How to develop personal magnetism. Human natural magnetism: how it manifests itself and how to develop

Van Tile Daniels

Personal magnetism (course of lectures)


"Personal magnetism is that quality, or property of a person, which attracts interest, trust, friendship and love of other people to him."

At the same time, it was mainly meant that the reader could use the results of the study of the proposed lectures immediately, immediately, as long as the acquired knowledge can serve personal benefit. But not when hopes disappear and the strength that allows you to enjoy life dries up - when even an initiate in a secret can no longer use it to achieve personal success.

Those taking this course claim that the author has achieved his goal. They even say that the strict avoidance of any theoretical ranting in these lectures greatly contributed to the rapid understanding and successful application of the main provisions set forth, and that this course can therefore count on much greater success than many other more pretentious, but also more ambiguous and confusing essays on this subject, containing incomprehensible and devoid of connection provisions.

Relying, therefore, on the testimony of the readers, the author does not find it necessary to justify his intentionally adopted simple and colloquial tone of this manual.

I take it as a proven fact that men and women have the same desire to influence others.

This power of influence can bring power, power, wealth, happiness to a man; she will give a woman public respect, popularity, self-satisfaction, love. It should be said clearly and definitely that such a desire is good wish... There is nothing demeaning about seeking to influence others. There is nothing unworthy in the desire for wealth, since wealth itself is only a means to elevate our own usefulness. As you reach out twenty or more years ago, you will remember that the outstanding and influential men and women of the world have been given to you as examples to follow.

They were shining lights in the eyes of people older than you. Your parents and mentors spoke of them with respect and wanted you to follow only their path, and to reach the same height as they reached. Were they not deluded in their appreciation of human character so highly? I don't think so. The great minds of the world should constantly stand before us in full splendor, and the analysis and clarification of the character of any of the great people explains to us the secret of their worldly wisdom, which made their life so sublime and full of charm. May I be allowed to reveal to you the secret of their success.

In the first three lectures of this course, I will try to elucidate for you some general, basic features of the doctrine of personal magnetism. This will prepare you for special study later.


RECOGNITION OF POWER. I want to talk to you sincerely and frankly. If my simple assimilations offend the super-scientist, then I ask him to postpone his sentence until he thoroughly understands this manual and can observe the action of the teaching contained here in its application to everyday life. For the majority, I speak the language of easy and understandable comparisons, since every average, ordinary person, an ordinary woman needs only facts. The general public does not demand scientific reasoning, but above all the improvement of its own position.

REPLACEMENT BATTERY. Perhaps the thought did not occur to you that you yourself (your body) are a kind of constant electric battery, constantly receiving and then releasing power from itself. This battery constantly gives attractive and repulsive currents. These currents are felt at times, for example, if you wish to impress others; sometimes they do not confess, for example, in cases where you, in addition to own desire and consciously make a pleasant or unpleasant impression on others. Continuously and constantly, either you act (influence) on others, or others influence you, whether it is by your will, or in spite of it, it doesn't matter. This is the first fact you need to know.

CAPACITY OF SPIRITUAL CURRENT. Here the presence of the work of force is obvious.

But is this the power of thinking?

Not. Because the presence of this force is revealed even without a conscious thought on your part. However, perhaps thinking plays a part here as well.

Is this electricity?

But electricity is only the name of a force unknown to us.

What is it?

This force is called magnetism, since we do not know how to call it otherwise. But it is best to call it a spiritual current, because in many ways it can be likened to electric current... We can learn to use and control electricity without knowing the essence of the latter. The origin and source of strength is a mystery to us. But we will accept it simply as a secret of nature, and proceed to study the use of this power.


PROPERTIES OF A MAGNETIC PERSONALITY. Our first step will be to critically observe the power exerted by the people around us; we will also understand the essential differences in its character and the logical consequences arising from its known properties.

We all know the type of magnetic personality - male or female - all the same, since women are as susceptible to magnetism as men. Let me note once and for all that everything that has been said about men applies equally to women. Both sexes are quite equal in achieving influence magnetism.

A FEELING OF CALM. If you are in the company of a magnetic person, then the first impression you get from such a person is a feeling of tranquility. He is not nervous or aroused. In addition to this calmness, you will notice in him a kind of reserve power that is somewhere in him, but you cannot tell where it is and what it consists of. It is not in his gaze or in his manners, it is not in his language and in his actions. But this power is an essential point: it is a part of him, and a few minutes ago, as strange as it may seem to you, it (this power) was to a large extent a part of you! Some of this attractive force, which he developed and which you were previously aware of in yourself, has now passed from you to him without your knowledge. But we'll talk about this later.

A magnetic person often receives his strength from others.

STRANGE LOOK. Let me now take a closer look at this person to find the reason for the charm they are producing on you. First of all, pay attention to his gaze. His eyes are not directed directly at you. He does not look into one eye or the other, but directly between both eyes on the nose. His sharp, hard look seems piercing to you, but not in the least defiant. You feel that he is not arrogant and cannot even be so. Also notice that he does not look at you when he speaks. He is waiting, as if wanting to know first your opinion and then tell you his. When he speaks, he looks at you carefully, as if we would like to say, pondering something, however, kindly. He is not arrogant, but he also does not like unnecessary arguments.

To a certain extent, the achievement of success in life (in different cultures it is understood in different ways) depends, among other things, on the individual charisma of the individual. This word is understood as a certain personal (including sexual) magnetism, that is, the ability of a person to attract other people to himself, convince them, influence them and control them, subjecting them to his will (it does not matter, gently and gradually or directive and authoritarian). Of course, people are not endowed with this quality equally, but everyone is endowed with a certain amount of charisma.

It should be noted that personality magnetism can be developed by increasing the power of thought. With a certain strength and concentration, a person is able to accomplish the almost impossible and broadcast (sometimes even silently) his thoughts, involving others in his energy field. Of course, for this you need to have a strong will and fortitude.

How to develop personal magnetism?

To do this, you need to "grow", that is, thoroughly engage in the creation of your own harmonious personality. A harmonious person necessarily (one might say automatically) attracts other people. He not only can involve them in his energy field and control them, they love such people.

More about personal harmony

Every person has a spirit, soul and body. All three components must be brought into harmony. You need to develop continuously, carefully analyzing yourself, what is happening and what is being observed.

In Western psychology, in various Eastern teachings and even in the traditions of primitive cultures, various ways of achieving personal harmony, increasing personal and sexual magnetism are described. Everyone can choose what is closer to him. To different people different methods are suitable.

In all practices, three very important points can be distinguished.

  1. Every person who wants to increase his personal magnetism, that is, to strengthen his spirit and develop psychic strength, must go through the experience of a rather long loneliness. This can be considered, in a sense, a spiritual initiation.
  2. Everyone who wants to become a strong spirit must face the situation of overcoming serious life difficulties and stop being afraid of death.
  3. To transmit a thought, you need not only high concentration and depth, but also clarity of thought. Who thinks clearly, clearly states. For this it is not enough to be impartial. One must be able to analyze, one must be able to look at the situation with different eyes and from different positions. That is, one should be able to distance oneself from the subject of thought (alienate oneself, not experience emotions and passions).

In general, one should educate one's own. We must learn to think. Besides, of course, you need to develop your intellect. And the thought must also be flexible. A person who wants to influence others must be able to quickly navigate the situation.

Yet important point for a person who wants to improve. You need to be able to look a certain way. This concerns appearance, perfume, clothing, plastics and movement dynamics. This also applies to voice and speaking skills. Work on yourself, read the relevant literature, analyze any materials on the topic, improve yourself, and you will definitely achieve improvement.

Many people have a very natural question: how to protect themselves from the magnetic effects of others?

Protection against magnetism

The best way to protect yourself from another person's magnetism is to have your own magnetism. As we already know, for this you need to seriously and constantly work on yourself.

Well, how to protect yourself from the influence of others in a practical situation?

