Telephone hotline for utilities. 24-hour hotlines for housing and communal services - what are they for, main numbers and type of help

Problems in the field of communal housing arise quite often. The work of public utilities raises many complaints from the owners of the serviced premises, as well as ordinary residents.

In some cases, the reluctance of housing and communal services workers to fulfill their goals can lead to unpleasant consequences for residents. That is why it is important to know how to assert your rights, in what ways to influence housing and communal services employees. One of such methods can be a hotline that accepts complaints about housing and communal services.

Can I complain about housing and communal services? Photo No. 1

The work of housing and communal services employees, unfortunately, satisfies a few. However, far from all seek to understand the problem and call negligent communal workers to account. Some do not want to mess with housing and communal services, believing that there will be no sense anyway.

Others prefer not to do this on their own. And the third ones do not know at all where to turn to such. However, there are many opportunities to defend their interests.

If you have problems with housing and communal services, you can contact the following authorities:

  • management of the service organization itself;
  • local Housing Inspectorates (GLC);
  • rospotrebnadzor departments;
  • the courts;
  • the prosecutor’s office.

It is better to leave the court in the end, when all other instances have already been passed, and the violations have not been eliminated. When considering a dispute, all circumstances, evidence presented and explanations by the parties will be examined. If violations are discovered, he will oblige the service organization to eliminate them. Other organizations may conduct verification upon receipt of the application.

Based on the results of the inspections, housing inspections may issue instructions on elimination of violations and hold them liable. Rosoptrebnadzor can also issue orders, file lawsuits in defense of residents in court. In addition to these authorities, you can complain to the Federal Tariff Committee, the Federal Housing and Utility Commission, and local administrations.

"Hot line" housing and communal services

How to call the “hot line” of housing and communal services? Photo No. 2

Along with other methods of elimination in this area, there are "hot lines" for housing and communal services. They accept by phone any complaints from citizens who are not happy with the work of public utilities.

By decision of the Russian Public Chamber, a single line was created for all residents of the country. It is possible to call her by phone 8 800 700 88 00. You can do this every day from 9 hours to 18 hours for free. Similar "hot lines" are created at the local level.

In local administrations, residents of the city (region) are also given the opportunity to file a quick complaint by phone or email. The telephone numbers of local “hot lines” should be recognized by telephones or on the websites of these authorities. Calls are made free of charge.

This measure is designed to improve the state of housing and communal services and to exclude any violations of the rights of residents in this area. The presence of such phones helps in some cases to quickly respond and take measures necessary to solve the problem.

Regional Housing Monitoring Centers

How to contact regional authorities for monitoring the activities of housing and communal services? Photo No. 3

The basis for providing public housing and public utilities services was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 600 dated 07.05.2012. It is called “On Measures to Provide Citizens of the Russian Federation with Affordable and Comfortable Housing and Improving the Quality of Housing and Communal Services”. Its provisions prescribed the creation, by June 2013, of public organizations throughout the country to monitor housing and communal services.

Currently, such organizations have been created in almost all regions. They monitor the situation with housing and communal services in their region, consider complaints, take appropriate measures to eliminate problems. In addition, they exercise independent control over the work of housing and communal services enterprises in the region.

You can contact such centers by calling the hotline or e-mail, in person or with a written statement.

Online appeals

The appeal of citizens with complaints about housing and communal services. Photo No. 4

Complaints about housing and communal services can be addressed not only in person, by sending applications or by phone. Any complaints can be submitted through the websites of that body (organization) to which the disgruntled tenant contacts. Electronic appeals can significantly save time and speed up the solution to a problem.

In addition, there are special services with which you can complain about. Among them is the site of the Housing and Utilities Agency. On the site of this resource you only need to fill out the form corresponding to the existing problem. All the rest will do RosZHKH.

Complaints Forms

If you find a problem in the housing sector, it is worth deciding on a method for solving it. The legislator does not establish certain rules here. Each owner (tenant), dissatisfied with the quality of housing and communal services, decides for himself where and in what form to apply.

As stated above, you can file your complaint with several authorities. At the same time, this can be done both in written and in electronic form. When preparing a written statement, the name of the body (organization), its data, the nature of the problem, the requirement to eliminate it should be indicated. It will not be superfluous to prescribe a legal justification. In addition, you need to sign your statement, set a date.

A complaint may be directed by one person or several. If the appeal is sent in electronic form, you should fill out the form proposed on the organization’s website or simply send your application by email. You can not submit any applications, but simply use the hotline phones.

