Vintage: what is it and where to get it? Vintage style of clothing Vintage clothes.

In life we ​​often come across the concept of "vintage", and, as it turns out, many people misunderstand its meaning. So what does the word "vintage" really mean? This is what we have to figure out.

The meaning of the concept

Vintage comes from the history of French winemaking. Previously, this was the name of exquisite wine, which was very highly valued and insanely expensive. The term itself can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, this was the name of the process of selecting grapes for elite wines. Secondly, the very elite wine.

In the future, the concept of "vintage" was assigned to any exquisite and expensive thing, sometimes rarity, that is, very, very rare.

The concept appeared in the middle of the XX century, but it became widespread only by the beginning of the XXI century. So, vintage is rare, exquisite, elite. This is the original understanding of the term. We'll get to know the other a little later.

The main characteristic of vintage

In addition to the elements that relate us to the fashion of the First World War and until the end of the 90s of the XX century, the vintage style is distinguished by special elegance, restraint, and laconicism. The main characteristic the age of the thing is at least 20 years. The most valuable are the copies made not by the streaming version, but in a single number, unique and inimitable. And better - self made... So, another understanding of the term: vintage is unique, unique, unrepeatable.

In addition, the basis of the thing, its historical component, must be preserved unchanged. Vintage is not a fake, but a truly designer piece of art.

Fashion and vintage

In modern fashion, trends are gaining momentum that turn us to the past in history and art. The "vintage" style in fashion as a trend is associated with the use when creating modern models clothing stylistic elements, details, materials, even technology that were used in the creation of clothing models in past centuries for different segments of the population. Moreover, a clear time period is determined: from 1914 to the 1990s.

It is possible to conditionally divide the "vintage" fashion into several directions according to their characteristic features.

First, the style of 1920s fashion: furs, hats with a veil, a closed collar at the blouse, a shiny fringed dress. Materials for this direction: silk, satin, velvet, soft, plastic, flowing, emphasizing the flexibility and seductiveness of the forms. Type, prototype: Marlene Dietrich.

Secondly, the fashion of the 40s: jackets and dresses with shoulders and an accentuated waist, a flared dress with a mid-calf length, small hats (sometimes with veils). The lines are simple and geometric. The austerity and brevity of the image. Reminiscent of a military cut.

The prototype: military uniform.

Thirdly, it is fashionable in the 50s: bodices (often without straps), corsets, stiletto heels. The look is complemented by bright red lipstick. The main idea is the idea of ​​freedom, relaxedness, personality brightness.

Fourthly, the fashion of the 60s, creating diverse and bright images reminiscent of dandies: bright colors, stable heels, simple cut of dresses: flared and a-line, club blazers are used. Minimalist and laconic style.

Prototype: dudes.

Fifth, the style of the 70s: flared and loose-fitting trousers and jeans, shirts, steady shoes with high wedges, etc. Fashion, which is akin to the eclectic style. The fashion of freedom of expression and self-awareness, freedom of the individual from society.

The prototype: hippie.

Styles cannot be mixed: all things in the image, hair, makeup and accessories must belong to the same historical era. The internal component makes the image complete, when the person himself, who tried on the image, was imbued through with the aroma and sensation of the era, became in harmony with it. At the same time, a new, fresh stream brought into the image is welcomed.

Vintage and decoration

It is the sophisticated and sometimes even eccentric details and accessories that make the model and the look vintage. Particularly valuable jewelry is what your mothers and grandmothers wore.

But even if you want to prove yourself as a designer in the "vintage" style, then it is not difficult or at least inexpensive to do so.

For example, for the style of the 70s. you can independently make vintage jewelry: learn to weave a variety of bracelets, "baubles" from a yarn thread, pull your head over your forehead with a braided braid in the form of a "pigtail", a "flagellum", decorating the temples with tassels, or use a leather strap or a plastic cord. You can decorate your neck with the same cord or strap. And to it attach a stylized "razor-blade" in the form of a keychain.

You can go to the flea markets - there sometimes you can buy a completely unique vintage item for very little money. You can do it yourself according to the sketches that have been preserved, and photographs in old magazines from libraries. Various items and materials are sold in modern art stores to create vintage jewelry. They can be used in a variety of techniques: patina, craquelure, decoupage, helping to artificially "age" a vintage item.

