How to open a pharmacy ip. Pharmacy business profitability, ways of development and promotion

Basic calculations and real life examples on how to open a pharmacy kiosk.

Capital investments - 450,000 rubles
Business payback - 1 year

People have always been sick and will continue to do so, so they need medicine ...

Even in the smallest village, they realized that various herbs and homemade recipes are ineffective if it comes about serious diseases, so they rushed to traditional medicine.

All of this leads us to believe that opening a pharmacy kiosk from scratch can be quite a big deal, no matter where you live.

The pharmacy business, in addition to its high profitability and quick payback, is also good because even a person who does not have a pharmaceutical education can start it.

If you are seriously thinking, how to open a pharmacy kioskwhat is needed for this and what is the cost of this project, then our advice will surely help you.

Benefits of opening a pharmacy kiosk

If you live in a small village and do not know what kind of business you can start here, and even from scratch, then think about opening a pharmacy kiosk, especially if there is none in your village.

But this type of business is attractive not only for the villagers.

Regardless of how large a settlement is your habitat, a pharmacy kiosk or a full-fledged large pharmacy can be made cost-effective, and without applying special efforts.

The advantages of opening a pharmacy kiosk are as follows:

  1. This business pays off quickly enough when you consider the current cost of even the cheapest drugs.
  2. Pharmacy kiosks will always be full of customers, no matter how much the medicines they sell will cost.
    People will still want to receive quality treatment with drugs prescribed by doctors.
  3. In this business, one should not be too afraid of competition, because even if several pharmacies are located on the same street, none of them will be empty.
  4. Anyone can open a pharmacy kiosk, regardless of their education.
    You just need to hire a professional pharmacist to run the pharmacy.
  5. This one, not having huge capital, if you do not initially aim at a huge pharmacy, but are ready to be content with a small kiosk.
  6. The target audience in this type of entrepreneurial business is huge and practically unlimited, since everyone is sick: adults, children, elderly people, youth, men, women, etc.
  7. Unlike few types of business, a pharmacy kiosk can be opened in any locality, even a small village, and it will bring you income.
  8. You can build up enough competitive advantages to differentiate yourself from other kiosk owners and earn even more.

Competitive advantages of a pharmacy kiosk

It would seem that for such a type of business as a pharmacy, there is no need to invent special competitive advantages.

It is enough to adhere to reasonable pricing policyso that consumers go to you and not to your competitor.

Of course, the price of the products you sell is important (it should not be too high), but this is not enough if there is a high level of competition in your locality.

Attract maximum amount consumers can:

  • offering a rich assortment of goods (your pharmacy should have medicines for various diseases);
  • without limiting consumers to only expensive or vice versa - cheap, but not very effective drugs, you should sell both;
  • having developed a loyalty program for regular customers;
  • organizing various promotions, for example, "When buying remedies for colds in the amount of ..." Vitamin C "as a gift", "Three" Citramon "for the price of two", etc .;
  • having qualified sellers on staff who can recommend a drug to the client depending on the problems he has; this is competitive advantage very important when you consider how much our people do not like to go to doctors;

Pharmacy kiosk advertisement

“Most people live well and are happy with the state of affairs. But if you want your life to be active and exciting, try becoming a businessman. Learn the art of creation own business... It's like learning the art of making mistakes and learning from them. "
Richard Branson

When opening a business from scratch, do not forget how important it is to advertise it so that the first customers appear.

If you live in a small village, then you do not need to carry out a special advertising campaign, it is enough - a bright signboard for people to reach out to you.

But residents of large cities will have to fork out by printing flyers, posting a few ads in the local press, creating an easy-to-use website, etc.

If you do not want to spend too much money on advertising your pharmacy kiosk, then also on local forums.

Types of pharmacy business

When thinking about entrepreneurship in the field of pharmaceuticals, choose for yourself the most acceptable form of this type of business:

    This form suggests the most ample opportunities to make money, since you can not only sell medicines or cosmetics, but also make them yourself according to a doctor's prescription.

    But in addition to great opportunities for earning money, opening a pharmacy requires serious financial investments, therefore, if you have a very modest start-up capital, it is better to look at a smaller business, for example, a pharmacy kiosk.

    Pharmacy, kiosk or shop.

    Here you can only sell drugs, and even then, only those that are not dispensed with a prescription.
    But the sale of cosmetic products, as well as your own mini-production of drugs, is prohibited for you.

    But do not immediately dismiss this type of business, since it possesses undeniable advantages: does not require large investments or premises with a gigantic area.

    Online pharmacy.

    Any sales today can be done on the Internet.

    Medicines are also a commodity, so they can be sold online.
    Opening an online pharmacy is associated with serious difficulties (obtaining permits, distrust from consumers), etc. You should think carefully about everything before deciding to open such a business, especially from scratch.

How to start opening a pharmacy kiosk

This type of business implies licensing, and in order to obtain a license, you should prepare a number of documents in which you should indicate the address of the premises where your pharmacy kiosk will be located.

So you should start with the search for a suitable room. The building you choose should:

  1. Be not too small to accommodate a large enough assortment of goods.

    According to state requirements, the minimum area of \u200b\u200ba pharmacy is 12 sq. m., but it is better to rent a room with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 20 sq. m.

  2. Have: separate entrance, necessary equipment, the ability to unload goods from the street, be connected to the sewerage and water supply.
  3. Be in a busy place: on a main street, in a department store, at a train station, in a densely populated residential area, etc.
  4. Have a (albeit very tiny) utility room.

    Very often, the owners of pharmacy kiosks ignore this point, believing that you can do without it, because the pharmacist of the pharmacy kiosk delivers the goods through a small window, which means that the client does not see that next to the medicines there is a vendor's lunch box and his coat is hanging.

    And of course, you should not ignore the needs of the human body, forgetting about the service toilet.

    Do not force your employees to look for where they can relieve themselves, leaving the pharmacy kiosk unattended.

Bureaucratic delays associated with the opening of a pharmacy kiosk

This type of business does not present any particular difficulties, but it also has some nuances, which you cannot do without knowledge.

Perhaps the main difficulties that await an entrepreneur who wants to open a pharmacy kiosk is collecting documents and obtaining all the necessary permits ...

This is a difficult and time-consuming business, therefore, as soon as you have found a suitable premises, proceed with the registration of all the necessary permits.

If you are not familiar with the pitfalls of domestic legislation, then seek help from a qualified lawyer - his assistance in opening a pharmacy from scratch will be very helpful.

