The meaning of the female name Elena. Secrets of the name Elena: beautiful and mysterious

The name Elena has become so popular that it is very difficult to meet at least one person who would not have a friend with that name. This is not at all surprising, because the name Elena comes to us from ancient mythologies and beautiful legends that can captivate hearts. But today we invite you to learn something much more interesting than popularity statistics. In this article we will reveal the secret of the name Elena.

The name, as a rule, is given once in a lifetime - at birth. Sometimes it seems surprising that the “parent gift” stays with us for life. This is not just a form of address that facilitates communication between people, it is a part of us. Apparently, therefore, it is so interesting for us to know not only the characteristics and compatibility of the name, but also its origin, which carries a lot of interesting things:

  • One of the first interesting facts about the name Elena can be the roots of its origin. Elena is one of the most frequently used domestic names. This is probably why it is so difficult for us to imagine that it came to us from distant Greece.
  • There is a version that the Greeks at one time called themselves Hellenes. Over time, the sound of this name has changed, so abroad the Greeks began to be called "elena, elena" or "elena, elena", depending on gender. Apparently there were significantly more travelers, because it was the female word form that took root, according to which the meaning of the name Elena was determined as a Greek woman.
  • There is a more common version that is able to shed the truth on the question of what the name Elena means. It can be safely called the brightest name of all, because among the Greeks it served as the personification of the sun itself and was translated as “sunny”, “fiery”, “bright”, “sparkling”, “shining”, “fire”, “light”, "torch", "sunbeam", or "sunshine". Perhaps this name was awarded to fair-haired or red-haired girls.
  • The Greeks are convinced that the name Elena comes from the more ancient version of "Gelena" or "Helena", which also means "fiery", "brilliant" and "bright". Also, the name Elena can be interpreted as "the chosen one."

It is interesting to know that the peak of the popularity of the name Elena fell at the beginning of the 90s. XX century. Then it entered the rating as one of the ten most popular names, so today we can often meet him among adult girls.

  • Many are mistaken, thinking that the name Elena and Alena are modified word forms of the same name, but this is not so. In fact, they do not relate to each other at all, they have different origin, history and meaning. But the most interesting thing is that the name Lena can also serve as an independent one, despite the fact that this is an abbreviated form of the name Elena, because before it had nothing to do with this name.
  • That the name Elena has Greek origin can be seen even ancient Greek mythology, where one of the most beautiful women was Helen of Troy or, as the Greeks used to call her, Helen the Beautiful.
  • It still remains a mystery how the name Elena could become Orthodox, because at that time pagan worship of the gods ruled in the country. Nevertheless, the fact remains that even in Orthodox culture, this name has its own saints, because. Elena of Constantinople, Elena Serbskaya, Elena Diveevskaya, etc.

A very interesting fact is that the princess Kievan Rus Olga, who was baptized in 955, took him under the name Elena. By the way, Princess Olga was canonized in 1547. She became the first holy woman in the Orthodox denomination.

  • Because in Orthodoxy there are many saints under the name Elena, her name days occur several times a year. Some dates either add or disappear, but basically the day of the name Elena falls on such dates: January 28, March 19, June 8 and 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, November 12.

The character of girls named Elena

What else does the secret of the name Elena hide from us? Now that we know the history of its origin, can we say with certainty that the representative of this name should be kind and docile, as the very meaning of the name (bright, sunny) tells her? Or is it worth counting the multiple faces of saints with the name Elena to the fact that its bearer must be sacrificial and respectable? We will never know for sure until we analyze in detail the characteristics of the name Elena:

  • Elena grows up as a very impressionable and vulnerable child. Even the divorce of her parents can cause her emotional trauma and impose a bunch of unjustified complexes, which very likely will not leave her in adulthood.
  • Often this is a beloved child in the family. This is fundamentally wrong. Children who grow up in greenhouse conditions, and especially such vulnerable ones, are completely unadapted to real life. Any injury can break a girl.
  • Elena is most often prone to depressive disorders. Very neglected cases can have very sad consequences, which can be caused by suicidal tendencies. V more this is expressed in adolescence Therefore, at this time, more than ever, the girl needs the support of her family.
  • Elena is very lazy, so her parents need to make a lot of effort to encourage the child to study and other household obligations.

