Occupation in the older speech therapy group "Freight birds. The abstract of the front speech therapy occupation - "Migratory birds

Children need to know the nouns: Gracch, starfish, swallow, strife, cuckoo, crane, geese, swans, larks, thrush, nest, nest, male, female, chicks, eggs, singer, insects, larvae, operempy, flock, country, feet , Neck, wing, eyes, tail, beak, head, stork, Heron.

Verbs: fly, fly away, arrive, return, build, clean, postpone, pound, remove, sit down, fed, grow up, grow up, sing, sink, go, they leave, they say goodbye, they are going to eat, plump, destroy, glue, blind.

Adjectives: Large, Little, Sing, Black, Warm, White, Striped, Thoughtful, Careful, Spring, Funny, Fluffy, Walking, Field, Fortal, Beautiful, Long-legged, Waterfowl, Fast, Casual.

Let's tell about the birds.
Frame birds are birds flying from us in the fall of warm edges.
These birds are insectivores (insects eat), feed in the insects.

In the autumn insects hide, there are nothing to eat birds, so they fly away.

Ducks, geese and swans fly away with a string - rope.

Swallows and starlings fly away.

Cranes fly away by a wedge - an angle.

And cuckoo fly apart.
In the spring, fleeting birds return to us back.

The birds have a head with a beak, a torso with two wings, two paws with rogging, tail and operenim.

Children should be able to determine superfluous and explain: why?
Forty, Crow, Tit, Swallow (Swallow - Fresh Bird, Rest Winter).
Lark, Sparrow, Grach, Skzorets.
Crow, duck, dove, sparrow.
Grach, tit, swallow, cuckoo.
Forty, Sparrow, Woodpecker, Streach.
Pigeon, Swan, Heron, Crane.

Beetle, butterfly, chick, mosquito
(Chicketer - Bird, other insects).

Correctly call chicks:
Cranes - cranes.
Grachics - Greet.
Geese - Gusaty.
Skvorts - squorthes.
Ducks - ...
Cuckoo - ...
Striges - ....

Correctly answer questions: whose? WHOSE? WHOSE? WHOSE?
Whose beak?
At the crane - the caravel.
At the goose - goose.
Duck -...
In cuckoo -...
At the ridge -...

One - a lot.
Cuckoo - cuckoo.
Zhuravl - cranes.
Skzorter - Skvorts.
Nightingale - Nightingale.
Lark - Lark.
Swan - swans.
Grach - Graci.
Duck - duck.
Swallow - swallows.
Graconok - Greet.
Stork - storks.
Gusenok - Gosyat.

Describe and compare birds according to plan:
Winter or fleeting bird?
Why are they called that?
Appearance (tail, head, wings, torso, beak, feathers, colors ...)
What is food?
Where lives - hollow, nesting, nest ...

Drawing up a descriptive story.
Grache - Black Bird with White Bloom. The ridge has a head, torso, wings, tail, paws. The whole body of the bird is covered with feathers. In the spring, the grouts arrive from warm countries, build nests and remove chicks - the best. Grachics feed on insects, worms and plant seeds. In the fall, when it becomes cold, the rags are going to the flocks and fly to warm countries until spring. Gracities help a person, they destroy insects and caterpillars - pests of fields and gardens.

The grass is green, the sun shines,
Swallow with spring in Songs to fly to us.
With her sun paint and spring mile ...
Pasting from the roads to us hi soon.
I will give you grains, and you SPIA
That from the distant countries brought with them.
(A. Plescheev)

Tell a word.
On the sixth - the palace, in the palace - the singer, and his name - ... (Skzorets).

Name affectionate:
Nightingale - Solovushka.
Crane - Zhuravushka.
Swan - Sweddy ...

Who has anyone?
The cuckoo - cuckoo, crushes.
Crane - cranes, cranes.
Skvortz - Skvortsonok, Dworch.
At the Swan - Lebedenok, Swan.
In the ridge - grasts, geek.
At duck - duckling, ducklings.
Aist - Aistenok, Aistyat.
Gusya - Guskenok, Gosyat.

Finished the offer with the words "long-legged crane":
In the field I saw ... (long-legged crane). I watched for a long time ... (long-legged crane). I really liked this beautiful and slender ... (long-legged crane). I wanted to approach ... (Long-legged craving). But he was frightened and flew away. Beautifully flew, placing the wings, and circling in the sky ... (Long-legged crane). I told my mother about ... (long-headed crane). Mom said that it is impossible to approach and scare ... (long-legged crane). I promised my mother no longer approach ... (Long-friendly craving). Now I will only from afar to observe ... (long-legged crane).

Pick up the desired pretext (from, in, k, over, on, software):
Rook flew ... nests. Grach flew ... nest. Rook flew ... nest. Rook is circling ... nest. Grache sat down ... branch. Grach walks ... Pashne.

Improving the ability to retell.

Remaining a story on questions:
Raughters flew.
The first arrive grokes. More about the snow, and they are already here. Relax grokes and begin the nests. Circle's nests on the top of the high tree. The grits of their chicks are removed earlier than other birds.

What birds arrive in spring the first?
What is immediately starting to do the ruchies?
Where do they come with nests?
When do they remove chicks?

Spring precursors.
Cold winter passed. Spring comes. Sun rises above. It warms stronger. Raughters flew. They saw their children and shouted: "Gracis flew out! The Rooks Have Arrived!"

