Integrated speech therapy lesson “Migratory birds. Open speech therapy lesson on the development of coherent speech "migratory birds"

During the lesson, students consolidate the pronunciation of sounds [l] - [l "], improve the grammatical structure of speech, the skill of sound analysis and synthesis, develop articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, auditory and visual attention.


  • Correctional educational: to clarify the dictionary “Spring. Migratory birds."; to consolidate the skill of pronunciation of sounds [L-L], in isolation and in syllables, to improve the grammatical structure of speech in the formation and coordination of possessive adjectives, to improve the skill of sound analysis and synthesis (3 sound words); continue to learn to make complex sentences.
  • Correctional and developmental: to develop articulatory, fine and general motor skills, phonemic perception, dialogic speech, auditory and visual attention, thinking (the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships), to learn to navigate on a plane and in space.
  • Correctional educational: to foster a respect for nature, to form cooperation skills, to develop initiative and independence.

Materials and equipment:

  • Flanelegraph.
  • Thematic pictures on the topic: winter, spring; migratory, wintering birds; signs of spring.
  • Sound symbols; symbols for making sentences.
  • Map. Compass. Binoculars. Lantern. Ball. Parrot toy. A box with "coins" - sweets. Envelopes with letters. Nest, feeder, grain.

Course of the lesson

Children enter the group, they are met by a Parrot (toy):

- Guys, your group was visited by magic pirates and turned it into enchanted islands. The inhabitants of these islands are asking for your help, asking to save them from evil spells. Are you ready to help them?

Children: - Yes, ready!

Teacher: - We have to sail on the ocean, what can we use to travel?

Children: - On a boat, on a ship, on a raft, we choose a steamer.

Teacher: - For the journey we need some items from this chest. Choose the appropriate items.

(Children choose subjects and explain their choice):

- We need a compass and a map (Figure 1) to know where to sail. You need binoculars to look into the distance. The lantern will illuminate our path.

Picture 1

Teacher: - Say goodbye to the parrot and hit the road. Look at the map, where should we sail? What's on the next island?

Children: - Two snowflakes.

Teacher: - What number should be on this island?

Children: - Number "2"

Teacher: - Let's look through binoculars (children from fingers represent binoculars), is this island close?

Children: - Far away.

Teacher: - In order for our steamer to set off, it is necessary to say the magic words:

"The steamer sails on the waves,
The steamer beeps - L,
And in the distance he hums - L,
L-L-L-L-L ".

(Children move around the group to "island 2" and pronounce the sounds L-L).

On "Island 2" they find an envelope containing a letter and pictures-symbols with signs of spring(Figure 2).

Picture 2

Teacher: - Guys, look, here is an envelope with a letter. The inhabitants of this island wrote a letter: “The pirates have messed up and bewitched all the seasons. It's cold here all the time, but we dream of ... ”. What time of year do they write in a letter if it's cold all the time?

Children: - About winter.

Teacher: - What time of year will come after winter?

Children: - Spring.

(Pictures-symbols of "Winter", "Spring" are put on the flannelgraph).

Teacher: - Let's talk about spring, small pictures from the envelope will help us.

(Using the symbolic pictures, they make up a story about spring, take the pictures out of the envelope, explain it and put it on the flannelgraph).

Children: - The sun warms up in the spring. Thawed patches appear. The snow is melting and streams are running. Drops begin. Birds are arriving. Insects appear.

Teacher: - In the spring I want to say beautiful words, we will pass a flower to each other and say beautiful words about spring. Spring, what is it?

Children: - Sunny, warm, cheerful, joyful, singing, green.

Teacher: - On this island we have coped with the task, we go further, we will see on the map where to sail.

Children: - On the island, indicated by three birds, we are looking for the number 3.

Teacher: - Let's say magic words

“A cloud swam past.
The steamers are buzzing - LA.

(Children go to the third table. On it there are pictures with images of a nest, a feeder, a feather, grain, bird tracks).

Teacher: - What is it? Whose nest? Children: - Bird.

- Whose feeder? - Bird.

- Whose food? - Bird.

- Whose tracks? - Bird.

Teacher: - Who lives on this island?

Children: - Birds.

(A flannelegraph opens with pictures of wintering and migratory birds(Figure 3)).

