Put the cold water pipe to the bath. How to arrange a water supply system with your own hands, patterns of wells and wells

The presence in the bath of water significantly increases the comfort of the adoption of water procedures and facilitates the preparation of the bath. In addition, there is no need to remove special places in premises for tanks under water, there is no need to periodically fill these tanks with water.

In the absence of water pipes, the barrels are filled with water with a margin, the surplus after the bath is poured into the floor, otherwise it will freeze the ice and the ice will damage the container, and in summer, as a result of a long standing of water, various microorganisms and bacteria are breeding in it - water acquires an unpleasant color and smell.

There is another plus water supply in the bath - significantly reduces the amount of water poured under the bath, and this is always a problem for wooden structures and foundations.

Water supply in the bath is convenient and economically

How can you carry water into the bath, what does equipment require this and what construction work should be performed? To take the optimal solution in each particular case, you should familiarize yourself with the existing types and water supply schemes of the bath.

Depending on the periodicity of the use of the bath, water can be summer or all-season.

Summer water supply

The easiest, but also the most uncomfortable water supply method.


The plumbing pipes are packed over the surface of the site, it is not required to perform a large amount of earthworks for digging trenches. You can use cheap soft hoses, the number of expensive water reinforcements is significantly reduced, the hoses can be put on the short route from the water source to the bath. And the main advantage is cheaper than the arrangement of summer water supply.


Each season hoses need to be removed into the warm room, in surface pipes completely lower water. If night frosts have suddenly hit, then hoses and pipes can fail, and a considerable amount of money will be required to buy new. But the most important drawback is the inability to take bath procedures in winter. If there is a need to use the bath in the winter period of time, then you need to install containers in the premises under water and wear it buckets.

Summer water supply is made in extreme cases, and only as a temporary solution to the problem. There are several reasons that do not allow you to immediately make a winter water supply, and this is not only the lack of finance. For example, construction works can continue on other objects on the site, which does not allow to dig a trench in the necessary places or there is the ability to connect to common engineering networks, but it takes time to coordinate various permits and so on.

As practice is evidenced, even those owners of the bath, who first made summer water supply, eventually rewor it on the winter. Therefore, we advise immediately make a winter option, do not waste time and money for temporary water pipelines.


The main thing is uninterrupted water availability at any time of the year. There is no need to monitor the air temperature and worry about the safety of pipes and hoses during sudden frosts. In addition, the time is not lost on the periodic dismantling of the equipment and the re-connection.


The main disadvantage is an increase in the estimated cost of manufacturing and buying equipment. The second drawback is a fairly large volume of earthworks and the emergence of problems related to these works.

Conclusion - Make winter water supply anyway, in the end it will give you the opportunity to save money and time. It is best to spend money on real water supply, which is first to install temporary, and then go on the winter.

Now consider what equipment is used for water supply a bath.

Pumps and pipes for water supply

Household pumps for water supply There is a huge amount, they differ in broad limits with technical specifications. When choosing a particular model and type, it is necessary to take into account the individual features of the water supply of the bath: the depth of the water intake, the height of the feed, the length of the pipeline and the need to automate water intake. Consider each type of pumps in more detail.


Installed on the surface of the water intake of open water sources: pond, river or well. Suitable only for summer water supply.

Float Pump - Photo

disadvantages - relatively small power and lack of embedded automatic power on / off systems can only work at the plus temperatures, require the installation of tanks for water.

Benefits - Independence from the water level in the source, float pumps float on the surface of the water intake, the suction nozzle is always under water, together with it climbs / lowers.


Immersed under water on a small depth, after diving are fixed by stainless cables or durable polyamide ropes.

Benefits - Use under negative temperatures is constantly under the surface of the water.

This advantage can be disadvantage - With a significant decrease in the water level in the source, the suction pipe is taken off, the operation of the pump stops. Do not differ in high power, require individual water storage devices, do not have built-in control electronics.

Float and submersible pumps, unlike other types, can serve water with flexible hoses, they have no highways working with a vacuum. As for automation, it can be done independently or purchase separately in specialized stores. These two types of pumps belong to the category of the cheapest, are mainly used during the installation of the summer water supply of the bath. They are easy to maintain and repair, they are always in the quick access zone.

Prices for submersible pumps

submersible pump

Pretty new equipment, universal use.


Have built-in automatic on / off depending on the pressure in the hydroaccumulator - it is possible to connect any equipment, water pressure has stable indicators. The capacity is significantly superior to the above, they do not require additional water containers. Can both suck water from a certain depth and serve it at the estimated height. While choosing a particular brand, carefully study the instructions for pumps, pay attention to the suction depth and feed height, these are very important criteria. Pumps with hydroaccumulators can take water from both open sources, and with shallow wells.


Pretty high cost is allowed only in warm rooms. If there is a possibility of freezing the bath, then you need to solve issues with the insulation of the pump or merge water from it. To merge / pour water for quite a long time, in addition, it will have to be installed additional water fittings for draining water from vertical pipeline risers. Another disadvantage - the aggregates are quite noisy, the constant switching on / off of the electric motor can cause a sense of discomfort.


The most expensive, reliable and powerful pumps. Used to install in deep wells, have their own multi-stage protection against casing and short circuits. Use only one bath is economically unprofitable, it is recommended to purchase such pumps for the water supply device in all buildings existing in the country area. Disadvantage - Water drive is required, in most cases, for these purposes, the Water Tower of Rozhnovsky is used.

The deep pumps are lowered into wells only on metal pipes, the use of plastic is excluded.

Where can I take water

A sourceDescriptionIllustration
Open sources: river or pond.Unless, of course, they are on the site. Advantages - zero costs. Disadvantages - there may be questions to the quality of water, the risks of clogging pumps increase.

