What is Merino wool - properties, use in the production of things, plaid, blankets and thermal power. Merino wool - what is it? Properties and products Care and pricing policy

Since a healthy lifestyle has become a guide for many people, we carefully read into information on the label - whether it is a packaging of cheese or a winter sweater, designed to warm in bad weather. In pursuit of the best we face new terms and names. One of them is proudly blocked on the label inscription "Merino - 100%". What kind of wool is this - Merino? And how is it unique? ..


Merino - a special breed of sheep, whose wool is characterized by the longest and thin fibers. It will not be an exaggeration to say that this is the legendary breed. Until 1765, attempts to remove this high-quality from Spain dealt with the death penalty, and wearing products from Merinos wool could exceptionally noble parties. And only in the XVIII century, when the Spaniards were defeated from the British, Merino were taken out of the country. However, to master the art of breeding sheep, the British managed not immediately. About 200 years passed, before the specialists of the country of fogs and rains were able to achieve significant success in sheep-flowering, comparable to the skill of the Spaniards. The ideal conditions for the breeding of Merinos were in Australia, where the widespread use of wool on an industrial scale began. By the way, a country to this day remains one of the world leaders of the production of merino wool. Surely you are already intrigued by the fact that the Europeans could make a fierce struggle for the "Golden Fleece". And the reasons for this really quite a lot.

For any weather and season

The main secret of Merino's wool is that it supports the optimal microclimate. The best proof of this is the well-being of sheep, which can equally well with the low winter and high summer temperatures.

It is not surprising that scientists have not yet been able to create an analogue that could repeat its thermal stabilizer properties. Clothing from Merino is thin to the touch, but surprisingly warm products (sweaters, blouses, vests). In them, the winter cold will be for you anything. If you get in bed linen from Merinos (a duct cover, a pillow, a blanket), it is equally great to serve you both in the winter and summer. Just think: in the fibers there are millions of air pads, which retain heat regardless of temperature drops. And thanks to high hygroscopicity, Merino wool can absorb up to 33 percent of moisture from its volume. Thanks to this property, the body always remains dry.

Heats and Lechit

To date, the intake properties of Merinos have no doubt.

First, wool is favorably affecting the joints and actively stimulates blood circulation.

Secondly, due to a significant number in animal wax wool - Lanolina - products from Merinosa have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and absorbing effect. Therefore, clothes from this wool are recommended to wear those who suffer from, rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, problems with bronchi, swelling.

Thirdly, due to the ability to maintain the best microclimate in clothes from Merinos, a person is less tired.

Finally, in the Epoch of Allergies, it is impossible not to say that this wool is hypoallergenne, so Merino is the best choice for children, pregnant women, athletes and all those who care about their health and comfort.

Looks like a hundred!

The appearance of Merino wool will not disappoint you too. It is extremely soft, lush, elastic and surprisingly beautiful products that have long and well hold the shape.

At the same time, wool has high strength, it is extremely practical in use.

And no insomnia!

Often, problems with sleep can be caused by "wrong" bedding. Make a very healthy and strong will also help Merinos.

Today, there is a large selection of products from Merinos, including blankets, duvettes. In such a bed, you will not sweat - ventilation is just perfect. At the same time, underwear, like clothes, extremely beneficial effects on the body during sleep.

As you can see, in its properties, Merinos cannot exceed any other breed of sheep. Modern manufacturers offer us not only clothes and bed linen, but also auto-sidewings, decorative pillows and (from the wool is made by the upper part of it). During the year with one sheep you can get wool for the manufacture of about five items of clothing. We wish that at least a few of them are in your closet in the form of fashionable blouses and sweaters!

In recent decades, natural materials are widely replaced by synthetic with a predetermined set of properties.
In pursuit of new, advanced technologies that facilitate human life, we learned how to pay more attention to not so much terms and names as the useful properties of materials used in the manufacture of certain products.
One of the materials, with the name of which a large number of unique properties is connected is Merino's wool.

