Nina's birthday according to the church calendar. Angel nina day according to the church calendar

The name - Nina, comes from the Greek educator of the Syrian state - Ninos. As a rule, Nina does not grow up very much - a restrained, stubborn and proud girl who never takes into account the opinion of older people. She often loves to fight, therefore, educators often draw parents' attention to this. But as it turns out later, Nina was just protecting a weaker girlfriend. At school, this girl studies - well, and her pride simply does not allow her to be worse than others. In achieving her goal, Nina always shows enviable perseverance. With age, Nina's character tends to change. She becomes very scrupulous, in matters of her own honor. For the owner of this name, it becomes very important what the old women in the yard say about her, how her friends treat her, what her neighbor thought about some of her actions.

As a rule, Nina always gets along with her peers, but sincere friendship is somewhat hampered by her inherent pretentiousness and moralizing. It is worth noting that this woman is always a responsible employee. Also, she is often punctual and principled. Thanks to her - softness, charm and femininity, Nina is not only highly appreciated and respected by her work colleagues, but also easily, she finds herself - good husband... Nina loves her family, but sometimes her family is a little afraid of her. After all, all the time you want to improve everything, and reach the imaginary ideal. It must also be said that the owner of this name is always not only a good and caring wife and mother, but also an impeccable housewife, who is quite thrifty, therefore, she is rarely left without jams and pickles for the winter. As a rule, Nina has quite complicated relationship with the mother-in-law, since she always believes that the true master in the house should be her - the son, not the daughter-in-law.

Nina often quarrels with her mother-in-law

As a rule, Nina is always - independent, self-reliant, and her sexual behavior can often differ - in extremes. In bed, this woman rarely takes the initiative. But the man who knows how to kindle the fire of passion in her can burn himself - Nina can be so hot. And her satisfaction in sexual relations is sometimes completely determined by her partner. If something worries Nina in a relationship, she will say it bluntly. It is worth remembering that the owner of this name is extremely careful about rapprochement. First, she must find undeniable signs that a man is sexually interested in her. With her partner, she always shows - ingenuousness and loves clarity in everything.

Nina's birthday

  • Name Nina according to her zodiac sign: suitable for Aquarius.
  • Nina's talisman: zircon.
  • Nina's patron saints: Nina, saint equal to the apostles, enlightener of Georgia.
  • Nina's name compatibility: relations with names are favorable: Alexander, Boris, Valentin, Victor, Georgy, Efim, Kirill, Mikhail, Semyon, Sergey, Yakov.

January 27 is a date that is in orthodox calendar Memorial Day of St. Nina Equal to the Apostles. At the beginning of the fourth century, with the blessing of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Nina came from Palestine to Iveria, and this is what pagan Georgia was called then. She came in search of the Lord's Tunic and carried a cross, which was vine... This cross was given to her in a vision by the Virgin Mary herself. The prayers of Saint Nina helped the childless family of the gardener, with whom she stayed, to gain offspring, on the Day of the Lord's Transfiguration to cast pagan idols from the mountain and heal the Georgian queen Nana from illness, and King Mirian from blindness. Her fame spread throughout the area, she preached a lot and converted the people to the Christian faith. After thirty years of asceticism, it was on this date - January 27, 335 - that Saint Nina died. Since then, she has been honored as the patroness of Georgia.

Royal majesty in your name,
Celebrate name days, you are on a January day
We wish you Nina health and love,
May all days be filled with joy and happiness
May faith in all the best inspire the soul,
And may Saint Nina protect you!

Happy St. Nina's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness and good health,
May Saint Nina always help you,
He will save you from trouble, increase joy!
After all, you both have a name day today,
Once again, I congratulate you on Nina's Day!

Ninochka, I congratulate you on your angel's day. Let your patroness, Saint Nina, always bring you good luck and prosperity. Let the faith that was in her soul dwell in yours. And her miraculous powers, always keep your health and people you love. I wish you to always smile and delight others with your charming smile. Sveta, love, dear Ninochka!

They called Nina for a reason -
You have intelligence and kindness
You can help with a kind word
And you keep the world under your roof.

And we wish our Nina
It's a great name day.
Be in the circle of friends and loved ones
And live a happy life!

May any day bring laughter
In all matters, let success await
So that the soul sings through life,
And so that you do not grow old for a long time!

Happy Saint Nina's Day!
I wish you peace and happiness.
May there be peace of mind
And you will find a key to any door.

I wish you success in business,
Love both in the soul and in the eyes.
Dreams will come true
Your uniqueness shines!

