From moles on the site folk remedies. How to deal with moles on the site on your own: a selection of effective methods of struggle, recommendations of experienced gardeners

I have already told on the pages of the magazine about the moles, about how the gardeners in our village managed to expel them from the site, flooding the underground passages with water.

But the neighbors, admittedly, were incredibly lucky. Apparently, the whole point was that the moles had just started to penetrate there and occupied only a small corner on the site. And therefore they managed to "smoke" with water.

I, however, like other summer residents who tried this technique, did not work. Moles made their way to our site from a meadow. And although I noticed them in time and flooded the passages with water, this only delayed their invasion by a week. Apparently, after waiting in the holes (air sinuses) until the water went into the surrounding soil, the animals continued their "dirty work". And, as a result, molehills (piles of earth) appeared closer and closer to the gate. On their supposed path, I dug a ditch 50 centimeters deep. But this did not help: the moles made a move under the bathhouse and, thus rounding the ditch, ended up on the site.

In the first summer, these natural mole rats, apparently, mastered, because there were no more than ten molehills. However, then the moles bred successfully, and with each summer cottage the number of molehills doubled, or even tripled. Moreover, the "occupation" of the site took place in all directions. And in the fourth year, almost the entire land was "decorated" with numerous molehills. Looking mournfully at the disfigured garden (especially at the two undermined and therefore dried up precious junipers for me), not to mention the ruined strawberry bushes, I involuntarily asked myself the question: is the mole friend or foe?

Because in some publications, for example, in the magazine "My Beautiful Garden" it is stated that the mole: “… It brings more benefits than harm: by laying tunnels, it loosens the soil, contributing to its aeration. In addition, due to its gluttony, the mole destroys many pests "... True, the publication was unsigned. Apparently, the author himself did not believe in what he wrote. Indeed, this animal destroys wireworms, bears, larvae of the May beetle (beetle), snails, wood lice.

In support of these statements, the author announced that he almost protects these very moles: they say, they destroy the harmful beetles. But this is a pure delusion ... I collaborate with the magazine "Young Naturalist", and the scientific consultant of the magazine explained that, indeed, in the Black Earth Zone and further south, the mole is beneficial, destroying numerous beetles. However, in the climatic conditions of the North-West, there are few beetles, and therefore they do not cause significant harm to plantings.

In addition, it should be remembered that the main food of moles is the unsurpassed helpers of farmers - earthworms. And since moles do not hibernate, they store this food for future use. And one more thing: although the animals do not feed on berries and root crops, while making moves, they damage plants, thereby slowing down their development, or even leading to death.

Therefore, looking again at the site (we have 15.5 hundred square meters), thoroughly "cultivated" by moles, I made an unambiguous conclusion: we must fight them, they must be expelled! But how? My attempts to flood their passages with water, I repeat, failed. What to do next?

Once, passing through the village, I saw several weathercocks with propellers in one of the gardens. They interested me. I talked with the owners of the site. It turned out that in this way they fight moles.

It would seem that this is a simple and reliable way to get rid of moles! All that remains is to act. But there was something that confused me a lot about this design ...

Firstly, the sound from the propeller is transmitted first to the horizontal wooden crossbar (body), on which it is fixed, and through it to the vertical stick. That is, a double sound transmission is obtained. In other words, double loss of sound.

Secondly, wood is a poor sound conductor.

These two conclusions inevitably led to the idea that the vibration from such a device would be weak. When I asked the owners of the site about the effectiveness of weathercocks, they looked at each other and somehow hesitated. And after a pause, they explained not very confidently that the result would not be immediate, they say, we have to wait. I was not convinced by their arguments, and I decided to refuse weathercocks.

I began to look for other ways to get rid of moles. I dismissed the usual mechanical mole traps right away, since everyone who used them unanimously declared their complete uselessness.

Some gardeners suggested using electronic mole repellents: they say, these are the modern most effective devices. True, for some reason, it was mainly those who had not fought with moles themselves. But closer acquaintance with such scarers left me disheartened.

These electronic scarers are powered by two types of batteries: solar-powered and electrical-powered. The cheapest of them, as stated in many advertisements, from three hundred rubles. Moreover, you have to look for them! The radius of action is no more than a meter.