If you decide to act independently, then adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Register as.
  2. Determine the form of taxation, the optimal form is the UTII.
  3. Collect the required package of documents:
    • application (where you need to indicate not only your data, but also the address at which the pharmacy kiosk will work);
    • copies of your constituent documents and confirmation that you are in the unified register of entrepreneurs;
    • a certificate from the State Tax Inspectorate that you were registered;
    • receipts for payment of all required fees;
    • copies of diplomas of your employees and the manager of the pharmacy about obtaining a complete pharmaceutical education;
    • permission to operate your premises from the fire department and sanitary and epidemiological station, etc.
  4. Obtain a license to conduct pharmaceutical activities.
  5. Pay all required fees.

The registration procedure of a pharmacy booth has other nuances, so I would like to repeat the advice: do not do it yourself, hire a lawyer who will not allow the process of opening a pharmacy to take more than 30–45 days.

What else is required to open a pharmacy kiosk

Regardless of whether you decide to open your pharmacy kiosk in a city or a village, you need to take care of the mandatory components of this type of business.

You already know what requirements the state imposes on premises and regulatory documentsbut this is not enough to become the owner of a pharmacy kiosk.

Many other things also need to be taken care of.


The equipment of the premises for the pharmacy booth is subject to increased demands: it must be specialized, meet all the requirements for storing medicines, etc.

You will definitely need:

NameOfUnit cost (rub.)Amount (RUB)
Total:RUB 155,000
Racks and shelves for goods
(quantity depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe kiosk) 80,000 (equipment of a small first-aid kiosk)
1 30 000 30 000
Air conditioning
1 30 000 30 000
Table and chair

1+1 7 000 7 000
Locker for personal belongings
1 8 000 8 000


If you do not have a pharmaceutical education, then your pharmacy kiosk will need a manager who will have not only an appropriate diploma, but also at least 5 years of experience in this field.

You yourself can do the bookkeeping and executive functions.

If you want the pharmacy to work seven days a week (which is the most the right way increase revenues), you will have to hire at least three salespeople with pharmacist diplomas and work experience.

Another indispensable person in any business is a cleaning lady.

You can get by with one cleaning lady, hiring her for five days, and pay extra for the sellers who work on the weekends to clean the premises. You can hire two cleaning ladies and arrange them to work in shifts, for example 2/2 days.

The salary table for the staff of the pharmacy kiosk looks like this:

If you have a pharmaceutical education, you can save on your pharmacy manager's rate.

Drug suppliers to pharmacy kiosk

To make the most of the difference in purchase and sale prices, you need to conclude contracts directly with manufacturers, and not with those who resell drugs.

Fortunately, the choice of drug manufacturers is quite large, so you can easily select suppliers for your pharmacy kiosk.

The most popular suppliers in Russia are PFC Obnovlenie, Shreya Corporation, Peptek, Biotek, Medicine for You and others.

Assortment of medicines in a pharmacy kiosk

You should understand that if a client does not find the medicine he needs in your pharmacy kiosk, but finds it from your competitor, then the next time he will go directly to your competitor, without wasting time with you.

Try to always have the most popular and popular types and brands of drugs in stock: pain relievers, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and others.

When buying creams, tablets, potions and more, pay attention to their expiration date (it should be as long as possible so that you can sell the product).

P.S. Remember that a pharmacy kiosk cannot sell drugs containing narcotic substances, and those that are dispensed only with a doctor's prescription.

How much does it cost to open a pharmacy kiosk?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because it all depends on the settlement in which you are going to do business: for villages these are some rates, for megalopolises they are completely different.

The cost table shows averaged data:

Expenditure itemAmount (RUB)
Total:RUB 450,000
Company registration30 000
Premises rental and repair50 000
Purchase of the necessary furniture and equipment155 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods100 000
Employee salary (per month)70 000
Advertising10 000
Add. costs35 000

As you can see, in order to open a pharmacy kiosk, you will need at least 450,000-500,000 rubles.

For residents of villages, this amount will be significantly lower, for residents of large cities - higher.

Profit from opening a pharmacy kiosk

It is almost impossible to calculate the monthly profit that you will receive after opening a pharmacy kiosk.

Get ready for the fact that in the first months you will work at a loss, so try to include the costs of salaries, rent and taxes in your start-up capital.

As soon as your business is on its feet, it will start to bring good profits: from 40,000 rubles.

If you reach a monthly income of 150,000 rubles, which is quite realistic with high turnovers, then even taking into account the obligatory monthly expenses (taxes, rent, salary, purchase of goods), you will return your initial investment for the year.

Download a ready-made business plan for a pharmacy with a quality guarantee.
Business plan content:
1. Confidentiality
2. Summary
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

We offer to see useful tips from experts:

where to start opening a pharmacy business and what to look for!

Now you know how to open a pharmacy kiosk from scratch.

Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time getting all the permits and equipping the premises, but time and money will not be wasted, because you can make good money in this business.

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and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is freely accepted and of its own free will, applies to all information that LLC Inseils Rus and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Inseils Rus" (including LLC "EKAM service") may receive information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Inseils Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and the course of execution of any agreements and contracts with the User by Insales Rus LLC. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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"Insales" - Limited Liability Company "Inseils Rus", PSRN 1117746506514, INN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin st., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter - "Insales" ), on the one hand, and

"User" -

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or an individual entrepreneur registered in accordance with the legislation of the state of which such a person is a resident;

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2.1. The Parties agree to keep in secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, disclose or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, with the exception of cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

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2.3. The obligation to keep confidential information in secret is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and for five years after termination their actions, unless the Parties separately agree otherwise.

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2.7 Insales reserves the right to amend this Agreement. When making changes in the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.

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2.12 The User is obliged to immediately notify Insails about any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or about any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of his account access means. For security reasons, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insails is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3.Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. A Party that has violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transferred under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, for real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

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4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, inquiries, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those that include confidential information, must be made in writing and delivered in person or through a courier, or sent by e-mail the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated 01.12.2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be further indicated by the Party in writing.

4.2 If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3 The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. All suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement, the User has the right to send to the Inseils User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p. 11-12 Business Center "Stendhal" LLC "Inseils Rus".

Date of publication: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, p. 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

INN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

The pharmacy business ranks among the most profitable activities after the alcohol and food trade. Aspiring entrepreneurs are attracted to this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, but before starting it, you need to know how much it costs to open a pharmacy from scratch.



The relevance of the business is due to the following:

  1. High and growing demand for medicines and complementary products. It is associated with poor ecology, the use of low-quality food, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, a person's special attention to their health, etc. The overwhelming majority of the world's population needs medicines.
  2. The demand for products sold in the pharmacy exceeds the supply both in Russia and in Ukraine. Since the market is not saturated, it can be penetrated and successfully operated.
  3. High profitability and business profitability (at the level of 20 percent).

Starting a pharmaceutical business from scratch is important for a doctor, pharmacist or any other person who wants to do it and has initial capital.

