Asian Malamute. Alaskan Malamute - description of the breed, characteristics, care, photos of the Malamute and much more.

The human heart cannot be indifferent to huskies, malamutes, samoyeds. Indeed, the luxury of these breeds is unmatched. Husky's blue eyes alone seem to reflect the blue of the sky. The feeling of falling in love is born immediately, it is not in vain that it is the photographs of these breeds that collect the most audience sympathy. Massive, luxurious snow dogs are very similar in appearance. Without knowing the characteristics of the breeds, they can easily be confused. Although hardly anyone will be particularly upset, because the rocks are just a real snow miracle.

Despite the similarity, huskies and malamutes differ not only in appearance. The dogs are bred in different places, with a different bias in selection, have their own character. Some people mistake these two different breeds not just one, but also refer to them as likes. No, huskies and malamutes with huskies are different breed classes. If the latter are bred as sled dogs, then Laika is a purely hunting dog.

External differences between husky and malamute

... Husky is smaller in size, lighter in weight. They are more mobile, easier to lift. The breed is stocky, has a very dense coat. The coat is soft to the touch, but without fluff. Husky paws are naturally strong, but light at the same time. The tail is always either ringed or pulled up. The color of the husky, in contrast to the malamute, can be different:
  • gray;
  • gray with white;
  • black with white;
  • brown;
  • white.

Eye color is allowed brown, yellow and blue. More often it is the last one, this is the husky's business card. Eyes blue, as if with eyeliner, give the impression that the dog has an abnormal look. Standards are acceptable and colorful eyes , they are not recognized as a marriage and do not affect the breed in any way.


Husky is not a product of selection. This is a creation of the harsh nature and wild land of the Russian Far East. This amazing dog is proof that only nature can be the best breeder.

Malamute is a handsome man, bred in the harsh conditions of snowy Alaska. It is considered an ancient breed, but the selection and consolidation of the main character traits happened not so long ago. Malamute - dangerous mix an ordinary dog ​​and a white wolf. Hence the much larger size, some sluggishness, massiveness in the paws. Developed muscles and heavy bones impede their mobility.

Unlike the husky, they only recognize the main color: gray-white. The standards are also strict in terms of eye color: only brown. The appearance of blue eyes in a litter is an unambiguous marriage. Such dogs are not allowed to mate, even if they are otherwise perfect. Malamute tail - legacy of the wolf... It is always lowered and the dog can raise it only as a sign of greeting.

Features of the nature of the rocks

Malamute is a good-natured big guy.

Malamute, according to some, can be aggressive. This is an erroneous conclusion, clearly based on some individual species. Malamutes cannot be evil, as breeding standards do not allow this. Realizing that this huge dog has an admixture of a wild wolf in the genes of this huge dog, breeders have fought for years with the genetics of the malamute in order to destroy the genes of predator aggression. That is why the breed, regardless of size, can't be a watchman... The giant's good nature is indomitable, and if he can scare the enemy with something, then only his size.

More resilient than a husky, the malamute is significantly inferior to them in speed. Malamute is capable of delivering heavy loads over great distances. And although his speed is low, he will go through almost any path. This is a very peculiar dog with developed feeling dignity... She will go forward even in the snowstorm.

In games, the Malamute is very careful, rarely puts things in order, even at a tender age. He is not such a mischievous mischievous person as a husky. In addition, he does not know how to be a leader, and he does not want to. They love him, they talk to him - and the Malamute is happy. And who is the first in the bunch or who is the leader there - he will leave it to the person to figure it out.

Quite different against the background of the Husky Malamute. This is an amazingly irrepressible dog that needs to stick its charming nose everywhere. With the little ones, get used to the fact that you now have your own "Conan the Destroyer". Unstoppable at play, huskies are ideal for making friends with children. So, within the radius of defeat, huskies will be "killed" to death not only things, but also their favorite front gardens.

Huskies are speed runners.

Unlike the malamute, huskies are mobile, easy-going, develop high speeds. But they are not malamutes and they are too tough to carry impressive loads. These are dogs for short distances with light weight on sleds.

Their main difference is the ability to lead. They are reluctant to train precisely because they know how to make decisions themselves. It is difficult to convince a husky, so this dog is recommended for experienced breeders.

