How to start living a busy and active life. An interesting life is my main remedy for illness and depression.

Do you think life is too boring? Then something needs to be changed urgently. Anyone can make their life interesting if they make some effort to their desire. You should not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do what brings you pleasure. Read below how to make your life interesting.

Find a hobby

Which person can call themselves truly happy? The one who does what she loves. A person who has a hobby and devotes maximum of his free time to it will not complain about the dullness of life. How to make your life interesting? Think about what you would like to do? An activity that brings you pleasure does not have to be a job. It's great if you love working with numbers and your profession is an accountant. But if you work as a clerk in an office, and your soul is eager to be creative, do not stop such impulses. Allow yourself to enjoy doing something that brings you pleasure. Creativity should be sincere, not venal. Do not try to do, for example, design, just because the representatives of this profession make good money. It is not money that should guide the soul of a person, but a true vocation.

How to make children's life interesting? Try to immediately identify the inclinations of your children. Some children may have an addiction to music, while others will demonstrate success in sports. Give your child the opportunity to try their hand at different areas. Then the baby will be able to reasonably judge what he likes more and what he does better.

Read more

Can't figure out how to make your life interesting? Don't be afraid to look in books for the answer. Literature helps any person to leave reality and plunge into an imaginary world for several hours, which will be bright and interesting. A person who reads a lot has a good imagination. She will not get bored, as she can always come up with something to do. Books help a person to know reality, find the true meaning of happiness and understand himself, his feelings and the people who make up the immediate environment. If you want to live life to the fullest, you need to read more. Love for literature gives a person many benefits. He can easily be alone with himself and have fun in reasoning.

How to make life at school more interesting? Children rarely pick up books. Reading is out of fashion today. It is a pity that the younger generation is not interested in the knowledge that their ancestors wrote with such love on the pages of their works. Teach your teenager to love books, and then he will learn to think. Only that person will be able to truly appreciate all the joys of life, who will be able to think with his own head, and not act according to the template offered by society.

Learn to enjoy every day

Have you seen happy people? Someone may be surprised by the fact that optimists are always in high spirits. Why can some people enjoy their lives, while others cannot? Each person must understand a simple truth - you can find joy in every day, you just need to take a closer look. How to make your life interesting? Begin to notice the little joys that fate brings you. Going outside, did you see the dazzling sun? Rejoice at the first spring day that meets you the best way... Did a colleague bring you a mug of invigorating coffee? Thank the person and mentally thank the universe for having amazing people around you. Remember to make small surprises for others. The more you give, the more you will receive. Do you want others to please you every day? Start by making people happy yourself.

Get out of your comfort zone

Not sure how to make your life interesting and fulfilling? Sitting on the couch won't get you closer to your goal. To diversify your daily routine, you must step out of your comfort zone more often. Start doing this at least once a week, for example, on Sunday. On your day off, do what you wanted to do but feared. For example, let's say you want to go to a movie that was released yesterday, but you don't have company. Do you think that only losers go to the cinema alone? Get rid of these stereotypes. If you want to watch a movie, go and see. You don't need a company for this action. How else can you get out of your comfort zone? Do what you are afraid to do. For example, jump with a parachute. The sensations that you get from the jump will surely stir up your blood and help you understand how sometimes an adrenaline rush is needed. Come up with interesting tasks, challenge yourself and try to fulfill them.

Attend interesting events

Want to diversify your boring life? Then get out of the house more often. Today, in almost any city, you can find a club according to your interests. People who are fond of the visual arts go to the opening of exhibitions and it is there that they find like-minded people. Persons who practice judo find clubs where they can meet people who are just as passionate about sports as they are.

Still not sure how to make your life interesting and fulfilling? Open the event poster for your city. Many people do not know, but they do not even try to find interesting events that take place every weekend. Don't be afraid to attend these events alone. It is normal that some of your friends will not share your interest in engineering or programming. Realize that your main goal is to make acquaintance with like-minded people who will notify you about entertainment events of this kind in the future.