Types of pharmacies

All Russian pharmacies can be divided into three types:

  • pharmacy;
  • pharmacy kiosk (branch of the pharmacy);
  • pharmacy (branch of the pharmacy).

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation issued order N 553n (dated June 27, 2010) "On the approval of the types of pharmacy organizations." It defines the requirements and features of the functioning of all types of pharmacy organizations. The text of the order can be downloaded on the Internet.

According to the order, a pharmacy enterprise can be of three types:

  • selling ready-made dosage forms;
  • with its own production;
  • with its own production and with the right to manufacture aseptic products.

The main difference between the types of pharmacies is the list of drugs allowed for sale. For example, only a pharmacy can sell prescription drugs. Narcotic, psychotropic and poisonous drugs cannot be bought in small kiosks / points.

To start a pharmacy from scratch, an entrepreneur will need to initially create a general pharmacy organization. This situation is explained by the fact that kiosks and points are a kind of structural divisions related to the pharmacy store. According to businessmen, kiosks pay off faster, they should be opened for business development in the future, but first a head pharmacy is being organized.

All pharmacies can be divided into three types:

  1. Discounter. Here, a limited range of goods is offered for sale, which is most in demand, from a low price category. Such establishments are located in busy places, for example, near public transport stops and roads, in residential areas. Also discounters will be relevant in rural areas.
  2. A pharmacy with an average range of goods. This type of establishment is very popular with businessmen. They are opened both in the city center and in areas of mass population.
  3. Large pharmacies. Showcases showcase a wide selection of basic and related medicinal products (over 7,000 items). For convenience, several counters equipped with cash desks are organized in the trading floor. This business format provides for the possibility of open display of products. Traditionally, such shops are located in the city center.

A private pharmacy can be made “closed” or “open”. The first option provides for displaying products on a display case behind glass, without direct access for buyers. The second option resembles a supermarket, where everyone can pick up a thing in their hands, choose the one they need and take it to the checkout. The open display of the goods attracts buyers with the opportunity to carefully look at the goods, read the instructions, etc.

"Open" pharmacies make it possible to make 20-30 percent more profit than "closed" ones. At the same time, it is important that the institution is located in a place with high traffic (at least 10,000 people per day). A novice businessman is advised to choose a more reliable and secure form of business organization - a “closed” pharmacy. In such a situation, the likelihood of theft of goods will be minimized.

The difference between an electronic store and a traditional pharmacy is that a website acts as a sales area on the network. To advise customers of an online store, an online assistant who can work from home must be configured.

Market description and analysis

Characteristics and trends of the Russian pharmaceutical market:

  • the market is of high social importance;
  • over the past ten years, the average annual growth rate of retail sales of medical and related products has exceeded 8 percent;
  • the largest Russian pharmacy chains - Rigla, Pharmacy 36.6;
  • in 2016, the capacity of the pharmaceutical market amounted to approximately 1,127 billion rubles (or 5.3 billion packs);
  • the share of consumer spending on the market is 68.8 percent, the state segment is 31.2 percent;
  • at the end of 2016, there were 17,133 pharmacies in the Central Federal District, where the average bill was 488.2 rubles;
  • in 2016, compared to 2015, the number of pharmacies increased by 4 percent and amounted to 60.2 thousand pharmacies;
  • the largest share of pharmacies is local (55.44 percent);
  • the average revenue of one pharmacy per month at the end of 2016 was 1,776,000 rubles.

Pharmaceutical market structure in 2016 The number of pharmacy organizations in Russia at the end of 2016 and the average bill Number of pharmacies in 2015-2017 Dynamics of indicators of the Russian pharmacy segment in 2016

Characteristics and trends of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market:

  • for 2016 the volume of sales of drugs, medical devices, dietary products and cosmetics amounted to 60 billion hryvnia (or 1.6 billion packs);
  • the market growth is observed in money terms by 21.9 percent, and in real terms - 5.7 percent;
  • goods of foreign manufacturers are mainly sold on the market;
  • the average cost of one package of goods in a standard “pharmacy basket” in 2016 amounted to 37.7 hryvnia;
  • the five largest distributors occupy 89.4 percent of the market (BaDM, Optima-Pharm, Venta, PHARM KO, Pharmplanet).

The target audience

Characteristics of the target audience of the pharmacy organization:

  • predominantly women with children visit pharmacies (men make up about 30 percent of pharmacy visitors);
  • more than half of the clients belong to the category of employees and retirees;
  • the average age of visitors is 30–55 years old;
  • income level - from low to high.

Competitive advantages

Competitive advantages of a successful pharmacy:

  • a convenient location for a pharmacy store;
  • speed of service, no queues due to the organization of several workplaces equipped with cash registers;
  • convenience of product selection due to effective use retail space;
  • a wide range for visitors with different incomes;
  • convenient working mode;
  • high service culture;
  • the competence of sellers, they must be able to give advice and answer a client's question about a particular product;
  • comfort and friendly atmosphere;
  • the ability to deliver goods to your home;
  • the ability to pay for goods in cash and non-cash methods;
  • discount cards and bonus system;
  • discounts for seniors and some other categories of visitors;
  • competent pricing policy.

Advertising campaign

To get the most out of an advertising campaign, it must be launched about a month before the pharmacy opens.

It should include the following activities:

  • placing advertisements on the network on city forums and sites related to the topic of health and treatment of various diseases;
  • adding information about the company to the catalogs of pharmacies;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • placement of information about the pharmacy in local print media;
  • distribution of leaflets with an invitation to visit the pharmacy and make a purchase at a discount;
  • creation of a corporate website or online store;
  • development of a loyalty program (for example, discounts for the elderly, regular customers, etc.);
  • development of a pricing policy, it is important not to make prices higher than those of direct competitors.

In addition to the above actions, the entrepreneur needs to order:

  • bright individual signboard;
  • shield pointer;
  • business cards;
  • discount cards.

The design of the sales area, shop windows, signboards, staff uniforms, etc., must be consistent in the same style. It is important here to pay special attention branding. Practice shows that a well-thought-out brand helps to increase customer loyalty and trust in a pharmacy organization.

Step-by-step opening instructions

Step-by-step instructions will allow a novice entrepreneur to understand where to start opening a pharmacy:

  1. Draw up a business plan from scratch with calculations.
  2. Analyze the real estate market to choose the best place for organizing a retail outlet.
  3. Conclude long-term lease agreements.
  4. Legalize the activities of the company.
  5. Implement branding.
  6. Develop a pharmacy design project.
  7. Renovate the premises.
  8. Hire staff.
  9. Negotiate with suppliers and conclude contracts with them for the supply of goods.
  10. Purchase trade equipment and install it.
  11. Obtain permits, which will allow you to start your own business.
  12. Purchase the product and its subsequent display on the shop windows.
  13. Conduct an advertising campaign.
  14. Run a pharmacy.


