How to store garlic - we will keep a healthy vegetable fresh until a new crop! How to store garlic in vegetable oil - video.

Every housewife knows about useful properties and methods of use, usually there are no problems with planting, but not everyone can keep it fresh and juicy all winter.

The secret to successful storage of garlic is the fulfillment of several conditions.

Cleaning time

Let's start with the most important component - timely cleaning. It must be borne in mind that garlic is divided into:
  • Spring- This is summer garlic (some call it autumn). He does not shoot. The signal for the start of cleaning is considered to be yellowed and laden foliage.

Usually, spring garliccleanedin the second half of August.

  • Winter   - winter garlic. There are shooting and non-shooting.

You can determine the ripening period of winter garlic by the following signs:

  • the skin of inflorescences is cracked;
  • the lower leaves turned yellow;
  • the flakes of the bulbs became thin and dry.
The approximate harvest time for winter garlic is the end of July.

So, your garlic shows clear signs of maturity. If the weather is dry and warm, start cleaning.

It is not worth delaying the harvest, otherwise you risk getting a low-quality product that will be poorly stored. Signs of overripe garlic:

  • bulb-covering flakes burst;
  • heads break up into cloves;

  • young roots appeared on the bottom of the bulb.
Tip: If you damage the bulb during harvesting, do not leave it in storage.

How to remove garlic

Digging with a shovel or pitchfork (I prefer the pitchfork - so the bulbs are less damaged), laid out to dry.

Brush off excess soil from the heads and roots, leave the foliage. In clear weather, we dry garlic directly on the ridge for about 5 days. In damp - under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area. You can also take out in the afternoon in the sun, and in the evening to clean in a warm room.

After drying, we trim the roots (leaving about 3 mm) and the stems (leaving up to 10 cm). Before laying for storage, we sort the heads by size.

Such cleaning will ensure the best storage in winter.

Temperature storage of garlic

Storage in warmer: +16 ° С ... + 20 ° С - optimal conditions for spring   garlic.

Storage in cold: +2 ° С .... + 4 ° С - the most successful conditions for garlic winter. Winter garlic is poorly adapted for long-term storage: it is often affected by various diseases, loses moisture.

The storage location should not be too dry (the garlic will dry) and not too damp (the garlic will be susceptible to disease): optimal   humidity - 50-80%.

  It is important: very good keeping quality for bulbs with three opaque scales.

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Long-term methods of storing garlic can also be attributed to some extent using fresh air or household appliances.


How to prepare winter garlic for long-term storage?

To keep the winter garlic stored for a long time, it should not be grown in damp places and excessively brought into the kidney nitrogen fertilizers. Garlic before harvest do not water   for three weeks.

For storage, mature bulbs that are not damaged (mechanically or by pests) are selected: only they possess good keeping quality. Each should have a minimum of 3 thick flakescovering the entire onion.

The collected garlic bulbs are dried within 28 days, cleaned from the upper contaminated scales and cut (if it is not intended to store the crop in pigtails) the stem at a height 5 cm from the headand the roots - leaving 1 centimeter. Roots, if you wish, can also be plucked or burned over a gas stove, leaving only the bottom.

Tips for harvesting winter garlic and preparing it for storage in this video:

How to store winter garlic in an apartment? To keep the winter garlic longer, it is recommended to treat its heads with boiled for 2 hours vegetable oil   with a few droplets iodine(0.5 liters of oil - 10 drops of iodine), then dry the crop in the open air.

Where to store winter garlic at home? Winter garlic is usually stored in pantryin the kitchen or in the refrigerator. It must be consumed first of all: unlike spring garlic, it is less suitable for long-term storage.

How to keep winter garlic at home - in which container? Winter garlic sprinkled with salt, flour or expanded vermiculite can be stored in glass jars or in pots.

Salt is poured on their bottom (flour, vermiculite), and then a layer of garlic is placed.

Layers need to be alternated while tare height allows. Over the last layer of garlic should be 2 cm layer. This method involves the replacement of salt several times during the winter, because with time it becomes wet.

Uncut garlic braided and they decorate the walls of the kitchen. Like onions, winter garlic is stored in villages in nylon tights.

Special nets   for vegetables are convenient for storing garlic, but in them, as well as in a pigtail and nylon stockings, if the storage rules are not followed, winter garlic dries out quite quickly.

Winter garlic is stored in small canvas bags. And so that he does not lose moisture, pour him with onion husks.

Optimal conditions

How to keep winter garlic in the apartment longer? Temperature: +2 - +3 degrees Celsius (when stored in the refrigerator); +15 - +20 degrees Celsius (storage in the pantry or in the kitchen). Humidity: 70 to 80 percent.

