Mini bakery business plan equipment legal requirements. Calculation of the approximate costs of starting a business

An analysis of a commercial project for the production and sale of baked goods can be carried out only if you have a ready-made business plan for a mini bakery with calculations of gross profit and all costs associated with this activity.

Ready-made business plan for a mini bakery with calculations

These economic indicators make it possible to calculate the profitability of the business, as well as to find out after what period of time the investor will be able to return the money invested in the development of the enterprise. Based on the obtained values, we can conclude how promising this activity is in our country and what place it occupies among other areas of small business.

In addition, in the presented article, the reader will find tips for registering a company, get acquainted with the main advantages and disadvantages of this activity, and also study the main stages of organizing the work of a mini-bakery, starting with an analysis of the market situation and ending with the distribution of profits.

Study of competitors and target audience

One of the axioms of the foundations of entrepreneurial activity states that any new business aimed at making a profit should begin with a careful study of possible competitors and finding a free niche in the market for the product you are interested in. The main suppliers of bread and bakery products in almost any city in Russia have always been large combines and bakeries, focused on meeting the demand of more than one tens of thousands of people. Naturally, it is almost impossible to compete with such giants in this industry.

But this is if you focus only on the traditional assortment of products manufactured by large factories. And what will the business plan of a mini-bakery show, which will produce non-standard bread products made according to original recipes? This is the whole point, one might say, the main "highlight" of this commercial project. For example, in order to start mass production of baked goods made according to a national recipe at a large factory, you need to do a lot of work and invest serious money, and a mini bakery is much more mobile in this regard. That is, if you work hard on the assortment of your future enterprise and do not spare money for advertising, the products of large bakeries will not compete with the products of a mini bakery.

So, the first potential competitor no longer poses any danger to your future business, but there are other mini-bakeries. You need to study what products they produce, where and how they sell them, what target audience they are targeting, and also find out the monthly sales volumes of bakery products. Having received maximum information about competing firms, you can start drawing up your business plan. First of all, you need to study your potential buyers. Knowing what he lives, what he loves, what income the target audience receives, you can make products that will be in 100% demand.

For example, you will work in an area where the majority of the population is retired and blue-collar workers. Their income is not large, which means that they will buy inexpensive but high-calorie bakery products. In addition, for the holidays, you can organize the production of cakes and other confectionery products on a small scale and according to individual orders. Knowing the approximate assortment, you can choose the most suitable equipment for your enterprise, that is, proceed to the next stage of business organization.

It should be noted that regardless of the economic situation in the country, political cataclysms and other objective circumstances, bread will always be in demand, and this is an additional argument in favor of organizing the work of a mini-bakery in your city.

Registration and execution of permits

If the study of competitors and target audience, as well as preliminary calculations according to the business plan, give grounds to assert that opening a mini-bakery is a promising business, you can start registering your company. If you decide to create a legal entity, it is best to register an LLC (recommendations of experienced lawyers and entrepreneurs). How this can be done, we read in the article - "".

Most often, this organizational and legal form of activity is chosen when the founders of the business are several people who do not want to risk their personal property. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the event of bankruptcy, the founders of an LLC are liable only within the property of the company. For registration of legal entities. a person needs a legal address, authorized capital, payment of state fees and notary services, opening an account with a financial institution, making a seal.

Signing up as an individual entrepreneur is much easier and cheaper. In this case, there is no need to observe cash discipline and hire a chief accountant. You do not need a legal address and registered capital. During the registration process, you must submit an application that you will work under the simplified taxation system, as well as select the code of your future activity (according to the existing classification). In general, the process of registering a legal entity or individual to open a mini-bakery is no different from the paperwork for any other field of activity. A very important point that you must take into account when creating a company: the tax regime in each region of the Russian Federation is introduced by the municipality, that is, the level of your mandatory contributions to the state budget largely depends on it.

The entire assortment of a mini-bakery must comply with sanitary standards, which is confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor after an appropriate examination. The same conclusion is issued by this state body for the production of products. All mini-bakery products must have a certificate of conformity, which guarantees the quality of your baked goods. In addition, you are obliged to obtain from the representatives of the fire inspectorate an opinion that your premises comply with the standards and requirements of fire safety.

In order for you not to have problems with obtaining permits in the SES, you must comply with the following conditions:

    the placement of a mini-bakery in the basement is not allowed;

    there is a need for sewerage, ventilation, and cold and hot water;

    the enterprise must be equipped with storage and utility rooms, including a shower and toilet;

    the walls must be tiled, and the ceilings must be whitewashed.

