How to wash interior doors from MDF. How and what to clean interior doors, wooden, plastic, glass, painted, varnished and metal from dirt, greasy stains, stains and after repair: methods, means, recipes, advice

Even 20 years ago, choosing an interior door was very simple - almost all of them were produced using approximately the same technology. And there were not so many materials used to make them. Today, the situation is completely different. Now for the production of doors, a wide variety of materials are used: solid wood, veneer, plastic, eco-veneer, glass, plywood, MDF and many others. It should be said that it is MDF doors that are among the most popular today.

MDF is the first letters of the English phrase Medium Density Fiberboard, which translated into Russian means "medium density fiberboard". The technology for producing such doors is not as new as it might seem. For the first time, these doors began to be produced in America, around 1966. In Russia, closer to us, their production began at the end of the 90s. Such a door consists of a pine frame, which is upholstered on both sides. mDF plates... The space for honey is filled with a special paper honeycomb filler. Moreover, the smaller the "honeycomb" of this filler, the stronger the door.

Doors from MDF have a number of advantages, due to which they have taken such a solid place in our homes and apartments. Firstly, they have a fairly high temperature resistance and moisture resistance - these indicators are higher for MDF than for wood. Secondly, these doors are less susceptible to fungus. Third, when quality workmanship, they have good sound insulation. Fourth, there are more than 200 possible colors of these doors, which allows you to select them for almost any interior. Fifthly, MDF doors, in comparison with others, have a very reasonable price.

After purchasing and installing MDF doors, we must not forget that they also require some maintenance. In order not to have to think about how to wash the greasy stains on the MDF door and so that the door retains its qualities as long as possible, it is recommended to periodically wipe them with an alcohol solution. To prepare it, you need to mix 900 ml of water and 100 ml of alcohol. Then we take a piece of soft cloth and wipe the door with this solution, not forgetting about the cashiers. After such a procedure, it is advisable to wipe the door again with a dry cloth.

In addition to the alcohol solution, you can also use special products for caring for MDF doors. Most often, various polishes are used that contain oils and wax. The most famous of them are Pronto, Big D, EuroNOVA, Mebelux, Amway. To give the door a neat look, you need to apply the product to soft tissueand then wipe the surface thoroughly. If the surface of the door is glossy, the direction of movement of the fabric does not matter. But if door leaf has a fibrous texture, then wipe along the fibers. I must say that polishes not only perfectly clean doors, but also perfectly mask scratches and other defects that have appeared on them. In addition, polishes "envelop" the door surface with a kind of film, which prevents dust from settling on them.

If you don't have special meansthan to wash off greasy stains on MDF doors, you can also use window cleaners to take care of the doors. They are usually sold in spray packages, so they are very convenient to use. To clean the door with such a product, you need to apply a small amount of it to the door, and then wipe thoroughly with a dry soft cloth. This cleaning procedure can also be carried out before using the polish.

If you do not take care of the doors in any way, then there is a high probability that over time, old oily stains will form on them. And sometimes getting rid of them is quite difficult. But don't despair right away. You can try to clean old stains with the tools that every housewife can find in the house.

You can wash off greasy stains on MDF doors with raw potatoes. After peeling the potato, cut it in half and rub the stains. We wait until the potato juice is completely dry, and then wipe the door surface with a dry cloth. If after that there are small stains on the doors, you need to apply talcum powder or powder to them, and then wipe it again with a dry cloth.

Also, soap solution works well with old greasy stains. To do this, pour warm water into a saucepan or any other dish, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent there, and then stir until foam forms. We wipe the stains with this solution. Laundry soap is also suitable for its preparation. It may take some effort to get the door neat again. After all stains have been washed off, wipe the door with a dry piece of cloth.

Another way to wash off greasy stains on MDF doors is ordinary vegetable oil, which can be found in every home. To do this, dip a piece of cloth in oil and rub the stain vigorously with it until foam forms. Then you should wipe the foam that appears with a soft dry cloth. The next stage of cleaning is to prepare a vinegar solution consisting of water and 9% table vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. With this solution we wipe the places that have just been "cleaned" with vegetable oil. And finally, wipe the door with a dry napkin. The door will look like new!