What was winter?
What comes after the winter?
How warm the sun in spring?
Who flew away?
Who saw the children?
What they shouted?

Remaining a first-person story:
Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took the boards, saw, wrinkled milk. Of these, he made a birdhouse. Buncher hung on a tree. Let the Skvorts have a good home.

Finish Proposal:
On the tree nest, and on the trees ... (nests).
On the branch of the bitches, and on branches ....
In the nest of the chick, and in the nests - ....
On the yard tree, and in the forest - ...

Guess the riddles:
Without hands, without an ax
Built the election.

Appeared in a yellow fur coat
Farewell, two shells.

On the pole palace,
In the courtyard singer,
And his name is ...

White, black-eyed,
He is important for the plow,
Worms, beetles find.
A faithful watchman, friend fields.
The first sword of warm days.

Read the poems about the birds, learn one of them by heart.
We got up at night even
From the window looked in the garden:
Well, when, well, when
Our guests will fly?
And today I looked -
Skzorets sits on Olkom.
Flew, flew,
Finally arrived!

On the topic "Migratory birds"

(senior compensation group)

Teacher-logoped Gorbenko N.V. MDOU CRR - kindergarten № 28 GO. Zhukovsky

Purpose: Development of the lexico-grammatical system of speech on this topic, the practical use of a simple common offer and proposed-case structures.


correctional educational:

expanding the ideas of children about migratory birds, their appearance and the lifestyle, the activation of the dictionary on the topic, the use of prepositions;


development of ability to be simple sentences, the formation of the grammatical system of speech (education MN. Him. nouns in them. Pad., Fastening the ability to match the names of numeral names with noucent, syllable analysis of words, sound analysis words using sign symbols of vowel sounds, the practical use of the prepositions of "B", "on", "C", "K", "From", "For", "from" in speech, the formation of the names of the young birds with the help of suffix -, development of attention, memory, thinking, speech breathing, general and small Motoriki, coordination of the word and movement;

correctional educational:

education of interest K. environment and careful relations, the development of goodwill, feelings of mutual assistance.

Equipment: Subject pictures on the topic, audio recording "Voice of birds", nesting, numbers 2 and 5, schemes with conventional symbols Public sounds, ball, game "Collect a bird" by the number of children.

Travel course:

1. Org. moment. (Creating a positive emotional background of the class). Children and speech therapist stand on the carpet. Sound music sounds. The speech therapist together with the children read the poem and perform in the ranks of the movement.

Slush, uncrowder,(raised hands up, waving hands)

Poplar yellow.(tilting torso left - right)

Suddenly a digger on the branch (hands to the side)

Song dug.(Tilting turns left - right, hands to the sides)

The branch is slightly swinging (hands up, imitation of wind blowing)

Rain does not end(waving hands in front of them)

With us the old digital (hands on the sides)

Spring says goodbye.(farewell movements with hands)

Speech therapist: And now we will go to the magic clearing. We will take a deep breath in the mouth and try on the exhalation magic word "Fuuuhuh", stretching exhale as long as possible, (the exercise is repeated 3 times, the last time with his eyes closed), open eyes. Guys, where did we come with you? (Sounds audio recording "Voices of Birds").

Children: in the forest.

Children sit down in their place.

2. Conversation about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guess to whom we met in the woods? Do you remember whose voices did you hear?

I spent the speech therapist: Yes, guys, today we will talk about the birds. And what poultry do in the fall?

Children: in the fall of birds are going to the flocks and fly south.

Speech therapist: That's right, guys. Back in October they start flying into warmer climes migratory birds. I stretched the shoals, rimnitsy cranes, geese, seagulls. If the migratory birds are low to the ground flying - to the frosty winter, and if high - to warm. In Ryabins, spans are singing: berries of Ryabina, rested and fly further south. "And when the goose flies, the snow falls" - so the people are noticeable. But the sparrows, crows, Soroki, Dyatlah, Tits remained wintering in our area. For autumn and winter, many of them arrive closer to human housing. Here it is possible to get a bigger food more, and there is where from the wind and frost to hide. Guys, the breeze accidentally confused photos of all birds. Let's see which of these birds will remain with us, and which south will fly away from us. If birds stay with us, what are they called?

Children: wintering.

Speech therapist: birds that fly south, how do we call?

Children: migratory.

Before children on the table, pictures with birds are laid out on the table: Swallow, starlets, forty, crow, duck, larks, woodpecker, caravel, swan, cuckoo, owl, nightingale, thrush, stork, heron. Children are over to the table and lay out on two groups of winter and migratory birds. Pictures with migratory birds speech therapist hangs on the board.

Speech therapist: Who did you choose?

Children: "I chose a swallow", etc.

3. The game "Name Parts of the Body Body".

Speech therapist: Guys, consider the image of birds, tell me what they have parts of the body. We answer the full proposal.

The birds have a head. The birds have two wings.

The birds have two paws. The birds have a tail.

The birds have a beak. Birds have a neck. The body of birds is covered with feathers.

4. The game "How many birds flew away? "(Figures 2, 5)

Speech therapist: Look carefully on the numbers that are standing near the birds. It is necessary to answer "how many birds flew away? "Answer the full offer.

Children: "Two swallows flew away, and then 5 more swallows."

Children: "Two swans flew away, and then 5 more swans", etc.