Historical reference

Merinos is the unique breed of sheep, which is already divorced only for the sake of the for the sake of fine-sided high quality wool. The birthplace of this legendary breed is considered to be Spain. Until 1765, attempts to remove this high-quality wool from Spain dealt with the death penalty, and wearing products from Merinos wool could exceptionally noble people.
And only in the XVIII century, when the Spaniards were defeated from the British, Merino were taken out of the country.

However, to master the art of breeding sheep, the British managed not immediately. About 200 years have passed, before the specialists of other countries were able to achieve significant success in sheep-flowering, comparable to the skill of the Spaniards.

The ideal conditions for the breeding of Merinos were in Australia, where the widespread use of wool on an industrial scale began.

Australia and New Zealand today remain world leaders of production of merino wool.

Unique properties of Merinos wool

Nature endowed Merino's wool unique properties to help animals in a natural medium to carry low temperatures in winter and too high in summer.

The structure of the merino wool is the twisted thin fibers, between which the airspace is formed, and, as experts were calculated, at one centimeter, good wool of this species fits up to 40 such waves. Just think: in the fibers there are millions of air pads, which retain heat regardless of temperature drops.

The structure of the furnos of Merino "Scaly" - the exterior cuticles cover the fibers like tile. This structure of the woolen hair makes it easily dumping, which is actively used when creating nonwoven woolen canvases - such as felt and felt.

Due to the high hygroscopicity, Merinos wool is capable of absorbing up to 33% of moisture from its volume, which allows the body under the clothing from Merino's wool always remain dry.

The benefits of Merino wool

Year after year, as eco-friendly, healthy tissues, which have a beneficial effect on human health, is growing and the popularity of Merinos.
Merino wool has pronounced healing properties, first of all, due to the high content of Lanolin - animal wax.

Among the favorable types of effects of Merinos and human health can be called the following:

1. Merinos clothing favorably affects muscles and joints, so it is shown to people suffering from pain in the joints and muscles;
2. Sweaters, socks, other clothes made from this wool perfectly stimulates blood circulation;
3. Clothes from this material are counted to the category of "thermoemones", as it retains the optimal human health microclimate;
4. Merinos - hypoallergenic material, especially this is relevant for people who have increased sensitivity;
5. Lanolin is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and resinking and properties;
6. Merinos clothing is shown to people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism, orthopedic materials, bronchial illness;
7. Wearing clothes from Merino is the prevention of swelling; those who constantly suffer from this problem will decrease edema;
8. Effectively absorbs moisture with an increased sweating, and it remains dry;
9. Merinos wool is equally useful for adults and children.

Why is Keeptex used in waterproof products of Merinos?

The distinctive characteristics of the merino wool are:

1. Easiness and high strength
2. Good breathable properties
3. High hygroscopicity
4. Antallergity
5. Antiseptic properties
6. The ability to preserve the optimal microclimate

These unique properties of Merinos wool combined with the latest membrane technologies make Keeptex products (for example, waterproof knitted gloves and waterproof socks are comfortable, practical, reliable and durable, equally useful for both professionals and everyday use.

Merino wool - what is it? This is the finest natural wool of a certain type of sheep, merino. In addition to the fineness of the fibers, it is strong enough of its quality. Objects of clothing related to this wool, very long do not lose its commodity view with a long-term sock and at the same time it is well kept warm.

History of origin

Such a type of sheep as Merino was first led in Spain. Initially, it was an elite type of material that was exclusively monarching. For ordinary versators, wearing things made from Merinos wool was strictly prohibited. And if someone tried to take Merinos outside the country, he was cruelly punished. All this continued until the XVIII century. But already during the conquests of the British, those randomly grabbed a couple of representatives of this type of sheep with them on board and delivered to Australia. And it was here that the climate was ideal for their breeding. Today Australia is the main exporter worldwide.

Merino wool: what it is and what its properties

Due to the complex climatic conditions of survival, merino wool and gained the following properties. After all, in Australia, very harsh winter and incredibly hot summer. And thanks to the properties of thermoregulation, the animals managed to adapt to the harsh climate. Fibers are very thin - 5 of them can be equated in thickness to one human hair. This is the secret of thermal insulation of this type of wool. And at the same time, you can wear products from Merinos wool for several days and even the smell of sweat will not even appear. If for this try to use any other wool, then the clothes will need to wash every day.