  • Elena has an innate sense of beauty. This feature opens up a lot of prospects for her. She can realize herself in creativity and achieve recognition in the field that she herself has chosen. This should be taught to a child from an early age. The best solution will hand her over to several sections at once so that she can choose an activity to her liking.
  • Elena is very trusting of people. Such blind devotion can bring her many disappointments in life, especially in her personal life.
  • Elena is very greedy for compliments. She likes to be in the center of attention, and she will gladly take advantage of any available chance to provoke him. This is not always appropriate, but Elena has been growing up as an emotionally dependent person since childhood. Complexes can only complicate general position affairs.
  • Elena grows up as a very emotional child, and this does not leave her with age. She is very sociable, always easy-going and often in the company of friends is the "ringleader".

The fate of girls named Elena

Name, given to man at birth, carries not only the history of origin and meaning, but is also able to predetermine the fate of its bearer. It seems something incredible, but, nevertheless, many who have come across this magic with their own eyes can confirm that the name really has the ability to influence not only our character, but also fate:

  • Helena are real travelers, so many of them connect their fate with this particular activity. This weakness for learning new things can be associated with increased emotional perception of everything that happens to them. They are very impressionable and always strive to take a new dose of impressions.
  • Elena also has an innate ability for sports. It doesn't have to be weightlifting, any physical exercise like a magnet attract her. Because Helens are quite feminine and subtle natures, they often give their preference to oriental dances, Pilates or yoga. Elena has been attracted to this kind of activities since early childhood, so if parents pay attention to the child's abilities in time, then it is quite possible that they will be pleased with numerical certificates and medals from international competitions.

  • Elena is always open and sociable with people, so she chooses a profession related to society.
  • It is worth paying attention to the above - Elena has an innate sense of beauty. This should not be overlooked. It is very likely that she will be able to realize herself in creativity.
  • Elena does not have very good physical health, despite the fact that these are not sickly children at all. Lena tends to be overweight, so she needs to keep fit and carefully monitor her diet. In addition to metabolism, it is also worth paying special attention to the kidneys and pancreas.
  • Elena is a compassionate nature and is prone to compassion, no matter how strange it may sound, but it is precisely this trait of her that is the cause of the numerous unsuccessful novels that are inscribed to her by fate. She is very amorous, and this becomes a problem every time she wants to show compassion for a man again. It is easy to guess what kind of men she comes across on the horizon of life.
  • In a relationship, Elena is faithful and, having found her soul mate, becomes a good wife and mother. She appreciates her lover and supports him in everything, as befits an exemplary wife.
  • Elena is very jealous, although she skillfully hides it. Her impressionability and violent fantasy can greatly distort reality, which can aggravate the atmosphere in her personal life, which does not get better from baseless scandals and unjustified reproaches. Elena is more likely to put on an emotional performance about the uncleaned garbage than to be honest about her anxiety.

Compatibility in love of Elena with male names

Each name is individual and unique not only in its sound, but also in the particular character of its bearer. Nowadays, many are able to trust the mystery of the name in search of the right partner. Of course, one should not blindly trust the compatibility of names, rejecting worthy candidates, but it is very worth taking into account these recommendations. In this section, we will reveal the secret, what is the secret of a happy family life, namely, what male names suitable for Elena in marriage.

Male names suitable for Elena:

  1. Paul
  2. Alexei
  3. Alexander
  4. Sergei
  5. Vladimir
  6. Andrey
  7. Dmitriy
  8. Evgeniy
  9. Konstantin

male names, not suitable names Elena:

  1. Arthur
  2. Anatoly
  3. Boris
  4. Victor
  5. Stanislav
  6. Vitaly
  7. Matvey
  8. Nazar
  9. Svyatoslav

Interesting facts about the name Elena

In addition to the history of origin, meaning, character and fate, the secret of the name contains many more interesting things. You will be greatly surprised how many different amulets and symbolic features your name hides. In this section, we will briefly introduce you to some interesting facts that can help you in personal achievements:

