Painting of wooden windows. How and what to paint wooden windows, platbands on old paint

A wooden house and white windows is a classic Russian version inherent in private buildings in most regions of our country. But this is not the only solution: the methods of color decoration of window openings in objects made of natural material are described below, as well as what to be guided by when choosing a covering material.

Types of coating compounds

Wooden frames require more maintenance than PVC or aluminum. Their main disadvantage is the need for regular staining, since natural conditions constantly affect the decorative surface. How to paint windows in a wooden house? Today, the following compositions are popular:

There are no universal paints: each one performs a specific task. Therefore, before purchasing them, you should determine the goals and only then tend to the choice of one or another coverage. By the way, price is not an indicator of quality and vice versa. You need to trust only trusted and proven manufacturers.

Painting old frames

It is quite possible to give an old window a new life, even if the design is outdated, by following simple recommendations. The color of the windows in log cabins can be of any color. Universal white will give the building freshness, but sometimes it can turn yellow from the bright sun. Frames of brown, coffee or beige shades are good, in combination with wood they make up a harmonious ensemble.

So, the sequence of actions:

It is recommended to completely disassemble the window structure into its components - box, frames, glazing beads, fittings. All wood is carefully examined for damage. If it is found, it is ruthlessly disposed of by abundantly wetting the parts with strong aqueous solutions of chemicals. After the procedure, the wood must be given time to absorb. If the foci of damage are very pronounced, it is worth abandoning the extension of the service life of the entire window block.

Further, the entire structure is coated with a solvent or heated with a building hairdryer, naturally, removing all the glass. This will remove the old paint. Work with a spatula, carefully, layer by layer, freeing clean wood. You can use a grinder or act manually, then it will take more time, but the risk of spoiling the surface by automation will be less. After processing, parts of the frame are again impregnated with protective compounds.

All irregularities, cracks and defects are putty. For this, a special composition is acquired that hardens in air. After restoring the contours, the glass is inserted back, carefully hammering in the glazing beads. The block is ready for painting.

The shade of the roof helps to decide what color the windows in the house should be. This is the most harmonious for a private facility. Of course, there is hardly a white roof, but this color suits everything, so you can act safely in this case.

Stages of work:

After the layers have completely dried, the frame is inserted into place, the sashes are hung, the fittings are installed. You can "revive" the window with the help of beautiful hinges or handles - copper or brass will perfectly emphasize the richness of the wood.

Choosing a color scheme

Many owners choose the color scheme based on the style of the building. For example, a Russian wooden house, the color of the roof and windows welcomes the same or, in general, natural. Light woody tones can be preserved with varnish or matt glaze.

It is not forbidden to make window structures ocher or brick - dark brown. There is a plus here: rain streaks and dirt from fallen leaves are less noticeable on the windows.

Other styles such as chalets (Swiss houses), Art Nouveau (objects with double light), country (rustic) also lean towards a variety that is not discordant with the walls of the building. You can select windows with light shades - yellow, orange, blue. The latter option is acceptable only if the building has an appropriate roof or doors.

Minimalist wooden houses do not welcome excesses - bright colors are not for them. It is best to highlight the window blocks with painted platbands or highlight the openings with painted casing boxes. The rest of the frames remain wood, sanded and varnished.

Whatever the owners choose, it is important to remember that the composition of the paint should not be corrosive, contain too many chemicals and volatile compounds, so as not to harm the wood. So, having decided the question of how to paint, you can get to work: all the recommendations are available and do not require much skill and skill.

Every specialist should know and be able to do this, however, such knowledge and skills will also not interfere with any home craftsman who is going to or is already making repairs in his home.

Platbands of an interior door are important and very noticeable interior details, and they should look accordingly. Of course, it is advisable to paint the platbands before installing them. However, in this case there is a risk of scratching the paint. Sometimes it happens that with the help of paint you need to hide the heads of nails or screws that secure the platband. This is if new platbands or a door are installed. What is the right way to do everything when you need to paint the old door along with the platbands without removing them?
We will discuss this below.

Any work begins with preparation. First of all, all the fittings are removed from the door, and then the door leaf itself is removed. True, this is not always possible for various reasons. In this case, the door leaf is fixed with any suitable object in a position convenient for painting the platbands and the leaf.

If the paint on the door leaf and platbands is badly worn out, it must be removed. They do this in different ways, but it is most convenient to use a building hair dryer - it heats up a layer of paint, after which it can be scraped off with a spatula. You need to work very carefully, since the casing is very easy to damage, and the damage will be clearly visible.