Communicate more

How to make life brighter and more interesting? You need to meet people more often. Your social contacts are one of the ways to find those events that you simply cannot find on your own. And you won't even know about some of them. For example, having met a person who is engaged in fencing, you can get to the installation of a knight's duel. And perhaps you will even learn how to hold a sword and deftly handle it. It is also useful to communicate in order to learn more not only about events, but also about people themselves. The person who is the soul of the company simultaneously plays two roles: a psychologist and a good administrator. By acquiring these skills, you can easily use people's knowledge, skills and talents. All this can be useful to you if you start some grandiose idea, but you will not have the opportunity to implement it on your own.

Write a wishlist and make it happen

Every person, no matter how old he is, has desires that he would like to fulfill, but there is not enough time. If you are wondering how to make life brighter and more interesting, then it's time to start writing a list. Copy all your cherished dreams onto a sheet. Whatever comes to mind should be written. Don't rate your desires. Want to pet a tiger, swim with dolphins, or go diving? There is nothing surprising. Any of the tasks on this list will be able to make your life more interesting. When the guide to action is in your hands, you can begin to implement your plans. To make it easier to do this, group the desires. For example, you can swim with dolphins and go water skiing when you go on vacation. But you can jump with a parachute or ride a motorcycle tomorrow. Do not guess the fulfillment of your plans for later. You can use this list every week as you search for another task in order to get out of your comfort zone.

Travel more

How to make school life more interesting? Parents should travel more often with their child. Excuses like "barely enough money to live" are not accepted. A person can always find time and money for what he wants. If you cannot provide for your family, then it's time to look new job... If you do not have any specialty and therefore cannot apply for a highly paid position, then go to study. But keep in mind that it is possible to travel even on a very tight budget. Today, flights and transfers have become so affordable that you do not need to spend incredible money to relax and see the world's sights. It will be enough for you to buy a hot ticket. What about work and study? Adults can always take a vacation from work, and a child can be taken on a trip during the holidays. If you are not allowed to leave work, arrange weekend family excursions. Move to a nearby town, rent a hotel, and take in the nearby attractions.

Get a pet

Do you want to diversify the gray everyday life? Get a pet. With its acquisition, your life will never be the same. A pet will wreak havoc on her. He will make you move and show at least some activity. Of course, we are talking about large animals like cats and dogs. Once you've got a fish, you don't need to change your schedule. How to make your life interesting and happy? When you buy a dog or cat, you buy yourself best friend, which will save you from loneliness, cheer you up and not let you get bored. The dog will require from you, in addition to everything else, daily long walks on fresh air... It should be noted that such walks before bed and immediately after waking up allow a person to find time to discuss the course of life with themselves, take stock of the day and think about what will be the next goal that needs to be achieved.

Think less, do more

What kind of person succeeds? The one that acts. Never a bummer who is used to lying on the couch can become successful. How to make life interesting and varied? Get out of the house and start doing something. Find something to do, do crazy things, get a taste of life. Realize your desires right now. There is no point in making the excuse that you don’t have the money to make your dream come true. You can even take some steps towards your goal without having money. And if you need them, then figure out where and on what you can earn. In general, do not sit at home and do not dream about better life... She herself will not come into your hands. You will have to make an effort to achieve good results.

Some might say that acting without a clear plan is simply stupid. Therefore, some individuals with great enthusiasm are engaged in planning and then rewriting their plans. Don't waste your time. We wrote some kind of plan, got our bearings, and you will work out the details along the way.

Don't be afraid of being judged by others.

Do you want to enjoy life? Then do not think that someone can judge you. Each person chooses his own path in life. Thinking how to do family life happy and interesting? Don't tell anyone about your problems. Try to solve all your troubles together, without attracting anyone from the outside. How to have fun for family people? Think about common hobbies. Do you like cycling or boat trips? Don't listen to friends who tell you that at your age it's time to give up hiking and have kids. If you want something, then go for it. The most absurd ideas always become the greatest. Most people live up to their stereotypes. They cannot go beyond these boundaries. If you can think wider, then use this gift and ignore judgmental views.