This is a good and formidable guard, maximally adapted to any conditions. But she requires attention to herself. Constant and very long walks, jogging with the participation of the owner, training are a must for these dogs.

Although the Malamute and Husky are different breeds, they are similar in the main: they are designed for certain conditions. Their coat, undercoat and skeletal structure are designed by nature so that they can carry cargo and endure harsh conditions. These breeds require serious care and special conditions for keeping. Please note that without these requirements, the dog may start to get sick.


So, accustomed by genetics to long transitions, malamutes need space and maximum freedom. The idea of ​​settling this dog even in a large apartment is unsuccessful. Suitable for these dogs only private house with a solid site.

Both breeds are so good that it is rare for a person to pick one. It's really hard. Try, looking at two incomparable bumpy puppies, to determine who is better, when you just want to take both of them. If you are not going to breed and drive to exhibitions, you can take a mixture of malamute and husky. Such half-breeds make excellent friends and guards, sometimes you can see a malamute outwardly, but with a piercing blue husky eye.

But whoever you choose, you can't go wrong. Malamutes and huskies are loyal, intelligent and impeccable dogs, and in their company you will not get bored for sure.

Video. Husky and Malamute dog breed

The author of the article - Lesovaya Ekaterina

  • Height at the withers: Males: 63 cm; Bitches: 59 cm.
  • Weight: Males: 35-38 kg; Bitches: 30-35 kg.
  • Color: completely different, but mostly gray-white, similar to wolf
  • Life span: 12-15 years old
  • Other names: Malamute, northern snow train

Advantages and disadvantages

  • dexterity
  • cleanliness
  • almost odorless
  • friendliness
  • manifestation of aggression towards other dogs, which requires strict upbringing and a good owner

Description of the breed

Alaskan Malamute - These dogs are often called the northern snow trains, as they have an excellent ability to adapt to northern conditions, and to be more precise, to eternal winter, frost and snow. Previously, it was impossible to think that dogs that are created for sledding will become the pets of many dog ​​lovers. Alaskan Malamutes are considered one of the toughest and strongest dogs. These dogs can carry sleds with people, as well as with things for long distances. Malamute is also an ancient breed of sled dog, and the name of the breed comes from a tribal settlement that lived on the western side of Alaska.

Alaskan Malamute Breed Standard

Standard and rack

The head of the representatives of this breed is quite wide, powerful, and by looking at it you can immediately detect the presence of intelligence in the dog.

Not taking into account the large dimensions of the animal, all the dimensions of the body are proportional.

The muzzle has a large volume, but in purebred dogs it should not be elongated or pointed.

Ears are triangular in shape, with erect and graceful look... There is a wide distance and rounded tips between them.

The jaw has a powerful appearance, large, sharp and intimidating teeth.

The lips fit snugly against the jaw. The bite has a scissor bite.

The eyes of the Alaskan Malamute should be almond-shaped and not too large and brown in color.

The nose is black, except for those representatives of the breed that have a red color, as they may have a brown tint.

The neck has a strong and arched appearance that adds grace and stature to the Malamute.

The chest is deep and wide, due to which the growth and majesty can be discerned in the dog.

The back is usually straight, and strong muscles are visible in the lower back.

The dog's tail should be fluttering over the body.

A distinctive feature is wool, since this breed originally appeared in the north, then their skin has a high rigidity and a skeleton with a thick and soft undercoat.

The wool is also a little greasy to provide water resistance and better heating.

The limbs of the dog are equal and parallel. The paws are quite powerful and somewhat bearish.

It can be noted that it has a powerful skeleton and developed muscles.

Character and features

The Alaskan Malamute can be distinguished by its high intelligence, good-naturedness and an active lifestyle. They are characterized by obedience to the owner, as they get along well with a person. Some situations force animals to show their natural stubbornness, which is why it is advisable to raise a dog from a very young age.

Representatives of this breed have high endurance, as they can move loads weighing up to 400 kg. Therefore, they are often used in competitions where tug of gravity is considered the main thing.

Often these dogs are used for animal therapy, or to be more precise, the animals visit hospitals and, with their appearance and affection, cheer up sick people.