Happy St. Nina's Day
And we wish you a birthday,
So that the wealth was lasting and happiness.
And so that there was agreement with the family.

May your soul be joyful
People are treated with respect.
May the Saint protect you,
And hope knows the way to you.

On this day, all the Nina of the world
Celebrate the name day.
We wish you well
Let the star of love shine!

May God send you health
Happiness will be doubled
Gloomy days on the calendar
So as not to see you at all!

Congratulations, Nina,
With your name day.
Be healthy and loved
Be beautiful and happy.
Angel may keep you
From worries, from troubles, insults!

You celebrate today, Nina,
Name day is its bright holiday.
I congratulate you from my heart
And I wish only the best.

So that you do not cry - laughed
And all the ideas were fulfilled,
So that you are always healthy
And ready for new joys!

We glorify Saint Nina today,
To all Ninam - kind words,
Let the Saint help
May it always be kind to you.

Let her whisper her advice to you,
Let the hand lead to happiness
May it always be easy with her
In everything, let him always be lucky.

May Saint Nina protect from troubles
And faith in hearts will forever preserve
Will add warmth, kindness and humility,
So that the mood is always great.

He always helps in life and in everything,
In dashing situations protects
Like a heavenly angel watching you,
So that you only go on an even and easy path!

Congratulations: 94 in verse, 20 in prose.

Imperious female name Nina has royal origin, in ancient times this name was called the royal persons of the female sex, which is why it is translated from the Assyrian name as mistress. In all countries this name is pronounced as Nina, except for Georgia, where it is still spread under the name Nino. And in Finland it is pronounced as Niina.

The diminutive form of the name: Ninya, Nyusya, Nin, Ninulka, Ninochka, Ninusya, Ninulechka, Ninusha, Nyusya.

Name day

Nina celebrates Angel's Day three times a year:

Saints named Nina

Nina's patron saints:

  • Nina. Reverend. Honored on January 27. She spread the Christian faith throughout Georgia at the beginning of the 300's. She is the patroness of Georgia.
  • Nina Kuznetsova. Honored on May 14. She was born into a religious family. After her parents were arrested in 1932, Nina suffered from paralysis due to nerves. But she did not stop praying and spreading the Christian faith, after which she was arrested in 1937 for this and repressed in a labor camp, where she died a year later.
  • Nina Shuvalova. Honored on November 19. She was born into a simple peasant family. She went to a monastery, where she lived until 1917, when the revolutionaries closed it. In 1937 she was arrested and shot.

Depending on the year of birth, the character of Nina is different:

Winter - Determined, purposeful, uncompromising, firm.

Spring - Selfish, wayward, extraordinary, cunning.

Summer - Secretive, uncommunicative, vindictive, loner.

Autumn - Cheerful, positive, friendly, attentive.

Little Ninochka, just starting to walk, begins to explore the world, she is interested in everything, I want to touch things, taste them, parents should look after her for the first time. Easily converges with other children, both younger and older, enjoys playing with them in various outdoor games. Has excellent imagination, can come up with fairy tales, new games, easily finds a way out non-standard situations... Already at a young age, Ninochka has creative talents, loves to tinker with everything with my own hands... With parents and adults, Nina behaves obediently, they almost never scold her, knowing that you can always agree with her.

TO school age Nina develops perseverance and responsibility, thanks to which she easily assimilates knowledge and is in good standing with teachers, who often set Nina as an example to other classmates. In adolescence, Nina, under the influence of hormones, becomes vulnerable, it is very easy to dissolve, offend, hurt. Nina tries to hide this new character trait from others behind a mask of arrogance. Despite this, there are always many friends around Nina, but there are also enough envious people. Nina does not like to listen to other people's advice and opinions, preferring to learn from her own mistakes. Nina treats other people's successes a little painfully, she is often envious.

An adult Nina is difficult to argue, she will insist on her own until the last, even if she is wrong. In companies, she does not strive for leadership, for which her friends love and respect, enduring her inclination to moralizing. With her interlocutor, Nina can support almost any topic, even one that she does not understand, in this case she will simply listen and agree with the opinion. He does not like conflict situations, preferring to extinguish them in the bud. In the hairstyle, almost all Nina prefer short hairas it is easier to care for them. It does not tolerate a society of weak and cowardly people, but it will always protect an unjustly offended person.

Since childhood, almost all Nina have a tendency to be overweight, they should monitor their diet, not overeat, preferably go in for sports. As an adult, Nina often suffers from migraines, dependent on magnetic storms.