Educate yourself

How to make life more interesting if there is no money? Not all pleasures are expensive. To love life and every day of it, you must do what brings you pleasure. What could it be? Think about what skills you've always wanted to learn but haven't seriously thought about it? Could it have been a drawing, writing, or acting skill? It's never too late to educate yourself. Yes, you will have to pay for the courses. But these are not some astronomical sums, especially the skills that you acquire in such courses will help diversify your life and fill it with new impressions. Don't skimp on your education. This advice is good for everyone, but should be used more often by young people. Those persons who think that they still have a lot of time ahead of them can be seriously mistaken.

Pamper yourself

Do you want to enjoy every day? Then don't forget to pamper yourself. Some people are accustomed to forever limiting themselves in everything, thinking that someday the day will come when they will spend all their accumulated wealth without a twinge of conscience. Understand that such a day may not come. This does not mean that you don’t need to think about tomorrow, it means that you don’t need to endure hardships. Life will be much brighter and more enjoyable if you eat your favorite food, do interesting things and meet with interesting people... Do you think this option is only possible for a person who lives alone? Nothing like this. How to make family life more interesting? Pamper not only yourself, but others as well. A man can bring flowers to his wife for no reason and thereby improve a woman's day. And the wife can cook a romantic dinner and surprise her beloved man. You can also prepare a surprise for the children. For example, an unexpected trip to the quest with the whole family.

Irina Shchapova

As Mae West, actress and muse of Dali, said, we only live once, but if we live right, then once is enough. Only this is what it means "right", everyone decides for himself, guided by his own formula happy life... For everyone, it will consist of its terms, but nevertheless, some of the ways of its construction will be common. Do not postpone the decision of this formula for the future and do not expect that someone will do everything for you, but rather start changing your life in the present in order to become happier here and now.

Scientists have proven that people and activities that captivate and enthrall us lift our spirits and make us happier. The secret, then, is just to "include" more of these people in your schedule and to see more of those who make you smile, and more often to do what gives you sparkle in your eyes.

The idea of ​​finding the perfect partner is dangerous because you devote your whole life to it, and then it turns out that it was an empty net. And what if one of this mythical Mr. Perfection was divided into many pieces and distributed to to different people, and instead of one big love, collect a puzzle from completely different, but happy and wonderful moments and sensations?

Not for the sake of pictures on Instagram, not for the sake of shopping, not for the sake of nourishing the stomach, but in order to learn to live in harmony with such a diverse world. Leaving a familiar place and going to explore something new means testing yourself for strength, becoming more independent and parting with many prejudices and prejudices.

Think how much decisions taken and missed opportunities were based on the tacit opinion of other people and their vision of how to live. Even from school grades, we get used to the fact that we are being judged and criticized, and then we are afraid to go against the norm, although often this is the only way to get what we, deep down, want for ourselves.

As The Beatles sang about money Can't Buy Me Love, the same can be said about happiness. Money is necessary for existence, it makes many things easier, but the pursuit of it sucks you into a routine existence, when one day is like two peas in a pod and you do not feel satisfied with life.

We tend to get attached to people, places, things, because we are afraid to lose the stability we have already found, to be disappointed in the new and understand that the “old” was the best. But between two stages in life there will always be a transitional one: something like a crossing, a train, an exhausting road - which must be overcome in order to start from scratch somewhere and with someone.

This advice in to a greater extent concerns those who in life belong to the type of "thinkers". Such people tend to analyze the situation for a long time and meticulously, get hung up on excessive control of the situation and, being confused in feelings, are afraid to simply act. Let the coincidence solve the problem partly for you and, knowing that your mind always wants stability, give the heart a leap.

The world is what you imagine, and you have exactly as many possibilities as you can see. An optimist will always see more options for solving a problem than a pessimist, because he draws a negative outcome in his head and it causes his inaction. Look at a situation from different perspectives and it will present itself to you in different ways.