It is worth noting that if there are representatives of dogs of other breeds at home, then it is clear that the dog of this particular breed will take on the role of the leader of the pack.

Regarding its qualities, the malamute should not be used in sentry services, as it is too kind and sweet, and also does not have the habit of showing aggression towards a person.

Care and maintenance

He's great

Considering the fact that Malamutes are very beautiful and noble dogs, special and careful care is important for them.

These dogs literally adore water procedures, and it is almost impossible to get them out of the water. Since their coat is too thick, in the summer, carrying out water procedures for the dog is considered a vital process. But there are some quirks worth sticking to.

It should be noted that they have white and dark spots, which should be washed with the help of various detergents... Such care is important due to the fact that the white color gets dirty much more, so it needs a stronger shampoo for cleansing. And if you wash dark spots with a strong detergent, then they will cease to be shiny and bright. This data is especially important for those dog owners who are going to take them to shows.

During the spring and autumn periods, dogs will moult and the dog needs your help in the form of regular daily combing of the coat and undercoat. Such care allows you to exclude the appearance of excess fluff in the house, and tangles and knots in the dog's coat.

These dogs have sharp and long nails, which should be trimmed or grinded in time.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes, as they are wiped once a week and the ears are cleaned once a month.

With regard to the maintenance of the dog, it should be noted their great love for digging holes. Even those representatives of the breed who live in apartments will persistently try to tear the floor. Moreover, this is not fun for dogs at all, but an instinct inherent in the genes.

To save a dog from such a desire is simply unrealistic, which is why a suburban private plot will be a good option for keeping such a dog.

An apartment for them can become something of a prison, as they love freedom and space.

In a confined space, they can get sick, since this is practically unacceptable for them.

Alaskan Malamute has gained popularity among pet breeders, they are accustomed to severe frosts and harsh conditions feel great in this role. They protect their owners in every possible way, and also get along well with small children. Such dogs are ideal for owners leading an active lifestyle.

Quick wits
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficulty in leaving
Friendly with children
Country of origin USA
Life span 13-16 years old
Price15-80 tr.
Male height60-64 cm.
Bitch height57-60 cm.
Male weight38 kg.
Bitch weight34 kg.

The origin of the Alaskan Malamute breed

The Alaskan Malamute breed appeared thanks to the Arctic sled dogs. They acquired this name thanks to a tribe in Alaska called Malemut. These people were distinguished by their friendliness and kindness. The first dogs were excellent helpers, they worked in a team and dragged heavy sledges in the most severe frosts, which is why they got another name - the snow train.

In 1896, the gold rush began in Alaska. As soon as gold was discovered in the Klondike, many people moved in search of it. They were helped in this by their faithful friends, who drove their sleighs and supplied them with water and food. For personal purposes, gold diggers began crossing dogs in order to end up with the fastest harness. Only after the calm of the gold rush did the crossbreeding of purebred Malamutes begin.

Alaskan Malamute appearance

Alaskan Malamute is quite large in size. Visually reminds. An adult male can reach 38 kilograms and 64 centimeters in height. The size of the female is not very different, the weight can reach 34 kilograms, and the growth is about 60 centimeters. Their coat is very long and coarse, which helps them to overcome frost. The head is large and broad, but tapers closer to the nose. The ears are erect, triangular in shape. The color of the Alaskan Malamute can be almost any color: shades of black, white, red and gray. The color may be solid, but the presence of light or dark spots... The eyes are brown, possibly almost black.

Alaskan Malamute personality

The main character trait is incredible endurance and independence. The Alaskan Malamute breed is not so simple as it seems at first glance. They need to be dominated, otherwise the naughty dog ​​will not obey its master at all. This breed needs to channel its excess energy and activity in the right direction. A fluffy animal will perfectly fit into a large family, the only thing they need is to be given enough attention and time for various games. The Alaskan Malamute breed gets along well with children and is not capable of offending them. In the snowy winter, they are not averse to sledding the children, as well as going on a hike with their owners. Long time spending on fresh air will have a positive effect on the behavior of the dog.