Nina has a penchant for the exact sciences, thanks to which she will be able to reach heights in science, economics, and banking. Nina performs any work scrupulously, checking and rechecking the data. The bosses know that she can be entrusted with the most responsible work, which she will perform efficiently and on time. From a profession, Nina will choose one that is well paid, since she strives to become financially independent from both her parents and her husband. In a difficult situation, he will not turn to colleagues for help, preferring to independently solve the problem. The boss from Nina will be very strict and demanding, who will be afraid and respected by her subordinates.

The rational Nina has very few love stories in her piggy bank. She is equally friendly with men, but she rarely lets them in. She is indifferent to sex. She will only go on a date with a man whom she really likes, with whom she falls head over heels in love. On the first and second dates, she will not agree to sex, preferring to stretch out the candy-bouquet period in order to understand whether the boyfriend is worthy of her. Nina, having fallen in love with her man, may not even notice that he has stopped loving her and is walking on the side. Nina perceives parting at the initiative of a man as a bolt from the blue. After which Nina can plunge into depression for a long time.

If Nina is in early age will get married, then there is a great chance that soon this marriage will fall apart due to Nina's exaggerated demands on her husband. Only in mature age Nina becomes more tolerant of her husband's shortcomings, more often gives in to him and begins to value family life more. Nina is a very good housewife, she cooks well, loves to bring comfort to the house, brings up children in severity, monitors their school success. Nina will not forgive her husband's betrayal, without hesitation, she will divorce him and she will be the one to raise children.

Male Name Compatibility

  • Excellent: Konstantin, Alexander, Stepan, Roman, Matvey, Nikolay, Mikhail, David, Denis, Arseny, Sergey.
  • Bad: Vyacheslav, Nikita, Alexey, Dmitry, Vasily, Maxim, Vladimir, Andrey, Vladislav, Peter, Victor.

As a child, Nina does not take into account the opinion of adults, she is often capricious, sometimes stubborn. She's also pretty proud. Due to his intemperance and arrogance, he can utter a lot of unpleasant words. She studies well at school. For her, public opinion matters, if something is said about her that she does not like, then this drives her out of herself. Adult Nina retains her childish qualities, but with them she acquires such traits as punctuality, purposefulness, and responsibility. She strives to be better than others.

Nina is responsible for her work. She is entrusted with even the most difficult tasks, with which she successfully copes. It's interesting to be friends with her, she is a good friend. But she is not always loyal to her friends. If she doesn't like something, she can redirect her attention in the other direction. Men like Nina, she can be different. She gets married quickly. She loves her family and is devoted to her. She cooks very tasty, her house is always tidy. He loves children the most.

Fate: Nina has a heightened sense of pride, it is precisely this that prevents her from being lagging behind, but Nina does not want to be a leader, she prefers a middle ground. Natural charm, innate sense of tact, sincere respect of others - Nina is always welcome in any company.

Angel Nina Day

From the Sumerian language - lady, queen. It is possible that the word comes from the Greek Ninos, Nin - the name of the legendary founder of the Assyrian state, the husband of Semiramis. In Sumerian mythology, Ninazu is the god of the underworld, and Ningal is the great lady-wife of the moon god Naina, the mother of the sun god.

In general, the name with the first syllable "nin" was very common in ancient Sumeria, and later in Babylon. Nininsina - Healer Goddess; Ninlil the lady (goddess) of the wind, one of the hypostases of the mother goddess; Ninmah - the "mother goddess" herself - literally: Ninthinuccia - the lady who revives the dead, the mistress of life and death, the goddess-healer. So, no matter how you turn this name, no matter how you look at it, everywhere Nina is a mother goddess who gives life, heals people.

The girl Nina is very hardworking and persistent. Attentive parents notice this feature of her character early and stimulate its formation. In her studies, and then in business, this greatly helps Nina to achieve serious success, but even at the height of the career ladder, she remains loyal to her main priority - family.

Nina strives to make her family ideal and in this desire she sometimes shows too much zeal and perseverance. Children begin to suffer from the fact that, in addition to good studies, they are required to attend all kinds of circles and sections. Begins to find fault with her husband, believing that he is not energetic enough in housework.

The imperious female name Nina has a royal origin, in ancient times this name was called the royal persons of the female sex, which is why it is translated from the Assyrian name as mistress. In all countries this name is pronounced as Nina, except for Georgia, where it is still spread under the name Nino. And in Finland it is pronounced as Niina.

The diminutive form of the name: Ninya, Nyusya, Nin, Ninulka, Ninochka, Ninusya, Ninulechka, Ninusha, Nyusya.

