Photo poses for girls. Poses for a photo shoot on the summer streets

Do you dream of learning how to photograph professionally, but you can’t find the time or finances to attend specialized courses. Our article will help you solve this problem in a few minutes. From it you will learn what poses will help you take beautiful, original and natural photographs.

  • You can see hundreds of photographs in every person's home. But very often in this huge number it is not possible to find even a few decent pictures. This is due to the fact that we almost always take pictures without thinking at all about the landscape around us, the light, and, of course, about the pose we are standing in
  • Usually, it is a good angle that allows you to take the most natural shot that conveys the character and mood of a person. In addition, the correct pose can help hide the flaws of the figure and emphasize all its advantages.
  • Professional photographers know a lot of interesting angles that allow them to take photographs that they are not ashamed to show to friends and acquaintances. To do this, they take into account the time of year, mood and body type of a person, and based on this data, they decide which pose will be optimal
  • If you also want to feel like a real fashion model, then let’s figure out together which angle will help you take an original and beautiful photo

How to take beautiful pictures: poses

Good pose for a female photo shoot

If you are about to arrange your first photo shoot, then remember the main thing, you should get maximum pleasure from the process. If you don’t like something and are tense, the camera will immediately sense it and the photos will turn out ugly. Therefore, try to behave as naturally as possible and do not smile if you don’t want to.

Basic poses:

  • Looking over your shoulder. Photos taken from this angle turn out to be very soulful, which is why they are most suitable for portrait photos. But in order for the picture to turn out perfect, it is very important to hold your neck and back correctly. If you lift your shoulder too high, people will think you have no neck.
  • Hands on face. This pose is also ideal for a portrait. You can run your hair with one hand, and bring the other to your chin and slightly relax your hand. In this pose, the main thing is not to show it in the frame back side brushes It will not look very nice and create a certain disproportion with your face
  • Emphasis on the elbows. You can lean on your elbows both sitting and lying down. In this case, your smile will play the main role. It should be natural and open. This way you can get as close as possible to the camera lens, thereby showing others how open you are

Winning poses for photos
  • Very often on social networks you can see candid photos of girls taken in the bedroom, on the beach or on the dance floor. In them, ladies pose in vulgar poses, unnaturally arching their bodies and arms. The worst thing is that they don’t even think about the fact that in the future these pictures might be seen by their children and husband’s parents.
  • Therefore, if you do not want to get into such an unpleasant situation, then try to bare your body as little as possible and under no circumstances take inviting poses. Taking pictures without clothes is only allowed on the beach, and only if you have an ideal figure

Original poses for home photos:

  • Keep your hands busy. Very often, incorrectly positioned hands greatly spoil a photograph. They convey how tense and constrained a person is. Therefore, if you want to look as natural as possible, then keep your hands busy. Take a flower, a soft toy, or whatever original decor. If the concept of the photo shoot does not involve the use of any foreign objects, then let your hand play with the curls
  • We take pictures while standing. In this case, it is also strictly forbidden to stand at attention. Try to keep your body relaxed while maintaining perfect posture. If you don’t want to appear older than you are, then try not to tilt your body towards the lens. If you get very close to him, then all the flaws in your skin will be visible in the photo and this will make you visually less attractive

Beautiful poses for photos on the street

Good poses for photography
  • If you want your photos to be as picturesque as possible, then take your photo shoot outdoors. In this case, you will not have to spend money on additional surroundings, because the sun, sky, beautiful buildings, picturesque ponds and cozy courtyards will be used as original decorations
  • If we talk about the theme of a city photo shoot, it can be completely different. Depending on the place you like, the photo session can be romantic, family, beach or fairytale

Poses for a street photo shoot:

  • Triumphant. This angle will show others that you like to be the center of attention. So, find a nice spot, relax, raise both arms up above your head and bend one knee. In this case, your chest should be as tight as possible and slightly tilted forward.
  • Supermodel. Take a relaxed position and distribute your body weight on one hip. Place your other leg forward slightly, moving your foot to the side. For more naturalness, place one hand on your thigh and lower the other hand along your body. Your head should be held as straight as possible, without tilting it to one side or the other.
  • Reliance on an object. You can use a car as a support, a big tree, the wall of a house or garden bench. All you have to do in this case is lean against a wall, for example, and cross your legs slightly. If we talk about hands, then they can also lie on the wall or simply play with hair or love another object

Sideways poses for photos

Side pose
  • If you want to look slimmer, try taking pictures in side poses. They will help smooth out all minor imperfections, hide fat folds and make you visually taller. But if you take pictures from this angle, then Special attention pay attention to clothes
  • It should fit you perfectly. If your dress, blouse or trousers are too small for you, you will not be able to move freely. Baggy clothes will add weight to you and create wrinkles that don't exist.