Vintage art and design

A special role is given to vintage things in the design of bags and the everyday life around us.

Bags are an important component of our image, image. The most appropriate are such models as: reticule, travel bag, Chanel bag, briefcase, pear bag. To create them, a variety of different materials from past: natural leather, textiles, velvet, silk and brocade, fur. As materials for decoration: beads, large plastic and glass beads, buttons, logos, sometimes simple or complex stitching, metal overlays, etc.

As for the vintage in the interior, here, on the contrary, it is supposed to use a combination of things from different eras, among which there must certainly be old things, perhaps not valuable then, but made by them good materials and reflecting the era, as well as attracting attention with their uniqueness. Often, "reanimated" things can be applied not according to their direct appointment... So, in this case, the interior in the concept of "vintage" is an interior where elements and materials of several styles are successfully mixed.

The coloring of such an interior is usually restrained: muted, "dusty" colors, monochrome, lack of contrasts. The choice of materials depends on the idea: the most incredible combinations are possible. In general, the "image" of the environment should be a little "shaggy", but always cozy and soothing.

Vintage and art

In this case, vintage is works of decorative and applied art made in the style of the historical periods indicated above, or created at that time and miraculously preserved. A special place in arts and crafts is given to vintage dolls, which have recently become a common collectible. They are also used for interior decoration.

Various materials are used to make vintage dolls: wood, fabric, porcelain, metal, plastic, celluloid, etc. These dolls have a special "humanity", childish naivety and soulfulness. Other vintage toys are no less interesting.

Now there are quite a few exhibitions devoted to the history of toys and dolls, where you can see how they looked at different periods of the development of the toy industry in different countries... And by their authentic costumes to learn the peculiarities of the history of fashion.

Particular attention is drawn to antique clocks, table inks and calendars, fireplace figurines, painted dishes and samovars, as well as items in the style of folk crafts: weaving from birch bark and bark, wood and stone carving, embroidery and lace-making, etc.

How can you tell vintage from old? A vintage item is rare, unique, unusual, with some kind of zest that attracts attention, and not just old thing, created in the XX century.

With this article, we will try to answer in detail such a question: "Vintage style - what is it?". The relevance of the topic is obvious. Modern people today the word "vintage" is very often heard in various contexts. Moreover, most often its use is associated with style, fashion. Why do you need to know what kind of style it is - vintage?

Vintage is ...

The very concept of "vintage" is an inherited term that came from winemaking and is firmly entrenched in the fashion world. It, by analogy with the aging of high-quality wines, characterizes original style prompting many eminent fashion designers to seek inspiration in retro styles.

Since the 90s of the last century, brand companies, recognized giants of the fashion world, have been invariably developing a vintage style among the many directions of their creativity. These are Coco Chanel and GIorgio Armani, Christian Dior and Emilio Pussi, Pierre Cardin and Yves SaintLaurent. The list could go on longer ...

What do they mean when they say that a person is dressed in vintage? The latter denotes a commitment to hits of at least 20 years ago. It is no secret that many modern women consider the images of Coco Chanel, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren to be emulated. These stars have not faded away (and will not fade away) for many years for a simple reason. They are style icons. Such a fate befell them.

Their clothes, classified as retro, have already become classics. Take a closer look, for example, at the style followed by Renata Litvinova. Does she outwardly remind you of any of the former stars? For example, Marlene Dietrich?

Maybe vintage is your style

If you are by nature, then, quite possibly, he suits you. Unfortunately, nowadays most people, even the wealthy, dress in consumer goods. They, without thinking about it, harm themselves. After all, be that as it may, in our country no one has canceled the principle that "they are greeted by their clothes." This article is for those who want to express their personality more vividly. Vintage (this is its feature) allows you to implement this idea in many ways.

Which option should you choose?

We popularly try to answer the naive question: "What is vintage?" Usually it comes about the styles that prevailed in fashion since the second half of the XIX century to the 70s of the XX century.

Today this happy opportunity to choose "their" vintage style is used by many famous people, including the stars. For example, American actress and film director Drew Barrymore, famous singer Katy Perry. After all, people who are different in appearance, character, temperament, respectively, face different cut, colors, etc.

Helping our readers to choose their preferred models, we will make short excursion into the history of fashion.