In general, learn to refuse and stand your ground. To do this, you just need to realize yourself as a free and independent person.

Some people never go unnoticed. It seems that they have a powerful magnet hidden inside, which attracts others. It is impossible to understand the reason for this. An ordinary person with an ordinary appearance arouses increased interest in people. Absolutely everyone is drawn to him. Everyone wants to become his friend.

What is magnetism

A person is the ability to evoke the disposition of others. Attract their friendship, trust and love. The ability to influence and manipulate them.

A person's magnetism helps him achieve goals easily and quickly. Such people are successful, find without problems mutual language even with conflicting leaders and are able to completely subordinate them to their influence.

When a person with magnetism begins to speak, everyone around them immediately becomes silent. He usually does not even raise his voice and leads his story rather quietly. And listeners try not to breathe so as not to miss a single word.

People with magnetism are always calm and confident. They are not nervous and agitated. Anyone who is nearby feels their inner strength. It does not manifest itself openly; it will not work to notice it in actions or gaze. However, it is also impossible not to feel it.

They say little and always to the point. They listen to the interlocutors attentively. An incredible will is usually hidden under the external calmness of such people. Anyone who communicates with a magnetic person feels that it is impossible to suppress him. The interlocutor himself falls under his influence.

Self-development of magnetism

Some people are lucky and they are born with certain character traits. They begin to manifest themselves in childhood and intensify in adolescence... Such personalities stand out strongly among their peers.

It is not easy to develop human magnetism on your own, but it is possible. To do this, you will have to work hard on yourself, engage in self-development. The first thing to remember is that others are always sensitive to pretense. You shouldn't try to be someone else. It's important to be yourself. The original is always more valuable than the copy.

You can deviate a little from any rule. If there is a personality with outstanding qualities, they can be adopted, but over time, changing to suit your image.

Man's magnetism allows him to become a leader. Moreover, such a person does not even need to compete for seniority. Others intuitively admit this and give in without a fight. While a screaming, arguing and demanding attention to his person, a person will never achieve the respect of society. Therefore, it is necessary to learn in any situation and think soberly. Only losers and weaklings get hysterical and panic.

Magnetic personalities understand people well and know how to influence them. To learn this, you will need to study a lot of literature on psychology. For example, look at these authors:

  • Eric Byrne;
  • Tina Siling;
  • Edward de Bono;
  • John Gray;
  • Martin Selingman;
  • Alfred Adler;
  • Susan Weinshenk;
  • Robert Cialdini.

In addition, people should be observed. Listen more, but talk as little as possible.

Getting rid of negative thoughts

Success in life, the ability to convince others and a career depends on a person's ability to attract and conquer the right people... Each individual has a body, spirit and soul. All three must be in harmony to be successful. Only in this case will a person have a strong positive energy.

In the psychology of oriental and esoteric teachings are described different ways, allowing you to achieve harmony and enhance human magnetism. Some options are really difficult for most people. For example, one of the ways to develop mental strength and strengthen the spirit involves long-term solitude and overcoming serious life difficulties.

Not everyone can decide on such tests. Therefore, you can choose another method. You can often hear the saying that a person is what she thinks about. And this is true. By directing your thought process in the right direction, the personality can evolve to unimaginable heights. And choosing the wrong direction, the individual degrades.

Psychologists advise people who dream of becoming successful to think positively. Emit only confident and positive thought vibrations. This attracts vibrations of a similar kind. As a result, self-confidence will increase every day. In addition, more and more positive changes will take place in life.

Confidence and independence

A charismatic person cannot be insecure. Many people try to hide their flaw and from this it is even more noticeable to others. It is better to acknowledge it and accept it, trying to gradually work on it.

There are many ways you can become a more confident person. For example, go in for sports and improve your body. This usually raises self-esteem significantly. In addition, you can try the following methods:

  • praise yourself every day before going to bed, even for small successes;
  • never think negatively about yourself;
  • it is important to realize your strengths, make a list of those that need to be further developed;
  • you need to monitor your posture, a confident person does not slouch;
  • it is useful to establish new contacts and restore old ones;
  • speak in public whenever possible;
  • during a conversation, look at a person at a point between the eyes, above the bridge of the nose.

In addition, it should be remembered that the magnetism of a person attracts others to him, and not the individual runs after them. Therefore, you should not impose and passionately desire the company of other people. Over time, they themselves will want to be there. Since a person is always interested in what is inaccessible.

The ancient Egyptian queen was not only beautiful womanbut also an excellent diplomat. There is evidence that she wielded tremendous political influence. For this, the woman used the following techniques:

  • in communication she was friendly with everyone, not singling out anyone especially;
  • was not afraid to seem ridiculous and admit mistakes;
  • during a conversation, she never interrupted her interlocutor, listening to him very attentively;
  • at the next meeting, regardless of when it happened, remembered all the details of the conversation;
  • communicating on important topics did not flirt or pretend;
  • make others feel knowledgeable and smart;
  • noticed the skills and talents of each.

Protection from alien magnetism

The influence of magnetism on a person is very great. Some use their talent to harm, manipulating other people without a twinge of conscience. In order not to become a victim of such a swindler, you need to know how to protect yourself from him.

  1. When charismatic person convinces to do something, you need to take a break and soberly assess the situation. Think about the consequences of this. Agree only if the deal is profitable.
  2. Pay attention to the tone and meaning of the statement. Be sure to check the information and not take their word for it.
  3. In the event that there is not enough courage and willpower to resist the enemy, pretend that his requests are incomprehensible. You need to ask for a detailed explanation. This will give you an opportunity to come to your senses and assess the situation.

The popular book by William Atkinson "The Power of Thought, or the Magnetism of Personality" invites everyone to familiarize themselves with 15 lessons that allow you to influence other people. It is not surprising that this book quickly gained success: almost everyone dreams of having the gift of persuasion and being able to get what they want from others. However, the great power of thought can be used not only according to Atkinson's instructions.

Human natural magnetism

Some people naturally possess magnetism - a special ability to effortlessly attract the attention of others, to seem to them an authoritative, mysterious, alluring person, to be a secret that you want to touch. The magnetic personality, as a rule, does not know where this power over the minds of people comes from, but quickly learns to use it to advantage.

It is not difficult to recognize such a person: he attracts, inspires confidence, he feels a huge inner strength... You will never see such a person doubting his words - his confidence shows through in his looks, conversations, gestures. As a rule, people are drawn to magnetic personalities, they are respected, they listen to their opinion.

How to use the power of thought?

Even if you are not among those lucky ones who are naturally endowed with magnetism, you may well achieve what you want just as successfully. The power of thought will help in love, career, personal growth and absolutely any field of activity. It is important to learn how to use it correctly.

For example, you want to gain popularity, you want people to reach out to you, ask for your advice. In this case, you need to work on your beliefs and behavior, and the power of thought will help you achieve what you want.

Consider if you have negative beliefs. For example: “People never like me”, “nobody loves me”, “I don't look my best”. Any belief that stuck in your head is perceived by the brain as a command. As a result, you only pay attention to those events that confirm the given thought. To reshape your personality, you need to change your beliefs to positive ones.

For example, instead of “nobody likes me”, you need to train yourself to think “people like me, they are drawn to me”. Say this thought several times a day, and it will be perceived by the brain as a command. As a result, your angle of view will shift, and you, on the contrary, will focus on situations when people are drawn to you, reinforcing this belief and receiving confirmation of it.

Similarly, you can work with beliefs in any area. Do not expect quick results: you will have to replace negative thoughts with positive ones within 15-20 days before a new belief takes root in your head and starts to act.

Be you perfect, for your heavenly Father is perfect.
What goes around comes around.

This book is the first part of the complete Course in Willpower and Character Development; it serves as the foundation for the spiritual re-creation of oneself. I divide the entire course into four parts:

I advise you to study them in the same sequence, but by study I mean not memorization, but conscientious fulfillment of exercises and experiments, moreover, according to the first two books, the student should work mainly on himself, and according to the other two - on others, i.e. That is, you should first develop the forces, and then apply them.