You will never meet a person like yourself, and it is to yourself that you should be grateful that everything happened just like that. Become your biggest fan and helper, support and encourage yourself no matter what happens, and do not criticize yourself for failures or weaknesses, because they haunt absolutely everyone.

Do not wait until it is too late, but do everything right now, not tomorrow, but right now. Set yourself fictitious deadlines, as if the movie "Knockin 'on Heaven" was shot about you. Connect yourself with people who live vibrant and interesting lives to catch their rhythm. Give yourself extreme gifts and taste your feelings. Get out of your comfort zone at times, after all, because it is outside your comfort zone that exciting life begins.

How do you feel about your life today? Do you live every day to the fullest? Do you like what you do? Are you thrilled to wake up today? Are you living the best life possible?

If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” “I don’t know,” or “maybe,” it means that you are living an incomplete life, which in fact should not be, since you and only you are the creator of your own happiness. Why would you waste your money for something less if you deserve only the best ?!

We invite you to get acquainted with life principles that will help you live your life "to the fullest", make it more fulfilling, interesting and bright.

1. Every day is a fresh start. Don't get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, or later. Today new life and even if something was wrong before, you will definitely try again and again.

2. Be real yourself. Stop trying to please other people and be someone else. It is much more interesting to live a unique version of yourself, rather than trying to become someone else's duplicate.

3. Stop complaining. Stop being like a whining dog that does nothing but makes a lot of sound. Stop complaining about your problems and start solving them.

4. Be proactive. Do not expect someone to do something, instead, start implementing it yourself.

5. Instead of thinking "what if", think "next time." Stop thinking about the things you cannot change or the things that make you unhappy. Instead, focus on taking action on the important things in your life. This is the most constructive action you can do in this moment.

6. Concentrate on "WHAT?" Rather than "HOW?" Focus on WHAT you want before deciding HOW you will achieve it. If you are open to new possibilities and ready to take action, anything is possible.

7. Create opportunities. You can wait for the opportunity to appear in life itself, or you can try to create them yourself.

8. Live more consciously. Stop being a zombie that follows the same route and eats the same food. Enjoy !! Try to feel the wind blowing, hear a bird singing, and enjoy a new dish.

9. Be responsible for your growth. You and only you decide how to live your life - dozens of hours on social media are less productive than the same time spent studying. Ultimately, the one who is the most curious and tries to try himself in many areas will shoot.

10. Know your true self. Try to give yourself an honest answer for what you want. Disregard public opinion, which imposes on you the desire to own a Mercedes, although you may actually want to live the whole summer in a tent on the Black Sea coast.

11. Define your calling. Your values ​​are the guideline when choosing a vocation in life. Understand what is important to you, and, based on this, determine the main vector of movement forward.

12. Live according to your calling. The question “What am I doing?” Is written in front of my eyes on a white board. Often I come across it during my working day and try to understand how what I am doing at the moment corresponds to what I am trying to come to in my life.

13. Define your life principles and act based on them.

14. Explore your values. Values ​​are what makes you the real YOU. For some, values ​​can be friends, for others - family and financial growth.

15. Focus on the highest bar. My father always says - "do everything well - it will turn out badly." Try to act in accordance with the highest quality and best approach in relation to any issue.

16. Design your ideal life. What's your ideal life?

Create it. First, assess what you have at the moment, then ask yourself what you should add to it so that you get maximum pleasure from the 4 main components - health, material condition, social participation and spiritual development... As soon as you determine what you need, immediately take action. It's quite amazing that sometimes a little thing like changing dishes at home or buying a rocking chair can bring a lot of joy into your life.

17. Stop pausing life. To live for real is to be happy on all counts. Why build a career and sacrifice your personal life? We so often give something away for something that we cannot imagine further progress in a different way. All the most successful and happy people reach balance and maximum at once everywhere, one sphere complements the other.

18. Get a notebook. In it write down your values, principles and plans, reflect on its pages. In the future, it will become the starting point for reflection on the most important events.

19. List your goals. Create goals for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years. The more precise the goals, the better. My goals in the short, medium and long term complement and contribute to each other's achievement.