Fulfillment of the above conditions will make it possible to avoid fines and frequent inspections by representatives of the SES.

Equipment, hired personnel and other production issues

Before proceeding with the purchase of all the necessary equipment, you must decide exactly how you will work: produce bakery and confectionery products exclusively for sale in bulk or, in parallel, organize the work of a retail outlet.

In the first case, you need to purchase:

    flour sifting installation;

    kneading machine and rolling machine;

    a special table on which the dough is cut;

    proofing cabinet;

    oven and baking cart;

    other tools.

On average, the production capacity of the above equipment at full furnace load is about 1.5 tons of finished products per day. Sometimes entrepreneurs buy ready-made dough from which they make baked goods according to their own recipes. This significantly shortens the production cycle and saves money on the purchase of fixed assets. Of the expensive equipment, only the oven, trolley and dough cutting table remain. But, as is always the case, this method has its drawbacks. First of all, this concerns the quality of the test, which affects the final result. The buyer can forgive once and close his eyes to mediocre products, but if this is repeated systematically, he will go to your competitors. Remember: it is very easy to lose a customer, and in order to win their attention you need to work hard and persistently, and without any guarantees of success.

We have considered everything you need to open a mini-bakery if you are exclusively engaged in the production of baked goods. To organize the work of a retail outlet, and in the future, perhaps, a whole network of specialized stores, you need to buy:

    showcase and boxes for storing money;

    special cabinets in which ready-made pastries will be stored;

    refrigerators for confectionery and perishable ingredients;

    safe for securities and money;

    cash register (the issue of its acquisition and registration is agreed with the tax inspector);

    furniture and other inventory.

If you yourself will deal with the issues of personnel selection and carry out general management of the enterprise, you will not have to hire a manager, and this, in our time, will save a decent amount of money every month, the amount of which depends on the region of residence. Among the employees who play an important role in the mini-bakery robot, the technologist takes a special place. The most important thing depends on it - the taste of your products.

Do not spare money to pay for the labor of a person who will make quality products. In this business, there is a very effective and truthful advertising - word of mouth, especially if there is a retail outlet selling bakery products. Then information about delicious buns instantly disperses among buyers and you are guaranteed high sales volumes. The marketing scheme “word of mouth” works in a similar way, when a manufacturer produces low-quality products, in this case no advertising tricks will help you, your target audience, after 2-3 batches of tasteless baked goods, will go to competitors.

In addition to the technologist, bakers are needed to work at your enterprise, their number depends on the mode of operation: for each shift - 1-2 people. In order for the premises to always meet sanitary standards, two cleaners are needed. If a retail outlet will operate in addition to a bakery, sellers are needed.

To keep records, perform all cash transactions, compile and submit reports to state regulatory authorities, as well as undergo inspections, you will have to hire an accountant (and pay him a good salary). Well, for small errands, unloading / loading operations, it is better to use the services of a handyman. This staff is designed to work at the same mini-bakery with a retail outlet. In the case of expanding production, it is possible to make the enterprise more efficient and productive, but for this it is necessary to use equipment that is much more expensive.

Economic performance of mini bakery

Let's move on to the main economic indicators that will allow us to determine how profitable it is to do this business in our country. To do this, you need to calculate the profitability of a mini bakery, and then find out the return on the money invested in this business.

To organize a business you need:

    complete all documents and purchase equipment - 50 thousand dollars;

    buy furniture - 1-2 thousand dollars;

    make minimal repairs - $ 5 thousand

All one-time costs are $ 57,000.

Fixed monthly costs include:

    rent - $ 2,500;

    Utilities - $ 600;

    staff salary - $ 4500;

    unforeseen expenses - $ 400.

As a result, all monthly expenses amount to 10 thousand dollars. Experienced entrepreneurs claim that the money invested is returned in a year and a half, and the profitability of this business is in the range of 30-50%. These indicators are very high even for a stable economic situation and at the moment it is difficult to find an industry that demonstrates similar profitability values. Analyzing the parameters of the business plan of a real mini-bakery with detailed calculations, we can conclude that one small enterprise in a year and a half will return all the money invested, and in the future its minimum stable profit will be - 3-4 thousand dollars per month, excluding salaries company manager.

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A small bakery and confectionery can make a profit of 80,000 to 300,000 rubles a month. This type of business is attractive due to stable demand and relatively low competition.