The main issues that should be resolved in the process of legal registration of the pharmacy's activities:

  1. Choose the organizational and legal form. In this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is usually registered. If in the future it is planned to expand the business to a pharmacy chain, then it is better to immediately register a legal entity. Also, the IP form is allowed to register only to those entrepreneurs who have a pharmaceutical education. A doctor can open his own pharmacy, but for this he will need to improve his qualifications in the field of pharmacy.
  2. Choose the form of taxation. It will be more profitable for a businessman to work according to a simplified system, according to the income minus expenses, 15 percent.
  3. Go through the procedure for obtaining a license from the Ministry of Health. Having prepared a package of necessary documents, it will not be very difficult for an entrepreneur to arrange it.
  4. Go through the procedure for obtaining permits from the supervisory authorities to open a pharmacy. A positive conclusion must be issued by the inspectors of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Service. The requirements for the sanitary regime of Russian pharmacy organizations are established in the instructions for the order of the Ministry of Health No. 309 (dated 21.10.1997).
  5. Select codes according to the classifier of types of economic activities.

When registering, the following details are indicated:

  • code 47.73 "Retail trade in medicines in specialized stores (pharmacies)";
  • code 47.74 "Retail trade in products used for medical purposes, orthopedic products in specialized stores";
  • code 47.75 "Retail trade in cosmetics and personal hygiene products".

A pharmaceutical license in both Russia and Ukraine is issued for five years.

To open a pharmacy and obtain a license in Russia, you need the following documents:

  • application for obtaining a license;
  • company registration certificate;
  • certificate confirming tax registration;
  • expert opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, Fire and Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • copies of diplomas of medical / pharmaceutical education (higher or secondary), pharmaceutical certificates and books of employees and the head of the pharmacy;
  • certified copies of documents confirming work experience in the specialty with an individual entrepreneur or head of a pharmacy;
  • contracts with organizations that carry out medical examinations of employees, cleaning the premises, disinfecting it, removing waste, dry cleaning of overalls, cleaning ventilation;
  • a lease agreement for the premises or a document confirming the ownership of it;
  • the plan of the premises from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI);
  • documents for the equipment used.

It will take about two months to collect and execute the necessary documents.

The video outlines the key points in the pharmaceutical licensing process. Filmed by the channel: "Anton Smirnov".

List of papers for starting a business in Ukraine:

  • bTI drawings (copies);
  • a copy of the diploma of a pharmacist of the head of a legal entity;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • statistics help;
  • application for a license;
  • information about the material and technical base and specialists (certified by the business entity);
  • certificates confirming the absence of the main staff mental disorders, drug and alcohol addiction;
  • a certificate confirming the absence of a conviction that has not been canceled or not cleared (for crimes of medium and special severity related to illegal drug circulation);
  • permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to use the selected premises for a pharmacy;
  • permission of the SES for the use of the premises (it must comply with the requirements of the current sanitary standards).

Since the second half of 2012, in order to obtain a license to open a pharmacy in Ukraine, a passport of a pharmacy organization is not required.

Premises and design

Requirements for the location of the pharmacy organization and premises:

  • high traffic of potential buyers, a sleeping area is best;
  • a small number, or complete absence, of pharmacy organizations in the proposed location of the outlet;
  • location close to roads and public transport stops;
  • convenient approach and access (preferably with parking);
  • the premises should not belong to the housing stock of the house;
  • an area on the ground floor (for example, in a residential building) with an individual exit from the trading floor is suitable;
  • when placing a pharmacy in a shopping center, at a hotel, train station or airport, a separate exit from the trading floor is not required;
  • small pharmacies and kiosks are best placed on the territory of clinics, hospitals, large hypermarkets, etc.;
  • availability of communications: power supply, heating, sewerage, water supply and ventilation.

Minimum standards for the area of \u200b\u200bpharmacy organizations located in Russia:

Types of pharmacy organizationsRoom areaIndustrial premisesPremises for business and administrative purposesThe room is sanitary
75 60 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (population over 1,000,000)69 54 13 2
70 55 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (population from 500,000 to 1,000,000)64 49 13 2
65 50 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (population from 100,000 to 500,000)59 44 13 2
60 45 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (population from 10,000 to 100,000)54 39 13 2
55 40 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (population up to 10,000)49 34 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (population over 10,000)45 30 13 2
A pharmacy that does not sell narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (the number of residents is over 10,000 people)39 24 13 2
Pharmacy selling narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (population up to 10,000)43 28 13 2
A pharmacy that does not sell narcotic, psychotropic and other drugs (the number of residents is up to 10,000 people)37 22 13 2
Independent pharmacy kiosk (population over 10,000)35 20 13 2
Independent pharmacy kiosk (population up to 10,000)33 18 13 2
Pharmacy store35 20 13 2

A production facility means:

  • shopping room;
  • room for receiving and unpacking products;
  • storage room (warehouse).

If the pharmacy provides for its own production of medicines, then additional space will be needed for the production workshop.

Requirements for pharmacies in Ukraine:

  • distribution of the area of \u200b\u200bthe pharmacy premises: trading floor, production and service room, bathroom;
  • the area of \u200b\u200ba city pharmacy is at least 50 square meters, in villages - 40 square meters, and in villages - 30 square meters;
  • the minimum area of \u200b\u200ba trading floor in cities and towns is at least 18 square meters, and in villages - 10 square meters;
  • the minimum area for storing medicines in cities and towns is at least 10 square meters, and in villages - 6 square meters;
  • the minimum area of \u200b\u200ba room for staff in cities and towns is at least 8 square meters, and in villages - 4 square meters;
  • the minimum area of \u200b\u200ba pharmacy is at least 18 square meters;
  • the minimum area of \u200b\u200ba city pharmacy kiosk is at least 21 square meters, and a rural or village one - 8 square meters.

Equipment and inventory

An example of equipping a pharmacy selling finished dosage forms in a Russian city with a population of 600 thousand people.

NameApproximate prices in rubles
Commercial equipment (showcases, racks, counters, etc.)200 000
Shelves with drawers for storing medicines50 000
Cash registers (two pieces)50 000
Electronic accounting software70 000
Safe-refrigerator for storing narcotic / psychotropic substances100 000
Pharmaceutical refrigerator (two pieces)80 000
Medical freezer60 000
Fire alarm equipment10 000
Security alarm equipment30 000
Ventilation system25 000
Sensors measuring temperature and humidity5 000
Office equipment40 000
Furniture for administrative premises60 000
Other equipment and inventory40 000
Total:820 000

The equipment of the pharmacy will cost the entrepreneur about 820 thousand rubles.

