And accordingly cool the room faster. Cooling an apartment without air conditioning

When the sun burns mercilessly, the apartment turns into a real Sahara. We need to cool it urgently. Moreover, both myself and the living space are not far from heatstroke. And if there is no air conditioner? (And anyway - tired of catching a cold because of this monster). Eureka, we will lower the temperature with improvised means. Internet forums assure that this is quite real.

Method one: Bathe!

Folk wisdom advises to wash all surfaces and metal objects in the room (for example, doorknobs and radiators) in hot weather with cold water. Moreover, the colder the water, the better the effect. You should also not wipe dry - let the moisture evaporate, they say, so the air in the room will cool down faster.

It seems that the home thermometer is also tired of the heat and hangs with a sour expression: +32! Well, nothing, I'll wash you now too.

I draw cold water from the tap into a bucket ... Cold water can be called with a big interference - it's hot outside, and the water, after all, comes from the river. I walk with a rag on the floor and window sills. Sweat rolls down like hail, pouring over the face, but it doesn't get fresh. And the thermometer will not let you lie: the temperature seemed to start to decrease, but literally a couple of minutes later it returned to its original positions. And I didn't even have time to sigh the coolness.

Outcome: does not work.

Method two: Attention, curtain!

The advice at the next forum reads: dense white curtains on the window, or even better - reflective mirror film, will save the room from direct sunlight, which is responsible for overheating of the air. It is best to close the window in order to stop the heat from the street.

I measure the air temperature right behind the glass - +35.5. Finnish sauna, and nothing more. I tighten the window opening with white plastic blinds, sit on the windowsill and hypnotize the thermometer.

After 10 minutes of humble waiting, patience is rewarded: an almost comfortable temperature is set on the windowsill - +30 degrees. Believe me, in a one-room brazier with south windows, this is almost a victory.

If your apartment has been roasting in the sun all day, it will cool down slowly - the thermal conductivity of the air is low. It is best to cool the dwelling with night coolness, and turn it into a darkened cave and batten down the vents with the sunrise.

Outcome: the room became 5.5 degrees colder. Excellent result!

Method Three: Wet T-shirt Contest

Folk methods claim that an increase in humidity in the apartment will help to cope with the heat - place containers with water everywhere, wet clothes and hang wet towels.

I start with a temperature of +32. I put a bucket of cold water in the hall and hang a wet sheet on the dryer. The idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a wet T-shirt in the apartment does not stand up to criticism: streams flow disgustingly down the back, merging on the floor with rivers laden with sheets. It sloshes disgustingly underfoot.


After 10 minutes, the thermometer is not happy: it stubbornly shows +29. That is, the room became cooler by only 3 degrees.

Method four: Sea breeze

Place the ice cubes in a container with a wide mouth, add table salt and place the bowl in front of the fan. Ice cube trays will not work: the more ice, the colder. They promised that in 10 minutes I would run for a jacket.

The problem of ice-making is easily solved: I freeze a 1.5-liter plastic bottle with water, then I split the lump with a kitchen hatchet. I mix the ice with table salt (there is, perhaps, in every home). The ice hisses and crackles, microgeysers explode on its surface, spraying icy water molecules in all directions. The directional airflow from the fan blows a fresh breeze over me. Bliss! How not to fail the experiment - from the pleasure I almost forgot about the measurements!

Of course, I don't run for a jacket, but in 10 minutes the temperature in the room drops from 35.5 to 26! True, everything ends pretty quickly: after an hour, only a bowl of salted broth remains of the ice. But the result was still impressive.

Outcome: as much as 10 degrees were won back from the heat. Victory!

Method five: cold accumulators

These are plastic containers filled with a special solution. They are about the size of a pencil case. Sold in stores, one piece will cost around 400 rubles. When frozen, they are used to preserve perishable food - ice cream will not turn into porridge on the way from the store to the house.

I managed to get hold of as many as 15 such batteries. But it seems that this is not enough - they did not even think to cool the air.

Outcome: does not work.