In the twenties and thirties, fashionistas followed the "Chicago style". These were the days of Coco Chanel. It is distinguished by a low waist on dresses, boas, boas, cloche hats, and a short hairstyle. In the 30s, the boyish silhouette of women's dresses, characteristic of the 20s, was replaced by a more feminine one: an elongated silhouette, draperies, graceful skirts. This is how Greta Garbo, Vivien Leigh, Marlene Dietrich dressed.

In the 40s, the military style became popular: shorter skirts, straight, strict jackets. However, this was a decline in fashion, it did not affect modern vintage looks. But already in the 50s, Dior created a very feminine style of new-bow: a fluffy wide skirt, a corset or a belt, an elegant hat. Audrey Hepburn followed.

In the 60s appeared new style pin-up: stiletto heels, flirty skirts, high waist on trousers, shorts, bermuda shorts, short tops. Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot shone in this style. In the 70s, fashion became more democratic. Disco was also popular. Mini-skirts and flared jeans came into vogue. In the 80s, sexuality was clearly manifested in clothes: leggings and leggings, mini-skirts, neckline, shiny fabrics. In the 90s, the unisex style becomes relevant. Minimalism is felt in the cut of the clothes.

Vintage things: authentic and stylized

However, to the delight of fashionistas, a vintage item is not necessarily a carefully preserved original. Moreover, the number of such copies is always limited.

Often things are sewn independently according to old patterns from vintage fabrics that are relevant for a particular fashion. Accessories that look in harmony with them are also not always obtained from grandmother's chests.

Keeping a vintage style is a serious test for a fashionista. At the same time, she must harmoniously recreate a historically accurate type. It is important to observe all the characteristic features of wearing a dress and its organic addition with accessories that create a unique vintage look. This, in addition to the dress itself, also the corresponding vintage brooches, earrings, handbag. Most often, accessories that match the image are made by hand. Modern fashion stores offer their entire collections, including bags.

So, you decided ...

If you have quite decided, for example, that the new look, sung by Dior, is optimal for the disclosure of a new image, then this is great! Are you on the right way... In our time of unisex, focusing on femininity, you can really make a splash with your outfit. Alternatively, this dress with a feminine silhouette in the style of the 50s can be ordered in the American online store. However, nowadays vintage shops are open in Moscow as well. Choose according to your taste: thick fabric, fitted top, wide skirt just below the knee. You just need to see: changing from unisex to this kind of style, a woman changes dramatically!

However, this is not all ...

It is clear that the vintage look is completed with adequate hairstyle and appropriate makeup. They can be characterized as works of art that uniquely represent the haute couture of yesteryear.

Paying tribute to the authenticity of things, we note: necessary condition style is a perfect fit. After all, only in this case does vintage create a perfect image.

Instead of a conclusion

Concluding our review, we emphasize that the vintage style is by no means second-hand.

The things made in it are graceful, made uniquely or in very small batches. They are considered classic. Thanks to high quality the materials used to sew them, vintage items are worn for several years. They are characteristic because they carry the breath of their era.

Take advantage of the possibilities of vintage items! You will feel the power of their impact on others. You will receive more attention, because vintage things really differ from consumer goods in special style, cute elegant female silhouette, as well as the presence of unusual details and accessories.

When, instead of a shopper's bag, you take a bag with a clasp to your grandma's party or put on a jeans from the days of your dad's crazy youth, someone will surely ask: "Where did you get this charm from?" For even inexpensive, but good-quality clothes of Soviet or post-Soviet times always add +100 cool points to an image. Here you can find cool denim, polka-dot dresses or beautifully aged boots.

Tanaka vintage

Tanaka Vintage is based in California and sells online through Etsy. The store has a high rating, and, we believe, deservedly so. Assortment is Johnny Depp's dream. Here you will find shoes of all stripes with pleasant scuffs, and a bohemian style blouse, and oversized coats, and handbags decorated using the patchwork technique, and fringe wherever possible. There are many private sellers and budding vintage shops on Etsy, but Tanaka Vintage stands out from the competition extremely. good photos of things. Correct angles, good light, detailed photography. The prices are adequate, good-quality Chelsea boots can be snatched for 4000-5000 rubles.