In some cases, you may need to resort to a more sophisticated method. To do this, we need to prepare a gruel from clay and table vinegar, in a 1: 1 ratio. Then this gruel must be applied to the stain for 20-30 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly. If the result is achieved and the stain has disappeared, we wipe the door dry, if not, we repeat the procedure again. At the final stage, it is advisable to use a polish.

Sometimes a stationery eraser can help to fight stubborn stains. We use it as usual - we "erase" stains from the door surface. Just for a start, try to carry out this procedure on small areato see if the door surface is damaged.

These tips will help you clean stubborn stains from your doors. However, it is worth mentioning that there are some tools that are not advisable to resort to when cleaning MDF doors. First, it's best not to use bleach or abrasive cleaners. The latter include, for example, washing powder, the particles of which can damage the door surface. The bleach will simply discolor the door. Secondly, when cleaning doors, you cannot use metal scrapers, hard brushes, and the like. They, too, can spoil it irrevocably. Third, remember that no matter what cleaning method you use, the final step will always be wiping the door with a dry soft cloth.

So, following these tips, you can clean the MDF door from old greasy stains and give it a neat look.

Greetings, readers of my blog.

Water and grease stains, the appearance of scuffs on the surface - all these are the reasons for the loss of the presentable appearance of interior doors. Most of the stains appear around the door handles, as well as at the bottom of the door leaf at the point of contact with the feet. The problem of dirty doors becomes especially relevant with the appearance of children or pets.

If the surface of the web is partially dirty, then remove stains on the door will not be difficult. If the defects affect the entire surface, then you will have to resort to more radical methods.

Every normal hostess strives to maintain order and cleanliness in the house. But some surfaces are very sensitive to cleaning and in order not to make mistakes, you should follow my recommendations:

  • for the manufacture of interior doors, wood is used directly or indirectly, which is afraid high humidity... Even in the case of simple cleaning, do not use a very damp cloth, which can lead to swelling of the canvas.
  • to remove greasy stains Do not use aggressive agents from the door, such as acetone, solvent, alcohol.
  • to remove the stain, use a soft dishwashing sponge rather than metal brushes. The damaged surface of MDF or laminated doors cannot be restored - you will have to change the canvas.

Secrets for removing stains from doors

Different materials for making doors provide different variants to remove stains from them. But there are several universal ways to restore beauty to doors:

  • in order to remove the brilliant green from the door, use acetic acid
  • Traces from the felt-tip pen can be washed off with white spirit, or glass washing liquid
  • Some types of stains are well washed with vodka mixed with sunflower oil
  • Chocolate or juice stain - rinses off well with a baby wipe
  • The nail polish stain can be washed off cotton padslightly soaked in acetone
  • Coffee stains are perfectly cleaned with ammonia

As you can see folk ways There are a lot to remove stains from doors, but there are also professional detergents: Profoam 2000, Sif - paste, Mr. Chister, Adrilan, Pronto and many others.

Types of stains and how to remove them from the door
Spot type Popular removal method Professional remedy
MoldDry the door, scrape off the mold with a scraper and treat with a product
EggMix baking soda and soap, pour hot water and apply on the stain
Old dried stains We make a mixture of salt and vegetable oil, apply to the stain and wait for drying. Then gently scrape off
FingerprintsWet wipes or rag Furniture cleaners
Scotch marksNail polish remover Sticker Remover
Ballpoint pen marks Profoam 2000
PlasticineScrape off the remains and wipe with a weak solution of alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 9.
Glue or resinThe resin is removed by heating with a hair dryer Solvent for glue
Varnish Nail polish remover
Urine Laundry soap
JamSoap solution + vinegar
Wine, chocolate or juice stains Wet wipe
Pencil marks Excellent removal of wd-40 Profoam 2000
Felt-tip penGlass cleaner, you can try to erase the marks with an eraser Profoam 2000
ZelenkaWashes off perfectly with acetic acid
Bloodtwo tablespoons of table salt + dishwashing liquid
Greasy stainsAcetic acid + water, wet wipes Various cleaning products

How to clean doors - video

How to remove stains from MDF doors

For the most part, MDF doors with veneer surfaces immediately after repairs, I strongly recommend that you open them with polish. This will protect the surface from greasy marks and stains. But if the problem has already appeared, then it must be solved.