It is no secret that any sheep wool can not only warm, but also to heal. After all, wool is a natural product that, with ease, absorbs everything toxic, which is released from then in the process of socks. But in addition to the absorption of toxic substances, it perfectly absorbs moisture and warms. The structure of the fiber has a spring form, which allows dirt and dust not to stick to it. In order to clean the thing, you just need to shake it intensively. Great as in the cold season as a heating and a hot summer day. Therefore, such a fiber is very convenient to fill blankets at different times of the year. This wool struggles well with unpleasant odors, and therefore it is very often used in the textile industry.

An additional bonus - serves as an excellent calming agent. After all, so cozy after a hard work day to turn into a bedspread from soft wool.

What is manufactured from

So, Merino's wool - what is it and what is made of it? The most common type of objects made from the wool of this species are the objects of children's clothing. After all, at a small age, children do not always complain to parents on whether it is hot or cold. And in clothing from this material they are never hot and not zyabko - do not stand and do not freeze. Very popular baby thermal underwear from Merino wool. But do not forget that this is only a layer of lower clothes, put on the child in the cold season.

How to choose baby thermal underwear?

Choosing a children's thermal underwear from Merinos's wool, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the material. The main argument for parents is its practicality, useful qualities and price. It is not so thick of the fabric, as its properties absorb sweat and not to skip the cold.

Merino wool blankets

Very popular products in the form of plaids and blankets, which give people only comfort and peace. What is interesting, the fame of the wool blankets of this type of sheep first arose long before the appearance of the textile industry.

Bedding is massively produced from this type of wool due to its hypoallery.

Merinos wool products are erased like any other woolen. It is necessary to see the care tips on the label. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, and the thing after washing can not be pressed.

Main advantages

We continue to consider Merinos wool. What it is, we learned. Now we will analyze its advantages:

  1. Hydrocopic wool.
  2. Excellent thermal insulation due to the unusual fiber structure.
  3. Wool breathes well.
  4. Never cause allergies.
  5. Sufficiently elastic.
  6. Does not require special care.

But the most important thing is: Merinos wool blanket is a daily micromassage of the whole body. Due to dry heat and lanoline fat on the fiber surface, it is an excellent tool for treating diseases such as arthritis, radiculitis, back pain, well helps with a cold. This is the only wool of all, which is harmless and safe, even for babies and people with bronchial asthma.

So it is safe to argue that Merino wool is truly elite wool!

Reading time: 6 minutes

Merino wool, that this is: View of wool, coated with fine sheep. Merino's wool soft, warm and cozy. It is expensive, but you can find options cheaper with the addition of synthetic fibers.

Merino and his wool

Who is Merinos: this is a thinner of the sheep. They are less meat breeds, the focus is made on the quality of wool. Until the 18th century, they were not taken out of Spain, it was punished by law.

What is Merino wool: a thin pile that cuts from these sheep. He is thinner than the hair of other sheep breeds. Now 80% of the material is exported from Australia.


Merino wool is several species. This is determined by the thickness of the hair:

  • The first option is a common and thick wool with a thickness of 22.6 microns. The most wear-resistant, mixed with acrylic or polyester fibers. From her make cheap wool knitwear, upholstery for car seats. Designers use it for wall coating indoors.
  • The average merino wool has a diameter of 20.6-22.5 microns. From her do knitted materials, sew light suits.
  • Thin medium wool Merino is most common. The size of the pile is 19.6-20.5 microns. Soft and durable, durable. Used for the manufacture of medium and heavy knitwear, outerwear.
  • Thin fiber has a diameter of 18.6 to 19.5 microns.
  • The size of the super-thin hair varies from 17.6 to 18.5.
  • Ultrathin Option - Ultrafin. Its diameter from 16.1 to 17.5.
  • Extrafin is fibers up to 16 microns. If desired, manufacturers receive hair with a diameter of 13.5 and even less. Merinos Extrafin from 12.5 μm is often used for mixing with other elite types of fibers: cashmere and silk. Rare and expensive material for the manufacture of female and men's clothing are obtained.