5. The game is "one- a lot" With the ball echoing.

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist calls the word-name of the bird in the unit. them. Pad., The child calls the word in MN. They pad.

Cuckoo - cuckoo, crane - cranes,
skzorter - Skvorts, Nightingale - Nightingale,

lark - Lark, Swan - Swans,

Duck - ducks
swallow - swallows,

drozd - Drozda, Stork - Storks,

heron - heron.

6.. Game "who has someone"With the recking of the ball.

Speech therapist: Guys, and now we have to call the poultry chick.
Cuckoo - Cuckoo

Crane - Crane

Skvortz - Skvortsonok
At the Swan - Lebedenok

Duck - duckling

Aist - Aistenok

Drozda - Drozdenok

7. Mysteries on migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen and guess the puzzles about the birds.

This is our old friend: flies to us with warmth, who on the Christmas tree, on the bitch

He lives on the roof of the house - the path has done a long one. The account leads: "Ku-ku, ku-ku?"
Long-legged, long-skinned, sculpt the house under the window (cuckoo)
Long-haired, silent. From grass and clay.
He flies on hunting (swallow)
Behind the frogs to the swamp.

On one leg stands, wants - straight will fly,

In the water it looks intently, wants - in the air hangs,

Poys beak at random - the stone falls from heights.

Looking for a frog in the river. And in the field sings, sings.

(Heron) (Lark)

8. Fizminutka. Finger gymnastics.

Birds pack.

Sorry, sing-ka!

Ten birds - a flock!

This bird is nightingale.

This bird is sparrow.

This bird is Sovice -

sleepy head.

This bird is a wax.

This bird is a corner,

This dwaround bird -

serious feather.

This is a chapter, it's a strife,

This is cheating,

Well, this is an evil eye ...

Birds, birds, home!

(Follows of both hands are compressed in fists. Hearing the names of birds, the children clap one finger first right, then left hands. For the last words imitate flying birds)

9. The use of proposed-case structures.

I spend the speech therapist: I will move the bird, and you will tell me where it is located. Respond full offers! Work with the pretexts of "B", "on", "C", "For", "K", "From", "from". The speech therapist moves the squorter near the birdhouse, children consume various proposed-cased designs.

Speech therapist: Where did the starlets fly?

Children: "Skzorets flew into a birdhouse."

Speech therapist: where did the starlets come from?

Children: "Skzorets flew out of the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where is the starring sits?

Children: "Skzorets sits on a birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the Skzorets come from?

Children: "Skzorets flew from a birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the starlets hide?

Children: "Skworets hidden for a birdhouse."

Speech therapist: What did the star fly off?

Children: "Skzorets flew away from the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: What flew the starlings?

Children: "Skwort flew to the nesting room."

10. Sound-syllable analysis of words using a symbolism.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help you fly to warm edges safely. To do this, you need to strone the name of the birds by syllables and highlight the vowel sounds from the names title of birds. Public sounds are indicated on the board with symbols. For each bird, we must find the desired scheme with you.

The speech therapist shows the scheme on the board and pronounces the names of birds with an exaggerated pronunciation of vowels. Children distinguish vowel sounds from the names of the bird names and find the desired scheme on the board.

Duck Stork Drozd Cuckoo Crane

11. Game "Collect a bird".

Speech therapist: Guys, and the last task for you. You will need to be different geometric figures Collect a bird (head torso

2 wings tail)

Independent work Children.

12. Summing up the classes.

Speech therapist: Guys, here we are with you and spent our birds into the warm edges.

What did we do today? What new we learned with you? What tasks did you like best?

Valentina Rynina
"Migratory birds. Fall". Abstract subgroup speech therapy

MBDOU "Child Development Center Kindergarten "Bell"

6636160 p. Kozhevnikovo Tomsk region st. October 57 tons 8 (38244) 22634

Subject: « Migratory birds. Fall»

Abstract subgroup speech therapy

on the development of lexico-grammatical system

using health-saving technologies

in senior group For children with ONR

-teacher- speech therapist.

Subject: « Migratory birds»

purpose: Development of lexico-grammatical system of speech in children on lexical subject « Migratory birds»


Correctional learning:

Consolidate kids about birds of our region;

Develop the presentation of children about the causes flying birds(mapsWinter, wandering);

Forming the ability of children to distinguish birds from other animals;

Develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in childbirth, the case;

Develop and enrich vocabulary children;

To form grammatically proper speech in children.

Correctional - developing:

Develop articulation, thin and general motility;

Develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, creative imagination;

Develop the tempo and rhythm of speech;

Correctional - educational:

Form a positive installation to participate in classes;

Form communication skills, interaction, feelings of goodwill;

Form a caring attitude to birds; Desire to help birds In a difficult period for them.

Fasten the ability to carefully with the whole living, to nature.

Wordwork: maps, Winter, worst, insectivores, settled

Materials and equipment

1. Presentation, multimedia equipment.

2. Mirror.

3. Birds on threads.

4. Feathers of different shapes, colors, size, scissors, water cups;

5 snowflake, sun and image cards birds.

5. Bird-toy

Preliminary work:

Reading book L. N. Tolstoy "Smart Tank", conversations on illustrations birds of our edge and listening twitter birds of our region. Studying the topic "Housing birds and animals» .

Planned results:

The child shaped long-term air jet.

The minor motor is developed.

The child actively interacts with peers and adults.