  • Stand sideways to the photographer and arch your back into an S shape. Raise your face and cross your arms at your waist or place them on your hips. Keep in mind that in this position, the body weight should be distributed on only one leg. The other leg should remain completely relaxed
  • If you have beautiful long hair, then try to show it off to others. To do this, stand sideways to the camera lens and begin to rotate your head so that your hair flutters. Ask the photographer to capture you from this angle
  • You can try to take a photo in a sitting side pose. To do this, sit on the ground and lean against a wall or tree trunk. Keep your back straight and place your hands on your leg, bent at the knee. The other leg should rest freely on the ground

Poses for photos in a dress

Poses for photos in a dress
  • Photos in which a woman is captured in a dress always turn out gentle and beautiful. It doesn’t matter whether it’s short or long, evening or casual, usually such pictures always radiate positive energy
  • Of course, in this case, the correct posture plays an important role. It will be better if you give up funny photos and take truly romantic and feminine pictures
  • Don't forget that the dress should go well with the surroundings. And if, for example, you are wearing an evening dress, then it is prohibited to conduct a photo shoot on the beach in such a dress

Ideas for a photo shoot in a dress:

  • If you are wearing a light, floor-length summer dress, you can try to take a photo in motion. For example, sit on a swing and start swinging. The photo should be taken at the moment when your dress begins to flutter beautifully in the wind
  • Stand up straight, raise your head slightly and arch your back. Place one hand on your hip, and with the other slightly pull the hem of your outfit. Don't forget to smile sweetly
  • If you want to show off your beautiful figure, then wear a tight short dress and lie on your side in it so that all your curves are visible. In this case, you cannot lie on your stomach in the same way as in this position on finished photo only your head will be visible

Poses for full-length photos

Interesting pose for a women's photo shoot
  • Absolutely all people strive to look beautiful in photographs. But unfortunately, the camera does not love everyone, and if a person does not know how to present himself correctly, then this is immediately reflected in the photographs. This is especially noticeable in photographs in which people are depicted at full height.
  • But there are still a few poses that everyone can master. Believe me, if you are calm, cheerful and confident, your photos will be worthy of any fashion magazine
  • Concentrate your body weight on one leg and make movements that imitate calm walking
  • Place your feet as close to each other as possible and bend one leg at the knees. Place your hands on your hips and keep them relaxed at the waist.
  • Rest your shoulders against any support, move your arms back a little. Leave one leg on the floor as a support, bend the other and also lean it against the fulcrum.
  • Take a relaxed position, transferring the weight of your body from one leg to the other. Keep your head as straight as possible and bend your back slightly

Poses for photos with a child

Children's photo shoot in nature
  • For any married couple, a child is the greatest happiness. That is why they try to capture all his achievements and pleasant moments of life.
  • But since all children are terrible fidgets, it is very rare to take a good photo. Therefore, if you want your baby to listen at least a little to your wishes, then take photographs in a playful way


  • Place your child in the garden and place as many toys as possible around him. Wait until the baby starts playing enthusiastically and only then start filming him.
  • Let dad or grandpa sit down on his knees and place the child on his back. Try to make him laugh with anything at this moment, and when the baby laughs sincerely, take a photo
  • Invite your baby to catch up bubble and take a photo of him doing this activity. If desired, soap bubbles can be replaced with bright balloons; believe me, in any case, such photographs will turn out to be very touching

Summer photo poses

Poses for flight photos

Summer photo shoots always turn out very bright, original and colorful. This is facilitated by both nature and the attitude of people. It just so happens, but it is in the summer that we become more cheerful, energetic and cheerful. And it is precisely this internal state that contributes to the fact that photographs during this period turn out to be as life-like and natural as possible.

Poses for flight photos:

  • Lady on the bench. This angle suits absolutely all women. For such a photo, you will need to find an old bench in the park and, as it were, lie down on it. At the same time, your body should be as relaxed as possible, one hand should lie on the back of the bench, and the other elegantly support your head
  • Crossed arms. This pose is ideal for street photo shoots. All you have to do in this case is just stand in front of some beautiful building and cross your arms over your chest
  • Lying pose. Lie down on the green grass and look thoughtfully at the sky. If you want this photo to be as gentle as possible, then wear a light, flowy dress and decorate your head with a wreath of wild flowers.

