirely to work, but still loves praise, albeit to a lesser extent.

Born in 1980

People whose date of birth falls on the year of the Metal White Monkey are distinguished by their ingenuity, thirst for new knowledge, adventurism, purposefulness, straightforwardness, and developed will. They do not give up before work and rely only on themselves. Smart, resourceful, love holidays, but not inclined to idleness. They are very talented. These talents should be developed from childhood, otherwise isolation and gloom will appear. They are benevolent to others, but at the same time narcissistic, they put themselves above other people. Because of this, they are often lonely.

The element of metal gives people energy, resilience, intelligence and resourcefulness. They can realize themselves in any business, easily bypass all competitors. Winners, who do not envision collapse, make the right decisions easily. They are always focused on winning. It is recommended to avoid gambling and philosophical dreams. They have extraordinarily developed intellectual abilities.

Individualists like to work on their own, not to depend on the team. They are pedantic, demanding, they take on any business with fanaticism, thrifty, rational. They are conflict-free, do not like gossip, but if they offend them, they are capable of revenge.

Possessing excessive emotionality, passion, temperament and sensitivity, they are prone to love affairs. More than one marriage happens in their lives. Both men and women attract the opposite sex with their openness, cheerful mood. The difficulty is that it is difficult to build honest, open, long-term relationships with these people. Monkeys settle down late. They require care, attention, understanding from a partner. Monkeys often have mood changes for no reason. And any mistake, mistake on the part of the partner is perceived as a personal insult.

Lightweight and sociable, able to build love relationship not with all the signs of the Chinese horoscope. It should be said that regardless of the companion, the Monkey has a tendency to have many children.

Monkey Chinese Zodiac Compatibility:

  • Rat. One of the perfect alliances. The Rat will adore the Monkey without even receiving reciprocity;
  • Bull. Although the Bull is boring, he is efficient, decent, patient;
  • Tiger. Quarrels, friction, lack of understanding - specific traits this union. The arrogant Monkey will not be able to mock. The tiger won't go into his pocket for a word;
  • Rabbit. They have too little in common. The Rabbit will find neither depth nor support, and the eccentric nature of the partner will sooner or later begin to strain the calm Rabbit. Unsuccessful union;
  • The Dragon. Imperfect union, depends on the behavior of the Monkey. She will appreciate the power of the Dragon, teach him to be cunning;
  • Snake. She will smother the Monkey with excessive pride;
  • Horse. Impossible union. The Monkey is superficial, evil-speaking, and the Horse is self-righteous, prone to freedom;
  • Goat. She will attract the Goat only by welfare, the marriage will be fictitious or by calculation;
  • A monkey. The perfect combination... Mutual understanding and sympathy are guaranteed;
  • Rooster. Problematic union. Both partners are narcissistic, boastful, proud;
  • Dog. She is an idealist and will not forgive the Monkey for her antics;
  • Pig. This sign has many positive qualities... On the one hand, the Monkey will appreciate the Pig, and on the other hand, she will always want to fool the naive Pig.

Influence of the Year of the Monkey on people

Surprises in the Year of the Monkey are guaranteed. Risk lovers will be successful. Rough jokes, adventures, risk - the characteristic features of the year of the Monkey. There will be no calmness in politics either: riots, revolutions, wars, protests, strikes. In short, a time of anarchy and disorder. However, new ideas will be put into practice. So, the influence of the year of the Monkey on a person, depending on the sign of the Chinese horoscope:

  • Rat. She is lucky. Everything new, non-standard only entertains the Rat;
  • Bull. The year is full of fear and threats. The bull hates instability;
  • Tiger All his innovations will come true. But for how long? The playful Monkey can laugh at him;
  • Cat. Also a hectic year. He will take a wait and see attitude;
  • The Dragon. Moving only forward, it is useless to laugh at the Dragon or teach him. He will destroy any obstacle in his path;
  • Snake. She will take part in events incomprehensible to her for the sake of curiosity and interest. In general, skepticism prevails in her in relation to everything;
  • Horse. A funny year. She can even get involved in politics. There would be a rear;
  • Goat. She is an active participant in any games, although little attention is paid to her;
  • A monkey. The hostess rejoices and has fun;
  • Rooster. He is courageous and, with the help of aggression, tries to establish his own order. As always, he speaks a lot and not on the point;
  • Dog. It is characterized by swift actions, with which the Dog will simply compromise itself. But wisely he will start all over again;
  • Pig. The year is favorable for arranging personal life. Any business will be tackled with enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