Now imagine how many of these repellents will be needed, for example, on my 15.5 ares plot? You can, of course, rearrange them: the mole left this place, move the repeller to another place. And if the animal returns to its original place, what then? So are we going to move them back and forth?

In addition, such manipulations will cost a pretty penny! Not only does each repeller cost a lot of money, but also charging with electricity. And one more trouble: according to the instruction manual, it is sometimes necessary to remove static voltage on electric scarers. But how to do it is not described.

Moreover, one of the instructions recommends installing the device specifically at a depth of 38.5 centimeters. What happens if you set, say, to a depth of 36 or 40 centimeters, then the efficiency of the device will decrease or will it stop working altogether? Another option: I will install this Chinese repeller at the recommended depth, and the ground will suddenly settle. What then? Nobody could really explain anything.

Having estimated all the pros and cons, I came to the unhappy conclusion that all these ingenious electronic things are unlikely to help me get rid of moles. You should look for simple, "folk" ways to deal with these annoying animals.

In magazines, I found recommendations to scare off moles with the pungent smells of birch tar, spreading the chips smeared with it all over the site, or the smell of kerosene. They also advised to plant vegetable beans, which, they say, tolerate moles. They will immediately leave the site.

Another bullshit. And here's why ... On our site every year, three rather large beds are occupied with potatoes. In every row between the bushes, we sow beans. Sometimes we put several beans in the hole at once. Alas, beans, both white and black, do not affect the behavior of moles in any way. These animals ignore them.

Despite the objections of the household, I decided to test the option with kerosene. The author of the article advised to take a rag, soak it in kerosene and place it in a wormhole. Then fill up the course so that the smell does not evaporate. He made sure that all the moles were gone.

Soaking the rags, I became so saturated with the smell of kerosene that those around me frowned as they approached me. However, I still received a convincing result of the kerosene manipulations: the moles were safely making passages, bypassing my kerosene barriers.

It turned out that there was no escape from these animals. But…

Riding a bicycle through the gardening located not far from our village, I saw an interesting structure in a well-groomed area. More precisely, I first heard and then saw. Beer cans hung from ordinary (inch) water pipes. There were five of them. They were located on molehills around the greenhouse, not far from the road.

I got off my bike and started looking ... The pipes with the cans rose 1-1.5 meters above the ground. From gusts of wind, the bottom of the cans hit the base pipes, creating a rather loud sound cacophony. It turned out because, firstly, the banks began to sound (strum) at different times, and secondly, they sounded differently. It was quite obvious that all this "mechanics" was directed against moles.

Since there were locks on the gate and on the door of the house (and the neighbors too), I was unable to talk to anyone. But I got a good look through the fence. Since the moles around these jerks were clearly stale, one could at least assume that the moles had left these places.

After a while, I came to this site again. Alas, I didn't find anyone again. However, there were no molehills or jingles anymore. He left a note asking to call, but no one responded. But since I saw an anti-mole construction device, I decided to try to make such strummers.

I did not have suitable tubes, so I cut rods 1.5 meters long using a metal hacksaw from a wire with a diameter of six millimeters. Then I cut out the top lid of half-liter beer cans (they were the ones I saw on the gardening site) with scissors so that only the rim remained. He bent the sharp edges with pliers.

Since all beer cans have a concave bottom, it had to be made convex so that the can would not get stuck on the bar. To do this, I took a smooth stick, fixed it in a vice and, putting a jar on it, began to bend the bottom. Although you could just put the stick on a solid base and bend it with the same success. After this operation, the jar looked like in the picture. All that remained was to stick the bar into the ground and put a jar on it.

Experimentally established: strumming can be significantly enhanced if you use liter beer cans. True, you have to spend more effort bending the bottom. Only I advise you not to get carried away with the number of cans - have mercy on your neighbors. After all, you can achieve not only a loud strumming, but also a real rumble. For example, when I put on liter cans on fifteen rods, their strumming was clearly audible from a hundred meters away.

So I began to fight the impostors for my own plot. Moreover, he put sound scarers not anywhere, but in accordance with the actions of moles ... As soon as in the morning (most often) or in the afternoon he found fresh molehills, he immediately put strummers in those places. After all, molehills arise on the passages along which animals move.