Magnetism and hypnotism are gaining more and more fame and glory. You will find followers of these sciences in all corners the globe among persons of any rank, position and state. What are these sciences?

Personal magnetism is understood as the involuntary influence of a person on those around him, his property to acquire love, honor and respect from people and, thanks to this, to be successful in his affairs; hypnotism is a developed art of arbitrarily influencing others, to win them over to oneself.

These sciences explain to us the laws of our inner mysterious strength. All people have the rudiments of this wonderful power - some have more, others less; you just need to develop it and learn to own and manage it. This course gives everyone the opportunity to develop this strength to incredible proportions. The art of influencing others, hypnotizing is not, therefore, the gift of a select few people. Everyone can develop this property in themselves to a greater or lesser extent, and education does not play a special role. I personally know many with very little education who have achieved remarkable success in these sciences.

The main thing is energy, patience, perseverance, love for the cause and goodwill, and all this develops by itself during the course, if you work conscientiously. Remember a valuable rule: work, do not hesitate, do not stop: whoever is not forward is backward. Go ahead and forth. The reward is great. The study of personal magnetism and hypnotism completely changes the life of a person and will change the life of all people.

I say with conviction that these sciences in the near future will overturn the entire world order, just as Christianity once overturned the order of the pagan world. These sciences transform people from unhappy to happy, from dissatisfied to contented, from sick to healthy, from obstinate and harsh to soft and affectionate. They uproot everything that is bad from the human heart and plant what is good. They teach to love your neighbor as yourself, explaining the laws of good and evil. They develop in a person the strength to conquer their impulses and passions, to dominate themselves. They develop in a person the ability to attract other people to themselves, to peacefully win their sympathies. Applying magnetism and hypnotism, one can heal nervous diseases, physical and mental suffering, uproot difficult, sad memories and free a person from various bad habits, inclinations and inclinations.

These sciences develop and strengthen mental abilities - memory, imagination, etc., revitalize and excite mental activity and, most importantly, as already mentioned, they develop strong, goodwill, energy, perseverance, hard work, honesty. The abuse of these sciences by dishonest people, as you will see later, is impossible or negligible in comparison with their benefit.

Magnetism and hypnotism do not contain any evil, no danger. Evil can only be in the human heart. And an evil, dishonest person can harm his neighbor with any other science.
But "you sow evil, evil and reap"
"What you wish for another, you will receive it yourself."

Magnetism and hypnotism can only be studied and applied successfully for good purposes. And whoever begins to study them in order to harm his neighbor is deeply mistaken and may not count on success. However, the exercises recommended by these sciences completely rework the character of a person. Many began to study magnetism and hypnotism with unworthy goals and soon noticed their delusion, the baseness of their aspirations and turned to the path of truth, goodness and love.

Before, being familiar with these sciences theoretically, superficially, I was skeptical and always disapproving of them and never believed in the benefit of their application. When I began to study thoroughly and apply everything in practice, my views completely changed. For me, a lot of incomprehensible things in my life and those around me were explained. I understood the laws of positive and negative thoughts, evil and good will and boldly set about rebuilding my life, which until that time had been very difficult and sad. First of all, I healed myself of serious illnesses. For more than eight years I have suffered from neurasthenia, chronic bronchitis and pleurisy, and in the past two years, some doctors have found in me signs of consumption.

At the end of 1908, I accidentally came across a doctrine that I now preach myself. It made a deep impression on me. I firmly resolved to follow all the instructions unswervingly. And at 3-4 months, without any medication, I was completely cured by my will power from the above diseases. Now I am cheerful, healthy, cheerful and cheerful. I work boldly, overcome all obstacles. My life is getting better and better every day. I become more energetic, more persistent in achieving my goals and believe that I will achieve what I want.

Having changed my life for the better and having understood its purpose and meaning, I began to apply my knowledge and strength for the benefit of others. From January 1 to July 1, 1910, I had over 1000 patients with various diseases. And, it seems, there was no case when the patient, if he carried out the correct course of treatment, did not receive relief or did not completely get rid of his suffering. From practice, I learned that magnetism and hypnotism cure very successfully, sometimes in two or three sessions, nervous and nerve-based diseases and functional disorders, and bad habits and inclinations (alcoholism, masturbation, etc.) are eradicated. On organic diseases, hypnosis has an indirect effect, dulling pain sensations and helping the body to fight the disease.

She writes: "In early August 1909 I went to the forest for raspberries; there was a heavy, cold rain, I was dressed lightly and due to this I caught a bad cold. In the forest, I felt a severe fever and unbearable aches in my whole body. The suffering was unbearable. The next day I was taken to the Krugovskaya hospital, where I stayed for two weeks and felt an improvement, went home, but the same thing happened again. A week later I was admitted to the same hospital where I stayed for another week. At this time, my eyes began to become very cloudy, there was a strong incessant noise and ringing in my head. The further, the worse I saw, and by Christmas I couldn’t see anything with my left eye, but with my right eye I could see very faintly, as if in a thick fog, and in front of him something constantly flashed. With my right eye every day I saw worse and worse - almost completely blind. I turned to the Krugovskaya hospital, where they admitted that I was blind from weakness, but they did not help. Then I went to the Turginovskaya hospital, which also did not help ogli: then I turned to the Vlasov hospital, here the doctor refused to treat me at all, saying: “Your eyes cannot be cured anymore,” Ya went to Klin, but that was completely useless. Finally, I went to Moscow to the Alekseevskaya hospital and was treated there for three weeks, leeches were brought to my temples, flies were placed and injections were given. But there was no improvement, vision was getting weaker. I was also in another hospital in Moscow, but this did not lead to anything. After all this, I returned home and turned to the teacher of the Stepankovsky School, Vladimir Elizarovich Azarov, who began to treat me with hypnosis. From March 18, I began to receive treatment from him, stayed until this 1910 K shrel. After the very first session, ”the noise and pain in the head subsided and finally stopped altogether. Seeing became clearer every day, the fog cleared away. In total, 28 sessions were performed, I left Mr. Azarov completely healthy, now I see very well, as well as before the illness, which I testify in the name of truth and ask to publish it. Domna Nikolaevna Medvedeva ".

I could present a lot more proofs, but the purpose of this article of mine is to prove not what I have done, but what anyone can do if they wish and work. Everyone can be his doctor and the doctor of his family and friends. Willpower, fortitude plays a leading role in a person's life. I would especially advise our student youth to take these sciences seriously. Then there would not be so many "backward", "lazy", "faulty". In essence, all these kind young creatures suffer from lack of will for one reason or another. Study magnetism and hypnotism and help them quickly develop and strengthen willpower. Even one superficial acquaintance with these sciences in a short time changes the thoughts and feelings of a person for the better. I learned this from observation. To all those seeking true happiness, I heartily advise to energetically and lovingly take up the science of fortitude. The day I met her, I celebrate as the day of my rebirth. And you will celebrate it the same way. Feel free, friends, get down to business. And ... God will help you. Work, do not hesitate, go forward firmly, persistently, without fear ... Believe in yourself ... and you will overcome all the hardships of life ... So, go ahead!

I. Personal magnetism is the ability of a person to attract other people to himself, to cause them love, trust and respect. Personal, or human, magnetism, nervous force, psychic force, nervous fluid, "zone" and "prana" of the Hindus, the power of miracles - this is one and the same powerful, mysterious vital electromagnetic force, which all living beings possess by nature, from unicellular, ending with the highest being - man.