Many residents of apartment buildings faced the problem of cooling their homes during hot summer months. As a rule, tenants who can afford to install expensive air conditioners that effectively cool the premises of the apartment. However, there are other equally effective ways to cool rooms using available fans. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can cool an apartment and your room with a fan without significant costs and create a favorable microclimate in a house or apartment during the hot season.

Method 1

There are several most effective ways to quickly bring down the temperature in the room to a more comfortable one.

We need a bowl of cold water, a floor fan, a plastic bottle of frozen water, and a piece of gauze.

We take gauze and moisten thoroughly in cold water. After that, it is necessary to throw the moistened gauze over the fan. To do this, any of the 4 ends of the gauze should be lowered into a basin of cold water, which will stand next to the fan. After that, we turn on the fan, and the room air, together with the circulation, will begin to cool the room. For maximum effect, place a plastic bottle with ice or very cold water in the bowl. Depending on the fan diameter and installation height, the gauze size will need to be selected.

Method 2

We offer you another effective method that will help you answer the question - how to cool yourself and your room without air conditioning? For this we need a floor fan and a large water tank. It is best to use cool water, and the larger the container for it, the faster the room will cool down. We install the fan in the required position and put a container with water in front of it. In the process of intensive blowing of warm air into the room, the water will begin to evaporate. And thus the temperature in the room will drop by 2-5 degrees.

Method 3

With the floor fan, rooms can be effectively cooled in the evening or at night. To do this, turn the fan in the direction of the window. Thus, hot air will come out of the rooms. In other rooms, it will be necessary to fully open all windows. In this case, a draft is obtained when the influx of fresh air from the street will push hot air out with a fan. Thanks to this, the temperature in the premises will be equal to the cooler outside temperature.

Method 4

For this we need a floor fan and empty plastic bottles of 1.5-2 liters. Pour cool water into plastic bottles and freeze. After that we place bottles of frozen water in each room. We install a floor fan in the living room, which will cool the room more efficiently. When the water melts, put the plastic bottles back in the freezer and repeat the procedure again.

Tip 1

To keep the rooms cool and fresh, you should damp all rooms as often as possible. As a rule, it is best to do wet cleaning with cold water in the early morning, when the rooms are not yet heated.

Tip 2

Curtains in rooms can be dampened with clean cool water. This equally effective method allows you to reduce the temperature in rooms. To do this, it is necessary to spray cold water onto the curtains using a conventional spray or other method. In extreme heat, it is best to repeat the procedure as often as possible.

Most of us love summer and are looking forward to the holiday season. However, the heat can turn into sweltering heat, which makes it impossible to stay in the apartment. Of course, this problem can be solved in a short time, but not everyone has this device. Some refuse it because of its high cost, while others consider the conditioner to be the cause of colds and allergies. Be that as it may, but you should not endure the heat. We will show you how to cool a room without an air conditioner without much effort and cost.

"Grandma's" methods

The apartment gets warm in summer, mainly due to the sun's rays entering the rooms through the windows. Accordingly, if the flow of light hits an obstacle, then it will not be able to get into the room. That is why the windows should be covered with blackout curtains in the morning. It would seem that dark curtains should provide air cooling in an apartment without an air conditioner, because they create a saving shadow, but this is not the case. The darker the fabric, the more heat it absorbs. Moreover, it absorbs from the street, and gives it to the room. That is why windows should be covered with light curtains that reflect light and warmth. The ideal option is foil curtains or blinds. When the sun goes down and the heat in the street subsides, you can safely open the windows so that the rooms are filled with cool fresh air. To cool the room as efficiently as possible in summer, curtain outside windows whenever possible.

The easiest way to cool the air in your home is to ventilate at night - just keep the windows open during the night. It is advisable to keep all the drawers and cabinets in the house open at night so that the air warmed up during the day also cools.

A seemingly trifle like a light bulb is also a source of heat, and if you add an oven, a refrigerator, and various light indicators on household appliances to it, then a few additional "hot" degrees are provided for an apartment. Try to disconnect from the network all devices that you are not currently using.