Bakery products belong to the segment of essential goods that are in constant demand. In the modern economy, a whole niche has opened up for private bakeries that offer delicious freshly baked products.

Against the backdrop of a meager assortment of products from bakeries, the products of small bakeries benefit from their unique taste and variety.

In this article, we will consider in detail the most important aspects that need to be considered when drawing up a business plan, and we will learn how to open a mini bakery and pastry shop.

First of all, the personal participation of the owner in this project is highly recommended. It is very good if you already have practical skills in this area. If not, then you definitely need to take the appropriate courses. They can last from a couple of weeks to several months.

It all depends on the specific school, as well as the future specifics of your project. It should be understood initially that at least the first year you will have to spend a lot of time at the stove. But on the other hand, it will give you invaluable experience, as well as an understanding of the success of the assortment and prices, the quality of products and the correct organization of business processes.

It is recommended to think about its specialization before opening your own bakery and pastry shop. For example, you can only bake all kinds of snacks with different fillings, or go for extremely sweet products. The choice of literally every key component of the project depends on the future range of products: from the list of raw materials and equipment to the size of the premises and the size of the start-up costs. Therefore, many experienced pastry chefs advise first of all to decide what your bakery will produce.

check in

As you already know, before starting any kind of entrepreneurial activity, you must officially register as an entrepreneur or establish your own company. Recently we have already raised the topic of registration and considered.

Most Russian bakers make their choice in favor of an individual entrepreneur. This is due to the simplicity of the registration procedure, accounting, as well as the ability to switch to a simplified taxation system.

In addition to the legalization of activities, in the future you will need to obtain a number of permits for premises, equipment, personnel, etc. Also, be prepared for product quality checks by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. This is due to strict government control in the provision of catering services. More specifically, we will talk about these points further.


The choice of the place where you will bake your products should be approached with special care. If you decide to work on a franchise, then a consultant of the franchisor company will help you in this matter. In case your bakery bakes products under its own brand, you will have to search for yourself. As mentioned above, the size and characteristics of a suitable room depend on the volumes and range of products you have conceived. In any case, it should have hot and cold water, it should not be a basement, but also equipped with a toilet and a warehouse.

Consider the most classic option - a small bakery with display cases, a small hall with several tables. Recommended area from 60 to 140 square meters. The room should already be equipped with a ventilation system, and its layout should initially allow the production site to be located in the back of the site. The advantage will be the presence of a back door through which it will be possible to carry out the supply of raw materials and related products. A huge plus will be the desired purpose of the premises, namely "for organizations and catering establishments." This will allow you to save a lot of time and money on obtaining permits from SES and firefighters.

Since, most likely, you are starting your bakery from scratch, then the best option would be to rent the premises, rather than purchase it. The cost of renting one square varies from 20 to 100 USD. depending on the city and the area in this settlement. If you decide to bake and sell in one room, then it is important to locate the pastry shop in a more or less busy place. But you can do it in another way. Bake somewhere on the outskirts of the city, and sell products in small shops in busy places.


This cost item will be the largest business plan for any mini-bakery. The main part of the equipment consists of equipment for the preparation and baking of confectionery products. Today there is no need to buy different components independently and separately. You can easily buy a ready-to-use mini-bakery, the possibilities of which are quite wide and versatile. The price of such mini-complexes starts from 600,000 rubles. Best of all, European manufacturers of large business equipment have recommended themselves. Experienced bakers advise not to save on equipment, because the performance of the entire project depends on its reliability.

You can also buy used equipment if you already understand the intricacies of such devices. Otherwise, you should definitely use the services of a consultant.

On the Internet, you will find advertisements for the sale of such equipment by other bakeries, restaurants or, for example, hotels. In this case, you can save on costs, but very carefully approach the inspection and testing of such equipment.

The business plan for the pastry shop must include the costs of trade equipment. It includes showcases, cabinets and shelves for finished products, signs, refrigerators, etc. After you install all the equipment in your bakery, you will need to obtain a SES conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor, which gives the right to manufacture products.


First of all, we will talk about technical personnel, that is, about those people who will be directly involved in baking products. So, it is necessary that the staff of the bakery has:

  • Technologist - a person responsible for the development and improvement of recipes, as well as control over their observance. As a rule, this is a person with special education and practical experience in the field of public catering.
  • Bakers are employees who will be involved in baking products. Depending on the size of the production, there can be from one to several people. No special education is required for them, but experience is highly desirable.
  • Confectioner is a specialist in the field of working with cakes, chocolate desserts, sweets, etc. This employee is needed if you are engaged in the production of confectionery.