With one animal, up to 15 kg of pile for the year. From such a quantity it turns out a fiber in length of 8,000 kilometers. Natural color of this wool white. Other properties of this material:

  • Soft, nice to the body, does not scratch and does not irritate the skin;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • passes air;
  • hygroscopicity - absorbs moisture up to 30% of its own mass;
  • When the sweat is absorbed, things from Merinos wool remain comfortable and dry to the touch;
  • warms better than other materials;
  • Keeps the body temperature in any weather;
  • durable, fire-resistant, wear-resistant;
  • not electrified;
  • elastic, elastic, reaches well;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • Repulsion of dirt and self-cleaning.

Merinos wool products warm better than other wool, because the fibers are thin, have more small spaces among themselves. This provides warm air delay. The thinner of the fur shell, the thing is warmer.

Merino Wool - a mark that can be on products or yarn from 100% Merinos wool.

Wool of various merino

The material is different, depending on the habitat and age of the animal.

From Australia

Wool Australian Merinos is different from European. This contributed to this another climate. Exterior hairs glimpse, protected from moisture. They are rigid and long. Internal woolls are soft, cozy, gentle. Possess good heat insulation.

Australian Merinos is considered a separate breed. From this country, the largest amount of this material is exported. Now in Australia about 150 million animals. Several different kinds are derived for creating materials of different quality.

Beautiful wool gets with sheep grown on environmentally friendly meadows with good vegetation. It is hypoallergenic due to the content of Lanolin.

New Zealand

New Zealand Merinos gives smooth, soft and fairly thin fibers from 16 microns. It costs the material is not noone, but this does not affect its popularity. The queues are built behind it, large yarn and fabric manufacturers buy almost everything immediately. Sheep layers just do not have time for the desires of buyers.

In this country, a terrible operation of Mulsing on the prevention of meat flies is not practiced. But since 1930, this is permitted in Australia.

Virginian Material

There are two options for the definition:

  1. The one is suspended from the lamb of the age of 4-6 months. Its fibers are not more than 20 microns. Fibers are harvested with hands, from one animal it turns out not more than 140 g.
  2. Virginia wool - used for the first time. It was not used anywhere, not recycled. Consisses both adult rams and lambs. This is the most common option of the name of this species.

Virginian can only be called the material that is assembled from a living and fully healthy animal.

Products from Merino wool of this type are suitable for everyday wearing. They almost do not impenetrate, they do not form cousins \u200b\u200band resistant to water. Well absorb pairs: a crumpled thing can be hung in a room with a big humidity and after some time there will be no chances.


What fur differs from wool: it remains on the selected skin after the haircut directly woolly. The skin is treated with a formalin solution to impart glacial and softness.

The product is usually painted, the fur in natural color looks unattractive. Apply different shades of dyes, most popular - brown or black. This fur is called Muton.


Material is manufactured only in Russia. Abroad, production with formalin is considered very harmful.

Care rules

How to erase this material:

  • Use water no more than 30-35 degrees. It is necessary for a liquid detergent marked "for wool" or shampoo.
  • From a mixture of water and means whipped thick foam. It is necessary to lower the product for a few minutes.
  • The thing is neat with neat movements, do not cool and do not pull. Then carefully rolled a couple of times. You need to fully wash the detergent.

  • Press part of the water, but not unscrew. Put on a cotton fabric to absorb the main moisture.
  • Place on the towel, leave in the right form. If necessary, combing while the thing is wet.

Before washing in the car you need to make sure whether it is possible to do it. If the inscription on the tag allows you to choose a delicate mode or program wool. The temperature of the water is up to 30 degrees, delicate detergent and the absence of spinning is mandatory.

Merinos is a breed of sheep, preferably living in Australia. Their wool is valued due to high quality. The size of the animal is slightly less than that of ordinary home sheep, but the main value of Merinos is its wool.