Charming, sociable, he is able to win over any person, to inspire confidence. Thanks to this, he makes the necessary acquaintances, patrons and takes the position he needs in society, lives for his own pleasure. Getting into ambiguous situations, it is easy to get out of them. This does not affect him in any way. Rather hurts his environment.

He doesn't need a stable, lasting relationship.... The partner must live in the same rhythm with him. He is not ready for emotional investment, work. The relationship is perceived as something ready in the positive sense of the word. He is looking for the perfect woman, but he is not ready to change himself. As a rule, he is married more than once, often Monkey men meet old age alone.

In his career plan, he prioritizes high wages. Self-determination is not important to him, interesting job... The main thing is to get a lot of money, and at any cost. Even without a permanent job, he will be content with odd jobs and get the most out of them for himself.

Monkey sign woman

Easy and pleasant to communicate, benefits and benefits from any person... She has no spiritual closeness with anyone. Bright, looks after her appearance, surrounded by fans. Early marriages usually end in divorce. The marriage will take place if a man turns a blind eye to her incessant flirting with others and constant mood swings. She is capable of emotional attachment, but puts her own comfort first. Passionate, makes all her decisions on the go.

In a career, takes on any business... At the same time, she is not embarrassed that she does not understand it. Irresponsible, but can still benefit others. She knows how to find the right contacts, so if something doesn't work out, then others will do everything for her. The field of tourism suits her, because the Monkey loves movement and everything new. But she has money in the first place. Therefore, choosing between an interesting occupation and a profitable job, she will prefer the latter.

Attention, only TODAY!

According to the calendar adopted in China and in other countries of the East, within a 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which fate develops. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high. Knowing the year of birth, you can easily find the sign you need in the attached table.












The most common principle for determining compatibility is the following simplified approach: since each year corresponds to one of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, it is necessary to compare the birth years of partners in order to understand whether people are compatible or not.

Compatibility table between the signs of the Eastern Zodiac

Let's take a look at the suggested types of relationships.

The first type is "triple harmony".

It is considered the most compatible. People of this type are naturally attracted to each other. Relations of this type are typical for signs located in the diagram at an angle of 120 ยฐ relative to each other. Accordingly, people born under the signs of the Rat, Dragon or Monkey are compatible with other representatives of these signs. The next compatible group is the signs of the Bull, Snake and Rooster; next are the Tiger, Horse and Dog; and the group of the Rabbit, Sheep and Pig closes the "parade of compatibility".

The second type is "mutual harmony". Couples created according to this type are also distinguished by compatibility and a calm nature of the relationship, although to a lesser extent than the first type. In this case, the Rat turns out to be compatible with the Bull, the Tiger with the Pig, the Dog with the Rabbit, the Rooster with the Dragon, the Monkey with the Snake, and the Sheep with the Horse.

The third type of relationship is โ€œopen conflictโ€. It is characteristic of the relationship between directly opposite, that is, located on the diagram at a distance of 180 ยฐ relative to each other, signs. So, they are in conflict with each other: Rat and Horse, Ox and Sheep, Tiger and Monkey, etc. This type of relationship is the most difficult, it provokes a natural confrontation between partners. Most often, such relationships are advised to avoid, although when viewed from a higher-order perspective, the resulting opposition can be an excellent tool for self-discovery and character formation.

The fourth type is โ€œlatent conflictโ€. Relationships are moderately tense; partners have to make a lot of efforts to maintain friendliness. For example, the Rat does not like the Sheep; It is difficult for the Bull with the Horse; The tiger doesn't really like snakes; Rabbit is not easy with the Dragon, etc.