In order for the new paint to fit well on the surface, after cleaning it is primed, then, if necessary, putty, primed again, and then cleaned with fine emery cloth. The quality of the varnish or paint also plays an important role.

To work you will need the following tools:

  1. Masking tape or a strip of thick paper.
  2. Stepladder, table or stable stool.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Primer, paint or varnish.
  5. Spatula or sharp scraper.
  6. Paint brush.

If everything is clear with painting the door leaf, then everything is not so simple with the platbands - they need to be painted so as not to stain the wall or wallpaper next to the door.

In fact, the problem is solved very simply with a wide masking tape or a strip of paper. Before painting the platbands, adhesive tape is glued to the adjacent walls, after which the paint is calmly applied. Once it is dry, the livestock is carefully peeled off and the wall remains clean.

If there is no scotch tape, they take thick paper, you can use an old newspaper, carefully pry the platband with a sharp and thin object, push the paper under it. After that, you can paint. Thus, the entire platband is painted, after which the platband is carefully put in place with a hammer wrapped in a thick rag, if it has moved away from the wall.

Not all of our contemporaries rushed to acquire standard plastic double-glazed windows in unison, some prefer safe, natural, wood-based structures. Modern wooden windows have a lot of advantages in addition to environmental friendliness: reliability, durability, high quality workmanship. At the same time, such frames require regular maintenance, in particular, painting of wooden windows is required. Of course, if you have chosen some of the best wooden windows, then this task will not appear before you soon, but if your windows are already several years old, it is time to think about maintaining their beauty and functionality.

  • What is the best paint for wooden windows?
    • Interior and exterior paint
    • The choice of paint by characteristics and composition
  • How to paint wooden windows?
    • Materials and tools
    • Important points before starting work
    • Rules for removing old paint
    • Preparation of fittings and glass
    • Putty for wooden windows
    • Primer for wooden windows
    • Multi-layer painting of wooden windows

But before you paint wooden windows, and even do it yourself, you need to stock up on all the necessary tools and materials in advance.

What is the best paint for wooden windows?

The first question that arises is which paint for wooden windows is better? A paint suitable for wooden windows must meet the following requirements:

  • be moisture resistant to protect wood from fungus and rotting;
  • be flexible so as not to crack when the frame shrinks and swells;
  • to be “breathable”, because after processing the wood must retain the ability to let air into the room, due to which a healthier microclimate is created there.

Interior and exterior paint

Painting windows indoors:

Alkyd paints, to which oil is added, meet all the requirements as to which paint is best for painting wooden windows. They are quite flexible and durable, in addition, they give the surface a great look.

But it is best to paint the frame with alkyd paints from the side of the room.

Painting windows from the street:

If the question is being resolved, what is the best way to paint wooden windows from the street, then in this case it is better to stop at nitro paints or acrylic paints. They dry quickly, without a pungent odor, and give a very durable coating. These are also suitable for window sills.

Universal paint:

For those who do not want to get confused about what is better to paint wooden windows from the outside and than from the inside, and who prefers the use of a universal composition, it is worth recommending atmospheric glossy enamel.

Some people are at a loss to decide which paint to paint their wooden windows with. Our climate is characterized by significant temperature drops, variable weather with precipitation. Alkyd enamels and water-based acrylic paints Caparol, Remmers and Dulux performed well in such conditions, although they are quite expensive. You can also choose cheaper domestic counterparts.

The choice of paint by characteristics and composition

In addition, wood surfaces can also be painted with traditional oil, enamel and adhesive dispersion paints. In order to finally decide which paint to choose, you need to think about the features of the conditions in which the painted surface will stay, the humidity of the atmosphere, and the properties of the surface to be painted. The cost of a particular paint strongly depends on the composition of the composition and its performance properties.

Acrylic and polyurethane paints

The most modern and technologically advanced are acrylic and polyurethane enamels and varnishes. All of them contain organic solvents, which make them more toxic, but also more stable. The most promising in terms of sustainability are polyurethane paints, which provide the most wear-resistant coating, so they are currently the best coating for wooden windows. But still more often acrylic paints are used for doors and frames, which are more affordable. After drying, which happens very quickly, they are no longer afraid of water. Acrylic can be diluted with water and tinted to the desired shades. Of course, they should not be confused with acrylic paints for artists, which are available in small tubes.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd paint can be a good option when choosing the best way to paint wooden windows, since it is not only resistant to various manifestations of atmospheric adversity, but also to mineral oil or detergents. The surface pre-primed and coated with alkyd paint will retain its appearance for 4 years. It perfectly tolerates extreme heat (+60) and extreme cold (-50).