So, the vital, magnetic force is in the plant, animal and man; even minerals are not completely devoid of this power. Thanks to it, the planets and the sun move and mutually attract; thanks to her, one thing living being to another. Everything lives and moves with it. The source of strength is God. Of course, the higher the organization of a being, the more perfect it is, the more power it has. Man, as the king of nature, is therefore the richest in this respect: he has the most magnetism. But this mighty force, uncontrollable, unregulated, and in a person, as in other creatures, does only what it should do by nature, without giving the owner of it the power that is hidden in him. As said, all people have magnetic power; but not everyone knows how to own and manage it and use it for the good of their own and those around them, while others inflict this power downright harm on their neighbors and themselves. In order for this force to give a person the power hidden within him, it is necessary to learn how to control it, to subordinate it to the highest human ability - will and, moreover, good will, that is, it is necessary, as they usually not quite correctly say, to develop willpower. Most of all, holy people of all religions achieved in this respect: they, subordinating the body to the spirit, suppressing the desires of the flesh and mind, developed their willpower, goodwill, to incredible proportions and, thanks to this, easily, albeit unconsciously, controlled this powerful, mysterious force, which we now call personality magnetism, and performed great feats and miracles. Notice how they were loved, respected and honored during their lifetime, how they are honored now, after centuries and millennia; how they were and are treated with reverence. Of course, they also had enemies - who do not have them, not excluding Jesus Christ - but still there are many times more admirers. Why? Because their personal magnetism attracted and attracts those around them.

II. Personal magnetism, like electricity, can be positive and negative. That is why people are pleasant and unpleasant, nice and antipathetic, etc. In nature, everything has positive and negative properties, for example: warmth and cold, damp and dryness, love and hate, fear and courage, etc. Human will also happens either positive - good, or negative - evil, as well as thoughts - good and evil. Evil will develops negative magnetism, and good will develops positive. By personal magnetism one should mean positive magnetism itself; and strive to develop it, for positive magnetism attracts your neighbors to you, and negative magnetism repels, makes you unpleasant for others. Therefore, develop in yourself goodwill, positive magnetism, love for others, for all living things. True, there were and are some people who developed an evil will and sometimes performed miracles, but did they either reap what they wanted, or did they repay them, that they gave the saints and people good? Think of Simon and other ancient evil wise men, think of our modern "sorcerers". How did others treat and relate to them? With contempt, hatred, fear, and not with respect and reverence, as for the saints. Why? Because the negative magnetism developed by them repels those around them. Develop in yourself, I repeat, a good beginning, subordinate your body to the spirit, learn to think correctly, positively, for the spirit influences the body through thought. First, learn to dominate yourself, and then it will be easy to control others, but not with evil, but good goals. As soon as you plot evil against your neighbor, your evil will develops, along with it negative magnetism, which repels those around you and interferes with your success and happiness.

"Do not do to another what you do not wish for yourself."

Follow the holy commandments of your religion, Christians, imbued with the spirit of the Gospel. You should not offend a single living being with your deed, word, or even thought. Extend your love to all living things; uproot cruelty in all its forms from the heart. Speak and think only one truth. Respect other people's rights and name. Remember that all people are brothers. You must be blameless in thought and deed; Your spirit and body must be as clear as a diamond. Recognize the Higher Beginning and bow before Him. It is God, and God is Love. And you must be love. This is the spirit of the doctrine of personal magnetism. Get into it.

III. You ask, is there any scientific basis for recognizing magnetic force in man? Yes there is. I speak this way about the magnetism of personality in the most rigorous scientific positions.

Human magnetism, or nervous force, is a transparent invisible current developed by the nervous system. The famous scientist chemist, Baron Reichenbach, called this power an ode; the English physicist Crookes calls it psychic power; Baretti calls nervous force; other scientists use fluid. This invisible fluid current is under the power of willpower, it is controlled by it, which was clearly demonstrated by the well-known medium Hume in a strictly scientific environment in the presence of the aforementioned scientist Crookes. Therefore, the more you strengthen your goodwill, good desires and thoughts, the more positive magnetism will develop, the more attractive you will be.

Above I said that magnetism is an invisible current, but it is not always invisible. Under some conditions, it becomes visible. We know from the Bible that a radiance emanated from Moses' face after his conversation with God; the face of Jesus Christ during the transformation shone like the sun; many of God's saints were seen surrounded by radiance, as they, not without reason, are painted on icons. Why? Because they, through their holy ascetic life, developed in themselves so much magnetic positive force that it became visible. A great many hypnotists see shine or rays from their eyes and fingertips around their hypnotists. Many sensitive persons, the so-called sensitives, see a glow in the dark around magnetizers and others. Even from animals and plants, radiations are sometimes noticed in absolute darkness. The aforementioned Austrian professor Reichenbach, in the last century, experimentally established that each person emits from himself some kind of mysterious light waves; moreover, in a normal subject, the right side always emits a pleasant bluish light (positive magnetism), and the left a reddish (negative). Of course, different subjects emit this current in different quantities and qualities. The scientific world did not attach much importance to Reichenbach's experiments, for all this could be, as they said, hallucinations. But at present, our scientist Professor Narkevich-Yodko, through a series of photographic images that cannot convey hallucinations, has clearly demonstrated the radiation from the human body. Most of all this power is radiated from the eyes and limbs. The Parisian professor Baradyuk, with the help of a simple biometer device, proved the attractive and repulsive force of this current, and from Hume's experiments we know about the dependence of these currents on willpower and thought. Therefore, our right side is charged with positive, and the left with negative magnetism. That is why, when meeting from ancient times, they serve each other right hand; that is why all occultists say that on the right side a person has a good spirit, and on the left side an evil one.

IV. We now come to the practical side of personal magnetism. I will teach you how to control this powerful force and show you the path to happiness.

From the previous lessons, you understood that a person is something like a spare electric battery that receives and gives off some mysterious fluid force - positive and negative psychic currents. You are dating two unfamiliar subjects. You see them for the first time, but one of them is pleasant to you, sympathetic, the other unpleasant, antipathetic. Why? Because in the first, positive, and in the second, negative psychic currents prevail. Therefore, if negative currents prevail in you, you will repel those around you, and if positive, you will attract your neighbors to you, position them in your favor. The latter is better, more pleasant, more profitable for you. Therefore, I repeat, develop positive currents in yourself. You will achieve this by strengthening and developing only goodwill, benevolent thoughts.

How can this be achieved? How to become positive, magnetic, attractive? Remember that our will is manifested in desires and wants, therefore, the powerful magnetic psychic force is also manifested in our desires. When we satisfy any desire, this energy is spent, radiated, and a smaller supply of it remains in us. But our desires can be again positive - useful, kind, and negative - harmful, evil. According to the law of opposites, a negative force is spent on satisfying a positive desire, and a positive one develops to compensate for this expenditure; on the contrary, a positive force is spent on the satisfaction of a negative desire, and a negative one develops, for the reserve of strength is always the same, but with an increase in the strength of one kind, the amount of strength of another kind decreases. Therefore, if you satisfy a desire that is useful for you and those around you, good, then the corresponding positive psychic currents develop, and the negative ones are radiated; positive force prevails - attraction, a person's power increases. When you satisfy a desire that is harmful to you and those around you, evil, then negative psychic currents develop, and positive ones are radiated; negative force prevails - attraction, human power decreases. In addition, with the fulfillment of useful and good desires, good willpower grows and grows, and with the fulfillment of harmful and evil desires, evil willpower. Remember this!

So, the psychic strength of a person lies in his desires. The more desires a person has, the more passionate and impetuous he is, the more psychic and electromagnetic power he has. But if he does not know how to restrain himself, to restrain himself, if he does not know how to suppress his passions and impulses, if he does not know how to deny himself the satisfaction of harmful, unreasonable, evil desires, then the trouble: the power intended for his power will become the source of his misfortunes and misfortunes. and lead him to destruction. There are many examples of this in history.

Hence follows golden Rule: do not satisfy your unreasonable, harmful to you and those around you, evil desires, suppress them in every possible way, restrain your impulses and passions; curb yourself; and the strength hidden and manifested in desires, passions and impulses will accumulate in you, in your psyche. Your strength of goodwill will grow and strengthen with each passing hour, and your evil will will weaken. You will be more perfect, higher, stronger in spirit.