  • The lucky number for the name Elena is 5. This is the number of travelers, which also symbolizes achievement. It helps to focus your efforts on the result and achieve well-deserved success. The number 5 can serve as a talisman for Elena. To do this, it is enough to make this number your symbol, for example, when going on a trip, book the 5th seat on the plane or take with you an amount of money that is a multiple of five.
  • Another amulet named after Elena is ash. This is a wise tree, which in Scandinavian mythology symbolizes life and fertility. A representative of this name can safely rely on the elder ash. In moments of anxiety, emotional stress, physical ailment, just hug the tree trunk for a few minutes. Ash will share its energy with you as well as wisdom if you are looking for answers to questions or are just confused.
  • Flower named Elena - Astra. A more delicate and feminine flower for this name is simply not to be found. Like Elena herself, he personifies love and romantic memories. There is a beautiful legend by which one can judge from appearance flower. The pointed angles of the Astra are very similar to a star. Legend has it that this plant gave us the sky.

Zeus promised his brother, the ruler of the underworld - Hades, his daughter Persephone. When the time came to marry the newlyweds, the bride was heartbroken. When the daughter left the family for the underworld, her mother Demeter was inconsolable. She wept bitterly, dropping her tears from Olympus to Earth, which turned into stardust. In the place where there were traces of Demeter's grief about the fate of her daughter, flowers grew, as a symbol of what Demeter was grieving about. This flower is Astra.

  • Totem animal named after Elena - Deer. His grace and beauty fully embody the feminine manifestation of Elena and reveal the desire for beauty. It is interesting to know that the Deer is also a symbol of the sun, as is the meaning of the name Elena.

  • The stone named after Elena is Chalcedony. This is a real amulet, with which it is recommended not to part. This mineral is able to bring inner harmony to its bearer, so in moments of stress it is worth holding it in your hand for several minutes. Chalcedony is also a stone of love and can help Elena improve her personal life. To do this, pay attention to the gray shade of the stone.
  • The color that can bring Elena good luck is yellow. Again and again we encounter small symbols of the sun. Yellow full of vitality. He personifies the dream and eternal youth.
  • Elena's element is Water. No wonder they say that water is alive and is able to feel energy vibrations. In case of nervous stress, physical ailment or the “heavy eye” of ill-wishers, it is enough just to relax and take a bath, after mentally asking the water for help. Water can restore internal energy and put your thoughts in order.
  • Elena, like every person, has good and bad days. We could change a lot if we knew them. No matter how sensational it may sound, Elena has a unique chance to get acquainted with them with her own eyes. Important business, travel and dates are best planned on Wednesday, because. this is a good day named after Elena, but on Thursday it’s better to stay at home and take a day off, because. it is very likely that all the things planned for this day will fly to dust.

As you have already seen, the name Elena is not only beautiful and sweet-sounding, but also very interesting. In this article, we have revealed all the secrets that we managed to convey to our time, it is possible that even more remained hidden from general attention. Armed with the knowledge that this article has given, it will be much easier for you to choose a special gift or build a strong relationship with a girl named Elena.

Video: "The Secret of the Name Elena"

Name Elena (Lena) is of Greek origin and translates as "a ray of the sun." In Russia, it became popular after her baptism. In addition to Elena, derivatives of this name were common, such as Olena and Alena. Most often, the name Elena for a girl was chosen by representatives of the upper classes. That was the name of the wives of several Russian princes, for example, Yaropolk and Ivan Kalita. Also this name was worn by the Polish queen and the Grand Duchess of Lithuania.

The nature of the name Elena

The time of year in which Elena was born is a factor that directly affects the meaning of the name. If her birthday is in the spring and, then, most likely, she will be quite mercantile. She does everything out of self-interest and even chooses a richer spouse. In studies, spring Elena achieves success and quickly learns all the material. The bearer of this name, born in the summer, is usually very envious. She often weaves intrigues and tries to be the best. Due to this quality and her ambitions, the summer Elena is quickly moving up the career ladder. But because of this, Elena has little or no friends at all. the only and true friend her husband becomes. Autumn Elena does not live for today, but makes plans for the future. She first weighs all decisions, then makes them. Autumn Elena chooses her husband for a long time. She can even have an affair with several men, so that later she can choose the best one from them. Elena, born in winter, is quite stubborn and has her own principles. She is very picky with men and ties the knot late. Easily finds a way out of any situation. Winter Elena achieves all her goals. She rarely attends various events, as she does not like to be in the spotlight.