Figure 3

Teacher: - Wintering birds lived on one half of the island, migratory birds lived on the other, pirates confused all the birds. Let's settle the birds correctly, under the sign “ Sun"We will place pictures with migratory birds, and under the sign" Snowflake"With the wintering.

- Take a picture of who you have, where will you settle, why?

(Children complete the task, answer questions).

Teacher: - Why are these birds called migratory?

Children: - In the fall they fly away to warm lands, and in the spring they return.

Teacher: - Why do birds fly away in autumn?

Children: - It's getting cold and there is nothing to eat.

Teacher: - What is more terrible for migratory birds: cold or hunger?

Children: - Hunger, because they feed only on insects, and you can hide from the cold.

Teacher: - In the spring, birds have many important things to do. What do birds do in spring?

Children: - Build nests, breed chicks, feed chicks.

Teacher: - Let's remember what the chicks are called.

Ball game "Who has whom"

A rook has rooks, a jackdaw has a chick, a crane has a crane, a raven has a raven, a swift has a sheared, a duck has ducklings, a starling has a squatter.

Teacher: - On this island, we also coped with the task, we look on the map where we need to sail further.

Children: - There are four beetles drawn on the island, we are looking for the number 4.

(Move to the next "island 4", pronouncing a pure phrase).

“We see the island in the distance
We pronounce together - LEE

Teacher: - We got to the island of insects, but I don't see anyone here. Let's shine a flashlight, there is no one.

(Found a bag and an envelope with a letter):“The pirates mixed up the sounds and the insects disappeared, to bring them back, you need to compose 2 words BEETLE and WASP”.

Teacher: - Take one picture out of the bag (Figure 4). Let's first compose the word BEETLE. Leave those who have the pictures you want. What's the first sound? Second? Last? Did you get the word BEETLE?

Figure 4

Now let's make up the word WASP (perform the task similarly to the first, lay out the words on the flannelegraph).

You have completed the task, now insects will appear and the birds will have a lot of food. Birds will sing merrily, let's remember a merry poem about spring.

Speech with the Vesnyanka movement

(Find the next letter envelope): “Help! Pirates can do what nature cannot do! They can harm us! "

Educator: - Let's draw up signs for the protection of birds, tell you about what not to do and why.

(Children in pairs make up from symbol pictures(Figure 5) phrases).

Figure 5

You cannot shoot birds with a slingshot, because you can injure them.

You cannot destroy the nests, because the birds breed chicks in them.

Do not kill insects because birds feed on insects.

Teacher: - Now all visitors to the island will know these rules, and you do not forget them. Let's see what the map shows. We sail to the island from which we started our journey.

Parrot greets children: - Guys, you have disenchanted all the islands, and we will again hear the birdsong. In gratitude, the birds left you a gift, you can find it using this note.

(Children read a note from symbol pictures(Figure 6)) .

Figure 6

In the first note, you need to "Look into the vase." In the vase they find the following note "Look at the book". On the book they find another note "Look under the hat". A chest with "gold coins" (candy) is found under the hat.


  1. Tkachenko, T.A.... Special characters in preparing children 4 years old for literacy: a guide for educators, speech therapists and parents. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2000. - 48 p.
  2. Tkachenko, T.A. Lexical and grammatical representations: Formation and development. Methodical guidance for carrying out exercises. - M .: Publishing house "Knigolyub", 2010. - 56 p.
  3. Kulikovskaya, T.A. Speech therapy tongue twisters and rhymes. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2008. - 128 p.
  4. Molodova, L.P. Play ecological activities with children: Educational method. manual for kindergarten educators and teachers. - Minsk: "Asar" - 1996. - 128 p .: ill.

| Spring | plague spring | migratory | migratory birds | bird download | the outcome | the final | complex | comprehensively | class | class notes | senior | older porn | speech therapy | speech therapy classes | group | song groups | for | children | child | onr | onr in children | child | Kindergarten | Speech therapist page| Spring Migratory birds The final complex lesson in the senior speech therapy group for children with OHP Kindergarten


Correctional - educational:

  • learn to form related words;
  • teach to conduct sound-letter analysis of words;

Correctional and developmental:

Correctional - educational:

  • develop self-esteem skills;
  • consolidate knowledge about environment and foster a caring attitude towards its inhabitants;

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time.