Nitrocellulose paints

Nitrocellulose paint may also be a correct option for what paint is better to paint the wood of window structures. True, acetone serves as a solvent in it, which evaporates very quickly, so the room must be intensively ventilated. This paint is very flammable.

Recently, the owners of wooden windows increasingly began to cover them with transparent varnishes, which allow them to preserve all the magnificent wood texture. In essence, such transparent varnishes are the same alkyd enamel, which simply does not have a coloring pigment added.

How to paint wooden windows?

Before treating wooden windows before painting, you need to take into account that different types of wood require different processing:

  • pine must be impregnated with compounds that protect it from grinders and getting wet;
  • oak windows are not afraid of moisture, but insects love to feast on them;
  • larch does not need the processing agents used for either pine or oak, since it does not rot and is avoided by grinders.

Materials and tools

A master who knows how to properly paint wooden windows will first prepare not only the paints and brushes themselves, but also some tools and consumables.

It is quite obvious that before painting wooden windows with peeling paint, you need to remove all this paint from the surface, as well as various foreign objects sticking out in the frames. Therefore, when working, a variety of tools may be required:

  • screwdrivers and pliers are needed to remove various screws and nails from the frame;
  • it is convenient to remove old paint with a small spatula;
  • You will also need a small hammer to install the glazing beads in place, because the latter will have to be temporarily dismantled in order to remove the glass from the frame;
  • you will have to sand the surfaces with sandpaper;
  • so that the slopes do not get dirty during painting, they must be temporarily sealed with masking tape;
  • you will need brushes to apply paint, and if the frames are quite wide, then they can be painted faster with a roller;
  • jars or trays for paint;
  • a crowbar or a small nail puller will be needed during the dismantling of glazing beads, as well as doors and vents;
  • it is also worth preparing a rubber spatula, a fine mesh for filtering the putty and the putty itself on wood. The fact is that on old frames, chips, cracks or dents are often found, which can be successfully leveled with such a putty;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood;
  • An effective solvent for the paint used in case you need to quickly remove the wrong stain.

If the painting of old wooden windows will be carried out with acrylic paint, then a color scheme may also be required (if the paint itself is white and its tone must be corrected with a dye). But if there is no experience in tinting, then it is better to immediately buy the desired shade.

Important points before starting work

To make wooden frames last longer after painting, you need to choose the right time for work.

It is best to do this on a warm day, when there is no bright sun, but the humidity is low, then ultraviolet light will not destroy the dye. Wooden frames will dry even when the humidity is less than 80% and the temperature is only +5 degrees.

The paint should not be applied to damp wood, otherwise bubbles will come out and the frame will have to be repainted.

In addition to dampness, poor surface preparation also leads to flaking of the paint. If the windows are painted indoors, then before starting work there must be cleaned so that dust does not settle on the frames.

Rules for removing old paint

It was already mentioned above how to prepare wooden windows for painting - the first step is to remove the old paint:

  1. You should arm yourself with an industrial hair dryer or blowtorch and try to warm up the surface of the frame with them. If the paint begins to peel off when heated and can be easily removed with a spatula, this means that a good way has been found to remove it.
    If the paint does not give in, then it remains to work hard with a spatula and a chisel or soak the old paint with a solvent. In this case, you will need a scraper and coarse sandpaper.
  2. If the frame is difficult to close, then sand the “conflicting” surfaces with a sander. The latter must be acted upon delicately so as not to damage the frame material itself.

Video on how to remove old paint from wooden windows:

Now, to remove old paint, they began to produce special fluids, which significantly speed up the preparatory process. These include Ukrainian "Svema" or "Shostka" or Finnish from "Tikkurila". It can be found in auto dealerships as it is used for cars. The liquid must be applied and wait until the paint begins to wrinkle and turn into something curdled, which can be easily removed with a spatula and then rubbed with coarse sandpaper.

Preparation of fittings and glass

Preparation for painting involves dismantling window sashes and fittings, then after restoration the window will look neater. In addition, faulty elements can be replaced or repaired at the same time. If the locks and handles do not want to be easily removed, then they can be wrapped with masking tape, protecting them from paint ingress.