Adult Elena has a rather calm character. She has modesty and responsiveness. She takes any troubles of people close to her very close to her heart. Moreover, Elena is so deeply immersed in these experiences that she forgets about friends and household chores. In general, Elena is very economic, but lazy. She dislikes cooking, washing and cleaning because she finds these activities boring.

Elena practically does not trust other people. She is always waiting for deceit or betrayal on their part, which makes her always in a state of tension. Because of this character trait, even adult Elena has very few real friends.
Lena is very smart and hardworking. She rarely pays attention to trifles and concentrates only on what is really important. She works very carefully and painstakingly, not trying to make a profit as quickly as possible. Elena will do better for a long time, but the result will be of high quality.

Elena is characterized by excessive curiosity and an excellent visual memory. She also has a passion for the exact sciences and she even chooses a profession related to them. Often Elena becomes a wonderful accountant or engineer. But despite Elena's ability to count, she most likely will not succeed in business. She is too easy on money and immediately spends everything she earns. Elena's hobbies include drawing and singing. Her hobby often becomes her main activity and source of income.

Elena's "sixth sense" works perfectly and she always trusts him. Even if everyone around is advised to do one thing, and intuition tells you to do it differently, then it will listen to the inner voice.

Name Elena for a girl

From a very young age, Elena loves fairy tales. She lives in her fantasy world and plays there leading role. Thanks to her love for fairy tales, Elena learns to read very early. After all, parents do not always have enough time to read her favorite works. She can sit all day, reading her favorite fairy tale and imagining herself in the place of the main character. Therefore, little Lena is very often upset when real life don't become a princess. Because of this, it is difficult for her to communicate with her peers.

For a little girl named Elena, gullibility is characteristic. It is easy to deceive her, but over time she recognizes the lie and takes revenge on her offender in the most sophisticated way. She is very kind and always ready to help. Greed is not inherent in little Elena. She will easily give another child her toy or treat him with candy. She has no specific hobbies. Elena does a little bit of everything. Thanks to Lena's excellent memory, studying is easy.

As a teenager, Elena is very emotional and categorical. Outwardly, she seems modest and secretive. But once you get to know her better, it becomes clear that she is cheerful and optimistic. If Elena is liberated, you can easily become the "soul" of the company. It is in adolescence that the number of Lena's friends increases. She ceases to live in fantasies and discovers live communication. She has femininity and the ability to flirt. Because of this, a lot of boyfriends always wind around her. At such moments, Irina returns to her fantasies and feels like a princess, for whose love valiant knights are fighting.

Marriage and compatibility named after Elena

Elena is a very feminine and charming girl, for whom men are ready for a lot. But despite the abundance of fans, Elena is in no hurry to start a serious relationship. She needs a man who will be a wonderful father for her child and who will be able to accept Elena with such a problematic character. In a relationship, usually a man loves more ardently and passionately than she does. Elena is insanely changeable. Today she can swear love to a man, and tomorrow she won't pay any attention to him. Elena uses many men in love with her for her own selfish purposes.

Elena connects her fate with the most stubborn admirer. However, she herself may not even be in love with him. It is important for her to be loved. Elena chooses a man who always and in everything puts the family in the first place. All free time the spouse should devote to Elena. She is jealous of his comrades, hobbies, pets and even work. In Elena's family, the husband should be the breadwinner, and she will try to keep home. Love for a man is not the main thing for her. She covers her lack of feelings with the screen of a caring housewife. Elena loves shopping, but she always spends money wisely. Her children will never need anything.