Shop equipment - 200,000 rubles higher or secondary pharmaceutical education (medical education is possible, but if you have additional educationauthorizing to work in a pharmacy with medicines);

  • experience in the pharmaceutical field of at least three years for a manager / manager with higher education and five years for secondary vocational education;
  • knowledge of the assortment;
  • sociability;
  • discipline;
  • benevolence;
  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • accuracy with the goods;
  • responsibility;
  • courtesy with the client;
  • ability to give qualified advice;
  • no previous convictions;
  • neat appearance.
  • It is profitable to outsource accounting. Thus, the entrepreneur will save money on the lack of the need to organize and equip a workplace for a permanent accountant and his salary.

    Financial plan

    To determine how much it costs open a pharmacy from scratch there are a number of factors to consider:

    • the type of pharmacy organization to be opened;
    • area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
    • location;
    • average cross-country ability, etc.

    Initial data for approximate calculations of the financial plan:

    • opening a pharmacy selling finished dosage forms;
    • location: a Russian city with a population of about 600 thousand people, a densely populated residential area;
    • the premise is rented out;
    • room area - 75 square meters;
    • registration of LLC;
    • number of personnel - 3 people.

    Initial attachments

    Sample start-up investments for opening a pharmacy.

    ExpendituresEstimated prices in rubles
    Registration of a legal entity, obtaining permits and licenses50 000
    Rent for the premises (for three months)120 000
    Branding and room design30 000
    Renovation of the premises200 000
    Purchase and installation of pharmacy equipment820 000
    Purchase of products2 000 000
    Advertising campaign50 000
    Insurance30 000
    Other costs30 000
    Total3 330 000

    Regular costs

    Pharmacy monthly expenses.

    ExpendituresApproximate prices in rubles
    Rent40 000
    Supplementing the assortment1 300 000
    Utility costs10 000
    Staff salaries with deductions150 000
    Consumables5 000
    Security10 000
    Marketing5 000
    other expenses5 000


    Pharmacy income is calculated based on the following data:

    • average check - 450 rubles;
    • the number of visitors who made purchases - 150 people per day;
    • average markup - 20 percent;
    • the pharmacy works seven days a week.

    The average daily income will be 63,000 rubles, the monthly income - 1,890,000 rubles. Thus, the pharmacy will make a profit of 365 thousand rubles per month (excluding taxes). The business is very profitable, its profitability is about 20 percent.

    Risks and payback

    The pharmacy business is sensitive to the following risks:

    • unsuccessful location for opening a pharmacy (for example, insufficient demand for medicines in a rural pharmacy);
    • a large number of direct competitors;
    • overestimation of the amount of rent;
    • increase in prices for goods from suppliers;
    • damage to products due to improper storage or power outages;
    • negative customer reviews about pharmacy service and product quality;
    • the risk of purchasing counterfeit goods;
    • fluctuations in the exchange rate, this may negatively affect the cost of imported drugs;
    • theft of goods by personnel;
    • changes in the provisions of regulations governing the sale of drugs.

    Business pitfalls can have an impact on the planning and return on investment of an idea to open a pharmacy. The money invested in the business should be returned to the entrepreneur in about 10-14 months.

    What will be popular in any crisis? Three things: food, alcohol and medicine. The pharmacy is always profitable. This is due to several factors: constantly deteriorating ecology, falling quality of products, unwillingness of people to take care of their health. Therefore, the pharmacy business is considered one of the most promising and profitable.

    A little information

    Many entrepreneurs believe that it is very difficult to “get into” the pharmacy business. In fact, this is not the case. In this article, we will analyze in detailhow to open a pharmacy from scratch, what documents you will need to receive and how to arrange everything correctly, without having a specialized education.

    Opening a pharmacy from scratch is not like that and difficult task, as it seems

    First of all, let's take a look at what pharmacies are like. This could be:

    1. A small pharmacy in or near a medical facility.
    2. A full-fledged pharmacy kiosk (store).
    3. A pharmacy that sells finished pharmaceutical products.
    4. Manufacturing pharmacy.
    5. A pharmacy that has the right to manufacture various aseptic preparations.

    If you have no experience, then you should stop at options 1-3, i.e. classic pharmacy stores selling finished medicinal products, etc.

    Set of documents

    let's considerwhat documents are needed to open a pharmacy, selling ready-made drugs. You will need:

    1. Obtain a license for the right to retail drugs.
    2. Obtain permission to open from the fire department.
    3. Obtain permission to open in the sanitary and epidemiological station, and also issue a sanitary passport for the premises in it.

    In principle, these are all the necessary documents for opening - as you can see, there are not very many of them. Registration of a complete package of documents takes about 40-50 days.

    Note:a license can only be obtained by an entrepreneur who has a specialized medical education... You can get around this norm through the opening of an LLC.

    Trade in pharmacy stores is usually carried out according to closed system (drugs are stored at the counter). In some cases, it is beneficial to organize the so-called supermarket trade - customers themselves take the necessary goods, paying for them at the checkout. In such a simple way, you can increase sales by 20-25%. But this way works only in areas with high traffic and an appropriate security system. In classic establishments, it is better to conduct closed trade.

    Supermarket pharmacy generates 20% more profit

    How to get a license

    Any pharmacy implies that an entrepreneur has a specialized education. Butopen a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education it is still possible. The solution will be to register an LLC instead of an individual entrepreneur. You, as a business owner, become the founder of an LLC, and a person with the necessary diploma and knowledge is appointed as the head of the pharmacy. Based on this, you are freely issued a license, and you get the full right to distribute profits from sales and dispose of the fate of the enterprise, like an individual entrepreneur.

    Room selection

    Where is the best place to open a pharmacy? Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose crowded places in the center or on the first floors of hypermarkets. In fact it is not the best solution... Most often, medicines are bought at the pharmacy closest to the house. And even if the prices in it are 10-15% higher than in the central one, then few people will spend time on the trip.

    From this we can draw a simple conclusion - pharmacies are best located in residential areas or in the center of the private sector. The store area should be about 70 meters. It houses not only a counter with showcases, but also a place for storing drugs, a room for staff, a utility block, an office for an accountant and a manager.

    The decoration of the premises is usually made with durable, easy-to-clean antibacterial materials. Usually the floor is covered ceramic tiles or homogeneous linoleum, tiles or high-quality plastic are also used for walls.

    Note: the room must be cleaned several times a day and disinfected. This applies not only to the trading floor, but also to the warehouse of medicines.

    Also, the store should have high-quality ventilation, a fire alarm, air monitoring sensors, and a burglar alarm.

    What is better - to buy a premise for a pharmacy or to rent it? The question is ambiguous. Buying a good space can be a serious investment. In addition, you will need to spend a lot of money on setting up the premises and purchasing equipment. Therefore, the best option is considered to be renting premises for a long period (at least a year) with a monthly payment.