In addition to the above workers, you will need cashiers-sellers who will release products and pay customers. Also, you cannot do without the services of a cleaning lady, because for this kind of establishment, cleanliness is a very important factor. Of course, if time and skill permits you, you can take any of the positions that we have indicated. After all, this is your bakery after all!

Assortment and suppliers

Having decided on the range of products that you can bake, you must definitely develop a menu. To find out the most popular, "popular" positions, it is enough to visit several pastry shops. As a rule, the list of products necessarily includes popular types of bread, for example, baguette and ciabatta. Among the pastries, croissants, cheesecakes and pies with various fillings are often taken. On the culinary part and the peculiarities of the preparation of a particular product, the technologists and the baker should prompt you. They will advise on the complexity of cooking, the raw materials required, and also advise on how to supplement a particular position to make it more attractive to customers. It is highly recommended to listen to the recommendations of these people, because this will help create the optimal menu.

The quality and cost of raw materials determines the quality and price of your finished product. Ideally, you should strive to get the best products at the best price. First and foremost, you need to carefully consider the choice of suppliers of the most important ingredients - flour, sugar, milk, eggs and water. The latter is desirable to use inexpensive bottled, and not from the tap. Take care of the storage location of all these products in advance, especially perishable ones.

Let's start

A few weeks before the opening of the bakery, you can already start advertising it. Place a large bright sign with the name of the establishment and the words "Opening Soon" on the facade of the premises. On the window, you can put a sign with a countdown of the days until opening, as well as indicate a preliminary menu. If your mini-bakery is located in a large city, then be sure to use the services to promote it in social networks. It has already been proven to be a very effective advertising method for any small project.

In the early days of the bakery and pastry shop, everything should be perfect. It is imperative that customers have a better impression of your brand, and then they will certainly become a regular visitor. Give away free samples of your products, offer end-of-day discounts, and offer new items to maximize your impact. If you want your pastry shop to be a cozy place, then take care of a small children's corner.

After the first weeks, you will most likely find out about some shortcomings in the organization of production, the decency of suppliers, the range of products or the behavior of personnel. That is why the personal involvement of the founder is very important, because it will allow you to quickly respond and take appropriate action. Feel free to experiment, but try to track the performance and satisfaction of your customers.


In the sphere of preparing snacks and bakery products, the presence of franchisor companies is not new. They have been successfully developing their networks for over a decade and are gaining popularity every year. This option for building a business may be attractive for you in any locality of our country. The key advantage of the franchise is the practical readiness of the model for building a similar project, subject to certain conditions.

You have a number of "trump cards" at your disposal - a well-promoted brand name, a ready-made list of equipment and a range of products, a clear understanding of pricing, promotion, etc. Moreover, we will be happy to help you when choosing a premises and equipment supplier, in the selection and training of personnel, as well as tell you how to arrange retail space, advertise products and attract new customers.

The operating principle of a franchise is pretty simple. It can be described by the following theses:

  • Choose the most suitable franchise and conclude an agreement with the franchisor.
  • You pay the appropriate fees in accordance with the terms of the franchise.
  • After payment you will receive a complete package of documents with a detailed description of all business processes and recommendations.
  • The franchisor will supply you with ready-made semi-finished products. They represent blanks of bakery products that were subjected to shock freezing. This allows you to preserve all the quality of the product, store it for 3 months, and quickly cook it in the oven of your bakery.
  • The final prices are determined by the franchisor.

Starting a franchise bakery is a good start for aspiring entrepreneurs. This option will help you avoid many mistakes and significantly increase your chances of building a successful business.

Investments and profit

With properly organized work, a mini bakery-confectionery can reach self-sufficiency in 5-6 months. You can count on a stable profit of 80-300 thousand rubles in 8-12 months after the start.

To open a small bakery, an investment of from 1.5-2 million rubles... When starting work on a franchise, starting costs will be less - from 1 million rubles.

  • Current trends
  • The purpose of the business plan
  • Required documents, permits
  • Project implementation - selection of premises
  • Start-up capital for opening
  • Staffing table
  • Running costs

Confectionery bakery is a business that does not know crises; baked goods always remain a popular product. Even the economically difficult year 2015 showed a slight decrease in demand for bakery and sweet products - baked goods. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to open a bakery and pastry shop from scratch in 2019.