Elena very often flirts with other men, calling this behavior "innocent flirting." At the same time, her husband should not flirt with other girls. In Elena's sex life, there is usually no zest. For her, intimacy with her husband is just an obligatory nighttime ritual. Almost ideal, most likely, will be the union of Elena with Andrei, Dmitry, Igor, Zakhar, Konstantin, Roman or Stanislav. Relations with Anatoly, Vasily, Ivan or Stepan usually do not work out for her or do not last long.

Famous personalities

  • Saint Helena mother of the Great Emperor Constantine. She greatly influenced her son. Not without her help, in 313, Constantine made Christianity the main religion in the Roman Empire. According to life, Elena found the cross where they crucified Jesus Christ. There she established a church and erected a cross.
  • Elena Gnesina- Soviet musician. She played the piano and taught. Together with her sisters, she founded a music school.
  • Elena Mayakovskaya- daughter of Vladimir Mayakovsky. She lived in America, studied philosophy there and wrote books. In total, more than 15 publications have been published under her authorship.
  • Elena Vyalbe is a Russian skier. She is a master of sports and an Olympic champion. Three times won the World Cup.
  • Elena Proklova- Russian actress. She played in the theater and starred in a huge number of films. In 1984 she received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Elena Dyakonova wife of Salvador Dali. She was his muse. In several paintings, he depicted her as Gradiva. For the last few years before her death, Elena lived alone in her castle, which her husband bought for her. He could come there only with the written permission of his wife.
  • Elena Malysheva- a famous Russian therapist. She is the creator, director and presenter of the television programs Health and Living Healthy.
  • Elena Baturina- wife of ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. She manages the Inteko construction corporation, which occupies one of the leading positions in the market.
  • Elena Makarova is a famous Russian tennis player. V this moment is a tennis coach. He has the title of master of sports of international level.
  • Elena Berezhnaya- Russian figure skater She competed in pair skating. In 2002, together with her partner Anton Sikharulidze, she won first place at the Olympics. Member since 2016 State Duma Russian Federation.
  • Elena Terleeva- Russian singer. She went to the finals of the second Star Factory, and also won the Song of the Year festival. She is the owner of a golden gramophone. He also writes songs and music for them.

Names: origin and forms

Elena- (from Greek) chosen, bright, shining.

Folk: Alyona.
colloquial: Olena.
Derivatives: Elenka, Lena, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Elenya, Yelya, Yelyusha, Yelyusya, Lusya, Alyonka, Lena, Lesya, Lelya.

Directory of Russian names

Sunny(from Greek).

Uplifting, inspiring. Attractive, alluring. Fabulous, creating joy. With great inner charm. With a personal view of the world. Many are ready to do anything for her. Baby diapers and dishes are not in the foreground.

The secret of the name

Elena- light, light (ancient Greek).
The ancient formula of the name is Selena - the moon. The name is very popular.
name zodiac: Twins.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: grey-blue.
Talisman Stone: chalcedony.
auspicious plant: ash, aster.
name patron: deer.
Happy day: Wednesday.
happy season: Spring.
Diminutive forms: Lena, Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonushka, Elenushka, Lelya.
Main features: susceptibility, excitability.


Elena Martyr, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, June 8 (May 26).
Elena Serbian, queen, reverend, November 12 (October 30), mother of St. Stephen, King of Serbia, lived in the XIV century.
Elena Equal-to-the-Apostles, Queen of Constantinople, March 19 (6), June 3 (May 21). The Holy Empress Helena is the mother of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine. In 336, she found the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem. The queen liberated in Jerusalem all the places associated with the earthly life of Christ and His Most Pure Mother from all traces of paganism, ordered to erect in these places christian churches. Having distributed generous alms in Jerusalem and arranged meals for the poor, the holy empress Helena returned to Constantinople.


June 3 - Deer - long flax, Elena the flax. On this day, they begin to sow flax - you sow flax on Deer - there will be long flax.
If on June 3 it rains with hail, then on December 3 it snows with grits.


Lenochka grows up as a calm and affectionate child. A little lazy, she has a slow reaction, she likes to leave everything "for later". Receptive, even very impressionable, to the beautiful aspects of life. She really needs parental affection, tender, warm attitude towards her. She is very fond of fairy tales, lives in a fictional world of palaces, princesses, pages, magnificent receptions, magnificent dresses and jewelry.