For most baths - the optimal solution. The quality is suitable for cooking - water from wells can be used not only for a bath, but also for a residential building.

May be shallow (on sand) or deep (on limestone). The level of the first does not exceed 20 meters, specific values \u200b\u200bdepend on the geodetic features of the terrain and water balance of soils. The advantages of small wells are a relatively low cost. Disadvantages - low debit of water, large risks of a stalling of the well and clogging of the pump. If the water from well is taken regularly - the risks of the casing decrease, the Il is absorbed by the pump, the mesh filter is cleaned. But if the well uses very rarely, then the casing comes quickly. The second wells have the highest rates in all respects. But they have a significant drawback - the high cost of work. The depth of drilling can be several tens of meters and more.

When choosing a specific place for the fence of water, take into account the maximum number of individual factors is the axiom of any planning. Our Additional Council is planning a few steps forward, do not live in today's day. If at the moment you have enough to take water for a bath from the pond, then keep in mind that in a few years no one will use such water to use such water. Why do the same work twice and the same work? Do immediately normal water supply, it will significantly expand its capabilities.

How to make water bath do it yourself

Consider one of the rather successful options in all parameters - winter water supply from the well using a pumping station and a hydroaccumulator.

Prices for pumping stations

pumping station

Step 1. Preliminary layout and purchase of equipment.

First, draw a water supply scheme. Specify where the pump station will be installed in the bath, to which consumers the water is connected, from where the fence is made. We consider the case when the well on the site is already there, if it is not - you have to dig. These are quite difficult work, how the well is digging well, we will tell you in the following article.

An additional filter must be installed near the pump. The pump has one filter in the configuration on the reverse submersible valve, but the dimensions of the mesh cells can hold only coarse sand. And the pump is afraid of small abrasive particles, such a filter does not catch them.

Video - Pump Filter in Well, Well

Video - Calculation of the pump for water supply

For water supply, you can use flexible polyethylene pipes connected by folding couplings or plastic pipes connected by a special welding machine.

We recommend using the first option for laying pipes into the trench, such a compound is quite reliable, when the discontinuous loads occurs, the pipe is slightly pulled out of the rubber seal, it is provided by the couplor device. The tightness of the compound is not disturbed, which is very important if the plumbing into the trench.

In the bath you can use plastic pipes, for their compound you need to have a special welding machine, it is inexpensive, it is always useful in the farm. The diameter of fence and main pipes is at least two inches, the wiring around the room can be made of pipes of smaller diameter. To switch from one diameter of the pipe to another, use special adapters.

Now you can go to the store, experienced sellers consultants will give you additional tips on the optimal configuration of the selected equipment. Equipment depends on the manufacturer and type of equipment.

Expansion tank (hydroaccumulator) horizontal. Calculation of the hydroaccumulator

The fact is that those installed on the pumping station have a small drive, in most cases it does not exceed five liters. It is impossible to more precisely, the volume of accumulated water depends on the pressed pressure. A small supply of water causes the electrical engine inclusion frequent / off. It creates discomfort and adversely affects the windings of the stator and the rotor. For the bath it is enough to install an additional hydroaccumulator for fifty liters.

Prices for hydroaccumulators


Step 2. Make marking and dig a trench

Try not to lay the pipe in those places where other buildings are planned in the future. Your trumpet, of course, is not a gas highway, but you should not create additional difficulties. The depth of the trench is not lower than the level of fruit of the soil. In order to exclude the risks of damage to plastic pipes with stones, on the bottom of the trench you need to pour a sandy pillow with a thickness of about 5 centimeters, on top of the pipes also fall asleep at the beginning of sand, and then the ground. If your land does not have stones - you can not do the protection of sand.

Side one of the rings of the well, with the help of a perforator, make an end-to-end hole under the pipe in the ring, the hole must be 10 ÷ 20 centimeters above the water level. The sizes of the hole should allow working in it with their hands, before filling the trench, the large hole closes with any piece of thick-walled galvanized metal or plastic. Entering the pipeline to the bath depends on the type of foundation, the belt will have to be added.

Open section of the pipe from the ground in the floor bath must be carefully insulated. There are excellent industrial insulation for pipelines, but we recommend that they strengthen them - make a wooden box around the pipe and fill it with glass gamble. Control dimensions around the perimeter at least 50 × 50 centimeters.

Step 3. Measure the depth of water in the well

To do this, it is necessary to bring any cargo to the end of a long rope and lower it into the well until it is left with the bottom. Cut the vertical riser in such a way that the reversal valve grid has taken to the bottom of 20 ÷ 30 centimeters. It is necessary in order to during seasonal fluctuations in the water level, the valve has always been in water. A slight elevation over the bottom will exclude the suction of the mule.

Step 4. Lower in the well a fence pipe

Included with the pump is implemented with a reverse valve with a mesh filter, secure it at the end of the pipe segment.

Important. Do not acquire Chinese plastic check valves. They work for no more than a year, poor-quality plastic breaks. To replace the check valve will have to cancel the trench. Is it quite difficult even in the summer, and if the breakage happens in winter? Responsible manufacturers make such valves made of bronze or brass, buy only them.

The plastic tube can be cut with a metal or a grinder. For the removal of sowing and making chamfering in stores, special devices are implemented, but it is not worth buying them. The fact is that they can make a chamfer only if the cut will be perfectly perpendicular to the axis of the pipe, it is impossible to achieve this manually. The chamfer is excellent with a sharp knife or made with a grinder with a flat side of the disk. Without chamfer, it is possible to damage the rubber coupling seal, and even a slight air supply may cause the pump failure. We will have to look for a seat and change the coupling or sealing rings.