20. Take action towards achieving goals and dreams. Create a list of actions with your strategy and immediate steps.

21. Create your wishlist.

22. Don't do something just because it needs to be done. Any task must be meaningful. Don't be afraid to give up something if it is outside of your life plan.

23. Do what you like. Why put off going to the theater, fishing or traveling until retirement ?! Pamper yourself. Spend your time and energy on what will fill you up.

24. Define your passion in life. If you had unlimited resources and no commitment, what would you do? Passion is to follow your own path, regardless of any problems. It's amazing how few people know or try to define their calling in this short life.

25. Build a career around your calling. Finally, quit your hated job. If you do what you don’t love, then you are simply selling your soul, but at a very large discount.

26. Turn your calling into money. You may ask, okay - let's say my passion is gardening, how can I make a career or money on this ?! Nowadays, there are a lot of options for monetizing your vocation - blogging, videos, paid courses, and so on. The only thing that often stops people is that the profit will be in the future, but believe me, this profit (with the right approach) will exceed all your expectations.

27. Learn from criticism. Criticism is what can teach you to be the best. Do not be discouraged if comments are made to you - take this as a sign that you need to change something and become a better version of yourself.

28. Be positive. The glass is really half full. Think of life as adventure and play. Exude optimism and make people smile.

29. Don't talk bad about others. If you don't like something about another person, tell him or her to his or her face. In any other case, don't say anything.

30. Put yourself in someone else's place. Try to see life from the perspective of another person. Perhaps the janitor was rude to you this morning, but why did he do it ?! Probably, no one pays attention to him, perhaps they consider him to be service and unnecessary personnel and do not appreciate his work at all. Think about how to make sure that next time he greets you with a smile.

31. Be compassionate. Really sympathize with someone else's problem.

32. Develop unconditional faith in yourself. Believing in yourself is when you keep moving forward, even when everyone discourages you from doing so. Analyze your small victories, remember how you walked against the tide, remember the pleasure that you were right and everything was wrong. If you have something in mind, be sure that everything will work out.

33. Let go of the unhappy past.

34. Forgive those who ask for forgiveness. Do not hold a grudge against people, but know their weaknesses and accept them as they are.

35. Take away the unimportant. Understand the short-term nature of things like status, fame, recognition. This will all come true if you focus on self-realization, and not on social recognition.

36. End a relationship that doesn't help you. Remove from your environment people who add unnecessary pessimism to your life.

37. Spend more time with people who inspire and support you. Try to create a circle of like-minded people and doers. It's really cool when you came up with something together and after 10 minutes you started to implement it.

38. Build genuine relationships with the people around you (strangers, family, loved ones). Spend time strengthening and improving your relationship.

39. Reunite with your old friend. No matter what they say - the number of friends is unlimited. Meet people from your past.

40. Make a day of bounty. Consider what you can do today that will make the world a little bit better. Doing good to others is The best way improve your mood.

41. Help people when they need it. Think of this step as a long term investment. Someday you will receive help without expecting it.

42. Go on a date.

43. Fall in love.

44. Make an inventory of your life. Once a week, month, 3-6 months - analyze your progress and progress towards what you intended. Adjust your actions based on the results obtained.

45. Do not over tighten. Get rid of the habit of procrastinating with decisions. 9 out of 10 opportunities are missed due to delay in taking action.

46. Help complete strangers.

47. Meditate.

48. Make new acquaintances. New opportunities appear thanks to new acquaintances. Do not be afraid to force yourself into the circle of people you are interested in and make friends with them.

49. Build strong relationships.

50. Become your advisor from the future. Imagine yourself in 10 years and mentally ask for advice from yourself, the best, regarding difficult decisions... What would you do if you were 10 years wiser?

51. Write a letter to your future self.

52. Remove excess. Remove unnecessary things from your desk, from your apartment, hobbies, life. Free up space for more important things.

53. Keep learning. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people stop learning when they finish educational institution... Studying doesn't mean sitting at books. You can learn to drive, learn to dance, learn rhetoric, and so on. the main objective is to keep the brain in constant tension.