I'll give you an example now. I know in advance that you will agree with me. You have been insulted by a comrade. You could not stand this and answered him in kind - you got irritated, uttered impudences. How are you feeling? Bad, tired, broken: something heavy, unpleasant is stirring in my soul. Another time you were insulted too. You restrained yourself. How do you feel now? You feel strong, cheerful; there is some kind of joyful, triumphant feeling in your soul. You think: "I know how to restrain myself"... You will notice the same thing with restraint on other occasions.

Watch yourself strictly. Your psychic strength is manifested by a mass of negative psychic currents, for example, irritability, anger, slanderousness about others, pride, impatience, laziness, desire for praise, vanity, gluttony, slander, disbelief, envy, disrespect, voluptuousness, excesses of all kinds and many bad habits. ... Do not satisfy these desires, destroy these shortcomings in yourself - your goodwill will develop to gigantic proportions, the supply of positive, attractive magnetic-psychic force will increase. You will be loved and respected by everyone. Always be calm, do not fuss, do not be nervous. Never express dissatisfaction; do not seek sympathy, flattery, praise and approval; do not talk a lot about yourself and about anything else in order to attract attention, but always speak, carefully considering what you are saying. Beware of vanity: it is harmful to man. Fear the loss of psychic strength; Resist temptation in every way. Thus, by strictly monitoring yourself, denying yourself the satisfaction of desires, you unconsciously develop your good willpower. The exploits of holy people, who possessed an enormous supply of magnetism, consisted precisely in the suppression of desires and passions, in the subordination of the body to the spirit. Do the same for you. Subordinate your body to your mind and your mind to your spirit. Your spirit is part of the Higher Principle, part of the Divineso he will not lead you astray. The spirit leads only to good.

Vi. In this lesson, I will show you a psychophysical exercise that will help you suppress desires and maintain psychic energy, magnetic force.

Above the stomach of a person is a large nerve node formed by a nerve extending from the spinal cord called the solar plexus or plexus Solaris. This is the abdominal nerve center; it is sometimes called the abdominal brain. It has an effect not only on the most important functions of our body. such as breathing, circulation, but also on the emotional side of a person. Occult psychologists recognize the solar plexus as a real magnetic center that influences others and, in turn, is accessible to the influence of others. Indian yogis. which in the occult-psychic sciences have far outstripped us, the solar plexus is recognized, so to speak, for the warehouse of magnetism. This nerve center plays a huge role in human health and life. The volume of this work does not allow me to speak in detail about this, I will say it in one of the following books, and now I will only point out some facts. When you are scared of something or expect something unpleasant, you feel that something is shrinking, getting cold, your heart beats faster, harder, breathing quickens, you tremble, turn pale. Why? Because the solar plexus is now in an abnormal state: it has shrunk; the supply of magnetism has decreased. So, fear, fear of something unpleasant has caused in you an abnormal, painful state of the solar plexus and, along with it, the whole organism. Nervous patients who, like everyone else nervous system, the solar plexus is out of order, upset, always feel fear, as if an approaching trouble; they often have a pain in the stomach and something shrinks. When you are under the influence of temptation, longing desire, you struggle with it, you also feel anxiety, fear, trembling, something shrinks in your chest. This again temporarily upsets the solar plexus. It follows from this that it is worth putting the solar plexus in order, in a normal state, and all unpleasant, abnormal phenomena will disappear by themselves. How can this be achieved?

It's very simple: the solar plexus is in this case put in order with the help of a special breathing exercises... As soon as you feel any desire, temptation, concentrate all your attention, all your thoughts on it; through this the desire will grow.

Then stand up straight with your feet together, close your eyes and start slowly through your nose, closing your mouth, inhale air for 8 seconds, mentally saying: “I appropriate the power of this desire, I develop goodwill”... Then hold your breath for 8 seconds without lowering your chest, thinking: “I absorb this power; it belongs to me now ”... Finally, exhale slowly for 8 seconds through your nose while mentally saying: "Now I have magnetic power and can influence others around me."... Repeat this breath 7-14 times. Your desire will pass; you will calm down, you will feel in yourself, in your nerves some kind of power, cheerfulness, freshness. Exercise in this way when fear, grief, despondency, apathy, laziness, etc .; exercise more often.

This exercise acts directly on the solar plexus, massaging and stimulating it with the organs adjacent to it; and focusing attention and thoughts on absorbing energy directs it to this “storehouse of magnetism” and leaves it in reserve.

Vii. This path of developing willpower will probably seem difficult to you. But nothing can be achieved without labor. However, taking into account the weakness of human nature, I will give you something to help you follow the indicated solid path. I will show you easier but very effective exercises; but do not neglect the former; walk boldly, steadily, on a firm path, throwing away "stumbling blocks."

The basis of personal magnetism, as you have seen, is strong goodwill. But few people care about developing it: they think that willpower is a natural gift, whoever does not have it will not have it. Wrong. All people are endowed with this ability, everyone can develop it more and more. And for this you should “know yourself” and work on yourself. Remember, you cannot lead and control others if you cannot restrain yourself, control yourself. Therefore, first of all, develop your own self-control. Resolve to cultivate your good will once and for all, to restrain yourself unswervingly, carry out this decision. Think about it every morning and evening. Decide to be in time in everything, to have good luck in everything, to love everyone, to treat everyone favorably. Don't think that you will develop your willpower in a day, a week, two. Every ability develops, grows like a "mustard seed".

Do the following exercises carefully, conscientiously, do not neglect their simplicity, do not criticize - later you will see their usefulness. Take seven sheets of white paper and write a large, legible self-hypnosis for each day.

1. I have a strong, good will. No one can resist my influence. I wish everyone only good. Everyone wishes me well.

2. I have a strong, kind spirit. Nothing scares me. I won't hurt anyone. No one will hurt me.

3. I firmly decided to keep up with everything. I am determined to love all people. Everyone around me loves me and wishes me success.

4. I decided to follow the path of truth and goodness. There are no obstacles for me. I will achieve what I want. My desires are honest.

5. I am in complete control of myself. Nothing will excite me or anger me. I am always calm. I can suppress my desires, restrain myself.

6. I have good willpower. I can control those around me with the inherent power of kindness and love. People obey me lovingly.

7. I'm happy. I am successful in everything. I am full of love and kindness. Everyone around me loves me. Everything is leaning towards my well-being.

Take a piece of paper every day, retire and concentrate on what is written, and imagine yourself as such. Do this in the morning upon waking and in the evening before bed. Think the same thing as often as possible during the day, or better yet, write it over and over again. Do this for two weeks. Then rewrite everything on one sheet and read everything every day for a week. In exactly the same way, you can do self-hypnosis to develop other qualities, to cure diseases. For this purpose, saints of all religions composed and recited prayers, which they also left to us. These are the same self-hypnosis - kind, sublime. And you can choose many of them and pray earnestly, truly. I have given you examples, and you should use them to invent others. You yourself know your shortcomings better.

VIII. In this lesson I will give you exercises that are even more effective and fruitful than the previous ones. Also take out seven sheets of paper for each day of the week. Write on them in large, clear self-hypnosis.

1. My spirit is strong. My will is strong. I have a tremendous amount of magnetic power. I am full of love and kindness.

2. I am fearless, brave. I will never lose heart. Nothing and no one will intimidate or outrage me.

3. I am completely calm and cold-blooded. I will never be shy. I will not be nervous when talking.

4. I control myself and my temperament. I can restrain myself, restrain myself. Nothing will excite or annoy me.

5. I will do well in all my ventures. I will never fail. I will achieve whatever I want.

6. I rule over others and control them with the power of kindness and love. They cannot resist me.

7. I am happy, cheerful and healthy. The world is beautiful. Life is good. People are kind. I love everyone and everything. Everyone loves me. Thank God!

