How to write a statement on the ogre. How to write an exposition on the OGE in the Russian language. General recommendations

It is necessary to make a new one from the old text, in which there will be only the most important and basic of the old. As a rule, the new text is very dry and concise.

One must be able to distinguish between the important and the basic from the rest. It happens that a student takes secondary information for the main and writes it, but forgets the main. This is a big minus.

You need to be able to divide the text into 3 paragraphs, that is, 3 microthemes, 3 main thoughts. It is desirable that your division does not differ from the division of the author of the text.

It is necessary to reduce so that information that did not appear in the initial text does not appear.

It is necessary to use techniques for compressing the text throughout the entire presentation.

Text compression techniques.

There are only three of them:

  • an exception;
  • generalization;
  • replacement.

An exception.  The name speaks for itself. The exclusion method involves discarding everything that can be discarded:

  • introductory words
  • homogeneous members of the proposal;
  • repeats
  • similar examples;
  • rhetorical questions and exclamations;
  • quotes;
  • details that do not affect the course of author’s thought;
  • explanations;
  • reasoning;
  • descriptions;
  • words, sentences that can be deleted without prejudice to the content.

Most often, a drop occurs immediately at several of these points, for example:

In my deep conviction, goodness and beauty are one for all peoples. They are one in two senses: truth and beauty are eternal companions, they are one among themselves and the same for all peoples (29 words).

We removed the introductory construction, repetitions, unnecessary reasoning, synonyms. Happened:

Goodness and beauty are one for all peoples and among themselves (10 words).

Generalization.  You can summarize:

  • several sentences in one;
  • parts of one sentence;
  • specific facts based on a common between them.

For example:

In almost all the stories of V. Rasputin, the centerpiece is a woman - Maria in “Money for Mary”, Daria in “Farewell to Matera”, Anna in “Deadline”, Nastena in the story “Live and Remember”. And in the writer's stories, the woman comes first. And this is by no means accidental (43 words).

Combine these 3 sentences together (and at the same time exclude the excess) and get:

In almost all the stories and stories of V. Rasputin, a woman stands centrally, which is not at all accidental (15 words).

Replacement.  You can replace:

Homogeneous members by a generalizing word;
  - a complex sentence simple;
- a part of a sentence or a series of sentences with a general concept or expression;
  - direct indirect speech (and this must be done, because it is very difficult to remember the quote verbatim);
  - part of the text in one sentence;
  - part of the sentence with a pronoun, etc.

For example:

On the shelf were lipsticks, shadows, creams, lay powders, mascaras, eyeliners (12 words).

We find a generalizing word for all homogeneous members and replace them with this word.

There were cosmetics items on the shelf (5 words).

It is not necessary to use all the tricks. You can use only one. But you can hardly do it, since all these tricks are almost always used together. The main thing is to do this throughout the whole text!  This is stated in the criteria for evaluating a concise presentation.

Stage 1. Read carefully task 1 OGE, highlight the basic requirements for the presentation.

Listen to the text and write squeezed  presentation.
Please note that you must pass main content  as each microthemeand full text  generally.
Volume of presentation - not less than 70 words.
Write a statement neat, legible handwriting.

Stage 2. We study assessment criteria  concise presentation.

Stage 3. Meet with main compression methods  text.

Stage 4. Learning use  compression techniques in practice.

Stage 5. Learning compress printed text.

You can save time in the following ways:

1. write down not all words, but only the key   (more often it is nouns and verbs)

2. cut back  the words

  • Remember that when abbreviations of nouns and verbs, it is necessary to write down the beginning of the word and the end: travel (travel), har-em (characterizes)etc.
  • When reducing adjectives, it is enough to write the beginning of the word, because the adjective is always consistent with the noun: psycho. health (mental health)

3. instead of some words use different signs  (mathematical, physical), characters, drawings:
  • + - positive
  • ≈ - approximately
  • < >  - less - more
  • → - leads to
  • ∈ - belongs
  • ∪ - unites
  • t is time
  • F - force
  • ♡ - love, heart, etc.

4. during the first listening to record odd  sentences (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), during the 2nd audition - even  (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.); at the same time, during the 1st listening, do not forget to leave a place for missed offers; if the sentences are long, divide them into parts
  • The “plus” of this method is that you have more time to record the first sentence by skipping the second.
  • The “minus” is that it is likely to get confused if you do not follow the boundaries of the proposals.

In connection with the latest changes made to the exam of the OGE format, task C1 is now called task 1 and is included in the first part of the examination work. But that’s where all the changes end, in essence, as before, you need to write a concise statement, preserving the author’s microthemes. At the same time, it is important to convey the content of both each microtheme, and the entire text as a whole. It is important not to forget to use text compression methods. But first things first.

What is a microtheme?