Try to cover all fluffy textiles with a white cloth during the day to keep them cool. In the evening, when you sit in an easy chair or fluffy blanket, they will seem cool to you.

"Home" physics

Draft is the easiest and most effective way. By opening two windows in the apartment facing in opposite directions, you will provide instant ventilation of the apartment. Even warm air that circulates at high speed will bring relief. And how and how to cool the air in the apartment if all the windows are located on the same side? The usual one will help. The lower it is set, the faster the cool air concentrated in the lower layers will be at the top. And if you install several containers with ice or cold water in front of the fan, the effect will be noticeable at times. To prevent the ice from melting so quickly, add regular table salt to the container. By the way, bottles with water (melted ice) can be frozen again.

In extreme heat, you should curtain the door and window openings with a wet sheet. The water evaporates and cools the room. But be careful: too high humidity will increase the air temperature!

By installing one fan by the window with the blades outward, and the other in another room with the blades inside the apartment, you will create artificial air circulation at a high flow rate. The heated air from the rooms will go outside, and the cool air from the street will go into the apartment. Placed in the corners of the room, plastic ice bottles will enhance the cooling effect.

As you can see, cooling a room without air conditioning is not a big deal.

The summer season is not always associated with a positive. Warm weather can easily turn into exhausting heat, in which being in the house becomes unbearable both day and night. Not only the direct rays of the sun are to blame for this, but also the high temperature outside, as well as the lack of wind.

There are a lot of ways to combat heat in the house, among which air conditioning is in the first place. However, what if there is no air conditioner or split system at home? How to cool a room in hot weather without air conditioning? There are several answers to this question, and we will try to reveal everything.

7 ways to cool a room in hot weather without air conditioning

We have long been accustomed to enjoying the benefits of civilization without thinking that there were no technological advances that were once useful to us. The question arises, how did our ancestors cope with this or that problem? For example, how did you cool the room in the heat without air conditioning? But they succeeded quite easily. A few very simple methods, such as ventilation, creating a humidifier, draft, etc., that do not require special costs, we will consider below.

  1. Close the curtains

The reason for the heating of the air in the room is the penetration of direct sunlight. To avoid this, it is recommended to close the windows tightly during the daytime. It is preferable to have light-colored curtains made of natural material, for example, flax.

Dark curtains will absorb heat and spread it around the room, acting like a stove. If you can't change them, try reflecting the sun's rays. For this purpose, foil is suitable, which can be attached to the window with regular or double-sided tape. You can also use tinting for the window, which will reliably protect the room from the sun's rays.

  1. Getting rid of dust

The next step is to get rid of the so-called "dust collectors", which also attract and retain heat for a long time. Among them, in the first place are carpets and rugs. To make the air cleaner and cooler. Wall and floor coverings of this type must be rolled up and removed before the colder period. You also need to do with warm blankets and bedspreads. As for upholstered furniture, which can also be classified as "dust collectors", it can be covered with a white sheet, or other light, light and natural piece of fabric. In the evening, after such manipulations, your favorite sofa or armchair will seem cool.

  1. We save electricity

A gas burner, light bulbs, a TV screen, a computer monitor and a system unit are all capable of heating the air in a room by several degrees. Therefore, in hot weather, it is recommended to refuse to turn on this type of electrical appliances. If it's very boring, you can read a book, or change your computer to a gadget with less heat dissipation, such as a tablet, or a phone.

  1. Airing

Airing the room will allow you to breathe more freely. However, it is preferable to do this at night. Sleeping with an open window or vent will be much more comfortable. During the day, all the vents and windows must be tightly closed, except for hot air, such ventilation will not bring you anything.

  1. Moisturizing

Humidification will help to cope with dry hot air in the room. The easiest way to humidify the air is daily wet cleaning. However, his action is enough for a couple of hours, and a lot of effort is expended. Therefore, we bring to your attention a few more ideas.

You can humidify the air in an apartment by hanging wet rags on cabinets and chairs. Before they have time to dry, the air will remain moist and cooler. Any kind of spray gun is also useful. After filling it with water, spray the curtains. If you drop aromatic oils into the water, then in addition to moisture, the air will be filled with your favorite scent.