Quality wool

The fiber length is approximately 65-100 mm, the width is 24 microns (microns). There are several varieties of Merinos breed. Yarn derived from such sheep also varies:

  • wide or strong: its length is 23-24.5 microns;
  • medium or medium: length 19.6-22.9 μm;
  • thin or Fine: about 18.6-19.5 microns;
  • very subtle or superfine: Length 15-18.5 microns;
  • ultrathine or Ultrafine: 11.5-15 μm.

Key Features

We list the main characteristics of the merino wool:

  1. Super thin wool is the most expensive, as Merino's population is very limited.
  2. This type of yarn is perfect for weaving with several threads - in combination with cashmere, silk. By the way, manufacturers invented technology (it is very popular in New Zealand), due to which the production is obtained above the light knitwear. It is mixed with Merinos + Yarn + Fur Opossum Fur.
  3. Wool has high hypoallergenia, perfectly removes moisture from the body. Due to air particles that are between the fibers, the yarn has a high heat efficiency.
  4. The hygroscopicity of yarn from Merinos is 30% of its own weight, after reaching this mark, the thread still continues to remove excess moisture from the skin, leaving the body dry. Such a removal prevents the reproduction of bacteria and pathogenic organisms, which is excellent for skin with a high sensitivity threshold, as well as for children with skin diseases or allergic reactions.
  5. Distinctive quality, which Merinos has, is the yarn from him is mudtoping to some extent. Fibers are so elastic that dirt does not stick to them. In order to clean the product, it is enough to simply shake it.
  6. Wool has the ability to protect against unpleasant odors. Due to the special structure of the fibers, the bacteria is unfavorable for reproduction, which prevents the appearance of an unpleasant fragrance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the natural wool of merino has white color, and the threads of another shade with 100% of the content of only merino wool simply does not exist. Accordingly, to get another shade, the wool is exposed to staining or add other fibers. However, the impurities of other threads only worsen the quality of yarn.

Another, rather a feature than a flaw, is a fat yarn Merinos complex in work. The diameter of the fibers can be about 2 cm, which gives an additional load on the hands of the needlewoman and obliges to use special working tools, as simple spokes for work will not fit.

If you understand more, then the thick of the wool is not yarn, but raw materials for its manufacture. If you look closely, then this is a large number of hair wool hair, combed and laid parallel to each other by the factory. It is called the raw tops (comb ribbon) and in structure it looks like cotton. In the work, it behaves accordingly - fastened, rushes, stretched, catches. Top products are rushing, do not hold the form. In addition, untreated wool is not ready to contact directly with the skin, since it is not completely cleaned.

A large yarn, Merino in which takes 100%, is fibers, manually twisted into harnesses, a thickness of about 1-2 cm. This yarn in the work already behaves completely differently, but still not to the end prepared.

Yarn for work

Safety and treated yarn is the fibers that have passed heat treatment and are fully prepared for use. The canvas associated with such wool does not flock, does not break and disintegrate. Fibers of the elastic, well hold warm and remove moisture.

Thread thickness can be from 5 mm to 2 cm in diameter. From this yarn, you can knit both delicate things - sweaters, sweaters, cardigans, and fashionable accessories - blankets, bags, hats, scarves.

Features of care

From the wool that Merinos gives, the yarn is obtained very delicate. When washing, the product is unacceptable to leave in water for a long time. Unscrew or squeeze things from this yarn is also not recommended. It is allowed only to spin with hands. For drying, the product is folded on a flat surface. If it seems that the form is lost, then it is necessary to give things the parameters that were to washing. After drying, the yarn will acquire former elasticity and softness, and the product will return its shape.

Insecuring wool is not washed, since after it is the resulting processing. Things after dry cleaning acquire another species and do not return the previous appearance. Such wool can only be used for products that are not supposed to be washed.

From the wool that Merinos gives, the yarn is performed perfect - high-quality, warm, soft, delicate. In work, adapt to such threads is quite difficult, but the result will be worth it. Products from such yarn look unusually and perfectly emphasize the taste of their owner.