Poses for family photos

Pose for a family photo shoot,
  • With the right approach, a family photo shoot can be the perfect time for the whole family. If your family has small children, then be sure to think in advance how you will entertain them so that they agree for a long time pose for the camera
  • In general, try to create a shooting plan and stick to it if possible. And remember, group photos come out alive if they are taken in motion, so if you want your family photo to turn out as natural as possible, then take them while your family is playing football, swimming, barbecuing or just lying on the grass

Family photo ideas:

  • If you want to get a beautiful shot, then try taking a jumping group photo. The best option For such a shot there would be a beautiful forest clearing or a picturesque river bank. Find the most comfortable spot, stand all in one row, and all jump at the same time. Try to get everyone to look into the camera lens and smile openly.
  • If your family currently consists of only three people, then try making a tender home photo within the walls of your home. To do this, sit comfortably on the bed or on the floor by the fireplace and place your little treasure between you. Ask grandma or grandpa to make your baby laugh, and when he smiles, take the perfect photo
  • Make dad the center of the photo. Sit him at a beautifully set table, and you yourself stand behind him, leaning your head as close as possible to his. If desired, the head of the family can be placed on the floor, and all his household members can be seated around him. In such photographs, smiles play an important role, so it will be better if family photo there will be no thoughtful glances and dull eyes

Successful poses for plus size girls

  • Quite often, ladies with curvy figures flatly refuse to be photographed. They feel that the camera makes them even less attractive and more voluminous. But still, if you know a few secrets, then even such forms can be made the main highlight of the photo
  • Most importantly, do not try to hide your fatness with baggy outfits that completely hide your body. For a photo shoot, choose a beautiful summer dress, a pencil skirt and a light romantic blouse or fashionable jeans and an original T-shirt
  • Choose outfits that will show off the most attractive parts of your body to others. Also, do not forget that chubby women are strictly forbidden to be photographed in profile and full face. Sideways or three-quarter poses are considered optimal.

Poses for curvy ladies:

  • If you are photographed at full height, then under no circumstances stand straight. Try putting one leg forward slightly and leaning to the side. In this case, the hands should be at the waist, and the head should be moved in the direction opposite to the tilt of the body
  • The sitting pose should also be done with a slight tilt. In this case, it is also necessary to abandon horizontal and parallel lines. The best sitting positions for chicks are considered to be angles in which their legs are at different heights
  • Fat women look very good in photographs in which they are captured lying down. From this angle, the chest, hips, and butt look quite advantageous. Unlike skinny people, they can calmly pose lying on their stomachs

Video: Posing at a photo shoot (Basics of pair posing)

The poses below are a kind of hint that can be used not only by the model, but also by the photographer. So, if you are planning to do a creative photo shoot in the studio or on the street, print these pictures or download them to your smartphone. IN Hard time they will help you get into the right frame of mind.

Well, it's time to get acquainted with the spectacular poses of the girls. There are 60 of them in total:

1. This portrait pose is simple. The model's gaze is aimed at the camera lens. She looks over her shoulder at him. Take a close look at the model. If you regularly change the angle, each time her portrait will be unique.

2. Often, in the process of shooting a portrait, the model and the photographer ignore one important detail. In this case we're talking about about the position of the hands. If you ask a girl to play with her hands, it can turn out very creative photos. In this case, you should adhere to the following rule. The hands should be soft, flexible, and the palms should not be flat or tense.

3. This photographer demonstrates this compositional rule, usually the 3rd rule.

4. Agree that the model who sat down and brought her knees together looks very cute.

5. When a girl is on the ground (reclining or completely lying on it), she radiates openness. Squat down and start shooting literally from the bottom position.

6. Let the girl give free rein to her hands. She can cross them or casually touch them to the ground. This angle is perfect for an outdoor pose for any girl. Especially if the girl is among flowers and herbs.

7. The simplest pose. At the same time, she looks impressive. The photographer must shoot from a low position. Walk around the girl from all sides and shoot her from different angles. In this case, the model should relax and regularly make smooth movements with all parts of the body.

8. This position is ideal for models that have any, even the most non-standard, parameters. Let the girl change the positions of her legs and arms, etc. At the same time, you should focus all your attention on her eyes.