And although the animals stubbornly continued to make moves, diligently avoiding the strummers, I put new cans on the moves with the same persistence. When, after two or three molehills, the further direction of the moves was found out, he immediately put jingles in this direction, thereby preventing the movement of the moles. And when they changed the direction of the passages, I immediately blocked it.

Finally, when I blocked each of the three directions of movement of the animals with a barrier of four cans, located in a semicircle a meter apart, and the total number of cans reached nineteen, the moles still left. This conclusion could be drawn from the absence of new molehills. Thus, only two months after the installation of the jerks from the beer cans, I (hopefully) managed to drive the animals out.

And only after that, yielding to the insistent requests of the household, he took off the seven cans closest to the house. They are very tired of this endless annoying strumming. However, he left the base rods. Just in case: you never know what. What if the moles come back.

Some conclusions can be drawn from my anti-mole experience:

1. The "work" of cans must be constantly monitored. This is due to the fact that sometimes the can “sits” poorly on the base (pin, pipe, fittings, metal bar). It can fall to one side. In this position, the bank will "work" (strum) only in a certain direction of the wind. The worst case scenario is when it gets stuck with some part of the base. In this case, the bank will only shake slightly, emitting a faint sound, and most often it will be silent.

It is clear that the work of the can depends entirely on how curved its bottom is, that is, how it is located on the base. An insufficiently or poorly working can must be replaced or it is better to try to bend the bottom. Sometimes rearranging a similar jar on a different base helps.

Ideal when the curved center of the can is exactly on the base. It is clear that it is not always possible to achieve such a situation (although it is necessary to strive for this!). But such a bank will work (strum) at the slightest breeze and in any direction of the wind.

2. Again, empirically (by the appearance of new molehills near the jerks), I found that rattling is felt by animals at a distance of no more than a meter in a circle. Based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, you can roughly determine how many cans are required. I hope it is now clear that the case with a weather vane or a single Chinese electronic repeller is sheer nonsense.

3. The base on which the bank is put on must be metal. It can be composed of several parts, for example, by inserting a metal rod into the pipe, but with an indispensable condition: the part that will be in the ground should be as massive as possible. It is necessary to dig it into the ground as deep as possible. After all, it is from her that the sound spreads, unpleasant for moles.

But back to the moles in my area. It would seem that this is a victory! Live and rejoice from the heart! You can rejoice, but only partially. And here's why ... Let's say I got rid of these harmful diggers, but the question is: for how long? I drove them away, but where should they go? Of course, only move to neighboring areas. But, suppose, and from there they will be expelled. They will move on and after a while they may well again be on my site. In a word, a kind of whirlwind turns out.

And so it happened ... Twenty days after a complete lull, three molehills appeared on the onion garden. And soon two more on the potato garden (by the way, where the beans also grew). I don’t know how the moles were oriented, but they obviously made their way exactly where the strummers were not heard. Of course, I immediately put them on these new molehills. And for three months now there are no moles.

To avoid another invasion of moles, I intend to play it safe and build a circular "defense". To do this, I'm going to put scarers from beer cans every 1.5-2 meters around the entire perimeter of the site (35x40 meters). True, the constant strumming is very depressing, especially for the one who works in the garden. But what to do: there is no choice - either moles and a warped vegetable garden, or a sound cacophony, but without annoying diggers.

Alexander Nosov

In the spring, mounds of earth are suddenly discovered, similar to small volcanoes 5-30 cm high. The earth rises, forming a ridge. Vegetable leaves begin to wither for no reason. This means that a mole has started up in the garden. What to do? The main thing is to calm down and read this article carefully. Here's how to get rid of moles in your garden.

Meeting the intruder

Moles are small black animals that live underground. The body is elongated, streamlined, covered with velvety hair with a unique pile growth - vertically upward, not in a certain direction, which allows them to move underground in any direction without inconvenience. The color ranges from brown to black. The tail is short, the eyes are blind - they lack the retina and lens. The front legs are real shovels with five powerful claws, capable of providing a comfortable existence in burrows and underground passage systems.

This animal is able to live underground at a depth of about half a meter, and almost never getting to the surface. He builds himself entire palaces with many-meter passages and separate rooms.