Current trends

In Russia, bread and other flour products worth $ 4 billion are consumed annually. At the same time, often the quality of bread leaves much to be desired, so the consumer is ready to pay for rich and tasty pastries. It can only be offered by a private confectionery-bakery. Large mills cannot meet the market demand 100% in this area.

In European countries, this niche has long been filled with mini confectionery-bakeries, combined with small shops or cozy cafes. In Russia, this concept is only gaining momentum, so the level of competition is not so high. Especially if you open such a business in a small town. Megacities are less attractive in this regard.

You can also open your own bakery at home or use franchises to cut your start-up investment. To achieve success, the main thing is to provide quality to the consumer, and the choice of a business concept depends on the entrepreneur himself, his financial capabilities and plans for his development.

The purpose of the business plan

The calculations below are the foundation for starting and building a business. This is a classic scheme for organizing a small bakery-confectionery, which lists what is needed and how much is the most necessary to start a project. It is based on current prices in 2019 was to enable budding entrepreneurs to navigate, how much will it cost to open a bakery turnkey, create a business plan for individual requirements.

The business plan allows you to open a bakery with the following economic indicators:

  • cost of 1 kg of products - 60 rubles;
  • daily sales - 200–400 kg of bakery and sweet products;
  • monthly operating profit - 360,000-720,000;
  • net profit - 65,000–366,000 including all expenses and taxes.

The profitability of the business is 50%, the payback period is from 6 months to a year.

We offer to download a detailed confectionery bakery business plan with all calculations. We guarantee quality!

Required documents, permits

To open a small pastry bakery from scratch, you need to obtain many permits:

  1. Sanitary and epidemiological permit for production. The requirements for the premises will be discussed below.
  2. SES conclusion required for working with third-party organizations - shops, supermarkets.
  3. An environmental impact assessment should be carried out.
  4. Fire inspection permission. To obtain it, the premises where the bakery is located must meet industry regulatory requirements. The main ones are: the presence of a fire alarm and primary fire extinguishing equipment - fire extinguishers.
  5. Certificate of Conformity of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Today, no one can be sure of the stability of their financial situation. Neither those who go to work every day and receive a monthly salary, nor those who work for themselves, that is, have their own business. The word "crisis" has become a part of our vocabulary, and each of its next arrival has not surprised anyone for a long time. But, of course, it does not please and again and again strikes a significant blow to the wallet. Still, who is in a better position when problems arise? Certainly not hired workers, who, in the event of redundancy, end up on the street penniless and more or less acceptable prospects of finding a new job. In this case, there is only one way - to the labor exchange. Most often, however, this path leads nowhere. While the owners of their own, albeit small businesses find themselves in a more favorable situation, despite the fact that their income drops significantly. Nevertheless, they are, albeit small. In any case, you can always pay taxes and earn a living. That is why many people today are thinking about how to open their own company and start working for themselves. True, there are problems in this regard as well. Almost all more or less profitable niches in terms of maintaining a niche have been occupied for a long time, the competition in the market is fierce, it is quite difficult to find a suitable option that will really generate income. In this case, you must first of all pay attention to enterprises that produce literally vital products that are in demand at any time and in any crisis. For example, bread. And therefore today we want to present you with a detailed business plan for this enterprise. So how do you open a bakery?

A few words about the service itself

Before you start developing your own detailed bakery business plan, you need to decide what you are going to do. Because this type of activity involves several options. It can be a full-fledged enterprise. That is, you will completely carry out the entire production process, from making dough and baking products to their sale. As for the latter, here, while working on the concept of the future enterprise, it is advisable to immediately include in the list an item providing for the opening of our own retail outlets. Or to develop a business plan for a cafe-bakery that is, institutions in which both production and sales of products will take place at once, in one place. At the same time, it is worth considering how to include in the range of products sold not only your own baked goods, but also other dishes and drinks. For example, cheese cakes, pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, desserts, tea and coffee. Let's say right away: such an enterprise requires a fairly solid start-up capital, but its profitability is really impressive.

The second way is to work with semi-finished products. In this case, the best option is to open a mini-bakery. A business plan should be drawn up taking into account the fact that you will be engaged in purely baking, purchasing ready-made dough and selling your products through intermediaries. Less investments will be needed, but the profitability of the enterprise will not be so high.