The fifth type is โ€œfrictionโ€. Relationships of this type can be called, perhaps, somewhat unfriendly, since partners like to play on each other's nerves from time to time. Relationships of this type are characteristic of three subgroups of signs: a) The dog does not get along with the Ox and the Sheep; b) Rat - with Rabbit; c) Dragon, Horse, Rooster and Pig are incompatible with each other.

The sixth type is โ€œobstaclesโ€. In a relationship of this type, the relationship between partners cannot be called either close or intimate, but the ups and downs do not acquire critical depth and scope. The sixth type occurs in pairs such as Rabbit - Rooster, Ox - Dragon and Rabbit - Horse.

The seventh type is "neutral". Describes a relationship that is not one of the above types. It is often considered quite balanced and friendly. Couples with this type of relationship get along well with each other, but even minor incidents can easily destroy the fragility of this harmony. However, from the point of view of astrologers, a completely acceptable type of relationship.

Potential. You will not find this type of symbol in the table, since it is present in every type of relationship. Reflects the opportunity that each individual has to become the master of his own destiny.

As we can see, the signs suggest seven main types of relationships, of which only two types turn out to be favorable or compatible, one more type is considered neutral, and the four remaining ones are unfavorable or incompatible. The likelihood of success is small, to be sure! Most often, astrologers call the first two types of relationships favorable, not recommending types from the third to the sixth.

METAL MONKEY, 1920, 1980

The Metal Monkey has a very strong will. Whatever she undertakes, she does everything purposefully and, basically, prefers to work independently, and not in a team. She is vain, wise and self-confident and unafraid of hard work; can be considered an expert in financial matters and, as a rule, invests his money wisely. Despite the independent nature, the Metal Monkey loves society, attending parties and participating in all sorts of activities. In relation to loved ones, she is caring and kind.

WATER MONKEY, 1932, 1992

The Water Monkey has an empathetic, receptive character. She is more disciplined than other types of Monkeys, and is more inclined to work for any one purpose than to be distracted and tossed about trifles. She is not characterized by frankness about her plans, and in conversation she tries to avoid this topic. Quite sensitive to criticism, thanks to her ability to persuade, she relatively easily acquires supporters. She understands human weaknesses, which helps to get along well with people.

WOODEN MONKEY, 1944, 2004

This is a skillful and responsible employee. She has a rich imagination and tries in every possible way to acquire new knowledge, is progressive in her ideas. However, her enthusiasm can quickly fade; she easily loses her patience and gives up if things don't go the way she would like. She is not alien to the spirit of adventurism and the desire for risk. The Wood Monkey loves travel. He enjoys trust and respect among colleagues and friends.

FIRE MONKEY, 1956, 2016

Fire Monkey is smart, full vitality and easily wins the respect of others. She has a rich imagination, versatile interests, however, they sometimes distract her from more useful and profitable affairs. She is curious and always aware of all the current events. However, she is very stubborn, if not everything goes according to her plan, and sometimes suppresses those who do not have such a strong will. The character is very lively, is very popular with the opposite sex, very devoted to her partner.

EARTH MONKEY, 1908, 1968

The Earth Monkey is curious, well-read and usually achieves a lot in the chosen profession. She is not as sociable as other Monkeys, and prefers quieter and more respectable activities. She has high principles, a caring character, great generosity towards the unfortunate. She is successful in business and finance and by old age can have a significant fortune. Possessing a pacifying influence on those around her, she is usually loved and respected by everyone. She is especially attentive to those whom she trusts.


The monkey is born under the sign of imagination. She is inquisitive, extremely curious and always aware of the events taking place around her. She is always happy to help, and her recommendations are always reliable and practical. The monkey is smart, well-read, loves to study, has an excellent memory. There are many scholars and linguists among the Monkeys. She has a very convincing manner of speaking, a love of participation in discussions and debates. Her friendliness and confident demeanor make it easy to win fans and admirers. It is thanks to these qualities that there are many politicians and diplomats among the Monkeys. They usually do well in work that requires communication with people, for example, teaching, trading.