    Competent specialists and a wide range of products are the key to guaranteed profits


    Now let's talk about equipment and howwhat you need to open a pharmacy for the sale of finished medicines. You will have to purchase:

    1. Cash registers in the required quantity (for each cash register).
    2. Temperature controlled refrigeration units.
    3. Counters and transparent display cases.
    4. Shelving.
    5. Lockers with drawers.
    6. Computers with appropriate software.
    7. Safes, which are necessary for storing narcotic drugs.
    8. Tables and chairs for utility rooms, storage racks in the warehouse.

    Staff recruitment

    You need specific staff to open a pharmacy store. The pharmacy manager must have a proven pharmaceutical education. Also, the manager must have at least five years of work experience in the specialty.

    Pharmacological education and experience must be present with vendors. Every 5 years, all employees undergo refresher courses to improve their level of knowledge. The seller must understand what he is selling because up to 80% of shoppers come without a prescription and the pharmacist has to sell drugs based on symptomatology.

    Where to get the goods?

    Our step-by-step instruction after opening a pharmacy, it comes to its logical conclusion - the last we will consider the question of where to get the goods. Usually, there are no difficulties with this - in each city there are several distributors from different companies. Never get hung up on one thing - work with multiple suppliers. This will allow you to maximize your assortment and reduce prices through competition.

    Note:often large distributors offer good discounts on high volumes. Therefore, small single pharmacies form purchasing cooperatives to keep them afloat.

    To open, you will need not only racks and display cases, but also refrigeration equipment, safes, cabinets and cash registers.

    If you do not want to cooperate with others, then your purchase prices will not be the most profitable and low. Therefore, think about how to reduce the final cost of medicines and attract customers. It's easy to do - provide additional services. For example, free blood pressure measurement, competent consultations, expanding the range of products through cosmetics and food supplements.


    We have come to the main question -how much is open a pharmacy kiosk and how much you can earn on it. The average cost of opening varies in the range of 1.5-2 million rubles. This amount includes absolutely everything: obtaining documents and licenses, renting and repairing premises, purchasing equipment, furniture, drugs, an advertising campaign and a payroll for the first time.

    The profitability of opening depends on several factors: location, rental cost, purchase prices, and the presence of competitors.

    The mark-up for medicines is 30%, for related products - 50%. Providing a constant flow of visitors (as it is in most cases), all investments made will pay off in a maximum of 2 years. Detailedpharmacy business plan you can find it on the Internet and adjust it to suit your conditions.

    At first glance, the profitability is not the best - there are many more interesting projects that pay off much faster. But a pharmacy is a guarantee of constant income and an almost risk-free business. The profitability of the business increases with each new open point - two pharmacies pay off in 12-15 months, three or more in 9-12 months. This is due to lower prices for bulk purchases, as well as cost optimization. In general, a pharmacy is a profitable, stable and white business that will always be in demand. It can be both a family affair and a start to opening your own network.

    In contact with

    The presence of start-up capital, the desire to start your own business and minimal knowledge in the chosen field - that's, perhaps, all that is needed to launch a profitable or large metropolis. The beginning entrepreneur will face pitfalls associated with the specifics of the job and unpleasant surprises; the main thing is not to get upset and strictly follow the developed plan, gradually increasing the reach of the audience and increasing the pace of sales. One of the best options for starting a business from scratch is opening a pharmacy or pharmacy.

    For registration and maintenance entrepreneurial activityrelated to the sale of medicines and devices, permits and certificates are required for each type of product, which greatly complicates the workflow. Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to open a pharmacy from scratch and the approximate cost of the project. The final section lists the main difficulties that a businessman will have to face, and gives advice on how to overcome them.

    Is the pharmacy business profitable today?

    The short answer to this question is yes.... An entrepreneur who has thought up may go broke due to the low demand for the product; the pharmacy owner is definitely not in danger of such an outcome - at least as long as people are sick and need treatment and prevention. And this is not counting the huge range of cosmetics and dietary supplements sold in most pharmacies, opened from scratch or on the basis of pre-existing ones, the demand for which has only been growing over the years.

    Important:and yet there is no point in hoping for an instant conquest of the target audience. Pharmacies or pharmacy points under the most different brands are open in all corners of Russia, and therefore the first thing a businessman will face is tough competition (up to attempts to withdraw him from the market by near-criminal methods).

    That is why it will be easier for an entrepreneur who has no experience of struggle or does not want to waste nerves, strength and a huge amount of time, or find another, less "capricious" and dangerous species business. But if the money has already been prepared, and the drug trade still seems tempting, you need to get down to business: following the suggested below detailed instructions, any pharmacy owner will be able to bring the project to its logical conclusion - the development of a stable stream of customers that generate income.

    The advantages of owning a pharmacy:

    1. Constant guaranteed demand... Its reasons have been described above; there is no need to fear a decrease in the demand for the proposed products in the foreseeable future - and even if this happens, the entrepreneur will always be able to switch to the sale of cosmetics and prophylactic drugs.
    2. Legality... Many seem to experienced people who have already had the good fortune to contact the supervisory authorities, dubious; a pharmacy business, opened from scratch or purchased from the previous owner, upon receipt of all the necessary licenses and certificates, is guaranteed to be legal; another matter is the illegal actions of the personnel, the methods of dealing with which will be described in the penultimate section of the material.
    3. Simplicity... It doesn't matter what the pharmacy is doing: exclusively purchasing and reselling drugs or own production; in both cases, the business owner will not have to rack his brains. All medicines sold in the Russian Federation are produced according to a strictly defined technology and are subject to certification without fail - the entrepreneur can only choose from the list. It is possible to develop your own medicinal substances, but such an activity is associated with tedious bureaucratic difficulties and is not recommended for a newbie in the pharmaceutical business.
    4. The ability to earn an ethically sound way... It is unlikely that this factor will be decisive, but a businessman with a responsible approach to business will be pleased to know that his pharmacy is of real benefit - and besides, the more positive the impression of it among potential and existing customers, the more profitable the business will be.

    Important:the main disadvantages of opening a pharmacy from scratch are bureaucratic delays and the threat from permanently unstable domestic legislation. At any time, an entrepreneur may be faced with the need to pay a fine or answer to a court, as well as with a loss of income due to an unexpected ban on the free sale of medicines.

    Still, creating your own pharmacy business with the right approach is a profitable business in terms of a combination of factors. How to start as an entrepreneur and how to avoid unexpected collapse - in the next section.

    What do you need to open a pharmacy?

    The first thing that it is recommended to do to any person who decides to open his own business is to prepare and. This document, which can be used even after the start of the project, combines tempting offers for potential lenders or investors and an algorithm for the actions of the pharmacy owner. The business plan is especially important if not only the pharmaceutical business starts from scratch, but the career of the entrepreneur himself: without proper commercial experience and the ability to check the set goals, it will most likely end in failure.