Glass should be prepared no less carefully, especially if wooden windows with double-glazed windows are being painted. For beginners, it is better to cover the entire glass area with newspapers, fixing them with masking tape 2 mm from the edge of the frame so that the paint fills these cracks and does not allow water to accumulate in them later. For experienced craftsmen, one scotch tape, glued along the edge of the glass, is enough.

It is better not to reuse old glazing beads. New glazing beads must be sanded, primed and painted separately from the frames, and in this form they must be nailed in place.

Putty for wooden windows

Some people who know very well how to paint and prime a wooden window use old recipes, mixing rosin or wax with turpentine. For the rest, it is better to rely on ready-made compositions, which, fortunately, are always available in specialized stores, where you can find a variety of base paints, primers, solvents, finishing varnishes and paints. Putty for paintable wooden windows should be specially designed for wood, usually acrylic and packaged in 200 g cans.

The most widely promoted brand in our country is, perhaps, "Tikkurila", at least on the forums it has received the most positive feedback from consumers. But they also mark its "biting" prices. Famous brands also include "Tex", "Pinotex", "Zawosan" and a number of others.

The procedure for puttingty wooden windows is as follows:

  1. Before you putty wooden windows for painting, the frame must be carefully inspected. All elements made of iron (steel hinges, nail heads, etc.), which can rust over time and spoil the appearance of the window, should be pre-treated with a special primer for iron.
  2. An important stage in the preparatory work is the processing of wood with an antiseptic, thanks to which the structure will be protected from rotting and the spread of fungus, will not allow insects to settle in the frames, and in general will extend the life of the frame.
  3. After treating the frame with an antiseptic, you need to re-examine its surface. There will probably be potholes, irregularities, cracks that need to be putty. This should be done gradually, in several approaches, because if you immediately apply a thick layer of putty, then it will then easily fall off along with the paint layer and all repairs will go down the drain.

  1. On the surface of wooden frames intended for painting, putty is applied in a regular layer. If the frame is treated with wood stain, then the putty places will show through it, so the putty must be tinted exactly to the color of the wood. You can even make your own putty using wood flour and epoxy or glue.
  2. After applying the first layer and hardening of the putty, its surface must be treated with sandpaper.
  3. Then a second layer of putty is applied and a few hours after it dries, the surface must be treated with sandpaper in the same way.
  4. These operations must be repeated until a perfectly flat frame surface is formed.

Useful video about preparing a wooden window for painting:

Primer for wooden windows

This procedure is necessary to ensure high-quality and reliable adhesion of the paint to the surface. The modern primer forms a transparent protective film, which allows you to preserve the appearance of the natural pattern of the material. In addition, modern primers have antiseptic properties, so they protect the entire frame (especially outside) from decay, mold and swelling, even in rainy weather. The primer contains oil, glue, resin and color pigments.

The formulation of the primer mix can vary significantly, however, all mixes for wood must certainly preserve its natural structure. That is why a metal primer is not used for wood.

It is quite easy to determine which primer is needed in a particular case:

  • For water-based paints, choose an acrylic-based primer, the composition of which resembles the composition of the paint.
  • Alkyd drying oil should be applied under the enamel.
  • It is useful to treat the windows with a wood-protective stain, the solvent of which is white spirit.
  • Then the wood will absorb less moisture, and grinders will not start in it.
  • You can also find a putty that has the same shade as the wood itself.

The surface before priming must be degreased with white spirit, if it has not been previously putty. It is better to prime not with a roller, but with a brush.

If the putty is not completely dry or some area was missed during the priming, then dark spots often form in these places after painting.

Multi-layer painting of wooden windows

After the procedures described above, the window becomes even and smooth. Next, the painting process should go:

  1. Before painting, the room must be carefully cleaned, especially from dust, so that it does not settle on fresh paint.
  2. Having opened a can of paint, the contents must be thoroughly mixed and filtered into a bath through a special sieve.

Many neglect this and smear paint taken straight from the can. But the paint is usually sold too thick and requires preliminary thinning. If you paint with undiluted paint, then its layer is too thick, so it is distributed unevenly, with beads and traces of brush fibers. After drying, such paint will begin to crack faster.

  1. The degree of paint dilution is determined only empirically, but strive should be made to ensure that the applied paint layer is uniform, but does not flow like water.