The intake vertical pipe is connected to the horizontal connecting kit, it is quite uncomfortable to do it, and there are both hands to survey into the hole of the concrete ring of the well. Pay attention to the connection to be absolutely sealed.

Video - installation of the pump

Step 5. Connect a horizontal pipe lying in the trench to the carbon output.

Step 6. The pumping station must be insulated

We recommend additionally prepare a pit for it in Earth, it will significantly reduce the risks of freezing. Copying should be closed with a dense lid, all surfaces can be chopped by sheets of foams with a thickness of about ten centimeters.

The pipe is connected to the pump, the pump is installed in the bath. On this external work completed, you can make the internal wiring of pipelines. For internal wiring, it is better to use plastic pipes, compound to perform a special welding machine.

While the trench is not covered, you need to check the performance of the pump. Pour water into it, water should fill the entire pipeline into the trench and squeeze the air. It can take quite a lot of time. During the first start of the pump, it is necessary to facilitate the download, air can still remain in the pipes, the pump should be expelled. Before turning on the engine, discover the crane from the hydroaccumulator, let the water with air go out without pressure. In this way, you will be able to accelerate the pipeline pumping, completely remove the air from the system and reduce the load on the pump.

Important. During the laying of the pipeline in the trench, try to lay exactly along the entire track. Otherwise, air traffic jams will inevitably appear, it will be difficult to remove them.

Video - choice, blockage and installation of the pump in the well

How to adjust the pumping station

The pump with a hydroaccumulator can be adjusted to the engine turn on / off. Factory installations do not quite comply with the requirements of the bath, they are designed to connect home appliances working at a water pressure of about 2.2 atm. We recommend to reduce the pressure, this will significantly reduce the load on the engine and increase the container of the hydroaccumulator. How it's done?

  1. Remove the terminal cover, under the lid there are two adjusting bolts with springs. Large adjusts the power pressure, the small adjusts the pump off pressure.
  2. When turning the bolts, I will hear clicks that indicate the operation of the mechanical starting mechanism.
  3. Adjust control bolts in such a way that the pump is turned on when the pressure decreases to about 0.7 atm., And turned off when the pressure is increased to 1.2 atm.

We guarantee that such simple changes in the technical characteristics of the trigger will increase the service life of the pump at least one and a half times. In addition, noise will significantly decrease during operation. Be sure to place an additional water filter before entering the pump.

Video - the first launch of the pump station based on the submersible pump

Internal layout of pipelines

It is necessary to act according to the drawn scheme, work does not rush. The fact is that after the error is detected, the sealed connection will have to trim and make a new one, for this you need to use additional couplings, and they do not decorate the plumbing. Do not weld all the segments in a row, sometimes you need one connection to skip, cook the following, and then return to the previous one. All solutions to tell in the article is impossible, especially, not knowing your scheme. Again, repeat the previous advice - think a few steps or technological operations forward.

As you know, "water is life." Bath without access to water loses its main purpose. Water is needed to wash and brew brooms, add to the heater to produce a healing steam and even for a tea ceremony after taking bath procedures. It is better if the water will be connected directly to the bath, then it will not be necessary to carry it before the furnace, but you can use without restrictions. How to bring water to the bath with your own hands, ways of communication and types of sources on any site will be talked in this article.

Water in the bath is an integral part of any procedure, ranging from the steam to the shower.

Water into the bath should be carried out not only on the site where the centralized water supply system is laid. Types of water source can be subdivided:

  1. Centralized water supply.
  2. Clean.
  3. With well.

Centralized water supply bath

Plots with centralized water supply is the easiest option for lining communications. The bath is planned on the site so that the water supply is as close as possible and easier. In this case, a double boiler can be installed in the bath and make hot and cold water supply.

Wiring is performed with your own hands the following stages:

  1. In the Vodokanal, which owns this plumbing, it is necessary to issue technical specifications for the connection.
  2. Choose the closest from the bath well and crawl into the general system yourself or with the help of vodokanal specialists.
  3. Perform water wiring inside the bath with the full installation of all devices.
  4. Conduct water from the central well to the bath. The depth of the pipe bookmark must be leveling the soil freeze in winter +0.5 m.

It will correctly be input under the foundation. If there is no such possibility, the location of the plumbing pipe must be insulated. In the system, the water meter is set to it, and after the cranes of the system overlapping are installed. In the well after the main overlapping crane, the system for the bath is derived special drain. The same is installed after the water meter. These cranes are needed to drain water from the system during repair work.

But not always the bath build on a plot with access to water. So, for example, garden and country buildings. In this case, it is necessary to choose one of the following water supply methods.

Well water supply bath

Well for the bath can be postponed with old machine tires, it is the most inexpensive way.

Bathroom Water supply is one of the most inexpensive ways to bring water to the bath at the country area.

On the plot in the maximum proximity to the bath rushes well. Its depth must be at least 5 m. Lay the well can be old tires from the car. Groundwater will flock in the well of gravity and accumulate in it. And thanks to natural filtration, water in the well will be clean. The only negative is that in the summer, when the level of groundwater decreases by 3-4 m, the well may dry. In addition, the well needs to be periodically cleaned otherwise it will be susceptible.

Water supply to the bath from the well is carried out with the help of a drainage pump. Narnas has a special design and prevents garbage from entering water (branches, stones). If there is no electricity on the plot, you can use the gasoline generator. Water will be pumped into a boiler or a tank for hot and cold water. In the extreme case, water from the well can be traded manually.