    Important: creating a pharmacy or pharmacy chain from scratch is a rather expensive business, therefore, the abundance of those presented on the Internet will not work. You can focus on ready-made buildings, but the plan must be individual, taking into account local characteristics and closest competitors.

    If an entrepreneur cannot write it on his own, you can involve professionals in the business; the more competently the business plan is drawn up, the more chances the future pharmacy owner will have to receive additional financial assistance from investors and lenders.

    The next step after creating the document is to search for funding sources. The need for them remains almost always and regardless of the beginning entrepreneur's own security. If, nevertheless, there is no need to take, you can proceed to the next stage of the project implementation - registration with state bodies.

    Business registration

    First of all, a novice entrepreneur needs to contact the Federal Tax Service. This can be done both by personally coming to "your" branch of the Federal Tax Service, and by filling out the unified form P21001 on the official tax portal; in addition, you will need to pay a state fee, which is 800 rubles for individual entrepreneurs, and 4 thousand rubles for opening a legal entity. Regardless of the form chosen, you can deposit money using a printed receipt or via the Internet using a convenient payment service.

    Important: during the registration process, both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are transferred to - complex. It is much more logical to choose one of the simplified systems - this can be done by submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service. As a result, a businessman will not be able to pay several different taxes, but only one, the rate of which depends on the sum of factors: the type of activity, the number of employees hired, gross income for the reporting period and the chosen taxation scheme.

    Another issue that should be considered in advance is the type of pharmacy to be created from scratch or reopened. There are five of them in total:

    1. An industrial pharmacy that produces medicines of any spectrum of action (up to narcotic and psychotropic, depending on the licenses available). This is the most difficult to register, but also the most profitable enterprise, which guarantees the owner the absence of small competitors and the opportunity to receive income not only from the sale of products to the population, but also from the sale of medicines to legal entities. When filling out the P21001 form in this case, you must specify the code for All-Russian classifier types of economic activities (OKVED 2) 24.42.1 - "Production of medicines".
    2. Industrial pharmacy focused on the manufacture of antiseptic (disinfecting) drugs... Not as profitable, but also much easier to design a business, the main advantage of which is the ability to concentrate on several of the most popular types of products that are in demand at any time. To attract more customers, the company can produce antiseptic solutions in original packaging and different forms - up to "road"; unlike medicines, here you can take liberties in the design of the packaging and experiment with the forms - of course, strictly monitoring the compliance of the drug with the current standards. The OKVED code of this type of business is the same as in the previous case.
    3. "Full-size" pharmacy, which sells finished medicinal products... A much simpler variety, equally suitable for beginners and people who already have experience in the pharmaceutical field. If desired, you can combine the listed options: one and the same institution can produce its own products and sell medicines manufactured by third parties. In the latter case, 52.31, 52.32 and 52.33 should be added to the already familiar code according to OKVED 24.42.1 (trade in pharmaceutical; medical and orthopedic; perfumery and cosmetic products, respectively).
    4. Pharmacy store or stall... This establishment takes up less space than a stand-alone pharmacy, bought, rented or built from scratch; it will be enough for an entrepreneur to draw up an agreement for the use of an area in any shopping or shopping and entertainment center, subsequently not forgetting to pay the rent regularly; no more difficulties with the organization of a pharmacy store are expected. Since it is engaged in the production of medicines in a small area and surrounded by others retail outlets will not work, when submitting an application to the tax office, it will be enough for a novice businessman to indicate the three codes listed above according to OKVED 2 - or only those of them that correspond to the concept of the store.
    5. Pharmacy... The most popular in recent years and the most mobile form of a pharmacy, which can be opened quickly, without attracting unnecessary employees and with minimal use of own or rented space. It is a fairly common practice to open a pharmacy as an add-on to a manufacturing pharmacy - in this case, the entrepreneur will not need to issue additional permits for a second pharmacy. OKVED 2 codes are the same as listed above; a businessman can indicate all three options or, if he does not plan to sell perfumes and cosmetics, only the first two.

    Unlike most cases of starting a business, it is better to register a pharmacy as a legal entity - this will add solidity to the company and remove a number of issues when obtaining the right to sell psychotropic and narcotic substances. However, an individual entrepreneur can also trade in medicines; the advantages of registering an individual entrepreneur for opening a pharmacy are the minimum state duty and more flexible taxation schemes.

    After submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service and receiving a positive response (and with it - certificates), the entrepreneur must, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 416 "On Medicines" dated July 6, 2006, go through a number of other instances:

    • sanitary and epidemiological service (SES);
    • Rospotrebnadzor;
    • Roszdravnadzor;
    • state fire supervision.

    To obtain permission to open a pharmacy in the SES, an entrepreneur or his representative (in this case, it is necessary to draw up a power of attorney in advance and certify it with a notary) must submit the following documents:

    • an application in the prescribed form - its form and a sample of filling can be found on the Global Network or asked directly when visiting the sanitary and epidemiological station;
    • passport or other document, in accordance with the current legislation, suitable for identifying the identity of the applicant;
    • if the application is submitted through a representative - the latter's passport and a notarized power of attorney giving the right to act on behalf of a businessman;
    • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
    • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
    • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate relating to a building acquired or built from scratch;
    • if the pharmacy is located on a rented area - the corresponding agreement between the entrepreneur (can also be concluded through an intermediary) and the lessor;
    • agreements with third parties, companies or individual entrepreneurs maintenance of the premises, disinfection, medical examinations of employees, garbage disposal, and so on;
    • explication and layout from the BTI;
    • certificate of compliance of production conditions with standards;
    • other documents upon request - it is better to clarify the list in advance by calling the SES at hotline or by using the "local" number.

    The next stages are visits to Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor and Gospozhnadzor. Having finished with the formalities and having received all the required permits and certificates, the owner of a pharmacy, built from scratch or bought from a less successful entrepreneur, can start trading, not forgetting about the terms of license renewal - work on expired permits threatens an administrative fine and sometimes criminal liability.

    Advice: in order to avoid visiting the same authorities several times, a businessman is advised to make copies of all documents in the required quantity in advance. It is not required to certify them by a notary, unless otherwise provided by law - it is enough only to have them physically.

    Selection of premises

    If you can register an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity without having a room or area for a pharmacy, then you will definitely need it to take the next steps - therefore, before contacting the SES or Gospoznadzor, a businessman needs to choose the best place.

    To design a full-fledged pharmacy, you must have at least 75 square meters at your disposal; they will be equipped with working rooms, a manager's office, accounting, a staff room, utility and utility rooms, a bathroom and an archive.

