Russian-Albanian online translator and dictionary. Russian Albanian Online Translator and Dictionary Russian to Albanian Translations

This language can also be heard in, in, () and. Several Ukrainian villages in and at the beginning of the nineteenth century spoke Albanian, but now the Albanian population has completely assimilated. About 3 million native speakers live in Albania, another 1.7 million in Kosovo. Borders in the Albanian Alps have not been established, so residents of border areas move freely to neighboring Montenegro and. Probably, this can explain the spread of the Albanian language in these countries.

There are two very similar dialects: southern - Tuscan, northern - Gegs, with a section along the Shkumbini river. The outline of the letters is Latin.

History of the Albanian language

Linguists still do not have a common opinion about the origin of this Indo-European language. According to one version, Albanian inherits the ancient Illyrian language, widespread in the Balkans and which became the source of the development of Germanic and Celtic languages. However, the phonetics and morphology of the Albanian language is much closer to the East European group, which includes Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages. The most plausible version lies in the origin of the ancient Dacian language, which was in use on lands belonging to the modern, and on the Balkan Peninsula.

The influence of the languages ​​of numerous conquerors ousted Proto-Indo-European words from Albanian, but the language was replenished with lexemes of Slavic and origin. However, the influence of Latin is most noticeable, which is explained by centuries of domination, therefore the Albanian language in its present form can be attributed to the Romance group. Much later, elements of the Greek and Slavic languages ​​penetrated into Albanian.

Written confirmation of the existence of the Albanian language dates back to the 15th – 16th centuries, fragments of the Bible and a description of the baptismal ceremony date back to this time.

The Albanian language has many words that came from the Russian language in the period from 1945 to 1961. Until that time, there was practically no industry in the country, and Soviet specialists who came to Albania brought many neologisms. In those years, the Albanian language was enriched with such words as detail, associate professor, presidium, plenum. Russian influence is also marked by the lexemes drum (baraban), kulak (kulak), tractor (tjagaç) and many others.

In the second half of the last century, the policy of the Albanian authorities isolated the country from the rest of the world, as a result, the Albanian language developed practically without outside influence, which made it possible to preserve clear traces of the lost languages ​​of the Balkans.


In the 19th century, there were attempts to use the "Byutakukye Alphabet", "Elbasan letter" - the original writing. But in 1908, a slightly modified Latin alphabet was adopted.

  • The slang that circulates in Runet with deliberate mistakes and profanity spontaneously received the name "Albansky language".
  • The Albanian language is unlike any other; only the Albanians themselves can understand it. In recent decades, Albanian citizens have begun to move freely around Europe, so many speak the languages ​​of neighboring countries, such as Greece.
  • It is almost impossible to buy a Russian-Albanian phrasebook in Russia, but such reference books are sold in Tirana (the capital of Albania).
  • The Albanian alphabet has 36 letters: 29 consonants and 7 vowels.
  • The comforting quality of this language is that it is easy to read the words. As it is written, so it is heard.
  • It is not known how the letter "ё" got into the Albanian language, but it is found in many words. The stressed syllable reads "ё", in the unstressed syllable it is similar to the English er, at the end of the word it is almost not pronounced.
  • In ancient times, these lands were inhabited by the tribes of the Albanians, from which the name of the people, country and language came from.

We guarantee acceptable quality, since the texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using the technology

How to improve the quality of online translation?

Use punctuation marks in the text, especially a period at the end of sentences.
- Avoid typos and mistakes!
- In languages ​​such as German or French, be sure to include diacritics.
- Write simple but complete sentences: "My online translator translates the text."
- On the example of English: it is better to write "it is" than "it" s "," can not "than" can "t", etc.
- Use only generally accepted abbreviations. Avoid jargon.
- If necessary, check the dictionary to check controversial words, find more appropriate or more accurate synonyms, etc. The program will definitely not replace a live translator, but the help is often quite real. And do not forget to learn the language yourself in order to gradually drop the "electronic crutches" and start "walking on your own."
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Electronic translator functions:

The main task of the online version, of course, is the approximate translation of phrases, phrases, sentences and coherent text, whether it be personal or business correspondence by e-mail or ICQ, articles from sites, all kinds of greetings or congratulations that need to be expressed to someone etc.

This handy program quickly translates an original message or file from English (or another foreign language - see the menu) into Russian and vice versa. And just some 15 years ago, we could not have imagined that in the future it would be available like this, for free: take it and use it!