Filling the tub with cold water and leaving the door open will also help humidify the apartment. Moreover, there is no particular need to monitor such a humidifier.

There is another way that you can also provide long-term hydration. To do this, hang a cotton sheet in the room, and lower the lower ends of its ends into a basin of cold water. Gradually getting wet, the sheet will release moisture to the air, and will remain wet for a long time.

Important! It is necessary to be extremely careful with humidifying the air, the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the apartment may turn into a bathhouse, and mold will appear on the walls.

  1. Draft

The creation of a draft will increase the speed and quality of ventilation several times. However, one should not forget that it is better to arrange a draft at night or in the morning, when the sun has not yet had time to warm the air. To make the draft more effective, it is best to open windows in rooms located on different sides of the house.

Be careful, even in very hot weather it is possible to catch a cold in a draft.

  1. Fan

Using a fan even in the middle of the day can make airing a room much easier. To maximize the effect, place the device as close to the floor as possible.

Plus, with a little bit of ingenuity, a fan can help cool and humidify the air more efficiently. To do this, place mugs or any other utensil filled with cold water and ice in front of the fan, or by directing the air stream from the appliance through a damp sheet. Almost immediately, you will notice how it became much easier to breathe in the room, and the long-awaited coolness spreads throughout the house.

If you have one more fan in stock, then you can arrange a draft even in the daytime. To do this, install one of the devices by directing the air stream through the window, and transfer the other to the next room, while the air stream should be directed into the house. Thus, you have contributed to the creation of an artificial draft. Driving even hot air around the apartment, but at high speed, such a draft can significantly facilitate existence in the heat.

As you have noticed, there are many different ways to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning. You can easily choose the most suitable one and survive the hot summer without much effort and inconvenience. When humidifying and ventilating the room, be careful, everything should be limited.

How to cool yourself in the heat (video)

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With the onset of summer, unbearable heat comes to our house. It is not difficult to survive it if there is an expensive climatic technology that allows you to cool the air in the room. But what about those who are forced to live and work in the heat without air conditioning. There are several ways in which you can reduce the degree and significantly increase the level of comfort. Let's list the most basic and effective ones.

We prepare the apartment correctly

Beautiful sunny weather makes us happy. It allows you to open wide the windows and let fresh air into the house. Anyone who has to put up with the cold and inclement weather for most of the year dreams about it. Therefore, you can see how in the summer the wind walks freely in a draft and fills the entire space of living rooms.

In hot weather, this approach is inappropriate. Together with the sun's rays, heat flows, so the rooms heats up quickly. To lower the temperature without using an air conditioner, you need to learn how to properly ventilate the apartment in the summer. It can be effectively cooled without air conditioning by opening the windows in the early morning from 5.00 to 8.00 and letting in the coolness. It allows you to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature throughout the day without air conditioning. In hot heat, one more evening ventilation is simply necessary. It must be done after 22.00. During the working period it is better to keep the windows closed.

Artificial blackout instead of air conditioner

Residents of the southern regions have to prepare for the heat more carefully. Very often, in such geographical areas, when the sun is at its zenith, the air heats up to very high temperatures. Then the morning and evening airing does not allow to cool the premises efficiently. We have to use additional protection from the heat.

Experts advise owners of apartments without air conditioning, the windows located on the south side should be covered with foil for the summer. This is the cheapest way to fight the heat. For the indicated purposes, it is allowed to use ordinary baking foil. You can buy it at any grocery store. Its surface perfectly reflects the sun's rays, does not allow them to penetrate the room and heat the air in it. Sticking it on windows is easy. To do this, you need to use regular tape. If you want to cool a room without an air conditioner in this way, you need to remember that the foil does not allow daylight to pass through, so after pasting the rooms will become dark. And the window itself from the outside will not look very worthy.