You should not dilute all the existing paint at once, but pour some of it into a separate container and bring it there with a solvent to the required consistency.

  1. You can ask the seller about which is better to take a solvent for paint or primer or carefully study the text on the package.
  2. The first paint coat applied should be the thinnest possible since it should penetrate as deeply as possible into all the unevenness of the wood structure.

  1. After applying the first coat of paint, it must be allowed to dry completely and only then proceed with the application of the second coat.

Usually, wooden windows outside are painted in three layers, with reassurance, although with good paint and surface preparation, two layers may be enough.

  1. The paint for the second and third coats should be thicker so that it does not drip. If streaks do appear, then they must be removed immediately using a rag moistened with solvent. If you delay with this, the paint will dry out and the entire surface of the frame will have to be cleaned and painted again.

During work, the brush should not be immersed entirely in the paint, but only half, and the excess paint should be removed by gently brushing along the edge of the container.

You should start painting from the outside of the window.

  1. Care must be taken to have different brushes at hand: more for flat wide surfaces, and smaller for hard-to-reach areas. The width of the brush can be within 3-5 cm. Frames should be painted with flat, not round brushes, they will perfectly distribute the paint along the wood fibers. And it is better to paint over the corners with light, laconic strokes of the instrument.

  1. By the way, newspapers and scotch tape must be removed from the glass until the paint is completely dry, because if you tighten it up, then the paint layer can be damaged later.
  2. Then reinstall the previously removed accessories, but after the paint has completely dried.

Having learned all the most important nuances of painting wooden frames, the reader himself can decide whether to do it on his own or still turn to the services of professionals.

What paint do you choose for painting windows, and why? Tell us about your choice in the comments and explain it - in communication with other builders, the truth is born!

If there is a need for independent painting of wooden doors, it is quite easy to cope with the task at hand, having a certain tool on hand. What exactly you need depends on the material from which the canvas is made and on the degree of damage.

Fully wooden door (previously painted)

The simplest painting option, when it is completely made of wood (without the addition of modern materials such as cardboard, MDF and veneer).

Therefore, the process will look like this:

  • Examine the canvas carefully. If you find visible defects (chips, paint peeling, etc.), you will have to start with the preparation first. This can be done both by removing the door from its hinges, and by performing all the work right on the spot. For the convenience of work, it is better to remove the door handle.

  • So, first, take a spatula and remove any loose paint particles. Then sandpaper to remove finer flakes. Next, you will need a wood putty that can be used to remove the pits on the door leaf. The putty should be applied in a layer of no more than 1 mm. If the defect is deeper, apply the putty in several layers (but only after the previous layer has completely dried). Sand the dried filler.
  • The surface prepared in this way must first be primed (select the primer from the same manufacturer as the paint for wood - this information can be checked with the seller in the store), and then covered with a layer of the coloring composition. To avoid drips, it is better to use not a brush, but a roller or spray gun.

Door leaf with top veneer layer

Painting veneered doors is, in principle, similar to painting completely wooden doors.

But there is one exception. The fact is that very often veneer peels off in the lower part of such doors during operation. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carefully lift the exfoliated piece (without breaking), coat the canvas and the seamy side of the veneer with special glue for wood, and then clamp it in clamps, placing boards or pieces of plywood on the glued areas on top (this will ensure a tight and even fit of the veneer) ... This "operation" should be carried out on the door leaf removed and laid horizontally.

After the glue has dried, you can start painting. For these purposes, tint and wood protection compounds such as Pinotex are suitable.

To achieve the desired color, the door leaf can be painted several times, each time only after the previous layer has completely dried.

The coloring composition can be applied with a brush or roller. To add a shine on top, coat the surface with a coat of wood varnish.

Wooden door made of bars

A little differently should be done when it comes to painting wooden doors from bars. They must not only be painted, but must also be opened with two or three layers of varnish, sanding the varnished surface each time. This technology will make it possible to obtain an even layer of varnish, although the canvas itself may be a little "spotty", since it is assembled from individual bars that have different porosity and therefore absorb the composition in different ways.

Painting the door frame and platbands

It is clear that it will not be possible to remove the door frame (without its subsequent replacement with a new one). Therefore, you will have to skin and paint it right on the spot. In order not to stain other surfaces in the process, cover them with masking tape. The composition should be applied with a brush or small roller. The number of layers must match the number of layers on the door leaf (otherwise you may end up with a different shade).