As a third option, you should pay attention to the franchise. By investing a certain amount (sometimes very significant), you will receive a ready-made enterprise with a developed and fully certified technology from a promoted brand. This option is not bad, but, as a rule, only accessible to those who live in a more or less large settlement.

To summarize the information: experts recommend paying first of all to bakeries that carry out a full production cycle. Yes, investments will be needed, and very significant ones, but such an enterprise pays off faster and brings good income. It is for this reason that we want to present you with a full-cycle bakery business plan. By the way, using it as an example and revising it, you can, if necessary, draw up your own concept of a mini-enterprise.

A few words about the business plan

Competent planning of the future enterprise is the basis for success. This strategic document requires careful study and consideration of all conditions in which a businessman will work. And those who think that it is enough to calculate the costs of opening and plan incomes on a piece of paper are deeply mistaken. Naturally, the financial component is the basis of everything, but far from the only point. A business plan should be a detailed instruction, become a step-by-step guide for a future entrepreneur. And it should include absolutely all the points that describe the stages of starting a business: the legal component, and the analysis of competitors, and the issue of the selection of premises and personnel, and the advertising aspect, and much more. And therefore, further we want to present to your attention a bakery business plan in a phased version. So what are the points to have in your guide to action?

Analysis of the competitiveness of the future business

When developing a business concept, you should understand that you are far from the only smart person in your community. Most likely, a significant number of entrepreneurs have been working in this segment for a long time and quite successfully. In addition, state-owned bakery factories, whose products are on the shelves of all stores, will be in serious competition. How to survive in this case? It is necessary to conduct a market analysis and develop our own, unique range of bakery, more precisely, the products that it will produce. Only high-quality baked goods made according to an original recipe can attract a consumer. A person can buy a banal bread-brick at a retail outlet at the entrance, he will definitely not go to your store. And even if at the same point there are two types of this brick - yours and state production, most likely, he will give preference to the more familiar and, probably, cheaper product. By the way, based on the assortment, it will be necessary to develop some other points of the business plan, for example, the purchase of equipment, personnel selection.

Enterprise registration issue

After you have carried out certain calculations and have come to the conclusion that the business will be profitable and you will "pull" it, it is time to start registration. Without this step, you cannot do anything, since the notorious "piece of paper" is still at the forefront of any enterprise. When developing a bakery business plan, decide who you will work as. There are two most appropriate forms for your type of activity - IPP and LLC. The first is less costly, both in time and financial terms, and is most suitable if you plan to create a small business with a minimum number of hired personnel. The second requires, in addition to registration, a host of measures to create a charter, legal address, account opening, and so on. Manipulations. As a rule, it is most often used in cases where the business is founded by several people. For the most part, novice entrepreneurs still start with the registration of an individual entrepreneur. In addition, you will be asked to choose the type of taxation. Experts recommend opting for UTII (the so-called fixed rate of the single tax).

Suitable premises

Next, you need to consider the issue of the selection of premises. As a rule, most likely, at first it is necessary to shoot, but not more than is included in the lease agreement and click on the option to purchase. The room should be subject to special requirements. First, the location. Naturally, in a residential area, the rent will be cheaper than in the center, nevertheless, it is still sometimes inappropriate to save on it - if only because if several people from the outskirts drop into your bakery a day, your business will die literally in a month. Therefore, we must focus on the following factor: the premises for the bakery should be located in a place with high traffic, that is, where there is a large number of people. But, of course, not side by side with an institution of this type. The second requirement is area. It should be (provided that you will sell products on site, and this is most desirable) at least 150 "squares". And since you are going to produce food, you need a sewerage, plumbing, utility rooms and a bathroom in the room. In addition, when drawing up a bakery business plan, do not forget to include in it the costs of repairs, which, albeit cosmetic, will most likely have to be done.

Bakery equipment

Since you are starting your own and even planning to sell products with your own hands, you will need to purchase literally everything - from industrial and commercial equipment to household equipment and uniforms for staff. You will need, first of all, an oven, an apparatus for a dough table, a proofing cabinet. A freezer will not hurt either. This is the minimum that you need to buy at first. Further, as you strengthen your position in the market, you can gradually expand the business and buy the necessary units. In addition, you will need to purchase trade counters, a special display case for baking, as well as cabinets for storing it. Since this is the largest expense, it may be worth considering buying used units. Sometimes, by the way, you can buy very high-quality bakery equipment for half the price.