The results of the experience of storing garlic in the apartment for six months under different conditions in this video.

Often, housewives are interested in how to store garlic for longer. Probably everyone knows about the benefits of this vegetable, but unfortunately not everyone can tell about how to store garlic. Due to the improper harvesting time of the garlic and its preparation for storage, we can lose a large amount of the crop. Storage of garlic is quite within the power of everyone, and today's article will help to avoid mistakes during storage, in which I will also reveal some secrets of storing garlic at home.

But, as they say, first things first ...

First of all, you should know that according to the botanical features, two types of garlic are distinguished:

  • spring (or non-shooting), which is popularly called summer;
  • winter (sometimes shooting and non-shooting), the people call winter.

Types of garlic differ in planting and harvesting times, resistance to frost, productivity and keeping quality, i.e., the ability to store.

Dates and time of garlic harvest

The suitability of the crop for long-term storage directly depends on the timing of the harvest, which are established taking into account the growing season of this crop.

Signs that determine the time of harvesting spring garlic are yellowing leaves and the beginning of lodging of tops. The approximate harvest time for spring garlic is the second half of August.

The signs of ripening winter garlic are yellowing of the lower leaves and cracking of the wrapper in inflorescences. In this case, the scales covering the bulb become thinner and dry. The approximate harvest time for winter garlic is the end of July.

To determine whether the garlic is ripe or not, you need to look at the condition of the covering scales. If they are thin and durable, it's time to start cleaning.

The best time for cleaning is on warm and dry days.

Garlic should be harvested promptly and efficiently. Delay in cleaning leads to a deterioration in product quality, namely:

  • hiding scales crack;
  • bulbs break up into teeth;
  • new roots form on the bottom and the bulbs take root.

Such bulbs deteriorate very quickly and are not subject to long-term storage.

Harvesting garlic for storage

Garlic is harvested as follows: with the help of a shovel or pitchfork, the onions are dug up, collected and laid out to dry. When harvesting, it is necessary to protect the bulbs and roots from damage and shock. The soil from the surface of the bulbs and from the roots is carefully removed with your hands.

In dry weather, garlic is dried directly on the site for 3-5 days. When it rains, in a well-ventilated area (in the yard, in the attic or veranda).

You can dry the garlic in the afternoon in the sun, and at night bring it into a warm room.

Garlic, like onions, is dried along with the leaves. In this case, the nutrients formed in the green parts of the plant as a result of photosynthesis, come from the leaves to the bulb. This technique improves the mass and quality of the bulbs.

After thorough drying, the roots are cut off from the bulbs, leaving 2-3 mm, and the stem, leaving a neck up to 10 cm long. Then the bulbs are sorted and laid in a storage with suitable conditions.

Proper harvesting will provide you with excellent storage of garlic in the winter.

Methods for storing garlic

Depending on the temperature regime and humidity level, two main storage methods are distinguished:

  • warm method - involves storing the bulbs at a temperature of + 16 ... + 20 ° C and a humidity of 50 - 70% and is suitable for storage of spring garlic;
  • cold method - involves storing garlic at a temperature of + 2 ... + 4 ° C and a humidity of 70-80% and is used only for storing winter garlic.

It must be remembered that storing spring garlic is different from storing winter garlic. Winter garlic - the product is very moody and unsuitable for long-term storage. It is easily affected by various diseases and dries as a result of moisture loss. This is because the bulbs of winter garlic have less covering scales. Due to poor keeping quality, it is produced in autumn.

Garlic storage at home
How to store garlic so that losses are minimal? There are the following traditional methods for storing garlic:

  1. The old proven method - weaving braids and wreaths. On dried garlic, leave the bulb and false stem, and the leaves are removed. The braid begins from below, sequentially weaving new bulbs up to 15 pieces. To give strength to the braid weave twine. So that the braid can be hung, a loop is made at its end. This method allows you to save garlic until a new crop.
  2. Bulbs are placed in shallow boxes, baskets, cardboard boxes, nylon stockings or linen bags and placed in a dry and cool place for winter storage. From time to time, garlic is sorted, removing spoiled bulbs.

For those who like to experiment, I suggest unusual ways of storing garlic, which often give unexpectedly good results.

  1. Uncleaned, dried onions are placed in glass jars, which are pre-sterilized, and closed with ordinary nylon covers. In this case, you can pour the onions with flour.
  2. In shallow wooden boxes equipped with small holes, place the onion of garlic in one layer and fill it with a layer of coarse salt. So, alternating layers, fill the box to the very top. Instead of salt, you can use dry sawdust.
  3. Garlic is perfectly stored in linen bags. With low humidity, the garlic is additionally sprinkled with onion husks. And with high humidity, the bag is pre-treated with a saturated solution of sodium chloride. Salt not only absorbs moisture from the air, but also protects the bulbs from pests and diseases.