The monkey, however, is quite dexterous and cunning and even often not very clean in his actions. She will never miss the opportunity to get her own in any way, she can lead anyone around her finger, but the victim realizes this too late. She even risks outwitting herself. In addition, she is so self-confident that she rarely accepts someone's advice. The monkey loves to advise others, and she herself prefers to rely only on her own judgments.

The monkey perfectly knows how to extricate himself from the most difficult situations. Moreover, she is able to pull not only herself, but also others from the most hopeless situation. She has a very developed self-survival instinct.

Possessing a variety of talents and abilities, the Monkey is good at making money, but he loves a chic life too much to be able to deny himself something. Sometimes she is very envious if someone has what she herself dreams of.

The Monkey has an original mindset and, despite his sociability, the desire for independence. She must have freedom of action, and any Monkey, by the will of fate, bound by rigid frameworks, very quickly begins to feel unhappy. If her life becomes too monotonous and boring, she soon loses all interest and begins to strive for variety.

The monkey clearly lacks perseverance and perseverance, and this often ruins her career. If the Monkey manages to concentrate his attention on one thing, then, of course, he will be able to achieve a lot. The monkey is an excellent organizer and, although sometimes erroneous, he always has some kind of plan or idea. In those rare cases when the plan doesn't work, she just shrugs and starts experimenting. She never repeats the same mistake twice and tries her hand at many activities throughout her life.

The monkey loves to impress, and, as a rule, he is good at it. Many are attracted to her appearance, wit and the fact that she certainly inspires confidence.

Monkeys usually marry young, and for their union to be successful, partners need to give the Monkeys some leeway and the opportunity to satisfy their thirst for adventure. The Monkey must have some kind of variety in life. The most successful is the union of the Monkey with the Rat, Dragon, Pig and Goat. An impatient, life-loving Monkey can also get along with the Bull, Rabbit, Snake and Dog, but will probably annoy the Rooster and the Horse, and the Tiger simply will not tolerate her antics. A union of two Monkeys can also be good - they easily understand each other and will be able to help one another in various situations.

Monkey - the lady is smart, very observant and perceptive. Her opinions and assessments are highly valued, and her confident demeanor helps to get things done. She has many very different interests, the desire to participate in several projects at once. She pays great attention to her appearance, dresses elegantly and loves to take care of her hair. She is a wonderful, caring mother, and throughout her life she makes many friends.

Provided that the Monkey manages to moderate his ardor and not be distracted by what is happening around, she, of course, will be able to achieve her goal in life. Faced with life's failures, she must stop and reflect on their causes. The monkey is an optimist, and its life is rich in events and adventures.


Julius Caesar, Charles Dickens, Scott Fitzgerald, Paul Gauguin, Edward Kennedy, Jonathan King, Martina Navratilova, Elizabeth Taylor, Harry Truman, Leonardo da Vinci.

In contact with


The White Monkey in the Eastern Taoist horoscope.

The White Monkey Years are from February 20, 1920 to February 7, 1921, from February 16, 1980 to February 4, 1981.

People born in the years of the White Monkey are under the influence of the element of Metal. When Metal expresses the masculine yang energy, it is symbolized by a weapon.


Among the qualities of Metal, the most striking are such as a strong - "iron" will, the desire for justice and independence, intensity in all forms, straightforwardness and decisiveness, as well as the ability to concentrate on main goal... It goes without saying that such character traits will be very useful for the personality of the Monkey. It is the White Monkey who is often the strongest and most courageous among the Monkeys of other years of birth. In fact, the White Monkey is a loyal warrior who the best way manifests himself on the battlefield, knows how to win and get real satisfaction from his victory.

The Monkey's earthly sector is also the element of Metal. Therefore, the White Monkey is endowed with a double portion of the qualities of Metal. What does it mean? Determination, will and willfulness of such a person is more than enough and would be enough for two! It is not surprising that such a person has the strongest motivation to achieve success in those areas of life where such qualities are in demand. Usually, the most obvious example of such a sphere of life can be professional activity, your own business, your own business.