Every day before going to bed, retire, take a smooth tea glass, fill to the brim with a clean cold water, stand in front of you 2-2.5 feet apart. Sit perfectly still, breathe deeply 14-20 times, as if suppressing desires. There should be complete silence in the room. Put a sheet of self-hypnosis in front of the glass. Look intently, if possible without blinking, into the water, into the center of the glass for 5-7 minutes; then carefully look at the sheet, read and remember the auto-suggestion and look again into the water, into the center of the glass, and intensively, with concentration, think over the words of auto-suggestion; paint yourself as such. If she tends to sleep. sleep well. Continue the session for about half an hour. Drink water at the end of the session. Human thought is like electricity. When you think with concentration, staring intently into the water, a mental current emanates from your brain, radiating from the eyes and saturates the water. Drinking it, you perceive the qualities that you thought about.

Therefore, beware of thinking badly about what you eat and drink. That is why, before eating and drinking, it is prescribed to perform prayer: in prayer there are always good thoughts, and consequently, good power. In addition, self-hypnosis itself affects you. Exercise this way for 2-3 weeks. I repeat, you can make up self-hypnosis yourself. So treat yourself for various ailments; so destroy bad habits and inclinations. For example, you feel a headache; write: “The headache subsides, goes away; my head no longer hurts ", - exercise. Or you want to get rid of laziness; write: “I'm hardworking; I love work; it is my happiness and pleasure "... Always drink water. Always pray earnestly in the morning and evening, before and after eating, drinking, and before work and after.

IX. Engage in conscientious exercises given to you, do not neglect their simplicity. They will increase your willpower to unexpected proportions and develop a huge store of magnetic energy in you.

Now, let me offer you one question: Do you believe in the sanctity of sanctified water and its healing properties? If you do not believe, then I advise you to believe, and why - now I will explain to you.
Blessing the water, the priest reads prayers over it, the believers mentally repeat the same. Strong mental and magnetic currents radiate from the brains of all present and saturate the water. And all prayers contain only good, lofty thoughts and wishes.
Therefore, always drink holy water with reverence and faith in it. healing properties; together with water you drink, perceive good thoughts and wishes of others, positive magnetic force. Water whispered by various healers also has good or evil power, positive or negative magnetism. Now a lot has become clear to us that we did not understand before. Is not it?

Based on the above, I will show you how to heal yourself from diseases, develop good qualities in yourself and influence others through the so-called "magnetic current".

Take a vessel with water, retire, put water in front of you, sit quietly; do breathing exercises. Look intently into the water, at the center of the vessel, and intensely, with concentration, think that you have a magnetic force, that the water is saturated with this force. Now think about who you want to influence, think about what you want from him, what you inspire him. Remember that you can only think good, wish only good. As soon as you start thinking and instilling evil, your evil will and negative magnetism take precedence - and you become non-magnetic. Therefore, you will only succeed as long as your good will works.

I hope you understand and for the sake of your own good will not abuse your power, instill evil in your neighbor, harm him. After the session, drink a little water (for this alone, you cannot think bad about water), and give the rest of the water to drink to the one you wanted to influence, of course, if possible. But only you should know about it. So you can heal your family and friends for diseases and various vices. You can also think over other objects: oil, wine, bread, fruits, etc., over a photographic card. I think you have fully understood the spirit of occultism, the laws of thought and will and the meaning of positive psychic power, good.

X. By suppressing desires and exercising in the above ways, you develop unconsciously your willpower; but its conscious development is also necessary. To that end, I will give you some valuable exercises that you can use to model others yourself. Now you have already strengthened your will and spirit, and the following exercises will not seem as difficult to you as they might have seemed before. Postpone the harder ones until you feel stronger in spirit.

1. If someone insults you, forgive, keep silent, move away from him in peace. Forget resentment altogether. Pay in kind on occasion.

2. When you feel like talking, silence yourself. Silence is power. The word is silver, silence is gold. Always talk less, listen more.

3. Force yourself not to utter a single word during the day. Repeat this several times. Hard? But willpower grows and gets stronger.

4. Do not eat meat during the day, weekly; then two days - Wednesday and Friday - do not eat meat.

5. Make a vegetarian meal plan for yourself for one week, then two, and so on up to 6 weeks.

6. Do not eat anything for 24 hours, eat for 24 hours, do it while daily hunger is easily tolerated. Then do not eat for two days, eat for two; repeat. Reach 3-4 days.

7. Do not eat anything weekly for 24 hours, for example on Friday. Just drink cold water... It cleanses the body.

8. Try to endure your daily thirst. This is more difficult. Repeat a few times.

9. Try to spend the night awake, try to stay awake. Weaken temporarily; but the spirit grows stronger.

10. Stop drinking tea for a month, for two, etc. to six months.

11. If you smoke, then do not smoke for 24 hours. Repeat a few times. Then do not smoke for two, three, etc. days - up to a week. Now quit smoking for a month, for two, and finally completely.

12. If you drink alcoholic beverages, then reduce the amount of drinking. Now do not drink for three days, a week, two, etc. until a month. Quit drinking altogether.

13. Try to do without outside services for a while; do it yourself. Now try to render as many services as possible to those around you for a certain time.

14. Retire for a few days from people; lock yourself in your room so that you don't see anyone, even those close to you, so that no one can see you. Think about self-improvement.

15. Force yourself to do the unpleasant work for you in good faith, with love.

16. Do not think for a certain time, but always better, do not think badly about anyone, but good about everyone.

17. Do not think at all for a day, two, three, etc. about your loved one. Remember your enemies lovingly.

18. Absolutely abstain from sexual intercourse for a week (if you are married), then two, three, etc. up to six weeks. Repeat this several times a year. If it is difficult to abstain, fast more and use the above breath with the appropriate suggestion. Remember that sexual intemperance most of all weakens the will of a person and destroys magnetism.

19. Criticize yourself, look for bad habits and shortcomings, and gradually eradicate them, but not immediately.

20. Allocate the time of work, rest, sleep, eating, etc. and fulfill this allocation. Sleep for at least eight hours.

21. Review the course of the sciences you have taken. It will refresh and strengthen your memory.

I will talk about this in detail in the essay: “Development and Strengthening of Memory”. Many will say that this is difficult to accomplish. It is difficult, but not impossible: there is nothing impossible for a person if he wants to. And "under a lying stone and water does not flow."

XI. By doing the above exercises conscientiously, you learn to bend yourself to your own will. But for greater self-improvement, to achieve greater power, it is necessary to be able to obey another authoritative higher will. The holy ascetics chose leaders for this purpose; novices are appointed in monasteries.

Choose an authoritative leader for yourself. Obey his instructions. He who does not know how to obey cannot rule. But the highest will for us is the Will of God, which is clearly expressed in the statutes of all religions. I am a Christian, I am writing this book mainly for Christians and with this I will harmonize my present instructions.

1. Read and think carefully about the Holy Gospel and try to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

2. Review your course on the Law of God. Consider thoroughly the Lord's Prayer, the Commandments of the Law of God and the Commandments of Beatitude. Try to act and think always as required in these great "words."

3. Read the life stories of holy ascetics and try to imitate them in what is possible for you.

4. Holyly observe the charter and church rites: observe the established fasts, consecrate holidays prayer and service to God, deeds of love and mercy.

5. Sincere prayer is the most powerful means for the development of personality magnetism, willpower and thought. It develops strong positive thought waves and magnetic currents, which, surrounding a person, prevent the influence of bad thoughts, negative currents on him; it uplifts and strengthens the spirit. That is why it is said, "Pray without ceasing." In conclusion, I will point out how strong magnetic personality of our time for Father John of Kronstadt, who developed his strength by deep faith, prayer and love for his neighbors. "He who can accommodate, may he contain".