ASOS Marketplace

The giant of democratic online shopping, ASOS, pampers shoppers with not only inexpensive adaptations of seasonal trends, but also the opportunity to snatch vintage items that fit into today's realities. The Marketplace is a favorite of fashionistas who love to reimagine bygone eras and mix super-modern skinny jeans with fringed suede jackets from the 70s or Fila blazers from the 80s. The Marketplace has an abundance of oversized jeans, blouses with funny prints and large collars, checkered grungy shirts, mom jeans (and they really are from our mothers and even grannies), short tops in the spirit of Spice Girls, corduroy trench coats and sportswear on any part of the body. Sometimes you come across cool brands like Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger. Let's finally pierce your heart - prices in the Marketplace are low, you can find a suede jacket for 1,500 rubles. True, delivery will cost almost the same.


Online retailer Farfetch is not like the rest. The selection is gigantic, but Farfetch doesn't actually have a warehouse with tons of luxury and mid-range clothing. In fact, this is a platform that brings together boutiques and concept stores from all over the world, and customers can only choose the item they like with one click. It is not surprising that the section with vintage items from all over the world fits perfectly into this scheme. Given Farfetch's reputation, there is no need to fear for the quality and authenticity of vintage clothing. But there is important detail- bomber jackets for 2000 rubles, as at ASOS, you will definitely not find here. Get ready to spend at least 6,000-7,000 rubles, for example, on perfectly tailored Moschino jeans.


The British store Rokit itself can be attributed to vintage - it opened back in 1986. It all started in London with the sale of vintage cowboy jeans, the success was so great that the store quickly squared its shoulders and expanded not only the range, but also the number of boutiques. The Rokit website has a huge selection of clothing for men, women and even children. Conveniently, there are collections for decades from the 30s to 90s. The most relish is stored in the Designer Brands section, where you can dig up clothes from Moschino, Marc Jacobs, Versace, Christian Dior, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana. By the way, even in this section, the prices are adequate, for example, a Christian Dior jacket for about 7,000 rubles is the most successful catch.

Vintage voyage

This is already an option for those who are ready to spend in full. There is something to pay for - Vintage Voyage presents items from luxury brands Chanel, Hermès, Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Balmain. The shop finds all these vintage treasures from wealthy European and American women, so you can be sure of authenticity. For 1000 rubles here, of course, you can't buy anything, but jewelry and some accessories fit into 5000 rubles. If you decide to fork out for a luxurious Yves Saint Laurent satin suit for 135,000 rubles, you will be pleased that the store is based in Moscow. So there will be no problems with delivery, exchange or return. This is important because there is a danger of not being hit with the size. The average size "M" of the 70s can be much freer than the current "emo".

Second Friend Store

The Second Friend Store is more of a luxury second-hand store than a vintage store. But if we consider that fashion is cyclical and designers only do what they quote from past decades, then a Givenchy dress of 10 years ago can be considered vintage. Prices are at the level of the capabilities of a working student, for example, a Dries Van Noten blouse with a divine print can be snatched for 7,000 rubles (and it looks like 70,000). It can be seen that the creators select things with a soul, there are no old-fashioned or overly worn clothes. But there are many conceptual brands and works of authorship. Oh yes, the store is located in Moscow, so you won't have to wait long for delivery.

Vintage never seems to go out of style. And now sophisticated women of fashion plunge headlong into the world of flea markets and flea markets, secretly passing on the addresses of the best vintage shops to each other. Looking for a 50's style skirt and 70's clips? A selection of PEOPLETALK especially for you. We have compiled a list of the best shops in the capital, where you can easily find rare and original items at affordable prices.

"Vintage X"

A retro shop with a great assortment of vintage outfits and accessories. It has existed since 2008. V small room presents men's and women's vintage clothing from the 40s-90s, hats, collectible vintage jewelry and accessories (belts, gloves, ties, cufflinks and tie clips), bags and suitcases, magazines of the last century, household items of the XX century and even the tights of those times! Here you will definitely find something to your liking. By the way, all things in "Vintage X" are rented out, which, you must admit, is a real salvation for those who are going to a theme party or a photo session in the spirit of past years.

Prices: dresses - from 2,000 rubles, bags - from 800 rubles, jewelry - from 300 rubles.