The mole is an amazing animal. He is able to crawl on his burrows even backwards. He owes this ability to his tail. The small short tail has special hairs that perform the function of touch.

Moles like to settle in areas located near a forest or river. Therefore, those summer residents who choose plots in picturesque places most often suffer from them.

In a day, one mole can expand its underground system by 15-30 meters. The animal feeds mainly on insects and their larvae, as well as on earthworms. Moreover, a mole can even eat a small mouse, frog or its own cub, but this only applies to males. The animal does not accumulate fat reserves, but it consumes a lot of energy, so the animal can eat as many insects and worms per day as it weighs itself. But the animal does not eat plants. None. So if the roots are suddenly gnawed, then this is definitely not a mole.

But the sense of smell in these animals, in contrast to sight, is incredibly developed. They find prey by smell. By the way, many methods of dealing with moles are based on this, but more on that later.

Why is a mole dangerous?

The smoothest lawn begins to resemble the battlefield of Borodino if a mole appears on the site. The most obvious nuisance is the tunnels and holes left by animals. The beds, flower beds, paths after them are ruined. In addition, plants begin to die if the root enters the wormhole and remains hanging without support. The soil becomes poor in worms, beneficial insects are destroyed. And then a logical question arises: how to get rid of moles in the garden?

What attracted the mole?

For moles, the plots cultivated by people represent just a garden of paradise. First, the soft dug earth, which makes it easier for the animal to build underground tunnels. Secondly, the abundance of larvae, worms and mice - what the mole eats in the garden. Thirdly, there are no dangerous predators near people, and this "comrade" is able to scare away domestic animals with a specific smell.

But before looking for a remedy for a mole in the garden, it makes sense to see if there are any additional factors that contribute to such an unpleasant neighborhood. For example, a landfill for plant waste located close to the surface. This object attracts worms and larvae, and with them moles.

How to catch a mole in the garden?

So we come to the most interesting thing - the capture of an amateur to lay underground labyrinths.

Summer residents know how much harm a mole brings in the garden. How to get rid of it humanely? You can catch the animal and release it in the nearest forest. It is not worth throwing an animal to a neighboring site, because moles, in search of food, are always trying to expand their possessions, which means that after a while they will move from neighbors to the nearest territory.

Catching a mole is quite problematic, since it rarely comes to the surface. But there are certain ways. Sometimes they try to use them to fight these animals, but this helps in isolated cases. Although sometimes veterans of the war with moles argue that there is no better way to get rid of the misfortune than to catch a mole in the garden.

  1. If you notice (especially in the early morning) how someone is digging the ground, then you can quickly stick a shovel into this place and pull out the beast. You need to be careful, as moles can bite hard.
  2. Fishing with a hook. A wire is taken 30-40 cm long and 1 mm in diameter. You will also need triple fishing hooks. They are attached to the wire every 7-8 cm, so that the tackle is at its very end. The other end should be bent into a loop. We insert the structure into the hole, crochet forward, loop outward. It is better to insert a pin into the loop - so that the mole does not drag the device under the ground. The animal will definitely go to repair the hole, as it does not like drafts, and will fall on hooks. Then the victim is dug up with a shovel, put in a bucket ... In general, his fate is in your hands.
  3. You can also catch moles with special traps. We'll talk about this in the next section.

Fighting moles in the garden

The fight against moles in the garden should begin as early as possible, before they have dug a large branched system of tunnels and rooms. When such a labyrinth is ready, its owners will all the time restore moves after being covered with earth or flooding with water.

The best time to declare war is spring and autumn, then the animals are most active. And it is important to remember that most measures have a temporary effect, so that next year you will have to start hostilities from the beginning. The animal lives very well next to a person. So how to get rid of moles in the garden?

Folk methods of struggle

There are many simple and relatively inexpensive ways to get a mole out of the garden. Only the main ones are presented here.

1. A plastic pipe is taken along the hole diameter. The animal's dwelling is dug up (usually next to a heap), a piece of pipe with poison is inserted there. The mole finds poison and dies. The disadvantage of the method is that these creatures reproduce rather quickly, and it is simply inappropriate to kill them one by one, since this does not solve the problem.