The child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in different types activities

The child is formed a caring attitude to birds; Desire to help birds In a difficult period for them.

The child enshrines the ability to carefully with the whole living, nature.

The child is formed distinctive features birds and animals

The child has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasons flying birds.

The child is developed grammatically

Stages goal goes classes of child action

I. Organizing time "Circle of joy"

Organize children for cognitive activities. - Good day, dear guys! I have a wonderful mood today and I want him transfer to all of you. And will help me in this - this "Magic bird".

-I inviting you all in "Circle of joy" Say to each other good wishes, transferring from hand to this"Magic bird".

I wish you happiness and good to all children from the morning.

Who will say, what is this bird? Children transfer A bunch of each other and pronounce good wishes

II. Conversation in the picture « Fall»

(Slide 2) Guys, what time of year is depicted in the picture?

That came fall. What changes occurred in nature?

Why it became not enough birds?

What birds you know?

Where fly birds in autumn?

What is the name of birdswho flew south?

What do you know migratory birds?

-Autumn kids: (list signs of autumn) .

Children: Insects disappeared, and birdsthat feed in the insects flew into the warm edges.

Children: (list birds) .

Children: South.

Children: migratory birds.

Children: list ...

III. W Articulating gymnastics (Slide 3)

Look at these birdsWhat are all different, and size, and the color, and even the shape of the beaks they have different.

Here's swallow: Her beak is a small elongated. Let's smile at her and show what her beak.

But the duck and the swan beak is wide and looked like a blade.

Now look at the stork and crane, what is their beak?

And Wings U. birds are different: Big birds And the wings are large and scope of wings wide. (We will show our tongue, all birds)

Children perform exercise in front of the mirror

"Smile - tube" (Repeat Ex. 3 times)

The exercise "Shovel"

(repeat 3 times) - Crazy sharp, looks like a needle. Needle " (Repeat 3 times)

The exercise "Swing" (Repeat UPR. 5 times)

The exercise "ASIA" (Repeat 3 times)

IV. Breathing exercises

(Slide 4)

We know with you, why gathered birds on this clearing.

Let's see how they learned to fly (Children take birds on threads) . In order for your bird to fly to sleep on her, but it is necessary to do it correctly, inhale the air with the nose, the shoulders do not raise, easily exhale the mouth and do not inflate cheeks. Children perform respiratory gymnastics

V. Samomassage faces

(Slide 5) Pens rub and warm up, rubbing palms, cotton.

And the face with warmth is gently washed. Palms spend on the face from above - down.

Perebelki crushes all bad thoughts. Grable-shaped fingers from

mid-forehead to temples

Ears rub up and down we quickly. Roll out the sinks around the edge from below

up and on the contrary

Their forward bend, bending of ear shells forward.

I pull down the lobe, pull out the ears down the lobe.

And then we leave the fingers on the brushes, fingers run on the cheeks.

Brushes smear to smile, sponge kneading to smile

How ducklings kvvuki duck, pulling out both lips forward.

Mind them gently, not bored with nails, big and index fingers

we smear both lips.

We raise the corners of the lips, middle fingers - in the corners of the mouth and

queues to raise the right, then the left corner of the mouth

And then from the nose we run to the lips. Spiral movements of middle fingers

hands from the wings of the nose to the corner of the mouth on the nasolabial folds

We join the sponge, bitten by the upper teeth of the lower lip and the opposite.

Balls influence, cheek inflation and patting them so that the lips hold the air.

And the lips are right - to the left dance. Indexing fingers They are stacked on the lips // each other and move towards or apart each other.

Under the lips lies, the cam is knocking on the lip. Fist knock on the upper lip, then on the bottom lip, tongue move Under the lips that up then down.

By changing the chin and its camp

And then on the neck with handles Stack. Stroking the neck with the whole palm from the lower jaw to the clavicle; The middle of the neck passes between the big and the rest

Vi. Entrance to the topic

(slide 6, 7,8) - with the onset of cold weather autumn begins the flight of birds, that's how it is written in the poem E. Blaginina:

Soon white blizzards

Snow swell from the ground.

Fly, flew away, flew cranes.

Do not hear cuckoo in the grove

And the birdhouse is empty,

Stork wings pokes -

Fit, flew away.

The sheet swings pattle

In a blue pool on the water.

Grache with Grachei black

In the garden, on the ridge.

Sowing, wishes

Sun rare rays,

Fly, flew away, flew away and gri.

Guys what birds is a poem?

First fly away from us fast birds. These are the haircuts, swallows, starlats, larks.

They fly away at the end of August.

Why do they fly away so early, what do you think?

Yes, these birds feed in the insectsThey are called insectivores.

And now you task, find insectivores birds? (Slide 8) Children: about maps.

Many insects disappear

Swallow, Kamyshevka, Skzorets, Lark, Mukholovka.

VII. Message Topics and Objectives classes. So we will talk today?

What about any birds we will talk?

ABOUT birds

ABOUT maps

VIII. Motivation K. cognitive activity (Slide 9) And the same bird Differs from the animal? - Feathers W. birds, and animal wool.

Beak U. birds, and an animal to mouth with teeth

W. birds 2 paws, and in animal 4

W. birds There are wings and they fly almost everything, but there are no animals and they do not fly

IX. Education of attracted adjectives

(Slide 10)

Rose birds Highly high in the sky! (slide "Heaven's Hyperships") Let's take binoculars and consider them well (finger exercise "Binoculars")

Try to guess who hid behind the clouds?