Name day

Nina celebrates Angel's Day three times a year:

Saints named Nina

Nina's patron saints:

  • Nina. Reverend. Honored on January 27. She spread the Christian faith throughout Georgia at the beginning of the 300's. She is the patroness of Georgia.
  • Nina Kuznetsova. Honored on May 14. She was born into a religious family. After her parents were arrested in 1932, Nina suffered from paralysis due to nerves. But she did not stop praying and spreading the Christian faith, after which she was arrested in 1937 for this and repressed in a labor camp, where she died a year later.
  • Nina Shuvalova. Honored on November 19. She was born into a simple peasant family. She went to a monastery, where she lived until 1917, when the revolutionaries closed it. In 1937 she was arrested and shot.

Depending on the year of birth, the character of Nina is different:

Winter - Determined, purposeful, uncompromising, firm.

Spring - Selfish, wayward, extraordinary, cunning.

Summer - Secretive, uncommunicative, vindictive, loner.

Autumn - Cheerful, positive, friendly, attentive.

Little Ninochka, just starting to walk, begins to explore the world, she is interested in everything, I want to touch things, taste them, parents should look after her for the first time. Easily converges with other children, both younger and older, enjoys playing with them in various outdoor games. Has an excellent imagination, can come up with fairy tales, new games, easily finds a way out of non-standard situations. Already at a young age, Ninochka has creative talents, she loves to make everything with her own hands. With parents and adults, Nina behaves obediently, they almost never scold her, knowing that you can always agree with her.

By school age, Nina develops perseverance and responsibility, thanks to which she easily assimilates knowledge and is in good standing with teachers, who often set Nina as an example to other classmates. In adolescence, Nina, under the influence of hormones, becomes vulnerable, it is very easy to dissolve, offend, hurt. Nina tries to hide this new character trait from others behind a mask of arrogance. Despite this, there are always many friends around Nina, but there are also enough envious people. Nina does not like to listen to other people's advice and opinions, preferring to learn from her own mistakes. Nina treats other people's successes a little painfully, she is often envious.

An adult Nina is difficult to argue, she will insist on her own until the last, even if she is wrong. In companies, she does not strive for leadership, for which her friends love and respect, enduring her inclination to moralizing. With her interlocutor, Nina can support almost any topic, even one that she does not understand, in this case she will simply listen and agree with the opinion. He does not like conflict situations, preferring to extinguish them in the bud. Almost all Nina's hairstyles prefer short hair, as it is easier to care for them. It does not tolerate a society of weak and cowardly people, but it will always protect an unjustly offended person.

Since childhood, almost all Nina have a tendency to be overweight, they should monitor their diet, not overeat, preferably go in for sports. As an adult, Nina often suffers from migraines, dependent on magnetic storms.

Nina has a penchant for the exact sciences, thanks to which she will be able to reach heights in science, economics, and banking. Nina performs any work scrupulously, checking and rechecking the data. The bosses know that she can be entrusted with the most responsible work, which she will perform efficiently and on time. From a profession, Nina will choose one that is well paid, since she strives to become financially independent from both her parents and her husband. In a difficult situation, he will not turn to colleagues for help, preferring to independently solve the problem. The boss from Nina will be very strict and demanding, who will be afraid and respected by her subordinates.

The rational Nina has very few love stories in her piggy bank. She is equally friendly with men, but she rarely lets them in. She is indifferent to sex. She will only go on a date with a man whom she really likes, with whom she falls head over heels in love. On the first and second dates, she will not agree to sex, preferring to stretch out the candy-bouquet period in order to understand whether the boyfriend is worthy of her. Nina, having fallen in love with her man, may not even notice that he has stopped loving her and is walking on the side. Nina perceives parting at the initiative of a man as a bolt from the blue. After which Nina can plunge into depression for a long time.

If Nina gets married at an early age, then there is a great chance that soon this marriage will fall apart due to Nina's exaggerated demands on her husband. Only in adulthood does Nina become more tolerant of her husband's shortcomings, often gives in to him and begins to appreciate family life more. Nina is a very good housewife, she cooks well, loves to bring comfort to the house, brings up children in severity, monitors their school success. Nina will not forgive her husband's betrayal, without hesitation, she will divorce him and she will be the one to raise children.

Male Name Compatibility

  • Excellent: Konstantin, Alexander, Stepan, Roman, Matvey, Nikolay, Mikhail, David, Denis, Arseny, Sergey.
  • Bad: Vyacheslav, Nikita, Alexey, Dmitry, Vasily, Maxim, Vladimir, Andrey, Vladislav, Peter, Victor.