The console pump is also suitable, but its design is not designed for water transportation from depth below 2 m. And more powerful models are expensive. The pump is installed next to the well, one hose falls below the surface level of the water, the second is carried out into the bath to the barrel. For pumping, it is necessary to constantly monitor, as the water level in the well is quickly dropped and the hose must be adjusted.

The minus of well water supply is that in winter water can freeze water in the system. In order to use the well accumulation of water into the bath you need to mount a warmed design.

The system is mounted as follows:

  1. In the wall of the well, a hole is placed below the level of the soil freezing. Where will the hose be inserted. Its carefully seal with special compositions.
  2. The trench is rotated to the bath, below the foundation laying.
  3. The hose is stacked in the system, which is passed through the hole in the wall of the well. On his end the pump is fixed.
  4. The second end of the hose is insulated and burst under the foundation with exit to the tank for cold or hot water.
  5. The top of the well must be insulated with the help of minvat or foam.

The entire pipe system and the suction part are set below the soil freezing level. For the well-based water supply of the summer bath, the complex system is mounted optional.

Water supply from well

A schematic description of the wiring of water into the bath from the well.

The well is a complex design to bring water compared to the wells. Well just dripped on a predetermined depth and mount rings, tires from a car or a well frame. The well need to be drilled with a special installation. Water from well is always cool with good taste and mineral qualities, clean and served at any time of the year. For Russian baths such water is the best option.

The well maintenance is also more difficult than the well. So, to clean the well, it is enough to pump water and descending to remove horseship and clean the dirt. When filling the filter in the well, a new design will be mounted. The system is mounted in the following steps:

  1. A pit on the depth below the soil freezing, the inside is expanding leaving the caisson from above. This recess is necessary for the convenience of installing the crane system.
  2. A well depth from 7 m is clogged.
  3. The pipe, coupling, cable and a special pump are inserted into the well.
  4. From above, the pipe should perform a little, where the ledge is mounted. The headpoint consists of wiring cranes. Here you can separately put the watering, the water accumulation system to the bath.
  5. In the technical insulated room of the bath, usually the ground, the station is set to control the system, the water pressure sensor, the hydroaccumulator.

The whole system as a whole resembles wiring from the well in winter. Put in the same way under the foundation below the level of soil freezing. Place where the waterproof equipment is mounted in the base of the baths is insulating.

Water supply inside design

How to bring water to the bath from the central pipe of the Vodokanal with your own hands.

The water supply system inside the bath must be collected by the simplest scheme. What it is easier, the better. Mounting pipes can be attached directly to the walls with special plastic fasteners. The most important thing is to properly organize the bay and drain system, as well as insulate the pipes in case of freezing. Water can be heated in the tank above the stove or through the simplest boiler system. A boiler can be installed in the heated bath.

Make water wiring in the bath is easy with your own hands, for this you need: flexible pipes, hacksaws, wrench. The system is connected to a single starting from the pumping station.

System Care Simple: Once a year is washing the heating tank and the pump system is cleared. The tank is simply merged and inside is cleaned with an iron brush from rust. Washed off with running water. It is not recommended to use various chemical compounds in the bath wash bath, there is a high probability not to wash the agent to the end and later it will fall into the water.

If the sauna is not insulated, then in winter, water pipes must be hidden into a special insulation. For a warmed and heated bath, such events are optional.

The difference in the installation for the baths of constant use and summer

In summer, water for the bath can be avoided from such a well, which is located next to the construction.

For summer water, the bath is a sufficient well way. It does not need to be buried the system below the fruit of the soil, a maximum of 0.7 m. It is enough to withstand the random tray of the motoblock or a garden car or even a minitractor.

When installing, the angle of inclination is made in the direction of the well, so when a breakthrough or disconnecting the water residues, sambeck will fall into the well and the foundation of the bath will remain dry.

In the winter period, the bath will be freezing, so the water system is buried to a depth below the soil freezing, approximately 150-220 cm, depending on the region.

If the bath is not heated, it is necessary to consider the draining system of excess water from the system, after use. If this is not done, the water will freeze inside the pipes and cranes and can break the system.

Of all the above, it becomes clear that the water supply of the bath and spend the system with your own hands is easy. The main thing is a bit of patience and choose the right way that is suitable for your bath.

The correct water supply device of the bath implies a constant supply of purified water under certain pressure. If the heated water does not occur with the water: there is a stove or a boiler for this, then everything is much more complicated with the influx. Water pressure is created by a pumping station, the equipment of which requires knowledge and skills. We will look at the main schemes and projects of water supply rustic baths with various sources: from the well, well. And learn to equip water supply in the bath with your own hands.

Sources of water supply bath

The first task when planning a bath is to determine the source of water supply. It can be:

  • well;
  • water pipes;
  • well.

The simplest and most reasonable option is centralized water supply simultaneously for home and bath. It is necessary to obtain permission to connect to the system, after which act according to plan:

  1. Mount the pipelines and equipment inside the bath.
  2. Carefully examine the scheme of water pipes of the site.
  3. Conduct the pipe to the bath from the central highway and connect it.
  4. Run the water supply system bath.

Well, as a water supply source

Wells since ancient are used as a water source for a bath. You can carry out a plumbing from an existing well or, if necessary, build a new one. It is an inexpensive, reliable and easiest option of water supply to the pair. Cons of well water supply baths:

  • the quality of water in the well is not guaranteed, especially dirty it can be in periods of flood or heavy rainfall;
  • water level differences are possible.

The walls of the well are better made from concrete rings with the fasteners of spike-grooves, which, in the case of the movement of soils, deformations will not allow. The rings compounds additionally sealed so that the water from the upper layers does not penetrate the well. The bottom fall asleep with rubbank and pave geotextile - it turns out a kind of filter.