    The minimum area for arranging a pharmacy stall or point is 13 square meters; Of course, it will not work to place the entire range on them, which means that visitors should have access to the full list of goods - or the opportunity to get instant help from a specialist. We must not forget: the more comfortable the service and the faster the client can go further, having completed the business at the pharmacy, the more popular the institution will be and the more income it will bring to the owner.

    Equipment purchase

    The list of production equipment that should be in any pharmacy includes:

    • closed and open shelving;
    • cash registers;
    • terminals for working with plastic cards;
    • counters;
    • simple cabinets for storing medicines;
    • safes for storing medicines from special groups;
    • refrigerators;
    • other furniture and office equipment;
    • bathroom equipment, etc.

    Advice:it would also not hurt to put a few chairs or benches and tables for visitors in the pharmacy hall. This will not only help them relax, but will also give the entrepreneur the opportunity to familiarize potential customers in more detail with the assortment, including new items: brochures and models of medical and orthopedic equipment can be placed on the tables.

    Also, to attract buyers, it will not hurt to place electronic automatic blood pressure monitors and scales in the pharmacy building, which everyone can use for free: a person who looks in to check their health is likely to acquire something to maintain it - or at least hand cream, shampoo, soap and others. necessary goods on the farm.

    Assortment formation

    There are no clear recommendations on the formation of the assortment for the pharmacy. If an enterprise is engaged not only in sales, but also in production, it is quite logical to present the visitor with a full range of its products; if it is only about the implementation finished products, it is necessary, if possible, to combine all its types - from psychotropic and narcotic substances, dispensed only by prescription, to cosmetic creams and masks: the choice pleases any visitor, encouraging him to continue shopping in this place.

    The most popular medicines include:

    • broad spectrum pain relievers - emphasis should be placed on over-the-counter and relatively safe even when the recommended dose is exceeded: few buyers will read the instructions before taking a pill;
    • cooling and warming ointments and gels for joints - as a rule, to provide a decent choice, it is enough to present one or two expensive drugs and several of their cheap analogues in each segment;
    • ointments for the skin - the wider their range is, the better for both buyers and entrepreneurs;
    • medicines to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract - as in the first paragraph, more attention should be paid to over-the-counter drugs;
    • antibiotics - it is not worth displaying all existing drugs on the showcase, however, the readiness to bring a rare drug to order will have the most positive effect on the reputation of the pharmacy.

    Advice:it makes sense to place on the windows of a pharmacy opened from scratch or acquired on a turnkey basis, not only special cosmetical toolsbut also conventional soaps, creams and shampoos. Sooner or later, the client will still need to buy them in the store, and it will be much more convenient for him to buy everything at once in one place, even if at first it seems a little unusual.

    Search and attraction of personnel

    According to the current regulations, the head (director) of a pharmacy must have the education of a pharmacist or pharmacist and work experience in the specialty for at least five and three years, respectively. Violation of these rules leads to administrative responsibility and the need to find another, more qualified employee. If the entrepreneur himself meets the specified parameters, he can arrange himself for the place of the leader, thus saving on wages and contributions deducted to state funds.

    In addition, the staff of a non-manufacturing pharmacy must have:

    • pharmacist;
    • at least two pharmacists;
    • chief Accountant;
    • room cleaner;
    • driver;
    • security guard.

    It goes without saying that in order to ensure the functioning of production, additional personnel must be hired: laboratory assistants, workers, and so on. Their number, as well as the required qualifications, depend on the orientation of the enterprise and the plans of the pharmacy owner for the further growth of the sales network.

    Advertising campaign

    The further success of the pharmacy largely depends on the quality of the organization of the first advertising campaign. As a rule, any reputational failure or oversight can be resolved with a new promotion - but why spend extra money if you can immediately attract a qualified expert?

    It will not hurt to advertise the opening of a pharmacy in newspapers, on radio and television channels, as well as place it on the Internet. To complement the positive impression of potential customers, it is also recommended to use handouts (brochures, business cards), billboards and banners.

    For certain categories of citizens who have a special love for various promotions, immediately after opening a pharmacy, you can arrange several days of discounts (or issue individual discount cards for them with a minimum percentage that does not ruin a businessman). Such events should be announced on the Internet, for example, on the pages of a pharmacy in in social networks, or you can launch a separate ad series that complements the main one.

    How much does it cost to open a pharmacy from scratch?

    It is impossible to name the exact cost of opening a pharmacy from scratch: it depends not only on prices in a particular region, but also on the entrepreneur's ability to establish relationships with suppliers and elementary luck.

    In the most general case, you will have to invest in launching a pharmacy with an area of \u200b\u200b75 square meters:

    • rental expenses - 300-500 thousand rubles (first installment);
    • renovation and decoration of premises without redevelopment - 1.5-2 million rubles;
    • equipment, including safes and refrigerators - 2-4 million rubles;
    • office equipment and software, including special software - 1–2 million rubles;
    • paperwork - about 100 thousand rubles for all possible cases;
    • starting advertising campaign - 100-200 thousand rubles;
    • other expenses - up to 1 million rubles.

    Thus, to open a regular pharmacy, you will need to spend about 6 million rubles; The amount required to launch your own industrial pharmacy, due to the high cost of equipment and difficulties with business registration, grows by an order of magnitude. However, as already mentioned, the income from such a business will be significantly higher.

    Opening a pharmacy from scratch - pitfalls

    Two pitfalls in starting a pharmacy from scratch, namely bureaucratic difficulties and high cost, have already been written above. It is impossible to deal with them in full: the entrepreneur can only use the connections, if any, optimize costs and try not to violate the current legislation. Of course, there can be no question of selling non-certified medicines - this is not only illegal, but also completely unethical.

    But to deal with another complication (violation by staff job descriptions) can and should be. Customer service quality should be monitored using installed cameras with the function of listening, as well as regularly visiting the hall during the work of employees.

    The sale of "special" medicines without a prescription can be stopped not only by preventive conversations and observation, but also by hiring disinterested employees - for example, representatives of security agencies. Of course, such a precaution is associated with additional spending - but in the end it is more profitable than losing money or even losing your business due to unscrupulous workers.

    Summing up

    It is possible to open from scratch both a production and a stand-alone pharmacy, a store or a pharmacy. In all cases, it is necessary to start registering a business by going to the tax office and filling out the universal form P21001. In the future, the businessman will need to obtain permits from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, Gospoznadzor and other authorities.

    The minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe premises for a "full-format" pharmacy is 75 square meters; for a pharmacy - 13 square meters. The hired employees must include two pharmacists and a pharmacist, as well as cleaners, drivers and security guards. The first advertising campaign should be started even before the pharmacy opens; during its holding, you can announce various discount and holiday promotions that can attract the maximum number of visitors.