Whose tail is visible for the blue cloud?

What bird hid behind a pink cloud?

Whose beak you see?

Whose wing do you see behind the blue cloud?

Now tell me which of them insectivores?

Well done! Love birds, bye birds! Until spring!

Children depict binoculars and view clouds on a slide 10.

This tail swallows - Swallow tail

This is the beak of a stork - aestine beak

Crane wing - Crane wing

Insectivorous swallow

H. Opening New

(Slide 11, 12) To golden autumn The days gathered to the departure cranes. They concerned over their native swamps, gathered in the shoals, stretched into distant warm countries. Ahead The strongest is flies - the leader. Later everyone is flying away wild geese And ducks - when the rivers and lakes freeze. These birds called waterfowl.

And again you task, find waterfoots birds(Slide 12)

Steads fly high birds, with the sky we hear their farewell clicks. As if they are screaming: "Goodbye, to a joyful meeting in the spring!"

Goose, duck, swan, pelican

Xi. Development of attention

(Slide 12) The game "Running birds» ,

(If it is not birds - clap in your hands)

Flew birds:

Pigeons, Tits,

Flies and cutters ...

What's wrong?

Educator: And flies - who is this?

You're right. Well, let's continue.

Flew birds:

Storks, crows,

Galka, pasta.

Flew birds:

Pigeons, cunits.

And the cunits are who?

Flew birds:

Pigeons, Tits,

CHIBISS, read,

Tick, haircuts,

Storks, cuckoo ...

Even scoops - Singles ...

what? Not buns, and scoops - Singles (this is birds)

Children clap.

Children: Flies.

Children: Insects

Children clap.

Children clap.


Children clap.

XII. Fizminutka

(Slide 14) Bird Charging Children perform

XIII. Opening a new

(Slide 14) Do you know how to fly birds. When flying to warm edges?

-Well see: cranes fly wedge ahead The leader is the strongest crane.

Ducks, geese and swans fly a string.

Swallows, Grachics, Skvorts fly a pack.

XIV. Experiment Development of speech breathing, attention

(slide 16-17)

Guys, before You are on the tables on the tables, consider them carefully.

What differences are the feathers?

Each pen has a rod, guess where the rod is in the pen? Show it. And the feather has a beard. Find beards. Show them. Please note how the beards are attached to the rod. Put the feathers on the table.

What happens if the breeze will come now? Take 1 auction and jump on it.

If the pen rod is cut, then we will see that inside is empty, so feathers are very lungs.

Does the feather in a glass with water, did the feather wet, did the pen change?

Feathers defend bird from water and damp.

Think why you need birds big feathers?

Why do they need small feathers?

Now consider the painting of feathers. What can you say?

Often you can meet very beautiful birds. (Slide 17)

In the majority birds Just painted only males.

They use their painting to attract females. Females of the same birds Have most often a monophonic color that helps them hide from enemies when they surround the eggs.

Look what beautiful are birds. Children: Color, size, shape.

Children show

Children blow on feathers

Children: Feathers fly, they are light.

Children moat the feather into the glass and look.

Children: No, water rolled with droplets.

Children: To fly.

Children: For heat.

Children: feathers are different in color.

They decorate birds.

Xv. Fizminutka. The game « Birds»

(Slide 18) Playing choose names birdswhose cries they can imitate. Get up in a circle, in the center of which - birds blindfolded. Birds go, spin around birds and pronounce:

In the forest, in the header,

On a green dubby

Birds sing fun.

Oh! Birds goes!

Bowls chlo in your handsplaying stopped in place and drive starts to look birds. He who found he imitates a scream birdsHe chose. Birds guess the name of the bird and the name of the player.

Playing becomes birdman.

Rules of the game: Playing should not hide for objects found on the way. Players must stop on the spot exactly by the signal.

Children are fun playing

XVI. Adjective education

(Slide 19) - Not all birds fly awayThere are those that stay with us to winter.

What are their names?

What do you know wintering birds?

I suggest play the game "Where is winter birds

Before you cardwhere the snowflake is shown on the left, and the right is the sun. Your task is from the suggested small cards to lay out on the left side of the wintering birds to snowflakeand where is the sun - maps.

Children: Winter, settled.

Children: (listed winter birds of our region) .

Children lay cards

XVII. Environmental education

(Slide 20) Why say that winter is hard time for birds?

How can you take care of them in winter?

What can be used as feed for birds in winter?

Indeed, winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and multispered. Can not found birds under the snow feed. Hungry bird He strongly suffers from the cold. Winter day is short, and to survive, do not freeze, food needs to eat much more than in summer.

Need to support birds, make feeders for them and do not forget to bring food into them. This is a very useful business.

Some guys with their parents and we also made feeders.

And I suggest that you and your parents make feeders for birdsand we will spend them on the trees before your windows, and you promise that every day you will endure food and watch what birds fly to your feeders - Birds Coldhungry

Bread, Grain, Salo, Seeds

Yes, we will talk to Pope to make a feeder with him for birds.

XIV reflexion

(Slide 21) - What are you remembered migratory birds?

Than birds differ from other animals?

For what birds need big feathers? And small?

Thank you, you have worked well today.