The White Monkey wants absolute financial independence and will make every effort to earn as much as possible. Money gives her a sense of satisfaction, confidence and a desired position in society, which is also important for the White Monkey. Wealth, stability of one's position and high social status, as well as the opinion of others about oneself are the main motives of such a Monkey and nothing will scare her away from her cherished dream!

However, it is worth noting that such personality traits can bring a lot of troubles to the person of this sign, if he does not find ways to align and correlate his desires and capabilities with the desires and capabilities of other people. In his thirst to take as much as possible from life and realize all his ambitions, the White Monkey can show excessive aggressiveness and even cruelty. The methods of such a Monkey, with the help of which it achieves its goals, can shock people. But, and that's not all. If something goes wrong, the White Monkey can give up everything one day and take on something new. The White Monkey lacks the patience and ability to bring what has been started to the end, not succumbing to his own whims.

Love relationship.

In love, the White Monkey is able to show such qualities as generosity and kindness, but only with those people whom it considers worthy, and there are not so many such โ€œworthyโ€ ones ... She will show her best qualities only in exceptional relationships - there will be and passion, and loyalty, and variety, and fun! Obviously, a person of this kind will look for a partner who will be dependent and take a subordinate position. However, it is clear to everyone - excessive control and extreme selfishness will not bring any happiness! Such "love" is the consolation of the ego and nothing more, and the ego is never enough, it longs for more and is constantly looking for new donors.

The partner of the White Monkey, no matter how the relationship develops, must make it clear to her his value through equality and justice in a bilateral manner. This is not an easy task, but it is necessary for the common good. The upbringing of the White Monkey will occur only in the society of a strong and understanding partner, who will be able to reveal to this person himself - his deepest essence without the overwhelming influence of the ego.

Calendar -> Eastern calendar

Astrological calendar | Eastern calendar

Eastern (Chinese) calendar of the zodiac signs

The eastern calendar, which has been in effect for several thousand years in Vietnam, Kampuchea, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan and some other Asian countries, was compiled during the half-legendary emperor Huang-di in the middle of the third millennium BC. This calendar is a 60-year cyclic system.
It is based on the astronomical cycles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The 60-year cycle includes a 12-year Jupiter cycle and a 30-year Saturn cycle. The 12-year period of Jupiter was considered the most important for the life of nomads, and in those days the main peoples of the East were nomadic tribes. The ancient Chinese and Japanese believed that Jupiter's normal movement brought benefits and virtues.
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Year of the MONKEY 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Year of the COCK 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Year of the DOG 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Year of the Boar (Pig) 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Year of the RAT 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Year of OX (Ox) 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

TIGER year 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Year of the RABBIT (Cat) 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Year of the DRAGON 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Year of the SNAKE 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Year of HORSE 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

Year of the SHEEP (Goat) 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

February 12, 1980. Is that the year of the monkey? In this article, we have given a detailed answer to the question of which animal is 1984. In most cases, the business of a person born in 1984 according to the Eastern calendar is simply doomed to success due to his personal qualities.

People born this year tend to be in the spotlight, it is important for them to make a good impression. This year's people are creative and intuitive. As the saying goes folk wisdom, a tit in the hands is better than a pie in the sky, and the Rat risks losing what it has in pursuit of a ghostly dream.

If you were born in one of these months, then carefully check the year of which animal corresponds to the year of your birth. 2015 is the year of the blue (wooden) Goat / Sheep. According to the Eastern calendar, the New Year (Year of the Monkey) in 1980 began on February 16, which means that your M.Ch. was born in the year of the Goat. Ask questions about compatibility in the article "The relationship between a man and a woman" ....

People born between February 16, 1980 and February 4, 1981 belong to the Metal Monkey sign on the Eastern Calendar. People born this year possess ingenuity and originality. They are also very reliable, but at the same time quite contradictory in their desires and needs. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away. Very cunning. They achieve their goal, if only people who are born in the year of the Tiger do not interfere with them.

1980 year of the animal Metal Monkey, which determines the presence of certain character traits in people who were born this year. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by tremendous willpower and independence. People of this sign are not afraid of hard work, but due to their individualism, they prefer to do it alone, separately from the entire team.