2. Fill the holes with water. But the fact is that a mole has many rooms underground, and how effective this method will be is not to be predicted. In addition, we must not forget that an excessive amount of water will damage not only moles, but also the useful underground inhabitants of the site.

3. Make a fence by digging in a fine mesh around the perimeter. It should go deep into at least half a meter. This is a fairly good prevention method for small areas, if you do not mind your strength. But first, the moles need to be driven out.

4. Plant more onions and garlic. Many methods of dealing with moles are based on the strong sense of smell of animals. This method helps a lot, although it gives a temporary effect. After harvesting, the moles can return. Also, these animals, for some reason, do not like legumes.

5. Moles also don't like some flowers. They will leave if you plant daffodils, woods, marigolds or caper spurge on the site.

6. Fill and fill burrows with something foul-smelling - excrement or rotten fish guts. True, then not only moles will smell, but also on the site. But it is not known whether the "heroes of the occasion" will leave.

7. Loud music and firecrackers. A rather dubious way: it causes inconvenience to both moles and people, and it is again unknown who will run away earlier.

8. Get a dog or cat. Pets will be happy to hunt moles. Many people say that this method works well, but for it to work, the animal must freely walk around the garden every day. Naturally, not everyone can afford it.

9. Metal pins are inserted into the ground, about 30 centimeters, on which propellers or just cans are hung. You can also use tubular reeds or special tubes sold in stores. It is enough to insert a two-meter pipe about ¾ into the wormhole at an angle of 45 degrees. Vibration and hum are extremely unpleasant for the inhabitants of underground labyrinths. We can say that this is the best remedy for moles in the garden, if we consider the folk methods.


This is a way of catching rather than fighting. Devices are installed in burrows that follow any boundaries, for example, along a fence - these are the main passages. For a small area, 6 traps are enough. The main thing is to check them in time. It is best to work with gloves, as human odor may remain on the product.

  1. The simplest trap, which does not require preliminary preparation, is a galvanized or plastic cylinder with two doors that open only inward. The device is buried inside the stroke (as a rule, it goes directly between two molehills). Catches a mole, keeping him alive. The product is sold in the store, but in fact it can be easily made by yourself.
  2. Wire trap. It is always sold in pairs. These devices are also installed in a wormhole. What is the principle of operation? The trap is configured in a special way, according to the instructions. A knife is used to cut a layer of earth, preferably in the form of a cone. It is very important not to crash the move. The resulting hole should be large enough to easily set the traps. After their installation, the layer of earth is put back.

After capture, the animal can be released into the nearest forest or the area of \u200b\u200ba harmful neighbor. It is advisable, of course, to take the animal away so that it does not come back.

Chemical methods

In the assortment of an experienced summer resident who has already faced the problem we are considering, you can always find a chemical remedy for moles in the garden. But, as a rule, everything related to the chemical methods of expelling and killing moles is capable of killing and expelling all living things around, including plants. Thus, this is the most harmful and ineffective way.

One of the options is poison baits, but you can wait for a very, very long time for such an intelligent animal like a mole to eat something strange instead of a tasty traditional worm. And do not wait.

If you flood the mole with any kind of poison, then you can easily poison the soil, and with it the plants, and domestic animals, and humans. However, there are methods that could easily be called folk chemical:

  1. 1/4 cup castor oil + two tablespoons of dishwashing detergent. Beat until thick and firm. Store tightly packed. If necessary, add 2 tablespoons per watering can, the entire field of activity of moles, especially molehills, is watered from the watering can.
  2. Wood cleaner + 1/4 cup ground red pepper + 1/4 cup castor oil. Apply similarly.

Ideally, it is better to use them in turn, plus plant moles-repelling plants around the perimeter, for example, the already mentioned onions with garlic. Chemicals should be used with caution, especially if children and pets often play on the site.

Ultrasonic scarers

How to drive a mole out of the garden without causing inconvenience and without endangering yourself and your loved ones? With the help of special scarers that do not affect a person in any way.

They are good, first of all, because they do not kill moles, but create a completely uncomfortable environment for them. The bad news is that they do not act immediately - the expulsion period is about one and a half months. However, these devices are the most popular means of fighting moles, and definitely the simplest. Its cost is from 500 to 1500 rubles, the range is 30-40 meters. If the site is larger, then it is better to put several devices.