Children: …

Children: …

Children: …

XV Farewell ritual

"Solar races" And now we stand in a circle, shifted your hands to the center of the circle, connect them, quietly wait with your eyes closed and feel yourself a warm sunlight, which will warm the winter and our winter birds.

Children stood in a circle, closed their eyes and stood quietly.

In a number of tasks facing the pre-school education system, it takes an important place. One of the main indicators of the child's readiness to successfully learning is the right, well-developed speech.

Good speech - the most important condition Comprehensive full-fledged development of children. Than richer I. more speech The child, the easier for the child to express his thoughts, wider than his possibilities in the knowledge of the surrounding reality, meaningful and is a full-fledged relationship with peers and adults, the more actively its mental development is carried out.

Psychological and pedagogical studies in the correctional pedagogy show that there is currently a steady tendency to increase the number of children with complex violations of speech development.

IN direct educational activities (Node) The tasks are chosen in such a way as to develop the speech of children, to acquaint with the world, develop all mental processes.

Abstract of directly educational activities for children of the speech therapy group of senior pre-school age on the topic: "Migratory birds"

Purpose: clarify the knowledge of children about the spring and arriving birds.

Educational tasks: clarify and expand the presentations of children about the spring, about the signs of spring and what birds are flights; continue to teach children to form diminishing nouns; Learn to understand the figurative meaning of mysteries; Continue to learn clearly and complete proposal to answer questions (knowledge, communication).

Developing tasks: to develop a coherent speech of children, enrich their dictionary; interest in the life of the feathery; higher mental functions ( logical thinking, speech, memory, imagination, small motility, auditory and visual attention, memory (music, communication, physical education).

Educational challenges: to educate love for native culture, traditions; Good, careful attitude to feathered friends, continue to acquaint children with artwork (knowledge, socialization, reading fiction).

Integration of educational areas: knowledge, socialization, music, physical culture, reading fiction.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the themes: "Freight birds", "Our Pernaya Friends", "Spring Signs" and others; view illustrations, reproduction of paintings on the spring topic; Reading artistic literature S. Gorodetsky "How the birds learned to build nests", T. Zazhina "Swallow", "Sparrows", reading Russians folk songs, chain on spring topics; riddling riddles about the seasons, birds, animals; Listening to the audio cassette "Voice of Nature", "The Sounds of the Ourry World"; Didactic and mobile games: "Sovice - Owl", "Winter and moving", "Varobushki", "When it happens", "Show without words", etc.

Holding Nod:

1. Motivation.

Children enter the hall and become around the educator.


Lights early in the morning.
Protalian and here and there,
Creek is noise like a waterfall,
Skvorts to the Bunches fly.
Ranged roofs
Bear with Elova stood out of bed.
All the sun is warmly caught,
Who is this time of year know? ... (Spring)

2. Topics message:

Educator: After cold winter I came to us again Spring.

Today we gathered here so that the spring is to celebrate the first birds to visit. Let's imagine with you that we hit the spring forest. In the spring, everything comes to life in the forest, wakes up and filled with thousands of different sounds.

Sounded to the ground is quiet: "AU!"
On the unknown bitch shuddered: "Ku-ku!"
Store on the trunks: "Tuk-Tuk!"
The forest arises to meet us: "Who is there?"

Let's come to chairs with you and listen to the sounds and voices of the spring forest.

3. Work on the topic:

When and where is the birds sing so? (In the spring, when you arrive).

What mood caused your bird singing?

March 22 is a day when the larks begin to arrive. Previously, there were baked in houses from the dough of these birds, they handed them to children. And children with larks ran on the hillocks and shouted:

Larks, arrive,
I carry out a jetty winter
We bring warm spring.
Winter tired of us,
We had all the bread.

Thus, the children are cursed, that is, the name of the larks, and together with them and the spring is red. I suggest you too call spring.

And what birds fly in spring? (Skvorts, Grachics, haircuts, swallows, larks, ducks, swans, Gorikhvostka.) In the course of how children answer, the teacher exposes pictures on a laptop (slides 4-13).

How in a word you can call these birds? (Freight)

Who knows what names do these birds have and how to distinguish them from others?

(Swallow head, wings, black back, and white breast, beak small, tail like two pigtails.

Orioles have a yellow plumage, and the wings and tip of the tail - black.

Skzorets is all black, the beak is acute, and the breast into a white shiny crop. Etc.

The game "Nazi Birds Laskovo".

Name the birds affectionately. What are they doing? Responding to a question change the word "flies."

Skzorter - a squaw ... (crashes)

Nightingale - Solovushka ... (Fly)

Cuckoo - cuckoo ... (arrive)

Crane - Zhuravushka ... (Paddle)

Grach - a grief ... (flies)

The structure of birds.

Guys, tell me what is all birds have in common?

(They have a head, neck, wings, beak, tail, 2 paws. Their body is covered with feathers).

Exercise "Tell in one word"

Guys, stand up, please, in the circle. I will throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me with the answer.

Aist's long legs, what? ... / long-legged /. A stork is a long beak, it ... / long-willed. The swallows have a long tail, it ... / long-tailed /. Swallow loves warmth, it ... / heat-loving /. The swallows are sharp wings, it ... / Pointed /. Solovna has a ringing voice, he ... / zvondo-haired/. And Dr.

Educator: - How do they find the road to the south and back here? / Do not know /.