Metal Monkeys do not avoid being in society, willingly go out, attending various celebrations and events. The monkey never sits without ...

1980 Eastern calendar

People of this sign are not afraid of hard work, but due to their individualism, they prefer to do it alone, separately from the entire team.

1980 year of the animal Metal Monkey, which determines the presence of certain character traits in people who were born this year. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by tremendous willpower and independence.

Their family and friends are always surrounded by warmth and attention.

Born in 1990 - people whom nature has endowed with subtle intuition become excellent financiers and investors.

What year can there still be a Monkey?

1980 who?

Wisdom and an irrepressible desire to achieve their goals, combined with vanity and overconfidence - these are the qualities that the 1980 year endowed people with according to the Eastern calendar.

They can achieve success and avoid crushing falls only by becoming less self-confident ...

The eastern horoscope has 12 zodiac signs. According to the Chinese calendar, people born in 1980 year, refer to the mark A monkey... The element of this animal is Metal.


A person under this zodiac sign is quite hardworking, selfless - monkeys can rarely be found lazy bums, since, according to people born in 1980, work ennobles a person. People born under this sign are under the auspices of metal, which means that any working conditions or even life will not deprive the monkey of the strength and will. They are smart, purposeful, persistent, confident in their actions, as they are previously weighed. Therefore, such people achieve successful careers and authority among other signs. However, despite their kindness and dedication, they risk being left alone, as they love to flaunt their leadership ...

1980 - the year of which animal? This question is of particular concern to those who were born in the specified year and are passionate about horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to the presented topic.

1980 - the year of which animal?

According to the Eastern calendar, 1980 is the year of the White Metal Monkey. It starts on February 16 and ends on the 5th of the same month, but only next year.

The nature of the representatives

Born in 1980 (the horoscope will be discussed in detail in the presented article) are distinguished by their thirst for new knowledge and great ingenuity. Such people are well versed in technology, and also easily cope with any difficulties that are associated with technical innovations and devices. In addition, representatives of the Monkey sign have unrestrained adventurism (in a good sense of the word). After all, they always strive to achieve their goals, and no obstacles will stop them in this.


What animal was 1980 year according to the Chinese horoscope?

According to the eastern calendar, on February 16, 1980, the year of the white (metal) Monkey or squirrel began (ended on February 5, 1981).

People born this year, says the Chinese horoscope, have a strong will and character, sincerity and ingenuity, but they are capricious, cunning and very emotional.

Most suitable professions for them: a doctor, a geologist, a bank clerk, a lawyer and any kind of creative activity.

1980 year- this is the year metal Monkey according to the eastern calendar.

The monkey never sits idle, she is a great hard worker. He does not give in to difficulties, does not expect help from others, does not look for easy work. To be successful, the Monkey will work for a long time. She does not like to waste time in vain, so she does not take on small things with particular eagerness. She is smart, ...

The eastern calendar, based on 12 animals, was invented by the ancient Chinese. It arose three thousand years ago, long before the appearance of European astrology. But only recently in the Western world it has become popular to determine the character and fate of a person by the year in which he was born. The eastern horoscope has become a serious competitor to the zodiacal system, which is built on the cyclical monthly dominance of signs.

Tiger and rabbit

When the chimes strike, we all wait happy life, joyful, new. The Eastern calendar year does not have a fixed start. Therefore, people who were born in January and February should take this into account if they want to determine their year of birth.

People born during the "striped" year according to the Eastern calendar are courageous and purposeful. Tigers are noble individuals, leaders and patriots. The main thing for them is freedom, honor and the fight for justice.

Rabbits are hardworking. They are realists with a sober mind and calculation. They walk through life quietly but confidently.

Dragon and snake

If the foundation of the zodiac horoscope is the movements and trajectories of the stars, planets and the Sun, then the calendar eastern horoscope by year based on the phases of the moon.

Those who are fortunate enough to be born within the framework of the "dragon" year according to the Eastern calendar are influential, successful, easy-going. They are darlings of fate, often achieve all their goals.