To the followers of other religions I will say: sacredly fulfill the laws of your religion; every religion contains in itself much that is sacred, sublime. The most exalted beliefs I admit are the Hindu; then comes the Buddhist religion, Judaism. There are no rules in them, the implementation of which would weaken willpower and deprive a person of magnetism. This is not the case in Mohammedanism: intolerance of other religions and polygamy undoubtedly distort human will and take away its magnetic properties.

People! Remember that you are all children of one God, therefore you are all brothers. Love each other. Do not do to others what is not good for you. And there will be peace and the Kingdom of God on earth ...

XII. You ask: “What will I achieve by suppressing my desires and exercising in these ways? Is it all worth the trouble? " Yes, it's worth it. As soon as you begin to apply my instructions, you will begin to notice a clear change in yourself, and others will notice it with one reading of this book.

You will become more and more aware of your dignity and power. After each suppression of desire, after each successful exercise, you will feel stronger and more vigorous spiritually and physically. Negative desires will bother you less and less and finally leave you altogether. You will become more and more balanced, more dispassionate. This should not scare you, because you will feel happier and more satisfied: the less desires a person has, the happier he is. You will clearly notice a change in the attitude of those around you. They will be interested in you, you will be loved and respected. They will be happy to listen to your conversations; but don't say much. Will admire your ability and knowledge; but beware of flattery and vanity. You will also have enemies; but fewer than friends. Treat them with love and respect, and turn them into friends with your power of goodwill. Believe that you will achieve this too. Just be patient. Goodbye resentment.

A significant physical change will take place in you. Posture will become more cheerful, more confident, the complexion is lighter, healthier, the look is clearer, more attractive, more brilliant, the voice is more sonorous, pleasant, more melodic. In a word, some elusive charm, sympathy will develop in you, which will impress those around you with more beauty. Take note and be convinced. But do not forget: do not become proud, immediately lose a huge part of the magnetic. Realize that you are far from perfect. Climb higher. So, thanks to tireless work on yourself, your appearance, behavior, mental structure, character without special efforts on your part will change. What you previously so passionately desired and did not receive is now easily achieved by you! You are getting closer to happiness. But do not wish for much, remember that satisfying desires, which are mostly negative, you expend energy. Everything will come by itself. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Truth, and everything else will be given to you”... Think only about self-improvement - everything you need for your well-being will be given to you.

The energy saved by you while suppressing desires will attract the desired benefits, love and respect of others to you. But be careful. Do not give anyone a reason to immediately see a change in you, let it happen imperceptibly, gradually. Do not say a word to anyone about your study of personal magnetism, about the exercises you are doing. Don't look for love, sympathy, and respect. Keep your and others' secrets. Be quiet. Do not tell anyone about your successes and failures, do not complain about fate or others. Be patient. Remember Job's patience. What were the results? Hide your suffering. Always be calm and confident of success. Everything will be fine. Keep your knowledge for yourself, and do not scatter it fruitlessly around: beware, I repeat, of vanity. Beware of losing collected magnetic energy.

XIII. A necessary condition for the development of personal magnetism is health. Without good health you will not achieve anything. “Mens sana in corpore sano.” - “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. The weakness of the body weakens the spirit.

In one of my next essays, I will describe in detail about the physical well-being of a person according to the philosophy of yogis, and here I will limit myself to only brief but valuable instructions.

Always get up at a certain hour, for example, at 6 in the morning. Now do 10 minutes of physical exercise, gymnastics according to any system. Then wash your face and whole body with clean cold, room temperature, with soap and water, wipe dry. Massage, rub the body with your hands for about 10 minutes. Remain in the room undressed for 15-20 minutes, but be in motion; in summer, with open windows, do not be afraid of a cold. Take deep breaths as you did when suppressing desires. I will talk in detail about gymnastics, massage and breathing in the third part of the “Healing Magnetism” course. Always brush your teeth in the morning, evening and after meals.

Observe strict moderation in everything. Eat neither more nor less, and only when you really feel hungry. Chew your food as best as possible, this will make it easier for the stomach. Avoid fatty meats, pork, warm and sweet cakes. Eat more fruits, fruits, but ripe. Don't get used to treats. Drink as much clean, cold as possible (12 ° R) raw waterif there is no danger of infection. An adult should drink about 4-4.5 bottles of water per day in small portions, for example, about half a glass every half hour; drink in small sips. Drink tea and coffee as little as possible and not strong, do not drink alcohol at all. Don't smoke: it takes a lot of magnetism away from you. Work and rest in moderation. Work with concentration and slowness. “Whatever you do, let it be the most important thing in the world for you while you do it”... This strengthens your thoughts and will. Give yourself sometimes absolute rest: lie quietly for a day, moving as little as possible and not thinking anything important, of course, when possible. It strengthens the nerves. Make sure that the air in your apartment is as clean as possible: ventilate it more often. Be outdoors more often. Always breathe through your nose with your mouth closed, slowly and deeper. Don't be afraid of the sun. Let it shower you with its life-giving, beneficial rays and give you magnetic energy. It is the source of life on earth. Take whenever possible sunbathing 20-25 minutes, covering his head with something white. In summer, when it's dry and warm, walk barefoot for at least two hours a day. Swim; keep your body clean, but avoid hot baths and baths. Go to bed at a specific hour, such as 10 pm, and sleep at least 8 hours. Take care of the purity of the air at night, do not wrap yourself up; sleep with your mouth closed - accustom yourself to this. Always be calm in spirit.

I advise you to avoid extremes, stay in the middle: do not be sloppy, careless, but at the same time make sure that your costume does not catch the eye with its fashionableness, pretentiousness. So that everything is decent, beautiful, but simple. Keep your boots and boots clean. Keep your head in order. Don't suffocate yourself. Linen should always be clean: uncleanliness paralyzes magnetism. Watch your mouth and teeth so that there is no unpleasant, repulsive odor. Your manners should be pleasant. Always be restrained, kind, but not frivolous, polite and attentive to the interlocutors. Do not get into arguments, do not get irritated, do not impose your opinions and views on others. When talking, do not wave your hands, use less gestures. Treat everyone with courage, openness, kindness, and most importantly, honestly. Respect yourself and others. Be serious when you speak; don't laugh for no reason. Speak deliberately, loudly, clearly, distinctly. Make beautiful, bold, convincing speech. Do this for half an hour every day. Retire somewhere. Consider what to say. Imagine one or more listeners in front of you and start talking seriously. Follow every word, every thought, as if you really had an entire audience in front of you. This is how the best orators, artists and lecturers practiced. When they tell you, listen carefully and do not show that you are tired of listening. Learn to listen and be silent. But do not obey the influence of the interlocutor. If you have to say no, speak boldly, but kindly and politely. Never speak ill of anyone, even about someone who is much inferior in rank to you: you humiliate yourself. "Do not judge and you will not be judged"... Avoid repeating the same conversation. Try to be always cheerful and cheerful. Speak always lively, but simply, without "philosophizing". Learn to shake hands firmly, courageously when you meet, so that sympathy, friendship, and goodwill are felt in your handshake. Grab your hand firmly, but not hurt, shake it down from top to bottom in a friendly way, remembering that magnetism radiates from your hand, your fingers, with the help of which you influence the person you met. Look directly into the face of the interlocutor, between the eyes, into the center of the bridge of the nose with a firm, so-called magnetic gaze, thinking: "I am attractive to you." Understand the power of the human eye. Who doesn't know her!

The eye is a powerful tool for influencing others. Beast tamers influence them with their gaze. Snakes charm their prey with their gaze. And what power has a look over the savages! The eyes are the window to the soul. Speaking about the scientific basis for the recognition of magnetism, I said that most of all magnetic energy is emitted from the eyes, which is proved by photography.

Yes, that's right. We often read each other's thoughts by their eyes, by the eyes we determine the character. “Lovers talk with their eyes”. The eyes affect physically and mentally. They radiate magnetism and thought waves. Cultivate a powerful magnetic glance in yourself.