9. It’s not for nothing that this pose is called cute and groovy. It will successfully complement almost any interior. A photographer can photograph a girl while she is lying on the bed, lying on the grass, or sunbathing on a sandy, pebble beach. You should photograph the girl from the bottom position, focusing on her eyes.

10. Thanks to this pose, the model will demonstrate all the charms of her figure.

11. Suitable for a sitting girl. Sit the model so that one of her knees touches her chest and the other touches the ground. The girl must look into the camera lens. Ideal pose for girls to take photos in the studio.

12. Allows the photographer to emphasize all the charms of the girl’s body, as well as its plasticity. Typically used for shooting against a bright background. A good pose for photographing at sea.

13. This position is characterized by simplicity, naturalness, and variety of choice. Various experiments are also welcome. Let the model work her hips, etc. The ideal pose for photographing in a dress.

14. This position is easy and, at the same time, graceful. The girl turned her body a little to the side. Moreover, her hands are hidden in the back pockets of her jeans and shorts.

15. With the help of a slight forward bend, the girl emphasizes the shape of her body. Thus, she radiates sexuality.

16. In this pose, the model demonstrates her sensuality. As a rule, it is chosen by slender, athletic girls.

17. There are many options for poses when a girl is photographed at full length. This situation may become the initial one. After which the girl should easily turn her body and make movements with other parts of her body.

18. This pose implies relaxation. Remind the girl that you can touch the wall with more than just your back. It is recommended to use other parts of the body for this. Ideal pose for a photo shoot in full height.

19. Frames in which the model is captured in full length are specific. As a rule, such photos depict tall girls. Be sure to use the following secret. The girl's body should look like the letter "S" curved like a snake. She should focus all her body weight on one of her legs and relax her arms as much as possible.

20. This is the most ideal position for girls with slim figure. It provides various options. In order to capture the model in the most advantageous position, ask her to make leisurely movements with her hands.

21. This pose exudes romance and tenderness. It is recommended to use all kinds of fabrics. Draperies will also work. Thanks to them, you will be able to take the most sensual photos. At the same time, there is no need to expose your entire back. It is enough to expose your shoulder a little. And a playful mood is guaranteed.

22. This is one of the most spectacular filming positions. The girl is turned sideways to the camera lens. At the same time, the shoulder is slightly upturned. Important - the chin and shoulder should not touch.

23. Quite a traditional pose. The girl transfers the entire weight of her body to one of her legs and bends in the shape of a serpentine English letter. alphabet "S".

24. A girl touches a plane with her hands, which is in a vertical position. For example, against the wall. This pose allows you to take excellent portrait photos in nature.

25. If a girl has beautiful ones, and besides long hair, you simply must demonstrate them in dynamics. Ask her to quickly turn her head. This way her hair will start to wave.

26. The girl sat down on the bed and lay down in a soft chair. And if you give her a cup of coffee at the same time, you can get a very atmospheric photo. You may get the impression that she is very cold and is currently warming up with a hot drink.

27. This provision was literally created for organizing filming at home or in a studio. A girl can choose a bed or a comfortable, soft sofa.

28. One of the most spectacular positions for girls who sit on soft sofa.

29. Designed for girls who sit on the ground. At the same time, you can photograph it from different angles.

30. Don't limit yourself to standard plots. Even in a sitting position, the model gives you the opportunity to experiment with her image.

31. It is generally accepted that if a person crosses his legs and arms, he creates a psychological barrier in front of other people. That is why it is not recommended to do this during photography. But there is an exception to the rule. You should try to take a photo of a girl who has her arms crossed over her chest.

32. Not in all cases it is necessary to ask the model to place her hands in a certain position. It will be better if she relaxes them and behaves naturally. This rule also applies to legs.

33. This is another striking example that was created for successfully photographing a girl the full length of her body. At the same time, her hands should be in her pockets.

34. Usually this position is taken during the shooting that takes place on the street in summer and autumn. You should ask the girl to take off her shoes and take a leisurely walk.

35. The girl’s hands are hidden behind her back. This standing pose is extraordinary and very sincere. At the same time, the girl can lean on the wall.

36. This pose is intended for formal compositions. The girl is turned to the camera lens with her hip. Moreover, her gaze is focused on the photographer. As for her head, it is slightly tilted to the side.

37. When a girl touches her waist with her hands, she will look spectacular in the frame. You should get a good half-length or full-length portrait.