First option:

Speech therapist: Guys, look what a sunny and wonderful day today. What time of year is outside the window? Lead children to the correct answer to the question.

Let's take a deep breath of spring Fresh air.

Work on breathing: inhalation through the nose, long exhalation through the mouth ...

Second option:

Speech therapist: Guys, today it is raining outside, unfortunately. But, as you know, nature does not have bad weather. What time of year is outside the window? Lead children to the correct answer to the question. Very often you can hear from people that the air smells like spring. Let's breathe deep spring fresh air.

Work on breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth ...

The teacher makes a guess for children riddle:

Dreams of a spider at night

Miracle - yudo on a bitch:

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - it's bad!

Who is the spider afraid of?

Have you guessed? It's ... a bird.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk about spring and migratory birds. What migratory birds do you know? Children call birds of passage.

Game "Pick a sign".

Guys, look closely at the birds, tell me what body parts the birds have. Lead children to the correct answer to the question.

1. Speech therapist: Now let's divide the names of body parts of birds into syllables, but first let's remember what syllables are. How do we divide words into syllables? Children remember and pronounce the rule.

2. Speech therapist: Look closely at the birds. How do birds differ from each other? Lead children to the correct answer to the question.

Children call features birds.

Then the teacher focuses the children’s attention on the illustrations that are on the chalkboard. There is one wintering bird among the migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, don't you notice anything strange? Lead children to the correct answer to the question. So what kind of bird is this? (Superfluous) That's right, because the wintering birds have long since flown away.

The teacher removes a picture of a wintering bird from the board.

Exercise for the eyes.

3. The game "The fourth extra".

Physical minutes (video).

Speech therapist: Guys, what migratory birds come to us the very first, as soon as the snow begins to melt. And it is also generally accepted that these birds are the most friendly of all migratory birds. Lead children to the correct answer to the question. Of course they are rooks.

4. Sound-letter analysis of the word GRACH.

5. Speech therapist: I suggest you make a proposal for a ready-made scheme... Be careful.

Children make up a proposal for the scheme. Analysis of the proposal.

6. Speech therapist: Sometimes, when we walk on the street or just watch the birds through the window, we involuntarily begin to count them. I also suggest you count the birds.

The game "Count - ka".

7. Logic puzzles:

Which is more - wings or birds?

Which is more - feathers or wings?

What are more beaks or tails?

8. Game "Correct the sentence":

The worm pecked at the starling.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

The caterpillar ate the cuckoo.

Birds incubate chicks and then lay eggs.

In spring, migratory birds fly south.

As on white in the snow

Swallows are freezing in a blizzard…. Does it happen or not?

9. Speech therapist: Tell me, how do we help the birds? Lead children to the correct answer to the question. I want you not to forget about it. Let us lay out a sentence with you from the letters: BIRDS ARE OUR FRIENDS. Finger gymnastics.

(Music by P. Tchaikovsky sounds. Seasons. April).

Teamwork. Children, agreeing with each other, lay out a proposal.

10. Lesson summary:

- What and who did we talk about today?

- What did you like the most in the lesson?


(senior group of compensating orientation)

Speech therapist Gorbenko N.V. MDOU CRR - kindergarten № 28 g. Zhukovsky

Target: the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech on this topic, the practical use of a simple common sentence and prepositional-case structures.


correctional educational:

expanding children's ideas about migratory birds, their appearance and lifestyle, activation of the vocabulary on the topic, the use of prepositions;

correctional and developmental:

developing the ability to compose simple sentences, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of plural nouns in them. Pad., consolidation of the ability to reconcile the names of numerals with nouns, syllabic analysis of words, sound analysis of words using the sign symbolism of vowel sounds, the practical use of prepositions "in", “On”, “s”, “to”, “from”, “for”, “from” in speech, the formation of names for baby birds using the suffix -onok-, development of attention, memory, thinking, speech breathing, general and fine motor skills, word and movement coordination;

correctional and educational:

education of interest in the environment and respect for it, the development of benevolence, a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic, audio recording of "Voices of Birds", birdhouse, numbers 2 and 5, diagrams with conventions vowels, ball, game "Collect the bird" according to the number of children.