But the platbands can be removed beforehand (so it will be easier to paint them). They also need to be sanded first and then covered with several coats of paint.

If you varnished the canvas, do not forget to repeat the same thing with the box and with platbands.

Replacing the box

Often, during restoration, the best solution is not just painting, but also replacing the door frame (for example, if earlier there was no threshold at the opening, but now it has become necessary). In this case, the bottom of the door leaf (about 1 centimeter) will need to be sawed off (a hand saw for wood is better for this). Then the cut should be sanded, and only after that the entire canvas can be covered with the first layer of paint.

The new door frame should also be painted using the same paint. But the number of layers, most likely, will have to be increased, since its initial color may differ from the initial color.

If you decide to paint a wooden door yourself, then you can easily do it with the necessary tools. They must be chosen depending on what material the door is made of and the damage it has on it.

When the door is completely made of wood, in addition to adding veneer, MDF and cardboard, painting wooden doors in this case is the simplest option and can be safely done with your own hands.

In this case, the painting process will consist of the following steps:

  • First, you need to carefully inspect the door, and when any visible defects are found on it (peeling paint, chips, etc.), it is good to first prepare the door leaf. This operation can be performed with the door installed or removed from the hinges. To make it more comfortable, you should remove the handle from the door before starting work.
  • After that, you will need to use a spatula to remove the paint particles that have begun to flake off, after (a year) of which you should go over the door with a "sandpaper" to remove smaller flakes. P you need to remove all the holes that are destroyed on the door leaf with the help of wood putty. The layer of the putty to be applied should not be more than 1 mm, and in the event that the defect has a great depth, it is necessary to bring the putty in several layers. Each subsequent layer can be applied only after this complete drying of the previous one. When the filler is dry, it must be sanded.
  • For an hour, the prepared door leaf will be ready, it needs to be primed (the primer must be produced by the same company as the paint, which will then be the door piece) and covered with a layer of paint. In order to avoid streaks, it is better to use a spray gun or roller, rather than a brush.
  • Door with veneer

    Self-painting of wooden doors, which have a veneer layer, is very similar to painting an ordinary wooden door.

    Sermyaga, while you need to remember about one exception. Quite often, at such doors, the key in the lower part can partially peel off during operation. Therefore, to begin with, it should be very carefully, without breaking, separated from the entire surface of the door, afterwards time smear the seamy side of the veneer and the door leaf with special glue intended for (types of wood, and clamp it well with clamps. to ensure an even and snug fit of the veneer. These operations must be performed on a removed and horizontally laid door.

    When the paste is completely dry, you can start painting the door, for which it is better to use Pinotex wood protection and tint compounds.

    In order to get a free color, it is necessary to paint the door leaf several times, but remember that each next layer of paint can be applied only after the previous one dries up.

    The paint can be applied with a roller or brush. In order, then) to (s) give the surface of the door shine, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of varnish.

    Wooden opening made of bars

    The staining process will be slightly different if you need to customize the bar door. Such doors should not only be decorated, but must also be covered with two or three layers of varnish, sanding each pericambium of varnish before applying the previous one. This technology will help you to end up with a philosophical layer of varnish, despite the fact that the door itself was (small spotty, since it was assembled from individual bars that have different sponginess and, as a result, different absorbency of the coloring composition.

    Painting of platbands and door frames

    Obviously, many people know that it will not be possible to remove the door frame just like that, only if it is then not replaced. Therefore, you will have to sand and paint it right on the spot. In order to avoid staining adjacent surfaces during the staining process, you must first seal them with masking tape.

    The paint should be applied with a small roller or brush, and there should be as many layers of paint as on the door, so as not to end up with a different shade.

    In order to paint the platbands, they can be removed beforehand to facilitate the painting process. They also need to be sanded first and then covered with several coats of paint.

    In the book, in case you covered the door with varnish, you must remember to do the same with the trims and the door frame.

    Replacing the box

    Only enough he knows during the restoration of the door, it becomes clear that it will not only have to be painted, but also changed the door frame (for example, if the threshold was previously illiterate, but now he was needed). In this situation, it will be necessary to saw off the bottom of the door leaf by 1 cm using a hand saw for wood. (a year) after this, the cut needs to be sanded and only after that the door can be stopped to paint.

    The new door frame should also be painted with the same paint. In this case, the number of layers when painting the box, if you like, will be more than on the door, since its initial light will differ from the color of the door leaf.