XV. To have a magnetic look, it must be developed with the help of special eye gymnastics. Protect your eyes from dust. Don't overwork them. Don't read while walking or driving. Protect from strong light.

When talking, try to stand with your back to the light and always look at the interlocutor between the eyes, at the center of the bridge of the nose. Do the following exercises diligently. Do not hurry.

1. Open your eyelids wide as often as possible throughout the day.

2. Look more often with a sharp, penetrating gaze, without blinking, at very distant points, stars, etc.

3. Stand with your back to the wall; now, without moving your head, run your gaze along the opposite wall, draw with your eyes various figures: triangles, rectangles, circles, stars, crosses, etc. As soon as your eyes start to get tired, stop. Repeat daily.

4. Take a square piece of white paper; make a very black circle-dot on it two-corner size. Stick to the wall at your eye level; stand at a distance of 1.5 yards from him. Now rotate your head in all directions without taking your eyes off the black point. When you start to get tired, stop.

5. Stick the same piece of paper to the wall at eye level in a seated position. Place the chair at a distance of 3-3.5 yards from the wall. Sit against a point perfectly still so that none of your muscles flinch. Look at the point without blinking, firmly, decisively for 1 minute (counting to 100). Rest for a minute and watch again for 1 minute. Repeat this 5 times. Do this for three days, morning and evening.

6. Attach a piece of paper to the wall and place the chair, as in exercise.

5. Move the point to the right by 1.5 arshins and attach it. Sit on a chair and look straight ahead at the point where the point used to be. Now, without turning your head, move your eyes to the right to the point and gaze intently, as in exercise. 5, up to 5 times 1 minute each. Do it for 3 days, 2 times.

7. This exercise is similar to 6, only look not to the right, but to the left up to 5 times 1 minute each. Do it for 3 days. Always rinse your eyes with cold water after exercise. Now practice for three days like this: look straight 3 times for 1 minute, right and left for the same amount.

8. Now increase the time. Look straight 2 times for 2 minutes, to the right and to the left for the same amount. Do this daily 2 times a day 3-4. Then increase the time again: 2 times 3, 4, 5 minutes. Then look straight ahead, to the right, to the left for 6-10 minutes. Increase the time by 1 minute every day after 3-4. Do not rush, do not overwork.

9. Finally, the most important exercise... Sit quietly, put a mirror in front of you and look at your reflection in the center of the bridge of your nose as much as you can without blinking. Mark the time. Every 3-4 days, increase the time by 1 minute and go up to 15 minutes. Always look firmly, without blinking. Of course, you will not achieve this soon, but you will. Whenever you look, think with concentration: "I have a powerful magnetic eye and strong will."... In this way, you can inspire yourself whatever you want. Remember that thought is like electricity and rays of light. A current flows from your brain to the mirror and, being reflected from the mirror, returns to you and affects you. Watch for the change through exercise in the expression of your eyes.

ABOUT further development I will speak in the IV part of the course "Hypnotism and Suggestion". Watch out for the gaze exercises: they play a very important role in the development of magnetic, and you cannot hypnotize without them.

XVI. Finally, for the full development of personality magnetism, it is necessary to develop self-confidence, faith in one's own strengths and abilities, and self-confidence. Those who do not believe in themselves will not be believed by others. Think, because you are doing one thing, therefore, you will be able to do another, only it is worth taking it. Tell yourself more often: “I believe in myself, I believe in my strengths and abilities. I can and I want and I will achieve what I want ”... There is nothing that a person would not achieve with a strong desire, unshakable confidence in success and firm determination to achieve what he wants at all costs. But work. Be patient and develop persistence. Be persistent, energy will develop.

Those people who succeed in all their endeavors are usually called happy. And rightly so. A person's happiness lies in success in all his affairs. Such a person achieves everything - wealth, fame, power, honor, love, etc. The success of a person depends entirely on his personal qualities, and these qualities are developed by the exact fulfillment of the laws of personal magnetism. Therefore, follow them strictly.

They say that hard work leads to success. Not entirely true. There are toilers who work day and night and fail, however, in everything. Reasonable attitude leads to success. All people have responsibilities that are reluctant to perform. Train yourself to fulfill such responsibilities with love. “Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today”... There are enough worries for each day. Always tackle the hardest, and then the easy. Strive hard towards your goal. If this fails, do otherwise. Finally, you will find the right and easy way. Think about how inventors worked. Read biographies of people of success and strong will. Learn from them. Drive away depression and fear from yourself. Be brave, decisive, do not be afraid of anyone or anything. If you are right, then no thunder and lightning will harm you. Tell yourself: “I dared. I'm not afraid of anything. I do not know fear. Nobody will hurt me ”... And when the momentary excitement and fear of something overtakes you, do the above breathing and you will feel cheerful and courageous. You should be afraid of only one thing - retribution for your unkind thoughts and actions. So avoid, don't commit them.

In conclusion, I repeat again: do not be selfish. Self-love is the mother of vices; it will give birth to all others. Instill in yourself love for others. When you go to bed, close your eyes and think, but not automatically: “I will be kind and friendly to everyone: I will love all people - everyone around me will love me”... Think this until you fall asleep. When you wake up in the morning, repeat the same thing and decide to do it throughout the day. Be nice to everyone. You know that an affectionate glance often saved people from serious crimes - murders and suicides, etc. Remember how Christ treated sinners. How you treat others, so will they treat you. "With what measure you measure, it will be measured to you also".

XVII. I hope that you have followed all my instructions and, thanks to this, have developed a sufficient supply of magnetism; I will show you how to use this power for practical purposes, to apply it actively. Although I must warn you that you should actively use these forces as little as possible, because this consumes more energy than you should. Personal magnetism in itself, against your will, in addition to your active desire, influences others.

The holy people tried in every possible way to avoid fame, fame, honor, retired to the deserts, but whole crowds of admirers strove towards them with an open mind. However, taking into account your desires, I will note several ways to actively channel power. Some you already know. Here are the others.

1. Retire to your room. There should be complete silence. Sit quietly: drop all thoughts except the one expressing your desire. Write this thought briefly but clearly and clearly. "For example: “I wish N to forget our quarrel and be disposed towards me”... Now think about this with concentration for 20-25 minutes, imagining that your desire has come true. Repeat if necessary. But never wish to harm your neighbor - the desire will not be fulfilled, and the result will be the opposite.

2. Retire. Lie on your back on the bed so that the spinal column is in a straight line; remove the pillows. Lie quietly for 5 minutes, concentrating on the thought that expresses your desire. Now start breathing slowly and deeply and keep thinking the same thing. Breathe like this for 10-15 minutes. Of course, you understand that by breathing you excite the solar plexus, and your thought directs the excited magnetic energy where it should.

3. If you are in the company of a person you want to influence, then on occasion look at his face, between the eyes, in the center of the bridge of the nose and think: "You will do as I want"... Instill in your mind your desire, repeat many times. If he has his back to you, look intently at the back of his head and suggest, but imperceptibly.

4. The most in an efficient way I admit sincere prayer: in it you will not wish anyone harm... Get alone and pray. Ask God to send you the desired good. Be sure you get and get. "Ask - it will be given to you"... Do not think that you are not worthy: Christ listened to the Canaanite woman and gave her what she asked. Will give you too; just ask in faith.

XVIII. When you purchased this book, you probably thought that you would achieve all of this at once, but now you see that it takes time and a lot of time. Of course, some will learn all this more quickly, others more slowly. But without work you will not achieve anything, remember.

And now, as we met in a friendly way, we will part as friends until a new date. I wish you success in these great sciences and in life. I wish you to be imbued with the spirit of this teaching, to love life, people, yourself and everything around you. If something depressing, saddening you, forget. The world is so beautiful. All will pass. One truth will remain forever. When you feel unhappy, think about what is more unhappy than you, and have pity on those - and your soul will become light and cheerful.

Sorry friends. Be healthy and happy!
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