If there is no well on the plot, and the problem of water supply the bath is relevant, you can equip abyssinian well.

It is a pipe that is driven into the ground to the aquifer. Such a water supply system is good if the aquifer lies in the soil no deeper than 12 meters.

The main trick in the proper manufacture of pipes. Her lower end should be a spear. The above spears are drilled by several rows of holes that play the role of filter.

The pipe is increasing from above gradually, as the next site ripped up until the water level in the pipe is 0.7 - 1 meter. The pump is installed at the top, if the depth of the well is more than 7 meters, the pump for water supply the bath from the well is needed submersible.

Well as a water supply source

All wells that can be used for water supply baths are divided into two categories:

  • artesian;
  • sand.

Artesian wells Deep, they achieve powerful aquifers (35-300 meters). Artesians for the water supply scheme of the house, the baths are painted with special mechanisms and quite the road. Water from the artesian wells comes in gravity, under pressure.

The artesian water of the pure, the well will never break, will not slaughter, the volume of water is almost unlimited.

The only minus is the high cost of arrangement. But the problem can be solved by organizing simultaneous water supply of houses and baths of several owners.

Sandwedhes Typically, it is not a deeper than 30 meters to the top layer of sand. Such wells during water supply can be clogged with sand in order to prevent it from intermittent layers of mesh with small cells and gravels make a filter column.

Benefits of water supply sand from a sandy-type well: cheapness and rapid exhibition.


  • water volumes in the layer cannot be predicted;
  • the well supplies no more than 1 cubic meters. water per hour;
  • the well is stolen over time.

Water supply device bath

Water supply scheme Bath and house consists of the following elements:

  • pump;
  • pressure meter;
  • hydroaccumulator (does not allow air to penetrate the system);
  • bypas valve - need to drain water from the system;
  • pressure switch;
  • check valve;
  • water heater;
  • water heater protection system;
  • crane Plum Boiler;
  • filter.

Choosing a pump

Whether water is served to a bath from a well or well, in any case a pumping station is required. Submersible and exhaust pumps are used in the water supply and water supply projects of the rustic bath. The type of pump is selected depending on the depth of water. It should also be paid to the diameter of the well and the calculated water pressure in the system. Experts recommend to stop on models with a hydroaccumulator.

From the well or well into the water supply system, water is supplied through the output tube. In the well, the pipe should be lower than the marking of the soil freezing, the place of entry is sealed. Multilayer waterproofing is performed from fibroresine, silicone, liquid glass and tiled glue for external work.

So that the pump does not turn on constantly, additionally install a 50 liter tank. At the same time, it contributes to the leveling of pressure in the pipes.

Choosing pipes

Choosing your own pipes for water supply on water supply depends on whether the bath is used only in the summer or all year round. If the bath functions only in the warm season, you can save on pipes and use flexible hoses (For the strength, take reinforced). They are very easy to connect with the help of adapters. According to the project, such a water supply scheme of a rustic bath can not be blown into the soil. Before the onset of cold weather, the hoses are collected in the barn to the next season. If the bath is used in winter, the organization of its water supply will require more works.

To connect the deep pump, pipes with a diameter of up to 32 mm are used. For the rest of the wiring, a diameter of 25 mm is suitable.

Metal plastic pipes Also easy to install and operate, but rubber gaskets are used in the connections. On the street, they quickly lose their properties and require replacement. Can be used polymer pipeswhich are easily bent and are suitable for exploitation under the ground to bring hot water in the bath.

The best material for the simultaneous water supply of the bath and at home is polypropylene. Although with their own hands, water supply in the bath from polypropylene will not be easy to collect - a special soldering iron will be required. Between themselves, polypropylene tubes are tightly connected by special adapters. There are pipes reinforced with fiberglass or foil. Both options are good for water supply bath.

Selection of water heater

If the bath is located near the residential building, you can bring the pipe hot water from the main boiler. The pipe should be carefully insulated with foam polyurethane. More often hot water supply in the bath can be organized autonomously.

To provide a bath with hot water, you can install a wood-burning furnace. A stainless steel tank is embedded and stained with brick. Heated water will retain the temperature for a long time. But modern bath owners prefer more advanced water heaters of a cumulative or flow-through type.

Flowing gas boilers are high-performance, they can provide any volume of hot water. But their operation is quite the road. Therefore, more often in the baths are installed accumulative electric boilers. The volume of water heater depends on the number of people at the same time visiting the steam room. 3-4 people are quite enough capacity of 90 liters.

Water supply bath in winter

How is the water supply of the bath, which is used all year round? If the water supply scheme and the heating of the house and the bath is one, there are no problems. It is more difficult when the bath is not heated and winter freezes.

Bath water pipes are burned in the ground to a depth, exceeding the freezing of the soil. In the middle band, the drainage depth is about 1.5 meters, therefore, the pipes are placed by 1.7 - 1.8 m. The best pipes for such works from polyropropylene, additionally insulated moisture-resistant material. So that the frost is guaranteed not to get to the pipes, they are additionally placed on a pillow of thermal insulation and sprinkle on all sides, after which they are closed with soil.

If the room does not hear, it is necessary to take care of the full drain of water from the system after visiting the bath. After all, the temperature in it is almost equal to the street.

Additionally, the water supply system used is generally used by the pressure sensor (pressure gauge), as well as the check valve. They are installed at the entrance of the water supply pipe into the room before wiring.

For soldering of polypropylene pipes, a special welding machine is needed, before placing the water supply of the bath should be purchased corners, fittings and couplings.