Difficulties in storing garlic
Problem # 1: Bulb Drying
  During storage, the garlic gradually dries. This occurs as a result of the process of evaporation of moisture, which can be prevented by waxing. To do this, melt the candle and lower the heads in warm paraffin. Stiffening, paraffin forms a layer on the surface of the bulb, preventing the evaporation of moisture. And carbon dioxide, which accumulates in the bulb as a result of the respiration of the stem, causes the death of microorganisms and protects against diseases.

Problem # 2: Mold
  When stored on the bulbs, green mold or black mold rot may appear. These fungal diseases affect, first of all, damaged, as well as frostbitten bulbs. Disease is promoted by elevated temperature and high humidity in the storage place. Solution: after harvest, dry the garlic in the sun. Garlic dried in this way is resistant to disease, since direct sunlight causes the death of bacteria, fungi and mold.

Problem 3: Bulb Germination
  To prevent the germination of garlic before laying for storage the bottom of the bulbs are slightly fired over a gas stove. This technique allows you to increase the duration of storage.

How to store garlic in an apartment
  For storage of garlic in the apartment choose dry, cool and dark places away from the heating system and heating appliances. With a relatively warm winter, you can store garlic on the balcony, and a small crop in the refrigerator.

   Note to the hostess:
  • do not leave bulbs damaged during harvesting, but use immediately;
  • store garlic and onions separately from other vegetables.
  • bulbs with three hiding scales have the best keeping quality.

You will also see useful information about storing garlic in this video:

So, to summarize ... Storage of garlic depends on its type (spring or winter), on proper cleaning and preparation for storage, on the place and method of storage, on creating optimal conditions for storing garlic. For my part, I advise you to use several methods at once when storing garlic in the winter, which will ensure maximum preservation of the crop.

You already know how to store garlic in the winter and you can save it until the new crop. And I will be happy to accept your advice on how to store garlic.

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Many housewives love garlic. This is not only a fragrant seasoning, but also a medicine that protects against colds. It is indispensable for the preparation of many dishes, pickling and canning vegetables. Garlic contains many healthy vitamins and minerals. This is especially valuable in winter and spring, because with proper storage it retains all its valuable qualities.

But at this time it is difficult to buy good garlic, so it is best to grow it yourself or buy it in the fall, when it is inexpensive and fresh. True, in this case, many housewives are faced with the problem: how to store garlic? In many houses there are no suitable conditions for this, and not everyone knows how to do it right.

What happens if you violate the storage rules

1. With an increased level of humidity, the heads may rot or mold. This also happens during storage of garlic in plastic bags.

2. When stored at high temperatures, such as in the kitchen, garlic dries. And by the end of winter can sprout. Such teeth lose their aroma.

3. If during storage the temperature drops below -5 o, then the garlic freezes and loses all its useful qualities.

Types of garlic

There are many varieties of this vegetable that are stored differently in the winter. Outwardly, they may differ in size or color of the peel. But the keeping quality of garlic mainly depends on the time of planting and harvesting. There are two types of this plant:

If garlic is planted in autumn, it is called winter. It ripens by the beginning of August, the degree of its ripeness is determined by the state of the arrows. Such garlic is usually well stored until spring.

Some housewives plant this plant in the spring. Such garlic is called spring, or summer. Such a plant does not give arrows, and it is more difficult to keep it until winter.

How to collect garlic

The suitability of this plant for long-term storage is highly dependent on compliance with the rules for its collection. To determine whether it is time to dig the garlic, you need to consider its leaves, and in winter varieties - also arrows. If the lower leaves are yellowed, the tops have died, and the heads on the inflorescences have dried and cracked - the garlic has ripened. Do not be late with cleaning, otherwise it will break up into teeth, and extra roots will appear. Such heads cannot be stored for longer than a couple of months. Most often, spring varieties are harvested in late August - early September, and winter varieties a month earlier. Digging garlic is better on warm and dry days, all at the same time. A couple of weeks before this, the bed does not need to be watered. Bulbs are dug up with a shovel or pitchfork, then laid out to dry.

It is necessary to try not to damage the heads, even it is advisable to clean the ground from them with your hands. To keep the garlic longer, you need to dry it in the sun, at least three days. Directly with green stems, from which at this time nutrients pass into the heads. After this, you need to carefully cut the roots, without damaging the bottom, cut the stem. Usually they leave 2-3 centimeters, but if you store garlic in braids, then you need to leave more herbs. It is advisable to dry the heads in a dry, ventilated room for 2-3 weeks, remove dirt and upper scales, and only then can be laid for the winter. But before that you need to carefully examine each again for pests and damage.