The principle of operation is simple. The repeller emits vibrational vibrations that are captured by sensitive moles. For them, it is like a signal of danger, and, unable to withstand the stressful environment and the constant premonition of something terrible, the animal leaves.

If you do not have the time and desire to tinker with various devices for fighting moles, you can use the services of professionals. There are special services that help get rid of mice, rats, insects. They know how to get a mole out of the garden quickly and permanently.

Preventive measures

Prevention is always much easier than solving the problem itself. In order not to think about how to drive the mole out of the garden, it is necessary to take measures to prevent their appearance, namely:

  • dig in a fence around the perimeter of the site;
  • plant mole-repelling plants;
  • make some simple repellents.

There are many measures for mole control here, but it's important not to overdo it. These animals loosen the ground, eat slugs and other insect pests, so there is a benefit from them. Therefore, when dealing with the question "how to get rid of moles in the garden", it is important to remember that they do not do wrong. But if the animals have baked you so that there is nowhere else, try to fight. Just remember: besides how to destroy a mole in the garden, there are other, more humane ways of fighting.

Moles leave furrows and earthen heaps, disrupting the appearance of the land, then the owners wonder how to drive the mole out of the garden with folk remedies.

When choosing the best option for getting rid of moles in a summer cottage, remember that none of the known methods will give a 100% guarantee. But some of the moles are worth trying.

What you need to know about moles

Moles quite often settle on land plots located near forests or in the floodplain of the river. About 6-12 acres of a vegetable garden roughly correspond to the dwelling of one adult animal. A sign that moles have chosen your plot of land are characteristic mounds and raised land. By digging their labyrinths, these little creatures severely damage the root structure of fruit and vegetable crops. In some cases, even if the mole has left the garden, numerous vole mice can settle in the holes dug by it. Moving along underground passages, mice can destroy the entire crop of root crops.

If you do not want irreparable damage to your crop, then measures to drive out moles must be taken immediately. Remember that little diggers quickly and easily settle into new territories, breaking through whole labyrinths of holes. And the more intricate the network of moves, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the intruder.

Fighting moles in the garden

There are chemicals on the market today that are designed to breed moles on land. And not all remedies for moles have proven to be effective. In addition, these funds must be handled with extreme caution, not allowing the pesticide to fall on open areas of the body. But at the same time, you must carefully read the instructions for using drugs for the mole. After all, there are substances so poisonous that it is better not to use them in the garden or vegetable garden.

Recently, gas tablets from moles have gained popularity. They are laid in mole passages, where they decompose under the influence of moisture. Poisonous gas is released, which affects the pest. But first, it is advisable to still use alternative methods of getting rid of pests that do not harm the environment. Therefore, every summer resident should know how to get moles out of the garden in gentle ways.

One of the most effective and safe means of getting rid of moles and shrews is a modern ultrasonic device "Antikrot-Maxi", designed for use in open areas. It is completely safe for plants and beneficial underground insects. Moreover, this method is also loyal to the moles themselves. One such repeller is designed for 10 acres of a vegetable garden. This figure may fluctuate slightly depending on the terrain.

What is the principle of operation of the Antikrot-Maxi device? The switched on device causes the soil to vibrate with a frequency of up to several times per minute. Moles perceive these vibrations as a warning signal of danger. That is, as soon as "Antikrot-Maxi" is activated, the animals try to quickly leave the territories where vibrations are felt. Install "Antikrot-Maxi" in the center of your garden, and the expulsion of pests is guaranteed in 2 weeks. And so that the moles do not appear again, it is advisable to leave the device in operation for the entire summer season.

"Antikrot-Maxi" operates in intermittent-short-term mode, therefore, electricity is consumed very economically.

If moles appear in the country, how to get rid of them using simple folk methods? Surprising as it may seem, natural repellents often help control moles. These are the safest ways in relation to people, garden plants and pets.

Safe folk remedies

An abundance of plantations will help, onions, garlic, daffodils, marigolds, hazel grouse are especially effective. Folk remedies based on castor oil have proven themselves quite well in the fight against moles.