The Alaskan Malamute is quite trainable and quickly learns new commands. But it is not so easy to interest him. It is best to start training in early age... It is advisable to conduct it with a specialist, with the participation of the owner. If you want to achieve maximum results, follow these simple tips:

  1. It is necessary to pay enough attention, often take the dog outside. The longer they are in the fresh air, the calmer and more pliable their character becomes. The best time to train is after the street.
  2. Training should be done regularly.
  3. During training, be more persistent, be patient and demand the correct execution of commands.
  4. When the commands are executed correctly, reward with goodies and kind words.
  5. Never scold or beat the dog as a punishment, in this way you can lose his trust.

Do not forget that the Alaskan Malamute breed is a worker type. Therefore, it is necessary to load the dog as much as possible during training: jogging in the park, walking in the forest and similar activities that will help throw out the pet's energy.

How to choose a puppy

If you have made the decision to take an Alaskan Malamute puppy into your house. To begin with, you must decide for yourself for what purpose you are purchasing an animal. :

  • If you are acquiring a dog as a companion, pay attention to his temperament.
  • If the main purpose is teamwork and transportation of various goods, he must have excellent working qualities. Keep in mind that when acquiring a baby, you yourself must raise an excellent working dog from him.
  • If you want to participate in various exhibitions and events, pay attention to a beautiful and shiny coat, an even gait from childhood.
  • For breeding offspring, all of the above qualities and a good pedigree must be present.

General selection rules:

Young Malamutes should be active and visually healthy. The coat of such puppies is smooth and shiny, the eyes and ears are clean, without inflammation. Dogs attract your attention as much as possible by flirting with you, if the baby does not show any interest in games, you should beware of such. The recommended age for purchasing an Alaskan Malamute puppy is from 9 weeks after birth. The price usually ranges from 15 to 80 thousand rubles, depending on the pedigree and the interests of the purchase.

Alaskan Malamute does not require special care... For proper maintenance, it is necessary to comb their fur once a week, with the exception of the shedding period, on these days you need to comb out the wool every day. It is advisable to bathe as rarely as possible, with visible dirt and no more than twice a year. After bathing, you need to comb the pet and dry it well, otherwise the coat may roll and lose its shine. Do not deprive animals of the most important happiness of all life - spending time in the fresh air. If they are limited in sufficient walking, the character will not change for the better.

The Alaskan Malamute breed is prone to obesity, you should not overfeed them. It is necessary to feed twice a day in strictly metered portions. You can transfer your dog to dry food, it is important to buy it only in pet stores. Despite the fact that Malamutes have a large physique, a one-time serving should be at least 100 grams, for adult that's quite enough. It is better to stick to the same type of diet, otherwise stomach upset is possible. You can reward in the form of a small piece of meat or low-fat cheese. Various sweets are strictly prohibited.

Health and disease

Alaskan Malamutes are one of the healthiest breeds. But, unfortunately, not a single animal can do without disease. They are prone to joint dysplasia, stomach problems, and vision problems.

  • Dysplasia of the hip joint - due to this ailment, the dog is limping, in rare cases cannot walk at all. This disease is inherited.
  • Stomach volvulus - occurs in dogs that constantly overeat, and also take a variety of foods, including those from a common table.
  • Retinal atrophy - as a result of this disease, the dog completely goes blind. This disease is inherited through several generations.

The average life span of Alaskan Malamutes is 13 to 16 years. With proper care, it is possible to extend the term.

Alaskan Malamute Photos

Buying a furry animal in your house, provide it proper care and you will gain true friend and an assistant for many years.

V recent times among ordinary people, the Alaskan Malamute dog is becoming more and more popular. This breed has become famous quite recently, and many think that Malamutes were bred not so long ago. In fact, this is one of the oldest dog breeds, which appeared in Alaska more than two thousand years ago. The purebred domestic breed has some resemblance to a wolf, has good nature and requires constant attention from the owner.

The breed has an athletic build and well-developed muscles, which allows it to transport various heavy loads in a harness over fairly long distances. A thick undercoat perfectly warms the Malamute in any frost, and powerful, large paws with pubescent pads help it to move easily and not fall into the snow.