The address: st. B. Ordynka, 19

"Freak Frak"

If you like individual style of dress, then this is the place for you. This is perhaps one of the most famous vintage points on the map of Moscow. The store offers fashionistas a large assortment of men's and women's clothing of the 20th century. "Freak Frak" has existed since 1997 thanks to the fashion historian Irina Getmanova. For the first time, getting into the basement, do not be afraid of the huge number of things crowded along the walls. In addition to a selection of eccentric outfits in the spirit of "Hipsters", it is easy to find here cute vintage dresses and a carnival costume. Shoveling kilos of things, you can run into a famous actor, stylist or costume designer who came here looking for costumes for a new movie or photo shoot.

Prices: dresses - from 2500 rubles, skirts - from 1000 rubles, blouses - from 1000 rubles.

The address: st. Shabolovka, 25, building 1

Vintage voyage

Are you looking for "that very dress" or "that very handbag"? Here for you. VintageVoyage is ideal, but alas, not the cheapest place. It is considered one of the main vintage boutiques in Moscow, and the location is convenient - just a stone's throw from the Central Department Store. Once you cross the threshold of the store, you seem to make a journey through space and time. The boutique, as a rule, offers things from famous brands (Hermes, Chanel, Dior, YSL, Lanvin, Nina Ricci), so the prices are appropriate. Clothes and bags are mainly from Paris, Lyon and Provence, jewelry from the USA. What attracted us especially was that each item presented in the store simultaneously reflects the era of its creation, and at the same time remains relevant to this day. If you are an intellectual, fashion savvy and yearning for the olden days, you won't miss a Hermès Kelly bag, no matter how much it costs. And in fact - what is half a million rubles when it comes to the dream of a lifetime! You can just dream, looking at an elegant little thing, especially since dreams have a habit of coming true.

Prices: dresses - from 50,000 rubles, bags - from 26,000 rubles, jewelry - from 5,000 rubles.

The address: st. Kuznetsky Most, 9/10 (3rd floor)

No Wave Store

A miniature showroom is located in one of the cell apartments on the fourth floor of the legendary Narkomfin commune house. By the way, this constructivist building is included in the list of monuments of world culture. Very unusual choice place for the store, agree! Here are simply collected various and interesting things from different corners the world, any particular stylistic orientation is not observed. The showroom also houses the Holynoot vegetarian eatery with falafel and homemade ginger beer.

Prices: jeans - from 1,500 rubles, sweaters and pullovers - from 600 rubles, dresses - from 600 rubles. An exception is made only for their own collection under the Lashing brand. It is more expensive, prices are on average about 2,000 rubles.

The address: Novinsky blvd., 25, bldg. one


If you are a fashionable girl with money and love to stand out in the crowd with rare and vintage, really rare things, you should come here at least once. This store will appeal not only to lovers of designer items, but also to those who are simply crazy about things "with history". The owner and buyer of "Chiffonnieres" Evgeniya Kozlova set as her goal to create not just a vintage store, but a fashion club that would become a source of inspiration and fashion ideas! There are clothes and accessories not only from famous brands (Emilio Pucci, Emanuel Ungaro, Christian Dior, etc.), but also from other equally respected brands. In the "Chiffonniere" you can find a unique item and browse over a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne albums and vintage fashion books.

Prices: dresses - from 5,000 rubles, bags - from 5,000 rubles, jewelry - from 1,500 rubles.

The address: Stoleshnikov per., 9

The address: M. Sukharevsky lane, 7

Classic, modern, minimalism, provence, eclecticism - each interior style has characteristic features and his own energy, distinguishing him from all others. The atmosphere that the style conveys is hardly the most important moment in creating an interior. Refined aristocracy of the past, touching, spirituality and romance make vintage in the interior recognizable and loved by many.

Signs of vintage style in the interior

To create a true vintage style in the interior of your apartment, you need to understand what it accepts and what it categorically does not allow. Its features are as follows:

  • natural materials in decoration;
  • original antique furniture (early twentieth century) or artificially aged;
  • interior items with a history and signs of wear and tear, but retained a decent look;
  • symmetry and pairing of decor items, accessories and other style details;
  • pastel shades, moderate and delicate; not necessarily only light, but restrained and discreet;
  • the predominance of floral motifs in decor, wallpaper, textiles, upholstery;
  • lack of luxury in the interior, simplicity and sincerity.