Terms for consideration of applications (complaints)

In what terms should a complaint on actions / inaction of housing and communal services be considered? Photo No. 5

For applications and complaints to various bodies (organizations), different periods of consideration are set. For state bodies and officials, it may not exceed thirty days.

For organizations in the field of housing and communal services, the term for consideration of complaints (applications) on the quality provided by communal services should be three days. The prosecutor's office may consider the application from fifteen to thirty days. The trial may last longer. This will depend on the position of the parties in the case, the evidence presented by them.

After the specified deadlines, the applicant should be sent a response. It can be received by mail, in person or electronically.


The nuances of compiling complaints on housing and communal services. Photo No. 6

Faced with poor-quality utilities, you need to demand the elimination of shortcomings. What exactly way to do this should be decided depending on the situation and the problem.

To achieve maximum results, you can contact several authorities at once. If the problem has affected several people, then it is better to immediately write a collective complaint.


Do not ignore violations in the housing sector. Landlords and residents should know their rights and learn how to uphold them. Moreover, there are plenty of opportunities for this today.

You can find out what issues are most often found in complaints about actions / inaction of the housing and communal services by watching the video:

Write a question to a housing lawyer in the form below  see also Phones for consultation

  Jul 30, 2017 159

Discussion: 5 comments

    If we had not written a collective complaint, perhaps we would not have been sealed with interpanel seams in the house. No talk will help if you are inactive. I also want to note that the public utilities hotline is not anonymous, and therefore it is better to correctly file a complaint than to call.

    To answer

    My friend has accumulated debt for utility bills. He remained unemployed for 3 months, paid a loan, barely had enough for food, so there was simply no money left to pay the payments. From nothing to do, I went to understand. Recalculated. It turned out that they were counted incorrectly. Not only didn’t pay for the debt, they also exempted from payment for another 2 months. Conclusion: be careful!

    To answer

    You can always find where to complain. I think there are no problems with this. In housing and communal services they themselves will still prompt rooms. The question is different: will your complaint be satisfied. It often happens that a person complains about emotions, not justified, here you need to understand and evaluate your own complaint from the point of view of jurisprudence.

    To answer

    It is important to realize that now there is no abstract housing and communal services, there are specific utility providers with whom the tenant has an agreement directly or through a management company. The text of this agreement should be tried to search, because there should be direct indications of what to do if the party performs its obligations inappropriately.

    To answer

    Everything is much simpler with us, first we call the control room and if "bounces off like peas from the wall," we turn to the district council on duty. If this does not achieve the effect, then the next call goes to the dispatcher on duty in the District. After that, “stirring” begins at an accelerated speed, though it reminds Brownian!

    To answer

If a person believes that the housing and communal enterprise violates the rules or does not fulfill his duties, then in this case a person can call the round-the-clock hotline number. With the help of such a call, you can make a complaint, which will then be considered by the Prosecutor General. With the help of our article you will learn about why a hotline is needed and what are the main numbers for solving housing and communal services problems.

Main numbers of the housing and communal services hotline

Today, there are a large number of hot numbers of housing and communal services, with which you can file a complaint against the workers of the housing and communal enterprise. The reasons for filing a complaint may be different - this may be the incorrect provision of utilities, delayed payments, overpricing of housing and communal services and so on. It should be understood that there is not one, but several federal housing and communal services numbers. Different regions can create their own emergency lines to solve communal problems. Most of the housing and communal services are free of charge, and you can complain about them on public utilities around the clock. Similar services exist not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, and so on.

Let's list the main phones of the housing and utilities hotlines:

  • 8 800 700 88 00 is a direct hot line of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. This phone is federal, so residents of all regions of Russia can call it. You can call the Accounts Chamber on such issues - overstated tariffs, failure by employees of the housing and communal services enterprises to fulfill their obligations, and so on. This phone number is the main one, and you can call it from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (there are no weekends). If an employee of the hotline considers that your case is worth considering, then in this case, after your appeal, a complaint will be drawn up, which will be sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for verification.
  • 8 800 700 89 89 is a direct hotline of the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing Companies (FSR Housing and Public Utilities). This phone is federal, so all residents of Russia can call it. FSD Housing and Utilities is a state organization whose competence is the consideration of such complaints - incorrect calculation of mandatory monthly payments, refusal of housing and communal services employees to fulfill their obligations, delayed payment receipts, and so on. After filing a complaint, the employees of the FSD Housing and Public Utilities must conduct an investigation, and in case of violations, the FSR can go to court to protect the rights of the injured person.
  • +7 495 777 77 77 is the Moscow service hotline that deals with housing issues. After the call, you must select the type of complaint - after that you will be switched to the operator who is engaged in solving problems of your type. This number is valid only in the Moscow region.
  • +7 812 576-24-25 and +7 812 576 24 28 are numbers of St. Petersburg services that deal with housing and communal services problems. During the call, you must choose the question that interests you; after that you will be switched to the operator you need. Calling this number makes sense only to residents of the Leningrad region.
  • 8 800 700 89 89 is a federal service that advises citizens on savings issues. You cannot file a complaint by this number, but you can use it to learn how to save on electricity, heating, water, gas, and so on. All residents of the Russian Federation can call it.