54. Develop yourself. Try to define your weak sides and develop them. If you are too shy - train to be more sociable, go towards fear.

55. Make a constant upgrade of yourself. Deepen the already acquired knowledge and experience, become an expert in many areas.

56. Try new things constantly. You just can't imagine how much more new and interesting you can experience and feel.

57. Travel. Get yourself out of your travel routine - work-home, home-work. Discover new places, of which there are many even in your city. For me, any trip is always, always something new.

58. Don't settle in one place. Always live dynamically and try not to be tied to loans, repairs and so on as long as possible.

59. Be the best at what you do. If you have found your calling, become the best there.

60. Break your boundaries. Set the most impossible goal - achieve your plan and come up with something even more impossible for yourself. All your clamps are from what someone once told you what is possible and what is not.

61. Soak up and try out unusual ideas.

62. Create your own place for inspiration. This can be a corner where all your inspirational things (books, photos, videos) are located, it can also be a park, a cafe, and so on. Create your own paradise.

63. Behave as you imagine your ideal self.

64. Create roles in life. Try to somehow act as if you were Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, or some famous and successful person.

65. Find a mentor or guru. Study your guru's life and try not to make his mistakes. Seek advice from a more experienced mentor.

66. Find your previously unseen strengths.

67. Increase your awareness.

68. Ask for constructive criticism and advice. You can always see better from the outside.

69. Try to create a stream of passive income. It can be a% in a bank, income from renting an apartment or something else. Passive income will give you the opportunity to be more free in your experiments in life and start from what you want, and not what you need.

70. Help others to live their best lives. If you see that you can help a person improve his life, be sure to help him find the right path.

71. Get married (get married) and have children.

72. Improve the world. There is still a lot to improve in the world.

73. Participate in a humanitarian aid program.

74. Give more value than you get. When you constantly give more, you begin to receive much more in return over time.

75. Try to focus on the 20% that generates 80% of the result.

76. Be clear about your ultimate goal. What is your ultimate goal? Is what you are doing really propels you to achieve what you intended? As long as you think about the things that move you towards your ultimate goal, you are on the right track.

77. Always try to find the 20/80 path. Minimum effort, but maximum result.

78. Prioritize. Sometimes it is more convenient to move by inertia and it is difficult to switch to a more important task, but it is this property that will make your life much more effective.

79. Enjoy the moment. Stop. Take a look. Thank fate for the pleasant things that you have at the moment.

80. Have fun with the little things. A cup of coffee in the morning, 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, a pleasant conversation with a dear person - all this can be by the way, but you try to pay due attention to all the small, but pleasant moments.

You can start living interestingly at any time. It is enough to leave boring tasks and devote at least 10 minutes to your favorite pastime. It is helpful to make adjustments to plans and goals periodically. Fulfilling desires is another way to make life more interesting. It's not that hard! You need a desire, a drop of effort, and interest will wake up.

Sometimes you have to be selfish

People often do what is expected of them. Parents want the child to become a doctor or a lawyer, and the artist is languishing in him. The girl is told that she is obliged to devote herself to her family, children, and she wants to conquer a sports Olympus or explore Antarctica. Unnecessary self-sacrifice manifests itself in the little things. When friends call for a horror movie, and you want to watch a comedy.

There is a desire to go to the newly opened restaurant, but the company insists that there is no need to change traditions and dinner is again held in a familiar pizzeria. Sometimes you need to go against everyone and insist on what you really want.

Interest outside your comfort zone

People are often afraid to try new things. It’s okay to avoid unpleasant situations if you’re convinced from your own experience that they are really uncomfortable. It is another matter to act out of fear that it will become uncomfortable. For example, a person who does not know how to dance at all wants to sign up for salsa lessons, but he is stopped by the fear that he will be laughed at for awkward movements.

But after all, such a person will not be sent to a group of professionals on the very first day, most likely he will be in the hall with the same clumsy dancers, and the lesson will be fun and easy. Such an experience will help to fulfill a desire, learn to overcome fear of the unknown, overcome shyness.