It turns out that some birds fly away at night, others during the day. But before the flight, they make trial flights, more than usual eat, thugs thugs - in flight they have been reinforced. In flight, they are focused on the stars, and if the sky is tightened with clouds and stars is not visible, they are focused on the magnetic fluctuations of the Earth.

You paid attention to that some birds fly away with "lots", all together; Some, for example, cranes, are built by the "wedge" in the form of a triangle; Others are built up with "chain" in one line. Probably, it depends on the chassis of birds: some birds need leaders who show the road (slides 14-16).

Didactic game "Fourth extra".

Children distinguish the bird that "lost" (slides 17-21).

Finger game "Birds"

Fingers - head, wings - palm. (Palm to turn to yourself, thumbs are straightened from ourselves and intertwined, as if cling to each other, thumbs are head, the rest are closed fingers - wings. Masting wings, fly, etc.)

Educator: Indeed, in the spring the sun is not only shining, but also heats. Birds are returned and carry from spring on their wings. Now we will check whether you know these birds. There is such a game - "Winter and Merethe Birds", let's play it.

Game "Winter and Maternity Birds"

Children put on bird hats - flight and wintering; In the middle of the hall there are sun and snowflake. Birds run by a swarming for the music, with the words:

Birds fly,
Grains are collected.
Little birds,
Birds are small.

After these words, the music ends and the "fleeting" birds should be gather around the sun, and the "wintering" near the snowflakes.

Exercise "Continue proposal, find the reason"

The first in the fall fly south of the birds that feed on insects, because ... / insects are hiding and they have nothing to eat. Dyatlas can be called a forest doctor, because ... / it pulls out bugs and insects from under the bark. Cuckoo does not raise his chicks, because ... / she does not live nests /. All people love to listen to nightingale, because ... / he sings beautifully, poured /. And others. Spring migratory birds arrive back, because ... they need to withdraw chicks.

Guys, what do you think, why do the birds call the friends of a person?

(Benefit). Birds please us with their twitter, people are more fun, happier to live.

And what happens if birds suddenly do not return to us in the spring?

(There will be an environmental trouble. No one will defend the parks, gardens, forests from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation, destroy all the crops. No one will dismiss the seeds of berries, plants. We will never hear their wonderful songs, etc.)

Thank you, our faithful friends - birds! For returning to us to our homeland.

Analysis of classes:

Guys, tell me, please, what are we talking about today?

What kind of new migratory birds did you know?

What is interesting we learned about the cuckoo?

How do they find the road to warm edges and back to us?

Guys, I liked how you worked at the lesson: listened carefully, thought, responded with full offers. Well done!

Stage: Automation of sounds in words, in sentences, in connected oral speech.



  • Teach children to guess riddles. Understand poetic comparisons underlying the riddles.
  • Read words and suggestions.
  • Teach to form related words.
  • Teach the coordination of numerical with nouns.
  • Learning to form attracted adjectives.
  • Continue to learn speech-syllable analysis of words.


  • Develop attention.
  • Develop logical thinking, to establish causal relationships between events.
  • Develop a shallow motility of hands.


  • Educating the ability to understand the learning task and allow it yourself.
  • Form the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

Equipment: Plastic " blue bird», Subjects, Reproduction Pictures A.K. Savrasova "Graci flew", words-scheme cards, a card with a word Gratel, the ball, a card description card.


  1. Org. moment.
  2. Check homework. Riddown mysteries to children. The subject of classes.
  3. Migratory birds.
  4. Reading the logos of the story "Grachics opened the spring" V. Bianki from the "Forest Newspaper" against the background of the picture A.K. Savrasova "Graci flew" without installation for memorization and retelling.
  5. Fizminutka.
  6. Repeated reading the logos of the story "Graci discovered the spring" with installation on memorization and retelling.
  7. Retelling on a chain along the plan drawn up, clearly pronounce the sounds "P" and "ry".
  8. Outcome.
  9. Homework.

Structure occupation

I. Org. moment.

Speech therapist: Hello guys! Please define the 3rd sound in the word Hello and the 1st sound in the word guys.

Pupils: In the word Hello the 3rd sound "r". In the word guys 1st sound "ry".

Speech therapist: Today in the class we will guess the riddles, fix the sounds of "p" and "ry".

II. Guessing mysteries. The subject of classes.

1. But what else will we talk about you will learn if you guess the riddles.

The 1st student makes a riddle, clearly pronounce the sounds "P" and "ry" (checking homework):

Lights early in the morning
Protalina and here and there.
Creek is noise like a waterfall.
Skvorts to the nesting room fly.
Ring under the roofs of the drops.
Bear with Fir stood bed.
All the sun cares warmly.
Who knows this time of year?

Pupils: This is the time of year - Spring.

The 2nd student commends the riddle, clearly pronouncing the sounds "p" and "ry" (checking homework):

Dreams at night spider
Miracle Yudo on the bitch:
Long beak and two wings ...
Arrive - bad things!
And whom the spider is afraid of?
Guess? It …

Pupils: This is a bird.

Speech therapist: Today in the class we will talk about the spring and about the birds.

2. The "Blue Bird of Good Luck" flew to us. There is a believer that if you catch it, then you will be accompanied by luck. Please name the part of the body of the bird.

Pupils: The bird has: head, torso, tail, wings, eyes, beak, feathers, legs, claws.

Speech therapist: What is the name of the bird's cub?

Pupil: Baby cub is called a chick.