How to cool a room with a special film without air conditioning

There is another solution to the above problem, which can cool rooms without air conditioning. On sale there are special curtain films that are easily attached to the plastic frame by gluing. They are more expensive than foil, but the described product has a number of advantages. They fully compensate for material expenses. The material from which the films are made is much stronger and more reliable than brittle foil. Therefore, it will be easier to darken and cool a house without an air conditioner: there is no need to be afraid that one careless movement will damage the base. The described products are sold in rolls.

It is possible to choose the desired width (60 cm or meter). The length of one roll is three meters. If you install the film carefully, the window will look quite presentable. It effectively reflects the sun's rays without restricting the view of the street from the inside. Thanks to this property, it is possible to close all the windows in the picture, providing maximum protection of the living space from the sun. Using this technology, it will be possible to cool the air temperature by three to four degrees without an air conditioner.

Blinds instead of air conditioning

If there is a desire to simultaneously darken the apartment, hide its internal space from prying eyes, it is worth choosing and purchasing specialized systems. Sun blinds are very popular. They are of several types: roll, horizontal, vertical. All designs are very convenient to use, all of them will help to effectively darken, and therefore cool the temperature in a room without air conditioning.

Manufacturers offer different versions of the described products. There are blinds made of plastic, wood, woven material. Buyers are presented with a very wide range of colors, so it will not be difficult to choose something that is most suitable for the design style and make blackout part of the interior.

Fabric curtains place conditioner

They can also be used for darkening and sun protection. To do this, you need to sew them from a dense material that does not transmit light. It is not cheap, so you have to spend a lot. And this is the main disadvantage of the described choice. Anyone who does not have a fundamental factor in saving money can afford to chicly decorate windows by combining different types of construction. Designers prefer to create complex drapery structures that can emphasize the style of decoration and help to reduce the degree of indoor air without air conditioning.

Roman, pleated, French, Austrian, heavy London - the aesthetic component comes first in this version of darkening. So that the room is not overloaded with heavy dense matter, you will have to pair it with a veil, organza or tulle. This will noticeably increase the shading estimate. This must be taken into account when choosing this method of sun protection.

Regular humidification instead of air conditioning

Experts, talking about how you can cool a room without an air conditioner, advise constantly humidifying the air in the apartment. This can be done using mechanical devices (steam, ultrasonic installations) or a conventional spray. It is not difficult to make it yourself using a container from a glass cleaner.

First, it must be thoroughly washed and filled with cool running water. To cool the room a little, it is enough to spray moisture every forty minutes. If you want to eliminate the factor of human presence altogether, you just need to place pots filled to the brim with water in the corners of the room. Regular humidification will eliminate the dryness of the air space, prevent dust from scattering throughout the apartment and cool the air in an apartment without an air conditioner.

We make an air conditioner out of a fan

A conventional fan does not purify or humidify the air. It provides only its circulation within one enclosed space. And it really helps to feel quite comfortable in hot weather. Everyone knows how they work and how such installations work. But if you try to combine their principle of operation and function of a humidifier, you can effectively cool the air without an air conditioner.

To do this, you need to place plastic bottles filled with ice water in a row in front of the device. Practice shows that this is a very effective way to very quickly solve the problem.

Another model helps to improve efficiency and air conditioning throughout the apartment. To make it, you need to take a garden hose, wrap it around the fan grill so that there are gaps for the air flow. One end of the hose is then connected to the cold water supply, and the other goes down to the sink or bathroom. It is enough to turn on the fan and a small pressure of water to fill the room with cool air. If you replace the rubber hose with a copper tube, the cost of a homemade installation will increase, but its efficiency will increase. In this way, it will be possible to cool the apartment without air conditioning in a few minutes.

How to cool a room in heat without air conditioning using ice

It is possible to enhance the action of the fan by placing a container filled with ice in front of it instead of the eggplants with cold water. When heated, it will evaporate, and throw a portion of cold air into the room. The fan will blow it all over the room.

You can freeze ice water in eggplants, and then put them in front of the fan too. Someone who has tried this method says that it really works very well. Alternatively, if the heat interferes with sleep, experts recommend putting a hot water bottle with ice in bed, pre-hanging the bed linen in the air, and then filling the bed with it. Falling asleep without air conditioning will be much easier.