Complaints away!

A person attracts into his life what he concentrates on most. Complaining about what's boring makes the brain think everything that is familiar is uninteresting. It is too hot in summer, too cold in winter, coffee at work is not tasty, the husband does not help around the house, and the wife now and then hangs on the phone with her friends. But if you change the focus of attention or try to fix something that can be influenced, dramatic changes will take place in your life.

Hot summer is a reason to go on vacation cold winter you can arrange a romantic evening under a blanket or make a snowman with friends, remembering childhood. You can get in the habit of stopping by for your morning drink at a nearby cafeteria. You can find your husband new approach, asking him for help without reproaches and claims, but having tried flirting on him. It is worth giving your wife more attention, and she no longer wants to waste time on telephone conversations.

First "what", then "how"

You should focus on what you want to do, and only then think about how it can be done. People often think "oh, what a pity that it is so expensive to rest in Paris", "I will never learn to play the guitar." The scheme should be different: desire - plan for the fulfilled - search for additional opportunities. Yes, dreams do not always come true right away, sometimes you need to make an effort, tighten up. But the stronger the motivation, the easier it is to achieve what you want.

Only personal feelings are important

It happens that people scoff at other people's interests. It seems ridiculous to them that at the age of 40 someone collects stamps, suddenly becomes fond of modeling. Others are frightened off by the unknown: meditation resembles delirium, passion for feng shui is like superstition. But a person himself has the right to decide how to live interestingly. Don't let other people's prejudices and stereotypes affect yours.

Travel broadens interests

You can start with trips around your home country - outings, one-day tours, weekends outside the city. It all depends on interests. Further, it is worth exploring neighboring countries or buying a hot tour. Photos, souvenirs, goods that are typical for the place of travel will evoke nostalgia, so they should definitely be preserved. You can create a sketch book, stick tickets from transport, cinema, theater, sugar bag wrappers from places you have been to.

Sometimes a person long time wants to do something, but having tried it, he realizes that he does not like the occupation. Before you buy a full course, an annual subscription, pay for a month of lessons, you should go to a trial lesson or a master class. Some of them are free, others are not that expensive. Almost every city has an online poster where upcoming events and events are posted. We need to be more bold to try new things.

Interest clubs

In many cities, clubs are created that are engaged in various events. It can be trips to another city, open-air cinema, bike tours, joint sports, master classes. There you can meet interesting people. New acquaintances are an opportunity to create relationships, make new friends, find like-minded people. This is a great way to spark a zest for life.

Favorite work

Work takes a long time in a person's life. If every day he has to do an unloved thing for 8-12 hours, then there is nothing strange in the fact that there is a feeling of wasted time. You need to think about what you would like to do, what skills you already have, and what else you need to acquire. If experience and knowledge is not enough, try a free internship, courses to change qualifications.

Balance and harmony

There are several areas of life: work, family, personal space, friends and leisure. They should all be full and full. A skew to either side will lead to an imbalance. Workaholism makes you sacrifice your family. Infantilism and the habit of constantly having fun with friends, forgetting about professional duties, is detrimental to a career. You need to learn how to develop evenly in all areas so that you don't have to run away from boredom at work or look for a person on the side, because family relationships have become uninteresting.

To live an interesting life, you need to understand what you want and follow your dreams. Overcoming fears and doubts, surrounding yourself with pleasant people, you can enjoy every day you live.

Question to the psychologist:

Hello! I am 28 years old and I do not know how to quit this vicious circle and start living. Let's start with the fact that I am by nature a creative nature, unambiguously. But since childhood, I was fond of many things and gave up. And macrame and karate and dancing and whatever you want, but I didn't have enough for long. I went to college after grade 11, if only I went where, to be a manager. I studied for a year, quit. A few years later, an institute, one course for a psychologist, and then history and economics, and apart from psychology I am not interested in anything. I gave it up. Over time, quite recently, I began to slow myself down and try to understand what I want. I got carried away with photography, for half a year and let go. I switched to filming, I like to do it. Editing and everything in this spirit, acquaintances and friends say that it turns out very well, even. They also say that I underestimate myself. Now I can't do it for money to strangers, little experience, I'm not sure of myself yet. There is no lens you need.