If you yourself are not a professional in the creation of bakery products, you should be puzzled by the search for an intelligent technologist. You will also need bakers-confectioners directly (two people per shift) and two salesmen. As for the cleaner, at first you can distribute her duties between the main staff, for an additional fee, of course. At first, you don't need to hire an accountant either. If you have some knowledge, you can do all the calculations yourself or use the services of a so-called third-party specialist.

Permitting papers

After all the previous points have been completed, you will need to obtain a permit for activity from Rospotrebnadzor in the form of an appropriate conclusion. In addition, representatives of the fire supervision service must give the go-ahead for work. And you should also go through the certification procedure for compliance with the federal agency for metrology and technical regulation. It should be remembered that both bakers-confectioners, and sellers, and a technologist must have a valid medical record.

Selection of suppliers of raw materials

Explain that both quality and external quality depend on raw materials, even for an amateur. In addition, the financial side of the issue is also important - it is advisable to make purchases at the lowest possible prices. Therefore, the issue of choosing serious, reliable suppliers should definitely be seriously considered when drawing up a business plan. It should be understood that if the same flour can be purchased in large quantities, then perishable products such as butter, cream, etc., taking into account the specifics of the started production, should be purchased in small quantities. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to find a good mediator, best of all a private trader, who will always be ready to treat your problems with understanding. By the way, in this regard, it is very beneficial to cooperate with farms. It is recommended to search for suppliers in the production process, concluding verbal agreements with them, but purchases must be carried out immediately before the launch of the bakery.


When drawing up a bakery business plan, this issue also needs to be paid attention. There is no particular need to deploy a large-scale advertising campaign, nevertheless, some steps are still worth taking. First of all, pay attention to the sign and name. The first one should be bright and attract attention, the second one should be made euphonious and such that it would be associated with the type of manufactured product and would be unbroken. Agree, a bakery store called "Pyshka" can be found literally in every city. Therefore, when creating a name, you need to work hard and try to come up with something of your own, original. Besides, who knows, perhaps at this very moment you are creating a true brand that, after many years, will be recognized throughout the country.

Methods such as distributing leaflets, signs on advertising stands are justifiable and bring results. Carrying out numerous promotions in the form of morning or evening discounts and similar events will contribute to the work of word of mouth - that is, satisfied customers will tell their acquaintances about you and thus supply new customers.

Financial component

When drawing up a business plan, this component of it should be worked out with great care.

You have started a rather expensive enterprise - a bakery is opening from scratch, therefore, most likely, in order to implement your plan, you will have to take out a loan, and therefore all calculations must be checked and rechecked. In addition, calculating how much money will be spent on the purchase of the same equipment, it should be understood that there is no need to purchase, say, a counter made of natural wood, it is quite possible to do with its plastic counterpart at first. The same applies to the same oven, for example. Why should you buy expensive products of a famous brand? Today you can buy quite decent equipment from a Russian or even a Chinese manufacturer at a reasonable price. So, let's calculate the costs:

  • The purchase of the equipment will cost approximately $ 50,000.
  • For all kinds of inventory and furniture - about two.
  • Rent (for a month) will cost approximately $ 2-2.5 thousand.
  • Renovation of the premises - another 5 thousand dollars.
  • Paperwork - $ 500

We count. You will have to pay about 60 thousand dollars one time.

Monthly costs:

  • The rent is the same 2-2.5 thousand dollars.
  • The salary (of a baker, a technologist, a salesman - in general, the entire service personnel) will require about $ 5,000 a month.
  • Communal - $ 500.
  • Advertising - $ 300.

That is, you will have to spend about 8-9 thousand per month. Plus the cost of purchasing raw materials. As practice shows, the net income of the bakery after tax is about 3-4 thousand dollars. According to experts, this type of business can pay for itself within a year and a half.

It is clear that the above figures can be called quite average and can vary depending on the area in which it is planned to open a bakery. For, say, rent in Moscow and the provinces are different concepts. As well as salaries. Nevertheless, such an example of a bakery business plan can be taken as a basis, even if you decide to start a business in a small town. The equipment is known to have the same cost both in the capital and in the region. As for some other costs, they can be simply recalculated for your area.


We tried to tell as much as possible about how to open a bakery from scratch. And we can conclude that with the right approach to business, this type of business is quite profitable and is able to bring a normal income to the owner. However, in the case of a decision on the opening of such an undertaking needs to have at carefully developed business plan, which will be the key to success.