I will share with you the method that my mother advised me. They have used it since the days of the USSR, when they had not even heard of Mister Muscle :)

To restore the original appearance of MDF doors, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Potatoes - 1 pc.
  2. Dry rag
  3. A little baby powder

How to remove a grease stain from a door:

  1. Cut the potatoes in half and rub the stain until the juice appears
  2. Leave the stain on for 10 minutes
  3. After the juice of the potatoes dries, starch will remain in the spot. We remove it with a dry cloth.
  4. If, after cleaning, white stains remain in place of the stain, then apply baby talcum powder to them and wipe them thoroughly with a dry cloth.

With this folk method you can remove a greasy stain.

You can remove dirt on doors made of fiberboard with a dish detergent. To do this, we collect water in a small container and dilute the product in it. Apply foam to the place of pollution with a sponge and gently erase the stain. We wash off the remaining foam and wipe the door with a clean cloth.

Laminated doors - cleaning methods

Thanks to protective coating from laminated film, such doors are easier to clean than others.

Methods for removing grease stains from laminated doors:

  • Using laundry soap

First, prepare the solution. For this we need a piece of 72% laundry soap and warm water. We plan the soap into small pieces and prepare a solution.

Lather dirty places with a foam rubber sponge.

Now we wash off the soap stains and wipe them thoroughly, leaving no streaks on the door.


The whole procedure must be done as soon as possible in order to prevent water from absorbing into the door. Otherwise, the door will bulge and the laminate will peel off.

  • With alcohol


Don't try to use pure alcohol!

To start removing the stain, let's prepare an alcohol solution. It is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 9, where 1 part is alcohol, and 9 parts is water. In the prepared mixture, moisten a cloth and apply to the stain. We wait five minutes and remove the leftovers with a dry paper towel.

How to remove greasy stains from doors - video

Removing stains on wooden doors

Unfortunately, stains that appear on solid wooden doors for their subsequent removal require removal from the door leaf hinges.

We put the removed door on a flat surface, having previously unscrewed doorknobs and.

Using a solvent, remove the old varnish from the door. Due to the fact that the solvent has a pungent smell, it is better to carry out work in the open air.

After removing the varnish, the wooden door must be sanded with grinder or sandpaper. It is better to use paper with a grain size of 180/220.

Then, the remaining dust must be removed from the door. It is more convenient to use a soft large brush.

The final stage is covering the door with a new layer of varnish.

Removing grease stains from painted MDF doors

Most of all painted MDF doors are covered with a layer of varnish. Therefore the use of abrasive materials and aggressive stain removers is unacceptable. Damage to the top lacquered layer will lead to tarnishing and damage to the integrity of the protective layer.

There are two ways to clean painted doors:

  1. As in the case of laminated chipboard doors, we will use 72% laundry soap. It is necessary to wash the place of contamination with a strong soapy solution, then thoroughly rinse off the remaining solution and wipe dry with a paper towel.
    • Citric acid

    Prepare a solution - add two tablespoons of acid to 200 ml of cold water. After mixing thoroughly, wash off the stain with the resulting mixture. Wipe the treated area with a dry cloth.

    • With a solvent

    A cotton pad should be moistened with solvent and carefully rinsed off the grease stain. After removal, the surface is also wiped with a clean towel.

    • Detergent

    Add three tablespoons of detergent to half a glass of water. Mix and apply the resulting foam to the stain. We are waiting for 3 - 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

    • Baking soda

    Mix three tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water. The resulting solution is washed off the stain. Then the surface is wiped dry.


    Well that's all, friends.

    On this page of my blog, I shared with you my experience - how to remove stains on the door.

    if you have interesting waysthen share with them in the comments.

    Success to everyone!