Microtheme  - this is a small part of the general topic, otherwise - a topic around which sentences of one paragraph are grouped. Thus, all sentences of the paragraph should be connected by one microtherm. And all microthemes must obey the general theme of the text. For example, the theme of the whole text is autumn. But in the first paragraph, the author can talk about Indian summer in September, in the second, the author will talk about the golden autumn, which comes in October, and in the third - to describe the cold November fall. The topic and microthemes of this type of text can be represented as the following plan:


1. A wonderful time - Indian summer!
  2. Pushkin's time - golden autumn.
  3. Autumn - time to prepare for winter.

Having such a plan, it is easy to imagine the contents of the entire text as a whole, however, your task in the exam will be to hear all the microthemes, and, as here, there will be exactly three in any readable text. It is much more complicated. Trying not to miss the important, the ninth grader tries to write down every word, and this is not necessary, since already at the first listening, mastering the techniques of compressing the text, it is possible to distinguish the main from the secondary.

Text Compression Methods

There are three main ways to compress text:

At EXCEPTION  necessary:

  • highlight the main (essential) and details (details);
  • remove the details;
  • skip suggestions containing secondary facts
  • skip sentences with descriptions and reasoning;
  • combine the essential;
  • compose a new text.

1. We exclude one or several synonyms in the series of homogeneous members, we keep the one of the synonyms that has the greatest capacity in this context.

before compression
joyful, bright, friendly   smile.

after compression
  Every person who came into the room to the kids appeared on his face affable   smile.

2. We remove from the text explanatory constructions, for example, a number of homogeneous members with a generalizing word or a number of simple sentences in the composition of the union-free complex, explaining the contents of the first part.

before compression
  He knew different languages: german, French, Italian and Moldavian , and no one could recognize Russian in him.

after compression
  He knew different languages, and no one could recognize Russian in him.


  • isolate single facts;
  • pick up the language means of their generalized transmission;
  • Compose a new text.

before compression

Residents of the village spend their leisure time in different ways. Someone is rereading his favorite Jules-Verne novels since childhood; someone spends a lot of time on the river or in the forest. The main occupation of adolescents is sports games and competitions. The most memorable event was last year's cycling.

after compression
  Residents of the village spend their leisure time in different ways, depending on tastes and habits.


  • replace a complex sentence with a simple one;
  • replace the sentence or its part with a demonstrative pronoun;
  • combine two or three sentences into one;
  • break a complex sentence into abbreviated simple ones;
  • translate direct speech into indirect.

1. Replacing the subordinate definitive sentence with a synonymous definition.

before compression
  A small room on the second floor is occupied by a company, which offers its customers tours across all continents and countries.
after compression
  A small room on the second floor takes tourist   firm.

2. Replacing the clause of adverbial adverbial turnover.

before compression
When you read Nikitin’s diary , then you feel his boundless love for the motherland.
after compression
Reading Nikitin's diary , you feel his boundless love for the motherland.

3. Reducing the number of structural parts of a complex sentence.

before compression
  It’s nice to look at the kingfisher, which, having gently lowered onto an alder branch, leaning toward the very mirror of the river,   began to watch for prey.
after compression
  It is nice to look at the kingfisher, which gently sank onto an alder branch and began to watch for prey.

All these and other methods of text compression can be applied both individually and in complex.

The following example demonstrates complex application of compression techniques:

  • replacement   adverbial adverbial sentence adverbial turnover;
  • Replacement an agreed definition, expressed by participle circulation, an unapproved, inconsistent definition.

before compression
When I hear a harmonious combination of bird voices , having a morning concert When you admire the river and enjoy the birdsong relaxing for real.
after compression
Listening to morning concert  birdsI try to look at the river. Admiring the river and enjoying the birdsong   really relaxing.

Source of information - Levchenko O.S., Tishina T.N. "We are preparing for the GIA in Russian. Grade 9" Omsk 2009

OGE in the Russian language consists of three parts: presentation, main part (of thirteen questions in the text) and essay. Oddly enough, schoolchildren, as a rule, experience the greatest difficulties with the first part, that is, with the presentation. However, to learn to write the presentation in excellent is not so difficult - and now we will tell you how.

One in thirty
   First of all, I want to note that now there are only 30 texts, one of which can fall into your OGE. All these 30 texts are presented in the open bank of FIPI tasks in the form of audio recordings, and on them it is possible and necessary! - get ready. That is, we can say with confidence: if you write a summary of each of these texts yourself, you will not have any problems in the exam. But how, after all, to write a statement?

Composition Structure
   Each of the thirty texts is written on a moral topic (about friendship, love, caring, etc.) and consists of three paragraphs - and, accordingly, of three microthemes. Your task is to detect and write the main thoughts of each paragraph. By doing this, you will get 2 points out of 7 possible.
   Do not forget that the presentation is not a dictation, therefore, do not repeat the listened text word for word: on the contrary, it is necessary rewrite everything in your own words  and remove background information. Extra details, descriptions, examples, introductory words and sentences, complex constructions - all this should not be in your presentation. And if you can comply with this, you will add 3 more points.
   Finally, the last criterion is lack of logical errors  and harmony of presentation. There should be no contradictions in the work caused by inattentive listening to the text, and also three semantic parts should be clearly traced, that is, the statement should be written in three paragraphs delimiting microthemes. Fulfillment of this criterion will add the remaining 2 points.
   But don't forget literacy! It is evaluated - albeit separately.