At the moment I have been working at work for 9 years, which I have never been delighted with, and Last year I just kick myself at her every time. No matter how it sounds, I hate my job. It would seem that, give it up, but look for yourself to your liking, but not everything is so simple. The salary is not large and 80% of it goes to pay off loans. Yes, yes, I picked it up at one time, now I understood everything and realized I am reaping the benefits ... Working close to home, I got used to it, the team and the leadership have already changed, and I am like a dinosaur that has taken root. The work is monotonous to nausea, with an incomprehensible schedule, whether you leave at 6 pm, or at 6 am. And these papers, papers, papers ... How to wake up? How to start acting, because I myself am alive, active, positive, quite sociable, though with self-confidence problems. Some kind of apathy. It feels like laziness has tied it up from head to toe and does not budge. Life goes on, and I'm still waiting for Monday, New Year, etc. I would like to find people who would support the impulses to try, take a chance, start, because together it is more fun, more interesting and easier. But in fact, I think, think, think, and there are almost no cases in the end. Sometimes the question arises, is there any meaning in life? We’ll all die anyway ... And I don’t know. For me personally, it is so important, so I want to find my calling, my business in this life. After all, we are all good at something. What can I do? Creativity - somehow sounds blurry. How to leave a hated job? Feeling that I am not living my life. Fortunately, the positive that was born in front of me does not allow me to fall into prolonged depression, and even more so does not allow any suicidal affairs ... Life is wonderful, I know, but it passes by, and I am up to my ears in financial obligations and misunderstandings before myself ...

Psychologist Nadezhda Sergeevna Klobukova answers the question.

Well, dear Elya, let's figure it out. I am sure that you acknowledge the fact that life is not only drive and buzz, but also routine and obligations. Credit is a commitment, and it's hard to escape from them. You can, of course, shift them onto some reliable shoulders, but it is unlikely that those "reliable shoulders" are ready to take on someone's worries. Therefore, without losing optimism, we are pulling the strap. Second, work is stability and confidence in the future (at least here and now). These are introductory. Now we sit in the room, so that no one will disturb you, we take paper and a pen, write. I want: and write your main guidelines for life - home, family, work, love, creativity, health, etc. etc. Now on paper you see what goal to set, if a family, then, accordingly, what tasks need to be solved in order to achieve what you want, if creativity, then what needs to be done to achieve results in this area. I see that you are a very constant person, for 9 years at the same job, you should already be paid extra for your loyalty to the company))) Now, seriously. To achieve anything, you need to be able to set smart goals and achieve them! The goal, first of all, must be clearly formulated. If creativity, then what, if work, then what! By the way, there is vocational guidance for adults, it helps a lot to decide. Second, the goal must be defined in time. You must be clear about what you want to achieve over a certain period of time. The third, adequate goal is not just creativity, but in the context of your life. It is possible to make money with creativity, but you are unlikely to be able to pay on loans, because most often, income from creativity is not constant. Fourth, the goal must be achievable, this is very important! Since it will be quite difficult to find a job in a field in which you have no education, or you need connections. Well, and fifth, measurability. Think about how you will measure your goal, in material values ​​or in soul!

We summarize, identify our value system, determine the goal, schedule tasks to achieve the goal, conduct a constant analysis of the actions we have taken, correlate them with the tasks set for ourselves. Once you understand what you want to have and who to be in life, everything will fall into place. And by the way, don't forget about your family, I mean your own family. You are 28 years old, sooner or later you will come to the conclusion that you want to be a wife, a mother, you want to take care of someone, what then. Creativity can bring a lot of pleasure and joy, but there are more global values ​​that are vital, so to speak. And if you, for example, want to be realized in creativity, then try the opposite. Captivate someone else with your creativity. Become a mentor for another, maybe for a child, children. Thus, you can not only be realized, but also enrich yourself spiritually!