38. Author: Gunnar Rathbun. When there is a bulky piece of furniture nearby that allows you to lean your elbow on it, do not use it. It will allow the girl to take a formal and at the same time free pose.

39. The girl must sit down on some object. You can remove it in this position both at home and outside.

40. A feminine and impressive pose for a girl that you shoot in full view.

41. This is a very difficult situation. Since the photographer must convey the girl’s movement. But if he does it right, it will turn out to be a good fashion shot.

42. Good position. But to make the photo effective, you need to adjust some camera settings. The model should lean on the bridge railing. A fence will do too. Thanks to the wide aperture, you will be able to achieve shallow depth of field, as well as hazy background.

43. Proper placement of all moving parts of the body is a decisive factor for this position. A girl of any build is suitable for such a photo shoot. The photographer needs to take pictures from a slightly elevated position. A good pose for a photo in the forest.

44. This position is created for intimate photos. It is used in completely different conditions. Be it a bed, a sandy beach, etc. A good pose for erotic photography.

45. The photographer should take the angle from the lowest position. In this case, the girl is recommended to rise slightly and bow her head slightly. She will also need to bend her legs and cross her feet.

46. ​​This provision is not easy to implement. Pay attention to the following nuances. One of the hands that the girl uses as a support should be facing away from the body. Moreover, she needs to stretch her legs and control her abdominal muscles. This position is suitable for those models who can boast of a good physique.

47. It is also difficult to execute and will require professional skills from the photographer. To take spectacular pictures, he must monitor the girl’s entire body.

48. A very impressive position for a photo shoot.

49. Good for the sophisticated artistic photography naked female body. Provides many various variations with all kinds of placement of body parts.

50. The main thing in this pose is to place your legs in the most correct way. Guide the girl’s movements very carefully, telling her the required position. Important condition– the girl must wear shoes that have high heels.

51. Characterized by simplicity and undeniable perfection. Make sure that the girl does not cover her face with her hand or shoulder. And if she fixes her gaze on the floor, the photo will turn out to be extremely romantic. As for the raised elbow, it must be directed to the left or right of the camera lens.

52. Designed for a full-length portrait. It is necessary to film the girl next to the wall. The photographer must take a picture of the girl by going behind her.

53. Typically, such poses are taken by models who are fond of one of the sports. They curve their body in an "S" shape. They regularly move their hips and arms, and turn their heads this way and that.

54. If you use light, airy fabric, the girl and the photographer can make bold experiments. The result will be spectacular shots. This pose is recommended to be taken outdoors when a light breeze blows.

55. Among other positions, this pose stands out for its ease and simplicity. Thanks to her, a girl is able to emphasize the graceful curves of her figure.

56. Airy and gentle position. The girl sits down. At the same time, it only partially transfers the entire body to the feet of the legs bent at the knees. Looks at the photographer over his shoulder.

57. This pose is characterized by simplicity and, at the same time, magnificence. Suitable for all conditions. You can photograph the model in this pose both indoors and outdoors. Typically used for a silhouette photo shoot that is set against a bright and colorful background.

58. Author: Karen Abramyan. A wall or other vertical object creates ideal conditions for creating a particular pose. So, the same walls can be used as a support for hands.

59. A very graceful position. Remind the girl that she should slouch a little. That is, lean away from the supporting back of an easy chair, bench, etc.

60. Pose in motion. It is necessary to take steps walking towards the photographer. It is not necessary to look into the lens.

In conclusion, it would not be amiss to once again recall that the above examples are only a kind of initial “sketches”. After all, there are many different variations of each position. Feel free to bring creative ideas to life. Constantly ask the model to experiment with facial expressions, smiles, and change the position of her arms or legs. Please note that even if the girl changes her position slightly, you will get pictures with a completely different context. Also, if the photographer changes the angle, then you should expect completely different shots.
At the same time, you can change the distance to the girl you are photographing - either move closer to her or move away from her.

The poses of the girls in this article should be treated as initial tips. It’s better if he looks at and evaluates the angles we offer with the model who will pose for him. Especially if she is new to this business. This will help the photographer find a common language with the girl and tune her into your wavelength.

During the photo shoot, be sure to ask the model’s opinion, ask which poses appeal to her most. Thanks to this simple psychological technique, she will relax, and you will be able to do beautiful pictures.
Also, before the photo shoot, ask the model exactly how she wants to see herself in future photos. Innocent? Sexy? Romantic? Perhaps she would like to emphasize one of her character traits? In general, don’t be shy, talk to the girl. This way you will get to know her better.