Lena studies well, she has an excellent memory, a rich imagination. She falls in love with beautiful, well-dressed teachers, she always gets excellent marks in their subjects. She is a little closed, shy, lives in the world of her dreams, but this does not prevent her from being cheerful, optimistic. Elena is too excitable, capricious, which is both weakness and charm. He is more friends with men, there are almost no girlfriends, relations with women are not easy. He forgives insults with difficulty, never forgets about insults. Elena is very trusting and kind, especially if it is not burdensome for her. Upon learning that someone needs help, she is immediately excited, ready to do a lot, but soon forgets about her own emotions. Elena is very curious, she cannot keep secrets, if necessary, she will compromise with her own conscience. Someone else's success hurts her, she is envious, in this case her own ambitions are excited.

From her youth, Elena tends to work in the field of aesthetics and art. She is talented, lives with emotions, can be an actress, musician, artist, singer, fashion model. Elena is independent, knows how to communicate with people, her work captivates her, but she does not tolerate a strict daily routine, an early start of service.

Elena can love unselfishly and deeply. In love are released her internal forces, she is capable of sacrifice, but expects the same attitude towards herself. She is very jealous, but she will never admit it even to herself, since she considers herself above such base passion. The family does not absorb Elena entirely. She does not worry about the obligatory dinner, cleaning, washing, but nevertheless she knows how to create an atmosphere of calm and peace in the family. Elena especially cares about children.


Elena Alexandrovna Suvorova-Rymninskaya (1785-1855), princess, daughter of the chief chamberlain Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin, mother - Maria Alekseevna Senyavina, daughter of a famous admiral. Elena Alexandrovna's parents were close people at court and enjoyed the same favor of the emperors Paul and Alexander I.

Young Elena Alexandrovna was a lady-in-waiting to the Empress. She married Prince Arkady Alexandrovich Suvorov (1780-1811) for 15 years. This marriage was not happy for Elena Alexandrovna, her husband was not created for family life.

At 26, Princess Suvorova was left a widow with four young children. After the death of her husband, she went abroad, lived there for a long time, only occasionally and briefly returned to Russia, because her poor health required a stay in a warm climate.

In 1814, Princess Elena Alexandrovna was in Vienna, where her father, A.L. Naryshkin, was during the Vienna Congress. At the brilliant balls and festivities that accompanied this unprecedented congress of emperors, kings and princes of all Europe, Princess Suvorova, thanks to her beauty and charm, attracted everyone's attention. She occupied a prominent place among the highest European aristocracy.

Elena Alexandrovna had good musical abilities and pleasant voice. Composer D. Rossini wrote in her honor a cantata to the well-known motive: "Ah, why was the garden to fence," which he then repeated in the finale of the second act of the opera "The Barber of Seville".

In 1823, Princess Suvorova entered into a second marriage with Prince Vasily Sergeevich Golitsin and spent the rest of her life in southern Russia, in Odessa, Simferopol and in the Crimean estate of her husband "Vasil-Saray".

up to the very last days life, almost losing her sight, Princess Elena Alexandrovna Golitsina retained the freshness of mind and charming friendliness, which made her a pleasant and interesting companion. She was a friend of V. Zhukovsky, was in constant correspondence with the blind poet I. Kozlov, A.S. dedicated a poem to her. Pushkin:

Remembrance of her
I carry in my heart,
Her momentary attention
It was a joy for me for a long time.
I repeated the enchanted verse,
My verse, despondency sound alive.
So sweetly repeated by her,
Seen by her soul...

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Since ancient times, the name has been given great importance. It was believed that it affects the character and fate of a person. People in all countries were very responsible for his choice. Many names were considered to bring good luck. One of them is the name Elena. Its meaning is rather controversial.

What does the name Elena mean?