We use wet sheets - forget about the conditioner

Anyone who does not have an air conditioner at home can use another simple technique. For its implementation, it is necessary to moisten bedding in water, fold them neatly into a bag, and place in a freezer. After a few minutes, take it out and hang it in the room. It will immediately become a few degrees cooler. While some sheets are hanging, others should be put in the refrigerator. And then alternate.

If you direct a fan at the laundry, it will be possible to cool the room faster and let the cold, moist air into it. It will immediately become easier to breathe in the apartment. The main thing is not to direct the cold air at yourself, otherwise you will quickly catch a cold.

Other ways to cool your home without air conditioning

There are many tips that can be adopted by anyone who wants to know how a room should be cooled without air conditioning. Let's list the most effective ones.

  1. In the very heat, you need to keep locked not only the windows, but also the front doors. This will block the ingress of hot air from the outside and cool the space around by a couple of degrees.
  2. If there is no air conditioning, it is useful to keep the entrance doors in the entrances of apartment buildings locked up.
  3. When the apartment is on the first two floors, it is useful to plant climbing green plants or trees next to it on the street, which, when they grow up, will close the windows from the sunlight with their crown.
  4. It is helpful to minimize the use of incandescent bulbs and any heating appliances (iron or kettle, for example). You need to cook food early in the morning, while it's cool outside. When there is no such opportunity, you can have lunch or dinner with cold okroshka.
  5. The temperature in the room will drop without air conditioning if you do wet cleaning more often and wipe the floors twice a day. It is better to roll up carpets for the summer and give them to dry cleaning, and walk barefoot on the floor.
  6. A bowl of cold water placed next to the bed and a clean cotton napkin can help cool the room in the heat. Before going to bed, you need to moisten it and wipe your face, neck, hands. You can cool a clean, dry sheet in the refrigerator, and then just cover with it. This is exactly what our grandmothers did, who lived and did not know what air conditioners were.
  7. A wet towel wrapped around your neck and damp wristbands will help you safely endure the hottest period.
  8. Turn off heated towel rails in the bathroom. They heat up the air very much. Watch less TV and computer. Any household appliances heat up during operation. This causes the temperature to rise by a couple of degrees.
  9. Cool your body from the inside, drink more soft drinks, pamper yourself with ice cream, chilled fruits and berries. Always keep ripe watermelons in the refrigerator.
  10. If you live without air conditioning, sleep on the floor in summer. By evening, hot air accumulates under the ceiling, and below it is much cooler. Therefore, it makes sense to throw the mattress, pillows on the floor and spend the night while the heat soars outside the window. If you leave the windows open at the same time, you can easily enjoy a restful sleep. Night is the coolest time of the day. Even a small temperature difference will allow the living space to give off excess heat to the street.
  11. Walk around the house in loose clothing made from natural fabrics. It absorbs excess moisture well, allows the skin to breathe, and the breeze from the fan to blow through the body.
  12. Learn from animals that live without air conditioning. In intense heat, they prefer to sleep more, move a little, walk measuredly, slowly. If possible, this is exactly what you need to do: spend most of the day in a horizontal position.
  13. Switch to a night work schedule: stay awake at night and rest during the day.
  14. Keep yourself in good physical shape, choose foods that are quickly prepared and well absorbed by the body. Eliminate hot meals and drinks from the diet that can warm up the body from the inside (peppers, alcoholic beverages, bacon, garlic and ginger).

The ability to adapt plays an important role in maintaining health in the hot summer season. After all, somehow our ancestors lived without air conditioners and cooled the living quarters using improvised methods. Today, millions of people live in the equatorial belt, not everyone has climatic equipment (air conditioners) in their homes, but they somehow survive and lead an active lifestyle. They are helped by the ability to adapt to the circumstances. No one gets depressed about the heat, does not panic when it is more than +45 degrees outside the window. The human body is able to survive even in more extreme conditions. The main thing is to be able to adapt to them, using the usual improvised methods. The most effective are listed in this article. And they don't have air conditioning.