Bioenergy is your key to the fulfillment of desires! Breathing exercises.

Good holiday evening, our dear readers! I have already dressed up a Christmas tree at home, hung shiny stars on the walls, pasted over the windows with snowflakes! The whole city is full of lights, everything is beautifully illuminated. Europe has already celebrated Christmas, but our main holiday is just around the corner.

So, today we continue the rubric and talk about another method of fulfilling a dream, such as meditation. For women Or for men, it doesn't matter. I'm sure this interesting way suitable for any person. It will not only develop your imagination, fill you with joy, but also help you fulfill your desire! After all, this meditation method, detailed below, will help you fulfill your desire using joyful emotions and feelings. So, read and enlighten, how to meditate properly for the fulfillment of a wish.

Meditation “Message of Joyful Desire”

Before meditation, you should be good and. I think if this meditation before bed- then it will be most effective. But first you need to accumulate joy in yourself, to be filled with it. To do this, remember all the most fun and happy moments own life. Then imagine the kind of happiness you would like to experience in the future. Work until you smile out loud and laugh.

How to start meditating on the fulfillment of a desire

Sit down and relax. Attention goes to the point between the eyebrows and a little higher. An image of your desire appears on your mental screen. As in time. See. You examine it and in your thoughts say a word several times, or maybe a sentence not in an interrogative but in affirmative form, loading it with emotions. How . And now: while inhaling, raise the energy from the bottom up (you can help yourself with your hand, leading it near the surface of the body from the abdomen to the crown). Breathe in and breathe in again. The column of this energy captures the formed image and drives it up through your crown. Help yourself with your hand. You pick up this image and send it up to the higher mental plane. Stretch after him. Your ethereal hand lengthens, holds this image. You pull him up.

A clot of thought energy goes even higher and overcomes the border of levels of the subtle plane. Your desire enters into a higher plan and you infiltrate it. Say the desire a few more times and back it up with a picture so that it is exactly in the astral plane. Fill it up so that it is imprinted in the layer of the higher astral. One more mental and respiratory effort, and here it is already in the mental plane.

You lower your hands, and all your attention is at the top, you look with your mental eyes, trying to find where is the same impulse of mental energy, similar to the one you sent. And then he begins to move in the mental plane and tries to find something similar to him. Now, a little more, he will find a similar one and reunite with him. If you haven't felt it, imagine that this is how it is, because it really is. Right now, at this moment, he approaches the object and connects to it. And once again clarify your intention, and once again imagine it, create an energy impulse of desire and fill this thought form with joy and love.

Set the date and time of the wish

Well, the next stage is to describe the program for this thought-desire, set a time and place for it. If you need a specific date, you say it and visualize it in your mind. If only the season, then imagine a picture of this season in the form of pictures of nature.

In your thoughts you are at this particular date or at this time of the year, in your thoughts, logically, you are already present here on earth, and in your thoughts you imagine the path to the shortest road to the place you need, where your desire should come true. Get to the place you need, outline what you want to get there. Say your wish a few more times. Listen, imagine and, most importantly, remember what you say. Do not invent anything, do not deceive yourself or your subconscious.

Extra sounds should not bother you. Relax. Now you are building up a state of Joy in yourself. Remember any feelings of joy and be filled with them. And even more joy, connect emotions. Feel how joy fills you more and more. As you inhale, drive up your energy with joy. And even higher.

“When you don’t have what you would like to have, know that your thoughts are wrong - the Universe is never wrong.” jikandi

A woman's desires are her perpetual motion machine: inspiration and disappointment. Why do you think desires are not fulfilled or are fulfilled, but somehow not as you imagined? Are you limiting yourself to a detailed visualization of what you want? Are you sure this is what you want? I propose to look at desires from the other side.

The fulfillment of even the simplest desire is always spring and a holiday for the female soul. This is not a whim, but a big emotional event. In this way we satisfy our natural need to renew our senses. A woman's desires are fragrant wildflowers. The female soul is a beautiful fertile field. Spring comes and flowers bloom. This continues over and over again.

We are really capable of fulfilling our desires like this fertile field. The thought of desire, voiced by words and supported by concrete actions towards the desired, is able to materialize.

This is achieved with attention and intention. Attention provides energy, intention transforms. The quality of intention directed at the object of attention organizes the events that fulfill the desire. The more you develop spiritually, the stronger the power of intention will be, and the faster your desire will be fulfilled.