Promt and other applied technologies are quite effective. By the way, buyers are usually offered up to 6 electronic dictionaries as a gift: business, legal, sports, Internet dictionary, phrasebook, traveler's electronic dictionary - with them the possibilities become even wider!

Among the programs there is also an electronic translator for Android, tablets, iPhones. Wherever you are, you will always have an electronic assistant "at hand", which will quickly (although, unfortunately, not always very accurately) provide you with translation support.

Benefits of buying professional electronic translators:

Quality of the result: professional programs "Promt", although expensive, but easier to cope with complex texts. Unlike online versions, it is possible to create your own dictionaries and connect hundreds of ready-made ones. Professional category programs are full-fledged business translation systems that can be configured for accurate, high-quality processing of specific texts (technical, financial and other documents).

Your time is significantly saved due to batch processing of sources. And if you have your own dictionary or glossary of terms, you can quickly connect it to Promt.

A better quality electronic translation is also evident due to the use of dictionary databases. Let's say in the text you come across an unfamiliar word or phrase that is not in the program's dictionaries. Then you can use the dictionary bases. For example, the "Multitran" dictionary contains over eleven million words with transcriptions and phrases! In its databases, you can find the translation of the desired word and easily enter it into the dictionary of your translator.

Also, your time can be significantly saved thanks to the translation memory database. Translations successfully made with the help of "Promt" can be saved in the TM database for reuse, which is especially important for standard texts like legal documents.

The variety of target languages ​​is impressive. Those for whom English is not enough can always use online translators for languages ​​such as German, French, Spanish, Italian - see the rest above!

03.25 A good online translator from English in our time, oddly enough, must be a "polyglot", so the website can now be translated into Spanish, German, Portuguese, Hindi, French, Turkish. Although it is not surprising that it is the Russian-English and English-Russian versions that are still most in demand - the bulk of visitors choose these very directions. In general, open the drop-down list and note: the program will help you quickly translate text in a variety of languages ​​- including such as Arabic, Greek, Italian, Chinese ... And this is just the beginning. Recently, the site's capabilities have expanded even more - three new directions of translation have been added: Bulgarian, Czech, Finnish. The quality of the result produced by Promt is not always ideal, but work is underway to improve it. Also now free transliteration of the text and spell check (spelling) is possible.

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At the same time, thanks to the efforts of specialists, translation of sentences and phrases is now possible into no less "exotic" Hungarian and Vietnamese. Successful application!

Rainbow Slov.Ru, 2019.

Translate Albanian texts, sentences and words without having to spend a lot of time on this process. A Russian-Albanian translator can become a universal tool in searching for answers on the Internet, in business correspondence, in communication with friends and colleagues. There is no need to install it, just like registering - all the functionality is available immediately after loading the page. User friendliness comes first for us. Albanian translator can be used from any device with even the weakest internet connection. Made for you!

How to use the translator

In fact, everything is very simple:

  • copy or print text / word / search phrase
  • choose the desired direction (do not forget that the translator is not limited only to the Albanian language - only 104 languages)
  • we start the processing process
  • copy the results

Who is our product for?

The range of application of the web translator of the Albanian language, just like the analysis of the target audience of our service, is very large - these are students, pupils, schoolchildren, people who study foreign languages ​​for themselves, as well as professional translators, business people, negotiators, whose specifics of work are either otherwise it has to do with the need to translate languages. Versatility, simplicity and free - this is what we were guided by in the first place. The translation must be fast, it must take into account the context of the sentence or text, the latest meanings and slang - in one word "intelligent". It is these bases that have fallen into the focus of our team's work.

Main features of the translator

  1. Albanian speakers also live in Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo, as well as most of Italy
  2. Gege and Toske are two dialects of the language, the first is widespread in the north (former Yugoslavia), the second in the south (in Greece)
  3. Similar languages ​​to Albanian: Macedonian, Bulgarian, Serbian, all of them belong to the Balkan group of languages
  4. the first book in the Albanian language was published in 1555
  5. The Illyrian language no longer exists, its only modern successor is Albanian
  6. self-name of the language - Gjuha shqipe (means "Eagle")
  7. Latin - the basis of the language, it has 36 letters, 7 vowels and 29 consonants
  8. "Albanian" - the language of scum that appeared in the 2000s has nothing to do with the Albanian language itself
  9. in ancient times, Albania was under the rule of Illyria, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, later under the rule of Turkey - until the independence of 1912