Sooner or later, any housewife is faced with different stains on the doors and doors of furniture, including greasy ones. Especially often they appear in the kitchen in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handles and the lower part, which gives an overall untidy look. Therefore, the knowledge of how to wash greasy stains on the door is simply an absolute must.

Where to begin?

First, determine what material the door is made of. Today's assortment of furniture products is incredibly diverse in this respect. The most common options are:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • laminated;
  • glass.

The next step is the origin of the pollution. Once we have coped with this task, we prepare in advance the products that are best suited for cleaning. You need one of the following options:

  • acetone;
  • white Spirit;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • table vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon essence;
  • clay;
  • talc;
  • raw potatoes;
  • several soft napkins;
  • sponge and cotton wool.

How to clean greasy stains on a painted door?

If the problem occurs on a painted surface, you will need table vinegar:

  1. Soak cotton wool or a tissue in the vinegar.
  2. Work on the stain until the vinegar is completely absorbed.
  3. Finally, wipe the surface dry with a clean damp cloth or cloth.

Important! If it's freshspot, then forcleaning the painted surface, replace the vinegar with warm water and liquid soap or dishwashing liquid.

How to remove greasy stains from unpainted doors?

If the surface of the canvas is not painted, and a greasy stain has appeared on it, such a solution and cleaning technology will help you:

  1. Mix table vinegar and clay in equal proportions until a homogeneous liquid paste appears.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture directly to the blot and leave until dry.
  3. Rinse off the dried vinegar-clay mixture from the surface with warm water.

How to clean wooden doors from greasy stains?

A polished wooden door can also get these unsightly dirt. In this case, the following options are suitable as cleaning agents:

  1. Thorough talcum powder treatment:
    1. Apply a small amount to a sponge.
    2. Wipe the area with powder.
    3. Remove with a dry cloth.
    4. Make sure the grease is gone.
  2. Raw potatoes do this job well:
    1. Wash and cut the fruit into 2 pieces.
    2. Wipe the dirt with one half.
    3. Leave the surface in a treated state for a while.
    4. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Important! Stains may remain on the surface of the web. To remove them, apply a small amount of flour and polish the surface with a soft cloth.

How to remove greasy stains from laminated doors?

Laminated products are based on plywood or chipboard, and even plastic. Above is a drawing on paper base and laminated special film... Grease stains can also form on these doors and must be removed.

To solve this problem, the following set is suitable:

  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • vinegar or lemon essence;
  • a few soft napkins

Important! Whenatremoving stains with laminateddoors it must be remembered that in no case should a napkin soaked in a solution be kept on the surface of the canvas for more than 5 minutes. After 1-2 minutes after processing, you just need to wipe it with a damp cloth.

How to remove greasy stains from a metal door?

To solve the problem on metal surface white spirit or acetone is best. It's up to you - everyone knows the smell of acetone, but white spirit has practically no smell, + it cleans very effectively.

How to remove stains from a glass door?

The most delicate and problematic is the removal of greasy stains from the surface of sandblasted glass, which is increasingly used in interior decoration. But, if such a problem has overtaken you, use the following means:

  • mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:10, and gently wash off all dirt with this solution;
  • apply baking soda do not sponge and wipe off stains on the glass door;
  • you can also wash the canvas with alcohol or special alcohol-containing glass products.
  • use ammonia or soap based products.

Important! Forremoving stains from glass use special napkins for glass and mirrors, foam sponges or soft toothbrushes. And do not press too much with a napkin or sponge on the canvas, as it can be easily damaged.


Any product must be properly looked after in order to preserve its primary attractiveness as long as possible. appearance... To do this, wipe the doors from dust more often, remove fresh stains as quickly as possible and do not allow them to absorb and dry, and also eat and store it in specially designated places. Additional personal hygiene will not be superfluous, in particular, clean hands. Be attentive to yourself and your home in order to live in a beautiful and cozy room!

Doors and furniture made of MDF look stylish and beautiful in the interior. But the greasy spots that form on the surface spoil the whole look. You can withdraw them in different ways.

Before starting cleaning it is necessary to determine which coating: laminate; PVC; veneer; painted canvas.

The cleaning method is also selected depending on the top layer.