Stages of water supply equipment Baths do it yourself

  1. Selection and preparation of the source of water.
  2. Laying outdoor water pipes.
  3. Installation of instruments: ball valve, then in front of the pump a coal filter with a reserve at least 30 cubic meters and a check valve. From the pump there is a pipe to the boiler. This also establishes a tee for a cold water supply pipe. Caps for cold water are installed on the tee. And at the outlet of the boiler tube with hot water, on which hot water cranes are placed.
  4. Wiring pipes in the bathroom. The first vertical risers are installed, after which horizontal highways are held.
  5. Connecting pipes to devices, testing and launch.

Upon completion of the assembly of the water supply system, you need to run it with your own hands. First, open the ball valve and fill all the highways. Water should flow from pipes without interruptions, this means that there is no more air in the system. Now overlapping the cranes of cold water supply, open the launcher and turn on the pump. A pump is launched at a pressure of 1.4 - 1.8 bar pipes, and stops at 2.2 - 2.5 bars. When the desired pressure is reached, the boiler network is included.

The main problem of water supply in the bath is to be submitted to the room. Heating is carried out with a boiler, cleaning filters. The flow of fluid should be properly arranged so that there is a normal pressure, there was no freezing in winter. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with it to equip everything yourself if necessary. The plumbing in the bath will have to be installed anyway. It is important to choose a type suitable for these operating conditions and user-friendly.

Water sources bath

When designing a bath, it is important to deal with what water supply, the system type to use the best. There are the following fluid supply methods:

  1. From the well.
  2. Water pipeline.
  3. Punching well.

The easiest option is to conduct centralized water supply, which is as set to housing. Here you will need to get permission from the service that is engaged in the supply of fluid into the house, after which the following steps:

  1. Carry out the installation of pipes in the bath with your own hands, install the necessary equipment.
  2. To deal with the water supply system on the site where water is planned.
  3. Conduct a pipe from the central water channel to the bath, connect the equipment.
  4. Enable the system.

Water from the well

The well was used to supply water in a bath in winter and in the summer earlier most often. If it is possible, you can dug a separate deepening specifically for the construction, or use the existing one. It will cost this a bit, but distinguishes this method of reliability, simplicity. The flow diagram of this type of fluid has both negative sides:

  1. During rains or flooding, if the liquid is unlucky, it can be dirty.
  2. The fluid level is non-permanent, oscillations are possible.

Walls of the well building best of the rings of concrete. Fastening - in the grooves so that when moving groundwater and the earth itself, they are not curved. Be sure to make additional sealing of the joints so that the water is not contaminated due to the sprinkle of the earth outside the rings. The bottom should be covered with rubble, laid by geotextiles. Thus, a good filter will be released so that the liquid is at least partially cleaned.

Well for water supply

Wells can be divided into the following types:

  1. Sand. Made at a depth of 30 meters. Water can be clogged with sand, therefore the mandatory installation of filters is necessary. You can make it quickly and not very expensive. The disadvantage is that over time, the liquid will flow all with a large number of yals, water can end, since it is impossible to predict how much it is on this layer.
  2. Artesian. They are deeply done, reach clean waters at a depth of 30-300 m. It will be very expensive to arrange a water supply system with such a source of fluid, a special drilling instrument will be required. Equipment for downloading will not need, as water will flow under pressure. Liquid is very clean, which is its advantage, there is no il, impurities. Water can take a lot of waters, it is unlikely to end.

Rules of water supply device

Water supply Bath consists of several stages. First you need to select the correct injection pump. If any case, even if the water is supplied from the well, whether the well is broken, equipment is necessary for normal and constant pressure. You can use the settings that are immersed in water, or installed separately. The type of device used from the depth of the fluid is depeted. Winter water pipe into any bath is carried out with such a calculation so that it does not frozen with strong frosts.

Water will be supplied from any source through the output tube. Compulsory requirement to make wells or other sources pipes in the depth of the soil freezing so that the liquid can circulate all-round. The entrance place should be securely sealed. So that the pump does not include with each opening of the crane in the bath, it is recommended to install a small tank where water will accumulate. Thus, it is possible to stabilize the pressure in the system, facilitate the operation of the mechanism.

How to choose pipes

If necessary, plastic pipes can be installed simultaneously with metal. Pipes are one of the main parts for supplying the fluid, because to choose them correctly. If the roast room is functioning, it will be more difficult to organize the system than if the use of it was only in warm time. Wiring water supply in the bath should be made taking into account the consumption of all consumers indoors.

To connect the pump, use a pipe with a diameter of about 30 mm. The rest of the system can be used with water channels up to 25 mm. Use metal plastic products. Rubber seals should be used to connect them. In cold conditions, there will be their frequent replacement, therefore, it is recommended to use polymer materials on the street. They are easily bent, suitable for work both in the ground and on the bath itself. Sewerage should be done in such a way that it does not freeze in winter. That is, the channel must pass as low as possible ground level.

The optimal material for water laying is polyropylene. To assemble the system with such components, a special heating element is needed, which will serve for hermetic collection of components. You can use other trumpets reinforced with a foil with a shell, but it is not advisable to use them in terms of cost.

Selection of heating element

If the bath is close to home, you can consider the option of supplying hot water from the boiler with dwellings. The pipe must be reliably insulated so that the fluid does not have time to freeze. But basically, water supply is made separate from home. To do this, the furnace is installed. There are many varieties of furnaces, but more often with baths use wood, as they are most productive in this place.

Inside the oven it is necessary to install a tank that should be chopped by a brick. The liquid will be warm long. You can use more modern water heating methods: accumulative heaters, boilers. Water pipes in the bath in winter, even without heating should not be wrapped. It is important to consider when building channels.