Course of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. (Creating a positive emotional background for the lesson). Children and speech therapist are on the carpet.Quiet music sounds. The speech therapist, together with the children, read a poem and perform in time with the words of the movement.

Slush, bad weather,(hands up, hand waving)

The poplar turned yellow.(body bends to the left - to the right)

Suddenly there is a starling on a branch(hands to the side)

He began to sing a song.(turns the torso to the left - to the right, arms to the sides)

The branch sways a little(hands up, imitation of the wind blowing)

The rain does not end(waving hands in front of you)

With us is an old skvorushka (hands to the sides)

He says goodbye until spring.(parting hand movements)

Speech therapist: And now we will go to the magic meadow. Let's take a deep breath with our mouth and as we exhale, say Magic word"FUUUUH", stretching the exhalation as long as possible (the exercise is repeated 3 times, the last time with closed eyes), open the eyes. Guys, where did we end up with you? (The audio recording of the "Voices of the Birds" is played).

Children: In the forest.

The children sit down in their seats.

2. Conversation about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guess who we met in the forest? Do you remember whose voices you heard?

Speech therapist: Yes, guys, today in class we will talk about birds. What do birds do in the fall?

Children: In the fall, the birds flock and fly south.

Speech therapist: Right, guys. Back in October, they begin to fly away to warmer climes migratory birds. Cranes, geese, seagulls stretched themselves in shoals, in rows. If migratory birds fly low to the ground - to a frosty winter, and if high - to a warm one. On the rowan trees, flying thrushes feast: they will peck at rowan berries, rest and fly further south. “And when the goose flies away, the snow falls” - this is how the people note. But sparrows, crows, magpies, woodpeckers, tits remain to winter in our area. In autumn and winter, many of them fly closer to human habitation. Here you can get more food, and there is where to hide from the wind and frost. Guys, the breeze accidentally mixed up the photos of all the birds. Let's see which of these birds will stay with us for the winter, and which ones will fly away from us to the south. If the birds stay with us to spend the winter, what are they called?

Children: Wintering.

Speech therapist: Birds that fly south, what do we call?

Children: Traveling.

Pictures with birds are laid out on the table in front of the children: a swallow, starling, magpie, crow, duck, lark, woodpecker, crane, swan, cuckoo, owl, nightingale, thrush, stork, heron. Children one by one go to the table and lay them into two groups of wintering and migratory birds. The speech therapist hangs pictures with migratory birds on the board.

Speech therapist: Whom did you choose?

Children: “I chose a swallow,” etc.

3. Game "Name the parts of the bird's body."

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the picture of birds, tell me what body parts they have. We answer with a full offer.

Birds have a head. Birds have two wings.

Birds have two legs. Birds have a tail.

Birds have a beak. Birds have a neck. The body of the birds is covered with feathers.

4. Game “How many birds flew away? "(Numbers 2, 5)

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the numbers that stand near the birds. It is necessary to answer “How many birds flew away? »Answer with a full sentence.

Children: "2 swallows flew away, and then 5 more swallows."

Children: "2 swans flew away, and then 5 more swans", etc.

5. Game "One-many"with throwing the ball.

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist calls the word-name of the bird in singular. them. pad., the child calls the word in the plural. they fall.

Cuckoo - cuckoos, crane - cranes,
starling - starlings, nightingale - nightingales,

lark - larks, swan - swans,

duck - ducks,
swallow - swallows,

blackbird - blackbirds, stork - storks,

heron is a heron.

6.. The game “Who has who”With throwing the ball.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we have to name the chick of the bird.
The cuckoo has a cuckoo

The crane has a crane

The starling has a little bird
The swan has a swan

The duck has a duckling

The stork has a stork

The blackbird has a blackbird

7. Riddles about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen and guess the riddles about birds.

This is an old friend of ours: Flies to us with warmth, Who is on the tree, on a bitch

He lives on the roof of the house - The way to go is long. The score is: "Ku-ku, ku-ku?"
Long-legged, long-nosed, Sculpts a house under the window (cuckoo)
Long-necked, voiceless. From grass and clay.
He flies to hunt (swallow)
Follow the frogs to the swamp.