What not to do

  1. Whatever material the doors are made of, do not use aggressive cleaning agents such as pure alcohol, thinner, acetone and acids.
  2. Do not use abrasive products for cleaning, which can leave scratches on the surface.
  3. Do not rub with a wire brush.

Using these funds can damage upper layer canvases.

Stores sell a variety of specialized cleansers such as pencils, pastes, liquids, and sprays. Before using them, you need to read the instructions.

Before using any method, it is better to test it on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe door, for example, at the end, from the hinge side.

Laminated surface

The leaf of the laminated door is covered with a thin protective film, which makes maintenance easier.

  1. Alcohol solution - dilute in 9 parts warm water 1 part alcohol. Soak a soft cloth in this solution and wipe off the dirt. If possible, apply the fabric to the surface for 5 minutes. Then wipe with a dry cloth.
  2. Soap solution - 72% liquid laundry soap is on sale. It works great on grease stains. Treat the surface with a cloth dampened with soap and rinse with warm water. This must be done quickly so that moisture is not absorbed into the door leaf. If not liquid soap, you can grate half a bar of laundry soap and dilute with warm water, or simply rub the sponge with soap thickly.

PVC surface

Their PVC film protects the canvas. It can be of various shades and have a pattern. She cleans well different ways... It is important not to allow the door to get wet for a long time so that it does not swell.

  1. Mix equal amounts of liquid soap and sanitary ware. Apply to the stain with a sponge and rinse off after 10 minutes. Wipe thoroughly.
  2. Mix 3 tsp. soda and 3 tsp. sunflower oil. Rub the contaminated areas with this paste. Clean with a clean cloth. It's soft and effective remedy... In addition, a thin layer of oil forms protective film on the surface.
  3. It washes well with soapy water.

Veneered surface

Veneer is a thin layer of wood that covers the door leaf. It retains the texture of the wood and looks natural. Immediately after installation, such furniture should be coated with furniture polish. This will preserve its appearance and protect it from dirt. But if spots have appeared, then there are ways to get rid of them.

  1. 3 tbsp Dissolve dishwashing liquid in half a glass of warm water. Foam with a sponge. Apply the foam to the contaminated surface for 5 minutes. Wash off clean water and wipe dry.
  2. Potatoes help clear stains. Grate the stain with half a potato until it is covered with potato juice. Leave to dry completely. Sprinkle talcum powder or baby powder on a soft cloth and wipe the surface of the door, removing the starch residues. Then walk with a clean towel.

After cleaning, treat the entire surface with polish.

Painted surfaces

MDF doors are also covered with enamel. They withstand cleaning well.

  1. Grate problem areas with half a lemon. Rinse with water after 10 minutes.
  2. Dishwashing liquid and lemon acid a tablespoon, and a teaspoon of water. Dilute the composition in a bowl, apply to grease spots. Remove after 5 minutes with a clean cloth.
  3. Liquid laundry soap is well suited for such a coating, which is applied to the surface for 5 minutes and then washed off.

For MDF with any coating, melamine sponges are suitable. The sponge should be slightly moistened with clean water and wiped off the stain. It will erase dirt like an eraser.

Stains and traces of grease spoil the appearance of MDF surfaces. But you can get rid of them in 15 minutes, using the means that are in every home.

Quite often you have to wash furniture from various stains, what is chipboard afraid of? So, chipboard is, of course, afraid of water in large quantities. How, then, to wipe chipboard furniture and how to remove stains?

It is important which chipboard is in front of you - laminated, covered with PVC film, or it is not chipboard at all, but MDF. Care for laminated chipboard is easier than for chipboard without lamination. Regular chipboard can not be wiped with a wet cloth, use most detergents... Caring for laminated chipboard is much easier.

Zelenka is easy to wash off chipboard with vinegar.

Marker marks can be easily removed with alcohol. Glass liquid, laundry soap

We fight greasy stains on chipboard furniture

A greasy stain from chipboard must be removed as soon as possible.

A fresh greasy stain on the chipboard should be immediately wiped with a solution of water and baby soap.