Snakes are real thinkers with developed logic, versatile talents and subtle intuition. They are ambitious from birth, have the gift of magnetism and suggestion. Easily read information from people.

Horse and Goat

Twelve-year cycles form the horoscope. January or February is the beginning of each year in the Eastern calendar. The table below shows the reigns of the Horse and the Goat. Although both are classified as pets, they are very different.

Horses are talented, smart, they know their worth. They do not depend on someone else's opinion, they always act at their own discretion. Self-sufficient and firm natures.

Goats love to travel. But after each distant outing, they invariably return to their homeland, as they value the hearth. They treat life superficially, do not like problems, are ambivalent and capricious.

Monkey and Rooster

The Chinese emperor did not trust astrologers to develop the horoscope, therefore he solely controlled the cycles: the beginning and end of each year according to the Eastern calendar, the process of compiling and decoding them.

Monkeys are self-serving and cunning. They have an analytical mindset, developed logic. Freaky and temperamental, but at the same time the most unreliable and superficial people.

Roosters are creepy conservatives. They work a lot and hard to provide for themselves and their families. Active individuals who rely only on their own strength.

Dog and Pig

Which year according to the eastern calendar came into its own, the ruler of the Celestial Empire solemnly announced. People celebrated this event for several days, had fun and rested.

Dogs are always straightforward, smart, intelligent. They are deep and sensitive natures, often ironic. Hardworking philosophers. Pessimists who hate crowds and gatherings.

Pigs are decent people. Avoid conflicts. They have many talents. They always know what they want and confidently go towards the goal. Noble and realistic. They will always have money and work.

Rat and Bull

In China, even a marriage cannot be concluded until the parents tell each other the dates of birth of the newlyweds, especially what year they are according to the Eastern calendar. The table below is the last in our cyclical reckoning.

Rats are pedants. Neat in life and attentive to all the little things. They are hard to break. Excellent business partners. Savvy. They have a presentiment of impending troubles, so they are easily avoided.

Born during the "horned" year according to the Eastern calendar, they are hardy and strong people. Bulls are laconic, have tremendous energy. Too down to earth. They always go ahead to their dreams.

2015, 2016, 2017

The eastern calendar of animals by years suggests that the blue wooden Goat dominates today. Based on this, we can say that 2015 is a calm and balanced year. Sharp ups and downs are not expected, but if you decide to start a new business, you will definitely get the support you want. The goat is good-natured, so it always lends a helping hand. People who are born in 2015 will become extraordinary and sociable personalities.

In 2016 comes into its own rights fire monkey... Expect career advancement, business success, a chance at new life and the fireworks of change. During this period, relationships between people improve, personal life is improving. Children born in 2016 will become famous, very active and successful people.

The next stage will be hectic. 2017 - whose year is the Eastern calendar? It belongs to the fiery Rooster, so you cannot avoid different events. You will constantly decide important questions, troubleshoot problems and develop new capabilities. Those who are lucky enough to be born during this period will have the gift of persuasion and will be able to succeed in any activity.

2018, 2019, 2020

After a series of stress and setbacks, a favorable time for all will finally come. 2018 belongs to the Earth Dog. The economic crisis will pass, it will be possible to invest in real estate. This is a good start family life harmonious and new. The year according to the Eastern calendar will be successful for marriage. Born children will be harmonious natures, attractive to the opposite sex and gifted.

2019 is full of surprises and pleasant trouble... The Pig dominates, from which one can expect financial prosperity and complete well-being. Good time for businessmen, bankers, farmers. Babies who will be born will be optimistic, cautious and judicious personalities. They are born public figures, volunteers and missionaries.

The eastern calendar of animals by years promises happiness in 2020. This period belongs to the metal Rat, which brings good luck to writers, art critics, and artists. Money flows like a river, but this is the last stage of possible material prosperity, after which a long period of poverty and loss is foreseen. Born children are hard and tough. They know what they want and take full advantage of life. They will be able to prove themselves in show business, journalism, any creative profession.