The only rule is that the intention should not be aimed at causing harm, otherwise it will harm you doubly. Everything that you deprive of your attention gradually disappears.

And now the secret of the fulfillment of desires. Forget everything you have heard or read before about focusing on what you want, about detailed visualization of desire. This does not guarantee the fulfillment of your desire. This limits and blocks the fulfillment of your desire.

The fulfillment of a desire depends only on your willingness to let it go, to part with it. This is how you demonstrate to life your independence from desire, which indicates its purity. After all, you are a beautiful field full of flowers. The field does not depend on colors, it creates them.

If you find it difficult to let go of desire, then you do not control it. So desire controls you, owns you. Think about it, is this your desire? Is this your inner need?

Pure desire is always light and independent of external circumstances. When you know exactly what you want. But do not imagine it in the slightest detail, but trust your life. Give life the opportunity to realize your plan in the best possible way for you. So good that you could not even imagine it. Treat your desires like a bottomless well. Choose a direction, but do not limit the depth.

If the desire was fulfilled somehow wrong, then you did not free it enough. They limited the illusory framework of their ideas about him. And it was filled with twisted, crumpled, not revealed in its full strength. Try forcibly manually opening the petals of a bud near a flower and see how long it will then delight you with its flowering. So it is with your desire.

If the desire did not come true, then you are not ready now for its fulfillment. Everything has its time. Let him open up as and when he pleases. The flower knows best. Just plant a flower. Know that it is a flower. Know that it will reveal itself in due time. So it will be. Let your desires unfold freely.

Blossom and fragrant with the field of your most cherished desires. I wish you great female happiness!

I really liked it, and now I practice it. And I advise you.

After all, you and I are sorceresses, and we should have many magical tools in our hands for various kinds of miracles.

You can do this exercise for the most effective implementation of any of your intentions.

Wish Fulfillment Practice

Stay alone with yourself. Formulate your intention and express it aloud to God. Then, if you like, close your eyes. Direct your attention inward. Connect with your Divine center. Imagine that there is a source of light - sparkling, silvery or golden. Mentally direct the flow of this light straight ahead of you. At about a meter away from you, mentally form a sphere out of this energy. Direct energy into it so that the sphere increases in size, reaching the diameter of your height or even more. Formulate your intention again, and then, together with the flow of energy from your Divine center, direct it into the sphere. Imagine that your intention is placed inside a sphere. You can think of intention as a bunch of energy that contains information. Let this energy go inside the sphere and merge with it.

Now imagine that you are releasing this sphere from yourself. Can you imagine that you were holding her by a string, like Balloon. Now you release or cut the string and the sphere slowly starts to rise up. It rises higher, goes into the sky, you see how it decreases in size, and finally melts into the depths of heaven. Open your eyes and return to your normal activities. Do not make any assumptions about how your intention will be carried out. But be attentive to the "nudges" that the Spirit will give you, and follow them without hesitation. Your intention will eventually come true in the most favorable way for you.

Having formed your intention from the Divine energies and enclosing it in an energy sphere, you simply release it and thereby allow it to begin to act. You put energy into it, you put a task into it, you put some kind of project into it. Now step back and let the energy unfold. Leave the rest in God's care.

What is this practice for?

This practice greatly develops trust in the universe. You simultaneously fulfill your desire and expand more and more, easily accepting in your life everything that it gives you. And this is an indescribable feeling of joy and lightness.

With this practice, I am sure, the fulfillment of desires for you will be very simple.

Music for the soul.

I love you, Marina Danilova.

Hold your breath for a second. What do you feel? Oxygen stopped flowing into the lungs, the body appeared discomfort, and you seem to have turned into a foreign element. “We breathe, therefore we exist!”, the great sages broadcast. But isn't it better to breathe in order to live?

Following the secret possibilities of thoughts, words and feelings, each of us tries to get into the generous flow of the abundant Universe, completely forgetting that we are already there. Since birth. From your first breath.

Why then in life everything does not turn out the way you want? – you will be surprised.

We have forgotten how to be grateful for this gift. Few appreciate it today. But our breathing is not just a way to continue life, but a direct proof that we are part of the universal organism, and its magic flows in us...

Look at your reflection. You are a unique child, with unknown forces pulsing within you. Every breath you take in and out can create a great miracle. And for this you do not need to become a magician or psychic and beat the thresholds of the Heavenly Chancellery, you just need to learn how to use this powerful element.

How to create magic breath?