Stands on one leg, Wants - will fly straight,

Stares into the water, Wants - hangs in the air,

Pokes his beak at random - Falls like a stone from the heights.

Looking for frogs in the river. And in the fields sings, sings.

(heron) (lark)

8. Physical minutes.Finger gymnastics.

Flock of birds.

Sing along, sing along!

Ten birds are a flock!

This bird is a nightingale.

This bird is a sparrow.

This owl bird -

sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing.

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a little bird -

gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin,

Well, this is an evil eagle ...

Birds, birds, home!

(the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. Having heard the names of the birds, the children squeeze one finger at a time, first with the right, then with the left hand. On the last words, they imitate birds flying away)

9. Use of prepositional-case constructions.

Speech therapist: I will move the bird, and you will tell me where it is. We answer with full proposals! Working with prepositions "in", "on", "s", "for", "to", "from", "from". The speech therapist moves the starling around the birdhouse, children use various prepositional and case constructions.

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly?

Children: "The starling flew into the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly from?

Children: "The starling flew out of the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where is the starling sitting?

Children: "A starling is sitting on a birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the starling come from?

Children: "The starling flew from the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the starling hide?

Children: "The starling hid behind the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: What did the starling fly from?

Children: "The starling flew away from the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: What did the starling fly to?

Children: "The starling flew up to the birdhouse."

10. Sound-syllabic analysis of words using sign symbols.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help migratory birds fly safely to warm lands. To do this, you need to swipe the name of the bird by syllables and select the vowel sounds from the word names of the birds. Vowel sounds are indicated on the board with symbols. For each bird, we must find the right scheme with you.

The speech therapist shows schemes on the board and pronounces the names of birds with exaggerated pronunciation of vowels. Children extract vowel sounds from the bird names and find the desired scheme on the board.

Duck stork thrush cuckoo crane

11. Game "Collect the bird".

Speech therapist: Guys, this is the last task for you. You will need from various geometric shapes collect the bird (head trunk

2 wing tail)

Independent work children.

12. Summing up the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, here we are and took our birds to warm lands.

What did we do in class today? What new have we learned? What tasks did you like the most?

Abstract speech therapy classes on the topic "Migratory birds"


Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in the drawing up of cut pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, a careful attitude towards them.



Abstract of speech therapy lesson Topic: Migratory birds


Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

To systematize the knowledge of children about bird species, to exercise in the classification of migratory and wintering birds and the selection of an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in the drawing up of cut pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, a careful attitude towards them.

1. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited, warm, sunny spring has come. Migratory birds return from warm countries. They are also happy about spring. The birds are in a hurry, because in the spring they need to have time to build and renovate their houses, lay eggs, hatch them and hatch their offspring - chicks. And in the fall they will gather again in flocks and fly away to winter in warm countries.

2. The game “What? Which?" The formation of complex adjectives.

The guys from Cape you met with migratory birds. They are very beautiful and different. Tell me what you can call a stork if it has a long beak.

What stork? - Long-billed.

The stork has a red beak - red-billed.

Rook has black eyes - black-eyed.

The Swan has a long neck - long-necked.

The crane has wide wings - wide-winged.

The Heron has long legs - long-legged.

The Swan has short legs - short-footed.

3. game "What is it"

Shines, warms ... (sun).

It melts, it gets dark ... (snow).

They run, murmur, ring ... (streams).

Dripping, melting ... (icicles).

They make their way, bloom ... (snowdrops).

They swell, burst ... (kidneys).

Blossom, turn green ... (leaves).

Chirping, jumping ... (sparrows).

They return, sing, build their nests ... (migratory birds).

4 . Physical education.

"Swallows flew"Coordination of speech with movement.

5. The game "The fourth extra?"

Images of different birds are shown on the slides, and the children choose an extra object and verbally justify their choice.

Pigeon , swallow, starling, cuckoo. Who is superfluous? - a dove, as he is a wintering bird.

Crow, sparrow, dove, starling.

Nightingale, lark, sparrow, swallow.

Magpie, rook , bullfinch, tit.

Swan, heron, pigeon, stork.

6. GAME "Who's Who?"

We stood in a circle. Whoever I throw the ball calls the chick of that bird,

Which I will name.