This dog will not make a watchman, since the breed is not aggressive, has a stable psyche and never attacks a person. Alaskan Malamutes are distinguished by their welcoming nature, sociability and irrepressible energy. From time to time, the pet can show stubbornness, since obedience to these dogs is not typical. Therefore, the education of the Malamute must be dealt with from puppyhood.

Alaskan Malamute appearance - photo

With a height of 63 cm, males weigh 38 kg, females have a weight of 24 kg, and a height of about 58 cm.In addition, the breed is different:

The wool of the Alaskan Malamute consists of hard guard hair... It should not be soft and too long. The fluffy, bold and dense undercoat is 1 to 2 inches long. In different areas, the length of the coat and the undercoat may be different. On the tail, on the backs of the legs, along the waist and back, on the shoulders and on the neck, the hair is long, and on the sides it is shorter. In the summer, the coat is not so long and thick as the dog begins to molt.

Malamute wool may have the following color:

  • plain white;
  • ginger;
  • sable;
  • black;
  • all shades of gray.

Additional charm to the breed is given by the allowable markings in the collar and forehead. Discontinuity and unevenness in color are considered undesirable indicators. In addition, the disadvantages are blue eyes, fearfulness and aggressiveness of the dog.

The nature of the breed

Friendly, affectionate and energetic Alaskan Malamutes have strong character and all the makings of a leader... Completely devoid of aggression, the dog is perfect for living in a family with small children. Even if the baby hurts the pet, he never dares to growl or bite the baby. If necessary, the Alaskan Malamute will become a nanny for the baby and will play various games with him.

The breed requires constant human attention and loves to always be in the center of events. A distinctive feature of the breed is that it is attached to only one member of the family, which from a young age was chosen as the leader of the pack. But if the owner offends the dog, then it can easily switch attention and choose another pet and leader from the family.

An unpretentious and hardy dog ​​belongs to the gregarious breeds, so she immediately starts a new family begins to count as his pack... Attaching to people, the pet will participate in all processes family life, and to protect every family member. The neglected Alaskan Malamutes feel lonely and suffer greatly from it.

Alaskan Malamute: price, choice of a puppy

Many are interested in the cost of the breed and where you can buy an Alaskan Malamute puppy. There are no nurseries of this breed in every city, but throughout the territory Russian Federation there are quite a few of them. The most famous are nurseries:

  • "Alveig";
  • Losinny Island;
  • Lei.

You can read information about each of them on the Internet, where you can find photos of puppies, pedigree of their parents, date of birth, price and much more. The average price of a purebred puppy in kennels fluctuates from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.

You can buy Alaskan Malamute from your own hands, according to an ad on the Internet. The price for such a puppy will be much lower. A dog without documents costs from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

How to choose the right puppy?

Little teddy bears captivate everyone at first sight. The popularity of the breed is growing every year, so many potential owners want to know what should be guided by when buying a puppy.

Having studied the kennels of the breed, it is better to stop your choice on kennels with a large territory, which are located outside the city and are monobreed.

In the selection process, attention is primarily paid to the appearance of the pet. A healthy young dog should have fluffy and shiny coat, clean ears and shining eyes. The puppy should be playful, agile and curious.

The breeder must show the dog's parents, their documents and tell about the pedigree, nature and hereditary diseases.

Since you choose a friend in the family for a long time, you should not decide on the choice of a puppy on the very first day. It is best to observe the whole litter for a while.

Puppies that are under six weeks old are not allowed. Alaskan Malamutes should be in contact with their siblings for as long as possible. However, pets over ten weeks of age become addicted to dogs. The best age for a puppy to be taken into a family is seven or eight weeks.

Raising a puppy

As soon as a young dog entered the house, it immediately needs explain all the rules of conduct... Can't be allowed to be charming little puppy sleep on the hosts' bed. Very soon it will turn into big dog, and there is simply not enough space for everyone in the family bed. And it will be impossible to wean the pet from this habit.

One more bad habit Alaskan Malamute is that when meeting the owner, family member or even guests, he jumps with joy on the one who entered. It is necessary to wean the dog from this at an early age. To do this, you do not need to pay attention to the jumping puppy, and even more so to take him in your arms. If the pet does not calm down in any way, and starts jumping on you, then you can simply push it with your knee in the chest. After a while, the dog will lose all interest in such jumps.