You will need to go through two small steps:

  1. cleansing

Before you start doing miracles and fulfilling cherished desires, you need to get rid of the excess load of negative emotions. Perform the following exercise on fresh air, just do not overdo it: an excess of oxygen can turn your head.

Take a deep breath and imagine that all the brightest, kindest and gentlest that is on this planet enters your body along with the air. It penetrates your body, enveloping every cell, from the crown to the heels.

Exhale noisily. You release everything from yourself, negative emotions, doubts and prejudices. They come out of you and disappear forever.

Breathe in this way for as long as you want. But, again, keep everything in moderation!

This exercise copes remarkably even with the frozen load of experiences that can hang in the chest. Set aside some time to clear your internal blockages. For example, a week.

    2. Create a miracle!

In the past, I have always used the breath only to eliminate negativity. But, more recently, it has expanded this line by launching a new mechanism. You know, even though the possibilities magic breath not yet fully tested, the results are already impressive!

Take a deep breath as all the great forces of the universe enter your body and mind. You get an additional charge, a powerful flow of energy.

Exhale. You share your breath with the universe in order to merge with it together.

If you have passed the first stage, it is enough to take only three or four such breaths to feel an unusual pulsation inside. At least that's how I feel. Remember that we are all different and you may have different feelings. But I am sure of one thing for sure: these sensations are unusual, new in nature and indicate a complete reunion with the Universe.

As soon as you feel this, breathe in the forces of the universe again, and then release your desire along with the exhalation. Of course, it must be formulated in advance (in the present tense, without the word “I want” and a negative particle). You don't have to say it out loud. Enough to think about it.

You can be sure that now it will definitely come true. And to lull your vigilant skepticism, start with small desires.

Anastasia Volkova for the site ""

Hold your breath for a second. What do you feel? Oxygen stopped flowing into the lungs, unpleasant sensations appeared in the body, and you seemed to have turned into a foreign element. “We breathe, therefore we exist!”, the great sages broadcast. But isn't it better to breathe in order to live?

Following the secret possibilities of thoughts, words and feelings, each of us tries to get into the generous flow of the abundant Universe, completely forgetting that we are already there. Since birth. From your first breath.

Why then in life everything does not turn out the way you want? - you will be surprised.

We have forgotten how to be grateful for this gift. Few appreciate it today. But our breathing is not just a way to continue life, but a direct proof that we are part of the universal organism, and its magic flows into us ...

Look at your reflection. You are a unique child, unknown forces pulsate in you. Every breath you take in and out can create a great miracle. And for this you do not need to become a magician or psychic and beat the thresholds of the Heavenly Chancellery, you just need to learn how to use this powerful element.

How to create magic breath?

You will need to go through two small steps:

  1. cleansing

Before you begin to work miracles and fulfill your cherished desires, you need to get rid of the excess load of negative emotions. You need to perform the following exercise in the fresh air, just don’t overdo it: an excess of oxygen can turn your head.

Take a deep breath and imagine that all the brightest, kindest and gentlest that is on this planet enters your body along with the air. It penetrates your body, enveloping every cell, from the crown to the heels.

Exhale noisily. You release everything from yourself, negative emotions, doubts and prejudices. They come out of you and disappear forever.

Breathe in this way for as long as you want. But, again, keep everything in moderation!

This exercise copes remarkably even with the frozen load of experiences that can hang in the chest. Set aside some time to clear your internal blockages. For example, a week.

    2. Create a miracle!

In the past, I have always used the breath only to eliminate negativity. But, more recently, it has expanded this line by launching a new mechanism. You know, despite the fact that the possibilities of magical breathing have not yet been fully tested, the results are already impressive!

Take a deep breath as all the great forces of the universe enter your body and mind. You get an additional charge, a powerful flow of energy.

Exhale. You share your breath with the universe in order to merge with it together.

If you have passed the first stage, it is enough to take only three or four such breaths to feel an unusual pulsation inside. At least that's how I feel. Remember that we are all different and you may have different feelings. But I am sure of one thing for sure: these sensations are unusual, new in nature and indicate a complete reunion with the Universe.

As soon as you feel this, breathe in the forces of the universe again, and then release your desire along with the exhalation. Of course, it must be formulated in advance (in the present tense, without the word “I want” and a negative particle). You don't have to say it out loud. Enough to think about it.

You can be sure that now it will definitely come true. And to lull your vigilant skepticism, start with small desires.

Anastasia Volkova