Important! Despite the fact that the vintage style belongs to the past, it should not be confused with retro. The main difference between these interior styles is the time interval. Vintage is the beginning of the twentieth century until the 20s and 30s, retro - the 50s and 60s. The preference for materials also varies: vintage stands for naturalness, retro allows synthetic materials.

Interior colors in vintage style

The vintage charm has a lot to do with the special color palette interior. Here gentle, airy colors rule the ball: shades of blue, lilac, pink, beige, brown, pure white. Usually, shades are matched to the main chosen color in unison: blue is played up with gray-blue and white colors of different tone, pink - with variants of lilac, lilac, pronounced brown is complemented by delicate coffee and chocolate shades.

Materials and finishes typical of a vintage interior

In the decoration, mainly natural materials should be used: wood, stone, metal.

Walls in a vintage style interior are usually covered with wallpaper with a characteristic floral pattern or colored in soft tones... All walls must be in the same color. Their task is to helpfully set off furnishings and stylish accessories, but not dominate the interior. The color of the walls can be pure white, beige, grayish, blue.

The ceiling should be plain, painted or whitewashed. The presence of cracks and some irregularities in the finish is quite an authentic nuance of the vintage style. A wonderful decoration the ceiling may become. But stretch and plasterboard suspended ceilings such an interior strictly does not accept.

Suitable for the floor are natural parquet or tiles, artificially aged or really old. Neither laminate nor vintage carpet are compatible.

Important! It is necessary to feel the measure in the deliberate "adding age" to the details of the vintage interior. Decorations, furnishings and décor should exude a sophisticated simplicity of style, while screaming for urgent renovations.

Furniture in a vintage interior

The main requirements for furniture in vintage style are its belonging to the beginning of the twentieth century, noble origin and decent appearance. Each piece of furniture in the interior should reflect the spirit of its time, be original and interesting. Old, but thoroughbred look, the presence of scuffs, cracks, scratches is not something that is welcomed by the style, but even obligatory. These are not just signs of wear and tear. It's a whole life rich in stories and accumulated experience.

Important! Creating a vintage-style interior is a slow and expensive business. Moreover, these two parameters may not "walk in pairs", but live separately. A stylish piece found at a flea market somewhere in Austria on the occasion of a trip can cost a penny, and the main waste here will be the time and effort of searching. But custom-made vintage furniture made in a design studio will not be cheap.

The interior of the bathroom and toilet is unusual for a modern person, which means that a toilet bowl with a high tank and a bathtub with curved legs in the form of lion paws will look like a vintage one. Carved castings, chrome or gilded pipes, ceramics and brass complete the vintage style.

Every detail must be carefully thought out and selected. It may not be literally from the beginning of the last century, but it must necessarily correspond to the declared style and have a pronounced character. Vintage in the interior implies that a sense of proportion should be the main assistant in the choice: the ultimate goal is to create non-trivial interior completeness, and not an exhibition-sale in a junk shop.

Lighting in a vintage interior

For the delicate soulfulness of the style, vintage is suitable for a dim one. Soft diffused light of the main chandelier, cozy table lamps, floor lamps with floral shades are all tools for creating a vintage ambience in the interior. No modern spotlights, bending lights and LED backlights... Natural materials are used in the lamps - wood, metal, fabric on the lampshades.

Decor in vintage style

Decor elements give the main meaning and completeness to the vintage interior. These include:

  1. Mirrors.
  2. Clock.
  3. Paintings in antique or stylized frames.
  4. Vases, figurines, candlesticks.
  5. Jewelry boxes.
  6. Photos on the wall and on the shelves.
  7. Napkins, bedspreads, blankets, towels and other textiles.
  8. Stylish lampshades, covers.
  9. Curtains and curtains.
  10. Screens and stuff.

The pairing and symmetry of the arrangement are also relevant in the case of decor. Framed photos of the same size are placed on the table, similar lace napkins adorn bedside tables, decorative plates, medallions and panels on the walls are arranged in pairs.

Even obvious trifles play a role in a beautiful story called "vintage style". This role can be played by:

  • a long-term non-working typewriter, which nevertheless occupies a place of honor on a nightstand or secretaire;
  • an exquisite powder box on the dressing table;
  • a mannequin with an old-fashioned cut-out negligee;
  • pharmaceutical banks and gizmos of unclear purpose;
  • a handful of miniature wristwatches in a beautiful table vase, which have long ceased to count the running of time.