Don’t ignore cropping your photo; experiment with its composition. In other words, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Because they learn from them.

Contrary to popular belief, a model's job is not just about looking good and looking at the camera. The success of a model is entirely tied to the ability to pose and give the photographer “that one shot” out of hundreds of photographs taken. However, the skill of posing, as well as the photogenicity of the model, often depends on the model herself and is the result of many years of experience and hard work. FashionTime - about what is the secret of correct posing and how to create an image that will conquer everyone using aesthetically correct poses.

Portfolio of an aspiring model

Creating a model portfolio is an opportunity to show a wide range of a model’s abilities and reveal as many of her advantageous sides as possible.

1. Poses for a photo shoot. Key principles

– Breathing: before taking a photo (while shooting/taking a certain pose), do not hold your breath, remain relaxed.

– If the model cannot easily achieve the required pose, then the problem is not in the model, but in the pose. Each posing should be natural, free and comfortable, so that the impression is created that the model is not posing at all, but simply “entered the frame.”

– You shouldn’t radically change your pose after each click of the camera: only one element of posing changes from frame to frame (tilt of the head, position of the hands, rotation of the hips).

– The position of the model’s hands and fingers should be as natural as possible:

1) Do not point your fingers (palms) into the camera.

2) Do not clench your fingers into a fist. Leave them slightly relaxed (otherwise the photo will look like they are missing).

3) Think of some use for your hands (hands on hips; hands resting on some surface, do not forget about point number 2) or simply hide your hands in your pockets/behind your back.

2. Body position during shooting

1) Full-length photographs are used in portfolios to give modeling agents (clients) an idea of ​​the model’s body type. Poses when creating such photographs should fully emphasize all the advantages of the model’s figure (narrow hips, waist, etc.):

– Classic model pose: turn your hips away from the camera, shoulders and chest towards the camera. This simple trick will make your thighs look slimmer

– Distribute your weight on your hips (or one thigh) and place your arms in an asymmetrical position. Professional models know that in order to look good in photos, there must be some asymmetry in their posing (for example, if one arm is straight, the other should be bent). This technique will create a feeling of relaxation and naturalness.

– When the arms are placed along the body, the model looks larger compared to a model whose elbows are spread out to the sides.

– The effect of high heels: the chest will become higher and the stomach will be slimmer if you move your elbows back, opening your chest, and slightly raise your head with your shoulders back.

2) Poses for a photo shoot in a sitting position require no less hard work from the model:

– One of the very first and most important rules in this position is straight posture (if you need to bend forward a little, choose the hip as the fulcrum without disturbing your posture).

– To avoid excessive fullness in the hips (and even thin models are concerned about this when sitting), sit sideways and transfer your weight to the thigh that is closest to the camera.

– The legs should be at an angle to the camera and at a slight distance from each other - this will make them more toned.

– The model’s legs do not look slender if the feet are pressed to the floor. You can visually lengthen your legs with your feet raised (while resting on your big toes).

3) Photos in a lying position can carry different meanings - from playful to pointedly erotic. In any case, the model and photographer have the same goal: to make the figure as toned as possible.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot . Professional posing techniques:

– The model lies on her side, resting on a bent elbow, with the upper leg slightly bent and the lower leg remaining straight, making the legs look “endless.”

– The model rests on a slightly bent back left hand, right hand at the same time relaxed, both legs bent at the knees (the left thigh lies on the surface, the right one is raised).

4) Portrait (Headshot). The most commonly used type of model photography is the headshot, which is close to a portrait and is a shot of the model's face and shoulders. close-up. Such photographs are most often used in model portfolios, and models’ business cards (comp cards) are compiled from them. And although such shots do not require special poses, there are special rules that aspiring models should remember:

– The full-face position of the head and a direct look into the camera are not always aesthetically and compositionally justified and look good when the picture needs to be given a dramatic effect. For a softer effect, it is best to turn your face at an angle to the camera, then your gaze will also be directed at an angle, which will create a feeling of intrigue and mystery for the viewer.

– Watch which direction the light is coming from. Remember that light creates additional shadows on the face (skin imperfections that fall in the opposite direction from the light source will be enhanced, therefore, you need to turn your head so that they are completely illuminated).

– Make sure your shoulders are lowered and relaxed.

– Don't forget the principle of asymmetry: a head tilted towards a more elevated shoulder will create a playful impression, while a head tilted towards a lowered shoulder will help the model express a sense of self-worth.