How to make such a tool yourself? It's pretty simple. First, prepare the mixture: 3 tbsp. liquid soap or shampoo and 200 ml of castor oil. The composition must be stirred in 4 liters of water. Then the solution should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the site. It is especially good to do this after watering the garden or after rain.

There are several natural ways that allow you not to resort to drastic measures in the process of getting rid of uninvited guests. Better to just try to force the animals to change their habitat. It is very effective, for example, to reduce soil moisture. Due to excessive watering, moles begin to dig their tunnels very close to the surface. Therefore, reducing the number of waterings often helps to solve the problem. Everyone knows that moles mainly feed on various insects and worms. If successfully bred, the animals will have to leave your garden in search of food.

A few more popular ways to deal with these animals:

  1. Making homemade scarers. Moles do not tolerate harsh noise, so this method of dealing with moles can be quite effective. Summer residents have learned how to make various designs from cans, plastic bottles. These scarers make unpleasant ringing and rustling sounds from the wind, which are not pleasant for small pests. Even reeds can be used as a repeller against moles. Fighting moles in this way brings certain results. In each dug passage that comes out to the surface, one reed must be inserted. On windy days, the reeds make very unpleasant sounds, reminiscent of the howling of the wind in a pipe. This sound has such a strong effect on animals that they leave the garden within a few days.
  2. Another good way to drive moles out of the garden is to lay out strong-smelling objects on the land. For example, naphthalene, rags soaked in kerosene and gasoline. You can settle a cat in the garden, as moles cannot stand the smell of cat excrement. Thus, the fight against moles and getting rid of them with folk remedies at their summer cottage is quite real.
  3. A laborious, but very effective way of protecting the garden from being populated by moles is to shield it with sheets of slate dug to a depth of at least 80 cm. Then, in most cases, moles will not be able to penetrate your garden.
  4. If you do not have trees and shrubs on your site, you can resort to periodic plowing of the land. Fighting moles in this case will be quite effective.

Folk remedies for driving out moles can be quite effective.

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Lydia Prokoptseva 05/28/2015 | 9644

Moles and mole rats often settle in summer cottages. Outward signs of the settlement of these unpleasant "animals" are mounds of freshly dug land throughout the garden. If potatoes, carrots, beets and other root crops are gnawed, this is a mole rat. The mounds next to untouched root crops testify to the settlement of moles in the garden.

Outwardly moles and mole rats differ in the structure of the front paws. The mole has a kind of shovel paws with powerful claws, with which it digs the ground in search of insects, larvae, and worms. He has underdeveloped eyes and ears. In mole rats, the front legs are shortened, with small claws, and instead of eyes there is a thick fold of skin. The head is wide, flattened, in front there are 2 incisors, with which the mole rat gnaws out the ground, getting close to tasty root crops.

Control measures

These rodents do not like strong odors and leave the site with an unpleasant odor. But in most cases, even successful expulsion is temporary. There are several effective methods for driving moles and blind people from the site.


Blind rats attracts jerusalem artichoke... The delicate aroma of the rhizome smells so appetizing that mole rats settle nearby and practically do not appear in the garden. Plant in the abandoned places of the summer cottage a small decorative lawn from jerusalem artichoke, and mole rats will receive a permanent "residence permit" there.

Buy seeds crotogon (black root medicinal). This plant has many popular names: worm herb, dog root, dog tongue and others. The mousey smell of its taproot scares away moles, mole rats and other pests (mice, shrews). Planted in different places around the perimeter of the site, it will help solve the problem with annoying pests. Scatter tenacious blackroot seeds, ripening in August-September, along the excavated passages. They literally grow into the skin of the animals, forcing them to flee from the site.

Along the perimeter of the site, mixed with blackroot and Jerusalem artichoke, plant black beans... You can plant with black beans (when sowing after 12-15 cm) along the contour areas with root crops (potatoes, carrots, beets and others). The foul odor produced by the root system of the beans makes the animals flee.


Cat-rat-traps and dogs are good helpers in the fight against these pests. Where there is a cat, there are usually no moles.

Chemical substances

Chemicals must be applied very carefully so as not to harm pets and humans. It is necessary to apply chemical measures in case of numerous pests.