If the water supply system is alone and the water supply system, there is no liquid complexity. But when using individual devices, some points you need to know. Pipes for water supply must be bought at least 1.5-2 meters so that the channel does not freeze, leaving the fluid source. It is necessary to put them with moisture-proof materials so that there is insulation. So that the cold is not wrapped the pipe, you can put them on the thermal insulation pillow around. Further everything is buried the earth.

If the bath does not touch after the wash, it is necessary to ensure a drainage of fluid from the system in winter. The temperature will fall, water, if it remained in the pipes, will definitely freeze. This can lead to cracks, inoperability of the system. The sink is installed equipment that is suitable for this type of water supply and will be convenient to the owners.

Competently organized water supply of the bath implies uninterrupted water supply under constant pressure. It is with the flow of water that are great difficulties. If it is not difficult to warm the water - it is enough just to turn on the boiler or another option of heating, then with the influx of water, everything is not always unambiguous. Consider the options for organizing water supply from different sources: well, wells. We will analyze how to build a water pipe in the bath personally and how to connect the steam room to the pre-banner.

Water supply options Bani.

Old grandfathers, when the water was worn out of the lake or well and poured into the barrel, from which they took, long ago passed. Now you can enjoy comfort, adjusting the water supply by one hand movement. But that everything was like that, it should be approached to the issue of water supply a bath with great responsibility.

First of all, the question is solved which source of water will be used. The choice takes place between three options: central water supply, well or well. In fact, most likely, there will be no choice, but only one option will be available. In each way of obtaining water there are pros and cons. If you can connect to centralized water supply, it should not arise, it is technically all clear here. Let's talk about autonomous water supply, on how to get water from a well or well with minimal effort and maximum result. To get a source for water intake in a bath, you must have:

  • well or well;
  • pump equipment;
  • pipeline with wiring;
  • boiler;
  • crane system.

If the water source on the site is very deeply located, you will have to hire specialists with equipment for the drilling of the artesian well. And although it will have to pay a certain amount for it, the result will justify all the expectations: in a couple of days you will have a source with high quality and clean water. But if the water takes place very close, you can just score the pipe, set the hand column, two valves, and you can use water. The so-called Abyssinian Well is applicable only for use in the warm season, for winter method does not fit.

Summer water supply

Provided that the bath is only in the warm season, the laying of the water supply will be carried out according to a simplified scheme. Pipes are stacked at a depth of eighty centimeters to one and a half meters. The main thing is, what you can not forget, this is the angle of inclination of the system towards the well. This is necessary in order for the winter to remain water in the pipes, since its freezing can damage the integrity of the pipes. For the organization of water, it is necessary to stock the necessary materials, equipment and tools. In addition to pipes, pump and fittings, it is necessary to purchase a heater, for washing in the bath, the recommended volume is about eighty liters. You should also think about filters.

The summer method of water is easier to perform, in addition to providing water baths: Parling and shower, it is necessary to water the plants, fill the shower and provide various needs. To connect water to the bath with the already laid water supply water supply, you can use the already existing system passing through the site. This will allow the minimum of additional work and minimum costs.

Benefits and disadvantages of summer water supply

For the arrangement of summer mobile water supply, it is necessary to purchase pipes for the external laying of the system. It is convenient, but for the time of the cold, the system should be dismantled. But the folk craftsmen have adapted when using rigid metal pipes to leave them for the winter in place, pre-insulated.

The simplest and primitive water supply scheme of the bath with a silicone hose or remnants of metal-plastic pipes served with each other. This option may be temporary during the posting period of the stationary option. If the hose is used, experts advise apply the product with reinforced threads. The entire system is built under a slope that allows you to drain water as needed. And although the opinions of specialists regarding the need for a slope disagree, it is better to do as better. The weather may change dramatically, you can not have time to dismantle the system a little, and with the inclination you can drain the water and not worry about the integrity of the whole structure, and in freedom calmly collect parts until the next season.

If water comes from the well, it is necessary to equip the system so that the water is and merged there. To do this, set the cranes and switch. All these measures will help protect the system from destruction and failure.

Winter water supply bath

It is necessary to approach such an water supply version very responsibly. The usual option with deep styling of pipes into the ground is not entirely working, since the bath is a non-residential room and is used only from the case to occasion. This means that the slightest water balance will freeze and dismiss the system., Because the temperature of the room will fall to the street.

So that the breakdowns can be completely excluded, there should be no water in the system. To do this, you can use a vibration pump from a water source with a check valve. It works like this: after turning off the pump, water from pipes flows and it does not delay anywhere. Installing cranes or other additional equipment is not needed. With this embodiment, there will be no problems with water supply.

You can use this option as the addition of pipes with heating cables. The option is expensive and not always reliable for the reason that the emergency shutdown of light will reduce all efforts to zero. With this option, you must install smooth power supplies, which also costs money.

Many masters use different options and schemes so that the water go without problems, but not all seeks the result. Therefore, if the bath is used in winter, it should be stirred as a dwelling all winter or merge everything to a small drop, which is also not quite real. Therefore, it is possible to refuse to use the bath using the bath in the whole.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Winter Water Supply

The ability to enjoy the bath in winter is a huge advantage, but as already mentioned, the arrangement of such an opportunity requires temporary and material costs. Schematically, the algorithm for building water supply can be represented as:

  • if there is still no water source on the site, you should thoroughly think about the best place and drill a well or dig a well;
  • the next stage is the exposition of the external waterway system: there are trenches and the pipe system is located, it is desirable to further inspire them, for this in the trench, the clamzite is falling asleep or the mineral wool depth, the depth of the pipe location is lower below the level of the primer of the soil;
  • after that, pump equipment, filters, water tank are installed;
  • the next step is the wiring of the pipe system inside the bath, vertical and horizontal pipes are connected;
  • the latter will be the stage of connecting plumbing equipment and checking the functioning of the system.