Poses for a photo shoot depending on specialization

Whether you dream of a career as a runway model, lingerie model, glamor model, or a career as a high-fashion model, the ability to pose is the first (but far from the only) factor on which your success will depend.

1. Lingerie model / Bikini shoot

Photos of supermodels in bikinis create a feeling of perfection, but the main secret lies not in the ideal forms as such, but in the correctly constructed pose for a photo shoot, which has an S shape:

– The weight is transferred to one hip so that it protrudes to one side (right or left) while the upper body protrudes to the other. Turn your head slightly towards your protruding hip. Now your silhouette takes on an S shape. Finishing touch: You can place your hands on your hips or run them through your hair (ideal for models Victoria's Secret)

To make the model more slim, use the following techniques:

– Place one leg in front of you and bend it slightly – this will lengthen your legs.

– Turn your body 45 degrees and your head towards the camera – this will avoid unnecessary folds and visually reduce your waist.

– In a lying position: lean on your elbow, extend one leg with the other bent - this will make your legs “endless.”

2. Glamor models (glamour model - model for filming for men's and lifestyle magazines)

Poses in such photo shoots are extremely frank and should emphasize the model’s chest and hips. Thus, the model’s appearance plays a dominant role, while clothing and accessories remain secondary.

Some poses used:

– The model’s leg, which is closest to the camera, is slightly bent, which gives the body an S shape and makes the transition from the back to the hips more advantageous.

– The shoulders are pulled back, the chest protrudes forward, while the stomach is pulled in so that it does not look too deliberate or forced.

– The model’s gaze is directed towards the camera, hands in the “butterfly” position (crossed on the chest, wrists and fingers slightly bent).

The pretentious and unnatural posing of this type of model is a tribute to fashion, which sets as its goal an unattainable ideal, which ultimately turns into a status item, the next “peak” of the season. However, it is these “constructed”, deliberate (and often uncomfortable for the models themselves) poses, as opposed to clothing and accessories, that set the tone for several decades to come. Let's look at some of them:

– The “broken doll pose”, which turns the model into a kind of broken Barbie doll (sitting: legs wide apart, elbows out to the sides), found a second wind thanks to the show America's Next Top model and her devoted fan of the supermodel and presenter - Tyre Banks

– The hunch (a variation of the “broken doll” in a standing position) – the founder of this pose is considered to be a model of the 50s Dorian Parker, who skillfully applied it in the setting of palace apartments. Now “The hunch” is a real hit in the modeling business, it can be seen everywhere: from print advertising to photo shoots Vogue. And this is not surprising: despite its pretentiousness, it is she who gives the illusion of harmony. Technique: shoulders tilted forward, stomach pulled in, hands squeezing the ribs - with external discomfort, this pose gives obvious results.

– Stride pose (step) – adds dynamics to the picture. The execution technique depends on the specific task (the width of the model’s step can make the photo grotesque, fluttering hair/clothes will emphasize the sharpness of the movement).

This technique was successfully used by the iconic photographer Richard Avedon, now he chooses her among others for his models Annie Leibovitz.

– Jump is a classic model pose that allows the model to literally “float in the air.” The innovator in this type of posing was the model of the 60s Veruschka, among the most famous photographs is a photograph taken in 1967 Richard Avedon. The technique of execution, according to the model, depends on the specific idea and task (“jump high and at the same time do something else. For example, toss an object while maintaining an indifferent expression on your face”).

The final image of the model

However, no matter how ideal and carefully selected the poses may be, they must fully correspond internal state/ the momentary mood of the model, otherwise they will reduce the model’s image to nothing. The following rules will help you avoid this:

– Remember that each photo shoot is a small story that you are going to tell the viewer (body language is inseparable from your emotions, so what you are going to tell should be clear and close to you personally).

– Remember that the model’s job is to be relaxed and adapt to the environment 100%, to fit into the conditions proposed by the photographer/customer as naturally as possible.

– Remember that each new order (contract) is an opportunity to improve your posing skills and ultimately realize what you could only imagine in your wildest dreams!

Simple tips with examples and photos

First answer, why do you need a photo shoot? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we will talk about how to take really beautiful photos. Something to be proud of. The kind that makes them famous and that 50 years later you won’t be ashamed to show to your grandchildren. Let's leave the technical side of the issue, let's talk only about places, clothes and poses for photography.