Now you know what the 24-hour public utilities hotline is. To summarize. If a person believes that the employees of the housing and communal services company have treated him unfairly (overstating tariffs, failure to fulfill their obligations, payment delays, etc.), then he can file a complaint. You can file a complaint using the Housing and Utilities Hotline. Federal hotlines for filing a complaint are the number of the Accounts Chamber, the number of the Federal Service for Housing and Utilities, and so on. There are regional emergency lines with which you can file a complaint against housing and communal organizations (they operate in all major cities). There are lines that advise citizens on the provision of services and savings.

Good afternoon dear friends. In this article we will talk about how the hot line on housing and communal services works, what questions you can ask there, and whether such lines exist in the regions. Yes, such a line exists and operates.

Call any number 8 800 700 89 89, or describe the problem on the website of the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Public Utilities, any resident of our country, relating to the field of housing and communal services, such as, for example, the provision of utility services, the competence of certain actions of a management company (UK) or HOA, tariffs and so on.

What is FSHRH

If you think that your question is not global enough, and local authorities can answer it, then regional hot lines on housing and communal services in the city hall or under the governor’s administration also work. But it is better to call during business hours in order to quickly resolve a particular issue. The SRKHKH Fund was created after the publication of Federal Law No. 185-FZ of July 21, 2017, “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services”.

The fund mainly deals with state financing of major repairs of MKD, as well as the elimination of emergency housing and relocation of residents to new apartments.

The fund will help everyone

Another line

If you are interested in raising tariffs for housing and communal services, or have comments and suggestions on this topic, you can contact the hot line of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation at 8 800 700 88 00. It is better to call from 9-00 to 18-00 Moscow time. The phone works seven days a week. If in your region tariffs for a communal apartment are raised above the specified size of the limit index, then call here - they will definitely help you. Copies of your appeals go to the Prosecutor General’s Office for verification and to the Accounts Chamber.

What issues are resolved

Many appeals concern registration and residence, when citizens do not live where they are registered. As a result, other apartment owners are not happy: it turns out that they are paying for themselves and for that guy who is not listed in this particular house. And this is a very sore point for Russia - with us a significant part of the population does not live at the place of registration. And as payments for communal services are growing every year, this situation is distressing. Someone may object that the problem can be solved by putting apartment meters on the water. So common house needs will not go anywhere: if you pay less on the counters, then the difference of the Criminal Code or Homeowners Association will take, winding the missing for the maintenance of common house property, again from your pocket.

Different questions

It is often asked why the heating season ends, for example, on April 15, and payment for heating is taken for the whole month. Yes, gentlemen, such a heat metering system has long been criticized, but so far it’s there. If the MCD is not equipped with common house heat metering devices, then you will have to pay not by the fact of its consumption, but by the standard that is set for a month, and nobody will recount anything in your favor. It is especially annoying when the heating is turned off, for example, on May 6. You are sitting, freezing, because there is another cold snap on the street, and at the same time you know for sure that you will pay for the heating in May completely.

Many questions are asked about utility subsidies: when there is debt on rent, local officials simply kick off the unfortunate, instead of working on the issue of reforming the debt and issuing a subsidy to those in need. I have to complain. Many residents of the first and second floors of high-rise buildings are charged for the use of elevators, although they do not use them. The law clearly states - the service should be provided and used, and where, tell me, go to the lower floors? Drive pigeons on the roof? They say questions to the Criminal Code or Homeowners Association - such is the instruction and they do not want to do anything. One desperate woman even wrote a statement to the Strasbourg Human Rights Court about this.

In Soviet times, we did not hear about hot lines, but the necessary phone numbers were always at hand, and calling the right specialist and solving any problem was not a problem. And now sits, at best, a dandelion girl, writes down your question and does not solve anything. At worst, you listen to long beeps or run into an answering machine. No, sooner or later you will get the answer, but not always to the question that was asked.

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