3. The game "Big - small" with a recking of a ball.

Head - head, eyes - eyes, beak - key, feather - Pyryshko, tail - tail, wings - wings, paws - paws.

III. Migratory birds.

1. Conversation with a support for speech therapy.

Speech therapist: What do birds do in the spring? Does all birds come back to us from warm edges? What are the birds that spring return to us from warm edges? Call flight birds that you know (by chain).

The speech therapist exposes pictures of birds, which are called students (if any). Then the speech therapist adds a few more pictures, calling them, including the Sparrow.

2. Game: "Who is superfluous?"

Speech therapist: Remove an excess picture and explain why you think it is superfluous?

Pupils: Excess sparrow, because it is not flying, but a winter bird.

Speech therapist: True, well done! And now, please select pictures of birds, in the title of which there is sound "p" or "ry".

Pupils choose the pictures, which depict: Skzorets shaking, rag, larks.

Speech therapist: True, well done! So, they flew to us in the spring. Let's show how they flew.

3. Exercise for shallow motility hands: "birds"

Birds flew ("birds" - palm to yourself, crossing thumbs up),
Wings of Mahali (mahu palms).
On the trees of Seli ("Trees" - palm with shrouded fingers),
Together rested. ("Birds")

4. Speech therapist: Now the guys make you riddled, And you try to guess them, just listen to the end (checking homework):

The 3rd student makes a riddle, clearly uttering the sound "P":

The black,
Screaming "Krak" -
Worms enemy.

The 4th student makes a riddle, clearly uttering the sound "P":

You will find out right away:
White, black-eyed,
He is important for the plow,
Worms, beetles find.
True guard and friend fields
The first sword of warm days.

Pupils: These riddles about the ridge.

Speech therapist: The rhyme is described in the rhyme. What is he?

Pupils: Circle white, black-eyed.

Speech therapist: If you compare the size of the sparrow, the risk and herrock, how is the rhok?

Pupils: Grach is the gross heron, but larger sparrow.

5. The formation of attracted adjectives.

Speech therapist: In the risk of whose head? tail? wing? feathers? beak?

Pupils (on a chain with a ball throwing): In the ridge, the Graca head. In the ridge, a grace tail. In the ridge, the grace wing. In the ridge, grachic feathers. In the ridge Grachean beak.

Speech therapist: Please select a scheme of the word Grac and explain why you chose it.

Selection is offered several sound schemes:

Pupils: By the way, the second scheme is suitable for the word, because in this word one syllable, four sounds: r - hard ringing consonant sound, r - solid ringing sound, and - vowel sound, h - soft deaf consonant sound.

Speech therapist: Right.

6. Education of related words from the word Grac:

  • Chick (chicks) Gracch - Grechonok, Grachat
  • Their mother - Gracha
  • Their nests - Gracy
  • Casting Gnings - Grachevnik (a card with the word Grachevnik)

7. Agreement of numerical with nouns.

Speech therapist: Before you, a picture of A.K. Savrasova "Graci flew". Try to count how many glooms you see.

Pupils: One rhose, two roses, three ridges, four ridges, five gross, six roses, seven roses, eight roses, nine roses, ten roses. ...

Speech therapist: Enough. In a word, let's say - a lot of rules arrived.

IV. Reading the speaker's story "Graci discovered the spring"

against the background of the picture A.K. Savrasova "Graci flew" without installation for memorization and retelling.

Grachics - fleeting birds, but they are not wintering in hot countries, but not far from their native places, because they are not afraid of frosts. They protect them with a dense plumage. They fly in search of food.
And robes are returned with wintering first, barely starts to melting snow. With loud and joyful deafening cries of "gra-gra-grams", the ruchi inspect the old nests, repair them and screw new on a few nests on the same tree.
They arrange their rocker in parks, groves, squares, building all the tops of trees.
Gracities are the most friendly and sociable birds. Together they build nests, together defend their homes from enemies, be it cat or large predatory bird. The rags of all the flocks with loud shouts are flown on the enemy, peck and pull it until they turn him into a shameful flight.
Gracities are smart and dying, well imitate different sounds, singing other birds, the voices of some animals.
They are very useful to man, as they destroy the pests of plants on the fields and gardens, in the forests and gardens.
Grachics eat beetles, larvae, exterminate field mice.

Conversation in content.

  • Where are the gri on?
  • What birds are returned by the first spring?
  • When are the races come back?
  • How are the grits come with a socket?
  • How are the ruchies arrange their rocker?
  • How are the rags protect their homes?
  • What do the grits eat?
  • What benefits do gries bring?

V. Fizminutka.

Hands raised and peeling -
These are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shook -
The wind knives the dew.
Smoothly with the hands of
This birds fly to us.
How they sit down - show
Wings folded back.

Vi. Repeated reading the logos of the story "Graci discovered the spring" with installation on memorization and retelling.

VII. Retelling on a chain along the plan drawn up, clearly pronounce the sounds "P" and "ry".

  • How are the gri on?
  • Where and how are housing build?
  • How do gries behave in the Grachevnik?
  • What do the grits eat?
  • What benefits do gries bring?

VIII. Outcome.

IX. Homework.

Retell the story "Graci discovered the spring", clearly pronouncing the sounds "P" and "ry".


  1. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko Development of connected speech. Frontal speech therapy classes in the lexico-semantic theme "Spring" in the group preparatory for school. M., 2003.