Algorithm for removing a greasy spot from a chipboard surface:

  • wipe the stain with a damp cloth,
  • attach on a short time (no more than a minute) another napkin soaked in a solution of alcohol, acetone or white spirit, apply vinegar to the stain,
  • then b wipe quickly with a soft dry cloth andwhether with a cloth.

Greasy stains can be removed from the chipboard of furniture thanks to a melamine sponge, the main thing is not to be zealous and not rub hard.

Greasy stain with MDF doors or furniture can be reduced with a simple laundry soap, and you can also use ammonia and then walk with a polish.

How to wash chipboard

To eliminate extraneous odors, the chipboard shelves in the closet can be wiped with a barely damp cloth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or soap, but after that you must wipe it with a dry cloth.

Copes well with stains on furniture of any origin "Polish 2".

After cleaning, you can treat chipboard furniture with an antistatic agent.

Hot traces, juice, wine, chocolate, etc.

A hot stain on a chipboard with a film is a folk remedy: vodka mixed with sunflower oil, and then you can rub it with a flannel cloth.

If the stain cannot be removed, you can cover it with a laminate pencil.

A stain from juice, wine, chocolate - a simple damp cloth.

The coffee stain is ethyl alcohol or ammonia.

Stains from varnish, cosmetics - lightly applying a sponge with acetone.

Rules for caring for chipboard and MDF

Furniture made of chipboard and MDF is afraid of solvents, gasoline, abrasives and washcloths, bleaches, ammonia, chlorine, steam, mastic, wax.

The napkin or cloth should not be kept on the surface for more than 5 minutes.

It is better to remove stains immediately.

Furniture cannot be scrubbed and rubbed with abrasive agents, as well as aggressive solvents, gasoline.

Particleboard should not be cleaned with baking soda or baking soda solution.

Summary table of the types of stains and how to remove them

Spot typeFlatten the stain off the chipboard folk remedy Professional stain remover
Greasy stains Wet wipes, water with baby soap, alcohol, diluted vinegar, diluted wine vinegar. Mild degreasing gels, sif paste. Mr. Chister, Mr. Cleaner, etc.
Blood 2 tbsp salt, 2 tbsp. shampoo or liquid dishwashing liquid and cold water
Zelenka, iodine melamine sponge, shumanite, salicylic acid.
Marker mark, ink pencil eraser Profoam 2000
Pencil marks WD-40 Profoam 2000
Hot spots Vodka with sunflower oil.
Juice, wine, chocolate stain Wet wipe
Coffee stain ethyl alcohol or ammonia
Wax stain Apply ice in a bag, gently scrape off with a non-sharp spatula, Wipe the surface with a soft cloth dampened with a solution of 1 part apple cider vinegar in 10 parts warm water.
Jam Vinegar soap solution
Varnish nail polish remover
Urine stains Laundry soap, chlorine
Paint 1 kg lime mortar and 1 kg. chalk diluted with 20% soda solution. We dilute the resulting mixture of chalk and lime with a solution of soda, adding water and turning it all into a pasty state.
Reagent stains, street dirt Potato paste. Peel the potatoes, grate them, add a little water and mix. Dishwashing liquid.

Furniture cleaner - Anti-dust FURNITURE CLEANER

Resin, glue solvent, for glue-moment - anti-glue, or heat with a hairdryer. For pVC glue - take out to 15 degrees frost.
Plasticine Remove with a dry paper towel. Then rub with alcohol.
Handle marks Profoam 2000
Scotch marks with chipboard Shaving foam, dish detergent, white spirit, warm soapy water, vegetable oil, antistatic agent, melamine sponge.Cleaner Adrilan 5v1, Pronto. Profoam 2000
Fingerprints on chipboard Melamine sponge, wet wipes.

Furniture polish. Furniture cleaner-Anti-dust FURNITURE CLEANER

Old dried stains

Apply a mixture of table salt and vegetable oil, wait until dry, gently scrape or shake off.

Egg stain

Apply a mixture of baking soda and soap filled with hot water to the stain.
Mold on chipboard Dry, gently scrape off the mold, treat with an anti-mold agent.