It came from Greek and means "chosen", "sunny", "bright". There is a version that it comes from the word "helios", that is, the sun. This name was a symbol of beauty and femininity. According to legend, Elena was considered the most beautiful woman, and this was the reason. According to another version, it is a derivative of the ancient name Selena, which means the moon. But the characteristics of the name and the quality of its bearers do not confirm this theory. Although in the character of Helen often opposite qualities coexist: excitability, activity, that is, solar traits, and susceptibility, isolation - lunar traits.

Therefore, since childhood, Elena is very impressionable, but calm and affectionate. With loved ones, she is emotional and very trusting. Parents need to know what the name Elena means, because this girl really needs to be loved, if she does not feel it, she can become withdrawn and stubborn. These children generally study poorly, because they are a little lazy, sloppy and like to put off things for tomorrow. Often they are unpunctual and lack of initiative. But if parents help them cope with these qualities, they can study well, because they have a very good memory, rich imagination and a heightened sense of beauty. But most often these qualities do not lead to good grades, but to the fact that Elena lives in a world of fantasies and dreams. They are very fond of fairy tales, especially about balls and princesses. They love everything beautiful and shiny, outfits and jewelry. Therefore, they are fond of needlework, trying to sew, knit and make jewelry. But, despite this, often change interests and household behave badly. Many Elenas are willing to settle for minimal comfort and are often sloppy.

The name Elena means that its bearers are emotional, they always worry about their favorite heroes of books and films. But in life they are in no hurry to really come to the rescue, although very

kind. And if in childhood they are compliant, obey authoritative and strong people, then when they grow up, they become capricious, flighty and love to be admired. Often they have many admirers, they love adventures, but they usually marry not for love and are often unhappy in family life. These women are often jealous, but in love they are capable of sacrifice. Elena can be curious, envious and very touchy, moreover, they always try to punish the offender.

What else does she mean? She is very emotional, so she often chooses creative

professions, as well as the work of a psychologist, translator. Due to her laziness, she rarely achieves great success in her work. Although she loves to work and communicate with people.

Elena has many positive qualities: in the family she can create an atmosphere of peace and comfort, she is very cheerful, talkative, optimistic and rich imagination. She easily converges with any people and knows how to adapt to any situation.

Of course, not all Elenas have these qualities. A lot depends on the upbringing and environment of a person, on the sign of his zodiac. In addition, the name does not affect a person on its own, but together with the patronymic and surname. And the way a woman is called by diminutive names or nicknames is also important. But anyway, it is advisable for parents choosing a name to know what the name Elena means.

For a woman, the name that she bears is not just a set of sounds for others to address her, it largely determines her fate and character.

The beautiful and common name Elena is a favorite for many men and it usually belongs to beautiful, smart and strong women. We will find out what the name Elena means, what is its origin and what fate awaits its owner.

The beautiful name Elena is of Greek origin and has an ambiguous translation. This word is translated from Greek as “bright”, “radiant”, “sunny”. Probably origin from Greek god The sun, whose name was Helios. The meaning of the name Elena can be interpreted as "carrying light."

In addition, the Greeks called themselves Hellenes, and hence the second meaning of the name Elena is “Greek”. That is why full name Elena and its derivatives are so common all over the world - Helena, Helena, Helen, Eleanor, Nelly, Ilona, ​​Alena.

Name forms are varied. For a girl, diminutive forms are Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonushka, Lelya, and so on.

What awaits her in life?

Little Lenochka is a dreamer, a dreamer, she lives in her own world and never completely merges with the team. She is not closed, but she does not let too close to herself, her trust must be earned. Lena knows how to be friends, but not with everyone.

She has a great sense of justice, she is kind and always very worried if she sees evil or injustice. Honesty for her is of great, decisive importance, and when Elena realizes that she was deceived or took advantage of her trust, she will never leave it like that - she will always find a way to teach the offender a lesson.

She is very capable, has an excellent memory from birth, and therefore she often learns any science well and studies well. But a lot depends on her own interest and the human factor: if she likes a teacher, she will be happy to listen to him and listen to him.

So in the future - it is important for her who is nearby. People are important to her, and Elena tries to avoid those who are unpleasant to her. Those around her may decide that she has a closed character, that she is touchy, but with close communication they see that she is an optimist, has a kind and cheerful disposition, and it is easy and pleasant to be friends with her.