A cuckoo has a cuckoo, a swallow has ...,

At the starling - ..., at the crane - ...,

At the swift - ..., at the swans - ...,

Ducks - ..., geese - ...,

Rook - ...

7. GAME "Who flew for whom?"

First came the rooks, the rooks - the starlings, the starlings -

Swallows, after swallows - cranes.

***, take the rook.

***, take the starling.

***, take a swallow.

***, take the crane.

***, repeat, who flew for whom.

***, repeat

The topic of the lesson in the senior speech therapy group kindergarten: "Migratory birds. The use of the prepositions B-HA in the prepositional and accusative cases".
Purpose: to develop lexical and grammatical means of speech.
Speech tasks:
1. Expand and activate the dictionary on this topic.
2. To develop the ability to use nouns in speech in the prepositional and accusative cases with the prepositions B-HA.
3. Build short statement according to the subject picture.
Cognitive tasks:
1. To consolidate the ideas of children on the studied topic "Wintering Birds".
2. Form children's performances on the topic "Migratory birds".

Equipment: subject and plot pictures on the topics studied, musical recording of bird voices, flannelograph, silhouettes of a bird, branches, birdhouse, roof of a house.
The course of the lesson.
1.Organizational moment:
The speech therapist invites children to prepare to listen carefully and say what they have heard.
(The recording of bird voices is turned on. Children say that it is the birds singing).
2. Repetition of the passed material:
The speech therapist shows children object pictures depicting wintering birds (crow, sparrow, titmouse) and asks to name each one, then remember how you can call them in one word. The interpretation of the word "wintering", learned in previous lessons, is repeated.
The speech therapist offers to depict the sounds made by these birds (kar-kar, chiv-chiv, blue-blue), and then asks to tell about each picture according to the model: this is a crow, she croaks; this is a sparrow, he chirps; this is a titmouse, it is blue.
3. Acquaintance with the topic "Migratory birds".
The speech therapist suggests checking who remembers where the lesson began. (Children listened to birds singing). Who liked listening to the birdsong? Who wants to see these birds and find out their names?
The speech therapist presents alternately subject pictures with the image of a nightingale, a lark, a starling, naming them and talking about each:
This is a starling. He flies to us in early spring when the snow has not yet melted. People rejoice at the arrival of starlings and prepare special nesting houses for them.
This is a nightingale. He arrives in our area at the end of spring, when leaves have already begun to bloom on the trees.
This is a lark. It can be seen in our area at the beginning of summer, when it gets very warm and the trees are covered with green leaves.
(Each story is accompanied by a speech therapist showing a plot picture with the seasons).
The conclusion is voiced: the birds, whose singing we listened to today, live with us only in warm time years, and for the winter they fly to warm regions, therefore the nightingale, lark, starling are migratory birds.
"Sparrows, chirp!" The sparrows (all children) stand in a row, the driver stands with his back to them at a distance of 4-5 steps and says: sparrow, chirp. One of the children, at the direction of the speech therapist, "chirps", the driver guesses the sparrow. He becomes the driver.
4. Working with lexical and grammatical material in the context of the topic being studied.
The speech therapist says that now we will meet migratory birds. They will fly in and land on different objects: this is a branch, this is a roof, this is a birdhouse, this is a nest, this is a tree.
- Here the nightingale has arrived (lark, starling). What did the nightingale (lark, starling) sit on? (the speech therapist moves the bird figurine so that the children answer: on a branch, on a roof, on a tree)
- Here a starling has arrived. What will the starling live in? (in the birdhouse)
-There's a lark arrived. What will the lark live in? (in the nest)
The speech therapist suggests imagining that a bird has flown into the group.
-What can she sit on? (children name the surrounding objects using the preposition HA and place a bird figurine on the named object).
-If she likes us, what will the bird live in? (children name the surrounding objects using the preposition B and place the bird figurine inside the named object).
The speech therapist controls the correctness of the use of word forms in the accusative and prepositional cases with the prepositions B-HA and the adequacy of the proposed options. If the child's answer is erroneous in meaning or grammatically, the speech therapist invites the children to think about how to say it correctly.
5. Summing up.
The speech therapist asks the children to remember the names of the birds, which they talked about today, how to call them in one word, why.
It turns out that I liked the lesson.
The successes of the children are noted.