You can buy a poisonous powder in a veterinary pharmacy Thiuram... Spread the powder over the excavated passages and burrows. Not only mole rats and moles, but other rodents will leave your site forever.

Poisoned baits can be scattered along open passages Storm and Anticrot and cover them with turf or roots with the ground.

Good results are ensured by the use of birch tar. Spread the pegs 20-30 cm long in several layers with birch tar and stick them into the ground after 3-4 m in a checkerboard pattern throughout the area. The tar-smelling soil will drive out moles and mole rats. Renew the lubricant on the pegs after 2 months, otherwise the pests will return.


Mole repellents can be divided into mechanical and electrical
Mechanical - these are usually turntables located at the top of a dug-in pipe or hollow rod. Under the influence of the wind, they make various noises. You can make these out of slotted plastic bottles or cans.

"Singing" reed... Insert a reed 1.5-2 m along the path of a molehill or into a molehill hole. A 0.8-1 m rod should remain on the surface. In the reeds, the wind imitates the howling of a blizzard. The sound vibration makes the moles leave the area of \u200b\u200bthe singing reeds.

Electric scarers generate ultrasonic vibrations, the range of action of which depends on the device. Several adaptations will keep moles and mole rats away from these areas. The devices act on animals like an earthquake would affect humans. Vibration and sound scarers "EcoSniper" LS-997-M and LS-997-MR, Antikrot and Antikrot Maxi, Typhoon, Grom-Plus, Tornado 03V.01 and others work well. The area of \u200b\u200baction is 10-12 sq.m. Battery operated. A few pieces are enough per plot, and it will be free of soil pests. They are installed in the spring and removed in the fall according to the instructions attached to the device.

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The appearance of earthen piles in the middle of the garden beds does not please the owners at all, because this means that an "underground guest" has started up on the site, which can spoil the plants, dig up their roots and set tubers. Therefore, it will be necessary to decide how to get the mole out of the garden immediately, until most of the plantings are destroyed.

The harm and benefits of moles

In appearance, they appear to be completely harmless underground animals with large paws, designed for only one action - digging. However, for owners of gardens and summer cottages, the arrival of even one mole seems to be a disaster. earthworms, larvae and insects, including pests. In addition, they are beneficial by improving the aeration of the soil and filling it with air.

However, building their underground multi-meter communications, they undermine the plants and cut off their roots, which leads to the death of a large number of plantings. Therefore, to save the garden, you have to deal with the question of how to drive moles out of the site.

Removing moles from the garden

  • The use of mousetraps for the destruction of moles or, which are installed at the exit from the holes, will allow to catch a certain part of the pests, although the method is inhumane.
  • Various poisonous baits and poisons will help to effectively remove moles from the summer cottage. They are laid out in burrows or on the territory of the site, the animals die after eating them. sold in gardening stores.
  • You can make poison baits yourself from boiled wheat, to which a pesticide is added. The poison is spread throughout the entire site, buried in holes or underground to a depth of at least 15 cm.
  • Filling underground passages with a large amount of water is a fairly popular method, however, it helps to lime moles only in a situation when they only recently came to the site and did not have time to build complex underground structures.
  • into a jar or pan, which are dug into the underground passage. After getting into a 3-liter container, the animal cannot get up.
  • A pipe trap is made independently, for which a pipe of the same diameter as the hole is selected: doors are installed at its ends, which open only inward: once there, the animal will not be able to crawl back and dies.
  • You can catch an animal with a fishing hook if you tie it to a sturdy wooden stick. For catching, the hook is lowered into the mole hole and waited until the "prey" is caught.
  • The installation of electric mole rats, which kill animals with an electric shock, will reduce the number of moles, but this method is financially costly.


One of the "cardinal" methods even involves the use of tear gas sprayed from a can into the burrows of animals. However, it requires sophisticated protective equipment and is dangerous to plants and people.

When deciding how to get a mole off the site, each owner has to choose among a variety of methods and methods the most necessary and effective, based on financial capabilities, laboriousness of operations and the complexity of manufacturing devices. Some people prefer to use only humane methods, others, driven to despair by the invasion of moles, are capable of drastic and murderous methods to get rid of "underground enemies" forever.