Many believe that since the Alaskan Malamute is a non-aggressive dog, then you do not need to educate him. This opinion is wrong. The pet must take a course in obedience.

The breed has a proprietary instinct, so it immediately needs to be made aware that everything around belongs to a person. Otherwise, the dog may become aggressive. That is why the most important commands for the Alaskan Malamute should be:

  • "it is forbidden";
  • "wait";
  • "Give it up."

These commands should be taught even if the puppy is unhappy with the grumbling. Commands should be given in a calm tone and in a low, even voice, since the breed is very sensitive to the intonations in the voice.

An inexperienced owner can have problems with training a wayward Alaskan Malamute. Those who have already dealt with such a breed know that it needs a special approach... If you don't have dogs at all, then it is best to sign up for special courses or entrust the training of your pet to a professional.

For those looking for a good companion and reliable friend, the Alaskan Malamute family dog ​​is perfect. However, owners who do not have experience with such dogs may simply not be able to cope with raising a pet. In this case, training and education should be entrusted to a professional.

Dog breed alaskan malamute

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficulty in leaving
Cold endurance
Heat tolerance

The Alaskan Malamute cannot be called anything other than a draft dog. Designed to work in a team, it was the only means of transporting goods in the snowy and cold north. Malamute, whose photo depicts a dog in its usual conditions, looks harmoniously on a snowy territory, frosty air. His whole appearance echoes local flavor, emphasizing the dog's stamina. The eyes of a malamute are able to take you to the endless expanses of the north, they reflect loneliness and tranquility.

Interesting! Malamutes are able to withstand up to -70 degrees and are very fond of sleeping in snowdrifts, even if kept in country house in an aviary with a booth.

Despite its large physique, the Alaskan Malamute is unusually active and mobile. In the conditions of the city, the breed lost its original functional characteristics, and malamutes became companion dogs living in an apartment and a house. They love to be the center of attention, especially as a puppy. Due to their "furry", which makes them look like fluffy bears, they easily manage to be everyone's favorite.

Most recently, in 2010, the Malamute became the symbol of Alaska. This state is the birthplace of the breed, and the dog is the personification of this harsh land, as it combines the endurance and strength necessary to exist in a northern climate.

Malamute is a representative of the section "Northern Sled Dogs", belonging to the 5th group according to the ICF qualification (Spitz and primitive dog breeds).

Alaskan Malmouth recognized as one of the oldest dogs of the aboriginal type. Its formation was strongly influenced by the landscape and climatic conditions of the north and the economic activities of the inhabitants of Alaska. It was subjected to folk selection by the Inuit tribe Melemut, from which it got its name. Inuit are Aboriginal people who inhabited Canada, Greenland and Alaska.

Interesting! Malamutes very rarely bark, which is due to its origin from the wolf. Dogs of the breed grumble, which is not typical for other breeds.

Malamutes are believed to be direct descendants of wolves. This is evidenced by the similarity appearance and the presence of a large number of common genes. If we compare externally a wolf and a malamute, then the differences are insignificant. But the exterior of the pet has changed and adapted to its purpose. A wider chest, stockiness, a raised tail, a shorter and wider muzzle are all that distinguish a dog from a wolf.

The Malamute dog met several hundred years ago. Travelers and researchers noted that the locals use hardy and large animals to transport goods. There is every reason to believe that these were precisely the ancestors of the modern Alaskan Malamute.

Archaeological finds indicate an even earlier existence of these dogs. At the end of the 19th century, during the "gold rush", a perfect new stage in the history of the breed. They were used as the only reliable transport, the so-called Snow Train.

The breed was formed in isolation from the rest of the world, during 4-6 centuries it was used as a sled dog. It is noteworthy that she never lost her identity, even after she was crossed with breeds imported from other states during the "gold rush".

Characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute

Character traits of a malamute:

  • agile, friendly dog ​​with high intelligence. She gets along well with people, since even during the formation period, the Alaskan Indians fixed such a trait in the breed as good nature. She was necessary, because the dog lived in close proximity to the person, transported him;
  • does not like to obey and is independent. In order to form obedience in her, it is necessary in the first days to pay attention to her upbringing.
  • malamute characteristics whom, it would seem, they say otherwise, is extremely non-aggressive, he gets along with children. He does not even scare strangers by barking, so he practically does not bark;
  • a gregarious instinct is characteristic of the breed, which goes back to antiquity, because the dog worked in a team. In a family, the Malamute will feel great;
  • Malamute does not like loneliness;
  • this breed is not a hunter and is completely unsuitable for guarding purposes. They are even able to be friendly to an apartment thief.

The endurance, strong constitution of the malamute are characteristics that made it possible to transport loads several times its weight over long distances. Wide and powerful paws help to move on the surface of the snow without falling through.

Dog endurance has been applied in different areas... The owners of malamutes may not always be able to provide them with harsh northern conditions, but the breed willingly participates in the riding of children and cyclists, sledding sports, and drag-pulling competitions. Even while hiking, the dog can carry a backpack and enjoy it.

Thick and thick wool protects from cold weather, in warm time years - the hairline becomes thinner and shorter. Among malamutes, dogs with a gray, wolf color are more common, black-and-white, gray-white, red-white, sable, sand, and red color are also characteristic. The only acceptable color is white.

Within the breed, there is a discrepancy in height and weight, but the ideal indicators are the height in males - 63.5 cm, for bitches - 58.5 cm. By weight: 38 and 35 kg, respectively. Alaskan Malamutes live from 12 to 15 years.

Diseases of Alaskan Malamutes are of a genetic or acquired nature. Among the common inherited ailments, the so-called "Snow nose"- lack of pigmentation on the pet's nose. The pale pink color of the nose should alert you and make you go to the veterinarian.

Chondrodysplasia- impaired development of cartilage tissue - a dangerous genetic disease. The first symptoms: the dog gets tired quickly, the previously active dog does not want to play or even get up, lies with its paws spread out in front. Weakening of the joints can lead to a deplorable situation in which the Malamute cannot run at all.

Proper care and balanced nutrition is the key to a dog's health. But not a single malamute is immune from diseases associated with musculoskeletal system... The large weight of the animal cannot but affect the joints. Obesity will only exacerbate the problem, so experts advise not to overfeed your pet. If, when stroking, you can easily feel the ribs and spine, then you are on the right track and the dog is not in danger of obesity.

Malamutes have a wide chest, and all dogs with this anatomical feature are susceptible to torsion of the stomach... If you find bloating in an animal and it does not feel well, then this is a reason to contact your veterinarian.

There are also eye problems among Alaskan Malamutes:

  • daytime blindness, or hemeralopia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy, which can lead to blindness.

Absence hereditary diseases and proper grooming will guarantee your dog's longevity. Malamute will delight you with excellent health, energy and friendliness.

Malamute care

Malamute is a dog accustomed to open space, transportation over long distances, so those who are thinking of starting this breed are concerned about the question: are they suitable for keeping in the house, how well they will feel malamute in the apartment? If the pet's daily routine includes multiple walks lasting at least an hour, then the malamute will not suffer.

Representatives of the breed are very clean, which bribes residents of a city apartment.

Brushing and washing

Long hair requires constant grooming. It needs to be brushed about 3-4 times a week, especially during the shedding period. Otherwise, there is a risk of finding scraps of wool everywhere. Malamutes love to swim and do not miss a single body of water. They will also be delighted with a bathtub filled with water. General recommendations for bathing them:

  • usage special means non-toxic and non-allergenic;
  • drying under a hairdryer, so a thick undercoat without a hairdryer dries for a very long time;
  • thorough combing.

Brushing your teeth should be done 2 times a week, and your ears should be cleaned regularly with a cotton swab.

The sleeping place for the dog should be organized in a secluded place, protected from large crowds of people. If the owners go to work, it is necessary to leave the toys, as the dog does not like being alone.

Malamute, leaving for which it requires certain habits from the owner, likes to walk for a long time, to experience certain loads. Walking or cycling is very beneficial and will help you avoid obesity and release stored energy.