The fate of a woman whose name is Elena can turn out differently. A very important role here is played by the upbringing of the father, he is the most important for her. significant person, and for the most part it is her father that influences her worldview.

If he loved her in childhood, paid due attention to her and did not offend her, then in the future the woman will not have problems with the opposite sex. If Lena grew up without a father or had problems with him, then she will not trust men and it will not be easy for her to find a chosen one.

The name Elena is synonymous with compassion and kindness. She really brings light to others, her character is bright, kind and affectionate, she is not indifferent to someone else's grief. From pity and compassion grows her love and affection, she does not fall in love just like that - in Beautiful face or something else. She will give her heart to those who need her help, support and kindness.

This woman likes to communicate with people, and it is in areas related to communication that she will succeed. She can have a happy fate in the arts and sciences, in education or medicine - where you need to help, teach, make people better or at least somehow communicate with them. In these areas, she can achieve very serious success due to her openness, optimism and easy nature.

A woman whose name is Elena can become an ideal mother and wife. She always has order and beauty in her house, she simply loves beautiful things and has an innate good taste, a craving for everything exquisite. Even if she is not rich, she will always find a way to decorate her home and make it cozy. She is a needlewoman, has a talent for embroidering, drawing and crafting, decorating - sometimes discovering this talent in herself, already being quite an adult.

Emotions for Lena - in the first place. Despite the fact that she is smart, reasonable and able to think logically, nevertheless the emotional sphere prevails over the others, and it is the feelings that will always control her. She considers all decisions, but makes them, guided by intuition and deeply feeling how to do the right thing.

In love and friendship, she gives herself completely, is ready to spend all her time and energy on a loved one, but in return she demands the same. Very jealous, requires a lot of attention to herself, suffers a lot if close person gives his attention to someone else.

Alexander, Peter, Mikhail… Who is suitable?

Elena herself does not believe much in the compatibility of names and chooses a partner for herself rather intuitively, deeply feeling the person and what is behind him. She may like Alexander or Andrey, and she won’t even think if a man is right for her - if she has a heart for him, then nothing will matter.

And if a man pays a lot of attention to her, he will be able to win her. This is the most important thing for Lena - attention, and the more the better. He must call daily, be interested in her affairs and mood, talk about his affairs and problems so that the woman can support him. It is very important for her to feel that she is important and necessary - without this, the meaning of her life is lost.

She has the greatest compatibility with men whose names are: Yuri, Valery, and Stanislav. Here fate itself favors being together - these men, as a rule, have exactly those character traits that Elena is looking for. These are honesty, courage, dedication and justice - the most important and valuable qualities for her. Probability strong alliance and happy marriage very big!

With, Peter, Ruslan and Vladimir, Elena's compatibility is also quite high, but only on condition that the feeling is sincere and mutual, that both partners will be interested in continuing the relationship.

She must understand that the soulmate does not need to be remade, but needs to be loved and accepted, with flaws, nuances, dark sides of character that absolutely each of us has. And the man himself should just try to pay more attention to her and understand that it is necessary for her, like air. Under this condition, the relationship will be strong, harmonious and long.

Lower probability of strong relationships - with Mark, Taras, Anatoly and Stepan. These men are more freedom-loving, do not need support and care, they are self-sufficient and self-willed. But if Elena falls in love with a guy with that name, she will not care - she will find a way to surround him with such warmth that he will not resist and become submissive, loving and faithful.

Day Angel

Elena celebrates name days several times a year. Many saints and martyrs wore this ancient name, and therefore you can often congratulate Elena. According to the Orthodox calendar, her angel's day is on the following dates:

  • 28 January.
  • 3, 8 and 10 June.
  • July 24th.
  • November 12th.

Elena is a name that suggests a happy and harmonious fate for a woman. She can become a successful business woman or a loving mother, the keeper of the hearth - she can do anything. But her presence in this world is always important, it will not go unnoticed, and she will never be alone, thanks to her wonderful innate qualities and bright soul. Author: Vasilina Serova