How to write a statement?
   On the exam you will be included to record twice. Important: at the first listening do not write anything! Try to listen carefully to the text and remember microthemes. At the end of this, rewrite the microthemes in a draft, leaving room for some key phrases and important details. So you can accurately determine the main topic of the text and all its microtemes and you will not fall into those traps with which every passage given to the OGE is full.
At the second listening, on the contrary, try to write as much as possible. You will already know what each microtheme is, and it will not be difficult for you to enrich it with important information. We remind you again: write as much as possible in your own words! Rephrase the original text to achieve a better result.
   Having written everything, do not forget to carefully and thoughtfully re-read your work in order to check whether there are any contradictions in it and whether everything is correctly written. If there are words you doubt in writing, replace them with synonyms. Divide complex sentences by getting rid of extra commas.
   And most importantly: train! The more statements you write, the easier it will be for you to take the exam.

Today we will try to help ninth-graders understand how to write a summary and how to get the maximum score for this task.

Compilation Requirements

First you need to find out by what criteria experts rate the task 1. Here are the basic requirements for a concise statement:

  1. 1. The content of the presentation.

Examiners should convey the main content of the text and reflect the microthemes that are important for his understanding. For this block you can get from 0 to 2 points.

  1. 2. Compression of the original text

Subjects should use compression techniques throughout the presentation. (from 0 to 3 points)

  1. 3. Semantic integrity, sequence of presentation

Subjects must follow the sequence of presentation, avoid logical errors. (from 0 to 2 points)

The maximum score for task 1 is 7 points.

- On the exam will sound an audio recording with the text for presentation. The audio recording lasts 2-3 minutes and is repeated twice. After the first listening, the examiner is given time to comprehend and process the text.

- The required amount of compressed presentation is 70 words, work with a volume of less than 70 words is NOT CHECKED, and points for it are not awarded. But do not write too long statements, the most optimal volume is 80-90 words.

- The presentation must be divided into parts, break the text into 3 paragraphs.

- Write a statement if possible clear, legible handwriting  and when dividing the text into paragraphs, observe sufficient distance for line indentso that examiners can see exactly how you divide the text.

- Try not to use words and expressions in the work, in the meaning and spelling of which you are not sure. The exam is allowed to use spelling dictionary, but it’s better to do it after you have completely written the “draft” version of the presentation.

The main stages of work on the presentation

  1. 1. Perception and comprehension of the text

On the exam, you must have a draft and a good writing pen (and preferably two).

  Get ready to listen carefully to the text and write at least two or three key words from each sentence. Do not strive to write all the text in a row! Shorten the words, leave large distances between them to finish sentences during the break and the second listening to the text.

During your break, read your notes where possible, write the abbreviated words.  Try to understand what the text is about and what the author wanted to say.

During repeat playback of an audio recording write in the blanks  what they did not write when they first listened to the text. Reflect on the subject of the text.

Your goal:

- Understand the topic (what is being said?)

- Catch the main idea (what the author calls for, how he wants to influence the reader)

  1. 1. Writing your own text

Based on your notes, restore the text, combine everything in one work. The text should be easy to read, logical, coherent, the theme and purpose of the presentation should be match  subject and purpose of the source text. To check this, ask yourself the question: “Does my text say the same thing that the author was talking about? Does it inspire what the source text prompts? ”

In your work, highlight 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph is a microtherm. Did you get three microtems? If so, move on.

We reduce each paragraph to two or three sentences, leaving only the MOST IMPORTANT.

To get a high score for your work, be sure to use compression techniques in each paragraph. There are several ways to shorten text:

1. Generalization Method

She got out package carrots, potatoes, fish, milk  and only then answered my question. → She took out of the bag the products  and only then answered my question.

2. Exclusion method

Kremlin stones can sound. Each wall and dome has a special sound, and all together they merge into a heroic symphony, performed by a huge orchestra from the pipes of the Kremlin’s golden domes. → Each stone, wall, dome of the Kremlin has its own sound, which merges into a single heroic symphony.

3. Replacement Method

Agree - agree; in order to enter - for admission; give evidence - prove.

When compressing the text, get rid of turns, introductory words and introductory constructions specifying the sentence members.

It is also better to get rid of rhetorical questions, or translate them into a narrative sentence.  Example:Is it possible to forget about this great feat? → It is impossible to forget about this great feat.

4. Text check

Having reduced your exposition, re-read it again.

  Ask yourself a few questions:

- Did you manage to convey the main theme of the text?

- Does the received text contradict the original?

- Did you manage to reflect all three microtems in your work?

- Is the text logical, are all three paragraphs related in meaning?

- Are there uncompressed spaces in the presentation (introductory words, participles and participles, etc.)?

After making sure your text meets the requirements, check it for errors. Underline all words whose spelling is in doubt and check them in spelling dictionary. Be careful when arranging punctuation marks.

Rewrite the statement in a clean copy.

Additional tips

Try to correctly allocate time. Task 1 is recommended to take no more than 40-60 minutes.

And most importantly: the secret to successfully passing any exam is preparation. Exercise regularly on typical tasks, and you will be able to develop the necessary skills.

Good luck at the OGE!