Malamutes, even in the city, remain a northern animal, so they are susceptible to heat. Walking too high temperatures- not the best way... The number of walks should not be less than 2 times a day. If during a walk the malamute digs a hole, this is not a deviation, but one of the features of the breed, since in natural conditions the dogs got food by pulling rodents out of the ground.


Malamutes are large in size, but require much less food to feed than other breeds of the same size. But they have a drawback associated with food: they like to steal food and do not mind grabbing everything that is left unattended.

Dogs can be fed ready-made feeds or natural food, do it 2 times a day. Transfer to a single meal is fraught with volvulus. Veterinarians advise switching to two meals a day after 4 months, and before this age, meals are encouraged 3 times a day. Malamutes must have free access to fresh water.

Raising and training a malamute

Raising a Malamute must take into account two features of the psychology of the breed: the desire for dominance and the gregarious instinct. Based on them, the upbringing system is being thought out. For a malamute, the family into which he was taken is a flock, and the owner's task from day to day is to show by example that he is the most non-dominant member of the flock. This should take place in an atmosphere of respect, understanding, care and praise, only in this case, you will receive the right dog with whom you want to live.

Training malamutes is not easy, they even learn to traditional commands with difficulty. The main principle in upbringing should be praise, because it is very important for a dog of this breed to get the approval of the "pack leader", that is, the owner. Rudeness in communicating with a dog will lead to its cowardice, and constant being alone can lead to mayhem in the apartment: the malamute needs to be played with something, and anything that comes into the room can become toys.

Look and tone of voice are important when communicating with your dog. If your dog does something you disapprove of, staring at it until it looks away is tantamount to its defeat. Confidence and calmness, and no childish babble - these are the things that the owner's voice should emit.

Training and habit formation should begin while the Malamute is still a puppy. The dog must follow the rules of conduct: do not allow him to do things that you do not approve of, for example, sleep on the master's bed. If you allow something once, it will be difficult in the future to wean you from unwanted behavior.

Malamute puppies

As soon as the puppy appears in the new home, veterinarians advise to quarantine it: exclude contact with other dogs, provide a warm room and take good care of it. Weaning from the familiar environment, the company of the mother and other puppies, is stressful for the pet. Only the owner is able to make sure that the puppy is not left completely alone. Malamute puppies very susceptible to attention, care and affection. In the future, the owner will be rewarded for providing support in his time, he will become the one and only for the dog.

From 3 months, active growth of malamute begins, growth stops completely by 1 year. In the period from 4 to 12 months, you should not load the animal, movements and exercises that negatively affect the joints are contraindicated: jumping, running on stairs, only smooth, rhythmic movements are permissible, for example, trotting.

The puppy is happy when he is in the center of the action, so all family members should give him their time and attention. From 2 months it is imperative to start training. Simple commands (lie down, sit, to me, and others) will help you move on to more complex manipulations. Compliance with commands should be mandatory, reinforcement with praise and rewards is encouraged. It is necessary to communicate with the puppy on equal terms, the malamute cannot be subdued, it can only be made a companion.

Alaskan Malamute prices

Let's say right away that the Malamute is an expensive breed. We advise you to purchase puppies in kennels or from professional breeders, they will be able to provide a pedigree and documents confirming compliance with the breed.

If the purpose of the future object of your purchase is malamute,price on which it depends on belonging to a certain class, then be prepared to spend from 15 to 40 thousand rubles. If you decide to buy a promising puppy who may become an international champion, then give him about 300 thousand rubles.

Pet Malamute puppies are not intended for breeding and will only become pets. They cost from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. Brad-class puppies meet the standards and are suitable for breeding, their price is from 20 to 35 thousand rubles. Representatives of the show class - participants and winners of exhibitions cost from 35 to 45 thousand rubles.

Malamute photos

Below are bright, colorful and lifelike photo of malamute... This breed has its own distinctive features, with which you can get acquainted in the photographs. They will not leave anyone indifferent. The clever eyes of the Malamutes, the strong physique and power grab attention at first sight and you want to explore every feature of the dog's appearance.

Even in the stone jungle and apartment conditions, Malamutes exude energy, friendliness, endurance and strength. We offer the largest selection of photos where the Malamute is shown on a walk, playing in the bosom of nature, in an urban setting.