The best place to store garlic

Best if the house has a cellar or basement. In winter, in such places, the optimum temperature for storing garlic is set: 1-2 degrees below zero. You can put it in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes, or you can hang it on the ceiling. Many housewives know a way to store garlic in braids or stockings. But most hang it in the pantry or in the kitchen at room temperature, where it begins to dry or germinate. But in the cellar, braids made from garlic will keep it fresh. You can also hang it in a mesh or old stocking, which

also provide air access to all heads. But this method of storage is not available to everyone. What to do if you want to keep garlic in a city apartment? You can do this on an insulated loggia in boxes lined with foam or foil. The main thing is to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 5 ° C and the garlic is not exposed to sunlight. But there are many ways to store it in the apartment itself.

How to store garlic in the refrigerator

Most housewives use this achievement of civilization to preserve many vegetables. But not everyone knows how to properly store winter garlic. After all, this product is very moody, it is easy to rot. Therefore, in the refrigerator it must be placed separately from other vegetables. To do this, they put it in linen bags, you can pour the heads with onion husks. To prevent rotting, which often happens when stored in the refrigerator, the bag must first be soaked in a strong saline solution and dried. Garlic is also well stored in paper bags. Another way is small boxes in which garlic is laid in layers, mixed with coarse salt or flour. But most often this vegetable is stored in glass jars. There are many ways to do this.

How to store garlic in a jar

1. The easiest way to put clean and well-dried heads in a jar. The main condition is to sterilize and dry it well. Garlic itself must be clean and also dried.

2. You can lay the heads in layers: a layer of flour, then garlic, the last should be flour. Instead, you can use coarse salt or sawdust. During the winter, you need to periodically check the banks and, if necessary, change the filler.

3. Many housewives know how to store peeled garlic. This is also done in a glass jar. Clean teeth should be intact and dry.

The bank needs to be pre-sterilized. It is better to close with a regular nylon cover, and store in a cool place. And if you fill the cloves with sunflower oil, then they will remain longer, and then the oil can also be used later: it will become aromatic and tasty.

4. You can also store garlic scrolled in a meat grinder in a jar. You do not need to add salt, the main thing is that both the jar and garlic are clean and dry. Close it with an ordinary lid and store in the refrigerator.

Storage of garlic at room temperature

If this vegetable lies in the cold, then it retains its beneficial properties and aroma for up to eight months. At room temperature, after four months, it begins to dry. And by spring, such garlic does not smell at all, it loses all the vitamins. How to store garlic in a warm room to extend its shelf life? To do this, try to protect it from contact with air.

There are several ways to do this:

1. Take a dry and clean plywood box, pour a layer of coarse salt to the bottom, preferably sea salt. Then gently lay a layer of garlic. Top it again with salt, and so alternate layers. Top the garlic completely with salt.

2. Well-stored garlic greased with sunflower oil. To do this, you need to boil the last two hours beforehand. Then add 20 drops of iodine per liter of oil, apply with a cotton swab to each head directly on top of the husk. After that, you need to dry the bulbs well and lay them in storage.

3. Few know how to store fresh garlic in paraffin. Such a film protects the heads well from drying out. To apply it, you need to melt the paraffin, and then dip the heads into it for a short time. After drying, the garlic will remain fresh for a long time.

Storage of young garlic

One of the first in the beds appears its fragrant long leaves. Many love them, but the heads of young garlic are no less tasty. They are not so burning, often not yet divided into segments, and their benefits are enormous. Therefore, many housewives wonder: how to store young garlic? After all, it is growing rapidly and in June it is becoming tougher and sharper. And the dug out heads are almost not stored, after a few days they dry out. To increase the shelf life, you need to fill the vegetable with sunflower oil. And until winter, you can save pickled garlic, which almost does not lose its properties.

How to prevent storage problems

Everyone who keeps garlic in the apartment faces the same problems. To have this fragrant and healthy product on your table all winter and even spring, you need to know how to overcome them.

First problem: sprouting garlic. To prevent this, before laying the bulbs for storage, you need to burn the roots over the fire.

Second: the drying of the bulbs. This occurs as a result of evaporation of moisture. To avoid this, you need to create a film on the surface of the heads: paraffin or oil.

Third problem: mold or rot. Fungal diseases develop in frost-bitten, damaged, or pest-affected garlic. to prevent this from happening, you need to dry the heads well in the sun after cleaning. After a few days of exposure to sunlight, all bacteria and molds die.