For the uninterrupted operation of the pump, on which water flow depends, such main points should be taken into account:

  • power;
  • safety;
  • well size;
  • the height of the water column.

Water will warm the water will be a special water heating device. They are divided into capacitive and flowing. The capacitive instrument allows you to save and get hot water. After heating the water, the optimal temperature will be maintained. Given the great consumption of electricity, in the bath you need to make a reliable wiring. With severe frosts in order to avoid the size of the pipes, water must be merged. The disadvantages of this option can be called the need for additional costs and complexity in operation. But if all the requirements for winter water supply are performed, then you can enjoy the charms of the steam of the steam at any time of the year and with any weather.

Pumps and pipes for water supply

We will not talk about centralized water supply, everything is easier and rather understandable. As for autonomous water supply systems, regardless of the version of the water source: wells or well, it is necessary to put a pump for water supply. This is a very important question, choose the equipment needs correctly.

Start the choice of equipment is not necessary from the brand or power, but from the type of pump. It should be declared which motor to take: deep-water submersible or superficial. It is very important to pass water into a laboratory for chemical research: drinking water or technical, whether there are impurities and what, find out the chemical composition of water. It is necessary in order to deal with the feature of filter fixtures.

The calculation of the debit of the water source and the volume of water consumption will allow you to choose the pump correctly. Surface pumps can be:

  • vortex - with the ability to raise pressure, for shallow water sources;
  • centrifugal - for wells and not very deep wells and natural water sources.

Submersible pumps are several species, they are installed with sufficiently deep sources:

  • submersible motor for wells;
  • submersible motor for well.

The submersible pump is better satisfying the need for water, volume and water column.

Having considered the pumps on the type of immersion, let's stop at the design types:

  • piston;
  • centrifugal;
  • turbine;
  • rotary;
  • vibration.

If there is an option to use or submersible, or superficial, compare their capabilities and characteristics to determine. The main thing that can be said about the surface motor:

  • easy to maintain and operate;
  • requires the installation of suction and injection pipeline;
  • and at least the stated suction depth is ten meters, in practice it is no more than seven;
  • when you first start, as well as after downtime, it is necessary to fill with water;
  • long work without a break can end overheating and breakdown of the pump;
  • it works efficiently only for summer water supply;
  • nicely noisy in work.

The deep-water or submersible pump is characterized as follows:

  • it is necessary to systematically lift for prevention and repair;
  • aims to discharge;
  • functions from the depth of ten meters;
  • does not overheat, since the water layer reliably protects the device;
  • does not require conservation;
  • works silently.

As for pipes, metal-plastic pipes are considered the most optimal.

Where can I take water

The source of supply of water is the basis of the entire water supply system. The aquifers can be divided into such basic categories:

  • the upper water layer is at a depth of about four meters, the maximum filling is achieved after precipitation or spring, when melting snow, the quality of water-technical, for drinking and cooking is not suitable;
  • underground waters are constantly filled with water constantly, the depth of water is ten-days a meter;
  • artesian water is located between the formation, often under pressure, clean water, located at a depth of about fifty meters.

You can take water for water supply baths in the usual well, Abyssinian Well, Artesian Well, Filter Housing.

Well - economical option, simple design. The depth of the wells reaches twenty meters, depending on the layer of water. The advantages of this option can be called:

  • easy to use;
  • cheapness of construction;
  • durability of the service;
  • permanent water supply.

Cons of the well in the following:

  • high likelihood of foreign objects and representatives of the animal world;
  • a small amount of water;
  • danger of pollution with a supreme layer;
  • needs purification and processing of dissertations;
  • there is a probability of casing.

Abyssinian Well - a source of a depth of four to fifteen meters. The advantages of this option should be called such moments:

  • this design can be erected in the basement;
  • speed in the construction;
  • easily restored;
  • sometimes there is no need to install the filter;
  • the construction is a hermetic, protected from foreign objects;
  • term of use reaches up to thirty years;
  • high performance.

Disadvantages of the structure in the following:

  • it is often difficult to choose the pump;
  • high risk of graining;
  • make the design of this kind is not on each soil;
  • when connecting multiple water consumption points simultaneously decreases the pressure.

Filter well, as a rule, reaches a depth of no more than twenty-five meters. To drill such a well economically less costly than Artesian, but it will operate no more than two decades. The strong sides of this design can be called:

  • good composition of water;
  • ease of construction;
  • the rate of construction.

The minuses of the filter well there are such moments:

  • it is necessary to systematically pump water;
  • low return water in winter.

The artesian well is very deep, can reach fifty meters. Drilling will require high costs, as they need a special technique. But the quality of water and the durability of the structure will block all expenses. The advantages of the well can be called such nuances:

  • constant water level;
  • protected from foreign objects and organisms;
  • can cover several houses;
  • long service life;
  • not styling during non-use.

But it should be said about the disadvantages:

  • for drilling, permits are needed;
  • water quality may be poor as a result of the oversaturation by some elements;
  • horregious.

If you have the ability to choose, define which source of water you need.

How to make water bath with your own hands step by step instructions

Summing up all of the above, you can allocate the main stages of development:

  • development of the scheme, layout and purchase of equipment and material;
  • marking on the ground, digging trenches under the pipe;
  • measuring the depth of the water source;
  • immersion pump and fence pipe;
  • pipe connection;
  • insulation of the pumping station;
  • installation of pipes in the bath;
  • connecting the system.

Make a water supply in the bath personally can, the main thing is to take into account all the advice and recommendations of the experienced masters. If you have questions, how to do everything right on your own, look at the video installation of the water supply in the bath.