How to avoid taking photos

Let's start with common truths that everyone seems to already know, but still thousands of “photo masterpieces” appear on the Internet every day.
    Remember these 5 main taboo rules:
  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural poses.
    Lying, crawling, wringing your hands, bending over on an unmade bed, on the floor of an apartment, on carpets - this is, to say the least, ugly. If you really want to lie down somewhere, then it is better to choose a flower meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgarly: parts of your underwear should not fall out from under your clothes, as well as some parts of your body. It’s easy to determine this line: there shouldn’t be anything in the photo that you wouldn’t want to show to your current or future children, or parents.
  4. Do not wear very tight clothes for a photo shoot, so as not to get a “sausage effect” instead of beauty.
  5. Don't stick out your lips.
Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but these exceptions are best left for a personal photo archive or to professional photographers who know how to present even dubious situations beautifully.

10 tips on how to take beautiful photos

1. Take pictures in nature. It is difficult to take good photographs indoors without special equipment.

2. The pose should be natural. Remember: any pose in which you are uncomfortable will turn out poorly in the photo.

Natural pose

3. Don’t make a languid expression on your face! A sincere smile or laugh will make even a bad photo more attractive. During filming, remember something very pleasant and smile that same mysterious smile of Gioconda, which makes any woman’s face more beautiful.

4. Try to take pictures not from the front, but half-turned. Try not to look into the lens - this will make the pictures more interesting.

5. When photographing, what is closer to the lens looks larger, and what is further away looks smaller. Therefore, for example, it is better to photograph overweight people a little from above to make the figure look slimmer.

Avoid "straight" poses

6. The photograph will be more interesting if the lines of the shoulders, tilt of the head, legs, etc. are not perpendicular. Avoid straight lines and "straight" poses. However, there is no need to bend too much or take unnatural poses. Everything in moderation!
You don't need to wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade. Mike Newming

8. Portrait photographer Mike Newming advises: "You shouldn't wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade." However, the opposite also applies: if the face is too red, then wearing green clothes will help hide this defect.

9. In makeup, pay special attention to blush to make your face look more expressive. It is better to avoid sparkling and pearlescent shades.

10. When you feel too self-conscious, just do a jump-up (jumping photo). Jump higher a few times and let the photographer select the “sports” shooting mode to get several shots in a row. After this, you can relax and the next photos will turn out better.
But more often than not, the “jumps” themselves turn out to be the most successful photographs. Show some imagination to make interesting photos.

. Jumpik is relaxing.

And for those who want not only to take photographs, but also to win beauty contests or create their own lookbook with photographs, there is one magic secret on how to learn how to quickly and easily select clothes, place and poses for photographing: imitate those who like.
Choose a famous “style icon”, preferably from the last century, and start imitating her. Imagine that you are her. The one everyone admires. For example, . Do you think Grace would crawl on an unmade bed in front of the camera or bend indecently in the toilet? Look at her photos, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take a photo, think, what would Grace do?

Photo session for a pregnant woman

Photo session of a pregnant woman with her husband

Photo session in the studio

Photo session with children

Photo shoot for girls

Photo shoot at home

Photo session of the bride and groom

Newlyweds photo session

Photo shoot for men

Photo session outdoors in summer

Outdoor photo shoot in spring

Outdoor photo shoot in winter

Outdoor photo shoot in summer

Outdoor photo shoot in autumn

Photo session with a guy

Photo session with flowers

Tango photo shoot

Photo shoot dance

Themed photo shoot

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Photo session with a child

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Full length photo shoot

Photo session in the studio for girls

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Yoga photo shoot

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Photo session by company

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Photo session at sea

Outdoor photo shoot

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Child photo session

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Photo session with a friend

Photo shoot standing

Photo session near the car

Photo session by the water

Poses for a photo shoot by the water
s or by the sea have always been divided into all main categories - the first consists of photographing directly in the water, the second - on the shore. Each photo shoot at sea always carries a certain thematic focus. However, often the shooting is presented to everyone in a romantic style, which is harmonious with the marine atmosphere. The atmosphere of the sea has its own characteristics regarding the poses of models... Read more Every professional photographer knows that a large part of the success of photography will depend on how comfortable the position of the model is chosen. All this is quite natural, because if you think about it, it’s true, no matter how skilled the photographer is, he cannot create truly beautiful photographs if his model is not photogenic or cannot take a beautiful pose. If you find a stunningly beautiful building and decide to take photos, you should... Read more